Installing and Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installing Cisco Prime Network Registrar


Step 1

Log into the target machine using an account that has administrative privileges:

  • Windows—Account in the Administrators group

  • Linux—su (superuser) or root account

Windows—Close all open applications, including any antivirus software.


From Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0, Linux and Windows installer provide an option to prompt for web service port, by default same as the web UI port. This will be prompted only if web services feature is enabled. For a new installation, default value of the web service port will be same as the default value for web UI port or the newly input web UI port. For subsequent installations, the port values will be picked from the conf files.


Many distributions of Redhat and CentOS Linux come with a firewall and connection tracking installed and enabled by default. Running a stateful firewall on the same OS and DNS will cause a significant decrease in server performance. Cisco strongly recommends NOT to use a firewall on the DNS server's operating system. If disabling the firewall is not possible, then connection tracking of DNS traffic MUST be disabled. For more information, see the "DNS Performance and Firewall Connection Tracking" section in Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0 Administration Guide.

Step 2

Download and install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7/1.8, or the equivalent Java Development Kit (JDK), if you have not already done so. These are available from the Oracle website.


On Windows, add the full path of the bin subdirectory of your Java installation folder to your PATH environment variable; for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7\bin.

Step 3

If you are not configuring secure login to the web UI, skip to Step 4. If you are configuring secure login, you must create a keystore file by using the Java keytool utility, which is located in the bin subdirectory of the Java installation (see Step 2). Use the utility to define a self-signed certificate, or to request and later import a certificate from an external signing authority:

  1. To create a keystore file containing a self-signed certificate, run this command and respond to the prompts:

    > keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore k-file
    Enter keystore password: password 
    What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: name
    What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: org-unit 
    What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: org-name 
    What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: local 
    What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: state 
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: cc 
    Is CN=name, OU=org-unit, O=org-name, L=local, ST=state, C=cc correct? [no]: yes 
    Enter key password for <tomcat> (RETURN if same as keystore password): 

    The keystore filename (k-file) is its fully qualified path. You will be entering the keystore path and password in Step 16.


    You must use 128-bit SSL to disable weak ciphers in the web UI. For more information, see Enhancing Security for Web UI.

  2. To create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) that you will submit to the Certificate Authority (CA) when you request a certificate, create the keystore file as in the previous substep, then execute this command:

    > keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.cer -keystore k-file 

    Submit the resulting certreq.cer file to the CA. Once you receive the certificate from the CA, first download the Chain Certificate from the CA, then import the Chain Certificate and your new Certificate into the keystore file, as follows:

    > keytool -import -alias root -keystore k-file -trustcacerts -file chain-cert-file 
    > keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore k-file -trustcacerts -file new-cert-file 

    For details on the keytool utility, see the documentation at the Java website of Oracle. For details on the keystore file and Tomcat, see the documentation at the website of the Apache Software Foundation.


The Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation program for Windows does not try to modify ACLs to restrict access to the installed files and directories. If you want to restrict access to these files and directories, use the native Microsoft utilities to manually change file and directory permissions. See Modifying ACLs in Windows Installations .

Step 4

Load the installation CD, or browse to the network resource where the Cisco Prime Network Registrar software is located. If you download a distribution file from the Cisco website, run it from a different directory than where you will install Cisco Prime Network Registrar.

  • Windows—The cpnr_version-windows.exe file is a self-extracting executable file that places the setup file and other files in the directory where you run it. (If you are not configured for Autostart, run the setup.exe file in that directory.) The Welcome to Cisco Prime Network Registrar window appears.

    Click Next. The second welcome window introduces the setup program and reminds you to exit all current programs, including virus scanning software. If any programs are running, click Cancel, close these programs, and return to the start of Step 4. If you already exited all programs, click Next.

