Table Of Contents
Certificate Enrollment Guide for the Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid Routers
Configuring the Cisco CG-OS Router
Creating a Trustpoint on the Cisco CG-OS Router
Authenticating and Enrolling the CA
Configuring a Trustpoint to Authenticate the SCEP Request
Configuring a RADIUS Server for SCEP Request Authorization
Configuring the RADIUS Server to Support SCEP
Configuring a Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Network Policy Server (NPS)
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Certificate Enrollment Guide for the Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid Routers
Last Revised: March 20, 2012This document covers the process of obtaining and enrolling digital certificates for the Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid Routers (hereafter referred to as the Cisco CG-OS router) by employing the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) for secure communication in the network. Additionally, this document describes the systems involved in the certificate process and the required configuration of those systems.
This certificate guide includes the following sections:
•Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Figure 1 displays the Cisco recommended network topology for generation and management of certificate enrollment for the Cisco CG-OS router.
Cisco Certificate Enrollment employs the following systems, processes or identities:
•IDevID-IEEE 802.11AR security device identity assigned by Cisco to the Cisco CG-OS router.
•LDevID-IEEE 802.11AR security device identity that serves as a local identity for the
Cisco CG-OS router that is used for network traffic authentication such as IPSec or HTTPS.•RSA key-pair-Allows digital signatures, based on public key cryptography, to digitally authenticate devices and individual users. Each key-pair contains both a private key and a public key. The private key is kept secret and is known only to the owning device or user only. However, the public key is known to everybody.
•Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)-Allows automatic enrollment of the certificates on the Cisco CG-OS router without user intervention. During a SCEP request, if an authenticated IDevID belongs to one of the devices pre-configured on the RADIUS server, then the Registration Authority forwards the SCEP request to the CA behind the firewall.
Although SCEP is the recommended process for enrolling certificates, the Cisco CG-OS router also supports three other methods (see the "Configuring PKI" chapter in the
Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid Routers Security Software Configuration Guide).•Registration Authority (RA)-Proxies as a Certificate Authority (CA) server on behalf of the
Cisco CG-OS router to obtain certificates from the CA server.
Caution You must configure the RA before configuring auto-enrollment on the Cisco CG-OS router.
Cisco recommends that you employ the Cisco 3945 Integrated Services Router (Cisco ISR) as the RA in your network.
•RADIUS Server-Stores a list of authorized Cisco CG-OS routers and authorizes incoming SCEP requests by verifying that the IDevID of the requestor (Cisco CG-OS router) is present in its database. Each Cisco CG-OS router ships with a unique IDevID.
•Certificate Authority (CA)-Grants all SCEP requests received from the RA. In this example, the CA is a Microsoft server.
•Trustpoint-Manages certificates for a specified system. In the recommended configuration (see Figure 1), one trustpoint is defined for the Cisco CG-OS router and two trustpoints are defined for the RA.
•Firewall-Protects the private network resources within the Utility network such as RADIUS and Certificate Authority servers from intrusion by users on the Utility public network. Configure the firewall to permit communication between the RA and CA.
Listed below is a summary of the activities that occur in the Cisco certificate enrollment process.
•The Cisco CG-OS router enrolls with the Certificate Authority by employing the Registration Authority (RA) as its intermediary.
•The RA also authenticates and authorizes incoming Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) requests from the Cisco CG-OS router.
–Authentication occurs when the RA is able to verify that the requestor has a valid IDevID
–Authorization occurs by using a RADIUS server to ensure that the requestor is a member of the authorized group of Cisco CG-OS routers.
•When the request is determined valid, then the RA forwards the request to the CA that is behind a firewall within the private network.
Figure 1 Recommended Network Topology
Ensure that all those systems, employed by the certification enrollment process, are active in the network (see Figure 1).
Note This document only provides those configuration steps required for certificate enrollment.
Configuring Systems
This section provides configuration details for the Cisco CG-OS router and the supporting systems involved in the certificate enrollment process, and includes the following topics:
•Configuring the Cisco CG-OS Router
•Configuring the RADIUS Server to Support SCEP
Configuring the Cisco CG-OS Router
This section provides the configuration details for the Cisco CG-OS router, and includes the following topics:
•Creating a Trustpoint on the Cisco CG-OS Router
•Authenticating and Enrolling the CA
Creating a Trustpoint on the Cisco CG-OS Router
In Cisco CG-OS software, you can create trustpoints to manage certificates.
