PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA

The PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA feature enables Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) to register multiple transport end-points with Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), allowing MAG and LMA to establish multiple tunnels and apply path selection on a flow basis.

Prerequisites for PMIP: Multipath Support for MAG and LMA

  • Configure UDP in tunnel encapsulation mode on Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) and Local Mobility Anchor (LMA).

  • Configure multipath and run the IP SLA responder.

Information About PMIP: Multipath Support for MAG and LMA

Local Mobility Anchor

Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) is the home agent for a mobile node (MN) in a Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain. It is the topological anchor point for MN home network prefixes and manages the binding state of an MN. An LMA has the functional capabilities of a home agent as defined in the Mobile IPv6 base specification (RFC 3775) along with the capabilities required for supporting the PMIPv6 protocol.


Use the dynamic mag learning command to enable LMA to accept Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) signaling messages from any Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) that is not configured locally.

Mobile Access Gateways

Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) performs mobility-related signaling on behalf of the mobile nodes (MN) attached to its access links. MAG is the access router for the MN; that is, MAG is the first-hop router in the localized mobility management infrastructure.

MAG performs the following functions:

  • Obtains an IP address from Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) and assigns it to MN.

  • Retains the IP address of an MN when the MN roams across MAGs.

  • Tunnels traffic from MN to LMA.

Mobile Node

Mobile node (MN) is an IP host and the mobility of the MN is managed by a network. MN can be an IPv4-only node, an IPv6-only node, or a dual-stack node, which is a node with IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks. MN is not required to participate in any IP mobility-related signaling for achieving mobility for an IP address or a prefix that is obtained in the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain.

Multipath Support

At any given time, many network paths exists between Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) and Mobile Access Gateway (MAG). The PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA feature enables MAG to select any one of the paths on priority basis or select all the existing network paths simultaneously to create tunnels to reach LMA. All paths have the same priority when multiple paths are selected.

Mobile Map

Mobile map configuration facilitates application-based routing. More than one mobile map can be configured under the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain, however, at a given point of time, only one mobile map is active at Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) and Local Mobility Anchor (LMA). The mobile map and its entries are configured or modified when no bindings are available.

Logical Mobile Node

Logical Mobile Node (LMN) is a logical entity that represents a mobile node (MN) that is hosted on one of the interfaces of Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) device. LMN has Network Access Indicator (NAI) similar to MN. One or more networks can be associated with each LMN through the interfaces designated as mobile network interfaces. LMN on mobile network receives an IP address from a DHCP server that runs on MAG, unlike a mobile node whose address is assigned by Local Mobility Anchor (LMA).

Multipath Management

The PMIPv6 Mutipath Management feature enables PMIPv6 to choose from multiple available links which have different access technologies. Available path is constantly monitored using PMIPv6 heartbeat which is a special type of PMIPv6 packet. Link preferences can be assigned to various types of traffic using mobile maps.

Hybrid-Access Service

Hybrid-access service is a multipath management solution, which provides mobility service under MAG. PMIPv6 hybrid-access service is an independent function that manages application profiles, captures and stores link performance statistics, and programs the PMIPv6 data plane based on the application requirements (HTTP, SSH, Telnet, and video).


PMIPv6 hybrid-access service has no interference with the core PMIPv6 functionality.

MAG to MAG Traffic Blocking on the PMIPv6 LMA

To prevent communication between PMIPv6 clients such as, mobile nodes (MNs), or entire mobile networks, that are connected to the same Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), the inter-MAG tunnel traffic is blocked by applying access control list (ACL) on the PMIPv6 tunnels. To enable the blockage of inter-MAG tunnel traffic, the prefixes of all the PMIPv6 addresses mentioned in the address pool configured on LMA, must be entered in the ACL.

IP SLA Optimization

IP SLA optimization helps solve MAG scaling limitations. In the case of PMIPv6 multipath scenario, if hybrid access is enabled then MAG and LMA start SLA probes to measure link performance. Programmatically created IP SLA probes uses dynamic route map entries to route these SLA packets. The current IP SLA implementation supports only 1024 dynamic route map entries on ASR1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers and this limits MAG scaling.

As a solution, IP SLA APIs have been enhanced to accept egress interface for UDP jitter probes. With this enhancement, PMIPv6 does not create dynamic route map entries to redirect IP SLA traffic over PMIPv6 tunnel instead it uses new enhanced APIs to configure egress interface for the dynamically created SLA probes.

