Configure Devices

This chapter provides the following topics:

Ways to Configure Devices Using Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager

Cisco EPN Manager provides two ways to change the physical devices in your network. The actions you can perform depend on your user account privileges and the types of devices in your network.

Launch Points for Configuring Devices

Use this method to:

Configuration menu from left-side navigation menu

Click on a Device Name, then click the Configuration tab.

You can configure device features on the selected device. You can also view the list of applied and scheduled feature templates that were deployed to the device.

Create and deploy configuration templates

Perform common network management tasks on one or more devices using system templates—for example, adding a hostname or configuring a routing protocol. You can also create your own templates to fit your deployment needs. Because they can be applied to multiple devices, templates normally apply to specific device operating systems or device types. When you use a configuration template, Cisco EPN Manager only displays devices that meet the template criteria.


You can also edit device properties from the Network Devices table (Configuration > Network > Network Devices) by choosing a device and clicking Edit. This launches the device Edit Wizard. However, changes you make using the wizard are limited to device credentials, and any changes you make do not affect the physical device; they only update device information that is stored in the database.

For optical devices, you can also configure devices using Cisco Transport Controller, which you can launch from Cisco EPN Manager. See Launch Cisco Transport Controller to Manage Cisco NCS and Cisco ONS Devices

After you make your changes, save your changes to the database and optionally collect the device's physical and logical inventory. For more information, see Collect a Device's Inventory Now (Sync).

Which Devices Support the Configuration Operations?

Configuration operations are supported on a device if:

  • The device model is supported by Cisco EPN Manager.

  • The device operating system is supported by Cisco EPN Manager.

  • The applicable technology or service is supported by Cisco EPN Manager and is enabled on the device.

To find out what is supported, see Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager Supported Devices.

Identify the Commands Used In a CLI Configuration Template

Use this procedure to view the exact commands that are used by any of the commands you launch from the CLI Templates drawer.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Templates > Features and Technologies, then choose CLI Templates. For example:

  • Out-of-the-box templates are under System Templates - CLI.

  • Customized templates are under My Templates.

Step 2

Double-click the template in the left sidebar Templates menu.

Step 3

In the Template Detail area, choose the CLI Content tab. The commands are displayed in that tab.

Change a Device's Credentials and Protocol Settings

Use the following procedure to update device credentials and protocol settings. When you save the settings to the database, you can also perform an inventory collection to gather all physical and logical device changes and save those changes to the database, rather than wait for the daily inventory collection.


Step 1

Choose Inventory > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device you want to edit, and click Edit. You can also choose several devices and make bulk changes.

Step 3

Double-click the parameters you want to change. Depending on the device type, you can edit:

  • Credential profile being used by device

  • Group the device belongs to

  • SNMP port, retries, timeout, credentials, and SNMPv3 authentication information

  • Telnet/SSH2 credentials and timeout

  • HTTP/HTTPS credentials, port, timeout

  • TL1 credentials and proxy IP address (for GNE/ENEs)

  • Civic Location

Step 4

Check that the new credentials are the same as those on the physical device by clicking Verify Credentials.

Step 5

Save your changes:

  • Update saves your changes in the database.

  • Update & Sync saves your changes to the database, but also collects device physical and logical inventory and saves all changes to the database.

Change Basic Device Properties

Cisco EPN Manager provides command templates that you can use to make basic property changes on your physical devices. To use these templates, choose Configuration > Templates > Features & Technologies, then choose CLI Templates > System Templates – CLI from the Templates pane on the left.


The operations that you perform here are different from those you perform with the Edit wizard (which you can launch from the Network Devices table). The Edit wizard changes the device property information that is saved in the database. It does not change properties on physical devices.

CLI Configuration Template Name

Use it to:

Required Input Values

Add-Host-Name-IOS and -IOS-XR

Configure the client host name

Host name

Remove-Host-Name-IOS and -IOS-XR

Syslog-Host-Logging-IOS and -IOS-XR

Specify host to which messages of a certain level will be logged

Host name

Add-Tacacs-Server-IOS and -IOS-XR

Configure the TACACS or TACACS+ server to use for authentication

Host address, key value, authentication list name, group name

Remove-Tacacs-Server-IOS and -IOS-XR

Add-Tacacs-Plus-Server-IOS and -IOS-XR

Remove-Tacacs-Plus-Server-IOS and -IOS-XR

Add-SNMP-Configuration-IOS and -IOS-XR

Configure SNMP version, password, password encryption, server and group settings, UDP port, and so forth

Host name, community name, SystemOwner

Remove-SNMP-Configuration-IOS and -IOS-XR


Enable and disable traps on the Cisco ASR 903

Trap name (a list is provided)


Enable-Traps-IOS and -IOS-XR

Enable and disable traps on Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XR devices

Disable-Traps-IOS and -IOS-XR

Enable-Trap-Host-IOS and IOS-XR

Set a target host for SNMP traps

Host IP address, community string

Show-Users-on-Device-IOS and -IOS-XR

Display user session information for Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XR devices

(Executed from selected device; no input required)

Enable and Disable Interfaces

Use the Interface 360 view to quickly enable and disable an interface. While you can perform these same actions from a Device Details page, using the Interface 360 view may be more efficient (for example, when responding to an alarm). The top right of the Interface 360 view provides an Actions menu that provides enable and disable options.

To launch an Interface 360 view, see Get a Quick Look at a Device Interface: Interface 360 View.

To enable and disable an interface from a device's Device Details page, see the interface configuration topics (Ethernet, Loopback, Serial, Tunnel, and so forth).

Configure Physical Attributes of Device Interfaces

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can configure the physical attributes of your device's interfaces. Attributes such as card operating modes, bandwidth allocation per slot, slot pluggable types (such as VCoP), and AINS settings are configurable.

To configure the physical attributes of interfaces:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device’s name hyperlink.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

To configure the interfaces, navigate to the paths described in the table below.

Step 5

To make your changes, click the controller/card name hyperlink and click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page. Make your changes and click Save.

Table 1. Physical Attributes Configuration for Interfaces

Physical Interface Configuration



Supported Slots/Controllers

Configure card type as 5G or 10G.

Physical > Card Mode

You can change the configuration from 10G to 5G but the other way around is not supported. Depending on the device you select, the default card mode is set to either 5G or 10G. For mode detailed information on the supported card modes, see Supported Devices for Cisco EPN Manager


You cannot configure the card modes on slots that are part of active circuits.

For more information about the device slots and supported card mode types, see table below (Device Slots and Supported Card Mode Types).

Configure card modes as T1 or E1.

Physical > Card Mode

You can change the configuration from T1 to E1 or vice versa depending on the device and card you select.

T1 and E1 modes represent the type of channelization mode used on the card.


You cannot configure the card modes on slots that are part of active circuits.


Configure card modes as OC3 or OC12.

Physical > Card Mode

You can set the card modes of A900-IMA4OS cards (of Cisco ASR 903 routers) as OC3 or OC12.

OC3 and OC12 modes represent the data transmission rates on the different optical transmission lines.


Configure Card Protection

Physical > Card Protection

Configure cards to act as primary or backup members (interfaces). A primary interface and its backup interface together make up a Protection Group (denoted by a unique integer). Associating cards with backup members ensures that when the primary interface fails, the protecting interface quickly assumes the traffic load from the primary interface. Cards displayed as the Active members are cards functioning as the protecting members of the service.

Ensure that the Primary and Backup members are of the same type. For example, if you choose a T1 interface as a Primary member, the Backup member must also be a T1 interface.

Hold-Off Timer is available for 1+1 card protection (NCS 42XX devices having IOS-XE version 16.10.1 or higher). It is used to prevent the successive switching in case of network inconsistency. The valid range is from 0 to 10 seconds. Default value is 5.

The Admin Mode for the protection group is configured in the order Lockout > Force Switch > Manual Switch > None. For more information about these modes and the revert timer, see the descriptions in Configure APS or MSP and UPSR or SNCP Protection Groups.


Configure NCS4200-1T16G-PS cards on NCS42xx devices.

Physical > Card Mode

You can view all the card modes of NCS4200-1T16G-PS cards, irrespective of the slot numbers.


Once you configure NCS4200-1T16G-PS card on some slots of NCS42xx devices, the configurations on those slots will be reset to the default values.


Configure A900-IMA8CT1Z-M and A900-IMA8CS1Z-M cards on ASR9xx devices.

Physical > Card Mode

You can view and configure the card modes of A900-IMA8CT1Z-M and A900-IMA8CS1Z-M cards.


Configure the interface module type for Automatic In-Service (AINS)

Physical > Automatic In-Service (AINS)

Use the Cards tab to configure the right controller types for AINS. In case of manual insertion and removal of cards, the AINS values are populated after a 20 min delay.

The ports/controllers tabs list all the AINS enabled ports and controllers. The supported ports and controllers are: Ethernet, E1, E3, T1, T3, and SONET and SDH. You can use the Edit icon to set the Secondary Admin State and Soak Timer (in hours or in minutes) values.

Note: Enabling AINS on a port/controller is an operation to be performed on the device manually.

Following are the Secondary Admin State values that you can set:

  • IS_AINS—indicates that the device is in Automatic In-Service state.

  • IS—indicates that the device is in in-service state.

  • OOS_MT—indicates that the device is in maintenance state.

Use the Soak Timer Hours field to set the soak timer in hours. The valid range is 0-48 hours. Use the Soak Timer Minutes drop-down list to set the soak timer in minutes. The available values are: 15, 30, and 45 minutes. The default value is 15 minutes.


Configure bandwidth that must be reserved for the selected device slots.

Physical > Bandwidth

The bandwidth you specify is reserved for the selected slot and made available to the slot irrespective of whether the slot is operational or not. In cases when the selected slot/card is down, and then back online after sometime, the configured bandwidth will be available for use based on the values specified in this field.

You can reserve a pre-configured bandwidth value of 80 or 100 Gbps on NCS4200-1T16G-PS cards on NCS4216 devices.

Configure the interface pluggable type for virtual Container over Packet (VCoP).

Physical > Pluggable Type

Use this menu to select the right port types for VCoP enabled interfaces. For example, the port types can be OC3, OC12, or DS3.


VCoP smart SFP provides an ability to forward the SONET signal transparently across the packet network. The VCoP smart SFP is a special type of optical transceiver which encapsulates SONET bit stream at STS1 or STS-3c or STS-12c level into packet format.


Conditions and Limitations: Following are the conditions and limitations for configuring controller modes on Cisco ASR 900 Series Route Switch Processor 2 (RSP2A) modules (A900-RSP2A-128) that are supported on Cisco ASR 920, Cisco NCS4202, and Cisco NCS 4206 devices:

  • The maximum bandwidth that can be configured is OC-48. A maximum of 20 ports on the module can be configured:

    • Ports 0-11 are T1 ports

    • Ports 12-15 are T3/E3 ports

    • Ports 16-19 are OC3/OC12 ports.


      If a given port is configured as OC48, then only one of the given port can be configured since the maximum configurable bandwidth is OC48.

  • Configuration limitations on the Cisco A900-RSP2A-128 modules:

    • You cannot configure SDH/E3/E1/DS0 controller modes.

    • Configuring Ethernet as the controller mode is not supported.

    • The protection type UPSR cannot be configured.

    • Once you deploy the controller mode configuration to the device, you cannot undo the configuration using Cisco EPN Manager.

Table 2. Device Slots and Supported Card Mode Types

Cisco NCS 4206 Devices

Cisco NCS 4216 Devices

Cisco ASR903 Devices

Cisco ASR907 Devices

  • Slot 0, 1 - Not supported

  • Slot 2, 3, 4, 5 - Default Mode 10G

  • Slot 0, 1 - Not supported

  • Slot 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 12 - Default Mode 10G

  • Slot 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 15 - Default Mode 5G

  • Slot 0, 1 - Not supported

  • Slot 2, 3, 4, 5 - Default Mode 10G

  • Slot 0, 1 - Not supported

  • Slot 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 12 - Default Mode 10G

  • Slot 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 15 - Default Mode 5G

Table 3. Controller Modes and Supported Port Types

SONET (0-3)

SONET (4-7)

  • Max of 2.5G

  • Can support OC48/OC12/OC3 but total of 2.5G

  • Example if Port 0 configured with OC48, Port1/2/3 can't be used.

  • Max of 2.5G

  • If a port group has OC12/OC3/1G it means OC48 can't be allowed

Configure Circuit Emulation

Cisco EPN Manager supports the provisioning of Circuit Emulation (CEM) which provides a bridge between traditional TDM network and packet switched network (PSN). CEM is a way to carry TDM (or PDH) circuits over packet switched network. Circuit Emulation (CEM) is the imitation of a physical connection. This feature allows you to use your existing IP network to provide leased-line emulation services or to carry data streams or protocols that do not meet the format requirements of other multiservice platform interfaces.

Cisco EPN Manager supports the following CEM modes:

  • Structure-Agnostic time-division multiplexing (TDM) over Packet (SAToP)—This is the unstructured mode in which the incoming TDM data is considered as an arbitrary bit stream. It disregards any structure that may be imposed on the bit stream. SAToP encapsulates the TDM bit streams as pseudowire (PWs) over PSN.

  • Circuit Emulation over Packet (CEP)—This mode is used to emulate Synchronous Optical Network/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH) circuits and services over MPLS. To transport SONET/SDH circuits through a packet-oriented network, the Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE) or Virtual Tributary ( VT) is broken into fragments. A CEP header and optionally an RTP header are prepended to each fragment.

For more information about CEM in Cisco EPN Manager, see, Supported Circuit Emulation Services.

When a line is channelized, it is logically divided into smaller bandwidth channels called higher-order paths (HOP) and lower-order paths (LOP). These paths carry the SONET payload. When a line is not channelized, the full bandwidth of the line is dedicated to a single channel that carries broadband services. Cisco EPN Manager enables you to channelize the T3 or E3 channels into T1s, and channelize the T1s further into DS0 time slots. Before you provision CEM services using Cisco EPN Manager, you must first configure the parameters for the HOP and LOP by configuring the interfaces for CEM.

A channelized SONET interface is a composite of STS streams, which are maintained as independent frames with unique payload pointers. The frames are multiplexed before transmission. SONET uses Synchronous Transport Signal (STS) framing while SDH uses Synchronous Transport Mode (STM) framing. An STS is the electrical equivalent to an optical carrier 1 (OC-1) and an STM-1 is the electrical equivalent to 3 optical carrier 1s (OC-1s).