In the following steps, you create a new trustpoint (LDevID) and a new enrollment profile (LDevID_Prof) for SCEP enrollment.
The Cisco CG-OS router uses the new trustpoint to obtain its certificates from the RA. The new enrollment profile specifies the URL of the RA and the request credentials used by the SCEP request.
Configure the router acting as the RA.
This example shows how to define a new trustpoint named LDevID and enrollment profile, LDevID_Prof, which the trustpoint uses for SCEP enrollment.
LDevID serves as a local identity for the Cisco CG-OS router that can be used for network traffic authentication such as IPSec or HTTPS.
Note You must not use the IDevID credential that is initially assigned on the Cisco CG-OS router on the network.
router_cgr01# configure terminal
router_cgr01(config)# crypto ca trustpoint LDevIDrouter_cgr01(config-trustpoint)# enrollment profile LDevID_Profrouter_cgr01(config-trustpoint)# rsakeypair LDevID_Key 2048router_cgr01(config-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
router_cgr01(config-trustpoint)# serial-number
router_cgr01(config-trustpoint)# fingerprint AE:5C:DE:F2:A6:33:DE:F4:1D:5A:51:04:7D:6A:8B:D7:E0:8B:57:6Crouter_cgr01(config-trustpoint)# exit
router_cgr01(config)# crypto ca profile enrollment LDevID_Prof
router_cgr01(config-enroll-profile)# enrollment url
router_cgr01(config-enroll-profile)# enrollment credential IDevID
router_cgr01(config-enroll-profile)# exit
router_cgr01(config)#Authenticating and Enrolling the CA
After configuring the trustpoint, RSA key-pair, and enrollment profile on the Cisco CG-OS router, you can initiate CA authentication and enrollment by using SCEP.
As part of the configuration, the system prompts you to enter a challenge password, which the
CA might use to authenticate a certification revocation request.
Note The Cisco CG-OS router also supports using a terminal to cut-and-paste the certificate requests and resulting certificates between the Cisco CG-OS router and the CA (see Configuring a Trustpoint to Authenticate the SCEP Request).
Create a trustpoint (see Creating a Trustpoint on the Cisco CG-OS Router).
Create an enrollment profile.
Verify the system clock and timezone settings are correct.
Command PurposeStep 1
configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
crypto ca authenticate trustpoint-name
Acquires the CA certificate from the URL specified in the enrollment url command (see Step 10).
Step 3
crypto ca enroll trustpoint-name
Generates a certificate request for an authenticated CA and prompts you to create a challenge password.
The CA might request this challenge password when you revoke a certificate.
Caution You must remember the challenge password. It is not saved with the configuration.
trustpoint name-Name of the trustpoint. The maximum size is 64 characters.
Step 4
Exits configuration mode.
This example shows how to initiate LDevID enrollment using SCEP.
router_cgr01# configure terminal
router_cgr01(config)# crypto ca authenticate LDevID
Trustpoint CA authentication in progress. Please wait for a response...router_cgr01(config)# 2012 Feb 17 13:17:49 Router %$ VDC-1 %$ %CERT_ENROLL-2- CERT_EN_SCEP_CA_AUTHENTICATE_OK: Trustpoint LDevID: CA certificates(s) authenticated.router_cgr01(config)# crypto ca enroll LDevID
Create the certificate request ...Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide thispassword to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration.Please make a note of it.Challenge password:Re-enter challenge password:The serial number in the certificate will be: CGR1240/K9+JSJ1538000CCertificate enrollment in progress. Please wait for a response...router_cgr01(config)# 2012 Feb 17 13:18:17 Router %$ VDC-1 %$ %CERT_ENROLL-2- CERT_EN_SCEP_ENROLL_OK: TrustpointLDevID: Device identity certificate successfully enrolled to CA.Configuring the RA
The RA provides SCEP request authentication and authorization. As part of that process, you must configure a trustpoint to authenticate the SCEP enrollment. Additionally, you must configure a
PKI server on the RA to initiate the HTTP server, as well as configure a new trustpoint on that server to allow communication with the CA. Lastly, you must configure a RADIUS server on the RA to perform SCEP request authorization.The RA is configured on the Cisco ISR (Cisco-recommended system for RA) and operates with
Cisco IOS rather than the Cisco CG-OS software.
