About Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers
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Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers are Cisco routers deployed as managed service provider routers, enterprise edge routers, and service provider edge routers. These routers use an innovative and powerful hardware processor technology known as the Cisco QuantumFlow Processor.
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers run the Cisco IOS XE software and introduce a distributed software architecture that moves many operating system responsibilities out of the IOS process. In this architecture, Cisco IOS, which was previously responsible for almost all of the internal software processes, now runs as one of many Cisco IOS XE processes while allowing other Cisco IOS XE processes to share responsibility for running the router.
ROMmon Release Requirements
For more information on ROMmon support for Route Processors (RPs), Embedded Services Processors (ESPs), Modular Interface Processors (MIPs), and Shared Port Adapter Interface Processors (SIPs) on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers, see https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/routers/asr1000/rommon/asr1000-rommon-upg-guide.html.
New Features and Important Notes
New and Changed Information
The following sections list the new hardware and software features that are supported on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.
New Software Features in Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1a
The following are the new software features introduced in Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers for Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1a
RIB/CEF Routing: Improvements to Show Tech Routing command. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/isg/command/isg-cr-book/isg_m1.html#wp3145726977.
BNG: Add disconnect summary and history of subscribers in show tech subscriber. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: :https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/isg/command/isg-cr-book/isg_m1.html#wp3145726977
SpaceX: MPLS over DMVPN. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_conn_dmvpn/configuration/xe-16-10/sec-conn-dmvpn-xe-16-10-book/sec-conn-dmvpn-xe-16-10-book_chapter_010000.html
L3 routed dual-stake IPoE sessions support. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/isg/configuration/xe-16-10/isg-xe-16-10-book/isg-acess-ip-sess.html
Smart Licensing. For further information, see the following Cisco document:. https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/smart-licensing/qsg/b_Smart_Licensing_QuickStart.html
For a more detailed overview on Cisco Licensing, go to https://cisco.com/go/licensingguide.
Segment Routing OSPFv2 Remote uLoop support. For further information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/seg_routing/configuration/xe-16-10/segrt-xe-16-10-book/ospfv2-microloop-avidance.html
Hashing algorithms enhancements for LAG. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipswitch_cef/configuration/xe-16-10/isw-cef-xe-16-10-book/isw-cef-ecmp-loadbalance-with-tunnel-visibility.html
OSPF: Statistics per OSPF Neighbor. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipv6/command/ipv6-cr-book/ipv6-s5.html.
NAT CLI simplification: simplify on-the-box data collection without having the user knowing architecture. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipaddr/command/ipaddr-cr-book.html.
ASR1K : show interfaces transceiver (CSCvh67402). For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/interface/command/ir-cr-book.html
Optimized APM for Assurance monitoring. For further information, see:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/media_monitoring/configuration/xe-16-10/mm-xe-16-10-book.html.
PfRv3 Fallback timer. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/pfrv3/configuration/xe-16-10/pfrv3-xe-16-10-book/pfrv3.html
Direct Cloud Access Phase 2. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/pfrv3/configuration/xe-16-10/pfrv3-xe-16-10-book/pfrv3.html
Boot: Boot statement check before reload.
When upgrading their IOS software image, customers might sometimes delete their old image without updating the boot statement. This could result in the router entering the ROMMON (ROM Monitor) mode. To recover from the ROMMON mode, the following enhancements are supported for different use cases:
Reload the router with default config-reg configuration -- Before reloading, the router checks if the first boot statement points to an image that exists and verifies it. If the image is missing or invalid, you are prompted for confirmation to proceed with reload of the router.
Reload the router with config-register 0x2102 - auto boot – The router checks if the boot variable is set properly, and accordingly prompts you to proceed with caution.
Reload the router with config-register 0x2102 - auto boot and the boot variable (bootvar) is set, but there is no image in bootvar set path – The router checks if the bootvar is properly set and if there is any image set in the bootvar path. If there is no image in the bootvar path (hard disk/bootflash/flash, and so on), then the reload is aborted with a warning message, and you are prompted to correct the boot statement or copy the image to hard disk.