Loopback as a Roaming Interface

Loopback as roaming interface solves customer IP address space limitation issues. In case of PMIPv6 multipath VRF scenario, MAG supports different service providers. This leads to duplicate IP address on roaming interface (each service provider can use the same IP). The current implementation does not support this scenarios because LMA expects unique roaming interface IP. This limits the usage of IP address space for different customers.

Loopback IP as a tunnel source solves this problem. The roaming interface is the loopback interface which is associated with a physical egress interface. Loopback interface should be unique across MAGs, however, physical interface IPs can be duplicated.

How to Configure PMIP: Multipath Support for MAG and LMA

Configuring PMIP: Multipath Support for MAG and LMA

Configuring UDP Encapsulation for a PMIPv6 Domain


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name
  4. encap udptunnel
  5. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1

Creates a PMIPv6 domain and enters PMIPv6 domain configuration mode.

Step 4

encap udptunnel


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# encap udptunnel

Configures the tunnel encapsulation mode type between Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) and Local Mobility Anchor (LMA).

Step 5



Device(onfig-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# end

Exits PMIPv6 domain configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Roaming Interface


Perform this task when configuring multipath for MAG.


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name
  4. address dynamic
  5. roaming interface type number
  6. exit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal

Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1

Enables MAG service on a device, configures the PMIPv6 domain for MAG, and enters MAG configuration mode.

Step 4

address dynamic

Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# address dynamic

Configures dynamic address for MAG and enters MAG dynamic address configuration mode.

Step 5

roaming interface type number

Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# roaming interface Ethernet 0/0 

Specifies an interface as a roaming interface on MAG.

Step 6


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# exit

Exits MAG dynamic address configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Multipath under LMA and MAG Configurations


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. multipath
  5. exit
  6. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1
  7. multipath
  8. exit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal

Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIPv6 domain for Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# multipath

Enables multipath support on LMA.

Step 5


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# exit

Exits LMA configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

Step 6

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1

Enables MAG service on a device, configures the PMIPv6 domain for MAG, and enters MAG configuration mode.

Step 7


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# multipath

Enables multipath support on MAG.

Step 8


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# exit

Exits MAG configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.


Starting from IOS XE 17.2 release, you can configure GRE in tunnel encapsulation mode in addition to the existing support for UDP tunnels

Configuring Mobile Map Support on LMA

Configuring Access Lists in LMA


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ip access-list extended access-list-name
  4. permit protocol any any
  5. exit
  6. ip access-list extended access-list-name
  7. permit protocol any any
  8. exit
  9. ip access-list extended access-list-name
  10. permit protocol any any
  11. exit
  12. ip access-list extended access-list-name
  13. permit ip any destination-address destination-wildcard
  14. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip access-list extended access-list-name


Device(config)# ip access-list extended tcp

Configures an extended named ACL specific to TCP.

Step 4

permit protocol any any


Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any 

Sets conditions in named IP lists that permit packets.

Step 5



Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Exits extended-ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 6

ip access-list extended access-list-name


Device(config)# ip access-list extended icmp

Configures an extended named ACL specific to Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

Step 7

permit protocol any any


Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit icmp any any 

Sets conditions in named IP lists that permit packets.

Step 8



Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Exits extended-ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 9

ip access-list extended access-list-name


Device(config)# ip access-list extended udp

Configures an extended named ACL specific to UDP.

Step 10

permit protocol any any


Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any any

Sets conditions in named IP lists that permit packets.

Step 11



Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Exits extended-ACL configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 12

ip access-list extended access-list-name


Device(config)# ip access-list extended LB010ACL

Configures an extended named ACL.

Step 13

permit ip any destination-address destination-wildcard


Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any

Sets conditions in named IP lists that permit packets.

Step 14



Device(config-ext-nacl)# end

Exits extended-ACL configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Mobile Maps under the PMIPv6 domain


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name terminal
  4. mobile-map map-name sequence-number
  5. match access-list acl-list-name
  6. set link-type link-name1[ link-name2] [ link-name2] null
  7. exit
  8. mobile-map map-name sequence-number
  9. match access-list acl-list-name
  10. set link-type link-name1 null
  11. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name terminal


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1

Creates a PMIP domain and enters PMIPv6 domain configuration mode.

Step 4

mobile-map map-name sequence-number


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map mobilemap1 10

Configures a mobile map for the PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.

Step 5

match access-list acl-list-name


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list LB010ACL

Specifies an access list (ACL) name.

Step 6

set link-type link-name1[ link-name2] [ link-name2] null


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# set link-type lte_intf 3g_intf wifi_intf null

Specifies the link type for a match clause.

Step 7



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# exit

Exits mobile-map configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

Step 8

mobile-map map-name sequence-number


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map mobilemap1 20

Configures a mobile map for a PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.

