Upgrade Tasks

Cisco Prime Collaboration Upgrade Options

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 11.5 and below

Use Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning User Interface to upgrade from Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.2, 11.3, and 11.4 to Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.5.

Upgrade Cisco Prime Collaboration from the Provisioning User Interface

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 11.5 and later

You can upload the application bundle and upgrade Cisco Prime Collaboration from the provisioning user interface. Using this feature, you can view the software update history which includes information such as the name of the installation file, description, type of software update, and the status of installation.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrator privilege to perform this task.

  • We recommend that you make a full backup of your server. If you do not make a backup, you cannot bring back your old system intact if the upgrade fails, since a rollback is not possible.

  • Ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied before you begin the upgrade process:

    • No order is in released state.

    • No device synchronization is in progress state.

    • No active batch projects.

    • No wizard is in active state.


Step 1

Download the application bundle.

Step 2

Log in to Prime Collaboration Provisioning as a user with Administrator privileges.

Step 3

Choose Administration > Updates.

Step 4

Click Browse and navigate to the location where you have saved the application bundle.


The file must be in .rpm format. From Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning release 12.5 onward, .tar.gz format is not supported.

Use the actual rpm application bundle file format. If you rename the rpm application bundle file, the system does not allow upgrade.

Step 5

Click Upload.

The updated file is listed in the updates table with the status Ready to Install.

Step 6

Select the required entry from the table.

Step 7

Click Install Now.


When upgrading from 11.2 to 11.5, ignore the confirmation popup message "Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.2.0-523 will now be installed. All services are restarted during this time." and click Yes to continue upgrading to 11.5.

Step 8

Once the validation is successful, you are redirected to a page with the message Upgrade in progress displaying the status of the upgrade. Click View Debug Logs to view the detailed upgrade log.

After successful installation, you will be redirected to the provisioning login page.

What to do next

After upgrading Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning, perform the following post upgrade tasks:

  • For Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.x, the vCPU reservations are increased. Thus when you are upgrading to Prime Collaboration Provisioning 11.x, power off the instances of the server. Manually increase the vCPU reservation and power on the instances of the server. For more details on vCPU reservation, see Virtual Machine Requirements for Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning.

  • If a session is already open in the browser, clear the browser cache and refresh the browser before you start using the upgraded application.

  • It is recommended that you perform the following synchronization:

    • Domain synchronization

    • Infrastructure synchronization

    • Subscriber or User synchronization

Troubleshooting Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning Upgrade

  • Issue:Snapshot revert on the VM instance, Time is not getting updated

    Recommended Action:

    Once you revert the snapshot on the VM instance, you can do either of the following options:
    • Reboot the PCP VM instance(Shut down Guest and Power On)

    • Run the following two commands on CLI by logging in with Troubleshooting account:
      • sudo timedatectl set-ntp true

      • sudo systemctl start ntpd

    Wait for 10 seconds.

    After following any one of the above options, try executing the date command on CLI and verify whether the correct date and time are displayed.

  • Issue: Upgrade sequence completes in few seconds with a message, Domain/Device/Ldap sync in progress, could not do the upgrade.

    Recommended Action:
    • Make sure that the prerequisites are satisfied and continue with the upgrade process.

    • Clear the in-progress activities listed in the message.

  • Issue: After Upgrading, the provisioning UI still shows the older Mega-menu.

    Recommended Action: Perform one of the following actions:
    • Reboot the VMware Instance.

    • Clear the browser cache.

    • Open the provisioning application in a new browser.

  • Issue: If you upload a new production license file when the standard license file is already present, the authorization role does not list individual domains because of the presence of the standard license file.

    Recommended Action:
    • Delete the standard license file from /opt/cupm folder.

  • Issue: Migration from 11.x to 12.1, if the migration is not successful.

    Recommended Action:
    • Revert the snapshot of the PCP 12.1 application before migration.

    • Access the troubleshooting account, and check the PCP processes.

Installing Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning Software Updates

For Cisco Prime Collaboration Release 11.2 and later

You can upload and install service packs and software update patches from the provisioning user interface. Using this feature, you can view the software update history which includes information such as the type of software update, description, and when the software update was installed. You can also view the readme documents related to the software updates by clicking the document icon against the description of the respective software update file.

To upload and install software updates:

Before you begin

You must have administrator privilege to perform this task.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Updates.

Step 2

Click Browse and navigate to the location where you have saved the software update file.


The file must be in .rpm format. From 12.5 onward, .tar.gz format is not supported.

Step 3

Click Upload.

The updated file will be listed in the updates table with the status Ready to install.

Step 4

Click the required element from the table.

Step 5

Click Install Now.

You will be redirected to a static page with the message Restart is in progress. After successful installation, you will be redirected to the provisioning login page.

You can also uninstall the software updates. To uninstall software update, select the required update file from the table and click Uninstall. When you click Uninstall, software update is uninstalled and rolled back to the previous state.