Getting Started Wizard for Unified Communications Applications

Getting Started Wizard for Unified Communications Applications

The Getting Started wizard allows you to quickly set up devices in Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning and provision services to the user. Using the wizard you can quickly integrate Unified Communications applications with Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning and configure them. The following table provides details about the Getting Started wizard.

Overview of Getting Started Wizard



About Getting Started Wizard

  • Guides the administrator through a fresh configuration of Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning, Cisco Unified CM, Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco IM&P.

  • Sets up integration with LDAP and Exchange.

  • Sets up Prime Collaboration's automatic service provisioning feature.

Initial setup of Cisco Unified CM and Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning

  • Define Cisco Unified CM, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco IM&P, Exchange, and LDAP.

  • Integrates Applications.

  • Sets up a Domain (user group), a Service Areas (site) and a User Role (policy).

  • Sets up Prime Collaboration Automatic Service Provisioning.

Creates an initial site

  • Provisions site related settings (device pool, partition, CSS, DN blocks, and so on).

  • Imports basic dial patterns from CSV file or Cisco Unified Configurator for Collaboration (CUCC) application.

  • Builds a site in UC applications.


  • Can export the settings as a Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning batch file.

  • Batch file can be modified and fed back into the Setup Wizard to pre-populate settings for the next installation.

  • Batch file can be broken up into separate tasks and/or modified and fed into the PC Batch Provisioning system.

Targeted for greenfield and single cluster environments

  • Designed for greenfield and single cluster environments.

  • Can be used during initial setup of a larger system.

Figure 1. Getting Started Wizard

You can use the wizard to deploy new Unified Communications applications in your network. The wizard helps you to add a single Domain (group of users), and a Service Area (also known as Site) to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning, and enable User Role for users. You can add Unified Communications Processors (one call processor, message processor, and presence processor each) for new deployments. For adding additional processors, choose Device Setup. You can also integrate LDAP server and synchronize users.

Note the following when using the wizard:

  • Choose Infrastructure Setup > Getting Started Wizard and click Begin in the dialog box that appears.

  • If you close the wizard , the following options will be displayed:
    • Return—Click Return to go back to where you had left.

    • Quit—Click Quit to exit the current wizard. You will not be able to continue from this page when the wizard is restarted. Any configuration that has been made up to this point will remain in the system.

    • Continue Later—Click Continue Later to continue the wizard from this page later.

  • If you close the wizard abruptly, navigate to another page (exit the wizard), or refresh the Prime Collaboration UI in between the wizard setup, you must log into the wizard again.

  • If another user has logged into the wizard before you log in, you will not be able to launch the wizard until the other user logs out. If another user has not logged in, and you are still unable to log into the wizard, you must logout yourself (from Home > Dashboard > Logged In Users) to resume your wizard configuration.

    When you log in, you will be prompted to either continue your previous configuration, or cancel it and start from the beginning. You must click continue to resume your configuration. If your configuration is saved in Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning before you left the wizard, you will continue with the next step in the wizard. If the configuration is not saved, you will continue your configuration from where you had left.

    For example, if you exit the wizard after adding details in the Infrastructure Setup page, and the information added was saved successfully before you left the wizard, you will launch the Domain Creation page (next page) when you log into the wizard again. If the device details are not saved, then you go back to the Infrastructure Setup page (where you had left).

  • If your session times out in between the wizard setup, you will continue your configuration from where you had left when you launch the wizard again.
  • Multiple instances of the wizard cannot be used at any given time.

Getting Started

The step-by-step wizard helps you to perform the following tasks:


The wizard allows you to add Unified Communications processors for fresh installs only. The Unified CM Publisher and Subscriber must not be configured before running the Getting Started wizard. To add Unified Communications processors that are already configured, choose the Infrastructure Setup menu. The wizard supports Unified Communications processors 10.5 and above versions.
Step Task and Description Additional Information
Step 1

Begin Provisioning.

Install Cisco Unified Communications Manager before proceeding to the next step in the wizard. Installing Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco IM & Presence, and Prime License Manager are optional. Verify LDAP credentials if you have added an LDAP server. See Setting Up Devices for Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

On the Welcome page, you can import a configuration file that contains the configuration details required by the wizard. You can also download the sample configuration file, modify the text files based on your requirements, and upload the updated zip file.

If you exit the wizard here, you can choose Device Setup to continue with adding device to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

Step 2 Add Devices.

You can add devices for new deployments.

Call processor, message processor (optional) and presence processor (optional) are added to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

If you exit the wizard here, or if you want to verify, edit and add more devices after completing the wizard, choose Device Setup.

