Installing Cisco VTS

If your Cisco NFVI package includes Cisco Virtual Topology System, the following topics tell you how to install Cisco VTS for use with Cisco NFVI. The Cisco VTS installation procedures are customized for Cisco NFVI from the standard Cisco VTS 2.6 installation procedures located on the Cisco VTS product site. You must install Cisco VTS before you install Cisco VIM.

Overview to Cisco VTS Installation in Cisco NFVI

The Cisco Virtual Topology System (VTS) is an overlay management and provisioning system for data center networks. It automates data center overlay fabric provisioning for both physical and virtual workloads. It provides a policy-based approach for overlay provisioning, and can be used for multitenant data centers for cloud services, including Cisco NFVI.

To install Cisco VTS with Cisco NFVI, you must manually install the Cisco VTS Virtual Topology Controller (VTC) and its VTSR VMs before you start the Cisco VIM installation. The VTC and VTSR VMs must be run on an independent pair of servers, that is, not on a Cisco NFVI control, compute, storage, or management node. You set up the networking on those servers as described and outlined in the installation procedures. When you run the Cisco VIM installer, you have to provide the VTC VIP and appropriate VTS credentials.

The following figure shows how Cisco VTS Virtual Topology Controller (VTC) and the VTSR virtual machines (VMs) connect to the Cisco NFVI networks.

Figure 1. Cisco VTS Connectivity to Cisco NFVI

The following table maps Cisco VTS network names to Cisco VIM network names.

Table 1. Cisco VTS to Cisco VIM Network Name Mapping

Cisco VTS VM

Cisco VTS Network Name

Cisco VIM Network Name


Management Network

API (a)


Underlay Network

Management or Provision (mx)


Management Network

Management or Provision (mx)


Underlay Network

Tenant (t)

The following table describes the required IP address allocations for VTS components.

Table 2. Cisco VTS IP Address Allocations

Cisco VIM Network

Required Cisco VTS IP Addresses


API (a)

3 total (1 VIP + 1 IP per VTC VM)

Set up in the VTC config.iso and cluster.conf

Management or Provisioning (mx)

  • 5 total—Three for VTC (one VTC VIP and one IP per VTC VM)

  • Two for VTSR: one IP per VTSR VM.

Set up in VTSR config.iso.

Note: VTS component IP addresses cannot overlap with the pool ranges configured in the Cisco VIM setup_data.yaml.

Tenant (t)

2 total—(one IP address VTSR VM.

Set up in VTSR config.iso

Note: The VTS component IPs cannot overlap with pool ranges that are configured in the Cisco VIM setup_data.yaml.

The following is the VTS IP distribution and setup mechanism.

VIM API network

  • VTC1—api (a) network IP1 (associated through the VTC1 config ISO)

  • VTC2—api (a) network IP2 (associated through the VTC2 config ISO)

  • VTC VIP—api (a) network IP3 (associated through the HA step cluster.conf)

VIM Management/Provisioning network

  • VTC1—management/provisioning (mx) network IP1 (associated through the VTC1 config ISO)

  • VTC2—management/provisioning (mx) network IP2 (associated through the VTC2 config ISO)

  • VTC VIP—management/provisioning (mx) network IP3 (associated through the HA step cluster.conf)

  • VTSR 1—management/provisioning (mx) network IP4 (associated through the VTSR-1 config ISO)

  • VTSR 2—management/provisioning (mx) network IP5 (associated through the VTSR-2 config ISO)

VIM Tenant network:

  • VTSR 1—tenant (t) network IP1 (associated through the VTSR-1 config ISO)

  • VTSR 2—tenant (t) network IP2 (associated through the VTSR-2 config ISO)

Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI

The following table lists the Cisco VTS usernames and passwords that are deployed after you install Cisco VTS in Cisco NFVI.

Table 3. Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI

Configuration Location

Value Requirements


mercury: openstack-configs/setup_data.yaml




The following two parameters are optional, only required if VTS_DAY0 is enabled



VTS_USERNAME must be admin

VTS_PASSWORD must match VTC UI login password for the admin user. Password must have a minimum of 8 characters and at least one uppercase letter, one digit, and one special character.

The VTC_SSH_PASSWORD and VTC_SSH_USERNAME are ssh credentials to login to VTC VMs.

Used by VTF to register with the VTC / VTSR.