  • Linux—Be sure that the gzip and gtar utilities are available to uncompress and unpack the Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation files. See the GNU organization website for information on these utilities. Do the following:

    1. Download the distribution file.

    2. Navigate to the directory in which you will uncompress and extract the installation files.

    3. Uncompress and unpack the .gtar.gz file. Use gtar with the -z option:

      gtar -zxpf cpnr_10_0-linux-x86_64.gtar.gz  
      gtar -zxpf cpnr_10_0-linux-i686.gtar.gz
      To unpack the .gtar file that gunzip already uncompressed, omit the -z option:
      gtar -xpf cpnr_10_0-linux5.gtar 

      The command creates the cpnr_10_0 directory into which the Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation files are extracted.

    4. Run the following command or program:

      • Linux—Run the install_cnr script from the directory containing the installation files:

        # ./install_cnr 

        The install-path is the CD-ROM directory that contains the installation files or the directory that contains the extracted Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation files, if they were downloaded electronically.

Step 5

Specify whether you want to install Cisco Prime Network Registrar in the local or regional cluster mode:


Since a regional server is required for license management, install the regional server first so that you can register the local to the regional. If you face any problem with synchronizing the regional cluster to the local cluster after registration, unset and set the password on the regional cluster, and sync again.


Include a network time service in your configuration to avoid time differences between the local and regional clusters. This method ensures that the aggregated data at the regional server appears consistently. The maximum allowable time drift between the regional and local clusters is five minutes. If the time skew exceeds five minutes, then the installation process will not be able to correctly register the server with the regional. In this case, unset and set the password on the regional cluster, and sync again.

  • Windows—Keep the default Cisco Prime Network Registrar Local or choose Cisco Prime Network Registrar Regional. Click Next. The Select Program Folder appears, where you determine the program folder in which to store the program shortcuts in the Start menu. Accept the default, enter another name, or choose a name from the Existing Folders list. Click Next.

  • Linux—Enter 1 for a local, or 2 for regional. The default mode is 1.

Step 6

On Linux, specify if you want to run Cisco Prime Network Registrar Local Server Agent as a non-root nradmin user. If you choose to run Cisco Prime Network Registrar for a non-root user, a user nradmin is created with the requisite privileges to run the Cisco Prime Network Registrar services. When running Cisco Prime Network Registrar as a non-root user (nradmin), some changes occur in the CLI operation of the product . Though it is still possible to run as root, it is not recommended. Instead, create regular Linux users and add them to the nradmin group. Users in this group will have full access to the Cisco Prime Network Registrar files. To start and stop Cisco Prime Network Registrar, these users may use the new ‘cnr_service program in the path which is in <install directory>/bin/cnr_service).


The root user is only needed for installation and uninstallation.

Step 7

Note these Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation default directories and make any appropriate changes to meet your needs:


An installation directory path with spaces (except on Windows for system directories, such as "Program Files") is not supported.


If you are upgrading, the upgrade process autodetects the installation directory from the previous release.

Windows default locations:


Do not specify the \Program Files (x86) or \Program Files or \ProgramData for the location of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar data, logs, and temporary files. If you do this, the behavior of Cisco Prime Network Registrar may be unpredictable because of Windows security.

  • Local cluster

    • Program files—C:\Program Files (x86)\Network Registrar\Local

    • Data files—C:\NetworkRegistrar\Local\data

    • Log files—C:\NetworkRegistrar\Local\logs

    • Temporary files—C:\NetworkRegistrar\Local\temp

  • Regional cluster

    • Program files—C:\Program Files (x86)\Network Registrar\Regional

    • Data files—C:\NetworkRegistrar\Regional\data

    • Log files—C:\NetworkRegistrar\Regional\logs

    • Temporary files—C:\NetworkRegistrar\Regional\temp

Linux default locations:

  • Local cluster

    • Program files— /opt/nwreg2/local

    • Data files— /var/nwreg2/local/data

    • Log files— /var/nwreg2/local/logs

    • Temporary files— /var/nwreg2/local/temp

  • Regional cluster

    • Program files— /opt/nwreg2/regional

    • Data files— /var/nwreg2/regional/data

    • Log files— /var/nwreg2/regional/logs

    • Temporary files— /var/nwreg2/regional/temp

Step 8

If there are no defined administrators, create an administrator by providing the username and password. You have to confirm the password entered.