Step 3 Create a Domain.

Create a domain and associate it to the processors you have added.

You can add an intra-site dial plan that you can edit or extend later using the Infrastructure Configuration page.

If you exit the wizard here, or if you want to verify, edit and add more domains after completing the wizard, choose Provisioning Setup.

Step 4 Create a Service Area.

Create a Service Area and associate it to the Domain you have created.

If you exit the wizard here, or if you want to verify, edit and add more service areas, choose Provisioning Setup.

Step 5 Enable Automatic and Manual Service Provisioning for a User Role.

If you exit the wizard here, or if you want to verify the user role and its associated services after completing the wizard, choose Provisioning Setup.

Step 6 Add users or synchronize from LDAP server. You can choose to add users manually or synchronize the LDAP server.
Step 7 Review configuration summary. A summary of all the configuration performed using the wizard is available for review.
Step 8 Apply your configuration.

You have completed setting up devices, Domains, Service Areas and User Roles. You can choose User Provisioning to order services.

Before you begin

On the Welcome page, you can import a configuration file that contains the configuration details required by the wizard. You can also download the sample configuration file, modify the text files based on your requirements, and upload the updated zip file. You can edit the sample files (.txt ) using Excel, save the updated spreadsheet as tab-delimited text file, and import the file. Note the following points while importing the configuration file:
  • You can upload only zip file.

  • The uploaded zip file should contain all the files that are included in the sample configuration file (downloaded from the Welcome page). The file names must be exactly the same as in configuration file. If there are extra files and directories, they will be ignored.

  • The uploaded zip file should contain all the infrastructure objects present in the sample configuration file (located at /opt/cupm/sep/deploy/dfc.ear/dfc.war/ipt/gsWizard/

  • It is not recommended to change the product names of the infrastructure objects that are included in the sample configuration file.

  • Using the configuration file, you can add only one domain, service area, and user role at a time. Also, you can add only one Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection, Unified IM and Presence, and LDAP server at a time.

  • You can also import Cisco Unified Configurator for Collaboration (CUCC) configuration files (tar files). The CUCC configuration file can contain the configuration details for only one Site, because you can configure only one Domain and Service Area at a time using the Getting Started wizard. You can find the sample CUCC configuration files at the following location: /opt/cupm/sep/ipt/config/sample/cucc samples in tar.

  • You cannot add more devices if you re-import the configuration file in another run of the wizard per Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning installation.

  • If you export a configuration file from Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.1 and before and re-import it back to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.2 and later, you must import the batch file based on the new batch format.


Step 1

Choose Infrastructure Setup > Getting Started Wizard.

Step 2

On the Welcome page, click Begin to start setting up Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning using the wizard.

Step 3

Click Close if you have not met the pre-requisites.

Step 4

Add devices to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

The following fields will be auto-populated based on the values provided in the configuration file. If you have not imported any configuration file, Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning uses the values provided in the default configuration file.
Page Field Name
Infrastructure Setup page
  • Unified Communications Manager name

  • Username

  • Password

Domain page
  • Domain name

  • Description

Service Area page
  • Name

  • Time Zone

  • Directory Number Block

  • PSTN Gateway

  • Site code

  • Device mobility

  • SRST

User Role page Some of the fields will be auto-populated in the Manual Service Provisioning page and Automatic Service Provisioning page.
Directory Synchronization (LDAP Sync) page
  • LDAP Server

Creating a Domain

The wizard allows you to create a Domain and associate the unified processors that you have added in the Device Setup page of the wizard.


Step 1

On the Domain Creation page, enter the domain name and description details.


For the domain name, valid values are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), period (.), hyphen (-), at sign (@), and underscore (_), but it cannot include quotes ("), angle brackets (< >), backslash (\), ampersand (&), and percent (%).

Step 2

(Optional) You can add an intra-site dial plan that you can edit or extend later using the Infrastructure Configuration page. The dial pattern specifies how to interpret digit sequences dialed by the user, and how to convert those sequences to an outbound dial string.

You can download the sample dial pattern file from the Domain Creation page. You can also import CUCC dial pattern file. If you have already uploaded a dial pattern file (as part of the configuration zip file) in the Welcome page, Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning will use the dial pattern added through the Domain Creation page, instead of the dial pattern file added as part of the configuration zip file.

If you have not imported any dial pattern file, the wizard will use the default 10-digit dial pattern file.

Step 3

Click Save and Continue.

You will be notified if you are trying to create a domain that already exists in Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

Step 4

Create a Service Area in the Domain.