VTC ISO config.txt : vts-adminPassword

Must match the Cisco VIM setup_data.yaml VTS_SSH_PASSWORD parameter.

Configures VTC admin user initial password.

VTC ISO config.txt :



SSH username/password for VTC VM

SSH username/password for VTC VM




VTSR VM SSH username/password

The VTSR adds this in VTS Inventory > Authorization Group > vtsgroup3 Device User Name associated with VTC admin user

System Requirements for VTC VM

The following table provides information about the minimum system requirements for the VTC virtual machine:



Disk space

48 GB




16 GB

Computing Host

Certified with Cisco UCS B-series, Cisco UCS C-series Rack Servers


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 with KVM

System Requirements for VTSR VM

The following table gives details about the minimum system requirements for the VTSR virtual machine:


The VTSR VM serves two purposes. It is required to enable VTS High Availability. It also acts as the control plane for the VTF. You need to install VTSR only if you consider enabling High Availability or if you plan to have a VTF in your set up.



Disk Space

Primary disk must be 2 GB.





Computing Host

Certified with Cisco UCS B-series, Cisco UCS C-series Rack Servers


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 with KVM

Supported Platforms

The following tables provide information about the platforms that Cisco VTS support, and their roles.


VTS supports VXLAN overlays using the BGP EVPN control plane.


Platform Supported

Top-of-rack (ToR) leaf switch

  • Cisco Nexus 9300TX and 9300PX platform switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9332PQ and 93128TX switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9200 platform switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9500 platform switches

Data center spine

  • Cisco Nexus 9300TX and 9300PX platform switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9500 platform switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9200 platform switches

Border leaf

  • Cisco Nexus 9300TX and 9300PX platform switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9500 platform switches

  • Cisco Nexus 9200 platform switches

Data center interconnect (DCI)

  • Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services routers

  • Cisco Nexus 9300 platform switches

Virtual machine manager (VMM)

  • OpenStack Liberty on CentOS versions: 12.0.0; 12.0.1; 12.0.

  • OpenStack Newton on RHEL versions

  • OpenStack Kilo versions: 2015.1.0; 2015.1.1; 2015.1.2; 2015.1.3


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 with KVM

Virtual forwarders

Cisco Virtual Topology Forwarder (VTF)

The following table lists the software images supported for the different devices.

Table 4. Software Images Supported

Cisco Nexus 93xx

NX OS Release 7.0(3)I2(2c)

Cisco Nexus 95xx

NX OS Release 7.0(3)I2(2c).

Cisco ASR 9000

Cisco IOS XR Software Release 5.3.2 and later.

The following table lists the VPC modes supported for the different devices.


If Cisco Nexus 9000 series ToR is not configured with vPC related configuration, including peer-link, also known as a multichassis etherChannel trunk (MCT), you must not configure feature vpc on the ToR. This may bring loopback interface used for NVE to admin down state.

Table 5. VPC Modes Supported

Cisco Nexus 93xx

Server VPC

Cisco Nexus 95xx

Server VPC

Installing Cisco VTS in a Cisco NFVI Environment

Installing Cisco VTS inside Cisco NFVI involves installing the Virtual Topology Controller (VTC) VM. You can install the VTC VM using either the automatic or manual configuration options.

Installing VTC VM - Automatic Configuration Using ISO File

To install a VTC VM and enable configuration using an ISO file, create a text file with the VM settings, wrap the text file in an ISO file, and then attach the ISO file to the VM CD drive.


Step 1

Connect to the controller node via SSH, and copy the vtc.qcow2 file to /var/lib/libvirt/images/ folder.

Step 2

Copy the vtc.sample.xml file to your controller. The Installing Cisco VTS in a Cisco NFVI Environment topic provides the file contents.

