- Overview
- Using the Graphical User Interface
- RADIUS Accounting
- Diameter
- Extensible Authentication Protocols
- Using Replication
- Using Identity Caching
- Using Prepaid Billing
- Using Cisco Prime Access Registrar Server Features
- Directing RADIUS Requests
- Using FastRules to Process Packet Flow
- Using LDAP
- Using Open Database Connectivity
- Using SNMP
- Backing Up the Database
- Configuring Policies and Rules
- Routing Requests
Directing RADIUS Requests
You can use the policy engine to determine the AAA services for processing a request packet based on the User-Name suffix, User-Name prefix, Calling-Station-ID, Called-Station-ID and Nas-IP-Address. You configure the policy Engine through policies and rules.
Configuring Policies and Rules
A policy is a group of rules. Each rule consists of a set of conditions and corresponding services. A rule succeeds if all the conditions specified in the rule are satisfied. If a rule succeeds, the services indicated by its service attributes are used to process the packet. However, Prime Access Registrar defers packet processing until the policy succeeds.
This section contains the following topics:
- Configuring Policies
- Configuring Rules
- Wildcard Support
- Script and Attribute Requirements
- Validation
- Known Anomalies
Configuring Policies
You configure policies under /Radius/Policies. To enable the Prime Access Registrar server to use policies, you must first configure policy named SelectPolicy.
The Grouping property of a policy determines which rules are to be evaluated and in which order. Rules are evaluated from left to right. Use the pipe (|) or ampersand (&) character to group rules.

Note Before you can provide rules in the Grouping property, the rules must first be added to the configuration under /Radius/Rules.
The following are the Grouping property rules:
- If rules are grouped with the pipe character (
), all rules in the group are evaluated in sequential order until one of the rules succeeds. If any one of the rules in the policy succeeds, the policy succeeds. - If rules are grouped with the ampersand character (
), all the rules listed are evaluated until one of the rules fails. For the policy to succeed, all the rules in the policy must succeed.
Configuring Rules
You configure rules under /Radius/Rules. When you add a rule, provide the script that should be executed for the rule and the attributes to use if the rule succeeds. The script you specify must be defined under /Radius/Scripts, as shown in the following:
Wildcard Support
Prime Access Registrar supports limited wildcard functionality in rules for Realm, DNIS, and CLID attributes, specifically the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters. The asterisk matches any number of characters, including the null character. The question mark matches any single character, not including the null character. Prime Access Registrar also supports both wildcard characters in one pattern, as in CLID = 180098?87*.

Note The realms should start with either the @ or # character. For example, Realm=@cisco.com.
- For an exact matching of the realm, you should configure the rule with the exact realm. For example, for an exact match to abc@cisco.com, you should use Realm=@cisco.com.
- If you use Realm=cisco.com (without any valid character), values such as xyz@us.cisco.com, xyz@uk.cisco.com, abc#cisco.com, and so on can also match and return a success.
The following is an example using the asterisk wildcard character used in a Rule named rule1 :
Rule rule1 succeeds when the domain of the username in an access request matches the @*cisco.com pattern. Each of the following is a good match: @us.cisco.com, @eng.cisco.com, and @cisco.com. With a match, the ExecRealmRule script sets Authentication-Service and Authorization-Service to Local-Users in the environment dictionary.
The following is an example using the "?" wildcard character in a Rule named rule2 :
Rule rule2 succeeds if the Called-Station-Id attribute (DNIS) in the packet matches 1800345987?. Each of the following is a good match: 18003459876 and 18003459870, while 1800345987 is not. With a match, the ExecDNISRule script sets Authentication-Service and Authorization-Service to Translation-Service in the environment dictionary.
Script and Attribute Requirements
The following script and attribute requirements exist:
- /Radius/Policies/SelectPolicy is the first policy Prime Access Registrar applies.
- The characters "|" and "&" are reserved as logical operands in a Grouping definition; they cannot be included in a /Radius/Rules name.
- A space is not permitted between the logical operands and the rules in a Grouping definition.
- The scripts included in the rules must be defined under the /Radius/Scripts directory.
- The attributes included in the rules must be defined under the /Radius/Advanced/Attribute Dictionary directory.
