CSCuq88560 |
ASR CPP crashes due to stuck thread interrupt |
CSCur01849 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: FP crash @ipv4_nat_ha_bind_to |
CSCum03117 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: Traffic flood verification failed @ efp and vfi with same BD |
CSCuo75126 |
Ucode crash seen with Firewall configs in B2BHA setup |
CSCum67310 |
QFP needs to be modeled for ULTRA |
CSCup64883 |
XE3.13: B2B NAT ZBFW : Crash @ha_sync_build_packets on Active |
CSCuq95303 |
XE3.14: FP80:cpp_svr cores seen on attaching service-policy |
CSCui45088 |
ASR921: Link flaps on changing the IP for mgmt interface |
CSCum53365 |
[AVC] SNMP index cannot be retrieved from uidb data-structure |
CSCuo74920 |
flap flexvpn - memory leak CPP AEM SUB-TASK CHUNK and CPP AEM TASK CHUNK |
CSCuq97925 |
cpp_cdm: CPP crashed after oir CLC |
CSCuq15145 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: ART metrics problem in application-experience profile |
CSCuq23502 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers does not relatch properly after receiving relatch event on 3.12.1S |
CSCuo36977 |
Traceback at cpp_mma_policy when flapping flexvpn sessions with AVC |
CSCup34928 |
RP crash when config and unconfig a service continuously |
CSCuo57286 |
dst_ip_known() API doesn't create preflow in PD during BICS demo |
CSCup97104 |
Unknown USB container entries in entStateTable |
CSCup48518 |
FTP ALG create incomplete token in case of EPSV passive |
CSCup17566 |
PP crash caused by sessions renegotiating authentication |
CSCuq14700 |
TDL message buffers memory leak |
CSCum25373 |
XE310/XE314, FW: traceback is seen when firewall is configured |
CSCup57389 |
Traffic drops while testing VRF Lite coexistence with SP NAT for LNS |
CSCuo26237 |
yyTranslations are not synced on active and standby FP after changing mode |
CSCup81591 |
XE314, vtcp: no default mss value when no option in syn ack |
CSCuo94228 |
Periodic tail work to check mailbox for Yoda platforms with GPM keep |
CSCuq05033 |
XE314: Memory Leak @ Exec |
CSCur03851 |
SSTE: QOS-3-INVALID_QID: Queuing error for interface |
CSCup81326 |
ESP/CPP crash due to SBC RTCP |
CSCul33598 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: Disable PEMs sensor polling on Standby RP |
CSCui96224 |
show crypto IPsec interface platform is broken |
CSCuq63782 |
ATM VCs flap when under a large amount of traffic |
CSCuq70681 |
HostDB Timer Corruption Causing Firewall Crashes on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers |
CSCup51926 |
NAT door creation may be possible getting failed |
CSCul23249 |
Appnav PT statistic show wrong number after addition and removal of SN |
CSCuo03834 |
Entity alias mapping and if table entry missing for USB ports ASR1002-X |
CSCuo55412 |
Configured ACD value does not reflect in "show int" output |
CSCun10115 |
Cisco ASR 1001-X Router: entPhysicalDescr of NIM subslot bay is shown as SPA bay |
CSCup37801 |
PPPoE code incorrectly expands GPM |
CSCuj39789 |
EDVT: normal condition: Error resolving active FRU: BINOS_FRU_RP |
CSCup98776 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers outbound SA creation failure and ESP not processing further requests |
CSCup29570 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers Port-Channel interface dropping packets with WCCP enabled |
CSCuo85606 |
ESP80 crash when tearing down PPP sessions on LNS |
CSCuo09341 |
ESP crash on ASR due to esf_downstream_tc function |
CSCuo40409 |
B2B NAT: TB @lst_gpm_addr_handler after inside intf flap on Active |
CSCuj79520 |
PAP global address usage growing consistently over time. |
CSCuo80873 |
