Technology Option Support

This section identifies the technology-specific options that Prime Cable Provisioning supports for each technology version and specifies the following attributes for each option:

  • Option No.—Identifies the option number, as an integer or in dotted notation.

  • Description—Describes the option.

  • Encoding—Specifies the data format and the encoding of the option value. For detailed information on the encoding types, see Encoding Types for Defined Options.

  • Validation—Specifies a validation rule that restricts the allowable option values.

  • Multivalued—Indicates whether multiple options can be specified in a single configuration file. For suboptions, this value specifies whether the option can repeated within the parent option.

  • Version—Identifies the technology versions that support the option number and encoding.

This section describes the options for these technologies:

DOCSIS Option Support

DOCSIS Options and Version Support

The following table describes DOCSIS options and identifies the specific version support for each option.

Option No.





Docsis Version

1 1.1 2 3 3.1
0 PAD No length and no value None True
1 Downstream Frequency Unsigned integer 32 Multiples of 62500 False
2 Upstream Channel ID Unsigned integer 8 None False
3 Network Access Control Boolean None False
4 Class of Service Compound None True
4.1 Class ID Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 16 False
4.2 Maximum Downstream Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
4.3 Maximum Upstream Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
4.4 Upstream Channel Priority Unsigned integer 8 Less than 8 False
4.5 Guaranteed Minimum Upstream Channel Data Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
4.6 Maximum Upstream Channel Transmit Burst Unsigned integer 16 None False
4.7 Class-of-Service Privacy Enable Boolean None False
6 CM MIC Configuration Setting Byte 16 None False
7 CMTS MIC Configuration Setting Bytes None False
9 Software Upgrade Filename NVTASCII None False
10 SNMP Write-Access Control OIDCF None True
11 SNMP MIB Object SNMPVarBind None True
14 CPE Ethernet MAC Address MAC Address None True
15 Telephone Settings Option Compound None False
15.2 Service Provider Name NVTASCII None False
15.3 Telephone Number (1) NVTASCII None False
15.4 Telephone Number (2) NVTASCII None False
15.5 Telephone Number (3) NVTASCII None False
15.6 Connection Threshold Unsigned integer 8 None False
15.7 Login Username NVTASCII None False
15.8 Login Password NVTASCII None False
15.9 DHCP Authenticate Boolean None False
15.10 DHCP Server IP Address None False
15.11 RADIUS Realm NVTASCII None False
15.12 PPP Authenticate Unsigned integer 8 None False
15.13 Demand Dial Inactivity Timer Threshold Unsigned integer 32 None False
16 SNMP IPv4 Address (No Longer Used) IP Address None False
17 Baseline Privacy Configuration Setting Compound None False
17.1 Authorize Wait Timeout Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 30 False
17.2 Reauthorize Wait Timeout Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 30 False
17.3 Authorization Grace Time Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 1800 False
17.3 Authorization Grace Time Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 6047999 False
17.4 Operational Wait Timeout Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 10 False
17.5 Rekey Wait Timeout Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 10 False
17.6 TEK Grace Time Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 1800 False
17.6 TEK Grace Time Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 302399 False
17.7 Authorize Reject Wait Timeout Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 600 False
17.8 SA Map Wait Timeout Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 10 False
17.9 SA Map Max Retries Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 10 False
18 Maximum Number of CPE Unsigned integer 8 None False
19 TFTP Server Timestamp Unsigned integer 32 None False
20 TFTP Server Provisioned Modem Address IP Address None False
21 Software Upgrade TFTP Server IP Address None False
22 Upstream Packet Classification Encoding Compound None True