Auto boot and boot variable is set – If the image is present in the bootvar path, then the router reload is allowed.
Add support for NAT46—For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipaddr_nat/configuration/xe-16-10/nat-xe-16-10-book/iadnat-46.html.
BGP: Display the time at which route was installed in bgp table—For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/iproute_bgp/command/irg-cr-book/bgp-s1.html.
BGP: add a peak watermark output along with a timestamp of when the peak occurred on a per neighbor basis to the show ip bgp neighbor command—For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/iproute_bgp/command/irg-cr-book/bgp-s1.html.
BGP: Improve the Show tech BGP command. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/iproute_bgp/command/irg-cr-book/bgp-s1.html.
VXLAN GPE P2MP Tunnels Support. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/cether/configuration/xe-16-10/ce-xe-16-10-book/vxlan-gpe-p2mp-tunnel.html.
DHCP-Radius-Proxy support with ISG. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/isg/configuration/xe-16-10/isg-xe-16-10-book/isg-dhcp-radius-proxy.html.
LISP: Enhance debug LISP filter. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/iproute_lisp/command/ip-lisp-cr-book/lisp-debug-cmds.html
BGP: Show ip bgp neighbors command additions. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios/iproute_bgp/command/reference/irg_book/irg_bgp5.html
CUBE Media Proxy. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/voice/cube/configuration/cube-book/voi-cube-media-proxy.html
Exclusive Elliptical Curve Ciphers on CUBE. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/voice/cube/configuration/cube-book/voi-cube-sip-tls.html
APPNAV-XE APP-ID classification filter. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/routers/access/4400/appnav/isr/isr_appnav.html
Umbrella on ASR1K platforms. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_data_umbrbran/configuration/xe-16-10/sec-data-umbrella-branch-xe-16-10-book.html
UTD (IPS and Url-filtering) migration to IOX Containers on ISR4k, CSR, ISRv. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: : https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_data_utd/configuration/xe-16-10/sec-data-utd-xe-16-10-book.html
Multicast: Extend debug command. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document:: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/debug/command/i1/db-i1-cr-book.html
BNG: Raise a syslog message when queued packet are reaching in vpdn control-plane. For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: : https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/vpdn/configuration/xe-16-10/vpd-xe-16-10-book/vpd-cfg-additional-feat.html
Programmability—gRPC Dial-in and Dial-out. Expands existing Model Driven Telemetry capabilities with the addition of gRPC protocol support and Dial-Out (configured) telemetry subscriptions (Network Essentials and Network Advantage).
For detailed information, see the following Cisco document: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/prog/configuration/1610/b_1610_programmability_cg/model_driven_telemetry.html.
Programmability—YANG Data Models—For the list of Cisco IOS XE YANG models available with this release, navigate to https://github.com/YangModels/yang/tree/master/vendor/cisco/xe/16101. Revision statements embedded in the YANG files indicate if there has been a model revision. The README.md file in the same GitHub location highlights changes that have been made in the release..
Important Notes
The following sections contain important notes about Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.
Cisco IOS software images are subject to deferral. We recommend that you view the deferral notices at the following location to determine whether your software release is affected:
Service Policy
Attaching a policy in the same direction on both the main interface and subinterface is not allowed.
Field Notices and Bulletins
Field Notices—We recommend that you view the field notices to determine whether your software or hardware platforms are affected. You can find the field notices at the following location:
Bulletins—You can find bulletins at the following location:
Open and Resolved Bugs
The open and resolved bugs for a release are accessible through the Cisco Bug Search Tool. This web-based tool provides you with access to the Cisco bug tracking system, which maintains information about bugs and vulnerabilities in this product and other Cisco hardware and software products. Within the Cisco Bug Search Tool, each bug is given a unique identifier (ID) with a pattern of CSCxxNNNNN, where x is any letter (a-z) and N is any number (0-9). The bug IDs are frequently referenced in Cisco documentation, such as Security Advisories, Field Notices and other Cisco support documents. Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers or other Cisco staff can also provide you with the ID for a specific bug. The Cisco Bug Search Tool enables you to filter the bugs so that you only see those in which you are interested.