Make fix for CSCun22771 more complete/robust |
CSCup01105 |
XE314, VTCP: RST TCP packet is dropped |
CSCup63197 |
show crypto ipsec sa interface with platform option cause IOSd reset |
CSCun83128 |
PPTP fails with static PT for control and PAT for data |
CSCup88496 |
630748069 Serial interface MTU issue on ASR1006 |
CSCuo55610 |
Active RP kernel core dump in dual RP2 system may not complete on time |
CSCuo26733 |
CUBE-SP: CAC compound scope src-adj, dst-adj cannot be configured |
CSCun99798 |
dot3Stats counters are not updating on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Fixed Ethernet Line Cards (ASR1000-2T+20X1GE and ASR1000-6TGE) |
CSCum16005 |
Cisco ASR 1001-X Router: 10GE Eval license state not consistent after 2 SSO switchovers |
CSCum50944 |
Cisco ASR 1001-X Router: Luke YSN block interrupts need to be enabled |
CSCur18685 |
QoS SG: Lev1 shape rate is de-activated after dynamic config on the fly |
CSCuo52384 |
ASR1000-RP2 failing to boot up - midplane locked |
CSCuo04982 |
SSTE: continuously tracebacks@lst_gpm_addr_handler&do_print_ipv6_address |
CSCuo41369 |
Cisco ASR 1001-X Router: VLAN errors seen on Native GE connected to C3750G switch |
CSCun84194 |
show tech IPsec platform is looping forever in IPsec FP access-list all |
CSCuq24505 |
show platform packet-trace code commands missing |
CSCup81323 |
Additional support for filter combination(s) on IOS-XE |
CSCuq43357 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers - Y1731 Frame Delay Measurement broken |
CSCuo55508 |
CPP crash encountered with packet tracing enabled |
CSCup50375 |
Process manager is exiting: critical process fault, fman_rp, rp_0_0, |
CSCuo77017 |
Tcam resource has not been released after 32k EFP deleted |
CSCuo31517 |
ELC: Auto negotiation status for copper SFP is always “completed” |
CSCuq87715 |
Multicast l2 head rewrite via PPP half bridge interface |
CSCup37676 |
OTV jumbo packet fragmentation and reassembly causes Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers CPP crash |
CSCul48593 |
Active FP crashed due to stuck threads @ipv4_nat_bpa_free_port |
CSCup32129 |
Auto-rp announce packets replication |
CSCuq05276 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers CPP crashes in ipv4_nat_esp_remove_conn |
CSCuq02069 |
CUBE-SP HA Calls Fail/High CPU if CRYPTO PKI command entered on Standby |
CSCuq49527 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers IOSD crash while configuring IPSLA with Y1731 |
CSCuo49765 |
CWDM-SFP SNMP power threshold discrepancy |
CSCuo61455 |
Crash in NAT with ALG enabled |
CSCun96598 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: DS3-MIB objects are showing value 'ZERO' on SPA-2XT3/E3 |
CSCur00762 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers - incorrect traffic classification after HW TCAM is exhausted |
CSCuo61982 |
New platform specific command for uRPF loose sdrop counter increasing |
CSCup54891 |
CPP crash due to race condition while release object |
CSCun30311 |
'show platform soft stat control-processor brief' status 'unknown' |
CSCup03197 |
Cisco ASR 1001-X Router--Streaming PLIM messages during stress/performance test |
CSCuo56907 |
Add support for processing control plane packets on IOS-XE platforms |
CSCun97477 |
ASR CUBE-ENT not sending RTP to end point in ACK w/SDP: DO-DO |
CSCuo86424 |
ESP crash with ping while using packet-trace |
CSCup76922 |
Aggr GEC: traffic sent via one memlink after reload due to Idx prg wrong |
CSCup82655 |
Flow record output not seen correctly after applying input ACL deny TCP |
CSCup40814 |
ESP-100/200: Fair Queue not applied correctly adding to existing policy |
