- Preface
- New and Changed System Monitoring Features
- YANG Data Models for System Monitoring Features
- Monitoring Alarms and Alarm Log Correlation
- Configuring and Managing Embedded Event Manager Policies
- Implementing IP Service Level Agreements
- Implementing Logging Services
- Onboard Failure Logging
- Implementing Performance Management
- Testing Throughput Using Test TCP (TTCP)
- Index
( - A - B - C - D - E - F - H - I - J - L - M - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - X
about 1action commandlogging keyword 1trigger keyword 1ageout commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1Alarm Logging and Debugging Event Management Systemsee ALDEMS 1alarmsbi-state alarms 1capacity threshold setting 1severity level 1severity level and filtering 1ALDEMS 1ALDEMS (Alarm Management and Debugging Event System), description 1and IP SLA Control Protocol 1archiving 1averaged threshold violation 1B
benefits, IP SLA 1bi-state alarms 1binary file id 1buckets command 1C
capacity threshold setting 1clear logging correlator delete all-in-buffer command 1clear logging correlator delete command 1clear logging events delete event-hi-limit 1clear logging events delete first event-count command 1clear logging events delete group message-group command 1clear logging events delete last event-count command 1clear logging events delete timestamp-lo-limit 1clear logging events reset all-in-buffer command 1Clearing OBFL Messages: Example command 1command defaults 1commands used to control 1Configuration Examples for Alarm Management and Logging Correlation command 1Configuration Examples for Event Management Policies command 1Configuration Examples for Implementing IP Service Level Agreements command 1Configuration Examples for Implementing Logging Services command 1Configuration Examples for Implementing Performance Management on Cisco IOS XR Software command 1Configuration Examples for OBFL command 1Configuration Examples for Writing Embedded Event Manager Policies Using Tcl command 1configuring 1logging buffer 1logging history table 1logging to a remote server 1logging to the console 1message destinations 1Configuring a Logging Archive: Example command 1Configuring a Nonstateful Correlation Rule to Permanently Suppress Node Status Messages: Example command 1Configuring a Stateful Correlation Rule for LINK UPDOWN and SONET ALARM Alarms: Example command 1Configuring IP Service Level Agreements: Example command 1Configuring IP SLA MPLS LSP Monitoring: Example command 1Configuring IP SLA Reactions and Threshold Monitoring: Example command 1configuring logging to the console 1Configuring Logging to the Console Terminal and the Logging Buffer: Example command 1Configuring LSP Path Discovery: Example command 1Configuring Message Severity Levels: Example command 1configuring the logging buffer 1configuring the logging history table 1Configuring the Settings for the Logging History Table: Example command 1connection-loss keyword 1consecutive threshold violation 1control protocol 1control protocol, IP SLA 1correlated message 1Creating and Enabling PM Statistics Collection Templates: Example command 1Creating and Enabling PM Threshold Monitoring Templates: Example command 1current terminal session, enabling logging for 1D
datasize request commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1definitions 1destination address commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1destination port commandUDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1destinations 1disabling the logging of link-status messages 1Display Available Policies: Example command 1Display Embedded Event Manager Process: Example command 1Displaying OBFL Data: Example command 1displaying system logging messages 1distribution count command 1distribution interval command 1E
EEM Event Detector Demo: Example command 1Enabling and Disabling OBFL: Example command 1enabling logging for the current terminal session 1Environmental Variables Configuration: Example command 1error messageslevels 1logging keywords(table) 1logging keywords (table) 1event manager environment command 1event manager policy command 1example 1Exporting Statistics Data 1F
facility types(table) 1fault manager policiespersist-time 1registering 1fault manager policy command 1format 1frequency (IP SLA) commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1functional overview 1H
hostname prefix logging 1I
ICMP Path Jitter operation parameters, list of 1immediate threshold violation 1improvements, list of 1Increasing the Severity Level for Alarm Filtering to Display Fewer Events and Modifying the Alarm Buffer Size and Capacity Threshold: Example command 1insertion and removalsee OIR 1instance filtering, configuring 1introduction 1IP SLAbenefits 1control protocol 1improvements, list of 1introduction 1operation, types of 1performance measurement 1reaction 1reaction, how to 1responderabout 1enabling 1response time 1schedule 1technology 1threshold monitoring 1vrf 1ipsla operation commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1ipsla reaction operation command 1ipsla reaction trigger command 1ipsla responder command 1description 1example 1ipsla schedule operation commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1J
jitter-average keyword 1L
levels 1life commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1logging buffer 1logging correlation 1correlation rules, configuring 1logging correlation rules 1configuring 1logging correlator apply rule command 1logging correlator apply-rule command 1logging correlator bufferbuffer settings, modifying 1logging correlator buffer-size command 1buffer settings, modifying 1logging events buffer-size command 1logging events level command 1logging events threshold command 1logging keyword 1logging keywords(table) 1logging keywords (table) 1logging process 1logging to a remote server 1logging to the console 1LSP Path Discovery (LPD) 1lsr-path command 1M
