Prime Cable Provisioning Interfaces

This chapter describes how to set up and access the Prime Cable Provisioning user interfaces. There are two user interfaces to access Prime Cable Provisioning, Admin UI and DPE CLI. You must have a valid Prime Cable Provisioning license for these two interfaces else some configurations might fail.

Accessing Admin UI

You can access the Prime Cable Provisioning Admin UI from any computer that can access the URL corresponding to the Prime Cable Provisioning application.


To view the new Admin UI pages, it is recommended that you must manually clear the browser cache after upgrade.

Logging In

You can log in to the Prime Cable Provisioning Admin UI if you have a user account either in the RDU or in a remote server such as Radius or TACACS used for authentication. For details about user access and privileges see Configuring Security.

Complete this procedure to access the Prime Cable Provisioning Admin UI:


Step 1

Launch your web browser. Prime Cable Provisioning can be launched using the following browsers:

  • Firefox 45 and higher

  • Google Chrome 49 and higher

  • Internet Explorer 11

Step 2

Enter the administrator’s location using this syntax:

http://machine_name:port_number/ or http://ip_address:port_number/

  • machine_name—Identifies the computer on which the RDU is running.

  • ip_address—Identifies the IP address of the computer on which the RDU is running.

  • port_number—Identifies the computer port on which the server side of the administrator application runs. The default port number is:

    • 8100 for HTTP

    • 8443 for HTTPS


By default, Prime Cable Provisioning redirects all HTTP communications over HTTPS. If you want to bypass the HTTPS redirection, set the property adminui/redirectToHttps to false in the file. For more details about this property file, see Using

The following figure displays the login page.

Figure 1. Login Page
Step 3

Enter the default username (admin) and default password (changeme).

If you are logging in for the first time, the Change Password screen appears.

Enter a new password and confirm it. Ensure that the password that you enter has at least 8 characters.

Step 4

Click Login.

The following figure displays the Main Menu page.

Figure 2. Main Menu Page

You can use the link at the top of the page to add the license file. For details, see License Keys for Prime Cable Provisioning.

Changing Password

All users of Prime Cable Provisioning can change their password. For better security this operation is performed in the HTTPS mode.

To change your password:


Step 1

Click the Change Password tab at the top-right corner of any page.

Step 2

Enter a new password and confirm it. Ensure that the password that you enter has at least 8 characters

Step 3

Click Submit.

The application returns you to the Home page.

Logging Out

To log out of Prime Cable Provisioning:


Step 1

Click the Logout tab at the top-right corner of any page.

A confirmation dialog box appears.

Step 2

Click OK.

The application returns you to the Login page.

Accessing DPE CLI

The Prime Cable Provisioning CLI is an IOS-like command-line interface that you use to configure and view the status of the DPE by using Telnet or SSH. The CLI supports built-in command help and command autocompletion.

You can enable authentication of the CLI through a locally configured login and password, or through a remote username and password for a TACACS+ service.

To access the DPE CLI, open a Telnet session to port 2323 from a local or remote host.

Accessing DPE CLI from a Local Host

To access the CLI from a local host, you can use:

# telnet local_hostname 2323


# telnet 0 2323

Accessing DPE CLI from a Remote Host

To access the CLI from a remote host, enter:

# telnet remote-hostname 2323


If you cannot establish a Telnet connection to the CLI, the CLI server might not be running. You may need to start the server; enter:
# /etc/init.d/bprAgent start cli

After you access the CLI, you must enter the DPE password to continue. The default login and privileged passwords are changeme.

See the Cisco Prime Cable Provisioning 6.1.1 DPE CLI Reference Guidefor specific information on the CLI commands that a DPE supports.

Accessing SNMP Agent

Prime Cable Provisioning supports management of servers via SNMP. Specifically, an SNMP-based management system can be used to monitor Prime Cable Provisioning server state, license utilization information, server connections, and server-specific statistics

You can configure the SNMP agent: