
This appendix offers troubleshooting steps to help solve problems while using HCM Service Assurance. This appendix includes the following troubleshooting information:


Troubleshooting HCM Service Assurance

Frequently Asked Questions

Error Messages

Log Files

Configuration Files


Troubleshooting involves:

1. Identifying the source of the problem—Which devices, links, interfaces, hosts, or applications have the problem?

2. Locating the problem on the network—On what VLAN, subnet, or segment is the problem occurring?

3. Comparing current network performance against an established baseline—Is the performance better or worse?

4. Finding out when the problem started—When did you first see the problem? Is it recurring?

5. Determining the extent of the problem—How widespread is the problem? Is it getting worse?

Troubleshooting HCM Service Assurance

You can use HCM Service Assurance server log files to troubleshoot your system. See Log Files for a list of server logs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are FAQs about HCM Service Assurance:

Q. Can I use the sort option in all columns in portlets?

A. No. You cannot use the sort option in all columns in portlets. You cannot sort the Customers and the Privilege columns in the User Administration portlet.

Note You can sort the User ID column in the User Administration portlet.

Q. Can I change the collection interval?

A. Yes. The default collection interval is five minutes for CUOM, UCSM, and vCenter. You can configure the collection interval in the Configuration portlet.

Q. What is the default refresh frequency for all portlets?

A. The default refresh frequency for all portlets is five minutes. You can configure the refresh frequency of a portlet in the Configuration portlet. For more information, see Configuring Portlet Refresh Frequency

The Refresh option is not available for the Diagnostics Test portlet.

Q. How long will HCM Service Assurance take to reflect the newly added customer details?

A. For the Alarm Summary and Phone Summary portlets, a new customer is reflected after the collection interval.

Q. What is the default timeout value for the diagnostics test execution?

A. The default timeout value for the diagnostics test is four minutes. It can be configured in the file in the JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy\ROOT.war\WEB-INF directory.

You must restart the HCM server after you change the timeout value.

Q. How can I configure the session timeout value in HCM Service Assurance?

A. You can configure the session timeout value in the web.xml file. The default session timeout value is 60 minutes. For more information, see Configuring Session Timeout Value.

Q. Why is the UCSM blade failure alarm not shown in HCM Service Assurance?

A. UCSM blade failure alarm will not be shown in HCM Service Assurance if:

VMware HA is enabled and the UCS blade on which the monitored VM resides, fails.

VMware HA moves the VM to another UCS blade.

To resolve this problem:

1. Configure VMware HA alarm in vCenter.

This alarm is generated when a VM is moved by VMware HA.

HCM Service Assurance displays this alarm in vCenter alarms for the corresponding VM.

2. Check for UCSM alarms whenever VMware HA alarm is generated for a VM.

Q. Why is the red icon displayed in the Domain Manager Specific Alarms table, even after configuring UCSM for a customer with valid UCSM host IP address and credentials?

A. You must check whether vCenter is configured for the same customer. If vCenter is not configured, you must configure vCenter. For configuring vCenter, see Configuring vCenter.

Q. Why is Diagnostics Test not working, even after configuring CUOM correctly?

A. Check the IP address that you entered in the WSN_CONSUMER_IPADDRESS field in the file. If the IP address is wrong, edit the WSN_CONSUMER_IPADDRESS field and enter the correct IP address.

The file is available in the HCM_Root_Directory/thirdparty/jboss/server/default/conf/portal_props directory. You must clear the browser cache before logging into HCM Service Assurance.

Q. Sometimes there is a discrepancy between the count shown in HCM Service Assurance and the count shown in the corresponding domain manager page that is cross-launched. Why does this discrepancy exist?

A. HCM Service Assurance collects data based on the collection frequency. If the count changes after data collection, the updated count is reflected in HCM Service Assurance only during the next collection. The domain manager page, which is cross-launched, displays the most-current count.