If you are installing a regional, continue; else go to Step 10.

Step 9

Enter the filename, as an absolute path, for your base license (see License Files).


Ensure that you use the absolute path and not a relative path for your base license as there are chances that there might be changes to the default path from what you started the install with.

Entering the filename during installation is optional. However, if you do not enter the filename now, you must enter it when you first log into the web UI or CLI.


If you install Cisco Prime Network Registrar using a Remote Desktop Connection to the Windows Server, you will not be able to enter the license information during the installation. Cisco Prime Network Registrar will reject the licenses as invalid. You must therefore skip the license information step, and add the license after the installation completes, using either the web UI or CLI. See Starting Cisco Prime Network Registrar for details.

Step 10

Register the local to the regional by providing the regional IPv4 or IPv6 address and SCP port.

After the local is registered to the regional, it can provide those services for which the licenses are present in the regional.


If you face any problem synchronizing the regional cluster to the local cluster after registration, unset and set the password on the regional cluster, and sync again. This can happen due to time skew of more than five minutes between local and regional clusters.

Include a network time service in your configuration to avoid time differences between the local and regional clusters. This method ensures that the aggregated data at the regional server appears consistently. The maximum allowable time drift between the regional and local clusters is five minutes. If the time skew exceeds five minutes, then the installation process will not be able to correctly register the server with the regional. In this case, unset and set the password on the regional cluster, and sync again.

Step 11

After you register local to the regional, you can select the required services from the licensed services.


If a service is not selected, upgrade process will use the existing configuration. To remove a service wait until the upgrade process is completed.

Step 12

Choose whether to archive the existing binaries and database in case this installation does not succeed. The default and recommended choice is Yes or y:

If you choose to archive the files, specify the archive directory. The default directories are:

  • Windows—Local cluster (C:\NetworkRegistrar\Local.sav); Regional cluster (C:\NetworkRegistrar\Regional.sav). Click Next.

  • Linux—Local cluster (/opt/nwreg2/local.sav); Regional cluster (/opt/nwreg2/regional.sav).

Step 13

Choose the appropriate installation type: server and client (the default), or client-only:

  • Windows—Choose Both server and client (default) or Client only. Click Next. The Select Port window appears.

  • Linux—Entering 1 installs the server and client (the default), or 2 installs the client only.


Choose Client only in a situation where you want the client software running on a different machine than the protocol servers. Be aware that you must then set up a connection to the protocol servers from the client.

Step 14

Enter CCM management SCP port number that the server agent uses for internal communication between servers. The default value is 1234 for local cluster and 1244 for regional cluster.

Step 15

Enter the location of the Java installation (JRE) 1.7/1.8 or JDK selected in Step 2. (The installation or upgrade process tries to detect the location.):

  • Windows—A dialog box reminds you of the Java requirements. Click OK and then choose the default Java directory or another one. Click OK. The Select Connection Type window appears.

  • Linux—Enter the Java installation location.


Do not include the bin subdirectory in the path. If you install a new Java version or change its location, rerun the Cisco Prime Network Registrar installer then specify the new location in this step.

Step 16

Choose whether to enable the web UI to use a nonsecure (HTTP) or secure (HTTPS) connection for web UI logins:

  • Windows—Choose Non-secure/HTTP (default), Secure/HTTPS (requires JSSE), or Both HTTP and HTTPS.

  • Linux—Enter 1 for Non-secure/HTTP (default), 2 for Secure/HTTPS (requires JSSE), or 3 for both HTTP and HTTPS.

Enabling the secure HTTPS port configures security for connecting to the Apache Tomcat web server (see Step 3 for configuration). (To change the connection type, rerun the installer, and then make a different choice at this step.)