22.1 Classifier Reference Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 255 False
22.2 Classifier Identifier Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 65535 False
22.3 Service Flow Reference Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 65535 False
22.4 Service Flow Identifier Unsigned integer 32 Greater than 0 False
22.5 Rule Priority Unsigned integer 8 None False
22.6 Classifier Activation State ActInact None False
22.7 Dynamic Service Change Action Unsigned integer 8 Less than 3 False
22.9 IPv4 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
22.9.1 IPv4 Type of Service Range and Mask Unsigned integer 8 triplet None False
22.9.2 IP Protocol Unsigned integer 16 Less than 258 False
22.9.3 IPv4 Source Address IP Address None False
22.9.4 IPv4 Source Mask IP Address None False
22.9.5 IPv4 Destination Address IP Address None False
22.9.6 IPv4 Destination Mask IP Address None False
22.9.7 TCP/UDP Source Port Start Unsigned integer 16 None False
22.9.8 TCP/UDP Source Port End Unsigned integer 16 None False
22.9.9 TCP/UDP Destination Port Start Unsigned integer 16 None False
22.9.10 TCP/UDP Destination Port End Unsigned integer 16 None False
22.10 Ethernet LLC Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
22.10.1 Destination MAC Address MAC Address and Mask None False
22.10.2 Source MAC Address MAC Address None False
22.10.3 Ethertype/DSAP/ MacType Unsigned integer 8 and unsigned integer 16 None False
22.11 IEEE 802.1P/Q Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
22.11.1 IEEE 802.1P User_Priority Unsigned integer 8 pair Less than 8 False
22.11.2 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN_ID Unsigned integer 16 None False
22.12 IPv6 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
22.12.1 IPv6 Traffic Class Range and Mask Unsigned integer 8 triplet None False
22.12.2 IPv6 Flow Label Unsigned integer 32 Greater than 0 False
22.12.3 IPv6 Next Header Type Unsigned integer 16 Less than 258 False
22.12.4 IPv6 Source Address IPv6 address None False
22.12.5 IPv6 Source Prefix Length Unsigned integer 8 Less than 129 False
22.12.6 IPv6 Destination Address IPv6 address None False
22.12.7 IPv6 Destination Prefix Length Unsigned integer 8 Less than 129 False
22.13 CM Interface Mask (CMIM) Bytes None False
22.16 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
22.16.1 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Type Start Unsigned integer 8 None False
22.16.2 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Type End Unsigned integer 8 None False
22.43 Vendor Specific Classifier Parameters Compound None False
22.43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
22.43.5 L2VPN Encoding Compound None False VPNID Subtype Bytes None False NSI Encapsulation Subtype Compound None False Other Format Subtype No length and no value None False IEEE 802.1Q Format Subtype Unsigned integer 16 None False IEEE 802.1ad Format Subtype Unsigned integer 32 None False MPLS Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False L2TPv3 Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False Enable eSAFE DHCP Snooping Bytes None False CM Interface Mask Bytes None False Attachment Group ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Source Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Target Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Ingress User Priority Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 7 False User Priority Range Unsigned integer 16 None False Vendor-Specific Compound None False Vendor ID OUI False
23 Downstream Packet Classification Encoding Compound None True
23.1 Classifier Reference Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 255 False
23.2 Classifier Identifier Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 65535 False
23.3 Service Flow Reference Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 65535 False
23.4 Service Flow Identifier Unsigned integer 32 Greater than 0 False
23.5 Rule Priority Unsigned integer 8 None False
23.6 Classifier Activation State Boolean None False
23.7 Dynamic Service Change Action Unsigned integer 8 Less than 3 False
23.8 Classifier Error Encodings Compound None False
23.9 IPv4 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
23.9.1 IPv4 Type of Service Range and Mask Unsigned integer 8 triplet None False
23.9.2 IP Protocol Unsigned integer 16 Less than 258 False
23.9.3 IPv4 Source Address IP Address None False
23.9.4 IPv4 Source Mask IP Address None False
23.9.5 IPv4 Destination Address IP Address None False
23.9.6 IPv4 Destination Mask IP Address None False
23.9.7 TCP/UDP Source Port Start Unsigned integer 16 None False
23.9.8 TCP/UDP Source Port End Unsigned integer 16 None False
23.9.9 TCP/UDP Destination Port Start Unsigned integer 16 None False
23.9.10 TCP/UDP Destination Port End Unsigned integer 16 None False
23.10 Ethernet LLC Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
23.10.1 Destination MAC Address MAC Address and Mask None False
23.10.2 Source MAC Address MAC Address None False
23.10.3 Ethertype/DSAP/MacType Unsigned integer 8 and unsigned integer 16 None False
23.11 IEEE 802.1P/Q Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
23.11.1 IEEE 802.1P User_Priority Unsigned integer 8 pair Less than 8 False
23.11.2 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN_ID Unsigned integer 16 None False
23.12 IPv6 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
23.12.1 IPv6 Traffic Class Range and Mask Unsigned integer 8 triplet None False
23.12.2 IPv6 Flow Label Unsigned integer 32 Greater than 0 False
23.12.3 IPv6 Next Header Type Unsigned integer 16 Less than 258 False
23.12.4 IPv6 Source Address IPv6 address None False
23.12.5 IPv6 Source Prefix Length Unsigned integer 8 Less than 129 False
23.12.6 IPv6 Destination Address IPv6 address None False
23.12.7 IPv6 Destination Prefix Length Unsigned integer 8 Less than 129 False
23.16 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
23.16.1 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Type Start Unsigned integer 8 None False
23.16.2 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Type End Unsigned integer 8 None False
23.43 Vendor Specific Classifier Parameters Compound None False
23.43.4 VPN Route Distinguisher VPNRD length 8 8 False
23.43.5 L2VPN Encoding Compound None False VPNID Subtype Bytes None False NSI Encapsulation Subtype Compound None False Other Format Subtype No length and no value None False IEEE 802.1Q Format Subtype Unsigned integer 16 None False IEEE 802.1ad Format Subtype Unsigned integer 32 None False MPLS Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False L2TPv3 Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False Enable eSAFE DHCP Snooping Bytes None False CM Interface Mask Bytes None False Attachment Group ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Source Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Target Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Ingress User Priority Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 7 False User Priority Range Unsigned integer 16 None False Vendor-Specific Compound None False
23.43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False Vendor ID OUI None False Traffic Class for MPLS Disposition Packets (MPLS-TC-RANGE) Unsigned integer 8 pair None False
24 Upstream Service Flow Scheduling Compound None True
24.1 Service Flow Reference Unsigned integer 16 Greater than 0 False
24.3 Service Identifier Unsigned integer 16 None False
24.35 Upstream Buffer Control Compound None False
24.35.1 Minimum Buffer Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.35.2 Target Buffer Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.35.3 Maximum Buffer Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.4 Service Class Name ZTASCII None False
24.6 Quality of Service Parameter Set Type Bit Flag 8 Less than 8 False
24.7 Traffic Priority Unsigned integer 8 Less than 8 False
24.8 Upstream Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.9 Maximum Traffic Burst Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.10 Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.11 Assumed Minimum Reserved Rate Packet Size Unsigned integer 16 None False
24.12 Timeout for active QoS Parameters Unsigned integer 16 None False
24.13 Timeout for Admitted QoS Parameters Unsigned integer 16 None False
24.14 Maximum Concatenated Burst Unsigned integer 16 None False