Note For more information on the Cisco ISR, refer to the following URL:
Caution You must configure a RA before configuring the Cisco CG-OS router.
This section includes the following topics:
•Configuring a Trustpoint to Authenticate the SCEP Request
•Configuring a RADIUS Server for SCEP Request Authorization
Configuring a Trustpoint to Authenticate the SCEP Request
Authenticating the SCEP Request ensures that the Cisco CG-OS router is manufactured by Cisco.
You must configure the hostname and IP domain name of the RA if it is not yet configured.
Caution Changing the hostname or IP domain name of the RA after generating the certificate can invalidate the certificate.
Command PurposeStep 1
configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
crypto pki trustpoint name
Create a new trustpoint on the RA to authenticate the SCEP enrollment request and enters the trustpoint configuration mode.
name-Alphanumeric, case sensitive, string with a maximum length of 64 characters.
Note The maximum number of trustpoints that you can configure in Cisco IOS is 16.
Step 3
enrollment mode terminal
Specifies that a terminal be employed to authenticate the CA. Operating in the terminal mode allows a certificate to be cut-and-paste at the terminal when prompted (see Step 7).
Step 4
revocation-check none
Disables revocation of compromised certificates.
Step 5
Exits trustpoint configuration mode.
Step 6
crypto pki authenticate name
Authenticates the CA by importing the IDevID certificate using the console (terminal).
Note Enter the name of the trustpoint created in Step 2 to authenticate the SCEP request.
name-Name of the certificate.
Step 7
At the Cisco IOS prompt that appears on the console screen, paste the PEM formatted CA certificate.
Note After pasting the CA certificate, the system prompts you to accept the fingerprint. Enter yes to accept.
Step 8
Exits global configuration mode.
This example shows how to create a new trustpoint, ACT2_SUDI_CA, on the RA to authenticate the SCEP enrollment. Additionally, it shows the prompts that request pasting of the certificate and acceptance of the certificate fingerprint.
ISR_RA# configure terminal
ISR_RA(config)# crypto pki trustpoint ACT2_SUDI_CA
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# exit
ISR_RA(config)# crypto pki authenticate ACT2_SUDI_CA
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate. End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEPDCCAySgAwIBAgIKYQlufQAAAAAADDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADA1MRYwFAYD VQQKEw1DaXNjbyBTeXN0ZW1zMRswGQYDVQQDExJDaXNjbyBSb290IENBIDIwNDgw HhcNMTEwNjMwMTc1NjU3WhcNMjkwNTE0MjAyNTQyWjAnMQ4wDAYDVQQKEwVDaXNj bzEVMBMGA1UEAxMMQUNUMiBTVURJIENBMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEA0m5l3THIxA9tN/hS5qR/6UZRpdd+9aE2JbFkNjht6gfHKd477AkS 5XAtUs5oxDYVt/zEbslZq3+LR6qrqKKQVu6JYvH05UYLBqCj38s76NLk53905Wzp 9pRcmRCPuX+a6tHF/qRuOiJ44mdeDYZo3qPCpxzprWJDPclM4iYKHumMQMqmgmg+ xghHIooWS80BOcdiynEbeP5rZ7qRuewKMpl1TiI3WdBNjZjnpfjg66F+P4SaDkGb BXdGj13oVeF+EyFWLrFjj97fL2+8oauV43Qrvnf3d/GfqXj7ew+z/sXlXtEOjSXJ URsyMEj53Rdd9tJwHky8neapszS+r+kdVQIDAQABo4IBWjCCAVYwCwYDVR0PBAQD AgHGMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRI2PHxwnDVW7t8cwmTr7i4MAP4fzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQn 88gVHm6aAgkWrSugiWBf2nsvqjBDBgNVHR8EPDA6MDigNqA0hjJodHRwOi8vd3d3 LmNpc2NvLmNvbS9zZWN1cml0eS9wa2kvY3JsL2NyY2EyMDQ4LmNybDBQBggrBgEF BQcBAQREMEIwQAYIKwYBBQUHMAKGNGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY2lzY28uY29tL3NlY3Vy