Upgrading Prime Cable Provisioning

Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 can be upgraded from PCP 4.2.x/ 5.x/6.x. Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1supports only 64-bit servers. If you are running any earlier 4.2.x version of Prime Cable Provisioning (referred to as Cisco BAC) on 32-bit servers, you should first upgrade to 64-bit servers and then upgrade to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1.

All components of Prime Cable Provisioning 4.2.x/ 5.x/6.x can be upgraded to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1. You need to migrate the database, irrespective of whether you upgrade to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 from Cisco BAC 4.2.x or from Prime Cable Provisioning 5.x.

See Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning Upgrade Matrix for more details about which components can be auto-upgraded to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 and which need fresh installation.

Prime Cable Provisioning supports inline migration, using which you can migrate one server at a time without disrupting the entire Prime Cable Provisioning deployment.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Upgrade Cisco BAC 4.2.x/PCP 5.x/6.x to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1

You can upgrade all components of Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x by running the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 installer. The installer automatically upgrades the installed components to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1. However, for RDU, you will first need to complete the upgrade, and then migrate the database.

The main points to be considered for this upgrade are :

  • Back up the 4.2.x/5.x/6.x RDU database and verify the same.

  • Install the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 RDU. After the fresh installation, you need to migrate the database either using the migration tool or the migration script.

  • Auto-upgrade is not supported for KDC on Linux. Though you can manually upgrade KDC, we recommend fresh installation to avoid any installation issues.

  • You can upgrade RDU, DPE, CPNR-EP and PWS from Cisco BAC 4.2.x or above to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 .

  • In case of Prime Network Registrar and its extension points you will need to first upgrade from the earlier version of Prime Network Registrar to Prime Network Registrar 8.x and then upgrade the Prime Network Registrar Extension Points to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1. For the Prime Network Registrar upgrade to 8.x see the Cisco Prime Network Registrar 9.x Installation Guide and for the extension points upgrade, see Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar Extensions.

The following table represents the components that can be upgraded from the previous versions to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1.

Components 5.x 4.2.x
RDU Y (After upgrade, migrate the database) Y
CPNR Extension point Y Y

See Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning Compatibility Matrix for more details about which components can be auto-upgraded to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 and which need fresh installation.


It is recommended to backup the database before upgrading any of the Prime Cable Provisioning components.

About Backward Compatibility

Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 RDU can interoperate with 4.x, 5.x, 6.x versions of Provisioning Group components (DPE and PNR EP).


In Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1, to avoid the java secure mode communication issue during interoperability (DPE in 5.x and RDU 6.1) follow the below steps:

1. After upgrading the RDU to PCP 6.1, edit the following properties in $BPR_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security file .

  • Remove RC4 from the property, jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, MD5withRSA,DH keySize < 768, \
 EC keySize < 224
  • Remove RC4_128 from the property, jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms

jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms= \
 DH_anon, ECDH_anon, \
 RC4_40, DES_CBC, DES40_CBC, \

2. Restart the RDU and start testing for InterOperability in secure mode.

After upgrading the DPE to 6.1, add the above removed content back to the java.security file.

Migration preserves the device record revision numbers used in DPE synchronization. As a result, DPE repopulation is not triggered after the RDU database upgrade, ensuring the least disruption until you upgrade the specific DPE.


  • In Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1, the RDU user configuration overrides RADIUS user configuration for authorization. This is done to support backward compatibility of existing RADIUS users. After migrating from an earlier version to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1, all existing RADIUS users are migrated as local users in RDU. So it is advised that you delete all the existing duplicate RADIUS users once the RADIUS users are configured with the appropriate Cisco AV Pairs.

    • Existing read-only and read-write users would be mapped to new ReadOnly and ReadWrite users.

    • Default out of the box (OOTB) admin user will be mapped to Admin role.

    • Radius users will be migrated as local RDU users.

  • Prime Cable Provisioning provides multivendor support through Option 43 and its suboptions. When using this option, ensure that you modify templates used in earlier releases to be compatible with the template grammar that Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 uses.

  • You must upgrade the existing API client libraries (.jar files) to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1. For this, you need to copy the bpr.jar, bacbase.jar, and bac-commons.jar to the API client libraries location. For more information on API client libraries, see Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide.

Database Migration

The Prime Cable Provisioning database migration procedure requires that you migrate the components in the sequence recommended in below-mentioned sections. Performing the migration in any other sequence may result in error during provisioning.