24.15 Service Flow Scheduling Type Service Flow From 1 to 6 False
24.16 Request/Transmission Policy Bit Flag 32 Less than 512 False
24.17 Nominal Polling Interval Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.18 Tolerated Poll Jitter Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.19 Unsolicited Grant Size Unsigned integer 16 None False
24.20 Nominal Grant Interval Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.21 Tolerated Grant Jitter Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.22 Grants per Interval Unsigned integer 8 Less than 128 False
24.23 IPv4 Type of Service Overwrite Unsigned integer 8 pair None False
24.24 Unsolicited Grant Time Reference Unsigned integer 32 None False
24.25 Multiplier to Contention Request Backoff Window Unsigned integer 8 From 4 to 12 False
24.26 Multiplier to Number of Bytes Requested Unsigned integer 8 Values 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 False
24.27 Maximum Requests per SID Cluster Unsigned integer 8 Less than 256 False
24.28 Maximum Outstanding Bytes per SID Cluster Unsigned integer 32 Less than 4294967296 False
24.29 Maximum Total Bytes Requested per SID Cluster Unsigned integer 32 Less than 4294967296 False
24.30 Maximum Time in the SID Cluster Unsigned integer 16 Less than 65535 False
24.31 Service Flow Required Attribute Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
24.32 Service Flow Forbidden Attribute Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
24.33 Service Flow Attribute Aggregation Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
24.34 Application Identifier Bit Flag 32 None False
24.40 AQM Encodings SubOptions None False
24.40.1 SF AQM Disable Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
24.40.2 SF AQM Latency Target Unsigned integer 8 None False
24.43 Vendor Specific QoS Parameters Compound None False
24.43.4 VPN Route Distinguisher VPNRD length 8 8 False
24.43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
24.43.5 L2VPN Encoding Compound None False VPNID Subtype Bytes None False NSI Encapsulation Subtype Compound None False Other Format Subtype No length and no value None False IEEE 802.1Q Format Subtype Unsigned integer 16 None False IEEE 802.1ad Format Subtype Unsigned integer 32 None False MPLS Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False L2TPv3 Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False Enable eSAFE DHCP Snooping Bytes None False CM Interface Mask Bytes None False Attachment Group ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Source Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Target Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False Ingress User Priority Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 7 False User Priority Range Unsigned integer 16 None False Vendor-Specific Compound None False Vendor ID OUI None False Traffic Class for MPLS Disposition Packets (MPLS-TC-SET) Unsigned integer 8 pair None False
25 Downstream Service Flow Scheduling Compound None True
25.1 Service Flow Reference Unsigned integer 16 Greater than 0 False
25.3 Service Identifier Unsigned integer 16 None False
25.35 Upstream Buffer Control Compound None False
25.35.1 Minimum Buffer Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.35.2 Target Buffer Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.35.3 Maximum Buffer Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.4 Service Class Name ZTASCII None False
25.6 Quality of Service Parameter Set Type Bit Flag 8 Less than 8 False
25.7 Traffic Priority Unsigned integer 8 Less than 8 False
25.8 Downstream Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.9 Maximum Traffic Burst Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.10 Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.11 Assumed Minimum Reserved Rate Packet Size Unsigned integer 16 None False
25.12 Timeout for active QoS Parameters Unsigned integer 16 None False
25.13 Timeout for Admitted QoS Parameters Unsigned integer 16 None False
25.14 Maximum Downstream Latency Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.23 IPv4 Type of Service (DSCP) Overwrite Unsigned integer 8 pair None False
25.27 Downstream Peak Traffic Rate Unsigned integer 32 None False