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Caveats in Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar Release 16.10.x
Resolved Caveats—Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.2
All resolved bugs for this release are available in the Cisco Bug Search Tool through the Resolved Bug Search.
Caveat ID Number |
Description |
ASR1k crash due to QoS in case of 4k subscribers per subinterface |
ASR 1006-X RP2: Standby RP Crashed after configuring license boot level adventerprise command. |
HOLE is not created when acl default passthrough command is configured. |
Crash with show service-insertion service-context command in AppNav Cluster |
CTS policies download fails with Missing/Incomplete ACEs error |
Device is getting crashed on the cts role-based enforcement |
Radius attr 32 NAS-IDENTIFIIER not sending the FQDN. |
PKI "revocation check crl none" does not fallback if CRL not reachable |
Crash due to chunk corruption in ISIS code |
Crash on an LNS router in process ACCT Periodic Proc |
PKI incorrect fingerprint calulation during CA authentication |
Crash at the VRF configuration |
Open Caveats—Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1a
All open bugs for this release are available in the Cisco Bug Search Tool through the Open Bug Search.
Caveat ID Number |
Description |
qfp-bqs-internal ucode still crashes with fix in CSCvc35307 |
Small clock changes or time drifts can cause GETVPN TBAR drops (GDOI/IPSEC-PI) |
ASR1k node in HA pair might crash due to punt-keepalive failures |
"clear crypto sa vrf MyVrf" triggers crash after updating pre-shared-keys |
A control plane 'delete' command to flush the queue is not being drained out of the command queue |
Crash in CENT-MC-0 process after Doubly-linked list corruption |
IPSec background crash while sending SNMP trap |
ASR1K crash when running 'show ip nhrp brief" |
Router crash with reload reason: LocalSoftADR and core file generated 'cpp-mcplo-ucode' |
Performance Monitor not working when "collect transport round-trip-time" is configured |
FlexVPN MPLS - label in CEF not added when shortcut to hub is created (by glitch) |
Can't configure multiple CFM IP SLA with the same source MEP on ISR1k,ISR4k,ASR1k |
IOS-PKI: grant auto trustpoint <tp_name> does not work with IOS Sub CA |
ASR1k IF down/up happen when config "plim ethernet vlan filter disable" with copper SFP |
cpp_cp_svr memory leak in module: IPHC Svr Info_st |
Software crash due to watchdog after entered switchport command. |
iWAN router PDP crash |
Device registered to CSSM loosing the registration on upgrade from 16.06.04 CCO SL-mode to 16.10.01 |
Anyconnect Profile Download: ASR1001-X crashes when it receives an incoming SSL VPN connection |
Removing ip flow monitor from an interface caused ESP crash |
Crash after comparing tunnel FIB entries |
Hseck9 license not displayed as consumed on CSSM portal after DLC conversion |
AVC feature not shown in use when configured in CSL mode |
Device is not registering to the CSSM portal move from 16.6.4s SL to the 16.10.1a SL only image. |
ASR1K: Unable to retrieve the information error on standby RP with ISSU downgrade. |
SW Redundancy and Firewall coming in DLC Path in SL Only mode |
IPSEC License not consumed on ASR1001-X |
1610_SL_Only: Router hangs when downgrading from 16.10 to 16.6.4 CCO image (SL Registered) |
Resolved Caveats—Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1a
All resolved bugs for this release are available in the Cisco Bug Search Tool through the Resolved Bug Search.
