Working with Portlets


This chapter describes all portlets available in HCM Service Assurance. It includes:

Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets

Administration Portlets

Service Assurance Portlets


Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets

The Filter option allows you to narrow down the displayed data. Filtering provides a quick and easy way to identify a specific record that matches the given criteria provided by you. The following are the three filtering types:

Quick Filter

Filter by Example

Advanced Filter

The Filter option is available in the following portlets:

Customer Administration Launch Point

Customer Cross Launch

Quick Launch

User Administration

Aggregated Data Center

Alarm Summary

Phone Summary

Quick Filter

Quick Filter uses commonly used criteria for a given portlet as a set of preset filters. The preset filters list is displayed in the Show drop-down list in the portlet toolbar. The Show drop-down list consists of the following options:

Manage Preset Filters—Allows you to edit or remove a preset filter. See Managing Preset Filters

All—Allows you to clear the filter and retrieve the non-filtered data.

Lists the preset filters.

To filter data in a portlet using the Quick Filter option:

Step 1 Click the Show drop-down list.

Step 2 Select one of the preset filters.

To create a preset filter, see Advanced Filter

The data appears according to the preset filter you selected.

Managing Preset Filters

To manage quick filters:

Step 1 Select Manage Preset Filters from the Show drop-down list.

The Manage Preset Filters dialog box appears.

Step 2 Select a preset filter.

Step 3 Click Edit to edit the preset filter or click Remove to remove the preset filter.

Step 4 Click Cancel to close the Manage Preset Filters dialog box.

Filter by Example

To filter data in a portlet using the Filter by Example option:

Step 1 Click Filter from the portlet toolbar, or click the Filter drop-down arrow and then select Filter by Example.

A text field appears in the column header. The number of text fields depend on the number of column headers.

Step 2 Enter the filtering criteria in the text field. This field is case sensitive.

The data in the portlet starts filtering as you type.

To clear the filter and retrieve non-filtered data, click the Close button that appears in the text field after you type the filtering criteria.

Advanced Filter

To filter data in a portlet using the Advanced Filter option:

Step 1 Click the Filter drop-down arrow.

Step 2 Select Advanced Filter.

A row appears, in which you can create a rule for filtering and then add the rule as a preset filter.

Step 3 To create a rule and then save the rule as a quick filter:

a. In the first column dropdown, select a filtering option.

Filtering options differ from portlet to portlet. To see the filtering options specific to a portlet, see the Filtering Types and Options table in the corresponding portlet section.

b. Select a relational operator from the second column drop-down list.

Relational operators differ from portlet to portlet. To see the relational operators specific to a portlet, see the Filtering Types and Options table in the corresponding portlet section.

c. Enter the filtering criteria in the text field in the third column.

d. Click Go.

The data appears according to the rule.

e. Click Save to add this rule as a preset filter.

The Save Preset Filter dialog box appears.

You can also click Clear Filter to clear the filter and retrieve the non-filtered data.

f. Enter a name for the quick filter in the Filter Name field.

g. Click Save.

The rule is saved as a preset filter and will appear in the Show drop-down list in the portlet toolbar.

Step 4 Click the Add Criteria button to create another rule.

You can add multiple rules.

Another row appears where you can create another rule for filtering. Go to Step 3 and follow the steps to create a rule and then save the rule as a preset filter.

You can delete the rule created by clicking the Remove Criteria button.

When you create multiple rules, the Match drop-down list appears. This allows you to select a single rule or select all rules. The options in the Match drop-down list are All and Any.

Administration Portlets

An admin user can view and modify all portlets. The Administration portlets allow you to view all customers and cross-launch CUOM, vCenter, and web pages for customer-centric views. The following are the Administration portlets:

Customer Administration Launch Point Portlet

Customer Cross Launch Portlet

Configuration Portlet

Quick Launch Portlet

User Administration Portlet

Customer Administration Launch Point Portlet

To view the Customer Administration Launch Point portlet, go to Administration > Customer Administration Launch Point.

The Customer Administration Launch Point portlet allows admin users to configure customer details. As an admin user, you can cross-launch to the domain managers from the portlet. This section includes:

UI Options

Filtering Types and Options

Adding a Customer

Adding Customer Data in Bulk

Customer Cross Launch Portlet

Editing a Customer

Deleting a Customer

Viewing a Customer

Configuring Domain Managers

Editing Domain Manager Details

Deleting a Domain Manager

Viewing Domain Manager Details

Adding Devices to a Customer

UI Options

Table 2-1 explains the UI options available in the Customer Administration Launch Point portlet.

The UI options in the portlet toolbar appear according to the screen resolution. The screen resolution used is 1024 by 768 pixels.

Table 2-1 Customer Administration Launch Point Portlet UI Options 

UI Option


Allows you to filter the data displayed in the portlet. See Table 2-2 for the list of filtering types and corresponding options available in the portlet.

Add Customer

Allows you to add a new customer.

Edit Customer

Allows you to edit customer details.

Delete Customer

Allows you to delete customer details.

View Customer

Allows you to view customer details.

Add Domain

Allows you to add domain manager credentials.

Edit Domain

Allows you to edit domain manager credentials.

Delete Domain

Allows you to delete domain manager credentials.

View Domain

Allows you to view domain manager credentials.

Customer On-board

Allows you to import customer data using a spreadsheet.

Filtering Types and Options

See Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets to understand the Filter option. Table 2-2 lists the filtering types and corresponding options available in the Customer Administration Launch Point portlet.