25.31 Service Flow Required Attribute Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
25.32 Service Flow Forbidden Attribute Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
25.33 Service Flow Attribute Aggregation Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
25.34 Application Identifier Bit Flag 32 None False
25.40 AQM Encodings SubOptions None False
25.40.1 SF AQM Disable Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
25.40.2 SF AQM Latency Target Unsigned integer 8 None False
25.43 Vendor Specific QoS Parameters Compound None False
25.43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
26 Payload Header Suppression Compound None True
26.1 Classifier Reference Unsigned integer 8 Greater than 0 False
26.2 Classifier Identifier Unsigned integer 16 Greater than 0 False
26.3 Service Flow Reference Unsigned integer 16 Greater than 0 False
26.4 Service Flow Identifier Unsigned integer 32 Greater than 0 False
26.5 Dynamic Service Change Action SrvChangeAct Less than 4 False
26.7 Payload Header Suppression Field (PHSF) Bytes None False
26.8 Payload Header Suppression Index (PHSI) Unsigned integer 8 Greater than 0 False
26.9 Payload Header Suppression Mask (PHSM) Bytes None False
26.10 Payload Header Suppression Size (PHSS) Unsigned integer 8 None False
26.11 Payload Header Suppression Verification (PHSV) Verify None False
26.13 Dynamic Bonding Change Action Unsigned integer 8 Less than 2 False
26.43 Vendor Specific PHS Parameters Compound None False
26.43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
28 Maximum Number of Classifiers Unsigned integer 16 None False
29 Privacy Enable Boolean None False
32 Manufacturer CVC Bytes None False
33 Co-signer CVC Bytes None False
34 SnmpV3 Kickstart Value Compound None False
34.1 SnmpV3 Kickstart Security Name NVTASCII None False
34.2 SnmpV3 Kickstart Manager Public Number Bytes None False
35 Subscriber Management Control Bytes None False
36 Subscriber Management CPE IPv4 Table IP Address N None False
37 Subscriber Management Filter Groups Bytes None False
38 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver Compound None True
38.1 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver IPv4 Address IP address None False
38.2 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver UDP Port Unsigned integer 16 None False
38.3 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver Trap Type SNMP Trap Type From 1 to 5 False
38.4 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver Timeout Unsigned integer 16 None False
38.5 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver Retries Unsigned integer 16 From 0 to 255 False
38.6 Notification Receiver Filtering Parameters OID None False
38.7 Notification Receiver Security Name NVTASCII None False
38.8 SNMPv3 Notification Receiver IPv6 Address IPv6 address None False
39 Enable 2.0 Mode Boolean None False
40 Enable Test Modes Boolean None True
41 Downstream Channel List Compound None True
41.1 Single Downstream Channel Compound None True
41.1.1 Single Downstream Channel Timeout Unsigned integer 16 None False
41.1.2 Single Downstream Channel Frequency Unsigned integer 32 Multiples of 62500 False
41.2 Downstream Frequency Range Compound None True
41.2.1 Downstream Frequency Range Timeout Unsigned integer 16 None False
41.2.2 Downstream Frequency Range Start Unsigned integer 32 Multiples of 62500 False
41.2.3 Downstream Frequency Range End Unsigned integer 32 Multiples of 62500 False
41.2.4 Downstream Frequency Range Step Size Unsigned integer 32 None False
41.3 Default Scanning Unsigned integer 16 None True
42 Multicast MAC Address MAC Address None True
43 DOCSIS Extension Field (OUI FF-FF-FF) Compound None True
43.1 CM Load Balancing Policy ID Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.2 CM Load Balancing Priority Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.3 CM Load Balancing Group ID Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.4 CM Ranging Class ID Extension Unsigned integer 16 None False
43.5 L2VPN Encoding Compound None False
43.5.1 VPNID Subtype Bytes None False