  1. Backing Up the RDU Database

  2. Recovering the Backed Up RDU Database

  3. Verify Database Integrity of Cisco BAC 4.2.x/PCP 5.x

  4. Backing up the Property Files

  5. Upgrading RDU from Cisco PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1

  6. Migrating the RDU Database

  7. Verifying Database Integrity of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1

The following figure describes the workflow for database migration.
Figure 1. Database Migration

Backing Up the RDU Database


We recommend you to take two backup of RDU Database. This is to ensure that when something goes wrong, or when there is a need to roll back the upgrade process, you can revert the database to previous version.

Before upgrading Prime Cable Provisioning components, ensure that you back up the RDU database files. Throttling limits the I/O bandwidth used by the database with backup utility. Throttle option specifies the rate at which the backup tool reads the files it copies. While using this option, if the reading rate is high, the tool goes to sleep mode till the rate comes down.


We recommend that you use the throttle option always since it is not an I/O intensive operation. The throttle option is supported in Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1.

To back up the RDU database, run the backupDb.sh script in the $BPR_HOME/rdu/bin directory.

For example:

# $BPR_HOME/rdu/bin/backupDb.sh -throttle 500 /var/backup

where, /var/backup—identifies the database backup directory.

In this example, all the backed up database files are stored in a directory called /var/backup/rdu-backup-20130829-031028. The last subdirectory (rdu-backup-20130829-031028) is automatically created with a current time stamp.


The time-stamped subdirectory format is rdu-backup-yyyyMMdd-HHmmss. In this example, the subdirectory would be rdu-backup-20130829-031028, meaning that the directory contains a backup that was started at 3:10:28 a.m. on August 29, 2013.

For additional information on using the backupDb.sh tool, see the Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide.

Recovering the Backed Up RDU Database

After taking the backup, you need to recover the database by using the command:

# $BPR_HOME/rdu/bin/recoverDb.sh /var/backup/rdu-backup-20130829-031028

Verify Database Integrity of Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x

We recommend that you perform a dry run of the migration process on a staging (nonproduction) system, instead of on a live system during RDU downtime. These steps may not be practical during live migration, because in the case of a large database, verification can take an extended length of time.

To verify the database, run the verifyDb.sh tool on a backup snapshot.


To verify the database before migration, use the verifyDb.sh tool from the Cisco PCP 5.x installation corresponding to the version of the database. You cannot verify a non-migrated database with the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 version of verifyDb.sh.

For example, enter:

# $BPR_HOME/rdu/internal/db/bin/verifyDb.sh -dbdir /var/backup/rdu-backup-20130829-031028

This pathname is specific to the Cisco BAC installation version before migration.

For details on the verifyDb.sh tool, see the Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide.

Backing up the Property Files

If you have customized any of the property files during your current installation (BAC 4.2.x, PCP 5.x/6.x), you will need to first back them up and then copy them manually to the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 database.

To back up the property files:


Step 1

Stop the bprAgent using the following command:

# /etc/init.d/bprAgent stop

Step 2

Back up the following files.

  • files under <BAC_HOME>/rdu/conf/
    • rdu.properties

    • adminui.properties

    • Other xml files and dtd files

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/CABLEHOME_OptionDesc.dtd
      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/PKTCBL_OptionDesc.dtd

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/DOCSIS_OptionDesc.dtd

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/log4j.xml

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/PKTCBL_OptionDesc.xml

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/CABLEHOME_OptionDesc.xml

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/DOCSIS_OptionDesc.xml

      • /opt/CSCObac/rdu/conf/AuditLog.properties

  • the MIB files under $BAC_HOME/rdu/mibs/

  • the *.xml files under $BAC_HOME/snmp/conf/

In addition to the above files when you upgrade from Cisco BAC 4.2.x, PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1, back up the:
  • api.properties file under $BAC_HOME api/conf for RDU.
  • tomcat server.xml file for RDU and PWS.
  • respective keystore files for RDU, DPE, CPNR-EP and PWS.

Upgrading RDU from Cisco BAC 4.2.x to PCP 6.1.1

Use this procedure to upgrade the RDU of Cisco BAC 4.2.x to PCP 6.1.1:


Step 1

Uninstall PCP 4.2.x as described in section Uninstalling Prime Cable Provisioning.


You cannot upgrade RDU from 4.2.x to 6.1.1 directly. You need to first uninstall 4.2.x RDU and then install PCP 6.1.1.

Step 2

Continue performing from step 1 mentioned in the section Upgrading RDU from Cisco PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1, to proceed with the RDU upgrade process.

Upgrading RDU from Cisco PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1

Use this procedure to upgrade the RDU of Cisco PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1:


Step 1

Unpack the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 install package with .gtar extension using the following command:

On Linux:

gtar -zxpf BAC_611_LinuxK9.gtar.gz

Step 2

To start the upgrade process for RDU, select the RDU component after running the install script of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 using the following command:

On Linux:

# <install-path>/BAC_611_LinuxK9/install_bac.sh

The installation program prompts you to confirm if you want to proceed with the upgrade.