- The rules included in the policies must be defined under the /Radius/Rules directory.
When policies are configured, Prime Access Registrar performs the following validations:
Known Anomalies
Routing Requests
Using the policy engine, Prime Access Registrar enables you to route requests based on attributes in access request packets. The following sections describe how to route requests based on different attributes:
- Routing Requests Based on Realm
- Routing Requests Based on DNIS
- Routing Requests Based on CLID
- Routing Requests Based on NASIP
- Routing Requests Based on User-Name Prefix
- Attribute Translation
- Time of Day Access Restrictions
Routing Requests Based on Realm
The Prime Access Registrar policy engine can process request packets based on the realm in the User-Name attribute.
In the following example, request packets with the User-Name attribute containing @abc.com as the suffix should be processed locally and the request packets with User-Name attribute containing @xyz.com should be proxied to a remote AAA Server.
The following SelectPolicy refers to two rules abcrule and xyzrule :
1. When a request packet arrives, Prime Access Registrar executes SelectPolicy beginning with abcrule to determine if the User-Name attribute contains @abc.com as the realm. If so, the abcrule is successful as is SelectPolicy, therefore the packet is processed locally.
2. If the User-Name attribute does not contain @abc.com as the realm,Prime Access Registrar executes xyzrule to determine if the User-Name attribute contains @xyz.com. If so, xyzrule is successful as is SelectPolicy. Hence the request is proxied to the remote server specified in xyz-service.
In this example, the rules are grouped using the | (or) operator. So all the rules specified in the grouping parameter will be executed until one of them succeeds.
The ExecRealmRule script matches the realm with the suffix in the User-Name attribute and sets the appropriate service for processing the packet. This is a standard script available with Prime Access Registrar. Prime Access Registrar can also be configured to set a particular kind of service for multiple realms. For example, the following configuration can be used if packets with @pqr.com or @klm.com should be processed using the same service klm-service.
Routing Requests Based on DNIS
The Prime Access Registrar policy engine can process request packets differently based on the DNIS (Called-Station-Id) attribute in the request packet.
In the following example, request packets with the Calling-Station-Id attribute that contain 1111111 should be processed by abc-service, while request packets with the Called-Station-Id attribute that contain 2222222 or 3333333 should be processed using xyz-service.
The following SelectPolicy refers to two rules, abcrule and xyzrule :
1. When a request packet arrives, Prime Access Registrar executes SelectPolicy beginning with abcrule to determine if the DNIS attribute contains 1111111. If so, the abcrule is successful as is SelectPolicy, and the packet is processed using abc-service.
2. If the Called-Station-Id attribute does not contain 1111111, Prime Access Registrar executes the xyzrule to determine if the Called-Station-Id attribute contains 2222222 or 3333333. If so, xyzrule is successful as is SelectPolicy, and the packet is processed using xyz-service.
The ExecDNISRule script matches the DNIS value configured in Prime Access Registrar with the value in the Called-Station-Id attribute of the request packet and sets the appropriate service for processing the packet. ExecDNISRule is a standard script available with Prime Access Registrar.
Routing Requests Based on CLID
The Prime Access Registrar policy engine can process request packets differently based on the CLID value in arriving request packets.
In the following example, the request packets with a Calling-Station-Id (CLID) attribute value of 1111111 should be processed by abc-service and the request packets with the CLID attribute value of 2222222 or 3333333 should be processed using xyz-service.
The following SelectPolicy refers to two rules, abcrule and xyzrule:
1. When a request packet arrives, Prime Access Registrar executes SelectPolicy beginning with abcrule to determine if the CLID attribute contains 1111111. If so, the abcrule is successful as is SelectPolicy, and the packet is processed using abc-service.
2. If the CLID attribute does not contain 1111111, Prime Access Registrar executes xyzrule to determine if the CLID attribute contains 2222222 or 3333333. If so, xyzrule is successful and hence SelectPolicy becomes successful and the packet is processed using xyz-service.
The ExecCLIDRule script matches the CLID value configured in Prime Access Registrar with the value in the CLID attribute of the request packet and sets the appropriate service for processing the packet. ExecCLIDRule is a standard script available with Prime Access Registrar.