43.5.2 NSI Encapsulation Subtype Compound None False Other Format Subtype No length and no value None False IEEE 802.1Q Format Subtype Unsigned integer 16 None False IEEE 802.1ad Format Subtype Unsigned integer 32 None False MPLS Peer Format Subtype Inet Address Peer None False MPLS Pseudowire ID Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 4294967296 False MPLS Peer address InetAddressPeer None False L2TPv3 Peer Format Subtype InetAddress Peer None False
43.5.3 Enable eSAFE DHCP Snooping Bytes None False
43.5.4 CM Interface Mask Bytes None False
43.5.5 Attachment Group ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False
43.5.6 Source Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False
43.5.7 Target Attachment Individual ID Bytes From 0 to 16 False
43.5.8 Ingress User Priority Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 7 False
43.5.9 User Priority Range Unsigned integer 16 None False
43.5.11 Pseudowire ID Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.5.12 Pseudowire Type Unsigned integer 8 None False
43.5.43 Vendor-Specific Compound None False Vendor ID OUI None False
43.6 Extended CMTS MIC Configuration Setting Compound None False
43.6.1 Extended CMTS MIC HMAC type Unsigned integer 8 Values 1, 2, 43 False
43.6.2 Extended CMTS MIC Bitmap Bytes None False
43.6.3 Explicit Extended CMTS MIC Digest Subtype Bytes None False
43.7 Source Address Verification (SAV) Authorization Encoding Compound None False
43.7.1 Name of an SAV Group configured in the CMTS ZTASCII From 1 to 15 False
43.7.2 SAV Static Prefix Subtype Encodings Compound None False SAV Static Prefix Address Subtype IPv4 or IPv6 Address None False SAV Static Prefix Length Subtype Bit Flag 8 Less than 129 False
43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
43.9 Cable Modem Mask Subtype Encodings Compound None False
43.9.1 Cable Modem Required Attribute Mask Bit flag 32 None False
43.9.2 Cable Modem Forbidden Attribute Mask Bit flag 32 None False
43.9.3 Cable Modem Upstream Required Attribute Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
43.9.4 Cable Modem Upstream Forbidden Attribute Mask Bit Flag 32 None False
43.10 IP Multicast Join Authorization Encoding Suboptions None False
43.10.1 Name of an IP Multicast Profile configured in the CMTS NVTASCII From 1 to 15 True
43.10.2 IP Multicast Join Authorization Static Session Rule Subtype Encodings Compound None True Rule Priority Unsigned integer 8 None False Authorization Action Authorization action None False Source Prefix Address Subtype IPv4 or IPv6 address None False Source Prefix Length Subtype Bit flag 8 Less than 129 False Group Prefix Address Subtype IPv4 or IPv6 address None False Group Prefix Length Subtype Bit flag 8 Less than 129 False
43.10.3 Maximum Multicast Sessions Encoding Unsigned integer 16 None False
43 DOCSIS Extension Field (OUI 00-00-0C) Compound None True
43.1 Static Downstream Frequency Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.2 Sync Loss Timeout Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.3 Update Boot Monitor Image NVTASCII None False
43.4 Power Backoff Unsigned integer 16 None False
43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
43.9 Update Factory System Image Boolean None False
43.10 Phone Lines Unsigned integer 8 None False
43.11 IP Precedence Settings Compound None True
43.11.1 IP Precedence Value Unsigned integer 8 None False
43.11.2 Rate Limit Unsigned integer 32 None False
43.12 DEMARC Auto-Configuration Encoding SubOptions None False
43.12.1 DAC Disable/Enable Configuration EnableDisable None False
43.12.2 CM Interface Mask (CMIM) Encoding BitFlag32 None False
43.12.3 Upstream Service Class Name ZTASCII Length 2 to 16 False
43.12.4 Downstream Service Class Name ZTASCII Length 2 to 16 False
43.13 Dynamic Flow VPN Route Distinguisher VPNRD length 8 8 False
43.14 Wideband Primary Downstream Channel ID Unsigned integer 16 greater than 0 False
43.15 Wideband Enable EnableDisable False
43.16 Wideband Non-Primary Downstream Channel ID Unsigned integer 16 greater than 0 False
43.128 IOS Configuration Filename NVTASCII None False
43.129 IOS Config File Without Console Disable NVTASCII None False
43.131 IOS CLI Command NVTASCII None True
43.132 1.0 Plus Flow Encodings Compound None False