Table 2-2 Filtering Types and Options 

Filter Types

Filter by Example

Column Header Text Field


Advanced Filter

Filter Dropdown


Relational Operators


Does not contain

Does not equal

Ends with

Is empty

Is exactly (or equals)

Is not empty

Starts with

Text Field

Enter the filtering parameters.

Adding a Customer

To add a customer:

Step 1 Click Add Customer from portlet toolbar.

The Customer Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 2 Enter the customer name in the Customer Name field. This is a mandatory field.

Step 3 (Optional) Enter the description.

Step 4 Click OK.

The customer is added successfully.

An error message appears and the customer will not be added if:

You try to add a duplicate customer.

You do not enter the customer name in the Customer Name field.

Step 5 Click Cancel to close the Customer Configuration dialog box.

Adding Customer Data in Bulk

You can add the details of several customers in a single step. You can add the names of the customers, their credentials and domain manager details in a spreadsheet. You can directly log on to CUOM 8.6, using the same credentials.

Later, if you need to, you can change the credentials for a customer, using the HCM interface. This feature allows you to upload the data of up to 500 customers in a single step. To troubleshoot errors in uploading data, see "Troubleshooting".

You must follow these guidelines while you prepare the spreadsheet:

Every combination of customer name and domain manager name must be unique.

Fill out the DeviceInfo worksheet before you fill out the DeviceProtocolInfo worksheet.

You can add AVMs only if you add VMs in the DomainManagers worksheet.

Device information and IP address must be unique.

Specify the Admin user and operator user IDs for the domain manager CUOM in the DomainManagers worksheet.

To do this, enter the details of customer in a spreadsheet that contains the columns and create a worksheet for each of the heading in bold. See Table 2-3 for details.

The spreadsheet and the worksheets must be in the order specified below. Follow the naming conventions exactly as mentioned in this document. Every column that contains data must have an appropriate heading as outlined below.

Table 2-3 Customer On Boarding Spreadsheet

Column Name



Name of the customer


Description for customer.


Remarks, if any.



Name of the customer


Domain manager type. This can be any one of the following:







IP address of the device


Admin username.


Admin password.


Operator username.


Operator password.


Username of Java Telephony API (JTAPI).


Password of JTAPI.


Helper Phone 1 is one of the alternative phone number used to test the configured customer line.


Helper Phone 2 is another alternative phone number used to test the configured customer line.


Number of the public switched telephone network (PSTN).


IP address of the nearest IP Service Level Agreement (IPSLA) device.



Name of the customer.


Name of domain manager.


Remarks, if any.



Name of the customer


Device IP.


Name of DNS.


Private IP address.


Private DNS name.


Enter version—can be 1,2 or 3.


Enter read-only community.


Enter read-write community.


SNMP v3 username.


Authorization type—MD5 or SHA.


Authorization password.


Privilege type.


Privilege password.


Remarks, if any.



Name of the customer.


Device IP.


Protocol information.






Port number.


Remarks, if any.

Step 1 Go to Administration> Customer Administration Launch point.

Step 2 Click Customer Onboard.

A dialog box appears

Step 3 Import the excel sheet that contains the details of customer from this dialog box.

The status of the operation appears.

If the operation is successful, the following message appears:

Validation Success. Please click the On-board status button to get the status.

If the operation fails, the following message appears:

Validation Failed. Please click the download link for downloading the error file.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Click to expand menu items.

Step 6 Click on Onboard Status to view the status of the operation.

If the operation was not successful, an error message appears. Click Download.

A spreadsheet with errors in Remarks column gets downloaded.

If the error appeared because of an invalid entry in the spreadsheet, the same file will be updated.

If the error appeared because of processing problems the file with be prefixed with `errored'.

Note If you are viewing using Internet Explorer, the error file has the extension .zip. Click Save, change the extension to .xls, and save it in your local drive.

Editing a Customer

To edit a customer:

Step 1 Select a customer.

Step 2 Click and select Edit Customer.

The Customer Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Edit the description.

You cannot edit the customer name.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Click Cancel to close the Customer Configuration dialog box.

Deleting a Customer

To delete a customer:

Step 1 Select a customer. You can select one customer or multiple customers.

Step 2 Click and select Delete Customer.

The following message appears in the dialog box.

Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer(s)?

Step 3 Click OK. To cancel the operation, go to Step 4.

The customer details are deleted from the HCM database.

If the portlet is open, the new data will not be reflected until the server is refreshed or a new session is opened.

An error appears if the customer you are trying to delete has devices associated with CUOM. You have to first manually delete the devices, and then delete the customer. If no devices are associated, the customer is deleted and users are deleted from CUOM.

Step 4 Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Viewing a Customer

To view a customer:

Step 1 Select a customer. You can select only one customer.

Step 2 Click and select View Customer.

The Customer Configuration dialog box appears, displaying the details of the selected customer.

Step 3 Click Close to close the Customer Configuration dialog box.

Configuring Domain Managers

You can configure domain managers in the Customer Administration Launch Point portlet. This section includes:

Configuring CUOM

Configuring UCSM

Configuring vCenter

Configuring DCNM-LAN Configuring DCNM-LAN

Configuring DCNM-SANConfiguring DCNM-SAN

Configuring CUOM

To be able to add domain manager CUOM, ensure that the super admin credentials are admin/admin. If you specified different credentials, do the following to change them:

Step 1 Go to HCM_Install_Directory/thirdparty/jboss/server/default/conf/portal_props/ and change values in the file.

Step 2 Specify the username against SUPER_ADMIN_USER and the password against SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

Step 3 Restart the server.