aXR5L3BraS9jZXJ0cy9jcmNhMjA0OC5jZXIwXAYDVR0gBFUwUzBRBgorBgEEAQkV AQwAMEMwQQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWNWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuY2lzY28uY29tL3NlY3VyaXR5 L3BraS9wb2xpY2llcy9pbmRleC5odG1sMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAGh1qclr9tx4hzWgDERm371yeuEmqcIfi9b9+GbMSJbi ZHc/CcCl0lJu0a9zTXA9w47H9/t6leduGxb4WeLxcwCiUgvFtCa51Iklt8nNbcKY /4dw1ex+7amATUQO4QggIE67wVIPu6bgAE3Ja/nRS3xKYSnj8H5TehimBSv6TECi i5jUhOWryAK4dVo8hCjkjEkzu3ufBTJapnv89g9OE+H3VKM4L+/KdkUO+52djFKn hyl47d7cZR4DY4LIuFM2P1As8YyjzoNpK/urSRI14WdIlplR1nH7KNDl5618yfVP 0IFJZBGrooCRBjOSwFv8cpWCbmWdPaCQT2nwIjTfY8c=-----END CERTIFICATE-----Trustpoint 'ACT2_SUDI_CA' is a subordinate CA and holds a non self signed certCertificate has the following attributes:Fingerprint MD5: 542F6E73 28DA2611 8E50685D EB4B7194Fingerprint SHA1: F6969BBD 48E5F612 5B934D01 E71FE9C2 7C6F547E% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.% Certificate successfully importedISR_RA(config)# exit
Configuring a PKI Server
Configuring a PKI server on the RA allows the HTTP server to be enabled to support the transfer of SCEP messages over HTTP, and creation of a new trustpoint (MSCA) that is enrolled to the CA.
Command PurposeStep 1
configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
ip http server
Enables the HTTP server and allows the RA to start listening on port 80 (HTTP) and relay SCEP messages to the CA server.
Step 3
crypto pki trustpoint name
Creates a trustpoint that the RA registers with the CA and enters the trustpoint configuration mode.
Step 4
enrollment mode ra
Ensures that the RA router enrolls with the CA server in the RA mode.
Step 5
enrollment url url
Configures the URL address for the CA SCEP server.
url-Specifies URL of the CA server.
Note You can specify only one RSA key-pair per CA.
Step 6
Enter this command to include the serial number of the
Cisco CG-OS router in the RA certificate.Step 7
fingerprint hex-data
Enters the expected SHA1 thumbprint of the CA server certificate.
Note Thumbprint information is found in the Certificate > Details window of the Windows CA Server.
Matching is performed during CA authentication and enrollment.
Step 8
revocation-check none
Disables the revocation of compromised certificates.
Step 9
rsakeypair rsa-keypair-label
Specifies the name of the private key for the trustpoint created in Step 3.
Step 10
Exits trustpoint configuration mode.
Step 11
crypto pki server name
Creates a PKI server.
Note The name of the PKI server must match the trustpoint name defined in Step 3.
Step 12
grant auto trustpoint name
Specifies that the SCEP enrollment requests from the
Cisco CG-OS router to the RA be granted if it can be verified using the trustpoint specified in this step.Note Enter the trustpoint name created in the following section: Configuring a Trustpoint to Authenticate the SCEP Request.
Step 13
hash sha1
Specifies SHA1 as the cryptographic hash function for SCEP.
Step 14
mode ra transparent
Enters the RA certificate server mode.
The transparent keyword allows the proxy CA server in RA mode to operate with more than one type of CA server. Specifically, it allows a transparent path from the RA (CA proxy) to the actual CA server that stores the certificates.
Step 15
no shutdown
Enables the PKI server.
Step 16
Exits PKI server configuration mode.
Step 17
Exits global configuration mode.
This example shows how to create a PKI server and trustpoint on the RA named MSCA.