  • If you choose HTTPS, or HTTP and HTTPS, click Next and continue with Step 17.

  • If you choose the default HTTP connection, click Next, and go to Step 18.

Step 17

If you enabled HTTPS web UI connectivity, you are prompted for the location of the necessary keystore and keystore files:

  • For the keystore location, specify the fully qualified path to the keystore file that contains the certificate(s) to be used for the secure connection to the Apache Tomcat web server. This is the keystore file that you created in Step 3.

  • For the keystore password, specify the password given when creating the keystore file. On Windows, click Next.


Do not include a dollar sign ($) in the keystore password as it will result in an invalid configuration on the Apache Tomcat web server.

Step 18

Enter a port number for the web UI connection. The defaults are:

  • HTTP local cluster—8080

  • HTTP regional cluster—8090

  • HTTPS local cluster—8443

  • HTTPS regional cluster—8453

On Windows, click Next.

Step 19

Choose Yes if you want to enable the Cisco Prime Network Registrar web services.

Step 20

Enter a port number for the web service connection. The defaults are:

  • HTTP local cluster—8080

  • HTTP regional cluster—8090

  • HTTPS local cluster—8443

  • HTTPS regional cluster—8453


For Web services user have an option to enter a different port number.

Step 21

Select the security mode to be configured. Optional. Allow fallback to unsecure connection is selected by default. Click Next.

Step 22

If you are installing a regional, select Yes to enable BYOD service.


Enabling BYOD service option is available only in Windows and Linux.

The Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation process begins. Status messages report that the installer is transferring files and running scripts. This process may take a few minutes:

  • Windows—The Setup Complete window appears. Choose Yes, I want to restart my computer now or No, I will restart my computer later, and then click Finish.

  • Linux—Successful completion messages appear.


When you upgrade Cisco Prime Network Registrar, the upgrade process takes place during the installation. Therefore, the installation and upgrade processes take a longer time depending on the number of scopes, prefixes, and reservations that you have configured.

Step 23

Verify the status of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar servers:

  • Windows—In the Services control panel, verify that the Cisco Prime Network Registrar Local Server Agent or Cisco Prime Network Registrar Regional Server Agent is running after rebooting the system when the installation has completed successfully.

  • Linux—Use the install-path/usrbin/cnr_status command to verify status. See Starting and Stopping Servers.

If the upgrade fails, you can revert to the earlier Cisco Prime Network Registrar version. For details about reverting to the earlier version, see the Reverting to an Earlier Product Version.

Upgrade Considerations

Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0 supports direct upgrades from 7.2 (Linux and Windows), and later, on the same platform.

Cisco Prime Network Registrar does not support the Red Hat 4.0 and 3.0. Back up your Cisco Prime Network Registrar data and upgrade your operating system before installing this latest release. (See System Requirements for currently supported operating systems.)

When you install the software, the installation program automatically detects an existing version and upgrades the software to the latest release. The program first prompts you to archive existing Cisco Prime Network Registrar data. If the program encounters errors during the upgrade, it restores the software to the earlier release.


  • If you are running the Authoritative DNS server, the upgrade process (from Cisco Prime Network Registrar pre-8.2 to 10.0) could take a while depending on the number of zones and resource records because of the database changes made to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.2.

  • There are several significant changes with respect to DHCP failover support when upgrading from a version prior to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.2 to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.2 or later. For more information, see the Upgrade Considerations for DHCP Failover section in Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.2 Installation Guide.

  • Either cluster of a DHCP failover pair can be upgraded from Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.2 to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0 and operate successfully with the other cluster that is running Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.2. You must not run the DHCP failover cross-version for an extended period, and must upgrade both the main and the backup clusters to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0 at the earliest.

During an upgrade, Cisco Prime Network Registrar now displays any pre-existing HTTPS configuration defaults for the keystore filename and password to enable a secure connection for web UI logins. If you have enabled HTTPS, and are unaware of the keystore filename and password at the time of the upgrade, you can preserve HTTPS connectivity during the upgrade, and re-enter the defaults when prompted.