To configure CUOM:

Step 1 Select a customer.

Step 2 Click and select Add Domain.

The Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Select CUOM from the Select Domain Manager Name drop-down list.

Step 4 Enter the following details in the Domain Configuration tab:

IP Address—IP address of the device.

Admin Username—CUOM admin username. Mandatory. You cannot provide the username admin for admin username since it is the ID of super user of CUOM. Admin user will be created using Network Administrator role.

The username must contain a minimum of five characters. Avoid using special characters; if you must use them, launch CUOM, and go to Administration > Server Administration (Common Services) > Security > Local User Policy Setup.

Check Allow Special Characters in Username. The special characters that are allowed are listed here within square brackets: [~], [@], [#], [_], [`], [-], [\], [/], [.], [space].

Admin Password—CUOM admin password. Mandatory. The username must contain a minimum of five characters.

Operator Username—CUOM operator username. Optional. Operator user will be created using Network Operator role.

The username must contain a minimum of five characters. Avoid using special characters; if you must use them, launch CUOM, and go to Administration > Server Administration (Common Services) > Security > Local User Policy Setup.

Check Allow Special Characters in Username. The special characters that are allowed are listed here within square brackets: [~], [@], [#], [_], [`], [-], [\], [/], [.], [space].

Operator Password—CUOM operator password. Optional. The password must contain a minimum of five characters.

Step 5 Enter the following details in the Diagnostics Configuration tab:

JTAPI Username—Username of Java Telephony API (JTAPI).

JTAPI Password—Password of JTAPI.

JTAPI supports telephony call control and is an extensible API. JTAPI is designed to scale for use in a range of domains. JTAPI can be used from first-party call control in a consumer device, to third-party call control, in large distributed call centers.

The phone tests that are run as part of batch testing and on-demand testing, take control of a real phone in the network and make a call from one phone to another phone. Phone Tests use JTAPI credentials.

While running on-demand phone tests, the JTAPI credentials must be provided in the phone test creation page. The JTAPI credentials must be configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager for Phone Tests in CUOM to work properly.

Helper Phone 1—Helper Phone 1 is one of the alternative phone number used to test the configured customer line.

Helper Phone 2—Helper Phone 2 is another alternative phone number used to test the configured customer line.

Helper Phone 1 and Helper Phone 2 are configured under the same Cisco Unified Communications Manager and are required while running Phone Tests.

Phone Number—Number of the public switched telephone network (PSTN).

Nearest IP SLA Device IP—IP address of the nearest IP Service Level Agreement (IPSLA) device.

IP SLA-based diagnostic tests can measure the performance of WAN links and node-to-node network quality. Phone status tests use IP SLA to monitor the reachability of key phones in the network.

Step 6 Click Save.

Step 7 Click Submit.

Step 8 Click Cancel to close the Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Configuring UCSM

To configure UCSM:

Step 1 Select a customer.

Step 2 Click and select Add Domain.

The Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Select UCSM from the Select Domain Manager Name drop-down list.

Step 4 Enter the following details in the Configuration area:

IP Address—IP address of the device.

Admin Username—UCSM admin username. Mandatory.

Admin Password—UCSM admin password. Mandatory.

Operator Username—UCSM operator username. Optional.

Operator Password—UCSM operator password.Optional.

Step 5 Click Save.

Step 6 Click Submit.

Step 7 Click Cancel to close the Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Configuring vCenter

To configure vCenter:

Step 1 Select a customer.

Step 2 Click and select Add Domain.

The Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Select vCenter from the Select Domain Manager Name drop-down list.

Step 4 Enter the following details in the Domain Configuration tab:

IP Address—IP address of the device.

Admin Username—vCenter admin username. Mandatory.

Admin Password—vCenter admin password. Mandatory.

Operator Username—vCenter operator username. Optional.

Operator Password—vCenter operator password. Optional.

Step 5 In the VM Configuration tab, click the Click here to get VM button.

The available virtual machines (VMs) appear in the Available VM box.

Step 6 Move the VM that you want to add, using the following options:

—Moves all VMs from the Available VM list to the Selected VM list.

—Moves a single VM from the Available VM list to the Selected VM list.

—Moves a single VM from the Selected VM list to the Available VM list.

—Moves all VMs from the Selected VM list to the Available VM list.

Step 7 Click Save.

Step 8 Click Submit.

Step 9 Click Cancel to close the Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Configuring DCNM-LAN

To configure DCNM-LAN:

Step 1 Select a customer.

Step 2 Click and select Add Domain.

The Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Select DCNM-LAN from the Select Domain Manager Name drop-down list.

Step 4 Enter the following details in the Configuration area:

IP Address—IP address of the device.

Admin Username—DCNM-LAN admin username. Mandatory.

Admin Password—DCNM-LAN admin password. Mandatory.

Operator Username—DCNM-LAN operator username. Optional.

Operator Password—DCNM-LAN operator password. Optional.

Step 5 Click Save.

Step 6 Click Submit.

Step 7 Click Cancel to close the Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Configuring DCNM-SAN

To configure DCNM-SAN:

Step 1 Select a customer.

Step 2 Click and select Add Domain.

The Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Select DCNM-SAN from the Select Domain Manager Name drop-down list.

Step 4 Enter the following details in the Configuration area:

IP Address—IP address of the device.

Admin Username—DCNM-SAN admin username. Mandatory.

Admin Password—DCNM-SAN admin password. Mandatory.

Operator Username—DCNM-SAN operator username. Optional.