Step 3

To confirm that you want to upgrade, enter y and press Enter.

The installation program prompts you to enter the backup directory location.

Step 4

To accept the default backup directory location for properties file, /tmp, press Enter; or enter another backup directory location.

The installation program prompts you to remove the Cisco PCP 5.x package.

Step 5

Enter y and press Enter to continue.

The installation program will take the required backup, and remove Cisco PCP 5.x RDU. The installation program also prompts you to proceed with the installation of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 RDU. To continue with the installation see, Installing the RDU in Interactive Mode.


If you want to change the data directory during upgrade, ensure that you manually migrate the data from the previous data directory to the new data directory.

Step 6

To verify if the output information indicates Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1, enter:

On Linux:

# # rpm -qa CSCObac

Upgrading PCP along with HA

Before Upgrading PCP along with HA, please go through the below point and the upgrade scenarios carefully.

  • Geo HA is available only from 5.2.x. Fresh Installation and PCP 6.1.1 Geo and Local HA setup works only on RHEL / CENTOS 7.4 (kernel - 3.10.0-693.11.6).


If you are upgrading to 6.1.1 version, then you must upgrade the OS to RHEL/CENT 7.4 with kernel (3.10.0-693.11.6).

If you are upgrading from any one of the scenario mentioned below, please follow the steps mentioned in Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 1 or Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 2.


Below scenarios need OS upgrade to RHEL 7.4 / CentOS 7.4.

  • Upgrading from PCP 5.x/5.2.x/5.3.x/6.x RDU to 6.1.1 RDU Local / Geo HA Cluster.

  • Upgrading from PCP 5.x/5.2.x/5.3.x/6.x RDU Local HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU Local HA Cluster with OS Upgrade

  • Upgrading from PCP 5.x/5.2.x/5.3.x/6.xRDU Local HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU GEO HA Cluster.

If you are upgrading from any one of the scenario mentioned below, please follow the steps mentioned in Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 3.


Below scenarios does not require OS upgrade.

  • Upgrading from PCP 6.1 RDU GEO HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU GEO HA Cluster.

  • Upgrading from PCP 6.1 RDU Local HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU Local HA Cluster.

  • Upgrading from PCP 6.1 RDU Local HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU GEO HA Cluster.

Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 1

Step 1

Turn the primary RDU to standby mode, so that the VIP will be reachable through the secondary RDU node.

Step 2

Upgrade the OS to RHEL/CENTOS 7.4 on primary node with kernel - 3.10.0-693.11.6.

Step 3

Run the pre-installation script on the primary node and select option 2. For details, see: Configuring RDU Node in Primary-Only Mode.

Step 4

Install RDU on the synchronized logical volumes; LVBPRHOME, LVBPRDATA, and LVBPRDBLOG. For details, see Installing the RDU in Interactive Mode.

Step 5

Enable the firewall, so that the DPE and CNR-EP will not reach the VIP on the secondary node.

Step 6

Stop the bprAgent on secondary node using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh stop res_bprAgent_1

Step 7

Back up the RDU database and property files as described in section Backing Up the RDU Database and Backing up the Property Files.

Step 8

Move the DB Backup from secondary to primary node and migrate the DB and restore the same.

Step 9

Upgrade the OS to RHEL/CentOS 7.4 on the secondary node.

Step 10

Run the pre-installation script on the secondary node and select option 3. For details, see: Configuring RDU Node in Secondary-Only Mode.

Step 11

Run the pre-installation script on the primary node and select option 4. For details, see: Configuring HA Cluster from an RDU HA Ready Installation.

  • It will stop the bprAgent and move the contents from /BPR_HOME /BPR_DATA and /BPR_LOG to /BPR_HOME_TMP /BPR_DATA_TMP and /BPR_LOG_TMP folders.
  • It will revert back the contents from TMP to /BPR_HOME /BPR_DATA and /BPR_LOG.
Step 12

Run the post-installation script available under BAC_611_LinuxK9 directory:

# sh post_install_bac_HA.sh

The post-installation script performs the automated configuration tasks required for RDU redundancy function setup.

Step 13

Disable the firewall, so that the DPE and CNR-EP can reach the VIP.

Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 2

Step 1

Turn the secondary RDU to standby mode, so that the VIP will be reachable through the primary RDU node.

Step 2

Upgrade the OS to RHEL/CENTOS 7.4 on secondary node with kernel - 3.10.0-693.11.6.