DNS Upgrade Considerations

Before upgrading from a pre-8.2 to 8.2 or post-8.2 version:

  • Staged edits will be lost after the upgrade. All the staged edits must be synced to DNS before upgrading.

  • RR upgrades are sourced from a valid AUTHZONE.db. If that database is corrupt, missing, or incomplete, the resulting upgrade will miss some or all RRs. The most common situation is upgrading from a shadow backup or database backup, or a dataset that needs to be rebuilt.

  • Ensure that the database is fully operational before upgrade.

Upgrading on Windows

To upgrade to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10_0:


Step 1

Ensure that your environment meets the current system requirements (see System Requirements).

Step 2

Use the currently installed release to complete any configuration changes in progress, so that the existing database is consistent before you perform the upgrade.

Step 3

Uninstall the previous version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar. Your existing configuration data will remain in place after the uninstall.

Step 4

Back up your Cisco Prime Network Registrar data on a different machine or a shared network device and upgrade your operating system to Windows Server 2012 R2. See documentation supplied by Microsoft for information about how to install/upgrade Windows servers.


If you install Windows Server 2012 R2 instead of upgrading and the disk is reformatted, you must restore the Cisco Prime Network Registrar data to the C:\NetworkRegistrar\{Local | Regional}\data folder.

Step 5

Install Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10_0 on the Windows Server 2012 R2 machine. For installation instructions, see Installing Cisco Prime Network Registrar. Ensure that you specify the path where your existing data can be found, for example, C:\NetworkRegistrar\{Local | Regional}, to run the upgrade.


Ensure that you keep the old Cisco Prime Network Registrar configuration and license information handy as you may need to re-enter this information during the Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation.


While upgrading to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10_0, user have an option to enter a different port number only for Web services.

We recommend upgrading the regional cluster before upgrading any local clusters, because an older version of a regional cluster cannot connect to newer local clusters.

Upgrading on Linux

To upgrade to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0:


Step 1

Ensure that your environment meets the current system requirements (see System Requirements).

Step 2

Use the currently installed release to complete any configuration changes in progress, so that the existing database is consistent before you perform the upgrade.

Step 3

Stop the Cisco Prime Network Registrar server agent and backup the current system (or at least the Cisco Network Registrar\Program Files\Network Registrar\ directories and contents). To stop the Cisco Prime Network Registrar Local/Regional server agent:

  • If local:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x— /etc/init.d/nwreglocal stop

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x— systemctl stop nwreglocal

  • If Regional:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x— /etc/init.d/nwregregion stop

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x— systemctl stop nwregregion

Step 4

Install Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0. For installation instructions, see Installing Cisco Prime Network Registrar.


While upgrading to Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0, you have an option to enter a different port number only for Web services.

Reverting to an Earlier Product Version

The Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation program provides the capability to archive the existing product configuration and data when you upgrade to a newer version and to revert to an earlier version of the product. If you chose this option, and the upgrade process fails, use the following procedure to revert to the earlier product version and configuration:


To complete this process, you must have access to the product installer and license key or license file for the earlier Cisco Prime Network Registrar version. Any attempt to proceed otherwise may destabilize the product.

If the installer had successfully performed the upgrade but you want to roll back to the earlier version at some later point, this procedure can result in network destabilization and data loss; for example, you will lose updates made to the Cisco Prime Network Registrar database after the upgrade, including DHCP lease data and DNS dynamic updates.


Step 1

Verify that the archive directory that you specified during the upgrade process exists and is valid. These examples assume the default archive location provided during installation. Ensure that the path to the cnr_data_archive directory reflects the value of the archive directory that you specified during installation. If you are using:

  • Windows—C:\NetworkRegistrar\

    {Local.sav | Regional.sav}

  • Linux—/opt/nwreg2/{local.sav | regional.sav}

Step 2

Uninstall Cisco Prime Network Registrar using the procedure described in the Uninstalling Cisco Prime Network Registrar.