Step 3

Create a config.txt file containing the following parameters:

ManagementIPv4Address= <VM's a-net IP address in a.b.c.d form>
ManagementIPv4Netmask= <a-net IP mask in a.b.c.d form>
ManagementIPv4Gateway= <a-net gateway IP address in a.b.c.d form>
UnderlayIPv4Address= <VM's mx-net IP address in a.b.c.d form>
UnderlayIPv4Netmask=<mx-net IP mask in a.b.c.d form>
DNSv4=<DNS server--ie. setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['domain_name_servers'][0]>
Domain=<domain name--ie. setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['domain_name']>
NTPv4=<NTP server--ie. setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['ntp_servers'][0]>
vts-adminPassword=<password for user 'admin'--setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_SSH_PASSWORD']>
AdministrativeUser=<VM ssh login user--can be setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_USERNAME']>
AdministrativePassword=<VM ssh login user--can be setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_SSH_PASSWORD']>
ManagementIPv6Method: Unused by NFVI
UnderlayIPv6Method: Ununsed by NFVI


config.txt file must have a blank line at the end.


Before entering the VTS_PASSWORD, review Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI.

Parameter descriptions:

  • Hostname—The VM hostname.

  • ManagementPv4Method—Whether to use DHCP or static addressing for the Cisco NFVI API network (a-net) interface (eth0).

  • ManagementIPv4Address—The api (a) network IPv4 address of the VM (required only for static addressing).

  • ManagementIPv4Netmask—The a network IPv4 net mask of the VM (required only for static addressing).

  • ManagementIPv4Gateway—The a network API IPv4 gateway of the VM (required only for static addressing).

  • UnderlayIPv4Method—Whether to use DHCP or static addressing for the Cisco NFVI management/provisioning (mx) network interface (eth1).

  • UnderlayIPv4Address—The mx network IPv4 address of the VM (required only for static addressing).

  • UnderlayIPv4Netmask—The mx network IPv4 net mask of the VM (required only for static addressing).

  • DNSv4—DNS IPv4 address (required only for static addressing).

  • Domain—DNS search domain (required only for static addressing).

  • NTPv4—NTP IPv4 address or FQDN (required only for static addressing).

  • vts-admin Password—Password for the vts-admin user. This should match the value in setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_PASSWORD'] or subsequently changed through the VTC UI to match the value in setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_PASSWORD']

  • Administrative User—New administrative user for login using SSH.

  • Administrative Password—Password for the new administrative user.

Step 4

Use mkisofs to create an ISO file, for example:

mkisofs -o config.iso config.txt
Step 5

Create the VTC VM using following command:

virsh create vtc.sample.xml

Installing VTC VM - Manual Configuration Using Virt-Manager

To install the VTC VM configuring it manually using the virt-manager application:


Step 1

Connect to the controller node via SSH, and copy the vtc.qcow2 file to /var/lib/libvirt/images/ folder.

Step 2

Copy the Cisco NFVI vtc.sample.xml file to your controller. Modify it as per your setup. SeeSample Cisco VTS Configurations for Cisco NFVI for examples.

Step 3

Create the VTC VM using following command:

virsh create vtc.sample.xml
Step 4

Run the command:

virsh list --all

It should display:

Id					Name					State
2 VTC running
Step 5

Start virt-manager. Run:

Step 6

After the virt-manager window opens, click the VTC VM to open up the VTC VM console.

The console displays an installation wizard that takes you through the initial VTC VM configuration.

Step 7

Enter the following:


For items that take multiple values, such as DNS and NTP, each value must be separated by a space.

  • VTS Hostname

  • DHCP / Static IP configuration for static IP

  • Management IP address for VTC—This is the Cisco NFVI api (a) network IP address.

  • Management IP Netmask (api network)

  • Management Gateway address (api network)

  • DNS Address—One of the DNS servers in setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['domain_name_servers'

  • DNS Search domain—-- setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['domain_name']

  • Underlay IP address—This is the IP address for Cisco NFVI management/provisioning (mx) network.

  • Underlay IP Netmask (mx network)

  • NTP address—One of the setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['ntp_servers'] addresses

  • Password change for user vts-admin—Enter the default user vts-admin password. The vts-admin user is used for password recovery and to revisit a configuration screen if you make a mistake or need to change the information. If you log in to the VTC VM using vts-admin username and password again, you get the same dialog to go through the VTC VM setup again. The password must match the value in setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_PASSWORD'] or subsequently changed through the VTC UI to match the value in setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_PASSWORD']

    Before entering the VTS_PASSWORD, reviewing Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI is recommended.

  • Administrator User—Enter administrative username and password. This username and password are used to login to the VM via SSH.

  • Password for administrator user

VTC VM reboots at this time. Wait for two minutes for the VTC VM to be up. You can ping the IP address given for VTC VM in the setup process to verify whether the VTC VM is up.