ISR_RA# configure terminal
ISR_RA(config)# ip http server
ISR_RA(config)# crypto pki trustpoint MSCA
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment mode ra
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# serial-number
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# fingerprint AE5CDEF2A633DEF41D5A51047D6A8BD7E08B576C
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair MSCA_Key 2048
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# exit
ISR_RA(config)# crypto pki server MSCA
ISR_RA(cs-server)# grant auto trustpoint ACT2_SUDI_CA
ISR_RA(cs-server)# hash sha1
ISR_RA(cs-server)# mode ra transparent
ISR_RA(cs-server)# no shutdown
%Some server settings cannot be changed after CA certificate generation.% Please enter a passphrase to protect the private key% or type Return to exitPassword:Re-enter password:% Generating 2048 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK] (elapsed time was 22 seconds)Certificate has the following attributes:Fingerprint MD5: 2D830B47 83130C2B 7B64B338 835D7516Fingerprint SHA1: AE5CDEF2 A633DEF4 1D5A5104 7D6A8BD7 E08B576CTrustpoint Fingerprint: AE5CDEF2 A633DEF4 1D5A5104 7D6A8BD7 E08B576CCertificate validated - fingerprints matched.Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.%% Start certificate enrollment ...% Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide thispassword to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration.Please make a note of it.Password:Re-enter password:% The subject name in the certificate will include: ISR_RA% The serial number in the certificate will be: FTX1228A466% Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: yes
% Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority% The 'show crypto pki certificate verbose MSCA' command will show the fingerprint.% Enrollment in progress...ISR_RA(cs-server)#% Exporting Certificate Server signing certificate and keys...Feb 17 15:21:42: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: F62785A5 E0637067 BD4CCD5E DA953881Feb 17 15:21:42: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: D01BF695 23173490 45F97EFA 9FE54C8E 91CC216BFeb 17 15:21:43: %PKI-6-CERTRET: Certificate received from Certificate AuthorityFeb 17 15:21:48: %PKI-6-CS_ENABLED: Certificate server now enabled.ISR_RA(cs-server)# exit
ISR_RA(config)# exit
ISR_RA#Configuring a RADIUS Server for SCEP Request Authorization
SCEP request authorization ensures that any Cisco CG-OS router making a SCEP request is authorized to enroll with the Utility CA by having the RA (Cisco ISR) make an additional check. This check involves the RA making an AAA call to the RADIUS server to verify that the Cisco CG-OS router entry resides in its database.
To locate the serial number, enter the show inventory | head lines 2 command to display the following information.
NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "CGR1000 Chassis "PID: CGR1240/K9 , VID: V00 , SN: JSJ1538000C Router#
Note The serial number for each Cisco CG-OS router must be entered into the RADIUS server prior to SCEP enrollment.
Tip After completing configuration of a RADIUS server on the RA for SCEP request authorization in the this section, you must then configure items within the AAA server to support that authorization. For details, see Configuring the RADIUS Server to Support SCEP.
Command PurposeStep 1
configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
radius server name
Defines a RADIUS server.
Step 3
address ipv4 address
Enters the IPv4 address of the RADIUS server.
Step 4
key password
Specifies the RADIUS shared secret between the RA and RADIUS server.
Step 5
Exits the RADIUS server configuration mode.
Step 6
aaa authorization network list-name group radius
Define an authorization list for Cisco CG-OS routers and associates it to the default RADIUS group.
Step 7
crypto pki trustpoint name
Declares a trustpoint that the RA should trust and enters trustpoint configuration mode.
Note Specify the trustpoint created in Configuring a Trustpoint to Authenticate the SCEP Request.
Step 8
authorization list list-name
Specifies the server group (authorization list) that the RADIUS server uses for PKI authorization.
Note Enter the authorization list created in Step 6.
Step 9
authorization username subjectname subjectname
Specifies the item to use as the authorization subject name (such as serial number).
Step 10
Exits trustpoint configuration guide.
Step 11
Exits configuration mode.
This example shows how to define an authorization list (CGRAuthList), configure a RADIUS server on the Cisco ISR, and modify the IDevID CA trustpoint (ACT2_SUDI_CA) to include PKI authorization using the defined authorization list.
ISR_RA# configure terminal
ISR_RA(config)# radius server MyRadius
ISR_RA(config-radius-server)# address ipv4
ISR_RA(config-radius-server)# key RadiusPassword
ISR_RA(config-radius-server)# exit
ISR_RA(config)# aaa authorization network CGRAuthList group radius
ISR_RA(config)# crypto pki trustpoint ACT2_SUDI_CA
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# authorization list CGRAuthList
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# authorization username subjectname serialnumber
ISR_RA(ca-trustpoint)# exit
ISR_RA(config)# exit
Configuring the RADIUS Server to Support SCEP
This section provides an overview of how to configure the Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Network Policy Server (NPS) and Cisco Access Control Server (Cisco ACS) to serve as the AAA (RADIUS) authorization server (referenced in Configuring a RADIUS Server for SCEP Request Authorization) to properly identify and authorize Cisco CG-OS routers in their database.