Routing Requests Based on NASIP
The Prime Access Registrar policy engine can process request packets differently based on the client IP address value in arriving request packets.
In the following example, arriving request packets with the NAS-IP-Address attribute value should be processed by abc-service and arriving request packets with the NAS-IP-Address attribute value should be processed using xyz-service.
The following SelectPolicy refers to two rules, abcrule and xyzrule :
1. When a request packet arrives, Prime Access Registrar executes SelectPolicy beginning with abcrule to determine if the NAS-IP-Address attribute contains an IP address from the subnet If so, the abcrule is successful as is SelectPolicy, and the packet is processed using abc-service.
2. If the NAS-IP-Address attribute does not contain an IP address from the subnet, Prime Access Registrar executes xyzrule to determine if the NAS-IP-Address attribute contains If so, xyzrule is successful as is SelectPolicy, and the packet is processed using xyz-service.
The ExecNASIPRule script matches the Client IP address configured in Prime Access Registrar with the value in the NAS-IP-Address attribute of the request packet and sets the appropriate service for processing the packet. ExecNASIPRule is a standard script available with Prime Access Registrar.
Routing Requests Based on User-Name Prefix
You can use the Prime Access Registrar policy engine to select a service based on the prefix in the User-Name attribute.
In the following example, request packets with a User-Name attribute that contains @abc.com as the suffix and cisco as the prefix should be processed using the service abc-service. A request packet with User-Name attribute containing cisco/bob@abc.com will be processed using abc-service.
The following SelectPolicy refers to two rules, suffixrule and prefixrule :
1. When a request packet arrives, Prime Access Registrar executes SelectPolicy beginning with suffixrule to determine if the realm in the User-Name attribute contains @abc.com. If so, the suffixrule is successful. Since there is an “&” operator between the rules, the prefixrule must also succeed for the SelectPolicy to be successful.
2. The prefixrule is now processed to determine if the prefix in the User-Name attribute contains cisco. If so, the prefixrule is successful which makes SelectPolicy successful, and the AA service is set to the service specified in the prefixrule.
ExecPrefixRule script matches the prefix configured in Prime Access Registrar with the prefix in the User-Name attribute of the request packet and sets the appropriate service for processing the packet. ExecPrefixRule is a standard script available with Prime Access Registrar. See ExecPrefixRule for more information.
Attribute Translation
The attribute translation feature supports the RADIUS proxy enabling you to customize attribute filters so that RADIUS attribute value (AV) pairs can be inserted, deleted, or substituted.
For example, when a request is proxied from AAA Server on ISP A to AAA Server on ISP B, some AV pairs might be substituted (such as IP address) because they might not be valid on the ISP B network. Additionally, ISP B might return some vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) that are not applicable to ISP A's network. Therefore, ISP A will substitute ISP B's VSA value pairs for ISP A's VSAs.
Two configuration points under the /Radius directory support this feature,
Under the /Radius/Translations directory, any translation to insert, substitute, or translate attributes can be added. The following is a sample configuration under the /Radius/Translations directory:
DeleteAttrs is the set of attributes to be deleted from the packet. Each attribute is comma separated and no spaces are allowed between attributes.
Under the /Radius/Translations/T1/Attributes directory, the attributes that should be inserted and the attributes that should be substituted are specified. These AV pairs are either added to the packet if not present already or replaced with the configured value.
Under the /Radius/TranslationGroups directory, translations can be grouped and applied to certain sets of packets, which are referred to in a rule.
The following is a sample configuration under the /Radius/TranslationGroups directory:
The translation group is referenced through the Prime Access Registrar policy engine in the /Radius/Rules/<RuleName>/Attributes directory.
- Incoming-Translation-Groups are set to a translation group (for example CiscoIncoming).
- Outgoing-Translation-Groups are to set to another translation group (for example CiscoOutgoing).
The following is an example of setting up a rule for a translation group.
The ciscoTranslationRule rule must be referred to in the /Radius/Policies directory, so the Prime Access Registrar policy engine can invoke this rule. If the pattern of Realm, DNIS, or CLID matches the one defined in the rule, Prime Access Registrar sets the environment variable Incoming-Translation-Groups to CiscoIncoming. By looking up the definition of CiscoIncoming, Prime Access Registrar applies all of the translations to the incoming packet (before it is proxied to the other server).