Step 3

Other than the contents of the specified archive directory, delete any remaining files and directories in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation paths.

Step 4

Reinstall the original version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar. Ensure that you follow the reinstallation procedure described in Cisco Prime Network Registrar Installation Guide that is specific to the original product version.

Step 5

After the installation ends successfully, stop the Cisco Prime Network Registrar server agent:

  • Windows— Local: net stop nwreglocal

    Regional: net stop nwregregion

  • Linux—Local:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x — /etc/init.d/nwreglocal stop

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x — systemctl stop nwreglocal

  • Linux—Regional:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x — /etc/init.d/nwregregion stop

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x — systemctl stop nwregregion

Step 6

Delete the contents of the Cisco Prime Network Registrar install-path/data subdirectory.

Step 7

Extract the contents of the backup file to the reinstalled version of Cisco Prime Network Registrar.

  1. Change to the root directory of the filesystem. On Windows, this directory would be the base drive (such as C:\); on Linux, it would be /.

  2. Using the fully qualified path to the archive directory, extract the archive. These examples assume the default archive location provided during installation.

  • Windows—Copy the C:\NetworkRegistrar\{Local.sav|Regional.sav}\cnr_data_archive\ contents to the target Cisco Prime Network Registrar data directory. The following assume the default installation locations for a local cluster:

    xcopy/s C:\NetworkRegistrar\Local.sav\cnr_data_archive 

    There is also a cnr_file_archive directory which contains the installed files and generally this should not be recovered over a re-installation.

  • Linux

    • Change to the root directory of the filesystem—cd /.

    • Using the fully qualified path to the archive directory containing the cnr_data_archive.tar file, extract the archive. These examples assume the default archive location provided during installation. Ensure that the paths to the tar executable and cnr_data_archive.tar file reflect the value of the archive directory that you specified during installation.

      /opt/nwreg2/{local.sav | regional.sav}/tar -xf /opt/nwreg2/{local.sav | 

    There is also a cnr_file_archive.tar which contains the installed files and generally this should not be recovered over a re-installation.

Step 8

Start the Cisco Prime Network Registrar server agent:

  • Windows—Local: net start nwreglocal

    Regional: net start nwregregion

  • Linux—Local:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x — /etc/init.d/nwreglocal start

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x — systemctl start nwreglocal

  • Linux—Regional:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x — /etc/init.d/nwregregion start

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x — systemctl start nwregregion

Step 9

Verify if the previous configuration, including scopes and zones, is intact.

Moving an Installation to a New Machine

Before you begin, ensure that the new machine meets the current system requirements (see System Requirements).

To move an existing Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation to a new machine on the same platform:


Step 1

Stop the server agent on the old machine.

  • Windows—Local: net stop nwreglocal;

    Regional: net stop nwregregion

  • Linux—Local:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x — /etc/init.d/nwreglocal stop

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x — systemctl stop nwreglocal

  • Linux—Regional:

    • RHEL/CentOS 6.x— /etc/init.d/nwregregion stop

    • RHEL/CentOS 7.x— systemctl stop nwregregion

Step 2

Zip up the data directory on the old machine.

Step 3

Copy the zip file over to the same location on the new machine and unzip the file.

Step 4

Install Cisco Prime Network Registrar on the new machine (on Linux, use the -a option). The installation will detect an upgrade and will do so based on the copied data.

This procedure preserves your original data on the old machine.

Step 5

Login to the web UI and navigate to the List Licenses page under the Administration menu.

Step 6

Edit the regional server information as necessary. Ensure that the regional server information provided is where you would like to register your new machine.

Step 7

Click the Register button to register with the regional server.

Moving a Regional Cluster to a New Machine

License management is done from the regional cluster when Cisco Prime Network Registrar is installed. The regional server is installed first and all licenses are loaded in the regional server. When the local cluster is installed, it registers with the regional server to obtain its license.