Step 3

Run the pre-installation script on the secondary node and select option 3. For details, see: Configuring RDU Node in Secondary-Only Mode.

Step 4

Enable the firewall, so that the DPE and CNR-EP will not reach the VIP on the primary node.

Step 5

Stop the bprAgent on primary node using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh stop res_bprAgent_1

Step 6

Back up the RDU database and property files as described in section Backing Up the RDU Database and Backing up the Property Files.

Step 7

Move the DB Backup to some common repository.

Step 8

Upgrade the OS to RHEL/CentOS 7.4 on the primary node.

Step 9

Run the pre-installation script on the primary node and select option 1. For details, see: Setting Up RDU Two Node Failover Pair.

Step 10

Stop the bprAgent on primary node using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh stop res_bprAgent_1 .

Step 11

Move the DB Backup from common repository to primary node and migrate the DB and restore the same.

Step 12

Start the bprAgent on primary node using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh start res_bprAgent_1 .

Step 13

Disable the firewall, so that the DPE and CNR-EP can reach the VIP.

Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 3

Step 1

Stop the bprAgent on primary node using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh stop res_bprAgent_1

Step 2

Verify if the bprAgent has stopped using the command: /etc/init.d/bprAgent status

Step 3

If you are upgrading from Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1 RDU Local HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU GEO HA Cluster, execute the below steps:

  1. Uninstall PCP 6.1 as described in section RDU HA Uninstall Scripts.

  2. Install PCP 6.1.1 RDU HA as described in Setting Up RDU Redundancy.

Step 4

Migrate backed up DB as described in Database Migration section.

Step 5

Run the restoreDB.sh on the newly copied directory.

Step 6

Merge the backed up property files and MIB files in the PCP 6.1.1 RDU HA setup.


While restoring the files, make sure that you merge the changes without overwriting the newly installed files.

Step 7

Start the bprAgent using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh start res_bprAgent_1

Step 8

Check the status of bprAgent using the command:/etc/init.d/bprAgent status .

Step 9

Check the RDU HA cluster status using the command:/bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/monitor_ha_cluster.sh .

Upgrading PCP along with HA - Procedure 3

Step 1

Stop the bprAgent on primary node using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh stop res_bprAgent_1

Step 2

Verify if the bprAgent has stopped using the command: /etc/init.d/bprAgent status

Step 3

If you are upgrading from Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1 RDU Local HA Cluster to 6.1.1 RDU GEO HA Cluster, execute the below steps:

  1. Uninstall PCP 6.1 as described in section RDU HA Uninstall Scripts.

  2. Install PCP 6.1.1 RDU HA as described in Setting Up RDU Redundancy.

Step 4

Migrate backed up DB as described in Database Migration section.

Step 5

Run the restoreDB.sh on the newly copied directory.

Step 6

Merge the backed up property files and MIB files in the PCP 6.1.1 RDU HA setup.


While restoring the files, make sure that you merge the changes without overwriting the newly installed files.

Step 7

Start the bprAgent using the command: /bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/manage_ha_resources.sh start res_bprAgent_1

Step 8

Check the status of bprAgent using the command:/etc/init.d/bprAgent status .

Step 9

Check the RDU HA cluster status using the command:/bprHome/CSCObac/agent/HA/bin/monitor_ha_cluster.sh .

Migrating the RDU Database

After you perform the sequence of steps (steps 1 to 5) as explained in Database Migration section , use the migration script (migrateDb.sh) for migrating the RDU database to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1.

You must use the migration script, for migrating the RDU database:
  • Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x on Linux to PCP 6.1.1 on Linux, use the migration script (migrateDb.sh) only.
Options for the In-line Migration Script - migrateDb.sh

To migrate the database, you must run the migrateDb.sh shell script which is located under $BPR_HOME/migration. The following table describes the arguments of the migrateDb.sh script to carry out the migration operation.


In Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 migration, migrateDB script does not migrate all the custom files from MIBs directory. It migrates only the MIB files that are mentioned in the rdu.properties. If the mibList property is not defined in rdu.properties, then it uses the MIB file names from the System Default Configuration and migrate those files to the database.

Table 1. migrateDb.sh Options






-dbdir dir Specifies the location of the database backup that is to be migrated.


-dblogdir dir Specifies the location of the database logs that are to be migrated.


The directory that the -dbdir option specifies
-cachesize value Specifies, in MB, the size of the memory cache.