This section describes how you can use Cisco EPN Manager to first configure your interfaces for CEM. You can then provision CEM services using these interfaces configured with appropriate controller modes and protection groups.

Pre-requisites for Configuring CEM Services

Before you provision a CEM service (see Provision Circuit Emulation Services), ensure that the following pre-requisites are met:

SONET Modes Configuration Examples

The following configuration commands and examples shows how to configure STS-1 modes.

Configure STS-1 Modes

To configure STS-1 modes, use the following commands:

configure terminal
controller sonet 0/5/0
sts-1 1
mode vt-15


There is no default mode. The modes vt-15, mode ct3, mode t3, mode unframed, mode vt-2 are supported. To restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of the command.
Configuring DS1/T1 CT3 mode of STS-1:

To configure DS1/T1 CT3 mode of STS-1, you can configure the T1 link using the following steps:

configure terminal
controller sonet 0/5/0
sts-1 1
mode ct3
t1 1 clock source internal
t1 1 framing unframed


To restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of the command.

Configuring STS-Nc - Contiguous Concatenation

To configure STS-Nc - contiguous concatenation, use the following commands:

configure terminal
controller sonet 0/5/0
sts-1 1-3 mode sts-3c


To restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of the command. Also, to configure STS-3c or STS-12c, use the numbers as multiples for 3 or 12, respectively.

Configuring CEM Group for Sonet Mode VT1.5-T1 in CESoPSN

To configure CEM group in VT 1.5 mode of STS-1 for CESoPSN, use the following commands

configure terminal
controller sonet 0/5/0
sts-1 2
mode vt-15
vtg 1 t1 1 cem-group 56 timeslots 1 - 8

Configuring CEM Group for Sonet Mode CT3-T1 in CESoPSN

To configure CEM group in CT3 mode of STS-1 for CESoPSN, use the following commands:

configure terminal
controller sonet 0/5/0
sts-1 1
mode ct3
t1 3 cem-group 28 timeslots 1 - 7

Configure Interfaces for CEM

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can configure your interfaces with Circuit Emulation (CEM). To do this, you must set the appropriate controller modes on your interfaces and then configure the PDH (E1, T1, E3, T3), SONET, and SDH controllers for CEM. After you configure the interfaces with CEM, you can then use the interfaces for provisioning CEM services. See Provision Circuit Emulation Services.

To configure the interfaces for CEM:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device name hyperlink.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

To configure CEM parameters, navigate to the configuration options as described in the following table.

Step 5

To make your changes, click the controller/card name hyperlink and click the Edit icon at the top-right corner of the page. Make your changes and click Save.


Table 4. CEM Interface Configuration Options

CEM Interface Configuration


Comments / Descriptions

Supported Slots/Controllers

Configure controller modes as SONET, SDH, Ethernet, T3, or E1, E3, or STS1E.

Circuit Emulation > Controller Mode

The controller mode options displayed for selection are based on the selected media type. For details, see Controller Modes and Supported Port Types.

Configure PDH (E1, T1, E3, and T3) controllers

Circuit Emulation > PDH

For a description of the different PDH parameters, see CEM Interface (PDH, SONET, and SDH) Field Descriptions


Configure SONET and SDH controllers for CEM

Circuit Emulation > SONET and SDH

For a description of the different SONET and SDH parameters, see CEM Interface (PDH, SONET, and SDH) Field Descriptions

For more information about the device ports and supported controller types, see following table (Controller Modes and Supported Port Types).

Configure a working and protecting member interface for CEM provisioning.

Circuit Emulation > Protection Group

See Configure APS or MSP and UPSR or SNCP Protection Groups


Controller Modes and Supported Port Types

  • There are pair wise restrictions for EOWYN IM. Valid pairs are (0,1) (2,3) (4,5) (6,7).


    For each pair, you can configure maximum of 2.5Gbps(OC48) bandwidth(both ports combined).
  • You can only configure rates OC3/OC12/OC48 for ports 0-7 and only rate OC192 on port 8.

Table 5. Bandwidth used by different rates OCN -> n * 51.84 Mbit/s

Rate Configuration



51.84 Mb/s


155.52 Mb/s


622.08 Mb/s


2488.32 Mb/s ~= 2.5 Gb/s


9953.28 Mb/s ~= 10 Gb/s

Configure MediaType Controller

To configure MediaType Controller, use the following commands:

configure terminal
controller MediaType 0/5/0
mode sonet

Configure SONET Ports

To configure SONET ports, use the following commands:

configure terminal
controller MediaType 0/5/0
mode sonet
controller sonet 0/5/0
rate OC12

The earlier example shows how to configure SONET ports in OC-12 mode.

Configure STS1E Ports

To configure STS1E ports, use the following commands:

NCS4200-120.33#sh run | sec 0/4/0
controller MediaType 0/4/0
 mode sts1e
controller STS1E 0/4/0
 no snmp trap link-status
 no ais-shut
 alarm-report all
 secondary-admin-state auto-in-service
 clock source internal
 cablelength short
 overhead j0 tx length 64-byte
 overhead j0 expected length 64-byte
 sts-1 1

CEM Interface Configuration Example:

  • The following example shows the sample CEM interface configuration that is deployed to the device for CEM framing type 'unframed', c-11 mode, clock source of type 'internet', and ACR values associated with the Protection Group 'acr 255':

    NCS4206-120.32#show running-config | section 0/4/0
    controller MediaType 0/4/0
     mode sonet
    controller SONET 0/4/0
     rate OC3
     no ais-shut
     framing sonet
     clock source line
     loopback network
     sts-1 1
      clock source internal
      mode unframed
      cem-group 1 cep
     sts-1 2
      clock source internal
      loopback network
      mode unframed
      cem-group 2 cep
     sts-1 3
      clock source internal
      mode vt-15
      vtg 1 vt 1 protection-group 15 working
      vtg 1 vt 3 protection-group 16 working
      vtg 1 vt 4 protection-group 17 working
     aps group acr 255
     aps protect 1 / aps working 1
    interface CEM0/4/0
     no ip address
     cem 1
     cem 2
    connect sam CEM0/4/0 1 CEM0/4/0 2 
  • The following example show the sample CEM interface configuration with STS1E.

    controller STS1E 0/4/1
      sts-1 1
        mode vt-15
        vtg 1 t1 1 cem-group 0 cep
    interface CEM0/4/1
     no ip address
     cem 0
    controller STS1E 0/4/0
     sts-1 1
      clock source internal
      mode unframed
      cem-group 0 cep
    interface CEM0/4/0
     no ip address
     cem 0

Configure APS or MSP and UPSR or SNCP Protection Groups

Viewing the protection groups for CEM helps you understand the enabled Automatic Protection Switching (APS), Unidirectional Path Switched Ring (UPSR), Multiplex Service Protection (MSP) and Subnetwork Connection Protection (SNCP) interfaces for your devices. APS and UPSR refers to the mechanism of using a protect interface in the SONET network as the backup for the working interface. Associating your interfaces with APS or UPSR protection groups, ensures that when the working interface fails, the protect interface quickly assumes its traffic load. The working interfaces and their protect interfaces together make up a Protection Group. SONET Protection Groups offer recovery from fiber (external) or equipment (interface and internal) failures at the SONET line layer. Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can view the working member for a SONET controller which acts as the main functioning controller for the CEM circuit. The Protecting Member acts as a backup for the main working controller. To view these details, ensure that the interfaces have been set with the required controller modes as explained in Configure Interfaces for CEM.

MSP and SNCP refer to the mechanism of using a protect interface in the SDH network as the backup for the working interface. Associating your interface with MSP or SNCP protection groups, ensures that when the working interface fails, the protect interface quickly assumes its traffic load. The working interfaces and their protect interface together make up a Protection Groups.

MSP is a protection mechanism in SDH for a port level protection, which provides 1+1 protection mechanism. In network topology map, all modes are supported including revertive, unidirectional, bidirectional, and acr/dcr modes. MSP in SDH is similar to APS in SONET. For example, in NCS 4206 device it has both working and protection modes.

SDH-MSP feature provides port level redundancy for SDH controller across Interface Module (IM). You can configure ports of different IM with one in working mode and the other port in protect mode.

SNCP is a protection mechanism for SDH networks that enables SDH connections to switch to another SDH circuit when a circuit failure occurs. A protection interface serves as the backup interface for the working interface. When the working interface fails the protection interface quickly assumes its traffic load. The switchover to a protection path occurs in the nonrevertive mode. If protection is switched to the protection path due to a transmission fault, there is no automatic switch-back to the original path once the fault is rectified. The functional equivalent of SNCP in SONET is called UPSR. You can provision CEM services and SNCP through Provision wizard or through CLI. The supported modes are VC4_16C, VC4_4C, VC4, AU4_VC12, AU4-VC11, AU3-VC12, AU3-VC11.


Mix mode support is not available.

Some Limitations are:

  • SDH supported modes with SNCP is not supported on STM64 port.

  • LOOPBACK and Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT) can be configured only on physical member controllers.

  • The supported scale is limited to 336 circuits

Before you modify the protection groups ensure to add controllers/interfaces to protection.

To configure APS/MSP protection groups and view UPSR/SNCP interfaces:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that is configured with protection groups, by clicking the device’s name hyperlink.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

Choose Circuit Emulation > Protection Group.

Step 5

To configure the APS/MSP parameters, click the APS/MSP tab, click the Protection Group hyperlink of the group that you want to modify, and click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page.

Step 6

You can view and configure the following fields.

  • The Working Member represents the SONET/SDH controller which acts as the main functioning controller for the circuit.

  • The Protecting Member represents the SONET /SDH controller which acts as the backup to the working member for the circuit.

  • The Protection Status indicates whether the group is an active or inactive member for the circuit.

  • The Hello Time and Hold Time fields represent the time range for the protecting and working members. The hello timer defines the time between hello packets. The hold timer sets the time before the protect interface process declares a working interface's router to be down. By default, the hold time is greater than or equal to three times the hello time.

  • The Loopback IP determines the configuration for the protect interface which includes the IP address of the router (normally its loopback address) that has the working interface.

  • The Revertive Time , in minutes, enables automatic switchover from the protect interface to the working interface based on the configured time after the working interface becomes available. If revertive time is zero then the protection is non-revertive.

  • The Directional drop-down menu represents the direction in which the backup protection must be enabled.

    • In the bidirectional mode, a failure on a working member triggers an APS/MSP switchover of the working member to the Protecting member. Here the receive and transmit channels are switched as a pair.

    • In the unidirectional mode, failure on a working member triggers an APS/MSP switchover of only the failed member to the corresponding line of the Protection interface.

  • The ADM checkbox, if enabled, associates Add Drop Multiplexers (ADMs) with the protecting member.

  • The APS Request drop-down menu enables you to configure the following values. The values can be configured in the order Lockout > Force Switch > Manual Switch > No Mode. For example, if Force Switch is currently configured on the device, then you can configure only Manual Switch or No Mode values. You cannot configure Lockout when Force Switch is configured.

    • Lockout: Prevents a working interface from switching to a protect interface. For example, if the protect interface is configured as circuit 1, the Lockout option prevents the protect interface from becoming active.

    • Manual Switch: Manually switches a circuit to a protect interface, unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.

    • Force Switch: Manually switches a circuit to a protect interface, unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect. For example, if the protect interface is configured as a particular circuit, the force command sets the protect interface to active.

    • No Mode: Removes the current APS/MSP request configuration from the protection group on the device.

To clear the protection group of SONET or SDH , choose either SONET or SDH protection group ID and then click the delete (X icon).
Step 7

To view similar parameters associated with UPSR/SNCP interfaces, click the UPSR/SNCP tab.

You can view information such as the protection group number, working and protecting members configured on the device, the active paths for the group, and its current protection status. This information cannot be modified.

During shutdown or removal of IM that have UPSR/SNCP over SDH configured, you can validate the changes in the UI and check for the Online Insertion Removal (OIR) of each interface module. Use the show protection-group command.
  • To view the following status changes:

    • Manual —The status is displayed whrn you maually configure the SNCP protection group.

    • Clear—Clears previously set external command.

    • Auto—The status is displayed when you configure the SNCP protection group for the first time.

    • Force—The status is displayed when you manual switch over.

    • Fail—The status is displayed when protected and working paths are down.

    • Signal Failure—The status goes to SF when there is a link failure.

    • Signal Degrade—The status is displayed when the working path is down.

    • Lockout—Prevents a working interface from switching to a protect interface.

Step 8

Choose Circuit Emulation > SONET and SDH.

Step 9

To view or configure the ACR Controller, High-order Path, Low-order Path parameters, click the relevant tabs. Click the SONET or SDH hyperlink that you want to modify, and then click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page. For more information about configuration of SDH see, Configure Modes of SDH in EPNM, Configure SDH Parameters and Configure SDH Line and Section Parameters SDH VC Configuration Parameters for SAToP SDH T1/E1 Configuration Parameters SDH T3/E3 Configuration Parameters

Use the ACR Controller tab to view the virtual SONET Access Circuit Redundancy (ACR) /SDH Access Circuit Redundancy (ACR) details for SONET/SDH protection groups .

Configure Clocking for CEM

Clocking modes define multiple ways to achieve the same clock in the transmitting and receiving ends of a CEM circuit. Cisco EPN Manager enables you to configure clock recovery and distribution in these ways:

  • Synchronous Clocking — with synchronous clocking, PDH (TDM) lines on the source and destination are synchronized to the same clock delivered by some means of physical clock distribution (SONET, SDH, and so on). The clock on the particular TDM line can be delivered from
    • Line: the transmit clock is from the receiver of the same physical line.

    • Internal: the controller will clock its sent data using the internal clock.

    • Free Running: the transmit clock is taken from line card and can be derived from an internal free running oscillator.

    • Recovered: the transmit clock is derived from an in-band pseudowire-based activeclock recovery on a CEM interface.

    To set these clocking values in Cisco EPN Manager, see Configure CEM Interfaces.

  • Adaptive Clocking — adaptive clocking is used when the routers do not have a common clock source. The clock is derived based on packet arrival rates based on dejitter buffer fill level. You can set the size of the Dejitter Buffer (in the range of 1-32) during provisioning of CEM services in Cisco EPN Manager. The size of the Dejitter Buffer determines the ability of the circuit to tolerate network jitter.

  • Differential clocking — differential clocking is used when the cell site and aggregation routers have a common clock source but the TDM lines are clocked by a different source. The TDM clocks are derived from differential information in the RTP header of the packet with respect to the common clock. Differential clock recovery is based on time stamps received in the RTP header.