Note Only one RADIUS server, Microsoft NPS or Cisco ACS, is required to support certificate enrollment.
This section includes the following sections:
•Configuring a Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Network Policy Server (NPS)
The following items must be configured on the RADIUS server for each Cisco CG-OS router to properly enroll its certificate:
•An entry in the RADIUS server database that can uniquely identify the Cisco CG-OS router.
•The Cisco CG-OS router entry must include its serial number (entered as a username) and employ the text string cisco as the password.
•The RADIUS server must be configured to return the following RADIUS attribute upon successful authorization of the user (Cisco CG-OS router): "cisco-av-pair=pki:cert-application=all"
The RADIUS attribute allows the PKI server on the RA to grant the SCEP request for any application (such as the CA enrollment operation).
Configuring a Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Network Policy Server (NPS)
The Network Policy Server serves as a RADIUS server.
This section defines the configuration necessary to enter information for an Cisco CG-OS router and includes the following topics:
•Creating a New User Entry in the Active Directory
•Viewing the Log for Cisco CG-OS Router Authentication Details
Ensure that a Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Network Policy Server (NPS) is active in the network.
Identify the Product ID (PID) and serial number of the Cisco CG-OS router.
Creating a New User Entry in the Active Directory
To create a new user entry for the Cisco CG-OS router in the Windows Active Directory, follow these steps.
Step 1 Open the Active Directory window on the Windows server.
Step 2 At the Active Directory Users and Computers window, right-click the Users folder and choose
New > User.
Step 3 At the New Object-User panel that appears, enter the serial number of the Cisco CG-OS router in the following fields: First name, User logon name fields, and the Full name field (preceded by the PID).
Tip Do not enter colons (:) in the User logon fields. Enter the serial number only. Additional information can be entered in the Full name field.
Step 4 Click Next.
Step 5 At the password panel that appears, enter cisco as the password in both fields and check the Password never expires check box. Click Next.
Step 6 At the confirmation panel that appears, do one of the following:
•Click Finish to accept the creation of the new user as defined, which appears in the right panel of the Users window.
•Click Back to reenter the information if errors exist.
Step 7 At the Users window, right click on the new Name entry and select Properties.
Step 8 At the Properties panel that appears, select the Member Of tab. Confirm that the listed Domain matches that value displayed in Step 3, then click OK.
Defining a Connection Policy
Connection request policies allow you to define whether a local or remote RADIUS handles the connection request. Connection policies can also be used to modify the realm name of a system.
To define a connection policy for the Cisco CG-OS router, follow these steps.
Step 1 Log in to the Network Policy Server.
Step 2 Under the NPS (local) menu, expand the Policies listing and right-click on the Connection Request Policies folder and select New.
Step 3 In the New Connection Request Policy window that appears, enter CGR Authorization Request as the policy name. Click Next.
Step 4 At the Specify Conditions window that appears, click Add.
Step 5 In the Select condition window that appears, scroll down to select the Client IPv4 Address option from the listing that displays. Click Add.
Step 6 In the Client IPv4 Address panel that appears, enter the IPv4 address of the RADIUS client
(RA). Click OK.
Step 7 At the Specify Conditions window that appears, select the newly created Client IPv4 Address entry. Click Next.
Step 8 At the Specify Connection Request Forwarding window that appears, keep the default settings. Click Next and then click Finish.
The system returns to the main window.
Step 9 At the Network Policy Server main window, click on the Connection Request Policies folder and then right-click on the CGR Authorization Request listing and select Properties.
Step 10 At the CGR Authorization Request Properties window that appears, select the Settings tab.
Step 11 Under Specify a Realm Name (left-pane), click Attribute.
Step 12 In the right-pane of the Settings window, select User-Name from the Attribute drop-down menu.
Click Add.Step 13 In the Attribute Manipulation Rule panel that appears, enter the PID string and SN (such as PID CGR1240/K9 SN) in the Find field. Click OK.
Step 14 Click Apply and then OK to return to a summary of the CGR Authorization Request that shows the Manipulation Attribute Rules in the right panel.
Defining a Network Policy
A Network Policy defines which users are authorized to connect to the network and in what circumstances the users can connect to the network.