If you use this parameter, you must not exceed the 100-MB limit, unless you reduce the value of the -Xmx variable in the migrateDb.sh script by double the increase in the cache size. For example, if you set cache size to 200 MB, you must reduce the value of -Xmx to:

(200-100)*2 = 200 MB


100 MB
-help Specifies usage for the tool


Migrating to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 Using In-line Migration Script

Migrating the RDU database to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1, using the in-line migration script - migrateDb.sh, consists of five main steps:

  1. Install/ Upgrade the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 RDU.

  2. Stop the bprAgent.

  3. Run the migrateDb.sh script (which is located under $BPR_HOME/migration) on the backed up database.

  4. Restore the migrated database.

  5. Start the bprAgent. After the migration is complete, a message is displayed indicating the same. You cannot launch the Admin UI until this step is completed.

The migration script (migrateDb.sh) is available in the Prime Cable Provisioning installation package. Migration is accomplished by reading from the original database and writing it into a new database. For this purpose, you must allocate additional disk space for accommodating the newly created database.

The status of the first two steps is recorded in a migration log file, which is stored in the migrated database directory. The migration.log file identifies the version of the database that is being migrated and provides status messages for the migration process.


Migration deletes any outstanding jobs stored in the database, such as reliable batches that did not finish execution or pending Configuration Regeneration Service (CRS) jobs.

The following table describes the process of migration from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x Linux to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 Linux using examples that assume that:

  • Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x is installed in the default home directory /opt/CSCObac.

  • The migration from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x to 6.1.1 is an inline migration where the source and the target database are the same and a separate target database need not be created. The source database is restored once the migration is complete.

  • The backup of the previous version of the RDU database is located in the /var/backup directory.

Table 2. RDU Migration Workflow from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x Linux to Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 Linux
Step Task See

Stop the bprAgent using the following command:

# /etc/init.d/bprAgent stop


Run PCP 6.1.1 migrateDb.sh on the backed up database. The migrateDb.sh script resides in the $BPR_HOME/migration directory.

For example:

# $BPR_HOME/migration/migrateDb.sh -dbdir


-dbdir—Specifies the location of the database backup that is to be migrated; in this case, /var/backup.


Observe the migration progress using the migration.log file.

For example:

# tail -f /var/backup/rdu-backup-20130829-031028/migration.log


Verify if the migration is complete using the migration.log file. If you find any warnings or notices, use the grep command-line tool to search them.

For example:

# tail /var/backup/rdu-backup-20130829-031028/migration.log

Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide

After migrating the database, verify it by running the command:

For example:

# $BPR_HOME/rdu/internal/db/bin/verifydb.sh -dbdir


If any error occurs during the process, the log file, bpr-verify-db-log.xml is generated in the path $BPR_HOME/rdu/internal/db/bin, which contains the details of the error. For further assistance, you can contact Cisco Support.

Delete the target RDU database directories.

For example:

# rm –rf /var/CSCObac/rdu/db*


Restore the migrated database into the RDU $BPR_DATA and $BPR_DBLOG directories.

For example:

# $BPR_HOME/rdu/bin/restoreDb.sh


Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide

Start the bprAgent using the following command:

# /etc/init.d/bprAgent start

This also starts the RDU process. Check the rdu.log file for messages on successful initialization, which also indicate that RDU will be up and running.

Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide
9 Also, you can check if the $BPR_DATA/rdu/db/DB_VERSION file indicates the database version as 6.1.1. Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide
Migration preserves the device record revision numbers used in DPE synchronization. As a result, DPE repopulation is not triggered after the RDU database upgrade, ensuring the least disruption until you upgrade the specific DPE.
10 Verify the RDU operations by logging into the Admin UI. From Servers > RDU, you can check if the RDU version is 6.1.1 and if the device count statistics is correct (same number of devices as before and all the devices are in the same state as they were earlier) Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide
About Migration Performance

A large RDU database can be several gigabytes in size, and may take an extended length of time to migrate. This depends largely on your hardware. Using faster disks improves the time significantly.

Migration automatically compacts your database that may be fragmented. However, this Prime Cable Provisioning release stores additional data for every device. You can expect the size of the database to increase after migration by as much as 10 percent.

The migration process is optimized for speed and database compactness. As a result, migration requires a large amount of process heap size (memory). For example, migrating a 7-million device database requires approximately 1,024 MB of process heap size.

The -Xmx parameter in the migrateDb.sh script determines the maximum process heap size for migration. The default setting of 3,072 MB for this parameter is sufficient for migrating a 20-million device database. You may need to fine-tune this setting to suit your environment. For example, to migrate smaller databases running on low-end systems with less memory, you can reduce the value of the maximum heap size setting. For databases that exceed the maximum supported scale, you may need to increase this setting.

To change the heap size parameter, in the migrateDb.sh script edit the value for the -Xmx parameter.