43.132.1 1.0 Plus Flow ID Unsigned integer 8 None False
43.132.2 Class ID Unsigned integer 8 None False
43.132.3 Unsolicited Grant Size Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 65535 False
43.132.4 Nominal Grant Interval Unsigned integer 32 From 1 to 65535 False
43.132.5 Grants Per Interval Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 127 False
43.132.6 Embedded Voice Calls Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 127 False
43.132.7 Hold Queue Length Unsigned integer 16 From 0 to 4096 False
43.132.8 Fair Queue Compound None False Congestive Discard Threshold Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 4096 False Number of Dynamic Conversation Queues Unsigned integer 16 From 16 to 4096 False Number of Reservable Conversation Queues Unsigned integer 16 From 0 to 1000 False
43.132.9 Custom Queue List Length Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 16 False
43.132.10 Random Detection Boolean None False
43.132.11 Priority Group Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 16 False
43.132.12 Service Policy File NVTASCII None False
43.132.13 Inactivity Timer Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 10080 False
43.132.14 COS Tag NVTASCII None False
43.133 Downstream Sub Channel ID Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 15 False
43.134 SU Tag NVTASCII None False
45 Downstream Unencrypted Traffic (DUT) Filtering Encoding Compound None False
45.1 Downstream Unencrypted Traffic (DUT) Control Boolean None False
45.2 Downstream Unencrypted Traffic (DUT) CMIM Bytes None False
53 SNMPv1v2c Coexistence Configuration Compound None True
53.1 SNMPv1v2c Community Name ZTASCII From 1 to 32 False
53.2 SNMPv1v2c Transport Address Access Compound None True
53.2.1 SNMPv1v2c Transport Address Transport address and mask None False
53.2.2 SNMPv1v2c Transport Address Mask Transport address and mask None False
53.3 SNMPv1v2c Access View Type Access view type None False
53.4 SNMPv1v2c Access View Name ZTASCII From 1 to 32 False
54 SNMPv3 Access View Compound None True
54.1 SNMPv3 Access View Name ZTASCII From 1 to 32 False
54.2 SNMPv3 Access View Subtree OID None False
54.3 SNMPv3 Access View Mask Bytes From 1 to 16 False
54.4 SNMPv3 Access View Type Access view control None False
55 SNMP CPE Access Control CPE access control None False
56 Channel Assignment Configuration Settings Compound None True
56.1 Transmit Channel Assignment Configuration Setting Unsigned integer 8 None False
56.2 Receive Channel Assignment Configuration Setting Unsigned integer 32 None False
58 Software Upgrade IPv6 TFTP Server IPv6 address None False
59 TFTP Provisioned Modem IPv6 Address IPv6 address None False
60 Upstream Drop Packet Classification Encoding Compound None True
60.1 Classifier Reference Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 255 False
60.2 Classifier Identifier Unsigned integer 16 From 1 to 65535 False
60.5 Rule Priority Unsigned integer 8 None False
60.6 Classifier Activation State ActInact None False
60.7 Dynamic Service Change Action Unsigned integer 8 Less than 3 False
60.9 IPv4 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
60.9.1 IPv4 Type of Service Range and Mask Unsigned integer 8 triplet None False
60.9.2 IP Protocol Unsigned integer 16 Less than 258 False
60.9.3 IPv4 Source Address IP address None False
60.9.4 IPv4 Source Mask IP address None False
60.9.5 IPv4 Destination Address IP address None False
60.9.6 IPv4 Destination Mask IP address None False
60.9.7 TCP/UDP Source Port Start Unsigned integer 16 None False
60.9.8 TCP/UDP Source Port End Unsigned integer 16 None False
60.9.9 TCP/UDP Destination Port Start Unsigned integer 16 None False
60.9.10 TCP/UDP Destination Port End Unsigned integer 16 None False
60.10 Ethernet LLC Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
60.10.1 Destination MAC Address MAC address and mask None False
60.10.2 Source MAC Address MAC address None False
60.10.3 Ethertype/DSAP/MacType Unsigned integer 8 and 16 None False
60.11 IEEE 802.1P/Q Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
60.11.1 IEEE 802.1P User_Priority Unsigned integer 8 pair Less than 8 False
60.11.2 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN_ID Unsigned integer 16 None False