Step 8

SSH into VTC VM using the IP address, administrative username/password given in the setup process (not vts-admin user).

Installing VTC VM - Manual Configuration using VNC

If the server where you install VTC is in a remote location with network latency or low bandwidth, you can use VNC to access the VTC VM and manually configure it using the CTC VM graphic console. To do this:


Step 1

Connect to the controller node via SSH, and copy the vtc.qcow2 file to /var/lib/libvirt/images/ folder.

Step 2

Copy the vtc.sample.xml file to your controller. Modify it as per your setup. The sample VTC XML file output is provided in Sample Cisco VTS Configurations for Cisco NFVI.

Step 3

Replace the following sections of the vtc.sample.xml file:

 <graphics type='spice' port='5900' autoport='yes' listen=''>
      <listen type='address' address=''/>

with the following:

<graphics type='vnc' port='5900' autoport='yes' listen=''>
      <listen type='address' address=''/>
Setting the listen address to allows external clients to connect to the VNC port (5900). You have to make sure that iptables configuration (if any) allows inbound TCP port 5900 connections.
Step 4

Create the VTC VM using following command:

virsh create vtc.sample.xml

You should now be able to use a VNC client to connect to the VTC VM graphic console and continue the setup.

Step 5

Enter the following:


For items that take multiple values, such as DNS and NTP, use a space to separate each value.

  • VTS Hostname

  • DHCP/Static IP configuration for static IP

  • Management IP address for VTC—This is the Cisco NFVI api (a) network IP address.

  • Management IP Netmask (api network)

  • Management Gateway address (api network)

  • DNS Address—One of the DNS servers in setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['domain_name_servers'

  • DNS Search domain—-- setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['domain_name']

  • Underlay IP address—This is the IP address for Cisco NFVI management/provisioning (mx) network.

  • Underlay IP Netmask (mx network)

  • NTP address—One of the setup_data.yaml::NETWORKING['ntp_servers'] addresses

  • Password change for user vts-admin—Enter the default user vts-admin password. The vts-admin user is used for password recovery and to revisit a configuration screen if you make a mistake or need to change the information. If you log into the VTC VM using vts-admin username and password again, you get the same dialog to go through the VTC VM setup again. This should match the value in setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_PASSWORD'] or subsequently changed through the VTC UI to match the value in setup_data.yaml::VTS_PARAMETERS['VTS_PASSWORD']

  • Administrator User—Enter administrative username and password. This username and password are used to login to the VM via SSH.

  • Password for administrator user.

VTC VM reboots at this time. Wait for two minutes for the VTC VM to come up. You can ping the IP address given for VTC VM in the setup process to verify whether the VTC VM is up.

Step 6

SSH into VTC VM using the IP address, administrative username/password given in the setup process (not vts-admin user).

Installing the VTSR VMs

Before you can install Cisco VTS for Cisco NFVI, you must install the VTSR VM and register it to VTS. VTSR VM is the control plane VM. Installing and registering the VTSR VM requires you to complete the following procedures:

Creating VTSR VM

The VTSR VM is essential to the Virtual VTEP topology. The VTSR VM contains a nested VM so VTSR must enable nesting.

Before you begin

You must complete a VTS VM installation, and the VTC UI initial password must be changed to the password that you enter for Cisco VIM when you install Cisco VIM. This password is set in setup_data.yaml or the Cisco VIM Insight.

Bringing up the KVM-based VTSR VM


Step 1

Create the VTSR VM XML referring the Cisco NFVI sample (VTSR.XML).

Step 2

Generate an ISO file for the VTSR. See Creating an ISO for IOS VTSR .

Step 3

Create the VM using the XML.

virsh create VTSR.xml

Creating an ISO for IOS VTSR

To create an ISO file for VTSR:


Step 1

Create the system.cfg file based on the sample below.


Verify that the configuration file has no spaces or extra characters.


Before you enter the VTS_USERNAME and VTS_PASSWORD, review Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI.

# This is a sample  VTSR configuration file
# Copyright (c) 2015 cisco Systems

# Please protect the generated ISO, as it contains authentication data
# in plain text.

#The following are the common configurations for VTSR
# VTS Registration Information 
#VTS_ADDRESS has to be VTS IP. Value has to be eithe IP or IP/mask.
#VTS_ADDRESS is mandatory
# VTSR VM Admin user/password 

#The following are the XR configurations for XR Node1
# VTSR VM Network Configuration for Node 1
#     are required to complete the setup. Netmask can be in the form of
#     "24" or ""
# The first network interface configured with the VTC VM is used for
# underlay connectivity; the second is used for the management network. 
# For both the MGMT and UNDERLAY networks, a <net-name>_NETWORK_IP_GATEWAY
# variable is mandatory; they are used for monitoring purposes.
# AUX network is optional 
# XR Hostname 
# Loopback IP and netmask

#The following are the XR configurations for XR Node2
# If there is no HA then the following Node 2 configurations remains commented and 
# is not be used and Node 1 configurations alone is applied
# For HA , the following Node 2 configurations has to be uncommented
# VTSR VM Network Configuration for Node 2
#     are required to complete the setup. Netmask can be in the form of
#     "24" or ""
# The first network interface configured with the VTC VM is used for
# underlay connectivity; the second is used for the management network. 
# For both the MGMT and UNDERLAY networks, a <net-name>_NETWORK_IP_GATEWAY
# variable is mandatory; they are used for monitoring purposes.
# AUX network is optional
# Although Aux network is optional it has be either present in both nodes
# or not present in both nodes.
# It cannot be present on Node1 and not present on Node2 and vice versa
# XR Hostname 
# Loopback IP and netmask

Step 2

Copy your VTSR system.cfg files to the same path where the script resides. For example:

admin:/opt/cisco/package/vts/bin$ ls -l
total 1432
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vts-admin vts-admin   4767 Sep 29 16:40
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root        1242 Sep 29 23:54 system.cfg

Step 3

Create the ISO file as shown below (you need to log in as root):

root:/opt/cisco/package/vts/bin# ./ vtsr system.cfg. 
Validating input.
Generating ISO File. Done!
Step 4

Spawn the VTSR VM with the ISO connected to it.

Step 5

Power on the VM.

In case you spawn a new VTSR VM later, it comes up with VTSR Day Zero configuration and get re-registered with the VTC. Use the sync-to option available in the Config Sync feature to synchronize the configuration with the latest VTC configuration. See the Synchronizing Configuration section for more information on this feature.

Verifying Cisco VTS Installation in Cisco NFVI

The following procedures provide information about how to verify the Cisco VTS installation in Cisco NFVI.

Verifying VTSR VM Installation

To verify VTSR VM installation:

Before you begin

Ensure the tenant network (t) gateway and management network (mx) gateway are reachable from the VTSR server.


Step 1

Log into the VTSR VM using the VTC VM console.

Step 2

Ping the Cisco NFVI tenant (t) network gateway IP address.

In case ping fails, verify Cisco NFVI tenant network.

Step 3

Ping the VTC Cisco NFVI management/provisioning (mx) network IP address.

In case ping fails, verify the mx network.


You should be able to ping the gateway IP address for both Cisco NFVI mx and t networks, as VTSR registers to the VTC using the VTC mx network IP address.

Verifying VTC VM Installation

To verify VTC VM installation:


Step 1

Log into the VTC VM just created using the VTC VM console.

  • If you installed the VTC VM in an RedHat KVM based-OpenStack environment, - telnet 0 <console-port> (The console port is the Telnet port in the VTC.xml file.)
Step 2

Ping the Cisco NFVI api network gateway.

If ping fails, verify the VM networking to the Cisco NFVI api network.

Step 3

For the VTC VM CLI, ping the Cisco NFVI management/provisioning (mx) network gateway.

If ping fails, verify VM networking to the mx network.

Underlay network gateway is the switched virtual interface (SVI) created for IOSXRv and VTF on the leaf where the controller is connected.
Step 4

After a few minutes, verify whether the VTS UI is reachable by typing in the VTS api network IP in the browser.