To configure clock recovery for CEM:


Step 1

Click the Configuration tab, then click the Logical View left side tab.

Step 2

Choose Clock > Recovered Clock.

Step 3

To add a new interface from which the clock source must be derived, click the Add (‘+’) icon.

Step 4

To edit the existing recovered clock configuration, click the Recovering Interface hyperlink and click the ‘Edit’ icon at the top right of the page.

Step 5

Specify the following recovered clock values:

  1. Enter a unique numerical value for the Recovered Clock ID for easy identification of the recovered clock configuration. This ID can then be used to associate the CEM interfaces directly with this the recovered clock configuration.

  2. From the Recover Mode drop-down list choose:

    • Adaptive— when devices do not have a common clock source, the recovered clock is derived from packet arrival rate on the controller selected as the Protecting Member for the associated Protection Group.

    • Differential— when the edge devices have a common clock source, the recovered clock is derived from timing information in packets and the related difference from the common clock.

  3. Enter a unique numerical value for easy identification of the CEM Group Number. This identifies the CEM group associated with the clock.

  4. Choose the required controller from the Recovering Interface drop-down list. This controller associated with the clock is the virtual CEM interface from which the clock is derived when a backup clock source is required.

Step 6

Click Save.

Your changes are saved and deployed to the device.

CEM Interface (PDH, SONET, and SDH) Field Descriptions

To configure the CEM parameters listed in the following table:


Step 1

Configure the required CEM parameters on SONET, PDH, HOP, and HOP controllers. See, Configure Interfaces for CEM.

Step 2

Configure clock distribution and recovery for CEM. See Configure Clocking for CEM.

Table 6. CEM Interface (SONET, SDH, and PDH) Field Descriptions





Applicable Controller Modes


Identifies the rate at which the data gets transported. It depends on the SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable).


Indicates the layer rate supported on the channelized OC-1 line with STM level 0. OC-1 is an optical carrier network line with transmission data rate of up to 51.84 Mbit/s.



Indicates the layer rate supported on the channelized OC-3 line with STM level 1. OC-3 is an optical carrier network line with transmission data rate of up to 155.52 Mbit/s.



Indicates the layer rate supported on the channelized OC-12 line with STM level 4.

OC-12 is an optical carrier network line with transmission data rate of up to 622.08 Mbit/s.



Indicates the layer rate supported on the channelized OC-48 line with STM level 16. OC-48 is an optical carrier network line with transmission data rate of up to 2.4Gbps.



Indicates the layer rate supported on the channelized OC-192 line with STM level 64.

A channelized OC-192 line with STM level 64. OC-192 is an optical carrier network line with transmission data rate of up to 9.6Gbps.



Identifies the type of channelization, such as Synchronous Transport Signal of level n (STS-n), for high-order and low-order paths.

High- Order Path values:

STS3C, STS12C, STS48C, STS192C, T3, UNFRAMED, VT15, VT2, and CT3.

Low Order Path values:

VT15, T1, and E1.


Supported modes for STS1E:

High- Order Path values: T3 and UNFRAMED

Low Order Path values: CT3 and VT15

  • STS-n: Mode with Synchronous Transport Signal (STS) channelization of level n.

  • T1, E1, T3, and E3: Indicates the channelization mode used on the controller. T1 or E1 circuit has a transmission data rate of up to 1.544 Mbit/s. The T3 or E3 circuit has a transmission data rate of up to 44.736 Mbit/s.

  • VT 1.5: Indicates that the controller is a virtual tributary network line with transmission data rate of up to 1.728 Mbit/s.

  • VT 2: Indicates that the controller is a virtual tributary network line with transmission data rate of up to 2.304 Mbit/s.

  • Unframed: Indicates that a single CEM channel is used for all T1/E1 timeslots.


VC4_16C, VC4_4C, VC4, AU4_VC12, AU4-VC11, AU3-VC12, AU3-VC11, T3, E3, VC1X, TUG3

Supported SDH modes


Clock Source

Identifies the source of the clock signal sent on SONET or SDH ports.


Controller clock its sent data using the clock recovered from the line’s receive data stream.



The transmit clock is taken from line card and can be derived either from an internal physical line.



In-band pseudowire-based activeclock recovery on a CEM interface which is used to drive the transmit clock.



Framing mode used for the CEM channel.


CRC: represents the faming type with cyclic redundancy check.


Unframed, DSX1_ESF, DSX1_SF, Auto Detect, C_BIT, and M13.

  • Unframed: indicates that a single CEM channel is used for all timeslots.

  • DSX1_SF: indicates that the DS1 type of interface has the framing type as super frame. SF uses 12 frames per super frame for in-band signaling extraction.

  • DSX1_ESF: indicates that DS1 type of interface has the framing type as extended super frame. ESF uses 24 frames per ESF.



Specifies the loopback value associated with the CEM interface.

Local, Network Line, Remote, Remote Line, Network Payload, and Unknown.

For a detailed explanation about the different loopback values, refer the latest IOS Command References.


Diag, Local Payload, Remote ESF Payload, Remote ESF Line, Remote ESF Line CSU, Remote ESF Line NIU, Remote Iboc, Remote Iboc CSU, Remote Iboc FAC1, Remote Iboc, and FAC2.


Protection Role

Identifies the priority based on which the recovered clock must be obtained.


The recovered clock is obtained from a clock with the highest priority.



The recovered clock is obtained from a clock with a lower priority than the primary clock.


Cable Length

Sets the transmission attenuation according to the length of the cable. For example, if you choose short 115, the cable length is from 0 to 115 feet. Choose Short 220 if the cable length is from 110 to 220 feet, and so on. Your values are between Short 110 to Short 550, Shot LT 225, and Long GT 225.


Line Coding

Line encoding method for the controller:

  • For E1, the options is Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI).

  • For T1, the options are AMI and bipolar with 8 zero substitution (B8ZS).


Channelization Mode

Indicates the channelization mode that must be used on the controller. A T1 or E1 circuit has a transmission data rate of up to 1.544 Mbit/s. Your values are T1, E1, and Unchannelized.

For T3 controllers view or modify the channelized T1/E1 properties and for E3 controller view or modify the channelized T1/E1 properties.


Protection Group Number

Identifies the protection number or ACR group.


Protection Loopback Name

Identifies the name of the loopback interface on the device.


Protection Loopback IP

Identifies the IP address of the loopback interface on the device.


Protection Revertive Time

Protection Non-Revertive Time

For any failure on working line, the software switches to protection line and when the working line recovers, it waits based on the revertive timer and reverts back to working line as active link.

When the signal fails, the software switches to the protection line and does not automatically revert back to the working line. This is the default option.


Operational Status

Operational status of the CEM interface. This field cannot be edited.

Up, Down, and Not-Applicable.

  • Down— the interface is down.

  • Not-Applicable— the interface has an unknown operational status.

  • Up— the interface is up.


Admin Status

Administrative status of the CEM interface.

Up, Down, and Not-Applicable.

  • Up— the CEM interface is administratively up.

  • Down— the CEM interface is administratively down.

  • Not-Applicable— the administrative status is unknown.


Recovered Clock ID

Unique identifier for the clock settings associated with the CEM interface. To configure the Recovered Clock ID, see Configure Clocking for CEM.

PDH, HOP, and LOP.

Aug Type

An Administrative Unit Group (AUG) consists of one or more administrative units occupying units, defined positions at STM level. AUG-3 Grouping and AUG-4 Grouping are the supported Aug Types.


Configure SDH Parameters

To configure SDH CEM channelization modes refer the following table.

Table 7. Controller Modes and Supported Port Types

SDH Modes



Applicable Controller Modes











OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16




OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16




OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16




OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16




OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16








OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16




OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, OC48/STM16


Configure Mediatype Controllers

Each SFP port (16-19) can be configured as STM1, STM4, STM16. You must select the MediaType controller to configure and enter the controller configuration mode. You must configure the controller as a SDH port.

To configure MediaType Controller: 
configure terminal controller 
MediaType 0/0/16 
mode sdh 

Configure Rates on SDH Ports

To configure rate on SDH ports:
configure terminal 
controller MediaType 0/0/16
mode sdh


The configuration of no form of the command is not supported. To restore to the default condition, use no mode sdh command under Mediatype controller after removing all configuration under that port.

Configure Modes of SDH in EPNM

A Synchronous Transport Module (STM) signal is the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) equivalent of the SONET STS. In this document, STM term refers to both path widths and optical line rates. The paths within an STM signals are called administrative units (AUs). An AU is the information structure that provides adaptation between the higher-order path layer and the multiplex section layer. It consists of an information payload (the higher-order VC) and an AU pointer, which indicates the offset of the payload frame start relative to the multiplex section frame start. The AU-3 pointer is composed of 3 bytes; the AU-4 pointer is composed of 9 bytes. The payload of the STM-1 frame consists of one AU-4 unit or three AU-3 units. Augment Mapping An administrative unit group (AUG) consists of one or more administrative units occupying fixed, defined positions in an STM payload. Augment mapping is supported at STM1 level.

The following types of augment mapping are supported:.

  • Augment Mapping AU-4


    This is the default augment mapping mode
  • Augment Mapping AU-3

The supported modes of SDH are:

  • AU-4_16c (VC4-16c)

  • AU-4_4c (VC4-4c)

  • AU-4 (VC4)

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — DS3

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — T3

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — E3

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — TUG-2 — VC-11 — T1

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — TUG-2 — VC-12 — E1

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — TUG-2 — VC-11

  • AU-4 — TUG-3 — TUG-2 — VC-12

  • AU-3—T3

  • AU-3 — TUG-2 — VC-11—T1

  • AU-3 — TUG-2 — VC-12—E1

  • AU-3 — TUG-2 — VC-11

  • AU-3 — TUG-2 — VC-12

  • AU-3 — E3

To configure Administration Units Group (AUG) mapping; for example, Configuring AU-3 or AU-4 Mapping use the following configuration commands:
configure terminal
 aug mapping [au-3 | au-4] 


The aug mapping command is available only when the SDH framing is configured. The AUG mode is AUG-4 by default and it is supported at STM-1 level.

Configure SDH Line and Section Parameters

The following parameters affect SDH configuration at the line and section levels.


Sets a loopback to test the SDH ports.

  • local —Loops the signal from Tx to Rx path. Sends alarm indication signal (AIS) to network.

  • network— Loops the signal from Rx to Tx path.

Configuring Line Loopback
 To configure loopback:
configure terminal
controller sdh 0/0/16
loopback [local | network]


To restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of the command.

Clock Source

Specifies the clock source, where:

  • line—The link uses the recovered clock from the line.

  • internal— The link uses the internal clock source. This is the default setting.

To configure clock, use the following commands:
configure terminal
controller sdh 0/0/16
clock source [line | internal]


The default mode is internal. To restore the system to its default condition, use the no form of the command.

Configuring Network-Clock SDH

To configure network-clock SDH, use the following commands:
configure terminal
controller sdh 0/0/16
clock source line
configure terminal
network-clock input-source 1 controller sdh 0/0/16

SDH T1/E1 Configuration Parameters

The following parameters affect SDH T1/E1 configuration:

  • Clock — Specifies the clock source for T1 or E1 interface.

  • Description — Specifies the description of the controller.

  • Loopback — Sets the T1 or E1 interface in the loopback mode.

Configuring SDH T1/E1 Parameters

To configure T1/E1 parameters:
configure terminal
controller sdh 0/0/16
rate stm4
au-3 1
mode vc1x
tug-2 1 payload vc11
t1 1 loopback [local | network line]
t1 1 clock source [line | internal | recovered]

SDH T3/E3 Configuration Parameters

The following parameters affect SDH T3/E3 configuration:

  • Clock— Specifies the clock source for T3 or E3 link.

  • Loopback— Sets the T3 or E3 link in the loopback mode.

Configuring SDH T3/E3 Parameters

To configure SDH T3/E3 parameters configuration:
configure terminal
controller sdh 0/0/16
rate stm4
au-4 1
mode tug 3
tug-3 1
mode e3
e3 1 clock source [line | internal | recovered]
e3 framing [m13 | c-bit ] (applicable to for mode e3)
e3 1 loopback [local | network line]
e3 bert pattern 0s interval 2
tug-3 2
mode t3
t3 1 clock source [line | internal | recovered]
t3 framing [m13 | c-bit ] (applicable to for mode t3)
t3 1 loopback [local | network line]


This is applicable to AUG mapping AU-4 mode T3 and AU-3 mode T3.

SDH VC Configuration Parameters for SAToP

The following parameters affect SDH VC configuration:

  • Clock — Specifies the clock source for VC.

  • Loopback— Sets the VC in the loopback mode.

Configuring VC Parameters

To configure VC parameters:
configure terminal
controller sdh 0/0/16
rate stm4
au-3 1
mode vc1x
tug-2 1 payload vc11
vc 1 loopback [local | network]
vc 1 clock source internal

Synchronize the Clock Using Sync-E, BITS, and PTP

Synchronous Ethernet (Sync-E):

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can enable frequency synchronization to provide high-quality bit clocks synchronization over Ethernet interfaces. Synchronous Ethernet (Sync-E) provides this required synchronization at the physical level.

To do this you need to configure Sync-E that helps routers identify the clock in the network with the highest priority. This clock is also called the Primary Clock. All the other devices (members) on the network reset their clocks based on the primary clock’s settings. Messages are constantly exchanged between the primary clock and its members to ensure efficient continued synchronization of all clocks in the network. Cisco EPN Manager enables you to specify this primary clock and also set the Sync-E parameters at the global and interface levels. Once the Sync-E properties have been configured, you can view the logical hierarchy and topology between the devices on the network topology overlay.


Sync-E configuration is supported only on Ethernet interfaces.

Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS):

BITS is the method by which clocking information is provided by a Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) port clock. In Sync-E, Ethernet links are synchronized by timing their bit clocks from high-quality, stratum-1-traceable clock signals in the same manner as SONET/SDH. Operations messages like SSM and ESMC maintain Sync-E links and ensure that a node always derives its timing from the most reliable source.

Precision Time Protocol (PTP):

In networks that employ TDM, periodic synchronization of device clocks is required to ensure that the receiving device knows which channel is the right channel for accurate reassembly of the data stream. The Precision Time Protocol (PTP) standard:

  • Specifies a clock synchronization protocol that enables this synchronization.

  • Applies to distributed systems that consist of one or more nodes communicating over a network.