Operator Password—DCNM-SAN operator password. Optional.

Step 5 Click Save.

Step 6 Click Submit.

Step 7 Click Cancel to close the Add Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Editing Domain Manager Details

To edit domain manager details:

Step 1 Select the customer whose domain manager details you want to edit.

Step 2 Select the domain manager that you want to edit from the table in the portlet.

Step 3 Click and select Edit Domain.

The Edit Domain Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 4 Edit the fields that you want to edit.

Step 5 Click Save.

Step 6 Click Submit.

Step 7 Click Cancel to close the Edit Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Deleting a Domain Manager

To delete a domain manager:

Step 1 Select the customer whose domain manager you want to delete.

Step 2 Select the domain manager that you want to delete from the table in the portlet.

Step 3 Click and select Delete Domain.

The following message appears in the confirmation window.

Are you sure you want to delete the selected domain manager(s)?

Note An error message appears if you are trying to delete domain manager CUOM when it has devices associated. You have to first manually delete the devices, and then delete the domain manager. If no devices are associated, domain manager is deleted and users are deleted from CUOM.

Step 4 Click OK. To cancel the request, go to Step 5.

Step 5 Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Viewing Domain Manager Details

To view domain manager details:

Step 1 Select the customer whose domain manager details you want to view.

Step 2 Select the domain manager for which you want to see the details.

Step 3 Click and select View Domain.

The View Domain Manager Configuration window appears and you can see the details in the domain manager. These details cannot be changed.

Step 4 Click Close to close the View Domain Manager Configuration dialog box.

Adding Devices to a Customer

To add devices to a particular customer:

Step 1 From the Customer Administration Launch Point, check the customer and CUOM against which you want to add devices.

Step 2 Click and select Add Devices.

The Add Devices screen appears.

Step 3 Enter device details. If you select the Device Type as SNMP v1 or SNMP v2, the SNMP v3 area gets dimmed.

Step 4 Click Add.

Step 5 Click Cancel.

Deleting a Device/Editing Device Details

To edit details or delete devices of a particular customer:

Step 1 From the Customer Administration Launch Point, check the customer and CUOM against which you want to delete/edit devices.

Step 2 Select the domain manager for which you want to see the details.

Step 3 Click and select Edit/Delete.

The Edit Device Configuration screen appears.

To delete a device, click Delete

To edit device details, change the device details fields appropriately. If you select the Device Type as SNMP v1 or SNMP v2, the area for enter SNMP v3 details gets dimmed.

Note If some devices that you added earlier are missing, it indicates that the server time and time zonein HCM and CUOM are not synchronized. Run the Network Time Protocol program on both HCM and CUOM.

Step 4 Click Edit.

Step 5 Click Close.

Customer Cross Launch Portlet

To view the Customer Cross Launch portlet, go to Administration > Customer Cross Launch.

The Customer Cross Launch portlet displays the list of customers configured in HCM Service Assurance. Select a customer and then select the cross-launch option. Depending on the option you choose, the corresponding domain manager web page is cross-launched.

You can cross launch an unlimited number of windows for different customers. A single session is used for all CUOM cross-launches for a customer.

Note For the UI options to be enabled, you must select a customer.

Table 2-4 explains the UI options available in the Customer Cross Launch portlet.

The UI options in the portlet toolbar appear according to the screen resolution. The screen resolution used is 1024 by 768 pixels.

Table 2-4 Customer Cross Launch Portlet UI Options

UI Option


Allows you to filter the data displayed in the portlet. See Table 2-5 for the list of filtering types and corresponding options available in the portlet.



Allows you to cross-launch the CUOM Alerts and Events page.


Allows you to cross-launch the CUOM Phone Inventory page.


Allows you to cross-launch the CUOM Service Level View.


Allows you to cross-launch the CUOM Diagnostics page.

vCenter Alarm

Allows you to cross-launch vCenter Alarms page.

UCSM Alarm

Allows you to cross-launch the UCSM Alarms page.

UCSM Chassis

Allows you to cross-launch the UCSM Chassis page.


Allows you to cross-launch the DCNM-SAN page.

Cross-Launching CUOM

To cross-launch CUOM, you must configure the port number in HCM Service Assurance. For example, if CUOM is installed in port number 443, you must configure the port number in HCM Service Assurance to 443. You can see customer-wise data after cross-launching to CUOM.

To configure the port number in HCM Service Assurance:

Step 1 Navigate to the following directory:


Step 2 Open the file.

Step 3 Edit the following parameters, as needed:





Cross-launching to CUOM will fail if:

You enter invalid CUOM IP address.

You enter invalid CUOM admin username or password.

You enter invalid CUOM operator username or password.

HTTPS support is not enabled in CUOM.

Filtering Types and Options

See Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets to understand the Filter option. Table 2-5 lists the filtering types and corresponding options available in the Customer Cross Launch portlet.

Table 2-5 Filtering Types and Options 

Filter Types

Filter by Example

Column Header Text Field


Advanced Filter

Filter Dropdown


Relational Operators


Does not contain

Does not equal

Ends with

Is empty

Is exactly (or equals)

Is not empty

Starts with

Text Field

Enter the filtering parameters.

Configuration Portlet

To view the Configuration portlet, go to Administration > Configuration.

The Configuration portlet allows the admin user to update configuration parameters. This section includes:

Configuring Polling Interval

Configuring Portlet Refresh Frequency

Configuring Polling Interval

To configure polling interval:

Step 1 Go to Configuration > Polling Configuration.

Step 2 Select the domain manager from the Domain Manager drop-down list.