Step 9

match access-list acl-list-name


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list icmp

Specifies an access-list (ACL) name.

Step 10

set link-type link-name1 null


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# set link-type 3g_intf_lte_intf null

Specifies the link type for a match clause.

Step 11



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# end

Exits mobile-map configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring a Mobile Map under LMA Configuration and Applying it on an Interface


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. mobile-map map-name
  5. interface type number
  6. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4

mobile-map map-name


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mobile-map mobilemap1

Configures a mobile map for the PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.



If you modify one or more access-list entries, for the modified access list to be applied, you must unconfigure the mobile map from LMA configuration and reconfigure it.

Step 5

interface type number


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0

Enables an interface for the mobile map.

Step 6



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Exits mobile-map configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring the MTU to be Applied on the PMIPv6 Tunnel


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. tunnel mtu mtu-size
  5. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4

tunnel mtu mtu-size


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# tunnel mtu 1360

Configures a maximum transmission unit (MTU) on a PMIPv6 tunnel.

Step 5



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Exits LMA configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Applying an ACL on the PMIPv6 Tunnel


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ip access-list extended access-list-name
  4. deny protocol host addr any
  5. permit protocol any any
  6. exit
  7. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name
  8. tunnel acl acl-list-name
  9. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip access-list extended access-list-name


Device(config)# ip access-list extended acl1

Defines an IP access list by name and enters the extended ACL configuration mode.

Step 4

deny protocol host addr any


Device(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip host any

Sets conditions in a named IP access list that will deny packets.

Step 5

permit protocol any any


Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any any

Sets conditions to allow a packet to pass a named IP access list.

Step 6



Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Exits the extended ACL configuration mode and returns to the global configuration mode.

Step 7

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma mag1 domain dn1 

Enables MAG service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters MAG configuration mode.

Step 8

tunnel acl acl-list-name


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# tunnel acl acl1

Specifies an ACL to be applied on the PMIPv6 tunnel in an LMA.

Step 9



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Exits LMA configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Multiple Mobile Network IPv4 or IPv6 Address Pools for a Network Under LMA Configuration


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. network name
  5. Do one of the following:
    • mobile-network pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
    • mobile-network v6pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
  6. Do one of the following:
    • mobile-network pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
    • mobile-network v6pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
  7. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4

network name


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network name

Specifies mobile address pools, from which a mobile network prefix is allocated to a logical mobile node (LMN) and enters LMA-network configuration mode.

Step 5

Do one of the following:

  • mobile-network pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
  • mobile-network v6pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix


Device(config)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30


Device(config)# mobile-network pool 2001:DB8::1 pool-prefix 48  pool-prefix 48 network-prefix 30

Associates a network, to which an IPv4 or IPv6 pool can be configured, with LMA.

Step 6

Do one of the following:

  • mobile-network pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
  • mobile-network v6pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix


Device(config)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30


Device(config)# mobile-network pool 2001:DB8::2 pool-prefix 64 pool-prefix 48 network-prefix 30

Associates a network, to which an IPv4 or IPv6 pool can be configured, with LMA.

Step 7



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# end

Exits LMA-network configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Heartbeat under LMA Configuration


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. heartbeat [ interval interval retries retries [ label label] natreboot] ]
  5. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4

heartbeat [ interval interval retries retries [ label label] natreboot] ]


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# heartbeat interval 300 retries 2 label label1 natreboot

Configures heartbeat detection between MAG and LMA.

Step 5



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Exits LMA configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Multipath Management

Configuring Multipath Management on LMA


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name
  4. mobile-map map-name sequence-number
  5. match access-list access list name
  6. set link-type link-type
  7. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  8. address ipv4 ipv4-address
  9. heartbeat [interval interval retries retries]
  10. bce maximum number
  11. default profile profile-name
  12. dynamic mag learning
  13. multipath
  14. mobile-map map-name sequence-number
  15. tunnel mtu mtu-size
  16. interface interface-type
  17. network network-name
  18. Do one of the following:
    • pool ipv4 pool-name pfxlen number
    • mobile-network v4pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
  19. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal

Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain D1

Creates the PMIP domain and enters PMIP domain configuration mode.

Step 4

mobile-map map-name sequence-number

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map MAP1 12

Configures a mobile map for the PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.

  • The range is from 1 to 255.

Step 5

match access-list access list name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list voice

Specifies the access list that identifies an application.

Step 6

set link-type link-type

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# set link-type lte_intf 3g_intf

Sets link preferences for the application.

Step 7

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma LMA1 domain D1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 8

address ipv4 ipv4-address

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# address ipv4

Configures an IPv4 address for LMA.

