Event API
This chapter describes the Event API.
- Using the Event API
- Event API Method Calls
- Handling Event Notifications On the Client Side
- Push Mechanisms
Using the Event API
In your IoT FND NB API client application, use this IoT FND server URL to access the Event API WSDL:
http://<server_address> /nbapi/event?wsdl
For example:
Event API Method Calls
- searchEvents
- subscribeForEvents
- unSubscribeForEvents
- subscribeForCgmeshOutage
- unSubscribeForCgmeshOutage
This call searches for events based on device type, event name, event time, and event severity.
<even:searchEvents > <query>deviceType:cgmesh eventName:up</query> <count>4</count> <offset>0</offset> </even:searchEvents>
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
query |
string |
Search query string. |
count |
integer |
Number of results to retrieve. |
offset |
integer |
Position of the first result. |
Use the parameters in Table 2 and the options listed in Table 3 in the query.
Parameter |
Delimiters |
Options |
Description |
deviceType |
= |
asr1000 cgmesh cgnms cgr1000 db c800 ir800 ir500 ap800 |
Device type. |
eventName |
= |
Options are listed in Table 3 . |
User-defined name. |
eventSeverity |
= |
Severity level. |
eventTime |
>|<|>=|<= |
User defined. |
UTC date and time in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS. |
Option |
Device |
Description |
aaaFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The AAA server returned an error or was unreachable while attempting to authenticate a meter. |
act2lFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The system rebooted after a hardware ACT2 failure, and the ACT2 process is being invoked. |
archiveLogModeDisabled |
db |
Database archive log mode is disabled. Hot backups are not permitted. |
archiveLogModeEnabled |
db |
Database archive log mode is enabled. |
batteryFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The battery failed. |
batteryLow |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The battery charge is below the normal range. |
batteryNormal |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The battery charge is in the normal range. |
bbuConfigFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The battery back up (BBU) configuration failed. |
bbuFirmwareDownloadFailed |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The BBU firmware download failed. |
bbuFirmwareDownloadPassed |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The BBU firmware download passed. |
bbuFirmwareMismatchFound |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
A BBU firmware mismatch was found. |
bbuFirmwareUpgradeFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ir500 |
The BBU firmware upgrade failed. |
bbuLockOut |
ir500 |
The BBU is locked out. |
bbuPowerOff |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ir500 |
The battery backup unit is not powered. |
cd11IfRogueApDetectedNotif |
ap800 |
cd11IfStationSwitchOverNotif |
ap800 |
ciscoIetfDot11QosExtChangeNotif |
ap800 |
ciscoWlanVlanWepChangeNotif |
ap800 |
coldBoot |
cgmesh cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
A cold boot occurred or a mesh node registered due to cold boot. |
configPushed |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
(Industrial Operations Kit only) The group configuration pushed to CGRs. |
configRollback |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Configuration rollback required. |
criticallyLowFRASpace |
db |
The Flash Recovery Area (FRA) free space is critically low. Run database backup immediately or risk IoT FND and database failure. |
criticallyLowTableSpace |
db |
Database “USERS” table space is critically low. Contact your DBA immediately to add more space or risk IoT FND and database failure. |
defaultRouteLost |
cgmesh |
The mesh node lost the default route. |
deviceAdded |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
(Industrial Operations Kit only) The EID of the new device. |
deviceLocChanged |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
This event occurs when the GPS location changed in relation to the configured Interval and Distance thresholds. |
deviceRemoved |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
(Industrial Operations Kit only) The EID of the removed device. |
deviceUnknown |
cgnms |
Unknown device detected by NMS. |
doorClose |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The device door was closed. |
doorOpen |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The device door is open. |
dot11AuthenticateFail |
ap800 |
Dot11 authentication failed for the access point |
dot11Deauthenticate |
ap800 |
Dot11 deauthentication frame was detected. |
dot11Disassociate |
ap800 |
Dot11 disassociation frame was detected. |
dot1xAuthFailed |
cgmesh |
Dot1x authentication failed for the meter. |
dot1xAuthFailure |
cgmesh |
A Dot1x authentication failure was detected. |
dot1xAuthFlood |
cgmesh |
A Dot1x authentication flood was detected. |
dot1xReauth |
cgmesh |
Multiple attempts to send the mesh key to the meter failed. Re-authentication is in progress. |
down |
asr1000 cgmesh cgnms cgr1000 c800 ir800 db ir500 ap800 |
The specified device is down. |
hardwareInsertion |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
A new piece of hardware was inserted into the chassis. |
hardwareRemoval |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Hardware was removed from the chassis. |
HSMdown |
cgnms |
The Hardware Security Module (HSM) is down. |
HSMup |
cgnms |
The HSM is down. |
interfaceDown |
asr1000 c800 ir800 |
The device interface is down. |
interfaceUp |
asr1000 c800 ir800 |
The device interface is up. |
linecardFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Linecard failure detected. |
linePowerFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The line power supply for the device failed. This is different from the device being turned off, as happens in a power outage. |
linePowerRestored |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The line power supply for the device is restored. |
lowBattery |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ir500 |
The device battery backup unit charge is low or below the specified threshold. |
lowFlashSpace |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The device is nearly out of memory on the flash partition. |
lowFlashSpaceOk |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The CGR available flash memory is within the specified threshold. |
lowFRASpace |
db |
Low database CGR space detected. |
lowMemory |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Available memory is below the specified threshold. |
lowMemoryOk |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Available memory is above the specified threshold. |
manualCloseEvent |
asr1000 cgmesh cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The issue state changed by admin to closed. |
manualNMSAddrChange |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered due to a manual NMS address change. |
manualReRegistration |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered due to manual registration |
meshConnectivityLost |
cgmesh |
The mesh node lost all connectivity. |
meshLinkKeyTimeout |
cgmesh |
The mesh node link key timed out. |
meshUpgradeSuccess |
cgmesh |
The mesh module firmware upgrade was successful. |
meterCertChange |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered due to a certificate change. |
metricRetrievalFailure |
asr1000 cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Metric retrieval failed. |
migratedToBetterPAN |
cgmesh |
The mesh node migrated to a better PAN. |
modemTemperatureColdAlarm |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The temperature of the modem module fell below specified levels. |
modemTemperatureColdAlarmRecovery |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The modem alarm reset. |
modemTemperatureWarmAlarm |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The temperature of the modem module fell above specified levels. |
modemTemperatureWarmAlarmRecovery |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The modem alarm reset. |
nmsAddrChange |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered due to an NMS address change. |
nmsError |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered due to an NMS error. |
normalFRASpace |
db |
Database FRA space is normal. |
normalTableSpace |
db |
Database table space is normal. |
outage |
cgmesh cgr1000 c800 ir800 ir500 |
An outage was detected for this device. |
portDown |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Ethernet interface {0}/{1} is down. |
portFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Syslog message corresponding to the port facility was generated. |
portUp |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Ethernet interface {0}/{1} is up. |
powerSourceNormal |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The input power source is equal to or better than when system started. |
powerSourceWarning |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
One or more input power source is not connected. |
refreshMeshKeyFailed |
asr1000 cgmesh |
A refresh of the mesh key failed. |
registered |
asr1000 cgmesh |
The event received is registered with NMS. |
registrationFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Device registration failed. |
registrationRequest |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
A registration request from a device was received. |
registrationSuccess |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Device registration was successful. |
rejoinedWithNewIP |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered with a new IP address. |
restoration |
cgmesh |
The device was restored from outage. |
restorationRegistration |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered after an outage. |
rplTreeReset |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The RPL tree version was reset to 2. Because the RPL tree is updated with data, versions increment. A value of 2 signifies a reset to its original initial state. |
rplTreeSizeCritical |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
More than the maximum number of mesh nodes joined the RPL tree. |
rplTreeSizeCriticalClear |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Less than the maximum number of mesh nodes detected in the RPL tree. |
rplTreeSizeMajor |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
More than the expected mesh nodes joined the RPL tree were detected. |
rplTreeSizeMajorClear |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The expected number of mesh nodes in the RPL tree were detected. |
rplTreeVersionReset |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The RPL tree version was reset to 2. Because the RPL tree is updated with data, versions increment. A value of 2 signifies a reset to its original initial state. |
ruleEvent |
asr1000 cgmesh cgnms cgr1000 c800 ir800 db |
This is a rule-generated event. |
sdcardRemovalAlarm |
cgr1000 |
SD card removal detected, and an alarm sent. |
signatureFailure |
asr1000 cgmesh cgr1000 cgnms c800 ir800 db ir500 |
Invalid signature reported by mesh nodes. If this event occurs, you must verify the certificate setup and that the mesh node and IoT FND are time synchronized. |
softwareCrash |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Software process failed with a stateless restart, indicating an interruption of a service. Messages are processed for crashes on supervisor modules and line cards. |