When the proxied packet comes back to the RADIUS server, Prime Access Registrar sets the environment variable, Outgoing-Translation-Groups to CiscoOutgoing.
DNIS, CLID, and Realm are supported for filtering packets. Prime Access Registrar provides the following scripts to facilitate filtering based on DNIS, CLID and Realm.
Parsing Translation Groups
Prime Access Registrar provides three scripts that enable you to parse translation groups based on the DNIS, CLID or Realm attribute in an incoming packet. These scripts are:
In the following example, request packets containing @abc.com as the realm should be proxied to the remote server defined under abc-service. Before redirecting the request packet to the remote server, the Calling-Station-Id of the packet should be changed to 111.
The following SelectPolicy refers to two rules, realmrule and translaterule :
1. When a request packet arrives, Prime Access Registrar executes SelectPolicy beginning with “realmrule” to determine if the realm in the User-Name attribute contains If so, the realmrule is successful and the AA service is set to abc-service.
2. Next Prime Access Registrar executes the translaterule to change the CLID of the packet to 111.
Time of Day Access Restrictions
You can use the Prime Access Registrar policy engine to implement access restriction on users based on the time of day. The following are ExecTimeRule script that implements this functionality:
- ExecTimeRule can be used to check the time at which the request packet arrives and determine if access should be granted based on the authorization parameters for the user.
- If the rule succeeds, ExecTimeRule sets the Acceptedprofiles Environment dictionary variable to a profile or a set of profiles, as in the following:

Note If more than one profile is to be added to the Acceptedprofiles variable, use two colons to separate them (::).
If the user is authenticated, the Baseprofile of the user is compared with the Acceptedprofiles. All the profiles that are in the Baseprofile and in Acceptedprofiles will be used as profiles while sending the response for the user.
For example, consider the following user configuration of user1:
The Baseprofile of the user1 has highprivilegeaccess, readonlyaccess and regularaccess. If the Acceptedprofiles of the user has regularaccess and highprivilegeaccess, the profiles regularaccess and highprivilegeaccess will be used while sending the response packet.
Setting Time Ranges in ExecTimeRule
ExecTimeRule accepts time range in the following format.
The first star indicates minutes and can be a value from 0-59. The second star indicates hours and can be a value from 0-23. The third star indicates day of the month and can be a value from 1-31. The fourth star indicates month and can be a value from 1-12. The fifth star indicates day of the week and can be a value from 0-6 where 0 indicates Sunday, 1 indicates Monday, and so on.
For example, to schedule a particular action to occur every Sunday during the month of December, use a command line like this:
ExecTimeRule Example Configuration
This section provides a configuration example where a user, user1, is only authorized for PPP service between 10 AM and 6 PM. If a login occurs at any other time, user1 will be authorized only for telnet service.
Reducing Overhead Using Policies to Group Rules
When you configure a large number of rules, the processing of request packets can be slow. For example, if you have 50 rules and only the last rule succeeds, the Prime Access Registrar server will have to check the preceding 49 rules before executing the rule that succeeds. You can reduce this overhead by using policies to group rules.
The following sample configuration, Prime Access Registrar must choose the AA service to be used for two domains, abc.com and xyz.com, based on the DNIS. You can do this by configuring different policies for different domains.
In the following configuration, SelectPolicy selects the policy to process packets with realm abc.com or xyz.com. Based on the realm that arrives in the request packet, abcrealmrule and xyzrealmrule decide whether to use abc-policy or xyz-policy to process the packets. abc-policy and xyz-policy are configured with rules to check for DNIS numbers in the respective domains and set the AA services appropriately.
Standard Scripts Used with Rules
Prime Access Registrar software includes the following scripts that you can use with the rules:
- ExecRealmRule
- ExecDNISRule
- ExecCLIDRule
- ExecNASIPRule
- ExecPrefixRule
- ExecSuffixRule
- ExecTimeRule
- ParseTranslationGroupsByRealm
- ParseTranslationGroupsByDNIS
- ParseTranslationGroupsByCLID
Use the ExecRealmRule script to determine the Authentication service and Authorization service to be used to process the request packet based on the suffix (Realm) in the User-Name attribute. You configure the Realm for which the packet should be checked and the service to use in the Attributes subdirectory of a rule. The ExecRealmRule script supports multivalued attributes with which you can configure to check for multiple Realms.