Q. Sometimes the fault time indicator, time stamp and alarm count displayed in the Aggregated Data Center does match with the data dislayed in the details box. Why does this happen?

A. Fault count indicator, time stamp, and alarm count that is displayed in the Aggregated Data Center portlet pane do not reflect the updated data automatically after polling. The time stamp, fault count indicator, and alarm count that is displayed next to the IP address indicate the updated data, after polling. As a workaround, to sync up the alarm count, refresh manually or wait for an auto-refresh.

Q. Some devices that I added are missing from the Devices drop-down list in Edit/Delete Devices screen. Why does this happen?

A. The server time of HCM and CUOM are not synchronized. Run the Network Time Protocol (NTP) program on both CUOM and HCM.

Q. Why am I not able to add domain manager CUOM?

A. The super admin credentials that you specify for CUOM must always be admin/admin. If you specified different credentials, change them at the following path.

Go to HCM_Install_Directory/thirdparty/jboss/server/default/conf/portal_props/ and change values in the file. Specify the username against SUPER_ADMIN_USER and the password against SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD. Restart HCM server.

Error Messages

This section describes the HCM Service Assurance error messages and recommended solutions.

Error Message    Authentication failed, please try again.

Recommended Action    You have entered an invalid password in the HCM login page. Enter a valid password.

Error Message    Please enter a valid log-in.

Recommended Action    Check whether you entered a valid username in the HCM login page.

Error Message    Fields cannot be empty. Please enter details to continue.

Recommended Action    Enter details in the mandatory fields in the Add Customer dialog box. For more information, see Adding a Customer

Error Message    Please select the customer(s) required.

Recommended Action    Select a customer from the Available Customers list in the User Configuration dialog box when you create a user. For more information, see Adding a User

Error Message    Please select any one of the customer.

Recommended Action    Select a customer and then select the cross-launch option in the Customer Cross Launch portlet.

Error Message    Invalid URL!! Please enter a valid URL.

Recommended Action    Enter a valid URL in the Add dialog box. The URL must start with either http:// or https://. For more information, see Adding a URL.

Troubleshooting Customer Onboarding Error Messages

Validation Errors

The following errors appear during validation because of incorrect entries in the Customer Onboard spreadsheet. You can download a spreadsheet that contains a list of errors The name of file is prefixed with `errored'. The errors are listed in the Remarks column.

If you added devices to a particular customer in CUOM, and the operation was partially successful, delete manually all the devices that were added to CUOM. Correct the entries in the spreadsheet and thentry again.

Note Association between customer and user will be seen only after you move the added devices to Monitored/Partially Monitored state. If device addition fails, the mapping will not be shown.
Error Message    Please add <Missing_Sheet name>  sheet(s) to proceed Customer 

Recommended Action    Check whether all pre-defined sheets are present (CustomerInfo, DomainManagers, VCenterVMs, DeviceInfo, DeviceProtocolInfo). You must add the missing sheet in the main Customer Onboard spreadsheet. If the sheet is present, the name you specified for the sheet is incorrect. Correct the name of the worksheet.

Error Message    Invalid Domain Manager.

Explanation    Name of the domain manager specified is incorrect.

Recommended Action    Change the name of the domain manager specified in the DomainManagers sheet to any pre-defined Domain Manager type specified in Customer On Boarding Spreadsheet.

Error Message    Duplicate Customer.

Explanation    The name of the customer has to be unique. You have duplicate entries for a certain customer in the CustomerInfo sheet.

Recommended Action    Change one of the names to a unique name.

Error Message    Duplicate Customer DM combination.

Explanation    Duplication of a customer-domain manager combination. There can be only one instance of a particular combination of customer and a domain manager. A customer name can be associated with a domain manager only once.

Recommended Action    Specify a unique customer-domain manager combination.

Error Message    Admin username or password is empty.

Explanation    Either the admin username or password is blank for a domain manager in DomainManagers sheet.