Troubleshooting VTF Registration

If VTF registration issues arise, you can use the following commands to find the VTF registration logs on each Cisco NFVI compute node:

[root@devstack-71 neutron]# docker exec -it neutron_vtf_4269 bash  
[root@devstack-71 /]# cd /var/log/vpfa  
[root@devstack-71 vpfa]# ls  
vpfa_err.log   vpfa_med.log  vpfa_server.log         vpfa_server_frequent.log  vpfa_stdout.log  
vpfa_freq.log  vpfa_reg.log  vpfa_server_errors.log  vpfa_server_slow.log  
[root@devstack-71 vpfa]# tail vpfa_reg.log  
2016-06-23 02:47:22,860:INFO:VTF-REG: Sent PATCH {"vtf": {"username": "admin", "vpp-client-name": "devstack-71", "ip": "", "binding-host-name": "devstack-71", "gateway-ip": "", "local-mac": "00:3a:7d:6a:13:c9"}} to  
2016-06-23 02:47:23,050:INFO:VTF-REG-ERR: Failure:400!!!

A successful log example is shown below:

[root@devstack-71 vpfa]# tail vpfa_reg.log   
2016-06-23 15:27:57,338:INFO:AUTH: Successful Login - User: admin URI:/yang-api/datastore/interfaces Host:IPv4Address(TCP, '', 21345) Method:GET  
2016-06-23 15:28:07,340:INFO:AUTH: Successful Login - User: admin URI:/yang-api/datastore/interfaces Host:IPv4Address(TCP, '', 21345) Method:GET

If a VTF registration fails, check the following:

  • IP network connectivity between the compute nodes and the VTC and VTSR VMs (Cisco NFVI tenant and management/provisioning networks)

  • VTS_PARAMETERS—The VTS_USERNAME must be admin.

  • The VTC and VTSR must be up and the VTS configurations must be applied. The VTSR must be registered with VTC.

  • Check that the VTS UI shows "vtsgroup3" in Inventory->Authorization Groups.

  • Check that the VTC Admin Username is admin and Device Username is what was set for XRVR_USERNAME in the VTSR config ISO.

Configuring Cisco VTS and VTSR After Installation

The following steps cover the Cisco VTS configurations you need to provision after installation.


Step 1

If you changed the Cisco VTS username/password when you configured the VTS HA configuration, continue with Step 3. If not, log into the Cisco VTS GUI using the default username/password admin/admin.

Step 2

Change the Cisco VTS password using the UI Change Password tab.


Before you enter the Cisco VTS password, review Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI.

Step 3

Log into the VTC VM by running the following command:

cd /opt/vts/bin -applyTemplate vtsr-underlay-loopback-template
./ -applyTemplate vtsr-underlay-loopback-template command is applyTemplate and template name is vtsr-underlay-loopback-template
Enter device name: <hostname of vtsr>
Enter loopback-interface: <loopback interface name>
Enter ipaddress: <loopback interface ip>
Enter netmask: <loopback interface netmask>

Similarly configure IGP config in VTSR

Step 4

Log into the VTC VM by running the following command:

cd /opt/vts/bin -applyTemplate vtsr-underlay-ospf-template
 ./ -applyTemplate vtsr-underlay-ospf-template command is applyTemplate and template name is vtsr-underlay-ospf-template
Enter device name: <hostname of vtsr>
Enter process-name: <ospf process id >
Enter router-id: <ospf router id>
Enter area-address: <ospf area address>
Enter physical-interface: <VTSR interface connected to NFVI t-network>
Enter loopback-interface: <vtsr loopback interface>
Enter default-cost: <ospf default >

Installing VTS in an HA Configuration

Complete the following steps to install Cisco VTS in a Layer 2 HA configuration.


Step 1

Create two VTC VMs. (In the following steps, these are referred to as VTC1 and VTC2.) When you create the VMs, reserve three IP addresses for each Cisco VIM network to which the VTC VM are connected as described in Overview to Cisco VTS Installation in Cisco NFVI .

Step 2

If you changed the initial VTC password in a previous installation step, proceed to Step 4. If not, log into the VTC GUI using the default username/password admin/admin.

Step 3

Change the VTC password using the UI Change Password tab. See Cisco VTS Usernames and Passwords in Cisco NFVI for information about Cisco VTS usernames and passwords.

Step 4

Edit the cluster.conf file on VTC1 and VTC2 located in /opt/vts/etc/. Both VTCs must have identical information in the cluster.conf file. Parameters includes:

  • vip_public—VIP address used for the Cisco VIM API (a) network.

  • vip_private—VIP address used for VTS on the Cisco VIM management/provisioning (mx) network. Cisco VIM uses VTFs, so this field must be entered. The vip_private field is the VIP for the VTS master private interface

  • master_name—Enter the name of the VTC you want to be the primary one in the HA configuration.