Step 3 Enter the value for the Polling Interval field.

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click Submit.

Configuring Portlet Refresh Frequency

To configure the refresh frequency of a portlet:

Step 1 Go to Configuration > Portal Configuration.

Step 2 Select the portlet from the Portlet drop-down list.

Step 3 Enter the value for the Refresh Frequency field.

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click Submit.

Quick Launch Portlet

To view the Quick Launch portlet, go to Administration > Quick Launch.

The Quick Launch portlet allows the admin user to navigate to different URLs. This section includes:

Filtering Types and Options

Adding a URL

Editing a URL

Deleting a URL

Table 2-6 lists the Quick Launch portlet UI options.

The UI options in the portlet toolbar appear according to the screen resolution. The screen resolution used is 1024 by 768 pixels.

Table 2-6 Quick Launch Portlet UI Options 

UI Option


Allows you to filter the data displayed in the portlet. See Table 2-7 for the list of filtering types and corresponding options available in the portlet.


Allows you to add a new URL.


Allows you to edit an existing URL.


Allows you to delete an existing URL.

Filtering Types and Options

See Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets to understand the Filter option. Table 2-7 lists the filtering types and corresponding options available in the Quick Launch portlet.

Table 2-7 Filtering Types and Options 

Filter Types

Filter by Example

Column Header Text Field



Advanced Filter

Filter Dropdown



Relational Operators


Does not contain

Does not equal

Ends with

Is empty

Is exactly (or equals)

Is not empty

Starts with

Text Field

Enter the filtering parameters.

Adding a URL

To add a URL:

Step 1 Click Add from the portlet toolbar.

Step 2 Enter the following details:

a. Description—Description of the URL.

b. URL—URL of the page that you are adding.

Note You can add a maximum of 20 URLs.

Step 3 Click OK.

The URL is added successfully. This URL will be launched in a different window.

Step 4 Click Cancel to close the Quick Launch Point dialog box.

Editing a URL

To edit a URL:

Step 1 Select the Quick Launch row that you want to edit.

Step 2 Click Edit from the portlet toolbar.

You cannot edit the Description field.

The Quick Launch Point dialog box opens.

Step 3 Edit the URL.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Click Cancel to close the Quick Launch Point dialog box.

Deleting a URL

To delete a URL:

Step 1 Select the Quick Launch row that you want to delete. You can select single or multiple rows.

Step 2 Click and select Delete.

The following message appears in the dialog box.

Are you sure you want to delete the selected link(s)?

Step 3 Click OK.

The selected URL is deleted from the Quick Launch portlet and HCM database.

Step 4 Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

User Administration Portlet

To view the User Administration portlet, go to Administration > User Administration.

The User Administration portlet allows you to manage users and assign specific customers per user. The User Administration portlet manages the admin and operator user details. You can assign privileges and map customers to the user.

You must create a user ID in the Cisco Secure ACS server and then map the new user in the User Administration portlet. The User Administration portlet allows the admin user to create a user with operator or admin credentials. For all admin users, the following details are displayed:

User ID



It includes the following sections:

UI Options

Filtering Types and Options

Adding a User

Editing a User

Deleting a User

Viewing a User

UI Options

Table 2-8 lists the User Administration portlet UI options.

The UI options in the portlet toolbar appear according to the screen resolution. The screen resolution used is 1024 by 768 pixels.

Table 2-8 User Administration Portlet UI Options 

UI Option


Allows you to filter the data displayed in the portlet. See Table 2-9 for the list of filtering types and corresponding options available in the portlet.


Allows you to add a new user.


Allows you to edit user details.


Allows you to delete user details.


Allows you to view user details.

Filtering Types and Options

See Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets to understand the Filter option. Table 2-9 lists the filtering types and corresponding options available in the User Administration portlet.

Table 2-9 Filtering Types and Options 

Filter Types

Filter by Example

Column Header Text Field

User ID



Advanced Filter

Filter Dropdown

User ID



Relational Operators


Does not contain

Does not equal

Ends with

Is empty

Is exactly (or equals)

Is not empty

Starts with

Text Field

Enter the filtering parameters.

Adding a User

To add a user:

Step 1 Click Add from the portlet toolbar.

The User Configuration dialog box opens. See Table 2-10 for the UI options.

Note You must be logged in as an admin user to add users.

Step 2 Enter the following details:

a. Used ID—Enter the user ID for the user. This is a mandatory field.

b. Privilege—Select the privilege. The following two options are available:

Admin—Admin has access to all of the portlets. Admin can create another user with admin or operator privileges. By default, all customers will be selected for this user.

Operator—Operator has access to all of the portlets except Customer Administration Launch Point and User Management.

Password— Password to be associated with the user ID. If you are using ACS for authentication, the password you specify must be the one that you mentioned at the time of installation.

Email ID—Enter an email address for the username. User will not be added if you provide duplicate email ID.

First Name—Enter the user's first name

Last Name—Enter the user's last name.

c. Available Customers—Lists all added customers. Select the customers that you want to map to the user. Click the arrow to move the selected customers to the Selected Customers list.

d. Selected Customers—Lists all selected customers.

Step 3 Click OK.

The user is added successfully.

You cannot add users to whom there are no customers assigned.

Step 4 Click Cancel to close the User Configuration dialog box.

Table 2-10 lists the UI options in the User Configuration dialog box.


Table 2-10 User Configuration Dialog Box UI Options 

UI Option

Allows you to move all of the customers from the Available Customers list to the Selected Customers list.