Step 9

heartbeat [interval interval retries retries]

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# heartbeat interval 15 retries 1

Configures heartbeat.

Step 10

bce maximum number

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bce maximum 128000
Configures the maximum number of binding cache entries (BCEs) or bindings that LMA can support.


Bindings represent a mobile node session.

Step 11

default profile profile-name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# default profile regularmn

Configures the default profile for mobile nodes.

Step 12

dynamic mag learning

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# dynamic mag learning

Enables LMA to accept PMIPv6 signaling messages from any MAG that is not configured locally.

Step 13


Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# multipath

Enables multipath support on LMA.

Step 14

mobile-map map-name sequence-number

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mobile-map MAP1

Configures a mobile map for the PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.

Step 15

tunnel mtu mtu-size

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# tunnel mtu 1360

Configures a maximum transmission unit (MTU) on a PMIPv6 tunnel.

Step 16

interface interface-type

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# interface Ethernet 0/2

Configures an egress interface for LMA.

Step 17

network network-name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network net1

Specifies mobile address pools, from which a mobile network prefix is allocated to a Logical Mobile Node (LMN) and enters LMA-network configuration mode.

Step 18

Do one of the following:

  • pool ipv4 pool-name pfxlen number
  • mobile-network v4pool address pool-prefix pool-prefix network-prefix network-prefix
Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# pool ipv4 v4pool pfxlen 24
Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30

Specifies an IPv4 address pool from which a home address is allocated to the MN subscriber and configures IPv4 pool for mobile networks or mobile nodes.

Step 19


Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# end

Exits LMA configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Multipath Management SLA Parameters on LMA


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. mobility-servicehybrid-access
  5. no disable-sla
  6. sla [ num-packets number-of-packets ] [ interval interpacket-interval ] [ frequency seconds]
  7. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on a device, configures the PMIPv6 domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mobility-service hybrid-access

Configures hybrid-access service

Step 5

no disable-sla


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma-haccess-svc)# no disable-sla

Enable IP SLA probes for the hybrid access paths.

Step 6

sla [ num-packets number-of-packets ] [ interval interpacket-interval ] [ frequency seconds]


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma-haccess-svc)# sla numpackets 10 interval 100 frequency 100

(Optional) num-packets number-of-packets—Enter the number of packets to be generated. The range is 1 to 100; the default is 10.

(Optional) interval inter-packet-interval—Enter the interval between sending packets in milliseconds. The range is 4 to 6000; the default value is 100 ms.

(Optional) Set the rate at which a specified IP SLAs operation repeats. The range is from 1 to 604800 seconds; the default is 60 seconds.

Step 7




Exits LMA configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring MAG or Customer Specific Multipath Management SLA Parameters on LMA


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name
  4. mobility-servicehybrid-access
  5. enable-sla mag mag-id [ num-packets number-of-packets ] [ interval interpacket-interval ] [ frequency seconds]
  6. enable-sla customer customername [ num-packets number-of-packets ] [ interval interpacket-interval ] [ frequency seconds]
  7. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag1 domain dn1

Enables LMA service on a device, configures the PMIPv6 domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 4



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mobility-service hybrid-access

Configures hybrid-access service

Step 5

enable-sla mag mag-id [ num-packets number-of-packets ] [ interval interpacket-interval ] [ frequency seconds]


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma-haccess-svc)# enable-sla mag M1 num-packets 10
interval 100 frequency 100

MAG identifier

(Optional) num-packets number-of-packets—Enter the number of packets to be generated. The range is 1 to 100; the default is 10.

(Optional) interval inter-packet-interval—Enter the interval between sending packets in milliseconds. The range is 4 to 6000; the default value is 100 ms.

(Optional) Set the rate at which a specified IP SLAs operation repeats. The range is from 1 to 604800 seconds; the default is 60 seconds.

Step 6

enable-sla customer customername [ num-packets number-of-packets ] [ interval interpacket-interval ] [ frequency seconds]


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma-haccess-svc)# enable-sla customer Cust1 num-packets
10 interval 100 frequency 100

Customer name

(Optional) num-packets number-of-packets—Enter the number of packets to be generated. The range is 1 to 100; the default is 10.

(Optional) interval inter-packet-interval—Enter the interval between sending packets in milliseconds. The range is 4 to 6000; the default value is 100 ms.

(Optional) Set the rate at which a specified IP SLAs operation repeats. The range is from 1 to 604800 seconds; the default is 60 seconds.