Creating a Service Area

The wizard allows you to create a service area (Site) and associate it to the domain. You can define values for Device Pool, Location, and Route Partition, corresponding to that Service Area.


Step 1

On the Service Area creation page, enter the service area name, Time Zone, PSTN Gateway IP address (or hostname), site code, and Directory Number Block details. You can also provide the Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) and Device Mobility information, if required.


For the service area name, valid values are alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), period (.), hyphen (-), at sign (@), and underscore (_), but it cannot include quotes ("), angle brackets (< >), backslash (\), ampersand (&), and percent (%).

Step 2

Click Save and Continue.

Step 3

Enabling Manual and Automatic Service Provisioning.

Enabling Automatic and Manual Service Provisioning for a User Role

The wizard allows you to enable manual and automatic service provisioning for a user role:

  • Manual Service Provisioning—The endpoints and services will be manually assigned by an administrator while placing an order for a user with this user role.
  • Automatic Service Provisioning—This is optional. If you enable automatic service provisioning, the endpoints and services you assign will be automatically provisioned to the user created with this user role.

You can enable automatic and manual service provisioning for only one user role using the wizard. To enable automatic and manual service provisioning for more user roles, choose Provisioning Setup.


Step 1

Employee user role is created by default when creating the Domain. You can rename the user role if required, but cannot change the user role type (Employee).

Step 2

For manual provisioning, select the Line Type, Endpoint, Service and Service bundles. These services must be manually assigned by an administrator while placing an order for a user with this user role.

Step 3

Enable Automatic Service Provisioning for the user role.

Step 4

Select the endpoint, service and service bundles you want to automatically provision for the user role.

You can select the following:
  • Endpoint—You can either choose a self-provisioned endpoint or a default endpoint. Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 is the default endpoint model auto-provisioned for the user. If you choose self-provisioned endpoint, enter the maximum number of endpoints, and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) details required by the Unified Communications Manager.

    Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning requires the IVR Directory Number, and Auto-registration starting and ending Directory Numbers to self-provision the endpoints. These numbers are auto populated when the voicemail pilot number is provided while adding the message processor. When the user dials the IVR Directory Number from the endpoint, the IVR prompts will be played. The Starting and Ending Auto-registration Directory Numbers define the range of Directory Numbers that are used by the endpoints to auto-register.

  • Line
  • Single Number Reach
  • IM and Presence
  • Voicemail
  • Extension Mobility Access
  • Extension Mobility Line
  • Cisco Jabber
Step 5

Click Customize to edit or change the default service templates. For example, Cisco 7960 service template is created by default for the default endpoint model 7960. You can either customize this default template, or choose another endpoint from the drop-down and customize it.

The default service templates created by the wizard will not be used for Auto-provisioning if you update it manually outside the wizard (choose Provisioning Setup, and select the default service template). To associate the template again to auto-provisioning, you must mark the use for auto-provisioning as yes in the Service Assignment Table on the User Role page.

You have an option to customize user services.

Step 6

Click Save and Continue.

The services and service bundles that you select for the user role will be automatically provisioned to the user when placing orders.
Step 7

Add users.

Adding Users

The wizard allows you to either import users manually or synchronize from the LDAP server.


Step 1

To synchronize users, choose:

  • Use Directory (LDAP) Server to synchronize users to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

By default, the system administrator adds users. If you choose to synchronize an LDAP server, you must populate the necessary LDAP fields. If you exit the wizard here, or if you want to verify and edit LDAP Settings after completing the wizard, choose Provisioning Setup and select a Domain to edit.

Step 2

Click Save and Continue.

Your configuration is complete and the summary page appears.

Summary of Configuration

The Getting Started Wizard Summary page shows the configurations completed using the wizard.


Step 1

Based on the processors that are configured, pre-built configuration templates are created in Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning. Click Infrastructure Configuration to see the list of pre-built configuration templates and infrastructure objects configured at the end of the wizard.

You can also see the pre-built configuration templates and the infrastructure objects from the following menus:
  • Choose Advanced Provisioning > Batch Provisioning and open the list of Batch Projects. You can see one batch project created for each of the unified communications processor added through the wizard. These batch projects list all the infrastructure objects.
  • Choose Infrastructure Setup > Configuration Templates and open the list of pre-built configuration templates. All the objects configured using the wizard are listed.
Step 2

You can export the wizard data to a configuration file by using the Save the Configuration File option in the Summary page. Click Save the Configuration File with Keywords option to save the configuration file with keywords.

You can use the exported file on a different server, or update the configuration file and import it during a new session of the wizard.
Step 3

After reviewing your configuration click Apply.