For example, the following statement checks the request packet for three realms. If one of these three realms is found in the request packet, the ExecRealmRule script sets the attributes to the values listed in the Attributes subdirectory of the rule that references the ExecRealmRule script.
set Realm "@cisco.com" "@foo.com" "#bar.com"

Note Only the characters @ and # can be used as delimiters in ExecRealmRule.
Prior to Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar), ExecRealmRule was interpreted as a regular expression pattern and was evaluated accordingly. ExecRealmRule now does a simple case insensitive comparison by default of the value specified for the realm attribute for the realm of a username and optionally performs regular expression matching.
You can now specify a pattern using the following notation:
Where pattern is a string of alpha-numeric characters that might include wild card characters, as in “@*cisco.com” to match patterns (realms) that end in cisco.com.

Note The question mark (?) should not be used without a character pattern preceding it. Specifying ? as the first character might have undesirable results. (For regexp terminology, the question mark should be preceded by an atom.)
The ExecRealmRule script checks the request packet for the Realm and applies the values set for the following attributes:
Use the ExecDNISRule script to determine the Authentication service and Authorization service to be used to process the request packet based on the Called-Station-Id (DNIS) attribute. The DNIS for which the packet should be checked and the services can be configured through the Policy Engine. The ExecDNISRule script supports multivalued attributes, by which you can configure multiple DNIS for checking.
For example, the following statement checks for a Calling-Station-Id of 1111111, 2222222, or 3333333. If one of the DNIS values is true, the script applies the values set for the Authentication-Service, Authorization-Service, and Policy attributes.
Use the ExecCLIDRule script with the Policy Engine to determine the Authentication service and Authorization service to be used to process the request packet based on the Calling-Station-Id (CLID) attribute. The CLID for which the packet should be checked and the services can be configured through the Policy Engine. ExecCLIDRule supports multivalued attributes by which you can configure multiple CLID for checking.
For example, the following statement checks for Calling-Station-ID and applies Authentication-Service, Authorization-Service, and Policy.
set CLID “1111111” “2222222” “3333333”
The ExecCLIDRule script checks the request packet for the Calling-Station-Id and applies the values set for the following attributes:
The Policy Engine references the ExecNASIPRule script to determine the AAA Services, Policy and Session Manager based on the Client-IP-Address and Subnet-Mask set in the Policy Engine. The ExecNASIPRule script supports multi-value attributes by which multiple you can configure the Client-IP-Address and Subnet-Mask in aregcmd for checking.
For example, the following statements check for Client-IP-Address and Subnet-Mask and applies Authentication-Service, Authorization-Service, Accounting-Service, Policy, and Session-Manager.
set Client-IP-Address "" "" ""
set Subnet-Mask "" "" ""
The ExecNASIPRule script checks the request packet for the Client-IP-Address and Subnet-Mask and applies the values set for the following attributes:
The Policy Engine references the ExecPrefixRule to determine the authentication and authorization services based on the prefix in the User-Name attribute of the request packet and assigns the appropriate service for processing the packet.
Table 10-1 lists the ExecPrefixRule script attributes.
For example, if cisco/bob@abc.com is the User-Name attribute, the ExecPrefixRule script sets the Authentication-Service to abc-service and User-Name to:
- bob@abc.com when the StripPrefix attribute is set to YES.
- cisco/bob@abc.com when the StripPrefix attribute is set to NO.
You can configure the Prefix attribute in Prime Access Registrar using the aregcmd as follows:
The Prime Access Registrar server does a case-insensitive comparison of the value specified for the prefix attribute of a username.
You can configure the Prefix by specifying a pattern using the following notation:
[ //localhost/Radius/Rules/prefix/Attributes ]
Where a pattern is a string of alpha-numeric characters that can include wild card characters, as in “cis*” to match patterns (realms) that start with “cis”.

Note If you specify / as the delimiter while configuring ExecPrefix Rule, you must configure the prefix as Prefix =~/pattern//.