Allows you to move a single customer or multiple selected customers from the Available Customers list to the Selected Customers list.

Allows you to move a single customer or multiple selected customers from the Selected Customers list to the Available Customers list.

Allows you to move all of the customers from the Selected Customers list to the Available Customers list.

Editing a User

To edit a user:

Step 1 Select a user.

Step 2 Click Edit from the portlet toolbar.

The User Configuration dialog box appears.

Step 3 Modify the user details.

You cannot edit the user ID.

Step 4 Click OK.

The user details are updated successfully.

Step 5 Click Cancel to close the User Configuration dialog box.

Note Admin users cannot edit their own user IDs.

Deleting a User

To delete a user:

Step 1 Select a user. You can select multiple users.

Step 2 Click and select Delete.

Step 3 The following message appears in the dialog box..

Are you sure that you want to delete the selected user(s)?

Step 4 Click OK

The selected user is deleted successfully from the User Administration portlet and HCM database.

Step 5 Click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Note Admin users cannot delete their own user IDs.

Viewing a User

To view a user:

Step 1 Select a user. You can select only one user.

Step 2 Click and select View.

The user details are displayed in the User Configuration dialog box.

You cannot edit user details using the View User option.

Step 3 Click Close to close the User Configuration dialog box.

Service Assurance Portlets

The Service Assurance portlets are summary portlets and are available to all users. The Service Assurance portlets display the alarms by customers, alarms by domain managers, and phone summaries

The following are the Service Assurance portlets:

Aggregated Data Center Portlet

Alarm Summary Portlet

Phone Summary Portlet

Aggregated Data Center Portlet

To view the Aggregated Data Center portlet:

Step 1 Choose Dashboard > Aggregated Data Center.

The Aggregated Data Center portlet appears

Step 2 Use this portlet to view alarms of DCNM-SAN, DCNM-LAN, and UCSM Chassis. You can also cross-launch the domain managers DCNM-SAN and UCSM Chassis.

The portlet also displays the alarms for these domain managers.

To know more about the details displayed in this pane, see Domain Manager Specific Alarms.

This section covers the following topics:

Filtering Types and Options

Understanding the Alarm Summary Information

Understanding the Color Scheme Used and Alarm Status

Understanding Domain Manager Specific Alarms

Understanding Alarm Mapping

Alarm Summary Portlet

To view the Alarm Summary portlet, choose Dashboard > Alarm Summary.

The Alarm Summary portlet displays the alarms by customers and alarms by domain managers. The Alarm Summary portlet lists all of the customers that administration supports.

When you add or delete a customer, the Alarm Summary portlet information is updated to reflect the status.

This section covers the following topics:

Filtering Types and Options

Understanding the Alarm Summary Information

Understanding the Color Scheme Used and Alarm Status

Understanding Domain Manager Specific Alarms

Understanding Alarm Mapping

Filtering Types and Options

The Filter option is available in the portlet. See Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets to understand the Filter option.

When you select the Filter by Example option to filter data, search fields appear in all columns and you must enter alphabetical or numerical data in these fields. If you enter alphabetical or numerical data in the search fields in the First column and the Summary column, no data will be displayed because both columns display graphical data.

If you select the Advanced Filter option, do the following:

Step 1 Select Summary in the Filter dropdown list.

Step 2 Select any one of the relational operators.

Step 3 Enter alphabetical or numerical data in the Text Field.

Step 4 Click Go.

No data will be displayed because the Summary column displays only graphical data.

To understand the color scheme used in HCM Dashboard, see Table 2-13 and to understand the icons used in HCM Service Assurance, see Table 2-14.

Table 2-11 lists the filtering types and corresponding options available in the Alarm Summary portlet.

Table 2-11 Filtering Types and Options 

Filter Types

Filter by Example

Column Header Text Field








Advanced Filter

Filter Dropdown








Relational Operators

Does not equal

Is exactly (or equals)

Is greater than

Is greater than or equal to

Is less than

Is less than or equal to

Text Field

Enter the filtering parameters.

Understanding the Alarm Summary Information

The Alarm Summary portlet displays the information for each customer or domain manager in tabular format. The total number of critical, warning, and cleared alarms are displayed in the Information Bar in the portlet. Table 2-12 describes the columns in the Alarm Summary portlet.

Table 2-12 Alarm Summary Information 

Column Header

Customer/Domain Manager

Displays the name of the customer or domain manager.


The colors in this column represent the different alarms for a customer.

For example, if there are only critical alarms for a customer, the table cell will be in red. See Table 2-13 to understand the color scheme used in HCM Service Assurance.


Displays the number of critical alarms for each customer.


Displays the number of warning alarms for each customer.


Displays the number of informational alarms for each customer.


Displays the number of cleared alarms for each customer.


Displays the number of alarms that require acknowledgement for each customer.


Displays the total of alarms for each customer.

Understanding the Color Scheme Used and Alarm Status

The Alarm Summary portlet shows different alarms with different colors. Table 2-13 lists the colors used and the corresponding alarm status.

Table 2-13 Color and Alarm Status 

Alarm Status









Understanding Domain Manager Specific Alarms

HCM Dashboard displays domain manager specific alarms for each customer in the Alarm Summary portlet. The table in the Alarm Summary portlet is a tree table and supports the display of hierarchical information.

See Figure 2-1 and Table 2-14.

Figure 2-1 Domain Manager Specific Alarms

You must click the node (see number 1 in Figure 2-1 and Table 2-14) to expand and collapse the domain manager-specific alarms table. When the node is expanded, another table displays the domain manager specific alarms.