Recommended Action    Provide the necessary data.

Error Message    Invalid Auth Type.

Recommended Action    Specify the device authentication type as either MD5 or SHA in DeviceInfo sheet.

Error Message    DeviceInfo not found for customer device combination.

Explanation    Details of device not found in the DeviceInfo sheet, but entry exists in the DeviceProtocolInfo sheet.

Recommended Action    Specify details of the device in the DeviceInfo sheet.

Processing Errors

The following section explains the errors that occured during processing the request to add the data to the database. An error message appears and you can download a spreadsheet. The name of file is prefixed with `errored'. The errors are listed in the Remarks column.

Error Message    Error while adding Admin User in DomainManagers sheet.

Explanation    The admin user or operator user that you have entered against CUOM is already present in the database.

Recommended Action    Add a different user.

Error Message    Exception will be shown in the respective sheet 

Explanation    An exception occured while adding customer or domain manager to the database. This error may also occur if the database is down.

Recommended Action    Bring the database up.

Error Message    Customer already exists for <customer name> in CustomerInfo sheet.

Explanation    Customer name already exists in database.

Recommended Action    Specify a different customer name.

Error Message    Exception will be shown in the DomainManagers sheet and DeviceInfo 

Explanation    For example, errors in DeviceInfo sheet:

RequestId[AddDevice_distinct IP Address],Reason[Device[IP Address] already exists in the system.]

For example, errors in DomainManager sheet

Device addition failed for customer: customer_name

Following devices got error while adding to CUOM - <device_IP_address>

Recommended Action    Add a device with unique IP address.

Error Message    Exception will be shown in the DomainManagers sheet and DeviceInfo 

Error in DomainManagers sheet:

Device addition failed for customer: customer_name

Following devices got error while adding to CUOM - <Device IP address>

Error in DeviceInfo sheet:

RequestId[AddDevice IP Address],Reason[The server has received more requests than supported.]

WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed.

Recommended Action    Try again, later.

Error Message    Error while adding Admin User for Customer <Error Message>. 

Explanation    The exact error message from CUOM will be appended with this error message. This exception appears when there is an error while adding admin user or operator user to CUOM .

Recommended Action    See CUOM user documents for details.

Log Files

The log file logs details of all report generation requests and user authorization requests. This helps you to debug the application.

HCM Service Assurance maintains separate log files for UI, Schedulers, CUOM, synchronous and notification Web Services components. The log files are stored in JBOSS_HOME\server\default\log\msdtportal directory.

The following log files are available:



mswsomclient.log—Web services OM logs

mswsnotifyclient.log—Web services OM notification

mswsvcclient.log—Web services vCenter logs

mswsucsmclient.log—Web services UCSM logs

msdcnmlanclient.log—Web services DCNM-LAN

msdcnmsanclient.log—Web services DCNM-SAN

Note The default size of a log file is 10 MB. A separate log file is created when the first log file exceeds 10 MB. A maximum of two log files are maintained and older log files are recycled.

Configuration Files

The configuration file allows you to configure properties in HCM Service Assurance. HCM Service Assurance maintains separate configuration files for CUOM, UCSM, vCenter, Schedulers, ACS, cross-launch and portal properties.

Note You must restart the HCM server after you modify the values in the configuration file.

The following configuration files are available in HCM_Install_Directory\thirdparty\jboss\server\default\conf\portal_props directory:—CUOM Web services configuration—UCSM Web services configuration—vCenter Web services configuration

msscheduler-config.xml—Thread and polling configuration—DCNM-SAN web services configuration—DCNM-LAN web services configuration

The following configuration files are available in HCM_Install_Directory\jboss\server\default\deploy\ROOT.war\WEB-INF directory:—ACS configuration—Cross-launch port and protocol configuration—Diagnostics timeout configuration—DCNM-SAN web services configuration—DCNM-LAN web services configuration