Migration of Duplicate Class of Service and Node Name

Prime Cable Provisioning does not support duplicate names across technologies for Class of Service and nodes. If Prime Cable Provisioning detects duplicate names during database migration, the duplicate entries are automatically renamed in the following format:

  • Class of Service—{Technology_Name}_{Original_ClassOfService_Name}

  • Nodes—{Node_Type}_{Node_Name}

For example, if Prime Cable Provisioning encounters a gold Class of Service for a computer and a DOCSIS modem, either the computer Class of Service is renamed as Computer_gold or the DOCSIS modem Class of Service is renamed as DOCSISModem_gold. The appropriate warnings are issued to the console and migration log, and all properties containing the specific Class of Service value are automatically updated.

Enabling Password Encryption

Prime Cable Provisioning uses SHA1 digest algorithm for password encryption. However, when you migrate from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x to PCP 6.1.1, it continues to use the encryption algorithms used in Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x. After successful migration, you can enable SHA1 digest algorithm for password encryption using the script passwordEncryption.sh available in BPR_HOME/rdu/bin.

Verifying Database Integrity of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1

We recommend that you perform a dry run of the migration process on a staging (nonproduction) system, instead of on a live system during RDU downtime. These steps may not be practical during live migration, because in the case of a large database, verification can take an extended length of time.

After migration, run the verifyDb.sh tool on the migrated database.

For example, enter:

# $BPR_HOME/rdu/internal/db/bin/verifyDb.sh -dbdir /disk2/target

If any optimization is needed during this process, it will be mentioned in the log file bpr-verify-db-log.xml that is generated in the path $BPR_HOME/rdu/internal/db/bin.


You cannot verify a non-migrated database with the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 version of verifyDb.sh.

For details on the verifyDb.sh tool, see the Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning User Guide.

DPE Cache Backup and Restore Tool

The DPE Cache Backup and Restore Tool supports populating the DPE cache from Cisco BAC 4.2.x or above to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1. This reduces the time required for the synchronization with RDU while porting all the devices to the new DPE.

While upgrading from 4.2.x, it is recommended to synchronize DPE with the RDU and create a new cache. For example, if there are five DPEs in a provisioning group, then instead of synchrozing each DPE with RDU, you can synchronize one DPE and create a new cache. You can further copy this DPE cache to the remaining four DPEs.


Step 1

Follow the below steps, to perform the DPE cache backup operation:

  1. Stop the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x DPE server.

  2. Run the following command in the source DPE.

    # $BPR_HOME/dpe/internal/bin/createDbTar.sh <tarfile>

  3. Take the backup of dpe.properties file located at $BPR_HOME/dpe/conf/ directory.

Step 2

Follow the below steps, to perform the DPE cache Restore operation:

  1. Stop the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x DPE server.

  2. Copy the created database tar to the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x DPE and then run the script:

    # $BPR_HOME/dpe/internal/bin/extractDbTar.sh <tarfile>

  3. Verify if the cache data is copied properly to $BPR_DATA/dpe/cache/ directory.

  4. Start the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x DPE.

    If the cache is successful, there should not be any more synchronization.

Upgrading DPE from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1

Use this procedure to upgrade the DPE of Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1:


PCP 6.1.1 RDU is compatible with Cisco BAC 4.x DPE.


Step 1

Unpack the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 install package with .gtar extension using the following command:

On Linux:

gtar -zxpf BAC_611_LinuxK9.gtar.gz

Step 2

To start the upgrade process for DPE, select the DPE component after running the install script of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 using the following command:

On Linux:

# <install-path>/BAC_611_LinuxK9/install_bac.sh

The installation program prompts you to confirm if you want to proceed with the upgrade.

Step 3

To confirm that you want to upgrade, enter y and press Enter.

The installation program prompts you to enter the backup directory location.

Step 4

To accept the default backup directory location, /tmp, press Enter; or enter another backup directory location.

The installation program prompts you to remove the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x package.

Step 5

Enter y and press Enter to continue.

The installation program will take the required backup, and remove Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x DPE. The installation program also prompts you to proceed with the installation of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 DPE. To continue with the installation see, Installing DPE in Interactive Mode.


If you want to change the data directory during upgrade, ensure that you manually migrate the data from the previous data directory to the new data directory.

Step 6

To verify if the output information indicates Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1, enter:

On Linux:

# # rpm -qa CSCObac

DPE Rollback

If you want to perform DPE rollback due to the issues faced while upgrading Prime Cable Provisioning to higher version, you need to first uninstall the upgraded version and perform the below steps for DPE rollback:


You must have taken a backup of DPE Cache before upgrading it for an effective rollback. If you have not taken the backup then the synchronisation time between RDU and DPE will increase, thereby overloading both the components.