CSCun90447 |
FNF: Bad values reported for IPv6 BGP nexthop for MPLS PE egress monitor |
CSCuo59226 |
pactrac: incorrect hexdump display with terminating 3-byte boundary |
CSCun60555 |
ESP 40 crash seen during MFR unconfiguration |
CSCup10251 |
QoS functionality breaks due to issues in TCAM, %CPPOSLIB-3-ERROR_NOTIFY |
CSCun92244 |
Active router creates binds with same gaddr, gport for >1 lport |
CSCuq24971 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers ucode crash with pa_get_state on using aggregate port-channel |
CSCuq91488 |
Not punt BFD packet to RP even BFD state changed from DOWN to UP |
CSCun23109 |
SSTE: XE_312: TBAR drops seen with over subscription |
CSCur07193 |
ELC-40: Cisco ASR 1000 Series Fixed Ethernet Line Card ASR1000-2T+20X1GE crashes after CSCuq82536 commit when configured Port channel |
CSCul77689 |
Cannot create context with name that is a part of other context name |
CSCum54014 |
ESP100, ESP200, ASR1001-X, ASR1002-X: ESP crashes YIC_M40_TIMEOUT Interrupt |
CSCuo61782 |
XE3.13: PAP address allocation issue |
CSCuo50995 |
ASR1000 LI sets identification field of packet from IAP to MD to zero |
CSCup39448 |
Show interface counter does not increase on ASR1001-8XCHT1E1 |
CSCuo99185 |
Multiple IOS-XE CPP Ucode crashes due to invalid static route |
CSCup80449 |
1NG: With Cu-SFP inserted and port is shut, IDPROM shows it enabled |
CSCuo65747 |
ESP-100/200: fair queue not applied correctly adding to existing policy |
CSCuo47620 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers - session churn under scale leads to %CPPDRV-4-ADRSPC_LIMIT: F1: |
CSCuo97597 |
ISSU/MDR XE313->mcp-dev: %CMRP-3-SIP_MDR_FAIL:SIP MDR restart timed out |
CSCuq91599 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers wccp pending-ack in fman-wccp caused standby-fp reload every 1hr |
CSCun86123 |
Port-mode ATOM VC sometimes does not come up after router reload |
CSCuq63167 |
XE3.13: PAP address allocation issue - retry with mods to gaddr_unlock |
CSCuo59556 |
FreeBSD-SA-14:08.tcp TCP reassembly vulnerability (CVE-2014-3000) |
CSCun88935 |
“link down due to local/remote fault” message observed during local shut |
CSCuq54655 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: Ucode@PAR1_CSR32_PAR1_ERR_LEAF_INT__INT_PAR1_STEM_CB_SEL_INV_ERR |
CSCun94073 |
SBC IPv6 traffic is not passing through hairpin pinholes |
CSCuq90913 |
OTV: CPP ucode crash in l2bd_forward on BD conditional debug enable |
CSCuq27271 |
fair-queue with time or byte based queue-limit encounters ucode crash |
CSCuq09004 |
RP crashed with cpp_cp_svr crash in cpp_qm_event_insert_leaf_node |
CSCuo29770 |
CPP DRV: intermittent atris memory initialization failures |
CSCup79565 |
1NG_NATIVE_ERR:set_autoneg on optics failed:13 error on 1NG with CuSFP |
CSCuq13494 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers-IPv6 egress ACL intermittently mis-classifies and drops ESP packets |
CSCuq21258 |
ASR1002 crashed: fman_ipsec_pal_set_reply_ctx |
CSCuj86660 |
show platform hardware [slot | subslot | port] xyz plim buffer mapping |
CSCuo46375 |
Webui unavailable: authentication provided by IOS was malformed |
CSCun39803 |
OTV drops ARP broadcasts due to corrupt flood list pointer |
CSCuo89971 |
ELC: queue stuck ESI link permanently back pressured (refix CSCun01920) |
CSCuo56943 |
ESP crash related to MPLS flow monitor feature |
CSCup53658 |
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers QinQ subinterface stats do not work on Port Channel |
CSCup22487 |
Multiple vulnerabilities in BinOS OpenSSL - June 2014 |
CSCuo19730 |
Cisco IOS XE is vulnerable to CVE-2014-0160 - aka heartbleed |