Additionally, Network Policies allow you to configure the return RADIUS attribute that NPS sends after a successful Cisco CG-OS router authorization.
To define a Network Policy for the Cisco CG-OS router on the NPS, follow these steps.
Step 1 Under the NPS (local) menu, expand the Policies listing and right-click on the Network Policies folder and select New.
Step 2 At the New Network Policy window that appears, enter Authorized CGRs in the Policy name field.
Click Next.Step 3 At the Specify Conditions window, click Add.
Step 4 In the Select condition window that appears, scroll down to select Users Group from the listing that displays. Click Add.
Step 5 In the User Groups panel that appears, click Add Groups.
Step 6 In the Select Group panel that appears, click Advanced.
Step 7 In the Select Group search panel that appears, enter Domain Users in the Name field of the Common Queries section of the panel. Click Find Now.
The Domain Users entry displays in the Search results panel at the bottom of the screen.
Note The User Group you select is the one created in the Creating a New User Entry in the Active Directory section above.
Step 8 Click OK to confirm the selection of the Domain Users entry.
The system returns to the Select Group panel and the Domain Users option now populates the Enter the object name to select field within that window.
Step 9 When a User Groups panel appears listing the group membership required to match this policy, click OK.
Step 10 At the Specify Conditions window that appears, the newly assigned Domain Users group displays in the Value column. Click Next.
Step 11 At the Specify Access Permission window, click the Access Granted radio button (if not already selected) to allow the Cisco CG-OS router access when its Network Policy matches.
Click Next.
Step 12 At the Configure Authentication Methods window that appears, check the Unencrypted authentication (PAP, SPAP) check box. Uncheck all other check boxes. Click Next.
PKI authorization, which is supported on the Cisco CG-OS router, employs Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).
Step 13 At the Configure Constraints window that appears, no configuration is required. Click Next.
Step 14 At the Configure Settings window that appears, do the following:
a. Select Vendor Specific from the Settings listing and click Add.
b. At the Add Vendor Specific Attribute panel that appears, select Cisco from the Vendor drop-down menu.
The Cisco AV-Pair populates the Attributes section.
c. Click Add.
Step 15 At the Attribute Information panel that appears, click Add to open a panel to enter the
PKI Cisco AV-Pair value, pki:cert-application=all, in the Attribute value field. Click OK.The system returns to the Attribute Information window showing the newly added Cisco AV Pair, pki:cert-application=all, in the Value column of the new attribute.
This step ensures that the RADIUS server returns the PKI Cisco AV Pair to the Cisco CG-OS router.
Step 16 Click OK. Click Close.
Step 17 At the New Network Policy > Configure Settings window that appears, click Next.
Step 18 At the Completing New Network Policy window that appears, click Finish.
In the Network Policy window that appears, Authorized CGRs appears as a supported policy.
Viewing the Log for Cisco CG-OS Router Authentication Details
Listed below is an example of details that appear in the log after a successful authentication of the
Cisco CG-OS router using PAP, which servers the role of PKI authorization for the RA.Log Name: SecuritySource: Date: Microsoft-Windows-Security-AuditingDate: 02/18/2012 5:50:12 PMEvent ID: 6278Task Category: Network Policy ServerLevel: InformationKeywords: Audit successUser: N/AComputer: cenbu-wimax.netDescription:Network Policy Server granted full access to a user because the host met the defined health policy.User:Security ID: CENBU\JSJ1538000CAccount Name: JSJ1538000CAccount Domain: CENBUFully Qualified Account Name: Machine:Security ID: NULL SIDAccount Name: -Fully Qualified Account Name:-OS-Version: -Called Station Identifier: -Calling Station Identifier: -Account Name: -NAS:NAS IPv4 Address: IPv6 Address: -NAS Identifier: - NAS Port-Type: -NAS Port: --RADIUS Client:Client Friendly Name: AL_3825Client IP Address: Details:Connection Request Policy Name: CGR Authorization RequestNetwork Policy Name: Authorized CGRsAuthentication Provider: WindowsAuthentication Server: CENBU-RSA-CA.cenbu.wimax.netAuthentication Type: PAPEAP Type:Account Session Identifier:Quarantine Information:Result: Full AccessExtended-Result: -Session Identifier:Help URLSystem Health Validator Results(s): -Importing Cisco CG-OS Router Identifying Information into the NPS Active Directory (AD) Database
Listed below is a Visual BASIC script that can import the product ID (PID) and serial number (SN) of the Cisco CG-OS Router (CGR) into the NPS AD database.