60.12 IPv6 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
60.12.1 IPv6 Traffic Class Range and Mask Unsigned integer 8 triplet None False
60.12.2 IPv6 Flow Label Unsigned integer 32 Greater than 0 False
60.12.3 IPv6 Next Header Type Unsigned integer 16 Less than 258 False
60.12.4 IPv6 Source Address IPv6 address None False
60.12.5 IPv6 Source Prefix Length Unsigned integer 8 Less than 129 False
60.12.6 IPv6 Destination Address IPv6 address None False
60.12.7 IPv6 Destination Prefix Length Unsigned integer 8 Less than 129 False
60.13 CM Interface Mask (CMIM) Bytes None False
60.16 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Packet Classification Encodings Compound None False
60.16.1 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Type Start Unsigned integer 8 None False
60.16.2 ICMPv4/ICMPv6 Type End Unsigned integer 8 None False
60.43 Vendor Specific Classifier Parameters Compound None False
60.43.8 Vendor ID OUI None False
61 Subscriber Management CPE IPv6 Table IPv6 Address N None False
62 Upstream Drop Classifier Group ID Bytes None False
63 Subscriber Management Control Max CPE IPv6 Prefix Unsigned integer 16 None False
64 CMTS Static Multicast Session Encoding Compound None True
64.1 Static Multicast Group Encoding IPv4 or IPv6 address None False
64.2 Static Multicast Source Encoding IPv4 or IPv6 address None False
64.3 Static Multicast CMIM Encoding Bytes None False
65 L2VPN MAC Aging Control Compound None False
65.1 L2VPN MAC Aging Mode EnableDisable None False
66 Management Event Control Encoding Unsigned interger 32 None True
67 Subscriber Management CPE IPv6 List Ipv6 Address N None True
68 Default Upstream Target Buffer Configuration Unsigned integer 16 None False
69 MAC Address Learning Control Encoding Compound None False
69.1 MAC Address Learning Control EnableDisable None False
69.2 MAC Address Learning Holdoff Timer Unsigned integer 8 from 0 to 10 False
74 Energy Management Parameter Encoding SubOptions None False
74.1 Energy Management Feature Control BitFlag32 From 0 to 1 False
74.2 Energy Management 1x1 Mode Encodings SubOptions None False
74.2.1 Downstream Activity Detection parameters SubOptions None False Downstream Entry Bitrate Threshold Unsigned integer 32 None False Downstream Entry Time Threshold Unsigned integer 16 None False Downstream Exit Bitrate Threshold Unsigned integer 32 None False Downstream Exit Time Threshold Unsigned integer 16 None False
74.2.2 Upstream Activity Detection Parameters SubOptions None False Upstream Entry Bitrate Threshold Unsigned integer 32 None False Upstream Entry Time Threshold Unsigned integer 16 None False Upstream Exit Bitrate Threshold Unsigned integer 32 None False Upstream Exit Time Threshold Unsigned integer 16 None False
74.3 Energy Management Cycle Period Unsigned integer 16 None False
75 Energy Mgt. Mode Indicator Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 2 False
79 UNI Control Encodings SubOptions None False
79.1 Context CMIM Bytes None False
79.2 UNI Admin Status Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
79.3 UNI Auto-Negotiation Status Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
79.4 UNI Operating Speed Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 6 False
79.5 UNI Duplex Unsigned integer 8 From 1 to 2 False
79.6 EEE Status Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
79.7 Maximum Frame Size Unsigned integer 16 None False
79.8 Power Over Ethernet Status Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
79.6 Media Type Unsigned integer 8 From 0 to 1 False
255 End-of-Data Marker No length and no value None False

DPoE Option Support

The following table identifies the DPoE options that Prime Cable Provisioning supports.

Table 1. DPoE Options

Option No.






: IEEE 802.1ad S-VLAN and C-VLAN Frame Classification Encodings






@length 2 2





@length 2 2





@length 2 2





@length 2 2



IEEE 802.1ah I-TAG Packet Classification Encodings





@length 2 2



IEEE 802.1ah I-TAG I-SID


@length 3 3


23.14 IEEE 802.1ad S-VLAN and C-VLAN Frame Classification Encodings Compound None


23.14.1 IEEE 802.1ad S-VLAN TPID Bytes @length 2 2


23.14.2 IEEE 802.1ad S-VLAN VID Bytes