PTP uses the concept of primary and subordinate devices to achieve precise clock synchronization. With the help of Cisco EPN Manager, you can use PTP to configure the primary device which periodically starts a message exchange with the subordinate devices. After noting the times at which the messages are sent and received, each subordinate device calculates the difference between its system time and the system time of the primary device. The subordinate device then adjusts its clock so that it is synchronized with the primary device. When the primary device initiates the next message exchange, the subordinate device again calculates the difference and adjusts its clock. This repetitive synchronization ensures that device clocks are coordinated and that data stream reassembly is accurate. The PTP clock port commands are used to modify PTP on individual interfaces. Once the PTP properties have been configured, you can view the logical hierarchy and topology between the devices on the network topology overlay.


Due to the limitations on the device, you can configure a maximum of 4 clock sources on interface modules, with a maximum of 2 per interface module. This limitation applies to both Sync-E and TDM interfaces.

To configure Sync-E, BITS, and PTP:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device’s name hyperlink.

Step 3

Set the global Sync-E properties.

  1. Click the Logical View tab.

  2. Click Clock > Sync-E. All available Sync-E global settings are listed.

  3. To create a new set of global Sync-E properties, click the ‘+’ icon. You can create only one set of Sync-E global parameters.

  4. Specify the global parameters for Sync-E. For a detailed description about these parameters, see the table below.

  5. Click Save.

    Your changes are saved and the global Sync-E configuration is deployed to the device. You can now specify the interfaces that you want to associate with this configuration.
Step 4

Specify the associated interfaces and interface specific Sync-E parameters.

  1. Select the Sync-E global configuration created in the above steps from Clock > Sync-E.

  2. Click the Interface Input Source tab.

  3. Click ‘+’ to specify the required interfaces.

    You can configure only one interface per synchronization type.

  4. Use the Interface Name drop-down menu to select the required interface.

  5. Specify the interface level Sync-E parameters. For a detailed description about these parameters, see table below.

  6. Click Save.

Step 5

Specify the frequency settings for BITS (for XE devices):

  1. Click the Logical View tab.

  2. Click Clock > BITS-Frequency.

  3. Specify the following BITS values:

    • Source Slot: The values are RO and R1.

    • Priority: Numeric value within the range 1 to 250.

    • Clock Type: The values are 2.048 MHz and 10 MHz.

  4. Click Save.

Step 6

Specify the interface settings for BITS:

  1. Click the Logical View tab.

  2. Click Clock > BITS-Interface.

  3. Specify the following BITS values:

    For XE devices:

    • Source Slot: The oprions are RO and R1.

    • Priority: Numeric value within the range 1 to 250.

    • Clock Type: The options are E1 and T1.


    The SSM option must be OPTION2_GEN1 or OPTION2_GEN2 to configure the BITS interface as T1.

    For XR devices:

    • Clock Interface: The options are BITS0_IN, BITS0_OUT, BITS1_IN, and BITS1_OUT.

    • Clock Type: The options are E1, T1, J1, _2M, and _64K.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Specify the BITS clock settings for the interface:

    1. Navigate to Clock > BITS-Interface and click on the Source Slot of the BITS Interface settings created in the above step.

    2. Click the Bits Clock Settings tab and specify the clock settings as described in the table below.

    3. Click Save.

Step 7

Specify the PTP clock settings:

  1. Click the Logical View tab.

  2. Click Clock > PTP.

  3. Click '+' to specify a new set of PTP values, or click the Clock Mode hyperlink and then click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page.

  4. Specify the following common PTP parameters and click Save.

    • Clock Mode: Choose the mode of PTP operation. Your options are Ordinary, Boundary, and E2E Transparent. E2E stands for End-to-end transparent clock mode.

    • Domain No: Enter the number of the domains used for PTP traffic. A single network can contain multiple domains. Range is from 1 to 127.

    • Hybrid Clock: Enable or disable hybrid cloud.

  5. Click the Clock Mode hyperlink and click the Port tab to specify the port details that must be associated with the common properties.

  6. Specify the following Port details and click Save.

    • Port Name: Enter the name of the PTP port clock.

    • Port Mode: Choose the PTP role of the clock, Primary or Subordinate.

    • Loopback Interface Number: Enter the clock identifier derived from the device interface.

    • Announce Timeout: Enter the number of PTP announcement intervals before the session times out. Range is 1 to 10.

    • Delay Request Interval: Choose the time when the interface is in PTP primary mode and the selected interval is specified to member devices for delay request messages. The intervals use base 2 values.

    • Sync Interval: Choose the time interval for sending PTP synchronization messages.

    • Announce Interval: Choose the time interval for sending PTP announcement packets.

  7. Click the Port Name hyperlink and click the Clock Source tab.

  8. Click '+' to add a new interface, or click the source address hyperlink and click Edit at the top right corner of the page.

  9. Specify the Source Address and the Priority for the clock.

    • No Priority- Assigns the priority value as 0.

    • Priority 1- Checks the first value for clock selection. The clock with the lowest priority takes precedence and the value 1 is assigned.

    • Priority 2- If two or more clocks have the same value in the Priority 1 field, the value in this field is used for clock selection. This assigns the priority value of 2.

  10. Click Save to deploy your changes to the device.

For detailed descriptions about all Sync-E global and interface level parameters, see the table below:

Fields Descriptions
Clock > Sync-E Common Properties (Global Level)

Automatic Selection process

Indicates the type of method used for synchronization of the clocks. The values are: Automatic, Forced, Manual, and Cisco.

Note- You can configure only one interface per synchronization type.

Clock Type

Indicates the Ethernet Equipment Clock (EEC) option to be used:

Option 1- represents EEC-Option I of the European time zone.

Option 2- represents EEC-Option II of the American time zone.

QL Mode Enabled

Indicates whether the clock is to be used with the Quality Level (QL) function: Enabled or Disabled.

ESMC Enabled

Indicates the status of the Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC): Enabled or Disabled.

SSM Option

Indicates the Synchronization Status Message (SSM) option being used:

Option 1- represents ITU-T Option I

Option 2- GEN1- represents ITU-T Option II Generation 1

Option 2- GEN2- represents ITU-T Option II Generation 2

Hold Off Time (global level)

Indicates the length of time (in milliseconds) for a device to wait before issuing a protection response to a failure event.

A valid range is between 300 and 1800 milliseconds.

Wait To Restore Time (global level)

Indicates the length of time (in seconds) to wait after a failure is fixed before the span returns to its original state.

A valid range is between 0 and 86400 seconds.

Revert Enabled

Specifies whether the network clock is to use Revertive mode: Enabled or Disabled.

Sync-E > Interface Input Source (Interface Level) Properties

Interface Name

Name and hyperlink of the Gigabit or 10 Gigabit interface associated with Sync-E.

Active clock

Indicates whether the interface is currently chosen as the active clock. This interface can either be a primary or secondary interface, however, the interface that is currently enabled for Sync-E is considered to be the active interface.


Indicates the value used for selecting a Sync-E interface for clocking if more than one interface is configured. Values are from 1 to 250, with 1 being the highest priority.

The highest priority clock represents the primary clock.

Hold Off Time (interface level)

Indicates the length of time (in milliseconds) to wait after a clock source goes down before removing the source.

A valid range is a value between 300 and 1800 milliseconds.

Wait To Restore Time (interface level)

Indicates the length of time (in seconds) to wait after a failure is fixed before the interface returns to its original state.

A valid range is a value between 0 and 86400 seconds.

Rx Exact/QL Use

Indicates the QL Receive function with which the clock must be used.

Tx Exact/QL Send

Indicates the QL Transmit function with which the clock must be used.

Clock > BITS-Frequency and BITS-Interface Properties

Source Slot

Indicates whether the clock source is R0 or R1 (for XE devices).

Clock Interface

Indicates whether the clock source is BITS0_IN, BITS0_OUT, BITS1_IN, or BITS1_OUT (for XR devices).


Indicates the value used for selecting a BITS interface for clocking if more than one interface is configured. Values are from 1 to 250, with 1 being the highest priority.

The highest priority clock represents the primary clock.

Clock Type

Indicates whether the clock type that must be used is from an E1 line or a T1 line (for XE devices). For XR devices, the line can be E1, T1, J1, 2M, or 64K.

In case of the BITS Interface parameters, the clock type indicates the frequency values that must be associated with the clock.

Supported clock types for XE devices:

  • BITS Frequency: Supported options are 2.048_MHz and 10_MHz.

  • BITS Interface: Supported options are T1 and E1.

Supported clock types for XR devices:

  • BITS Interface: Supported options are T1, E1, J1, 2M, and 64K.

Bits Framing

Framing values (such as CAS) that must be associated with the BITS configuration.

  • Supported Bits Framing values for XE devices: E1_CAS_CRC4, E1_CAS, E1_CRC4, E1_FAS, T1_D4, T1_ESF, and T1_SF

  • Supported Bits Framing values for XR devices: E1_CRC4, E1_FAS, J1_D4, J1_ESF, T1_D4, and T1_ESF


The impedance value that is associated with the clock in OHMS format. Supported impedance values are 75 ohms and 120 ohms.

Bits Sub Framing

The supported Bits sub framing values for XR devices with E1 clock type are SA4, SA5, SA6, SA7, and SA8.

Line Code

The line code value that must be associated with the BITS interface.

Supported line code values for XE devices:

  • For E1 interface: The values are AMI and HDB3.

  • For T1 interface: The values are AMI and B8ZS.

Supported line code values for XR devices:

  • For E1 interface: The values are AMI and HDB3.

  • For J1 interface: The values are AMI and B8ZS.

  • For T1 interface: The values are AMI and B8ZS.

Line Build Out

The line build-out value that must be associated with the BITS interface. This field is supported only for T1 interface.

Supported line build-out values for XE devices:

  • For T1 interface: The values are 0-133ft, 133-266ft, 266-399ft, 399-533ft, and 533-655ft.

Supported line build-out values for XR devices:

  • For T1 BITS0_OUT interface: The values are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

  • For T1 BITS1_OUT interface: The values are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

What to do next

(Optional) You can view the Sync-E and PTP device properties on the network topology overlay. See Show Clock Synchronization Networks on a Network Topology Map:

  • Sync-E overlay: shows the topology and hierarchy of the Sync-E network. It shows the primary clock and the primary and secondary clock inputs for each device.

  • PTP overlay: shows the clock synchronization tree topology, the hierarchy of the Precision Time Protocol, and the clock role of each device in the tree (primary, boundary, subordinate, or transparent).

Configure IP SLAs (TWAMP Responder/TWAMP Light Responder)

The IETF Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) defines a standard for measuring round-trip IP performance between any two devices that support TWAMP. The TWAMP-Control protocol is used to set up performance measurement sessions by sending and receiving performance-measurement probes. Once a session is created, TWAMP test packets are transmitted to help calculate the performance statistics including packet loss, delay etc. TWAMP Light differs from standard TWAMP by simplyifing the control protocol used to establish the test sessions.

TWAMP Responder is supported for both Cisco IOS XE (NCS 42xx) and Cisco IOS XR (ASR 9000, NCS 540, NCS 560, NCS 5500) devices. The TWAMP Light Responder is supported only for Cisco IOS XR (ASR 9000, NCS 540, NCS 560, NCS 5500) devices. TWAMP Light supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses while standard TWAMP is supported for IPv4 addresses only.

For more information on configuring TWAMP interfaces, see:

Configure TWAMP Responder

When you configure TWAMP using Cisco EPN Manager, the device you select is configured as a TWAMP server. The TWAMP server listens for connection and control requests on the specified port. The Inactivity Value that you specify will be configured as the inactivity timer (in seconds) for a TWAMP control session.

Use the following procedure to add or edit entries for TWAMP:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click Logical View tab.

Step 4

Choose IP SLA > TWAMP Responder to add or edit the TWAMP Responder configuration.

Step 5

Click the '+' icon to add the TWAMP parameters to the selected device. To edit existing parameters, click the Port Name hyperlink and click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page. You can only add one set of TWAMP parameters per device.

Step 6

Edit the following parameters as necessary. All parameters are mandatory.

  • Port- Use a numeric value between 1 and 65535 to specify the port that must be configured for the TWAMP server to listen for connection and control requests. The default value is 862.

  • Inactivity Timeout- Use a numeric value between 1 and 604800 to specify the time that must be configured as the inactivity time (in seconds) for a TWAMP responder test session. The default value is 900 seconds.

  • Server Inactivity Timeout- Use a numeric value between 1 and 6000 to specify the time that must be configured as the TWAMP server inactivity time (in seconds) for a TWAMP control session. The default value is 900 seconds.

Step 7

Click Save to deploy your changes to the device.

Configure TWAMP Light Responder

Use the following procedures to manage interfaces for the TWAMP Light Responder:

Add a TWAMP Light Responder

Use the following procedure to add an entry for TWAMP Light Responder:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click Logical View from the tab on the left.

Step 4

Choose IP SLA > TWAMP Light Responder.

Step 5

Click the '+' icon in the TWAMP Light Responder page.

Step 6

Enter appropriate values in the displayed fields. Hover your mouse over the tooltip next to a particular field to get information on the range of permissible values.

  1. Session ID - Specify a Session ID. You can configure up to 65535 test sessions.

  2. Timeout - (optional) Specify the inactivity time between 60 and 86400 (in seconds) for a TWAMP Light responder test session. Default is No Timeout.

  3. Local IP address - Specify an IPv4 address or IPv6 address.

  4. Local Port - Use a numeric value between 1 and 65535 to specify the port you want to configure for the session.

  5. Remote IP address - Specify an IPv4 address or IPv6 address.


    If the specified Local IP address is an IPv4 address, then the Remote IP address must be an IPv4 address. Similarly, if the specified Local IP address is an IPv6 address, then the Remote IP address must also be an IPv6 address.

  6. Remote Port - Use a numeric value between 1 and 65535 to specify the port for the session.

  7. VRF Name - Select any VRF Name from the drop-down list.

Step 7

Click Save to deploy your changes to the device.

Edit TWAMP Light Responder configuration

To edit an existing TWAMP Light Responder configuration:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click Logical View from the tab on the left.

Step 4

Choose IP SLA > TWAMP Light Responder.

Step 5

Click Session ID to edit parameters of the selected session.


Only Timeout can be modified.

Step 6

Click Save to deploy your changes to the device.

Delete a TWAMP Light Responder configuration

To delete an existing TWAMP Light Responder configuration:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click Logical View from the tab on the left.

Step 4

Choose IP SLA > TWAMP Light Responder.

Step 5

Select the check box next to the Session ID you want to delete.

