Site Log

Use the Site Log to provide a record of actions related to installing and maintaining the chassis. Keep it in an accessible place near the chassis so that those who perform tasks have access to it. Use the Installation Checklist (see the “Site Planning” section) to verify the steps in the installation and maintenance of your chassis. Site Log entries can include the following:

  • Installation progress—Make a copy of the Cisco NCS 4202 Installation Checklist, and insert it into the Site Log. Make entries as you complete each task.
  • Upgrade, removal, and maintenance procedures—Use the Site Log as a record of ongoing chassis maintenance and expansion history. Each time a task is performed on the Cisco NCS 4202, update the Site Log to reflect the following:
    • Removal or replacement of interface modules
    • Configuration changes
    • Maintenance schedules and requirements
    • Maintenance procedures performed
    • Intermittent problems
    • Comments and notes

Table below shows a sample site log. Make copies of the sample, or design your own site log to meet the requirements of your site and equipment.

Table 1. Site Log


Description of Action Performed or Symptom Observed