Step 1

Uninstall PCP 6.1.1 DPE, as described in the section Uninstalling Prime Cable Provisioning

Step 2

Install the DPE version that you used for rollback, as described in the section Installing Prime Cable Provisioning.

Step 3

Copy the created database tar to the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x DPE and then run the script:

# $BPR_HOME/dpe/internal/bin/extractDbTar.sh <tarfile>

Step 4

Verify if the cache data is copied properly to $BPR_DATA/dpe/cache/ directory.

Step 5

Copy the dpe.properties file.

Step 6

Start the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x DPE.

If the cache is successful, there should not be any more synchronization.

Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar Extensions

Before upgrading Prime Network Registrar extensions, we recommend that you archive your files in the $BPR_HOME/cnr_ep/conf directory. Also disable the Prime Network Registrar extensions point and then stop the DHCP server by using following commands:

# /opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin/nrcmd -s < /opt/CSCObac/cnr_ep/bin/bpr_cnr_disable_extpts.nrcmd
# /etc/init.d/nwreglocal Stop

The Prime Network Registrar extensions can be upgraded from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/PCP 6.x version to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 version.


Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 supports only Prime Network Registrar 8.x or higher.

Upgrading Prime Network Registrar-EP from Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1

Use this procedure to upgrade the Prime Network Registrar extension points of Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/6.x to PCP 6.1.1:


Upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit CNR-EP:

  • Upgrade RDU to 6.1.1 (RDU will continue to interoperate with DPE (5.x), CPNR 8.x (32 bit)).
  • Upgrade CPNR to 64-bit & upgrade CNR EP to 64-bit PCP 6.1.1 (single step).


Step 1

Back up the file:


Step 2

Unpack the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 install package with .gtar extension using the following command:

On Linux:

gtar -zxpf BAC_611_LinuxK9.gtar.gz

Step 3

To start the upgrade process for Prime Network Registrar extensions, select the CPNR-EP component after running the install script of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 version using the following command:

On Linux:

# <install-path>/BAC_611_LinuxK9/install_bac.sh

The installation program prompts you to confirm if you want to proceed with the upgrade.

Step 4

To confirm that you want to upgrade, enter y and press Enter.

The installation program prompts you to enter the backup directory location.

Step 5

To accept the default backup directory location, /tmp, press Enter; or enter another backup directory location.

The installation program prompts you to remove the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x package.

Step 6

Enter y and press Enter to continue.

The installation program removes the Cisco BAC 4.2.x/ PCP 5.x/PCP 6.x package, and prompts you to proceed with Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 installation. To continue with the installation, see Installing Prime Network Registrar Extension Points in Interactive Mode.

Step 7

Enable the Prime Network Registrar extension points and restart the DHCP server using following commands respectively:

/opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin/nrcmd -s < /opt/CSCObac/cnr_ep/bin/bpr_cnr_enable_extpts.nrcmd

/opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin/nrcmd dhcp reload

The upgrade script automatically copies the upgraded extension point files to the required directories. When complete, it prompts you to restart the Prime Network Registrar Server Agent.

Step 8

To verify if the output information indicates Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1, enter:

On Linux:

# rpm -qa CSCObac

Step 9

Go to the $BPR_HOME/lib directory. If the upgrade was successful, the directory content appears similar to the list of installed files for the DPE upgrade with the addition of the libbprextensions.so file. The date shown should be the current date. To check this, run the command:

# ls -l $BPR_HOME/lib

Step 10

If a second check is required to verify if the upgrade was successful, go to the CNR_HOME/extensions/dhcp/dex directory and verify the libbprextensions.so file with the current date. To check this, run the command:

# ls -l /opt/nwreg2/local/extensions/dhcp/dex

Depending on the components installed, the directory content shown in this procedure may differ from the output featured above.

Enabling eRouter Capabilities

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Enable eRouter1.0 IPv4 registered capability in CNR using the script /opt/CSCObac/cnr_ep/bin/changeNRProperties.sh

./changeNRProperties.sh -ee "enabled" 
Step 2

Enable eRouter1.0 IPv6 registered capability in CNR using the script /opt/CSCObac/cnr_ep/bin/changeNRProperties.sh

./changeNRProperties.sh -eev6 "enabled"
Step 3

Run the script /opt/CSCObac/cnr_ep/bin/changeNRProperties.sh with option -edns to initialize the /eRouter/dns/server property with the DNS Server details. The DNS Server can be a single IP Address or a list of comma separated IP addresses. This will ensure that "domain-name-servers" mandatory Option is sent from PCP during the eRouter provisioning process.