Step 6

Click 'X' and then click Delete to confirm and delete the selected configuration.

Commands to view TWAMP Light session details

Use the following commands to view session details on the device.

Command Usage
show ipsla twamp session To list all TWAMP Light sessions that are enabled.
show running-config ipsla responder twamp-light test-session <test session ID> To view details of a specific TWAMP Light session.

Configure Interfaces

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can configure your CE and Optical Interfaces using the following configuration options:

Before you configure the interfaces, ensure that the device's Inventory Collection status is 'Completed'.

Configure Ethernet Interfaces and Subinterfaces

The Configuration tab on the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Depending on your device configuration and user account privileges, you can create, edit, delete, enable, and disable these interfaces.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

Choose Interfaces > Ethernet .

Step 5

To add an Ethernet subinterface:

  1. Choose an Ethernet interface and click Add Subinterface .


This button is enabled depending on the device that you select. For example, on Cisco ASR903 devices, this button is disabled.

  1. In the Basic Configuration area, at a minimum, enter the Interface Number (if not already populated) and optionally provide a description for the subinterface.

  2. In the VLAN Number field, enter a numerical value that can be used to represent the VLAN ID for this subinterface. Note that only the 802.1Q type of encapsulation is supported.

  3. To use the same VLAN number as the native VLAN ID, enable the Native VLAN checkbox.

  4. In the Dataplane Loopback drop-down menu, select the value that must be set as the loopback value. Your options are: Blank (makes no change in the configuration), None (removes the Ethernet loopback from the interface), Internal, and External. The value that is already configured on the device is highlighted in the bold font.

  5. If you are creating an IPv4 subinterface, in the IPv4 Interface area, select an IP Type. Your options are:

    • None

    • Static IP, with the IP address and subnet mask.

    • DHCP IP, with the pool name.

    • DHCP Negotiated, with the hostname and client ID (None, Interface, Port Channel).

    You can also enter a secondary IP address with mask.

  6. If you are adding an IPv6 subinterface, in the IPv6 Address area, select a type from the Add drop-down list. Your options are: Global, Unnumbered, Link Local, Auto Configuration, and DHCP.

    • Global, with the IP address and subnet mask, and type (General, EUI-64, Anycast, CGA).

    • Unnumbered, and enter text in the Interface Unnumbered To text box.

    • Link Local, auto-configured or manually-configured (requires IPv6 address).

    • Autoconfiguration.

    • DHCP (with option to enable two-message exchange for address allocation).

    If you choose to edit an existing interface or subinterface, you are allowed to change all values except the Interface Number value.


    To avoid unusual behavior, do not use the § character in the Description field.

  7. Click Save to add the subinterface to the selected interface of the device.

Step 6

To enable, disable, or delete interfaces and subinterfaces, select the interfaces and click the appropriate buttons.

The Delete Subinterface button may only be enabled on some supported devices, such as, Cisco ASR903 devices.

Step 7

Click Save to deploy your changes to the device.

Configure Loopback Interfaces

You can change the loopback state of an interface to test how your optical network is performing. Before changing the loopback setting, ensure that the device is either in Managed state or ideally in Complete state.

To change the loopback settings on an interface:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

Choose Interfaces > Loopback .

Step 5

To specify a new loopback interface, click Add .

  1. In the Basic Configuration tab, specify the Loopback Interface Number (if not pre-populated).

  2. If you are creating an IPv4 loopback interface, specify an IP Type:

    • None.
    • Static: along with the IP address and subnet mask of the static IP address.
    • DHCP IP: along with the DHCP pool name.

    You can also enter a secondary IP address with its mask so that it can be used as the backup loopback interface.

  3. If you are adding an IPv6 loopback interface, in the IPv6 Address area, select a type from the Add drop-down list. Your options are:

    • Global- which also requires you to specify the IP address, subnet mask, and type (General, EUI-64, Anycast, CGA).
    • Unnumbered- which requires you to enter text in the Interface Unnumbered To text box.
    • Link Local- which is either auto-configured or manually-configured and only applies to requires IPv6 address.
    • Autoconfiguration
    • DHCP- which also allows you to set the option to enable two-message exchange for automatic address allocation.
Step 6

To edit an existing loopback interface, select the interface and click the Edit button to change only the speed, duplex, and other settings. The Interface Number cannot be edited.

Step 7

To enable the above loopback settings on the interfaces, select the required loopback process and click Enable.

Step 8

Click Save to deploy these configuration changes on the device.

Enable or Disable IOT Interfaces

The Configuration tab in the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Depending on your device configuration and user account privileges, you can enable and disable IOT interfaces. This is applicable for EM, C3794, X.21, and serial interfaces (RS232, RS485, and RS422). If you Enable/Disable an interface all the Controllers will be listed for the above technologies.


If an interface is not present, commands for Enabling/Disabling of interface will not be sent to the device.


There is no QoS support for all the IOT services.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

In the Chassis View tab, view all serial controllers that are listed for the configured CEM or channel group.

Figure 1. Chassis View

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Step 4

In the Logical View tab, view, enable, or disable all the serial interfaces and also the X.21 interfaces.

Figure 2. Serial

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Step 5

Choose Interfaces > Serial .

Step 6

In the right pane, view all the list of serial controllers that are supported in EPNM and check one controller at a time to enable or disable.

Step 7

Click Save .

Enable or Disable Tunnel Interfaces

The Configuration tab in the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Depending on your device configuration and user account privileges, you can enable and disable these interfaces.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab and choose Interfaces > Tunnel from the left side menu.

Step 4

To enable or disable a tunnel interface, select the interfaces and click the Enable or Disable button.


MPLS TE tunnel interfaces can be enabled or disabled here. For information on creating or editing MPLS TE tunnels, see Create and Provision an MPLS TE Tunnel.

Configure Switch Port Interfaces

The Configuration tab in the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Depending on your device configuration and user account privileges, you can edit, delete, enable, and disable these interfaces.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.


The Configuration tab appears only for the supported devices.

Step 4

Choose Interfaces > Switch Port .

Step 5

To edit an interface, select the interface and click Edit .

  • Choose and Administrative Mode: Static, Trunk 802.1Q, or Routed.

  • Enable or disable the port fast setting, and adjust the speed and duplex, if needed.

Step 6

Click Save .

Configure Ethernet Interfaces

The Configuration tab in the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Depending on your device configuration and user account privileges, you can edit, delete, enable, and disable the ethernet interfaces.

  • For NCS 4202 and ASR 901, speed and duplex are supported for mediatype RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet.

  • Dropdowns are disabled for speed and duplex if mediatype is not configured.

  • For other IOS/XE device types, drop downs are disabled and you will not be able to set speed and duplex values from EPNM.

  • For NCS 4202, if speed is set as 1 Gig, only full duplex option is supported, else for 10 and 100 Mbps, both half and full duplex is supported.

  • For ASR 901, for all 10, 100, 1000 Mbps speed, half and full duplex is supported.

  • If you select Auto option in speed dropdown, both speed and duplex dropdown will reflect Auto and user will be able to set the negotiation mode as Auto in this case.

  • Select speed and duplex manually from dropdown and "no negotiation auto" command will be sent to device with appropriate speed and duplex values.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.


The Configuration tab appears only for the supported devices.

Step 4

Choose Interfaces > Ethernet .

Step 5

To edit an interface, select the interface and click Edit .

You can now modify the required details.

Step 6

Click Save .

View Virtual Template Interfaces

The Configuration tab in the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Note that you can only view the virtual template interfaces from this page. You cannot add, edit, enable, or disable the interfaces.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

Choose Interfaces > Virtual Template.

View VLAN Interfaces

The Configuration tab in the Device Details page lists the current interface configurations on the device. Note that you can only view the VLAN interfaces from this page. You cannot add, edit, enable, or disable the interfaces.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 4

Choose Interfaces > Vlan.

Configure Optical Interfaces

Using EPN Manager, you can configure your optical interfaces to change their admin settings, enable standard FEC modes on them, modify their payload settings, and change their loopback settings. To do this, use the Configuration tab in the Device Details page which lists the current interface configurations on the device. Depending on your device configuration and user account privileges, you can create, edit, delete, enable, and disable these interfaces.

You can configure optical interfaces in the following ways:

Change the Loopback Settings on an Optical Interface

You can change the loopback state of an interface to test how your optical network is performing. Before changing the loopback setting, ensure that the device is either in Managed state or ideally in Complete state. The interface that you want to modify must be in Maintenance (OOS, MT) admin state. EPN Manager allows you to edit the loopback settings only on SONET, SDH, Ethernet, FC/FICON, and OTN interface types.

To change the loopback settings on an interface:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Maintenance > Loopback.

The interfaces of the selected device are displayed along with their loopback settings. Interfaces that are not supported, for example, Data Storage, OTS, or Video, are not displayed.
Step 5

To edit the loopback settings, select the interface name (hyperlink) and click Edit to make your changes. Ensure that the device is in Managed or Complete state and the interface is in Maintenance (OOS, MT) admin state.

  1. Internal—this applies the same configuration applied in Terminal loopback.

  2. Line—this applies the same configuration applied in Facility loopback.

  3. No_Loopback—Select this option to set no loopback values on the interface.

Before you change the loopback state ensure that you first clear the current loopback setting using the No_loopback option from the drop-down menu and then re-apply the setting of your choice.

Step 6

Click Save to save your edits.

A pop-up notification notifies you about the status of your changes.

If the Edit task fails, check if the device is in Managed or Completed state and ensure that Cisco EPN Manager is in sync with the device configuration. If not, resync the device with Cisco EPN Manager. See, Collect a Device's Inventory Now (Sync).

Continuous Verification of the Connection Status

Using the Connection Verification feature, you can view the power levels of optical interfaces and verify the interfaces for connectivity and insertion loss. Verifying the connectivity indicates whether the cable is in a connected state and verifying the insertion loss indicates whether the cable loss is within an expected value. The parameters for insertion losses are collected for every possible optical path inside the network element in order to predict possible failures.

Using Cisco EPN Manager you can view the Connection Verification parameters and opt to enable or disable Connection Verification on interfaces. You can also set the acknowledgment values for associated alarms.

To verify the connection status for your optical interfaces:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

To enable or disable the Connection Verification feature and set the common threshold vales, click Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Connection Verification.

Step 5

Click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page to edit common parameters.

Step 6

Enter the following threshold parameters for the selected device and click Save:

  • Connection Verification Enabled- Set to True or False to enable or disable this feature on the selected device.

  • Fail IL Threshold (dB)- Enter a numerical value ranging from 0 to 20. When this threshold value is exceeded, an alarm is generated.

  • Degree IL Threshold (dB)- Enter a value lesser than the failed IL threshold value.

Step 7

Click Optical Interfaces > Maintenance > Connection Verification Entry.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.

Step 8

Click the A Side hyperlink to view the following values of the connection:

  • A Side- Displays the originating slot for connection verification.

  • Z Side- Displays the destination slot for connection verification.

  • Last Refresh- Displays the date and time when the connection verification and insertion loss verification was run previously.

  • Connectivity Last Change- Displays the date and time when the connectivity information was previously changed.

  • Connectivity Verification- Displays the status of connectivity:

    • Connected- Cable or patch cord is connected.

    • Disconnected- Cable or patch cord is disconnected.

    • Disabled- Cable or patch cord is excluded from connection verification.

    • Not Measurable- Power source not detected; cable or patch cord cannot be tested for connection verification.

    • Not Verified- Cable or patch cord is yet to be tested for connection verification.

  • Excess Insertion Loss (dB)- Display the excess insertion loss that is higher than the set threshold.

  • Insertion Loss Last Change- Displays the date and time when the insertion loss verification information was previously changed.

  • Display names for- A and Z Side, A and Z Side Modules- identification names of the connection for A and Z Side, and A and Z Side Modules.

  • Insertion Loss Verification- Displays the insertion loss verification status which is one of the following:

    • Not Verified- Cable or patchcord is yet to be tested for insertion loss verification (this is the default status at first boot).

    • Not Measurable- Power source not detected; cable or patchcord cannot be tested for insertion loss verification.

    • Loss OK- Cable or patchcord insertion loss is within expected value.

    • Degrade- Cable or patchcord insertion loss is degrading.

      When the Insertion Loss is greater than the Insertion Loss Degrade Threshold and less than the Insertion Loss Fail Threshold, the Insertion Loss Verification of the patch cord is Degrade. The corresponding row of the patch cord in the Connection Verification pane is highlighted in yellow.

    • Fail- Cable or patchcord insertion loss crossed the fail threshold. When this condition occurs, the patchcord is highlighted in the GUI to indicate the Fail condition.

      When the Insertion Loss is greater than the Insertion Loss Fail Threshold, the Insertion Loss Verification of the patch cord is Fail. The corresponding row of the patch cord in the Connection Verification pane is highlighted in orange.

    • Disabled- Cable or patchcord is excluded from connection verification.

  • Acknowledgement- Displays the set value for the associated alarms. The values can be set to True or False.

Step 9

In the Connection Verification Action drop-down menu, choose an action that must be taken when the configured threshold values are reached, and click Save. Your options are: Verify loss and connectivity, Disable verification, and Acknowledge loss alarm.

Step 10

(Optional) Select one of the following values to specify how alarms must be generated with respect to the Connection Verification parameters:

  • Acknowledge Loss Alarm - allows the interfaces to operate beyond the Fail IL Threshold thresholds without raising an alarm. If the Fil IL Threshold further increases, alarms are raised again.

  • Clear Acknowledge - indicates that the Fail IL Threshold thresholds are set to default and alarms are re-evaluated. If thresholds are exceeded, an alarm is raised.

Configure PRBS on ODU Controllers

Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) is a testing mechanism used to ensure that the selected overhead bytes can be used to transport the header and trailer data safely. Both the transmitting node and receiving node must be aware that PRBS testing is taking place. To do this you can use Cisco EPN Manager to enable appropriate PRBS modes on the nodes. Cisco EPN Manager allows you to configure PRBS only on the non-channelized ODU controllers of an optical device.

PRBS also enables trunk ports to generate the PRBS_31 pattern and detect PRBS_11, PRBS_23, and PRBS_31 patterns.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Navigate to the Configuration tab.

  • For NCS 1004 devices, this option is available Chassis View > Configuration > PRBS Configuration. Go to Step 5.

  • For NCS 4000 devices, this option is under the Logical View tab on the top left of the Device Details page

Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Maintenance > PRBS Configuration. All ODU controllers and their current PRBS parameters are displayed. If the controllers are not listed, ensure that the above stated pre-requisites are met.