When you want to move a regional cluster to a new machine, you need to back up the data on the old regional cluster and copy the data to the same location on the new machine.


When the regional server goes down or is taken out of service, the local cluster is not aware of this action. If the outage lasts for less than 24 hours, it results in no impact on the functioning of the local clusters. However, if the regional cluster is not restored for more than 24 hours, the local cluster will get warning messages that the local cluster is not properly licensed (in the web UI, CLI, or SDK). This does not impact the operation of the local clusters and the local clusters continue to work and service requests.

To move an existing Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation to a new machine:


Step 1

Stop the server agent on the old regional server:

  • Windows:

    net stop nwregregion

  • Linux:

    # etc/init.d/nwregregion stop

Step 2

Zip up the data directory on the old regional server.

Step 3

Copy the zip file over to the same location on the new server and unzip the file.

Step 4

Install Cisco Prime Network Registrar (regional cluster) on the new server. For more information, see Installing Cisco Prime Network Registrar.

The installation will detect an upgrade and will do so based on the copied data. This procedure preserves your original data from the old regional server.


When you install Cisco Prime Network Registrar on the new machine, you must choose the data directory on which you have copied the data from the old regional server.

Step 5

Start the Cisco Prime Network Registrar web UI or CLI. For more information, see Starting Cisco Prime Network Registrar.

Step 6

Log in as superuser to the CLI for the new regional cluster.

Step 7

To list the local clusters:

nrcmd-R>cluster listnames
Step 8

To synchronize the data as well as the license information:

nrcmd-R>cluster <name of local cluster> sync

Troubleshooting the Installation

The Cisco Prime Network Registrar installation process creates a log file, install_cnr_log, in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar log file directory. For upgrades, one additional log file is created: lease_upgrade_log. The log directory is set to these locations by default:

  • Windows:

    • Local cluster: C:\NetworkRegistrar\Local\logs

    • Regional cluster: C:\NetworkRegistrar\Regional\logs

  • Linux:

    • Local cluster: /var/nwreg2/local/logs

    • Regional cluster: /var/nwreg2/regional/logs

If the installation or upgrade does not complete successfully, first check the contents of these log files to help determine what might have failed. Some examples of possible causes of failure are:

  • An incorrect version of Java is installed.

  • Insufficient disk space is available.

  • Inconsistent data exists for an upgrade.

If the log messages do not clearly indicate the failure, you can gather additional debug information by using the debug_install utility script. This script appears only if the installation failed and is located by default in the Cisco Prime Network Registrar program files directory:

  • Windows:

    • Local cluster: C:\Program Files(x86)\Network Registrar\Local\debug_install.cmd

    • Regional cluster: C:\Program Files\Network Registrar\Regional\debug_install.cmd

  • Linux:

    • Local cluster: /opt/nwreg2/local/

    • Regional cluster: /opt/nwreg2/regional/

If you need help determining the cause or resolution of the failure, forward the output of this script to Cisco Systems for further analysis. To contact Cisco for assistance, see the following Cisco website:

Troubleshooting Local Cluster Licensing Issues

If your regional cluster and local cluster are located in isolated networks, are separated by a firewall, or the time skew between the regional and local clusters is more than five minutes, then the local cluster may be unable to register with the regional server. The firewall may block the return connection used to validate the local cluster admin credentials that are sent from the local cluster to the regional cluster.

To register a local cluster with the regional cluster:


Step 1

Install Cisco Prime Network Registrar (local cluster) on the server and create the admin user for the local cluster. For more information, see Installing and Upgrading Cisco Prime Network Registrar.

When you install Cisco Prime Network Registrar on the local cluster, you can skip the registration of the local cluster with the regional cluster.

Step 2

Log into the regional cluster and add the new local cluster to the regional cluster with the admin credentials. For more information, see Adding Local Clusters section of Cisco Prime Network Registrar 10.0 CLI Reference Guide.

Step 3

To synchronize the data as well as the license information, click the Resynchronize icon.