./changeNRProperties.sh -edns DNS-Server-IP
./changeNRProperties.sh -edns
./changeNRProperties.sh -edns,,
Step 4

Restart the DHCP server using the command /opt/nwreg2/local/usrbin/nrcmd dhcp reload.

Step 5

Enable the eRouter Feature global flag by navigating through the path: Configuration > Defaults > ERouter Defaults. Please note that the eRouters will be discovered as computers, when this feature is in disabled state.

Step 6

Enable the eRouter IPv4 and IPv6 capabilities in the Provisioning Group associated with the CNR Server.

Upgrading KDC from Cisco PCP 5.x/6.x to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1

Prime Cable Provisioning does not support automatic upgrade for KDC on Linux. We recommend fresh installation of Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 KDC. Here is the manual procedure to upgrade the KDC of Cisco PCP 5.x to Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1:


Step 1

Back up the following files:

  • All certificates from <BPR_HOME>/kdc/<Operating_System>/packetcable/certificates directory.

  • KDC_private_key.pkcs8 from <BPR_HOME>/kdc/OS/ directory.

  • bacckdc.license from <BPR_HOME>/kdc directory.

Step 2

Uninstall the 5.x KDC.

Step 3

Install the Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 KDC. See Installing KDC in Interactive Mode.

Step 4

After the upgrade is complete, restore:

  • All certificates to <BPR_HOME>/kdc/<Operating_System>/packetcable/certificates directory.

  • KDC_private_key.pkcs8 to <BPR_HOME>/kdc/OS/ directory.

  • bacckdc.license to <BPR_HOME>/kdc directory.

eRouter Migration tool

Prior to 5.2 release, eRouter device was not supported and it was discovered as Computer. When the RDU is upgraded to PCP 5.2 or later versions, the eRouter device would continue to remain as Computer unless the eRouter capability is enabled in the following ways.
  • Configuration > Defaults > eRouter Defaults > Click the Enabled radio button of the eRouter Feature.

  • Enable the IPv4 - ERouter 1.0 , IPv6 - ERouter 1.0 capability in the provisioning group details page.

The eRouter Migration tool, located in $BPR_HOME/rdu/internal/db/bin is used to migrate the devices which are detected as Computer to eRouter in PCP 5.2 or later versions.

The help option (eRouterMigrationTool.sh -help) of the eRouter Migration Tool will provide the different options available for the tool.

-cachesize An optional parameter that specifies cache size in MB. The default cache size is 100MB.
-dbdir An optional parameter to specify the database directory path.

If not specified, RDU database will be used by default.

-dblogdir An optional parameter for database log directory path, if -dbdir is used.

If not specified the directory specified with - dbdir option is used by default.

-detecterouterdevices An optional parameter for directory path to write MAC/DUID address.

If specified, tool will find MAC address of the device which are detected as computer and write to a file in the specified directory.

If MAC address is not available, it will print DUID address to a file.

-inputmacfile An optional parameter to read MAC address.

If specified, tool reads MAC address from this file for migration and convert as eRouter.

Cannot be used with - detecterouterdevices or -inputduidfile option.

-inputduidfile An optional parameter to read DUID address.

If specified, tool reads the DUID address from this file for migration and converts it as eRouter.

Cannot be used with - detecterouterdevices or - inputmacfile option.


Migrating the eRouter devices which are detected as Computer is a two-step process

  1. To get the MAC address/DUID of the eRouter devices which are detected as Computer, the following command shall be used.

    ./eRouterMigrationTool.sh -dbdir <db_dir_path> -detecterouterdevices <dir_to_write_address>

    By running the above command, MAC address of the eRouter devices which are detected as Computer will be written to the file <dir_to_write_address>/eRouterDevicesMAC.

    If MAC address does not exist for the device, DUID will be written to the file <dir_to_write_address>/ eRouterDevicesDUID.

  2. To convert as eRouter , the following commands shall be used.

    ./eRouterMigrationTool.sh -dbdir <db_dir_path> -inputmacfile <dir_to_write_address>/ eRouterDevicesMAC

    ./eRouterMigrationTool.sh -dbdir <db_dir_path> -inputduidfile <dir_to_write_address>/ eRouterDevicesDUID


After migration, Class of Service associated with eRouter devices will remain unchanged. Since the default Class of Service associated with eRouter devices detected as computer was unprovisioned-computer in previous releases, it needs to be manually changed to a eRouter type Class of Service (such as unprovisioned-erouter). This enables the PCP to send domain-name-servers DHCP option (property eRouter/dns/server configured in cnr_ep.properties) during eRouter provisioning.