  • master_ip—The master VTC IP address used for the Cisco NFVI API network.

  • slave_name—Enter the name of the VTC you want to be the secondary one in the HA configuration.

  • slave_ip—The secondary VTC IP address used for the Cisco NFVI API network.

  • external_ip—The external IP address. This comes from the Cisco VIM setup_data.yaml file after you complete the Cisco VIM installation and the Cisco VIM Configurations for Cisco VTS Installation procedure.

###Virtual Ip of VTC Master on the public interface. Must fill in at least 1

###VTC1 Information. Must fill in at least 1 ip address

###VTC2 Information. Must fill in at least 1 ip address

###In the event that a network failure occurs evenly between the two routers, the cluster needs an outside ip to determine where the failure lies
###This can be any external ip such as your vmm ip or a dns but it is recommended to be a stable ip within your environment
###Must fill in at least 1 ip address

### Non-mandatory fields ###

###If you intend to use a virtual topology forwarder (VTF) in your environment, please fill in the vip for the underlay as well as the underlay gateway. Otherwise leave blank.
###Virtual Ip of VTC Master on the private interface. You can fill in ipv4 configuration, ipv6, or both if you use both


###If you have your vtc's in different subnets, xrvr needs to be configured to route traffic and the below section needs to be filled in
###If you have your vtc's on the same subnet, the below section has be skipped

###Name of your vrf. Example: VTS_VIP

###Ip of your first Xrvr. Example:

###List of neighbors for xrvr1, separated by comma. Example:,

###Ip of your second Xrvr. Example:

###List of neighbors for xrvr2, separated by comma. Example:,

###Username for Xrvr

###Xrvr ASN information

###Xrvr BGP information

###Update source for Xrvr1 (i.e. loopback)

###Update source for Xrvr2 (i.e. loopback)

###Router BGP Id for Xrvr1

###Router BGP Id for Xrvr2

###XRVR1 name

###XRVR2 name

###If you plan on having your VTC's on different subnets and intend to use a virtual topology forwarder (VTF) in your environment,
### please fill out the following fields. Otherwise, leave blank

###List of neighbors for xrvr1, separated by comma. Example:,

###List of neighbors for xrvr2, separated by comma. Example:,

###Directly connected Tor information for Xrvr1

###Directly connected Tor information for Xrvr2

###VPC Peer information if any. Otherwise leave blank


###VTC Underlay Addresses

##Gateway of secondary L3 underlay
Step 5

Execute the cluster installer script,, located in /opt/vts/bin/ on VTC1 and VTC2. Do not run the script until have completed Steps 1-5.

admin@vtc1:/opt/vts/bin$ sudo ./ 
[sudo] password for admin: 
Change made to ncs.conf file. 
Need to restart ncs 
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/pacemaker.service. 
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/corosync.service. 
Please run on vtc2.waits until finished Both nodes are online. 
Configuring master Configuring Pacemaker resources 
Master node configuration finished 
HA cluster is installed 

In order for HA to run, the script updates /etc/hosts with the VTC information. If run on the node you specified as master, it completes the basic cluster setup, then wait for the slave to complete. Once the slave is finished, the master completes the remainder of the setup.

When the cluster_install script is finished on the master, you can see both the public and private vip using 'ip addr'. If you use VTFs, now that the VIP is up, both VTSRs completes their auto-registration.

Step 6

Verify the HA Status:

admin@vtc1:/opt/cisco/package/vtc/bin$ sudo crm status
Last updated: Wed May  4 00:00:28 2016
Last change: Wed May  4 00:00:10 2016 via crm_attribute on vtc2
Stack: corosync
Current DC: vtc2 (739533872) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-42f2063
2 Nodes configured
4 Resources configured
Online: [ vtc1 vtc2 ]
ClusterIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started vtc1
Master/Slave Set: ms_vtc_ha [vtc_ha]
     Masters: [ vtc1 ]
     Slaves: [ vtc2 ]
ClusterIP2     (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started vtc1
admin@vtc1:/opt/cisco/package/vtc/bin$ sudo ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:00:bd:0f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2001:420:10e:2010:5054:ff:fe00:bd0f/64 scope global dynamic
       valid_lft 2591955sec preferred_lft 604755sec
    inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe00:bd0f/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:4c:11:13 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet brd scope global eth1

Completing VTSR HA Configuration

Complete the following steps to set up the VTSR HA configuration:

Before you begin

Ensure the tenant network (t) gateway and management network (mx) gateway are reachable from the VTSR server.