Caveat ID Number |
Description |
IKEv2 session fails to come up after tunnel source address change |
Watchdog crash after "% AAA/AUTHEN/CONT: Bad state in aaa_cont_login()." |
Error message "LID: Handle 0x0 is invalid" filling console logs |
External Interface on the PfR MC stuck in the shutdown state |
Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software Cisco Discovery Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability |
Error and pending objects when mma policy flap with egress monitor for multi-VRF case |
PFRv3 Incorrect time-stamp in traffic-class router change history |
PFRv3 Incorrect reported value of TCA threshold in traffic-class router change history |
NAT MIB not populated when using traditional NAT |
Byte counters for physical interface and subinterface don't match |
Wrong initial number of DPD incrementing error counter. |
NAT-HA on Cisco 2900s breaks if it is asymmetric routing. |
Router crashes when DMVPN tunnel moves accoss ports |
Evaluate NTP February 2018 Vulnerabilities. |
Several OID from CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB stop working when performing upgrade to Denali-16.3.x |
vif interface counters do not increment with multicast service reflection on IOS-XE |
CPP 0 failure Stuck Thread resulting in Unexpected Reboot |
IKEv2 CoA does not work with ISE (coa-push=TRUE instead of true) |
EEM: event mat mac-address not triggered on router with NIM-ES2-8-P |
IWAN versions with prefix tracking only allow prefix splitting for internet and not enterprise |
TBAR issues on KS after running "clear crypto gdoi ks coop role" |
ASR1001 has crashed with cgm_avlmgr_find_node |
When configured vlan unlimited with port-channel subinterface, statistics does not increment |
Evaluation of IOS-XE and IOS for OpenSSL CVE-2018-0739 and CVE-2018-0733 |
CPP crash on L2TP router |
H225 gatekeeper request dropping under "ALG PARSER" with ZBF |
Recommit of CSCvg77924 - FRR feature not working in ESP100 & ESP200 |
NAT ALG ASR1K does not translate call id 0 of PPTP client correctlly. |
Reverse-route configuration is unsupported under gdoi crypto map |
Packet throughput drops down when enable tunnel visibility with single tcp flow(>1MPPS) |
Provide Passthrough Reason in IOS-XE for AppNav |
cpp_cp_svr crash in bqs while running QMRT test tool. |
IOS-XE FIPS mode is enabled by default in QFP even if it is not enabled in CLI |
ASR1k with stateful nat conf, mapping ID got locked after vrf delete |
Enabling IPSec Anti-Replay with SNS in an IPSec profile enables it globally. |
MAC filtering incorrectly set on builtin ports of ISR4300 |
IOS: Crypto Ruleset fails to get deleted |
Crash after failing to modify xcode |
debug platform condition start causes keepalive failures with Vasi interface |
ASR1k unexpected crash when appNav holds a stale pointer. |
EPA-1X100GE/CPAK-100G-SR4 stays in a down/down state after a reset. |
default channel operation state changing from I/O to D/O failed when zero-sla enabled |
Packet trace does not work with re-injected UTD packets |
Crash after service-policy APPNAV change on WAAS instance |
The OID - adslAtucCurrOutputPwr returns incorrect output. |
Memory leak@CENT-BR-0 when change the path label frequently |
"dtmf-interworking rtp-nte" command breaking software MTP. |
router crashed with '%SYS-2-NOPROCESS: No such process 158 -Process= "SC CMM Recv Process"' |
LAN Switches does not learn the right ED upon OTV failover |
DNS ALG will not work when trying to match specific destination hosts |
FlexVPN || DHCP entries not flushing for ikev2 timed out reconnect sessions |
"sdavc_ppdk.pack force" command not accepted during boot up |
GETVPN Key Servers after split may generate TEK with same SPI but different key material |
GetVPN TBAR failure does not generate syslogs |
Path of Last Resort Sending Probes in Standby State |
ASR1001X @incorrect traffic statistics reported of port-channel sub interface using SNMP. |
ASR1001-X: Investigate "license request failed , err=0x22" seen at Manufacturing test |
PLR channel is not muted for some time |
Policy configuration changed under AppNav Cluster failed to push down |
PfRv3: BR May Crash due to Channel Creation/Modification and Next-Hop State (Copied from CSCva72274) |
Different ISP name smartprobes are received in branch WAN interface, the channel cannot detect |