Step 5

To configure PRBS, click the controller’s name hyperlink and click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page.

Step 6

Make your modifications to the following parameters.

  1. In the Admin State drop-down list, select a valid admin state for the ODU controller. Your options are 00S-MT (maintenance), OOS-DSBLD (disabled), and IS (in-service).

    The PRBS parameters can be edited only if you set the Admin State to 00S-MT (maintenance) state.

    To edit only the admin state of the controller, set the PRBS mode to Disabled, and choose the admin state of your choice.

  2. Select the PRBS Test value as Enabled or Disabled.

  3. Select the PRBS mode for the controller. When you set one controller with the values in column one (see below), ensure that the second controller (node 2) is set with the corresponding values shown in the second column of this table:

    Controller 1 Mode (Node 1)

    Controller 2 Mode (Node 2)









  4. From the Pattern drop-down list, select one of the following PRBS patterns. This pattern will be either generated or detected by the line cards:

    • NONE

    • PN11

    • PN23

    • PN31



Step 7

Click Save to deploy the updated configuration to the device.

Step 8

(Optional) To verify, view updated PRBS parameters in the Configuration tab for the selected controller, under Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > PRBS. To run a PRBS test on ODU UNI circuits, see, Run PRBS Test on Circuits (ODU UNI).

Enable and Disable OSC

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you enable or disable the Optical Service Channel (OSC) terminations on the interfaces of optical devices. OSC can be configured on OC3 lines, and on FastEthernet (FSTE) and GigabitEthernet (GigE) interfaces of the following cards:

  • Transmission Network Control System (TNCS)

  • Transport Node Controller - Enhanced (TNCE)

  • Transport Node Controller (TNC)

For ONS15454 NEs, the supported interfaces are OC3 interfaces of the following cards:

  • Optical Service Channel Modem (OSCM)

  • Optical Service Channel and Combiner/Separator Module (OSC-CSM)

To configure OSC on optical devices:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Comm Channels.

All configurable G709 enabled interfaces of the selected device are displayed.

Step 5

Click the OSC tab.

Step 6

Choose the communication channel that that you want to configure by clicking the communication channel’s name hyperlink.

The communication channel name and current OSC setting is displayed.

Step 7

Click the Edit icon at the top right of the page.

Step 8

Use the OSC checkbox to enable or disable OSC on the selected communication channel.

Step 9

Click Save.

Your changes are saved and the updated configuration is deployed to the device. To verify, view the OSC settings for the selected communication channel under Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Comm Channels.

View and Acknowledge Unverified Alarms

Based on the alarm generated on your devices, you can view the details of the alarm in Unverified status and then mark them Acknowledged so that they no longer appear as unread alarm notifications on the device. To do this:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Maintenance > Unverified Alarms to view the alarms with the Unverified status.

Step 5

Once you have reviewed the alarms and taken the required action, select the alarms and click the Acknowledge button to mark these alarms Verified directly on the device.

Provision Optical Interfaces

You can use Cisco EPN Manager to enable the following configuration options on your optical devices.


The following configuration options are enabled or disabled depending on the device you select. To check whether your device supports these options, see Supported Devices for Cisco EPN Manager.

  • Ethernet MTU

    Using Cisco EPN Manager you can configure the MTU values on the Ethernet interfaces of your optical devices. The MTU is the Maximum Transmission Size, in bytes, of a packet passing through the interface. You can use Cisco EPN Manager to modify the MTU values on all Ethernet interfaces except Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet interfaces on TNC and ECU modules.

    To verify that your new Ethernet MTU values are configured on the device, navigate to your device’s Device Details page and click the Ethernet Interface tab.


    Using Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS), you can define and view the fiber and alien wavelength parameters that are used during GMPLS circuit creation. It ranges the packet based data on the MPLS protocol to allow the creation and maintenance of channels across the networks. It supports non-packet switching devices. This means that GMPLS extends the packet based MPLS protocol to allow creation and maintenance of tunnels across networks that consist of non-packet switching devices. GMPLS tunnels can traverse Time-Division Multiplex (TDM) interfaces and switching types.

    To configure GMPLS, you can use the Configuration tab in Cisco EPN Manager which allows you to configure GMPLS on all LMP enabled optical controllers. The enabling of LMP which is a pre-requisite for GMPLS configuration can also be done using the same Configuration tab.


    You cannot disable GMPLs on LMP enabled controllers that are part of active optical circuits.

  • Packet Termination

    Using Cisco EPN Manager you can set up packet termination on the ODU controllers of your optical devices. To do this, ensure that packet termination is pre-configured on the device for Ethernet packets. You can then edit the configuration that is already created on the device and discovered by Cisco EPN Manager.

    To configure packet termination, you must specify both the Termination Mode and Mapping Mode values.

  • LMP

    The Link Management Protocol (LMP) helps in managing channels and links that are required between nodes for routing, signaling, and link management. LMP is also used to manage the Traffic Engineering (TE) link. It allows multiple data links into a single Traffic Engineering (TE) link that runs between a pair of nodes.

    To create an LMP neighbor using Cisco EPN Manager, you need to specify the neighbor’s name, link ID, router ID, and interface ID, and the common link and interface IDs. You can add only one LMP link per controller on your optical device.

    While the LMP configuration can be successfully deployed to a single device using Cisco EPN Manager, for LMP to function effectively, you need to configure it on both sets of devices that are participating in the link. This ensures that the LMP link is activated.


    • You cannot edit the Numbering value of an LMP link after it has been created. To edit the Numbering value, delete the LMP link and recreate it with the new Numbering value.

    • You cannot have duplicate Neighbor Router IDs between two LMP neighbors.

    • When you add an LMP link, ensure that the controller is not already associated with another LMP link. This will cause your deploy to fail.

  • OTN Topology

    You can use the Configuration tab to add or modify the topology instance and Area ID associated with an optical OTN controller. If the controller does not have a pre-configured Topology Instance and Area ID, Cisco EPN Manager automatically sets the topology instance to OTN and the Area ID to 0.

    Cisco EPN Manager does not allow you to use the same topology instance and Area ID that is already pre-configured on other controllers. To know the Topology Instance and Area ID that is pre-configured on the device, go to Maps > Network Topology.

  • NNI

    You can configure your optical interfaces to act as network-node interfaces (NNIs). An NNI indicates that the interface connects to other network nodes. Cisco EPN Manager allows you to configure NNIs on the OTU controllers of your optical device. These interfaces can further be configured to act as source and destination ports.

    If a device is not part of a topology, configuring its NNI controller creates an OTN topology instance for that controller with an Area ID 0.

    You can create only one NNI configuration per controller for every controller present on the device.

    Note: You cannot delete NNI controllers that are pre-configured with a Topology Instance.

  • Breakout

    Enabling breakout on your optical devices utilizes the multilane architecture of the optics and cables to enable you to split single higher density ports into multiple lower density ports. For example, a 100G port can be configured to operate as ten different 10G ports. Or a single 40G port can act as four different 10G ports. To configure breakout using Cisco EPN Manager, see the table below.


    Ensure that Breakout is pre-configured on the interface by changing the interface’s Port Mode value to Breakout. See Change the Port Mode/Payload and Breakout Settings. This changes all other port mode parameters of that interface to ‘None’ enabling breakout on the port, thus allowing you to configure lanes. You can add up to ten lanes per interface.


    • All lanes that belong to a particular interface must have the same mapping type.

    • OTU2 and OTU2e controllers are supported only if they are in the packet termination mode.

    • In Cisco NCS 5.2.4x devices, breakout lanes can only be created when the port modes are of type Ethernet.

    • 10G clients that are mapped to OPU2e framing type are not supported.

    • Breakout cannot be configured on SONET and SDH controllers.

    Example configuration:

    If you select a controller optics 0/0/0/0 and enable Breakout with GFPF as its mapping mode and with a framing value of OPU2, then the configuration pushed to the device is:

    controller optics 0/0/0/0 breakout-mode 1 ethernet framing opu2 mapping gFpF
  • Performance Monitoring

    Performance Monitoring (PM) helps you gather performance counters for system maintenance and troubleshooting. You can retrieve both current and historical PM counters at regular intervals. You can enable and disable performance monitoring on OTU and ODU controllers of an optical device.

    To configure performance monitoring at the TCM controller level, you must configure OTN interfaces and their associated TCM performance counters, see:

  • Channelize ODU (LO) Controllers:

    Associate your ODU controllers with multiple lower order ODU sub-controllers and configure tributary port number (TPN) and tributary slots (TS) for those ODU sub-controllers. A valid range of TPN is from 1 to 80. If a TS string is separated using a colon (:), this indicates individual tributary slot. If a TS string is separated using an en-dash (-), this indicates a range of tributary slots.

    When you select the ODU level for the sub-controllers, ensure that the sub-controller's ODU level is lower than that of the main controller you are associating it with. For example, if you are associating sub-controllers with an ODU controller of ODU3 level, then the sub-controllers cab be of levels ODU2, ODU1, or ODU1.

  • Configuring OTDR Settings:

    Using this feature, you can configure OTDR scans to begin automatically on a fiber span that has been repaired or on the startup of an OSC channel. To do this, ensure that the 'Auto Scan on LOS' parameter is enabled. A fiber is considered to be repaired when the LOS on the fiber is cleared and an alarm is raised based on the following criteria:

    • If you check the Enable Absolute Threshold checkbox, the 'OTDR-LOSS-THR-EXCEEDED' alarm is raised when the insertion loss measured for the OTDR scan is greater than the Absolute Event Loss Threshold (dB) value configured.

    • If the total back reflection for the OTDR scan is less than the Total Back Reflection (dB) value that you specify.

    • If the Absolute Pass Fail Criteria is disabled, the Loss and Back Reflection values from the baseline scan in the previous release are considered as threshold values. In this scenario, the OTDR-LOSS-THR-EXCEEDED alarm is raised.

    Depending on how you want the auto scans to be triggered, you can configure the following parameters:

    • Auto Scan on Span Loss Increase- OTDR scan starts automatically on the fiber if the measured span loss on the fiber is greater than the threshold value configured. The default threshold value is 2.

    • Enable OLR continuous measurement on Rx direction- measures the span loss in the LINE-RX port (input) of the card depending on the configured threshold value.

    • Enable WDM Side from WSON Provisioning- prevents creation of circuits when the Loss and Back reflection threshold values are crossed during an OTDR scan.

    You can configure the Event Loss Threshold value within which the total span loss on the fiber is permitted. If the measured span loss on the fiber is greater than the Event Loss Threshold value, then the OTDR scan is triggered on the fiber.

  • Configure Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS):

    Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) is a technique used to automatically shut down the output power of the transmitter in case of issues such as a fiber break. This is a safety feature that prevents dangerous levers of laser light from leaking out of a broken fiber, provided ALS is provisioned on both ends of the fiber pair. Once an interface has been shut down, you can configure the action the action that must be taken to restart the interface by setting the ALS mode to:

    • Disabled mode—If mode is disabled, ALS is disabled. Loss Of Signal (LOS) will not cause laser shutdown.

    • Manual restart mode—The laser is turned off when the ALS agent detects an LOS for 500 ms. After ALS is engaged, a manual command is issued that turns on the laser for the time period of the pulse width. The laser is turned on when the LOS has been cleared for 100 ms.

    • Automatic restart mode—The laser is shut down for the time period of pulse spacing when the ALS agent detects a LOS for 500 ms. Then, the laser automatically turns on for the time period of the selected pulse width. If an LOS still exists at that time, the laser is shut down again. This pattern continues until the LOS is cleared for 100 ms; then, the laser will stay on.

    Cisco EPN Manager enables you to set the ALS mode, the ALS recovery interval (in seconds), and the recovery pulse width (in seconds). If the ALS Mode for the interface has been set to Manual Restart, you need to manually restart the interface. To do this, navigate to the device's Device Details page, choose Optical > Automatic Laser Shutdown, locate the interface set to the Manual Restart ALS mode, and click the Restart button.

  • Using the SNTP Server to Set the Date and Time:

    Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is an internet protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers to a time reference. Using the SNTP server ensures that all NEs use the same date and time reference. The server synchronizes the node’s time after power outages or software upgrades.

    To use the SNTP server to set the date and time you must first specify the current time along with the time zone value and then set the primary and backup servers that can be used as a point of reference for the date and time. Before you set the timezone values, ensure that the SNTP server values are not configured. When you delete an SNTP server, ensure that you first delete the Backup server and only then the Primary server. You cannot delete only the Primary server.

  • Configuring the Wavelength:

    Cisco EPN Manager enables you to provision the wavelength frequency for your optics controllers. You can view the current wavelengths configured on the optics controllers and then depending on the type of card selected, you can change the wavelength frequency.

    You can configure the wavelengths on an optics controller only when it is configured as a DWDM optics port. The optics port must not be in the In Service state when you are changing the wavelength.

Table- Provisioning Optical Interfaces

To configure your optical devices with the above features:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Navigate to the required configuration menu as described in the table below, and specify the required values.

Table 8. Table- Configuring Optical Interfaces


Supported Interfaces/Controllers



Configuring Ethernet MTU

All Ethernet interfaces except Gigabit/Fast Ethernet interfaces on TNC and ECU modules.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Ethernet MTU


Configuring GMPLS

LMP enabled optical controllers.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > GMPLS


Configuring Packet Termination

ODU controllers pre-configured with Packet Termination.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > OTN > Packet Termination

Applicable only to Ethernet packets.

Configuring an LMP Neighbor

All optical controllers.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > LMP

Neighbor Router ID cannot be duplicated between neighbors

Configuring OTN Topology

All optical OTN controllers.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > OTN > Topology


Configuring NNI

All OTU controllers.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > OTN > NNI


Configuring Breakout

All optical controllers with Port Mode values set to ‘Breakout’.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Port Mode > Breakout tab


Configuring Performance Monitoring

All OTU and ODU controllers.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Performance Monitoring


Channelize ODU (LO) Controllers

All ODU controllers.

