Purge Policies

This section explains the following:

Purge Policies

Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance uses the following purge policies.

Purge Policies Table

Table 1. Purge Policies Table


Purge Policy

Monitor Faults

Cleared alarms are purged in 30 days (4 weeks).

Events are purged in 60 days (8 weeks).

If an alarm is purged, all associated events are also purged. Active events and alarms are not purged.

If the threshold rules for any performance counter of a device are purged, the associated active alarms are also purged.

Monitor the Network

All conferences and endpoint statistics data older than one day are purged.

All sessions and troubleshooting details older than 14 days are purged every hour.

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 11.1 and earlier

All conferences details older than 14 days are purged every hour.


Call quality event history, and audio/video phone audit report data older than 30 days are purged.

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 12.1 and later

Call quality event history and endpoint related audit report data older than 30 days are purged.

CDR reports older than seven days are purged.

CMR records older than seven days are purged.

Data from Sensor, older than seven days is purged.

Data from Cisco Prime NAM/vNAM, older than seven days is purged.

If a performance dashboard is not open for more than 30 minutes, the cache memory is purged until the next time the custom dashboard is launched.

If the historical trend option is disabled for custom dashboard counter(s) or the dashboard is deleted, all the polled data in the database is purged.

Perform Diagnostics

IP SLA Voice Test Data - Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance purges all data files (saved test data) more than 31 days old. You must save the test to another server to maintain data for more than 31 days.

Maintain the Server

Jobs that are older than 14 days and have a status of completed, failed, or cancelled are purged every hour.

Event and Alarm Database - All events and alarms, including active and cleared, are persisted in the Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance database. The relationships between the events are retained. The Alarm and Event Browser lets you review the content of the database. The purge interval for this data is four weeks.

Job Management

Jobs that are older than 32 days are purged.