Step 4

To enable Self-Provisioning, you must restart the Self Provision IVR service in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. You can use the Call Processor option to cross-launch Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

You can choose to add another service area, user role or navigate to the user provisioning page to add users.

You can use the Show Detailed Configuration option to view the configuration details. You can use the Save Configuration Data option to save the wizard configuration data as a batch project.

Step 5

Click Done to exit the wizard.

You can relaunch the wizard again and create a Domain, Service Area and update user role for another newly installed device.

The Getting Started wizard creates configuration templates for the infrastructure objects. These are read-only templates and cannot be edited or deleted.

Adding Devices


Step 1

On the Device setup page, add the Unified Communications Processors and its details. Enable Unified Messaging and provide exchange server details to add an email account. See Unified Messaging Guide for Cisco Unity Connection for exchange server details.

Step 2

Click Test Connection.

The test connection succeeds if you have added Unified Communication processors that are 10.5 and above. When you close the wizard, the devices are added to the Inventory Manager and is listed in the Device Setup page. If you have added processors that are already configured (not a new install), a validation message appears, and you cannot proceed to the next step.

To Support Unified Communications Manager with/without TLS v1.0:
  • Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 12.x onwards communicates with Cisco Unified Communications Manager 12 using TLS v1.2 protocol, hence the handshake is successful and the connection is secured.

  • Communication between Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.5 and Cisco Unified Communications Manager 11.5 (SU3):

    1. Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning sends AXL requests via TLS v1.0 protocol to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Minimum TLS version is not configured, i.e. default setting on Cisco Unified Communications Manager): Handshake is successful, then the connection is successful.

    2. Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning sends AXL requests via TLS v1.0 protocol to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Minimum TLS version is configured as TLS v1.2 or v1.1 on Cisco Unified Communications Manager): Handshake fails, then the connection is unsuccessful. In case of failed scenario, the user needs to upgrade to the Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning version 12.x.

Step 3

Click Save and Continue.

he Save and Continue button is enabled only if the test connection succeeds. When you click Save and Continue, Infrastructure and User synchronizations are triggered for the newly added devices. You can view the synchronization status of these devices in the Infrastructure Setup page (Quick View of the device).

You will be notified if you are trying to add and save a device that already exists in Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

Step 4

Create a Domain for the processors you have added.

After installing or reverting the snapshot for Cisco Unity Connection, you must launch the Cisco Unity Connection user interface and wait for 10 - 15 minutes (because the device will take some time to initialize the third party libraries), before adding the Cisco Unity Connection device in the Getting Started wizard. Otherwise, the test connection may fail.

Infrastructure Objects Created by the Wizard

The table below lists some of the Infrastructure Objects created during the Getting Started Wizard setup.

Table 1. Infrastructure Objects
Infrastructure Objects
Route Partition (for Phones)
Calling Search Space (for Phones with Partition)
Integration Objects (Unified CM and Unity Connection) created on Unified CM
Device Mobility Group
Media Resource Group
IOS Enhanced Conference Bridge
IP Phone Services
Service Parameter
SIP Trunk Security Profile
SIP Profile
SIP Trunk
Partition for Voicemail
Calling Search Space
Voicemail Pilot with Pilot Number
Voicemail Profile with Voicemail Pilot
Route Pattern
Integration Objects created on Unified CM and IM&P
SIP Trunk Security Profile
Service Parameter
SIP Trunk
LDAP Integration Objects created on Unified CM
LDAP System
LDAP Authentication
LDAP Directory
Infrastructure Objects created on Unity Connection
External Service
VoiceMail Port
Port Group
Class of Service
Subscriber Template with CoS
Infrastructure Objects (Cisco IM&P) created on Unified CM
Gateway Setting
TFTP Server
Presence Configuration Settings
Infrastructure Objects created for Self-Provisioning
CTI Route Point
Self Provisioning
Universal Device Template
Universal Line Template
Unified CM Group
Unified CM
User Profile
Infrastructure Objects created for Cisco Jabber
UCService for CTI
UCService for IM&P
UCService for Voicemail
UCService for MailStore
UCService for LDAP
SIP Profile
Service Parameter
SoftKey Template
Service Profile
Infrastructure Objects created for Service Area (Site)
Date Time Group
Device Pool
Cisco IOS Conference Bridge
Phone NTP Reference
Universal Device Template
User Profile

You can refer the siteobjects.txt file located at /opt/cupm/sep/deploy/dfc.ear/dfc.war/ipt/gsWizard/ to view the list of infrastructure objects created for a Service Area.