systemSwInconsistent |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Inconsistency detected in software or file system. |
temperatureMajorAlarm |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
A thermal sensor indicates that the temperature has reached the operating major threshold. |
temperatureMajorRecovery |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
A major temperature alarm has recovered. |
temperatureMinor |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The device temperature reached the minor threshold. |
temperatureMinorRecovery |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The minor temperature alarm has recovered. |
timeMismatch |
cgmesh |
The NMS server time does not match the device local time. |
timeMismatchResolved |
cgmesh |
The NMS server time matches the device local time. |
tunnelDown |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The tunnel is down. |
tunnelProvFailure |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Tunnel provisioning failed. |
tunnelProvRequest |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
A tunnel provisioning request was received from a device. |
tunnelProvSuccess |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
Tunnel provisioning was successful. |
tunnelUp |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The tunnel is up. |
unknown |
asr1000 cgmesh cgnms cgr1000 c800 ir800 ir500 ap800 db |
The event received is not registered with NMS. |
unknownRegReason |
cgmesh |
The mesh node registered for an unknown reason. |
unknownWPANChange |
cgmesh |
The mesh node changed its WPAN for an unknown reason. |
unsupported |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 |
Unsupported device detected. |
up |
asr1000 cgmesh cgnms cgr1000 c800 ir800 ap800 db |
The specified device is up. |
veryLowFRASpace |
db |
Very low database FRA space detected. |
wpanWatchdogReload |
cgr1000 c800 ir800 |
The WatchDog reloaded the WPAN module. The bridge was unresponsive for more than 5 minutes and the WatchDog is enabled. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
subscriptionid |
long |
Subscription ID used by the listener to identify the subscription response origin. |
events |
List<EventDetail> |
Details about the event. |
searchEvents SOAP XML Request Format
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:even="http://event.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <even:searchEvents> <!--Optional:--> <query>deviceType:cgmesh eventName:up</query> <!--Optional:--> <count>4</count> <!--Optional:--> <offset>0</offset> </even:searchEvents> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
This call streams a set of events to the API listener, based on the query. Event subscriptions are based on device type, event name, or severity. Listener registers the URL and specifies the push window. After every configured eventPushWindowSec event push window, all new events received in this window are delivered to the registered URL. Subscription-based events notification uses the same query language as searchEvents, except that the eventTime attribute-based queries cannot be subscribed to and return unsuccessful subscription errors.
<even:subscribeForEvents > <soapEndPointUrl>http://customer.network.com:11001/Process/Service/ ProcessCellRouterStates/ReceiveEvents/EventPushService?wsdl</soapEndPointUrl> <query>deviceType:cgmesh eventName:registered</query> <eventPushWindowSec>21</eventPushWindowSec> </even:subscribeForEvents>
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
soapEndPointUrl |
string |
The address of the WSDL file–as implemented by your client–that receives event notifications from the IoT FND NB API. For more information, see Handling Event Notifications On the Client Side. http://<server_address> :<port number> /<path><api> ?wsdl For example: http://localhost:8445/event?wsdl soapEndPointUrl must point to the WSDL document that describes the listener application receiving the events. Ensure that the target namespace and service name parameters in the Web Services Description Language (WDSL) document conform to these default values: target namespace "http://pushevent.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/" service name "EventPushService"
Functionality in IoT FND 1.1.3 and later installations Some applications cannot set the default values for these parameters when generating the WSDL file. If this is the case, in IoT FND 1.1.3 and later installations you can set the following properties in the server/cgms/conf/cgms.properties file to match the values in the generated WSDL document: eventSubscriberNamespace ="http://event.nbapi.cgms.mydomain.com/" eventSubscriberServicename ="MyEventService" The target namespace and service name parameters must match those specified in the cgms.properties file. If they are not specified in the cgms.properties file, they must match the default values.
query |
string |
The query string.
eventPushWindowSec |
integer |
The event push window time, in seconds. The query executes after x seconds, and the results are pushed to the listener endpoint specified in the soapEndPointUrl WSDL file. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
subscriptionId |
long |
Subscription ID |
The QueryResult Status field indicates if the subscription succeeded or failed.
subscribeForEvents SOAP XML Request Format
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:even="http://event.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <even:subscribeForEvents> <!--Optional:--> <soapEndPointUrl></soapEndPointUrl> <!--Optional:--> <query>deviceType:cgmesh eventName:registered</query> <!--Optional:--> <eventPushWindowSec>21</eventPushWindowSec> </even:subscribeForEvents> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
This call unsubscribes the defined listener event query.
