Upgrading Prime Provisioning
If you want to migrate from an existing installation to Prime Provisioning 7.2, your upgrade path depends on which release you are upgrading from. This process is described in the following sections.
- Upgrade Matrix
- Locating the Cisco Prime Provisioning 7.2 Upgrade Tool
- Using the Repository Upgrade Tool
Upgrade Matrix
The various possible upgrade paths are described in Table 4-1 .
If you have an existing Prime Provisioning repository, you must upgrade it to be able to use it with Prime Provisioning 7.2, using the upgrade tool as stated in Table 4-1 .

Note Understand that the only Sybase version to which you can upgrade is the embedded Sybase ASA, 11.0.1. Also, understand that Oracle testing of Prime Provisioning 7.2 has been done with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) - 64 bit Production. If you would like to use another version of Oracle 11g, see Oracle’s compatibility information.
Locating the Cisco Prime Provisioning 7.2 Upgrade Tool
To locate the Cisco Prime Provisioning 7.2 upgrade tool:
2. Copy isc-upgrade.zip into the Prime Provisioning master machine.
3. Unzip isc-upgrade.zip. This unzips the upgrade tool in upgradeTool directory.
Using the Repository Upgrade Tool
The upgrade procedure steps for the repository from earlier version to Prime Provisioning 7.2 remains the same for both Sybase and Oracle repositories.

Note Before you upgrade your repository, you must have followed the steps in the Installing Prime Provisioning. You must have backed up your database, as explained in Backup and Restore of Prime Provisioning Repository. A repository can be upgraded only once. If there is any problem during upgrade, a new copy of the backed up repository is needed for subsequent upgrade attempts.

Note See chapter Backup and Restore of Prime Provisioning Repository in the Administration Guide before upgrading your repository.
Upgrade your repository as follows (using the Prime Provisioning 6.3 Upgrade Tool as an example):
Step 1 Get the upgrade package upgrade package isc-upgrade.zip from the DVD:
and place it on the Prime Provisioning Master machine in a directory where you can access the Prime Provisioning environment.
Step 2 Stop Prime Provisioning.
./prime.sh stop
Step 3 Unzip isc-upgrade.zip. This unzips the upgrade tool in upgradeTool directory.
Step 4 Run the upgrade script.
cd upgradeTool
./upgradeISCSchema.sh <Prime Provisioning home>
where: <Prime Provisioning home> is the full pathname of the Prime Provisioning home directory.
Step 5 Check for a success or error message.

Note After upgrading between Prime Provisioning versions, you should ensure that the cache of the Prime Provisioning client browser has been cleared or that your browser does not use the cache. This will ensure the latest Prime Provisioning images and pages are returned.