User Interface

This section explains the following:


Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance has a new user interface to give you a simplified user experience. The left pane displays vertical expandable Navigation tab, Index tab, Favorites tab, and Search Menu fields. The Favorites tab allows you to bookmark your preferred pages for future reference. Click the Toggle Navigation icon on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance page to view a list of dashlets and reports. You can click the pin icon at the top left to hide or display the left pane.

For the navigation changes in Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance user interface, see the Navigation Changes in Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance - Advanced User Interface section in the Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance and Analytics Install and Upgrade Guide

Getting Started Page is the home page of Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance user interface in Enterprise mode. For more information on Getting Started page in MSP mode, see Get Started with Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance.

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 11.6 and later


The session times out if there is no activity for 15 minutes.

The following is a list of pages that never time out in Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance server:
  • System View

  • Customer Summary Dashboard (in MSP mode)

  • Diagnostics Test pages (UC Application Synthetic Test, Audio Phone Features Test, Video Test, and Batch Test)

  • Endpoint Diagnostics

  • Performance dashboards

  • Session Diagnostics

  • All Topology pages

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 11.5 and later


The conference times out if there is no activity for 15 minutes.

The following is a list of pages that never time out in Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance server:
  • Network Health Overview

  • Customer Summary Dashboard (in MSP mode)

  • Diagnostics Test pages (UC Application Synthetic Test, Audio Phone Features Test, Video Test, and Batch Test)

  • Endpoint Diagnostics

  • Performance dashboards

  • Conference Diagnostics

  • All Topology pages


You can use the Filter feature to display specific information on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance user interface. The Filter icon is provided wherever the data is displayed in a tabular format.

The following are the types of filters available on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance client:

  • Quick Filter

  • Advanced Filter

The quick filter and advanced filter are case-insensitive. For these filters, you can also use the following wildcard expressions:

  • Question mark(?) — Match any one character.

  • Asterisk (*) — Match zero or more characters.

Quick Filter

This filter allows you to narrow down the data inside a table by applying a filter to a specific table column or columns. The operator used with this filter is Contains. To apply different operators, use the Advanced Filter option.

To launch the quick filter, choose Quick Filter from the Filter drop-down menu.

To clear the quick filter, click Filter.

Advanced Filter

This filter allows you to narrow down the data in a table by applying a filter using multiple operators, such as Does not contain, Does not equal, Ends with, Is empty, and so on.

You choose the filter pattern (table column names) and operator from the drop-down menu. In addition, you must enter filter criteria based on data available in the Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance database.

To launch the advanced filter, choose Advanced Filter from the Filter drop-down menu.

To clear the advanced filter, click Filter.

Launch the Advanced Filter and Save Filter Criteria

To launch the advanced filter, choose Advanced Filter from the Filter drop-down menu.

You can save the filter criteria used in the Advanced filter.

To save the filter criteria:


Step 1

From the Filter drop-down menu, choose Advanced Filter.

Step 2

Enter advanced filter criteria.

Step 3

Click Go and then click the Save icon.

Step 4

In the Save Preset Filter page, enter a name for the Preset Filter and click Save.

To clear the Advanced Filter, click the Filter button.

Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance provides predefined keywords to filter data. In addition, the saved advanced filter criteria are also listed in the Preset Filter drop-down list. See Advanced Filter in Filters for details on how to save the filter criteria.

This feature is available on some pages; for example, Device Management, Alarm browsers, and Event browsers. To launch a preset filter, choose the available values from the Show drop-down list.

Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance provides a set of predefined filters that enable you to filter the data in a table.

Quick View

The quick view icon is displayed when you hover your mouse pointer on a table, specific table columns, or a topology pane. You can use quick view to cross-launch a page that you want to view in detail. In Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance, this option is not available for administrative tasks, reports, or diagnostic views.

View About Details

This page displays the About details for Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance.

To launch this page in Essential mode, click globaladmin - Essential > About at the top right corner of the User Interface.

  • Click System Information link to view the following system information details in a quick view.

    • Build Version

    • License Type

    • Expiration Date (displayed in red for the last 15 days before expiry)

    • IP Address

    • MAC Address

    • VM Capacity

  • Click Licensing link to open the License Management page.