RADIUS Accounting Log

This chapter describes RADIUS accounting log information in Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar). For more information about RADIUS accounting in Prime Access Registrar, see the “RADIUS Accounting” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.2 User Guide.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Accounting Log Examples

This section provides examples of accounting log information recorded in an accounting log file.This section contains the following topics:

Accounting-Start Packet

The Accounting-Start packet describes the type of service and the user attempting to login.

Tue, 06 Dec 2013 12:32:17.036
User-Name = bob
NAS-Port = 1
Framed-IP-Address =
Class = yahoo.com
NAS-Identifier = localhost
Acct-Status-Type = Start
Acct-Session-Id = 1

Accounting Stop Packet

When the session ends, the NAS sends an Accounting Stop packet that describe the type of service that was delivered. The Accounting Stop packet might also contain statistics such as elapsed time, input and output octets, or input and output packets.

Tue, 06 Dec 2013 12:32:17.036
User-Name = bob
NAS-Port = 1
Framed-IP-Address =
Class = yahoo.com
NAS-Identifier = localhost
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Session-Id = S209524

Trace of Successful Accounting

The following is a trace example of a successful accounting sequence.

11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Packet received from
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Trace of Accounting-Request packet
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: identifier = 127
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: length = 45
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: reqauth = ed:d6:a6:ae:57:09:b8:55:a8:d4:c4:0d:f7:be:06:2a
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: User-Name = bob
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: NAS-Identifier = localhost
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Acct-Status-Type = Start
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Acct-Session-Id = 1
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Using Client: cubone (
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Using NAS: localhost (
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Request is directly from a NAS: FALSE
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Running NAS localhost ( IncomingScript: ParseServiceHints
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Rex: environ->get( "Request-Type") -> "Accounting-Request"
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Rex: environ->get( "User-Name") -> ""
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Rex: request->get( "User-Name", 0) -> "bob"
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Accounting with Service accserv1
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Trace of Accounting-Response packet
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: identifier = 127
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: length = 20
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: reqauth = a6:40:45:02:4c:8b:6f:00:4f:18:4a:b8:fe:28:9d:f4
11/12/2013 21:27:58: P6699: Sending response to

Sample Error Messages

The following are sample accounting error messages:

Error message logged in name_radius_1_log file when the disk is full and AR is trying to record an accounting request.
05/15/2013 2:52:29 name/radius/1 Error System 0 Failed to write records to the accounting report file '/usr/accounting.log' - accounting records lost



Noteblank.gif An Accounting-Response packet is sent only if the accounting record is written to the file in the disk. If the disk is full, an Accounting-Response packet is not sent.

Error message logged in name_radius_1_log file when the path specified in the FilenamePrefix property is not valid.
05/15/2013 4:11:12 name/radius/1 Error Configuration 0 Error in property /Radius/Services/CiscoAccounting/FilenamePrefix: Unable to write to the specified report file prefix (/tmp/AR/accounting)