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > ODU Channelization > Sub-Controllers tab


Configuring OTDR Settings


Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > OTDR Settings


Configuring ALS

All ALS supported interfaces

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Automatic Laser Shutdown


Setting the Date and Time using SNTP


  • To specify the primary and backup servers for SNTP:

    Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > NTP Settings

  • To specify the current time and time zone that can be used by SNTP:

    Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Time Zone Settings


Configure Wavelength

All optics controllers

Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Wavelength


Configure TCM and TTI


See Configure TCM and TTI Parameters


Configure Protection Profiles


See Configure Protection Profiles


Configure the Payload and Breakout Settings


See Change the Port Mode/Payload and Breakout Settings


Configure the Admin Status


See Change the Admin Status of an Optical Interface


Configure FEC Mode


See Configure OTN Interfaces


Enabling and Disabling GCC


See, Enable and Disable GCC Connections


Configure Squelch Mode


See, Configure Squelch Mode


Change the Admin Status of an Optical Interface
Cisco EPN Manager enables you to change the admin state of an interface to enhance the performance testing abilities for your optical network. The Admin Status of an interface defines whether the interface is being managed by Cisco EPN Manager, whether it is down, or whether it is in maintenance mode. When the admin status of an interface is down, it indicates that the interface is in an unreachable state, or that the device is not supported by Cisco EPN Manager. Changing the admin status to Up enables Cisco EPN Manager to manage the interface and thus provide better monitoring capabilities. To change the admin state on an interface:

Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Admin Status.

The interfaces of the selected device are displayed along with their Admin State settings. Interfaces on which you cannot modify the admin state, for example, PCHAN and PLINE interfaces are not displayed.
Step 5

Click either the Optical Controllers or Ethernet Controllers tab to edit the required controllers.

Step 6

To edit the admin status, select the interface by clicking the interface's Name hyperlink, and then click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page. Ensure that the device's inventory collection status is in Managed or Completed state.

Choose one of the following values:

  1. DOWN—implies that the interface will be administratively down.

  2. UP—implies that the interface will be administratively up.

  3. TESTING— implies that the interface is in Maintenance state and that the administrator is performing tests using it.

Step 7

Click Save to save to deploy your changes to the device.

A pop-up notification notifies you about the status of your changes. To see an example of the admin status being changed on a Cisco NCS2K device, see Example: Change the Admin Status for Cisco NCS 2006 Interface.


If the Edit task fails, check if the device is in Managed or Completed state and ensure that Cisco EPN Manager is in sync with the device configuration. If not, re-sync the device with Cisco EPN Manager as described in Collect a Device's Inventory Now (Sync).

Change the Admin Status of an Optical Interface in Chassis View

Cisco EPN Manager enables you to change the admin state of an interface to enhance the performance testing abilities for your optical network. The Admin Status of an interface defines whether the interface is being managed by Cisco EPN Manager, whether it is down, or whether it is in maintenance mode. When the admin status of an interface is down, it indicates that the interface is in an unreachable state, or that the device is not supported by Cisco EPN Manager. Changing the admin status to Up enables Cisco EPN Manager to manage the interface and thus provide better monitoring capabilities. To change the admin state on an interface:

Before you begin

Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

In the Chassis View window, click the Configuration tab and then Line.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

To edit the admin status, select the interface by clicking the interface's Name hyperlink, and then click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page. Ensure that the device's inventory collection status is in Managed or Completed state.

Choose one of the following values:

  1. DOWN—implies that the interface will be administratively down.

  2. UP—implies that the interface will be administratively up.

  3. TESTING— implies that the interface is in Maintenance state and that the administrator is performing tests using it.

  4. UP AINS—implies that the interface will be administratively up and in service.


    The UP AINS status will only appear in the chassis view.

Step 5

Click Save to save to deploy your changes to the device.

A pop-up notification notifies you about the status of your changes.


If the Edit task fails, check if the device is in Managed or Completed state and ensure that Cisco EPN Manager is in sync with the device configuration. If not, re-sync the device with Cisco EPN Manager as described in Collect a Device's Inventory Now (Sync).

Configure Protection Profiles

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can provision different protection profiles (or groups) for your optical devices. This ensures availability and improved reliability for these devices. Protection profiles define whether Automatic Protection Switching (APS) must be enabled on the cards and they also set the direction for traffic flow in case of failures. The cards on the device can either be set to support unidirectional regeneration of configuration or can be set to ensure that both transmit and receive channels will switch when a failure occurs on one.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.

Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Protection Profile.

Step 5

To add a protection profile, click the + symbol.

Step 6

Provide a unique name for the protection profile. The name is a mandatory field and should not contain space or exceed 32 characters.

Step 7

Select the required type for the protection profile. Your options are:

  • One plus one BDIR APS- Enables one plus one Automatic Protection Switching (APS) and configures the card to be bidirectional.

  • One plus one UNIDIR APS- Enables one plus one APS and configures the card to be unidirectional.

  • One plus one UNIDIR NO APS- Enables one plus one with no APS and configures the card to be unidirectional.

  • One plus one PLUS R BIDIR APS - Enables one plus one plus R APS and configures the card to be bidirectional.

  • BDIR (bidirectional) indicates that both transmit and the receive channels will switch if a failure occurs on one.

  • UNIDIR (unidirectional) indicates that the card supports unidirectional regeneration of configuration. Hence the ports can only be used as the link source if they are transmit ports and as the link destination if they are receive ports.

Step 8

Select the protection mode for the profile as Revertive or Non-Revertive. Revertive mode ensures that the node returns traffic towards the working port post a failure condition after the amount of time specified as the Wait to Restore Time (step 9).

Step 9

Select the sub network connection mode as SNC_N (default), SNC_I, or SNC_S.

Step 10

When you select the sub network connection mode as SNC_S, you can then select TCM-ID value from the TCM drop-down list. By default, TCM-4 is selected once you select SNC_S as Sub Network Connection mode. You can change the TCM-ID column value from TCM4 to TCM1-TCM6 for SNC_S.

For SNC_I and SNC_N, you are not allowed to change the TCM-ID value. It should be set to None.
Step 11

Enter a value for the Wait to Restore Time in seconds using a number between 0 and 720. For any value greater than 0, ensure that the value is greater than 300 and in intervals of 30 seconds. The wait to restore time defines the time the system must wait to restore a circuit. If you have selected the protection mode as Revertive, then the default wait to restore time is 300, else it is 0.

Step 12

Enter a value for the Hold Off Time in milliseconds. This value defines the time the system waits before switching to the alternate path. The valid range is from 100 to 10,000 seconds. Default value is 0.

Step 13

Click Save to deploy the updated changes to your device.

Step 14

(Optional) To verify, view the updated protection profile parameters in the Configuration tab for the selected controller, under Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Protection Profile.


The above-mentioned steps are not applicable for NCS2K devices.

Configure TCM and TTI Parameters

Using Cisco EPN Manager you can configure Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) and Trail Trace Identifiers (TTI) on ODU controllers of ODU Tunnel circuits. This helps you enable and disable performance monitoring capabilities on these controllers.

You can further monitor your device’s capabilities by configuring the threshold for signal failure and signal degradation in the TCM connections of these ODU controllers. You can also modify the source and destination access point identifiers. To do this, ensure that the following prerequisites are met.
Before you begin
  • Ensure that the device’s inventory collection status is ‘Completed’.

  • Ensure that the controllers are configured for Loopback. If not, change the controllers loopback settings under Optical Interfaces > Maintenance > Loopback. See Configure Loopback Interfaces.


For the endpoints of an ODU UNI circuit, TCM is supported only on OTUx-ODUx controllers.

Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

To configure TCM/TTI parameters, choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > TCM Configuration.

Alternatively you can navigate to the device's Chassis View tab, select a card from the Chassis Explorer, click the Configuration tab, and choose OTN > Trail Trace Identifier.


To configure TCM parameters for NCS2K devices, navigate to the device's Chassis View tab, select a card from the Chassis Explorer, click the Configuration tab, and choose OTN > Trail Trace Identifier.

Step 5

To view or edit the TCM parameters of any of the listed controllers, click the TCM ID hyperlink of that controller.

Step 6

To edit these parameters, click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page.

Step 7

Make your changes to the following TCM parameters:

Editable TCM Parameters Descriptions
State Configures the state of TCM properties on the device as enabled or disabled.
Signal Failure Threshold Configures the threshold value for signal failures on ODUk controllers. The values are E6, E7, E8, and E9.
Sent API

Configures the source access point identifier of the TTI.

Enter a value of up to 14 bytes in length.

Sent DAPI Configures the destination access point identifier of the TTI. Enter a value of up to 14 bytes in length.
Sent Operator Specific String Type Configures the type of the operator-specific string of the TTI as hexadecimal or ASCII type.
Sent Operator Specific String

Configures the operator-specific string of the TTI.

Enter a value of up to 32 characters in length.

Performance Monitor Enables or disables performance monitoring on an ODUk controller.
Signal Degrade Threshold

Configures the signal degrade threshold value.

The values are: E6, E7, E8, and E9.

Expected SAPI Configures the current source access point identifier of the TTI. Enter a value of up to 14 bytes in length.
Expected DAPI Configures the current destination access point identifier of the TTI. Enter a value of up to 14 bytes in length.
Expected Operator Specific String Type Configures the type of the operator-specific string of the TTI as hexadecimal or ASCII type.
Expected Operator Specific String

Configures the operator-specific string of the TTI.

Enter a value of up to 32 characters in length.

Step 8

Click Save to deploy the updated configuration to the device.

Step 9

(Optional) To verify, view the selected device’s TCM parameters in the Configuration tab, under Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > TCM Configuration.

Step 10

(Optional) You can view these updated TCM and TTI parameters in the Device Details and Port 360 view of the selected device. See View Device Details and View a Specific Device's Interfaces: Device 360 View.

Step 11

(Optional) The TCM parameters are also represented on the network topology overlay. To view these parameters, navigate to Maps > Network Topology and select an optical circuit with these associated TCM parameters.

Change the Port Mode/Payload and Breakout Settings

Using the Device Configuration tab, you can view and modify the type of the payload for packets on SONET and SDH interfaces and enable breakout on them. Before changing the payload setting, ensure that the device is in sync with Cisco EPN Manager. Enabling breakout on your optical devices utilizes the multilane architecture of the optics and cables to enable you to split single higher density ports into multiple higher density ports. For example, a 100G port can be configured to operate as ten different 10G ports. Or a single 40G port can act as four different 10G ports.

To change the payload and breakout setting on an interface:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.

Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning.

Step 5

Depending on the type of device that you have selected, choose Payload Type or Port Mode.

Step 6

Click the name (hyperlink) of the interface that you want to modify.

Common properties of the interface such as its name and its payload type are displayed.

Step 7

Click the name (hyperlink) of the OTN interface that you want to modify and click the Edit icon.

Step 8

Make your changes to the Port Mode, Framing, Mapping Type, Rate, and Bit Rate values. Ensure that these values do not exceed the card's bandwidth limitations.

Step 9

To associate breakout lanes for Ethernet and OTN packets on this interface, click the Breakout tab. This tab is only displayed if the device has breakout pre-configured.

  1. Click the ‘+’ icon to add a new lane. You can add up to 10 lanes per controller. To modify existing lanes, click the Lane hyperlink.

  2. Specify the breakout parameters such as the lane number, the port mode and mapping type for the breakout lane, the owning port number, and the framing value.

Step 10

Click Save to deploy your changes to the device.

A pop-up notification notifies you about the status of your changes.


If the Edit task fails, check if the interface is in Managed state and ensure that Cisco EPN Manager is in sync with the device's configuration. If not, resync the device with Cisco EPN Manager. See Save Your Device Changes. You also need to ensure that the payload does not exceed the card's bandwidth limitation.


Instructions given in Steps 6–10 are not applicable for NCS2K devices.

Configure OTN Interfaces

The FEC Mode defines an OTN circuit's forward error correction (FEC) mechanism. The forward error correction (FEC) mechanism provides performance gains for improved margins and extended optical reach. To change the FEC Mode setting to Standard, you need to use the Device Configuration tab.

Before changing the FEC mode setting, ensure that the admin state of the interface you are trying to modify is in Down (out of service) state with G709 configuration enabled. To enable G709 configuration, use the OTN Lines configuration in the Chassis view.

To change the FEC mode on an interface:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning.

Step 5

Change the admin state of OTN interfaces for which FEC needs to be modified to Down. See Change the Admin Status of an Optical Interface.

Step 6

Depending on your device type, choose one of the following and select the interface you want to modify:

  • OTN Lines > OTNFEC

  • OTN > FEC

All configurable G709 enabled interfaces of the selected device are displayed.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the device's Chassis View tab, select a card from the Chassis Explorer, click the Configuration tab, and choose OTN > OTN Lines. This option enables you to configure additional parameters such as enabling the sync messages, choosing the admin SSM, enable the Provide Sync parameter, and set the G709 value to true or false.

Step 7

Select the interface you want to edit, and click the Edit icon at the top right of the window.

Step 8

Select the required FEC Mode. The default is None.

Step 9

(Cisco NCS 2000 devices only) Select the required SDBER value. Signal Degrade Bit Error Rate (SDBER) condition indicates that a signal degrade alarm will occur for line degradation based on the threshold value that you set.

Step 10

Click Save to save your changes.

A pop-up notification notifies you about the status of your changes.


If the Edit task fails, check if the interface is in Managed or Completed state and ensure that Cisco EPN Manager is in sync with the device's configuration. You also need to ensure that G709 configuration is enabled on the device. To change the admin state of the interface see, Change the Admin Status of an Optical Interface.

Enable and Disable GCC Connections

Cisco EPN Manager supports the provisioning of Generic Communication Channel (GCC) connection on the interfaces of optical devices. GCC can be configured on trunk ports of TXP or MXP cards and on OTN, OTU, and ODU controllers. The GCC configuration can be modified irrespective of the FEC modes and admin statuses configured on the interfaces.

To configure GCC on optical devices:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices. All Cisco EPN Manager devices are displayed.

Step 2

Select the optical device that you want to configure by clicking the device name hyperlink.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab and choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning.

Step 4

Depending on your device type, choose one of the following:

  • Comm Channels > GCC

  • OTN > GCC

All configurable G709 enabled interfaces of the selected device are displayed.

Step 5

Click the OTU Controllers or ODU Controllers tab based on the type of controller that you want to edit.

Step 6

To edit the GCC configuration of any of the listed controllers, click the controller’s name hyperlink.

Step 7

Click the Edit icon at the top right of the page.

Step 8

Use the GCC check box to enable or disable GCC on the selected controller. The value configured on ODU controllers is GCC1 and that on OTU controllers is GCC0.

Step 9

Click Save. Your changes are saved and the updated configuration is deployed to the device.

To verify, view the GCC parameters for the selected controller under Optical Interfaces > Provisioning.