Table 2-14 Domain Manager Specific Alarms 



Node—Allows you to expand and collapse the domain manager specific alarms table.


Domain Manager-specific alarms table.


Red Icon—If data is collected for the previous interval or if the data is invalid, a red icon is displayed.


Green Icon—If data is collected for the current time interval, a green icon is displayed.


Star—If the data has changed since the last poll.

The following list explains the domain manager-specific alarms table:

UCSM—If you enter wrong UCSM credentials or if the UCSM server is down or if UCSM is unable to trace the MAC address for the VMs, the data collected for the previous interval and a red icon is displayed in the domain manager-specific alarms table.

vCenter—If you enter wrong VM credentials or if the VM server is down or if no VMs are configured for the customer in vCenter, the data collected for the previous interval and a red icon is displayed in the domain manager-specific alarms table.

CUOM, DCNM-LAN, DCNM-SAN—If you enter wrong credentials or if the server is down, the data collected for the previous interval and a red icon is displayed in the domain manager-specific alarms table. You can also view the alarms generated on CUOM, based on customers.

In the domain manager specific alarms table, click the domain manager to cross-launch the respective pages:

UCSM—Launches a new window in HCM Service Assurance which displays a list of UCSM alarm and chassis details.

vCenter—Cross-launches the vCenter Login page. After you enter the credentials in the login page, the vCenter Alarms page is displayed.

CUOM—Cross-launches the CUOM Alarms and Events page.

DCNM-SAN—Cross-launches the DCNM-SAN page.

Understanding Alarm Mapping

HCM Dashboard and the domain managers categorize the alarms differently. This section explains how HCM Dashboard alarms are mapped with the various domain managers. It includes the following topics:

vCenter and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

UCSM and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

CUOM and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

DCNM-LAN, DCNM-SAN and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

vCenter and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

Table 2-15 maps vCenter and HCM Dashboard alarms. RequireAck severity will be mapped to zero in HCM Service Assurance because HCM Service Assurance cannot fetch RequireAck alarms from vCenter.

Table 2-15 vCenter Alarm Mapping 

vCenter Severity
HCM Service Assurance Severity

Gray—Unknown status


Green—Entity is OK


Red—Entity has a problem


Yellow—Entity might have a problem


UCSM and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

Table 2-16 maps UCSM and HCM Dashboard alarms. RequireAck severity will be mapped to zero in HCM Service Assurance because HCM Service Assurance cannot fetch RequireAck alarms from UCSM.

Table 2-16 UCSM and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping 

UCSM Severity
HCM Service Assurance Severity













CUOM and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

Table 2-17 maps CUOM and HCM Dashboard alarms.

Table 2-17 CUOM and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping 

CUOM Severity
HCM Service Assurance Severity











DCNM-LAN, DCNM-SAN and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping

Table 2-18 maps DCNM-LAN, DCNM-SAN and HCM Dashboard alarms.

Table 2-18 DCNM-LAN, DCNM-SAN and HCM Service Assurance Alarm Mapping 

DCNM-LAN and DCNM-SAN Severity
HCM Service Assurance Severity


Emergency + Critical


Error + Alert + Warning


Notice + Information + Debug


Default value 0, since this is not returned by the domain managers.


Default value 0, since this is not returned by the domain managers.

Phone Summary Portlet

To view the Phone Summary portlet, go to Dashboard > Phone Summary.

The Phone Summary portlet displays the number of configured phones, registered phones, and unregistered phones for each customer.

The Filter option is available in the portlet. See Understanding the Filtering Option in Portlets for details about the Filter option.

When you select the Filter by Example option to filter data, search fields appear in all columns and you must enter alphabetical or numerical data in these fields.

The First column displays only graphical data. If you enter alphabetical or numerical data in the search field in the First column, no data will be displayed.

To understand the icons used in HCM Service Assurance, see Table 2-14.

Table 2-19 lists the filtering types and corresponding options available in the Phone Summary portlet.

Table 2-19 Filtering Types and Options 

Filter Types

Filter by Example

Column Header Text Field





Advanced Filter

Filter Dropdown





Relational Operators

Does not equal

Is exactly (or equals)

Is greater than

Is greater than or equal to

Is less than

Is less than or equal to

Text Field

Enter the filtering parameters.

The Phone Summary portlet displays the following details for each customer:

Customer—Name of the customer.

Configured—Registered + Unregistered + Disconnected + Phones in Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) mode.

Registered—Number of registered phones for each customer.

Unregistered—Number of unregistered phones. The Unregistered column in the Phone Summary table contains a red exclamatory mark, if the number of unregistered phones exceeds 10% of the configured phones.

Click the customer name to cross-launch the CUOM Phone Inventory page. When you add or delete a customer, the Phone Summary portlet information is updated to reflect the status.

Note The phone count displayed in the Phone Summary portlet and the phone count displayed in the CUOM Phone Inventory page that is cross-launched, might differ if there are Unknown phones in the network. For more information about Unknown Phones, see Unknown Phones.

Unknown Phones

Phones in the Unknown state are the phones that are not registered with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) in the last 24 hours. Unknown phones include:

Phones that are configured, but not available in the network yet.

Phones that were registered earlier, but are no longer available in the network.


The Diagnostics tab lists the Diagnostics Test portlet. For details see Diagnostics Test

Diagnostics Test

To view the Diagnostics Test portlet, go to Diagnostics > Diagnostics Test.