<even:unSubscribeForEvents > <query>deviceType:cgmesh eventName:registered</query> </even:unSubscribeForEvents>
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
soapEndPointUrl |
string |
Address where the EventNbapiService WSDL is located. http://<server_address> :<port number> /<path><api> ?wsdl |
query |
string |
Query string.
Field |
Type |
Description |
subscriptionId |
long |
Subscription ID |
The QueryResult Status field indicates if the subscription succeeded or failed.
unSubscribeForEvents SOAP XML Request Format
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:even="http://event.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <even:unSubscribeForEvents> <!--Optional:--> <soapEndPointUrl></soapEndPointUrl> <!--Optional:--> <query>deviceType:cgmesh eventName:registered</query> </even:unSubscribeForEvents> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
This call is similar to subscribeForEvents, except that it is for outage and restoration events. Up to 10 subscribers (listeners) at a time can register for these events.
<even:subscribeForCgmeshOutage > <soapEndPointUrl></soapEndPointUrl> </even:subscribeForCgmeshOutage>
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
soapEndPointUrl |
string |
Address of the WSDL, implemented by your client, that receives outage notifications from the IoT FND NB API. For more information, see Handling Event Notifications On the Client Side. http://<server_address> :<port number> /<path><api> ?wsdl For example: http://localhost:8445/outage?wsdl
To configure the amount of time, in seconds, after which IoT FND pushes batches of outage events and Restoration Events to all subscribers, set the value of the event-Outage-push-sec parameter in the /opt/cgms/conf/cgms.properties file. For example, to set event-Outage-push-sec to 30, add this line to the file:
When IoT FND pushes outage events to subscribers, only subscribers that are up receive the events. The subscribers that are down (they do not respond) do not receive these events even after they come back online, but they receive the next outage event push.
For a very fast outage event push, set event-Outage-push-sec to a value as low as 1 second. If you set the push value to 1 second, IoT FND executes a job to find and push new events in the queue.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
subscriptionId |
long |
Subscription ID which can be used by the listener to identify for which subscription they are getting the response from. |
The QueryResult Status field indicates if the subscription succeeded or failed.
subscribeForCgmeshOutage SOAP XML Request Format
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:even="http://event.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <even:subscribeForCgmeshOutage> <!--Optional:--> <soapEndPointUrl></soapEndPointUrl> </even:subscribeForCgmeshOutage> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
This call unsubscribes the defined listener.
<even:unSubscribeForCgmeshOutage > <soapEndPointUrl></soapEndPointUrl> </even:unSubscribeForCgmeshOutage>
The following table describes the parameters in the request.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
soapEndPointUrl |
string |
Address of the Event WSDL service. The soapEndPointUrl identifies the subscription. http://<server_address> :<port number> /<path><api> ?wsdl
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
subscriptionId |
long |
Subscription ID |
The QueryResult Status field indicates if the subscription succeeded or failed.
unSubscribeForCgmeshOutage SOAP XML Request Format
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:even="http://event.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <even:unSubscribeForCgmeshOutage> <!--Optional:--> <soapEndPointUrl></soapEndPointUrl> </even:unSubscribeForCgmeshOutage> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Handling Event Notifications On the Client Side
When subscribing for an event type, your IoT FND NB API client must implement a Web Service that implements the WSDL for handling event notifications sent by the IoT FND NB API. The WSDL you must provide the receiveEvents() method, which the IoT FND NB API uses to send event notifications to your client.
In the following figure, the IoT FND NB API client implements the Outage WSDL. When the client subscribes for outage events, IoT FND uses the IoT FND NB API to call the method receiveEvents() on the IoT FND NB API client.

This is the Event XML that your client must implement to receive outage notifications from IoT FND.