message destinations 1message loggingfacility types(table) 1syslog server 1syslog server<$startrange> 1messagesarchiving 1destinations 1format 1sending to destinations other than the console 1Modifying Time Stamps: Example command 1modular service cardsee MSC 1MPLS LSP monitor (MPLSLM) 1MSC 1O
OIR 1operation, IP SLA types 1operation, types of 1overview 1P
packet count commandICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1packet interval commandICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1packet-loss keyword 1path discover command 1Performance Management (PM)benefits 1functional overview 1PM entity instance monitoringenabling 1overview 1PM statistics collection templatesdescription 1instance filtering, configuring 1local disk dump, configuring 1TFTP server, configuring 1PM statistics collection, overview 1PM Statistics Collector, description 1PM Statistics Server, description 1PM threshold monitoring templatesPM threshold monitoring, overview 1performance measurement 1performance measurement, IP SLA 1persist-time 1PM entity instance monitoringenabling 1overview 1PM statistics collection templatesdescription 1instance filtering, configuring 1TFTP server, configuring 1PM statistics collection, overview 1PM Statistics Collector, description 1PM Statistics Server, description 1PM threshold monitoring templatesPM threshold monitoring, overview 1Programming Policies with Tcl: Sample Scripts Example command 1R
react commandconnection-loss keyword 1jitter-average keyword 1packet-loss keyword 1rtt keyword 1timeout keyword 1verify-error keyword 1reaction 1reaction, how to 1Reaction, IP SLA 1reaction, IP SLA how to 1recurring commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1registering 1responderabout 1enabling 1responder, IP SLAabout 1and IP SLA Control Protocol 1enabling 1ipsla responder command 1type udp ipv4 address command 1response time 1response time, IP SLA 1root message 1rtt keyword 1S
schedule 1schedule operation, IP SLA 1see ALDEMS 1see MSC 1see OIR 1see SNMP 1sending syslog messages to destinations other than the console 1sending to destinations other than the console 1Setting Up Destinations for Syslog Messages: Example command 1severity level 1severity level and filtering 1severity level command defaults 1severity level definitions 1severity levels 1command defaults 1commands used to control 1definitions 1show event manager environment command 1show event manager policy available 1show event manager policy registered command 1show fault manager metric process commandexample 1show fault manager metric process command (example) 1show fault manager policy available commandexample 1show fault manager policy available command (example) 1show ipsla statistics aggregated command 1show ipsla statistics commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1show logging correlator buffer correlationID command 1show logging correlator buffer rule-name correlation-rule command 1show logging correlator ruleset command 1show logging events buffer all-in-buffer command 1show logging events buffer first command 1show logging events buffer group command 1show logging events buffer last command 1show logging events buffer location command 1show logging events buffer message command 1show logging events buffer severity-hi-limit command 1show logging events buffer severity-lo-limit command 1show logging events buffer timestamp-hi-limit command 1show logging events buffer timestamp-lo-limit command 1show logging events info command 1Simple Network Management Protocolsee SNMP 1SNMP 1snmp alarm correlation 1source address logging 1start-time commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1statistics command 1suppressing duplicate syslog messages 1syslogarchiving system logging messages 1configuringlogging buffer 1logging history table 1logging to a remote server 1logging to the console 1message destinations 1current terminal session, enabling logging for 1disabling the logging of link-status messages 1displaying system logging messages 1hostname prefix logging 1logging history table 1messagesarchiving 1destinations 1format 1sending to destinations other than the console 1severity levelscommand defaults 1commands used to control 1definitions 1source address logging 1suppressing duplicate syslog messages 1system logging process 1UNIX syslog daemon configuration 1UNIX system logging facilities 1Syslogconfiguring logging to the console 1configuring the logging buffer 1configuring the logging history table 1disabling the logging of link-status messages 1displaying system logging messages 1enabling logging for the current terminal session 1hostname prefix logging 1logging history table 1sending syslog messages to destinations other than the console 1severity level command defaults 1severity level definitions 1severity levels 1suppressing duplicate syslog messages 1syslog message destinations 1syslog source address logging 1system logging messages 1system logging process 1UNIX syslog daemon configuration 1syslog message destinations 1syslog server 1syslog server<$startrange> 1syslog source address logging 1system 1system logging messages 1system logging process 1T
tag commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1technology 1technology, IP SLA 1TFTP server, configuring 1threshold monitoring 1threshold monitoring, IP SLA 1threshold type average command 1threshold type consecutive command 1threshold type immediate command 1threshold type xofy command 1threshold violation types, IP SLA reaction 1timeout commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1timeout keyword 1tos commandICMP Echo operation 1ICMP Path Echo operation 1ICMP Path Jitter operation 1UDP Echo operation 1UDP Jitter operation 1Tracing Tcl set Command Operations: Example command 1trigger keyword 1type icmp echo command 1type icmp path-echo command 1type icmp path-jitter command 1type udp echo command 1type udp ipv4 address command 1type udp jitter command 1U
UDP Jitter operation parameters, list of 1UNIX syslog daemon configuration 1UNIX system logging facilities 1User-Defined Embedded Event Manager Policy Registration: Example command 1V
verify-error keyword 1vrf 1vrf, IP SLA 1X
X of Y threshold violation 1