Power on the 2 VTSR VM ' s as per the VTSR install step. The VTSR VM comes up in active/active HA mode.

Uninstalling VTC HA

To move VTC back to it's original pre-HA state, run the following script on both the active and standby nodes.

sudo /opt/vts/bin/

Sample Cisco VTS Configurations for Cisco NFVI

Sample VTC VM libvert Domain Configuration

<domain type='kvm' id='1332'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>16389120</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>16388608</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>8</vcpu>
    <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
  <cpu mode='custom' match='exact'>
    <model fallback='allow'>Westmere</model>
    <feature policy='require' name='vmx'/>
  <clock offset='utc'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='none'/>
      <source file='/home/cisco/VTS2.1/vtc.qcow2'/>
      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
      <alias name='virtio-disk0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0'>
      <alias name='usb0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>
      <alias name='pci.0'/>
    <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
      <alias name='virtio-serial0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:5b:12:3a'/>
      <source bridge='br-ex'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='263c1aa6-8f7d-46f0-b0a3-bdbdad40fe41'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:8d:75:75'/>
      <source bridge='br-control'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='d0b0020d-7898-419e-93c8-15dd7a08eebd'/>
      <target dev='vnet1'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='net1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x0b' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='tcp'>
      <source mode='bind' host='' service='4888'/>
      <protocol type='telnet'/>
      <target port='0'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <console type='tcp'>
      <source mode='bind' host='' service='4888'/>
      <protocol type='telnet'/>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <channel type='spicevmc'>
      <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0'/>
      <alias name='channel0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='spice' port='5900' autoport='yes' listen=''>
      <listen type='address' address=''/>
    <sound model='ich6'>
      <alias name='sound0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' heads='1'/>
      <alias name='video0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <alias name='balloon0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
  <seclabel type='dynamic' model='selinux' relabel='yes'>

Sample VTSR VM libvirt Domain Configuration

<domain type='kvm' id='20'>
  <memory unit='GiB'>48</memory>
  <cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>
  <vcpu placement='static'>14</vcpu>

    <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
    <boot dev='cdrom'/>
  <clock offset='localtime'/>
    <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
      <driver name='qemu'/>
      <source file='/home/admin/VTS20/images/vtsr_node1_cfg.iso'/>
      <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
      <source file='/home/admin/VTS20/images/vtsr.qcow2'/>
      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
      <alias name='virtio-disk0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x09' function='0x0'/>

    <controller type='usb' index='0'>
      <alias name='usb0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='ide' index='0'>
      <alias name='ide0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>
      <alias name='pci.0'/>

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br-ex'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='4ffa64df-0d57-4d63-b85c-78b17fcac60a'/>
      <target dev='vtsr-dummy-mgmt'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='vnet1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br-inst'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='4ffa64df-0d67-4d63-b85c-68b17fcac60a'/>
      <target dev='vtsr-dummy-2'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='vnet1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br-inst'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='4ffa64df-0f47-4d63-b85c-68b17fcac70a'/>
      <target dev='vtsr-dummy-3'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='vnet1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br-inst'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='4ffa64df-0d47-4d63-b85c-58b17fcac60a'/>
        <tag id='800'/>
      <target dev='vtsr-gig-0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='vnet1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br-ex'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='3ffa64df-0d47-4d63-b85c-58b17fcac60a'/>
      <target dev='vtsr-gig-1'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='vnet1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br-inst'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='a2f3e85a-4de3-4ca9-b3df-3277136c4054'/>
        <tag id='800'/>
      <target dev='vtsr-gig-2'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='vnet3'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>

    <serial type='pty'>
      <source path='/dev/pts/0'/>
      <target port='0'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/0'>
      <source path='/dev/pts/0'/>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <input type='tablet' bus='usb'>
      <alias name='input0'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='vnc' port='5900' autoport='yes' listen='' keymap='en-us'>
      <listen type='address' address=''/>
      <model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>
      <alias name='video0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x08' function='0x0'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <alias name='balloon0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x0a' function='0x0'/>