When GCC is enabled on a Cisco NCS device with 400G-XC trunk ports, Cisco EPN Manager discovers the OUT link between the trunk ports.
Configure Squelch Mode

Using Cisco EPN Manager, you can configure different squelch modes on the interfaces of optical devices. Squelch modes help shut down the far-end laser in response to certain defects. Squelch modes can be configured on OCH, OTN, SONET or SDH, FC or FICON, Ethernet, Video, and Data Storage interfaces of optical devices.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab.

For Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices, this choice is under the Logical View tab that is at the top of the Device Details page.
Step 4

Choose Optical Interfaces > Provisioning > Squelch Mode.

Step 5

Choose the interface that that you want to configure by clicking the interface's name hyperlink.

The interface's name and current squelch mode setting are displayed.

Step 6

Click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the page.

Step 7

Select the required squelch mode for the interface. Your options are:

  • DISABLE- Squelch is disabled.

  • AIS- Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) is enabled.

  • NONE- Transparent mode is enabled.

  • SQUELCH- Squelch is enabled.


  • G_AIS- Generis AIS is enabled.

  • NOS- Squelch is disabled in FC payloads.

  • LF

Step 8

Click Save.

Your changes are saved and the updated configuration is deployed to the device. To verify, view the squelch mode parameters of the selected interface under Optical Interfaces > Squelch Mode.

Configure Squelch Mode and Hold Off Timer for NCS 1004 interfaces

Squelch modes help shut down the far-end laser in response to certain defects. To configure squelch mode and hold off time for NCS 1004 interfaces:


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Click the device hyperlink to launch its Device Details page.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab and select the Ethernet tab.

Step 4

Select the interface that you want to edit and click the Edit icon.

The Edit Ethernet Controller window appears.

Step 5

Select a Squelch Mode from the drop down list.

Step 6

Enter the Hold Off Timer.

The hold off time ranges from 0 to 3000 milliseconds.

Step 7

Click Apply.

Example: Change the Admin Status for Cisco NCS 2006 Interface

This example illustrates how to change the admin status for a Cisco NCS 2006 VLINE interface. In this example, the configuration change is launched from the Device Details page, but under the Logical View tab. (For other devices, configuration changes are performed under the Configuration tab.)


Step 1

On the Device Details page under the Logical View tab, click the hyperlink for the interface you want to edit.

Step 2

In the interface's Common Properties window, click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the window.

Step 3

Choose a new setting from the Admin Status drop-down list, then click Save.

Configure Devices Using the Chassis View

You can configure devices and cards from the devices' Chassis View. This can only be done from the Configuration sub-tab in the Chassis View. The sub-tabs are displayed depending on the type of device you select in the Network Devices page.


This feature is available only for Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices.


Step 1

From the left sidebar, choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device's name hyperlink. The Chassis View tab for the device appears.

Step 3

In the right pane, click the Configuration sub-tab.

Step 4

Expand the General area, and then enter the details of the device such as the node name, node alias, and select the location where you want to provision the device.

Step 5

Set up the synchronization time for the device to synchronize with its associated controllers. You can either use the NTP/SNTP server time or set up a manual date and time for synchronization.

Step 6

Check the Enable Manual Cooling check box to manually change the cooling profile of the device. The cooling profile allows you to control the speed of the fans in the device’s shelf.

Step 7

Click Apply. The changes in the settings are updated.

Step 8

Expand the Network area, select the network setting you want to modify, and then click the edit icon at the top left of the Network area. The Edit Network General Settings window appears.

Step 9

Modify the required settings, and then click Apply.


You cannot modify the Node Address, Net/SubnetMask Length, Mask, and MAC Address of the device.

Step 10

Configure security settings for a device. See Create and Manage Users and User Logins for a Device.

Step 11

Configure the origination (TX) and termination (RX) patchcords for a device. See Configure Patchcords for a Device.

Step 12

Configure the alien wavelength for a device. See Configure GMPLS and WSON Properties.

Create and Manage Users and User Logins for a Device

Use this procedure to create users and assign roles to manage a device. You can also view the list of users who are accessing the device at a time.


Step 1

From the left sidebar, choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device's name hyperlink. The Chassis View tab for the device appears.

Step 3

In the right pane, click the Configuration sub-tab, and then expand the Security area.

Step 4

In the Users tab, click the + icon to add a user.

Step 5

Enter the user name.

Step 6

From the Security Level drop-down list, choose one of the following options:

  • Retriever—Users with this security level can view and retrieve information from the device, but cannot modify the configuration.

  • Maintenance—Users with this security level can retrieve information from the device and perform limited maintenance operations such as card resets, Manual/Force/Lockout on cross-connects or in protection groups, and BLSR maintenance.

  • Provisioning—Users with this security level can perform all maintenance operations and provisioning actions except those that are restricted to super users.

  • Super User—Users with this security level can perform all provisioning user actions, plus creating and deleting user security profiles, setting basic system parameters such as time, date, node name, and IP address, and doing database backup and restoration.

Step 7

Enter your password, and then click Save. The user is added to the Users table.

You can select a user to edit or delete the user. However, you cannot edit the user name. Moreover, you cannot delete a user who has added the device to Cisco EPN Manager.

In the Security area, click the ActiveLogins tab to view the list of users who have logged in to the device using CTC, TL1 session, or Cisco EPN Manager. You can choose to logout a user or multiple users when the maximum login sessions for a device is reached.

Configure Patchcords for a Device

The client card trunk ports and the DWDM filter ports can be located in different nodes or in the same single-shelf or multi-shelf node. A virtual link is required between the client card trunk ports and the DWDM filter ports. The internal patchcords provide virtual links between the two sides of a DWDM shelf, either in single-shelf or multishelf node. The patchcords are bidirectional, however, each direction is managed as a separate patchcord.

This feature is only supported on Cisco NCS 2000 and  Cisco ONS devices.

This procedure explains how to configure internal patchcords using the Chassis View using ANS (automatic node setup) for WDMs (wavelength division multiplexing). You can use the Chassis View to create and delete these internal patchcords. To configure origination (TX) and termination (RX) patchcords for a device:


Step 1

In the left sidebar, choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device's name hyperlink. The Chassis View tab for the device appears.

Step 3

In the right pane, click the Configuration subtab, and then expand the Internal.patchcord area.

Step 4

Click the + icon, and then choose the required origination (TX) and termination (RX) patchcords for the device.

Step 5

Click Finish. The patchcords are added to the Internal Patchcords table.


Once you have created the patchcord, you cannot modify it. However, you can delete it.

You can select a patchcord or multiple patchcords in the Internal Patchcords table to view the direction of the patchcords in the Chassis View of the device, which is displayed in the left pane (as shown in the figure below).

External Patchcords

External patch cords are required when the transponders or ITU-T line cards are installed in a device that does not house the OCH filter ports. You can configure the external patch cords using only the NCS 2000 Cisco Transport Controller. These patch cords then appear in the EPN Manager as OTS links.

This feature is only supported on Cisco NCS 2000 and Cisco ONS devices.

The following procedure explains how to view external patchcords using the Chassis View:


Step 1

In the left sidebar, choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device name's hyperlink. The Chassis View tab for the device appears.

Step 3

In the right pane, click the Configuration subtab, and then expand the Maintenance area.

Step 4

Click the External Patchcords subtab.

Configure a Protection Group for a Shelf in a Device

Use this procedure to create a protection group for a shelf in a device.


You cannot configure a protection group for a rack.

Before you begin

Following are the prerequisites before creating a protection group for a shelf:

  • To create a Y Cable protection group, ensure that two cards of the same type that are configured with client ports are plugged in to the same shelf.

  • To create a Splitter protection group, ensure that at least one OTU2XP card that is configured with trunk port 3-1 and trunk 4-1, is plugged in to the shelf.


Step 1

From the left sidebar, choose Configuration > Network Devices.

Step 2

Select the device that you want to configure by clicking the device's name hyperlink. The Chassis View tab for the device appears.

Step 3

Expand the Chassis View Explorer, and then select the shelf for which you want to configure the protection group.

Step 4

In the right pane, click the Configuration sub-tab, and then expand the Protection area.

Step 5

Click the + icon to open the Create Protection Group window.

Step 6

From the Type drop-down list, choose one of the following protection type:

  • Splitter—This protection type is applicable only when a MXPP/TXPP card is used. These cards provides splitter (line-level) protection (trunk protection typically on TXPP or MXPP transponder cards).

  • Y Cable—This protection type is applicable only when two transponder or two muxponder cards that are configured with client ports, are plugged in to the same shelf in a device.

Step 7

Choose a protect port and a working port for the shelf.


You will be able to select these ports only if you have completed the prerequisites listed at the beginning of this procedure.

Step 8

Choose if the protection type is unidirectional or bidirectional. In the bidirectional mode, a failure on a active interface triggers a switchover of the traffic from the active interface to the protecting/backup interface.

Step 9

Click the Revertive toggle radio button to revert the shelf from the protected port to the original port after the failure is fixed.

Step 10

Choose the hold off time in milliseconds. Hold off time is the period that the shelf on the protected port must wait before switching to the original port after the failure is fixed. The shelf can revert to the original port after the hold time expires. The minimum value of hold off time must be 0.5.

Step 11

Click Apply. The protection group is added to the Protection table.

Configure Line Card Operating Mode

To configure the NCS1K4-OTN-XP card operating mode for NCS 1004 devices and to activate or deactivate a line card:


Step 1

Launch the Chassis View as described in Open the Chassis View.

Step 2

Click the Configuration tab from the window displayed on the right.

Step 3

Expand the Line Card Operating Mode sub-tab.

Step 4

To edit the line card operating mode, select the card operating mode and click Edit.

Step 5

Select the Card Operating Mode from the drop-down list and assign the desired action to it from the Action drop-down list.

Step 6

Click Apply to deploy the changes.

Configure Slices

Using Cisco EPN Manager you can configure the slice by controlling the bitrate on the client and trunk ports and by configuring the FEC and encryption types for each slice.

You must configure the five client ports of the slice at the same bitrate. Also, ensure that both trunk ports are always set to the same FEC mode.


Slice configuration is currently only supported for Cisco NCS 1002 and NCS 1004 devices.

Configure Slices for NCS 1002 Devices

To configure the slice for Cisco NCS 1002 device:


Step 1

Launch the Chassis View as described in Open the Chassis View.

Step 2

Click the Configuration tab from the window displayed on the right.

Step 3

Expand the Slice Configuration sub-tab.

Step 4

To add new slice configuration, click the + (Add) button and specify the following details:

Slice Configuration Parameters Descriptions
Slice Number Numerical value that represents the Slice ID. You can create only one set of configuration per slice.
Client Bitrate Total number of bits per second (in gigabits per second) to be configured on the client ports of the slice.
Trunk Bitrate Total number of bits per second (in gigabits per second) to be configured on the trunk ports of the slice.

FEC value to be set on the trunk ports.

Before changing the FEC mode setting, ensure that the admin state of the interface you are trying to modify is in Down (out of service) state with G709 configuration enabled.

Encryption Configures the slice to function with encrypted or unencrypted traffic.
Step 5

Click Apply to deploy the changes to the device immediately.

You can add only one set of parameters per slice and not all parameters are editable once saved. To edit the parameters, delete the configuration for the slice and add it again.


The slice configuration cannot be deleted if the admin state is UP.

Configure Slices for NCS 1004 Devices

To configure the slice for NCS1004 devices:


Step 1

Launch the Chassis View as described in Open the Chassis View.

Step 2

From the Chassis Explorer, select the slot that you want to configure.

Step 3

Click the Configuration tab from the window displayed on the right.

Step 4

Expand the Slice Configuration sub-tab.

Step 5

From the Card Mode drop-down list select the applicable option.

The available options are Slice Mode, Muxponder Mode, and Regen Mode.

Step 6

To add new slice configuration, click the + (Add) button and specify the following details:

Slice Configuration Parameters Descriptions
Slice Number Numerical value that represents the Slice ID. This value cannot be changed for NCS 1004 devices.
Client Bitrate Total number of bits per second (in gigabits per second) to be configured on the client ports of the slice. The options available to select from are 100GE and OTU4. 100GE is applicable for both Slice Mode and Muxponder Mode. OTU4 is only applicable for Muxponder Mode.
Trunk Bitrate Total number of bits per second (in gigabits per second) to be configured on the trunk ports of the slice.

When in Regen Mode the Trunk Bitrate is only applicable for configuration.

Step 7

Click Apply to deploy the changes to the device immediately.

You can add only one set of parameters per slice and not all parameters are editable once saved. To edit the parameters, delete the configuration for the slice and add it again.


The slice configuration cannot be deleted if the admin state is UP.

Configure Interfaces from the Device Details Page

Complete the following procedure to configure an interface from the Device Details page:


Step 1

With a device’s Chassis View open, click the Launch Configuration link.

The Device Details page opens.

Step 2

Click the Logical View tab.

Step 3

From the Features pane, choose Interfaces > the interface type you want to configure.

Step 4

Complete the instructions specific to the interface type you chose to add or edit an interface (see Configure Interfaces).

Update Cisco NCS 1000 Interface Settings

You can quickly update the Admin Status, Wavelength (nm), and Loopback settings for interfaces configured on a Cisco NCS 1000 Series device from its Device Details page. To do so, complete the following procedure.


Step 1

Open the Device Details page for a Cisco NCS 1000 Series device, as described in Get Complete Device Information: Device Details Page.

Step 2

Click the Configuration tab.

The page updates, displaying 3 sub-tabs: Optics, Ethernet, and Coherent DSP.

Step 3

Click the sub-tab for the interface type you want to update.

Step 4

Make the necessary changes:

Method 1

  1. In the interfaces table, locate the interface you want to update.

  2. Click the parameter you want to change to open a drop-down list.

  3. Choose the value you want to set, then click Save.

Method 2

  1. Click the radio button for the interface you want to update, then click the pencil (Edit) icon.

    The Edit interface type dialog box opens.

  2. Choose the value you want to set from the available drop-down lists, then click Apply.

  3. Click OK to confirm your changes.

Note the following:

  • For Optics interfaces:

    • You can update the Admin Status and Wavelength (nm) parameters.

    • You can only set a new wavelength value if the Optics Type parameter is set to DWDM.

  • For Coherent DSP and Ethernet interfaces:

    • You can update the Admin Status and Loopback parameters.

    • You can only set a new loopback value if the Admin Status parameter is set to Testing.

    • If you set the Loopback parameter to Line, Cisco EPN Manager applies the same configuration applied for a facility loopback. A facility loopback tests the line interface unit (LIU) of a card, the electrical interface assembly (EIA), and related cabling.

    • If you set the Loopback parameter to Internal