To do so, the script reads a CSV file named SN.txt and then creates a user entry in the AD. Each line of the CSV file represents a distinct Cisco CG-OS router, which is identified by its PID and SN. The PID and SN are separated by a comma.
' Sample Visual Basic script to load CGR entries in a file called "SN.txt" into the ' Active 'Directory database'' Each line in "SN.txt" corresponds to 1 CGR and has the format of <pid>, <sn>' where pid is the Product ID such as CGR1240/K9' sn is the unit's serial number such as JSJ15380000''Const ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = &h0200Const ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = &h10000Const SN_TXT_FILENAME = "SN.txt"Dim oContainer 'Parent container of new userDim oUser 'Created userDim oFileDim oFileStreamDim cgrEntry''Subroutine to create a user entry in the AD'Sub createUser(oContainer, pid, sn)Dim oUserusername = "PID:"&pid&" SN:"&sn'Create userset oUser = oContainer.Create("User","CN="&username)'Assign properties values to useroUser.put "displayName", usernameoUser.Put "sAMAccountName",snoUser.Put "givenName", pidoUser.Put "name", usernameoUser.Put "userPrincipalName", sn&""oUser.SetInfo'Finally, set the password and enable useroUser.setpassword "cisco"oUser.Put "userAccountControl", _ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT Or ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWDoUser.SetInfoSet oUser = NothingEnd Sub'Get parentcontainerSet oContainer = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Users,DC=cenbu,DC=wimax,DC=net")'Looping through the entries in the CSV fileSet oFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set oFileStream = oFile.OpenTextFile(SN_TXT_FILENAME, 1)do while oFileStream.AtEndOfStream <> true'Split the CSV based on ,cgrEntry = Split(oFileStream.ReadLine, ",",2)'Remove any spacescgrEntry(1) = Replace(cgrEntry(1)," ","")'WScript.Echo "Adding CGR entry for PID: " & cgrEntry(0) & " SN: " & cgrEntry(1)createUser oContainer, cgrEntry(0), cgrEntry(1)count = count + 1loop'Clean upoFileStream.closeSet oContainer = NothingWScript.Echo count & " entries added to Active Directory"Configuring Cisco ACS
Verify that you are operating with the following minimum Cisco ACS software requirements:
Cisco ACS software, version 4.2 or Cisco ACS appliance version 5.2DETAILED STEPS
To create a group of authorized Cisco CG-OS routers (CGR) and users on the Cisco ACS, do the following:
Step 1 Log on to Cisco ACS.
Step 2 At the opening window, click Group Setup (navigation pane).
Step 3 At the Group Setup window, do the following:
•In the Select pane (left pane), select 2: Group 2 from the Group drop-down menu.
•To create a new group, click Rename Group.
•In the Renaming Group window that appears, enter 2: Authorized CGRs in the Group field.
•To save the entry, Click Submit.
Step 4 At the Group Setup window, select the newly created group (2: Authorized CGRs) from the Group drop-down menu. Click Edit Settings.
Step 5 At the Edit Settings window, select RADIUS (Cisco IOS 6.0) from the Jump To drop-down menu and then do the following:
a. Scroll down to the Cisco IOS/PIX 6.x RADIUS Attributes section and do the following:
b. Check the [009\001] cisco-av-pair check box.
c. Enter the following into the box below: pki:cert-application=all
d. Click Submit.
Step 6 To add a Cisco CG-OS router as a user to Cisco ACS, click User Setup (navigation pane).
Step 7 To add the PID and SN for the Cisco CG-OS router in the User field, click Add/Edit.
Step 8 To save the entry, click Add/Edit.
Step 9 At the User Setup window that appears, do the following:
a. In the Real Name field, enter the PID and SN number (such as PID:CGR1240/K9 SN:JSJ1538000B). This value is the same name used to create the entry.
b. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter cisco.
c. In the Group to which the user is assigned drop-down menu, select 2: Authorized CGRs.
d. Click Submit.
Step 10 Repeat Step 9 for each User that you want to create.
Related Documentation
For information on supporting systems referenced in this certificate guide, see the following documentation on
Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid Routers
Cisco 3945 Integrated Services Router
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