VASI NAT: FTP ALG translation is sometimes failed |
ASR1K - No kernel/coredump generated with watchdog reload event |
Dash i2c Kernel message outputted during boot up |
Crash due to Memory corruption in ISR4k |
PKI:-IP address parsing issue while printing the subject name if classless IP is used in Trustpoint |
ASR1001-X : netconf interface goes into oper down state afer reboot tests |
Channel with wrong label may be created on hub border |
Crashed due to process = IPSec background proc |
ASR 1009/1013 (ESP200) will drop traffic when a rate limiting packets at 67.104gbps |
standby router shows warning message as image is missing when image in present in active and standby |
Traceback Generated While Placing Bulk Conference Call on SM-X-PVDM-3000 |
double exception in ipv4_nat_icmp_lookup_embedded |
Hoot-n-holler multicast traffic marked with DSCP 0 |
ASR1K not reachable by Unicast on Port-Channel Sub interfaces when EVC + Sub-interface is configured |
Unable to remove command 'ip nat inside destination' |
ESP crash due to fatal error |
Modification to ZBFW access-lists do not reflect in TCAM |
ASR1001X - when using VRF NAT port used for ftp data is not freed |
ISAKMP using UDP500 rather peer(translated) port from peer structure while initiating IKE SA for DPD |
NG: Ping fails after cahanging Copper SFP to Fiber SFP on 1GE built-in interface. |
MGCP status remains Down after IOS upgrade caused by CSCvh70570 |
DSP detected FXO "supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call" is treated as CNG tone |
Memory corruption at PKI Session End |
Invalid throughput level in the "show version" output |
IOS XE 16.08.01 - monitor capture missing packets (TCP ACKed unseen sgmts) |
Fixed ISR: Increase Maximum Configurable VLAN# and STP# from 32 to 63 |
IOS-XE : IPv6 ACL for Tunnel QoS not matched |
Initial contact in IKEv1 phase 2 rekey (QM1) causes all crypto sessions to drop |
Unexpected reboot when ipv6 crypto map applied to several tunnel interfaces |
DSCP value for MGCP signaling traffic cannot be configured |
On demand PCM captures Fail on some IOS-XE versions |
WAAS Policy Configuration push may caused AppNav Class-maps programming issue in TCAM |
Active RP3 hard oir can cause module to go UNKNOWN |
Crash due ZBF + NAT |
[UniScale] CSR1v may crash in hal_process_ipc when performing "clear ip nat tr *" with max NAT pools |
Crash observed on ASR1002-X @ fnf_age_recalculate_record_len with AVC performance monitor config |
Router crashed when enrollment type changed from http to pem in between certificate request process |
ISDN PRI calls getting dropped with cause 47 because of bad interaction between CDAPI and TSP layers |
"%FMFP-3-OBJ_DWNLD_TO_DP_FAILED:fman_fp_image:xxx" appears when configured "ip port-map" on ISR44xx. |
ICMP unrechables are not sent to the client on C1117 platform |
CPP-mcplo-ucode crash while encrypting SIP packets with ALG NAT for SIP |
CRL file is getting overwritten when PKI server turns up after reload |
Polaris Router - CPUHog - SNMP ENGINE crashed with Watchdog timeout |
Traceback seen when attempting to recover sw port from bpduguard err-disable state |
ASR1001-HX 10GE SFP+ ports may operate as 1000Mbps |
Hairpin call to PSTN fails with primary-net5 switch-type on ISR4k. |
ACL dropping packets after updating it - %CPPEXMEM-3-NOMEM |
Small clock changes or time drifts can cause GETVPN TBAR drops (Crypto-DP) |
ASR1002-X crash due to ccp_cp_svr going into lockdown state. |
Host crashes the DSP if ipv6 commands are configured under Service-Engine [Purge ipv6 config option] |
Crash due to communication failure - IPC (Inter-Procedure Call) messages between DSP and RP. |
An IOS-XE router crashes after umbrella is configured. |
Related Documentation
Platform-Specific Documentation
For information about associated services and modules in Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers, see: Documentation Roadmap for Cisco ASR 1000 Series, Cisco IOS XE 16.x Releases.
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Cisco Bug Search Tool
Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST) is a web-based tool that acts as a gateway to the Cisco bug tracking system that maintains a comprehensive list of defects and vulnerabilities in Cisco products and software. BST provides you with detailed defect information about your products and software.