License Keys for Prime Cable Provisioning

To access this release, you must procure a new license of Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning 6.0. For details on the licensing changes in Prime Cable Provisioning and how to obtain your license file, see the Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 Quick Start Guide.

The Prime Cable Provisioning Admin UI shows the available and used licenses. You can also see the available and used licenses count through the API client.


Do not edit your license file. Changing the data in any way invalidates the license file.


You still require separate licenses for the following Prime Cable Provisioning components:

  • The DPE

  • The KDC, if you configure your network to support secured voice technology

While you must install the DPE license from the Admin UI, the KDC license continues to be proprietary as in previous Prime Cable Provisioning releases, and is licensed during Prime Cable Provisioning installation.

Prime Cable Provisioning enables you to install permanent and evaluation licenses at the same time. In addition, it also allows you to install more than one evaluation license. This enables you to increase your device limit when you are in short of licenses till you purchase a permanent license.

The following figure shows a sample Manage License Keys page, which displays a list of service licenses that has been entered for your implementation.

Figure 1. Manage License Keys Page

Adding a License

Obtain your new license file as described in the Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 Quick Start Guide. After you receive your license file, save each file to the system on which you plan to launch the Prime Cable Provisioning Admin UI.

To add a permanent or evaluation license:


Step 1

From the Admin UI, choose Configuration > License Keys.


The License link appears on the Home page whenever there are no licenses added to the RDU.

Step 2

Click Choose File and browse to the location of the permanent or evaluation license file on your local system.

Step 3

Click Add.

The Manage License Keys page appears with the details of the services or the DPEs that are licensed to be used.


To confirm if the license has been added, verify if the action has been recorded in audit.log. The audit.log file is available at BPR_DATA/rdu/logs/audit.log.

Deleting a License

You can choose to delete any license—evaluation or permanent—that appears on the Manage License Keys page.


You cannot delete a license even if doing so brings the licensed capacity of the system below the number of devices provisioned in the system.

To delete a license:


Step 1

From the Admin UI, choose Configuration > License Keys.

Step 2

Click the Delete button corresponding to the permanent or evaluation license that you want to delete.

Step 3

To confirm deleting the license, click Yes.

If you delete a license that contains multiple keys, the list of permanent licenses appears. Click the Delete button corresponding to the license that you want to delete.

The license key disappears from the Manage License Keys page.


To confirm if the license has been deleted, verify if the action has been recorded in audit.log. The audit.log file is available at BPR_DATA/rdu/logs/audit.log.