Note The question mark (?) should not be used without a character pattern preceding it. Specifying ? as the first character might have undesirable results. (For regexp terminology, the question mark should be preceded by an atom.)
The Policy Engine references ExecSuffixRule to determine the AAA services, policy and session managers based on the suffix (or realm) set in the Policy Engine. You can use aregcmd to configure ExecSuffixRule to support multivalued attributes, as in the following:
set Suffix “cisco.com” “abc.com” “domain.com”
In the User-Name bob@abc.com, ExecSuffixRule first checks for any of the configured delimiters in the User-Name. If there is a match, ExecSuffixRule checks for the configured suffix in the User-Name. If the suffix matches, ExecSuffixRule checks for the value of the StripSuffix variable. If StripSuffix is set to Yes, the suffix (including the delimiter) is stripped from the User-Name attribute of the Access Request.
Table 10-2 lists the ExecSuffixRule script attributes.
The Prime Access Registrar server does a case-insensitive comparison of the value specified for the suffix attribute for the suffix of a username.
You can also specify a pattern using the following notation:
Where pattern is a string of alpha-numeric characters that might include wild card characters, as in “@*cisco.com” to match patterns (realms) that end in cisco.com.

Note The question mark (?) should not be used without a character pattern preceding it. Specifying ? as the first character might have undesirable results. (For regexp terminology, the question mark should be preceded by an atom.)
Configuring Suffix and Prefix Policies
Step 1 Activate the Policy Engine by configuring SelectPolicy.
For example, the following script explains you how to set a suffix and prefix policy in the Grouping list.
Step 2 Run the configuration rules for Prefix and Suffix.
For example, the suffix and prefix rule configuration do the following:
- points to the ExecSuffixRule script
- specifies the delimiters for which to scan
- specifies the suffixes for which to scan
- indicates whether to strip the suffix from the User-Name
In this example, if bob@abc.com is the User-Name attribute, ExecSuffixRule strips the User-Name bob@abc.com and sets the User-Name environment variable to bob because StripSuffix is configured as yes.
Use the ExecTimeRule script to implement access restriction on users based on time. The ExecTimeRule script checks the time at which the request packet arrives and based on that the authorization parameters for the user can be decided. Based on the time of the request packet if the rule succeeds then ExecTimeRule sets the environment variable, Acceptedprofiles to a profile or a set of profiles.
For example, the following statement checks for Timerange and applies AcceptedProfiles.
The Policy Engine references the ParseTranslationGroupsByReal script to determine the incoming and outgoing translation groups based on realm set in the Policy Engine. Use the ParseTranslationGroupsByReal script to add or filter attributes in request and response packets. The ParseTranslationGroupsByReal script supports multi-value attributes enabling you to configure to check for multiple Realms.
For instance, the following statement checks for three Realms. If True, the Policy Engine applies the values set for the Incoming-Translation-Group and Outgoing-Translation-Groups attributes.
This script is referenced from the Policy Engine to determine the incoming and outgoing translation groups based on DNIS set in the Policy Engine. This script can be used to add/filter attributes in request/response packets. This script supports multi-value attributes, by which multiple DNIS can be configured for checking.
For example, the following statement checks for Calling-Station-ID and applies Incoming-Translation-Groups and Outgoing-Translation-Groups.
The Policy Engine references the ParseTranslationGroupsByCLID script to determine the incoming and outgoing translation groups based on CLID set in the Policy Engine. You can use the ParseTranslationGroupsByCLID script to add and filter attributes in request and response packets. The ParseTranslationGroupsByCLID script supports multi-value attributes, by which you can configure multiple CLIDs for checking.
For example, the following statement checks for the Calling-Station-ID and applies Incoming-Translation-Groups and Outgoing-Translation-Groups.
The ParseTranslationGroupsByDNIS script is referenced from the policy engine to determine the incoming and outgoing translation groups based on DNIS set in the policy engine. The ParseTranslationGroupsByDNIS script can be used to add and/or filter attributes in request and response packets. The ParseTranslationGroupsByDNIS script supports multi-value attributes, by which multiple DNIS can be configured for checking.
For example, the following statement checks for the Calling-Station-ID and applies Incoming-Translation-Groups and Outgoing-Translation-Groups.