You can use the Diagnostic Test portlet to initiate different tests to verify a given phone IP. The following options are available in the Diagnostics Test portlet:

Customer—Allows you to select a customer from the drop-down list.

Test—Allows you to select the type of test. The options are:



Phone No—Allows you to enter the phone number that has to be tested.

Type—Allows you to select the type of Advanced test. The options are:


Node-to-Node (N-2-N)

If you enter wrong CUOM credentials for the customer or if the CUOM server is down, the Diagnostics Test will timeout and an error message will be displayed. The default timeout value is four minutes. You can configure the timeout value in the file available in the HCM_Root_Directory\thirdparty\jboss\server\default\deploy\ROOT.war\WEB-INF directory.

You must make sure that the time and time zone of the HCM Service Assurance server and the CUOM server are the same.

Phone Status Tests

Phone status testing uses Cisco IOS IP SLA technology to monitor the reachability of key phones in the network. A phone status test consists of the following:

A list of IP phones to test, selected by you.

A testing schedule that you configure.

IPSLA-based pings from an IP SLA-capable device (for example, a switch, a router, or a voice router) to the IP phones. IPSLA-based pings can also be from CUOM to the IP phones.


To run a Basic test:

Step 1 Select a customer from the Customer drop-down list.

Step 2 Select the test as Basic from the Test drop-down list.

Step 3 Enter the phone number that has to be tested.

Step 4 Click .

The tests are run sequentially and the test results are displayed in the portlet in a tabular format.

After you start the Basic test, a spin indicator shows that the Basic test is in progress.

While the test is in progress:

You cannot initiate another Basic test until the first test is complete.

You will still be able to navigate to other tabs. However, if you return to the Basic test tab, the test stops. You must initiate a new test.

You will be able to resize the Diagnostics Test portlet. However, the test stops and you must initiate a new test.

Table 2-20 lists the Basic tests and description.

Table 2-20 Basic Tests and Description 


Call Hold

Takes control of two phones and performs the following:

Places a call from phone A to phone B.

Puts phone B call on hold.

Disconnects the call.

Call Forward

Takes control of three phones and performs the following:

Places a call from phone A to phone B.

Forwards the call to phone C from phone B.

Verifies that the call is received by phone C.

Disconnects the call.

Call Park

Takes control of three phones and performs the following:

Places a call from phone A to phone B.

Has phone B park the call. The call disappears from phone B and a message is displayed to inform you where the call is parked (for example, Call Park at 80503).

Has phone C dial the number where the call is parked. The parked call is transferred to the phone that you made the call from.

Disconnects the call.

Call Conference

Takes control of three phones and performs the following:

Places a call from phone A to phone B.

Places a conference call from phone A to phone C.

Disconnects the call.

Call Transfer

Takes control of three phones and performs the following:

Places a call from phone A to phone B.

Has phone B transfer the call to phone C.

Has phone C accept the call.

Disconnects the call.

Call Test

Takes control of a phone and places a call to a given number. The call can be from a real phone to a number, in which case, the test controls only the caller.

Alternatively, the call can be from one real phone to another, in which case the test controls both the caller and the receiver.

The Basic Test fails and an error message is displayed if you:

Enter an invalid:

Phone number.

JTAPI username.

JTAPI password.

Nearest IP SLA Device IP.

Did not enter the details in the mandatory fields.


For advanced diagnostic tests such as synthetic tests and node-to-node (N-2-N) tests, the portlet cross-launches to the CUOM Diagnostics web page. You have to manually enter the parameters in the CUOM Diagnostics web page to run the test.


You can configure synthetic tests to be run on a periodic basis. You should manually enter the parameters in the CUOM Create Synthetic Test web page, to run the test. A synthetic test uses voice applications and analyzes the behavior of the system.

CUOM monitors the information returned from the synthetic test and generates events based on the results. Synthetic tests verify whether a voice application can service requests from a user. Synthetic tests are used to measure the availability of voice applications.

For example, you can use a synthetic test to verify whether phones can register with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

To create a synthetic test:

Step 1 Select a customer from the customer drop-down list.

Step 2 Select the test as Advanced from the Test drop-down list.

Step 3 Select Synthetic from the Type drop-down list.

Step 4 Click .

The Create Synthetic Test page is cross-launched.

Step 5 Select the Test Type in the Create Synthetic Test page.

Step 6 Enter the details in the Create Synthetic Test page.

Step 7 Click Create.

For more information, see Creating Synthetic Tests section of the User Guide for Cisco Unified Operations Manager.

Node-to-Node (N-2-N)

Node-to-node (N-2-N) tests monitor the response time and availability of multiple-protocol networks on both an end-to-end and hop-by-hop basis. You should manually enter the parameters in the CUOM Create Node-to-Node Test page to run the test.

After collecting the data, you can use the CUOM graphing function to examine changes in network performance metrics.

You can select, display, and chart network performance data in real time. You can also configure N-2-N tests to trigger events if certain thresholds are crossed. These events appear in the Monitoring Dashboard.

To create an N-2-N test:

Step 1 Select a customer from the Customer drop-down list.

Step 2 Select the test as Advanced from the Test drop-down list.

Step 3 Select N-2-N from the Type drop-down list.

Step 4 Click .

The Create Node-to-Node Test page is cross-launched.

Step 5 Select the Test Type in the Create Synthetic Test page.

Step 6 Enter the details in the Create Node-to-Node Test page.

Step 7 Click OK.

For more information, see Creating a Single Node-To-Node Test section of the User Guide for Cisco Unified Operations Manager.