Event Notification Handling WSDL (Client Side)
Your client must implement this WSDL:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:tns="http://pushevent.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" name="eventPush" targetNamespace="http://pushevent.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://pushevent.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <xsd:element name="receiveEvents" type="tns:receiveEvents" /> <xsd:complexType name="receiveEvents"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="eventQueryResult" type="tns:eventQueryResult" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="eventQueryResult"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="tns:queryResult"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="events" nillable="true" type="tns:eventDetail" /> <xsd:element name="subscriptionId" type="xsd:long" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType abstract="true" name="queryResult"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="queryId" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="queryStatus" type="xsd:string" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="eventDetail"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="eid" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="eventMessage" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="eventSeverity" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="eventTime" type="xsd:long" /> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="eventTypeName" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="meterId" type="xsd:string" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> </wsdl:types> <wsdl:message name="receiveEvents"> <wsdl:part element="tns:receiveEvents" name="receiveEvents" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType name="EventPushService"> <wsdl:operation name="receiveEvents"> <wsdl:input message="tns:receiveEvents" /> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding name="EventPushServiceBinding" type="tns:EventPushService"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /> <wsdl:operation name="receiveEvents"> <soap:operation soapAction="http://pushevent.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/receiveEvents" /> <wsdl:input> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:input> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:service name="EventPushService"> <wsdl:port binding="tns:EventPushServiceBinding" name="EventPushService"> <soap:address location="" /> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> </wsdl:definitions>
Push Mechanisms
Push mechanisms work only when the NMS server has successfully completed the subscription, as defined in the subscribeForEvents and subscribeForCgmeshOutage API methods.
A successful subscription leads to generation of the Subscription ID that is sent to the subscriber. The subscriber uses the Subscription ID to track the event push.
IoT FND runs a Scheduled Job every x seconds. Seconds are configurable during the subscription by using the event-Outage-push-sec global parameter defined in the /opt/cgms/conf/cgms.properties file. After every x seconds, IoT FND generates an EventList and pushes it to the subscribers defined in the soapEndPointUrl.
The web service to implement on the NMS side is:
public void receiveEvents(EventQueryResult eventQueryResult) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
The QueryResult Status field indicates if the subscription succeeded or failed. The following table describes the parameters in the response.
Field |
Type |
Description |
subscriptionId |
long |
Subscription ID used by the listener to identify which subscription the response is from. |
events |
List<EventDetail> |
Details about the event. |
The following table describes the parameters in the EventDetail results.
Field |
Type |
Description |
eid |
string |
Serial number for the CGR and MAC address for the mesh endpoint. |
eventMessage |
string |
Message related to the event. |
eventTime |
long |
Time in milliseconds. |
eventTypeName |
string |
Type of event |
meterId |
string |
Meter ID corresponding to the EID. For this value to return, it must be included in the import file when importing meters in IoT FND. |
This is an example of the XML content that the subscriber receives:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <env:Header> <seam:conversationId xmlns:seam="http://www.jboss.org/seam/webservice">110</seam:conversationId> </env:Header> <env:Body> <ns2:searchEventsResponse xmlns:ns2="http://event.nbapi.cgms.cisco.com/"> <eventQueryResult> <queryId></queryId> <queryStatus>SUCCEEDED</queryStatus> <events> <eid>NE01</eid> <eventMessage>Device is Up</eventMessage> <eventSeverity>INFO</eventSeverity> <eventTime>1314656731899</eventTime> <eventTypeName>up</eventTypeName> <meterId>Sjc123</meterId> </events> <events> <eid>NE01</eid> <eventMessage>Outage detected on this device</eventMessage> <eventSeverity>CRITICAL</eventSeverity> <eventTime>1314656731908</eventTime> <eventTypeName>outage</eventTypeName> <meterId>Sjc123</meterId> </events> <events> <eid>NE01</eid> <eventMessage>Device has been Restored from Outage</eventMessage> <eventSeverity>INFO</eventSeverity> <eventTime>1314656771923</eventTime> <eventTypeName>restoration</eventTypeName> <meterId>Sjc123</meterId> </events> <events> <eid>NE01</eid> <eventMessage>Device is Up</eventMessage> <eventSeverity>INFO</eventSeverity> <eventTime>1314656771933</eventTime> <eventTypeName>up</eventTypeName> <meterId>Sjc123</meterId> </events> <subscriptionId>2</subscriptionId> </eventQueryResult> </ns2:searchEventsResponse> </env:Body> </env:Envelope>
The subscriptionId XML element (<subscriptionId>2</subscriptionId>) tells the receiver that this push is for the subscription ID equal to 2.