Step 7




Exits LMA configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Multipath Management on MAG


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name
  4. mobile-map map-name sequence-number
  5. match access-list access-list name
  6. traffic-profile profile-name
  7. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name
  8. address dynamic
  9. roaming interface type number priority interface priority egress-att interface-attribute user assigned labels
  10. exit
  11. heartbeat [interval interval retries retries]
  12. bce maximum number
  13. multipath
  14. mobile-map map-name sequence-number
  15. tunnel mtu mtu-size
  16. interface interface-type
  17. lma lma-id domain-name
  18. mobility-service hybrid-access
  19. profile-definition profile-name
  20. jitter value
  21. rtt value
  22. packet-loss value
  23. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal

Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain domain-name

Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain D1

Creates the PMIP domain and enters PMIP domain configuration mode.

Step 4

mobile-map map-name sequence-number

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map MAP1 12

Configures a mobile map for the PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.

  • The range is from 1 to 255.

Step 5

match access-list access-list name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list voice

Specifies an ACL that identifies an application such as HTTP, SSH, Telnet, and video.

Step 6

traffic-profile profile-name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# traffic-profile haccess-voice

Specifies a hybrid access profile where the performance requirements have been defined.

Step 7

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag MAG1 domain D1

Enables MAG service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for MAG, and enters MAG configuration mode.

Step 8

address dynamic

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# address dynamic

Configures dynamic address for MAG and enters MAG dynamic address configuration mode.

Step 9

roaming interface type number priority interface priority egress-att interface-attribute user assigned labels

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# roaming interface Ethernet1/0 priority 1 egress-att LTE label lte_intf
Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# roaming interface Ethernet1/1 priority 2 egress-att 3G label 3g_intf

Specifies a roaming interface and priority on MAG.

Step 10


Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# exit

Enters MAG dynamic address configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 11

heartbeat [interval interval retries retries]

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# heartbeat interval 15 retries 1

Configures heartbeat.

Step 12

bce maximum number

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# bce maximum 128000

Configures the maximum number of binding cache entries (BCEs) or bindings that MAG can support.

Step 13


Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# multipath

Enables multipath support on MAG.

Step 14

mobile-map map-name sequence-number

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# mobile-map MAP1

Configures a mobile map for the PMIPv6 domain and enters mobile-map configuration mode.

Step 15

tunnel mtu mtu-size

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# tunnel mtu 1360

Configures a maximum transmission unit (MTU) on a PMIPv6 tunnel.

Step 16

interface interface-type

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# interface Ethernet 0/2

Configures an egress interface for MAG.

Step 17

lma lma-id domain-name

Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# lma LMA1 D1

Enables LMA service on the device, configures the PMIP domain for LMA, and enters LMA configuration mode.

Step 18

mobility-service hybrid-access

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# mobility-service hybrid-access

Configures hybrid-access service.

Step 19

profile-definition profile-name

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-svc)# profile-definition haccess-voice

Defines a traffic profile.

Step 20

jitter value

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# jitter 50

Configures the jitter value, in milliseconds.

Step 21

rtt value

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# rtt 100

Configures the Round Trip Time (RTT) value, in milliseconds.

Step 22

packet-loss value

Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# packet-loss 2

Configures the packet loss value, in percentage.

Step 23


Device (config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# end

Exits MAG configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Multipath Management SLA Parameters on MAG


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name
  4. mobility-servicehybrid-access
  5. no disable-sla
  6. sla [ num-packets number-of-packets] | [ interval interpacket-interval ] | [ frequency seconds]
  7. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mag-id domain domain-name


Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag mgl domain dn1

Enables MAG service on a device, configures the PMIPv6 domain for MAG, and enters MAG configuration mode.

Step 4



Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)#mobility-service hybridaccess

Configures hybrid-access service

Step 5

no disable-sla


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-maghaccess-svc)# no disable-sla

Enable IP SLA probes for the hybrid access paths.

Step 6

sla [ num-packets number-of-packets] | [ interval interpacket-interval ] | [ frequency seconds]


Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-maghaccess-svc)#sla num-packets 10 interval 100 frequency 100

(Optional) num-packets number-of-packets—Enter the number of packets to be generated. The range is 1 to 100; the default is 10.

(Optional) interval inter-packet-interval—Enter the interval between sending packets in milliseconds. The range is 4 to 6000; the default value is 100 ms. 100; the default is 10.

(Optional) Set the rate at which a specified IP SLAs operation repeats. The range is from 1 to 604800 seconds; the default is 60 seconds.

Step 7




Exits MAG configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuration Examples for PMIPv6 Multipath Support for MAG and LMA

Example: Configuring Multipath on LMA

Example: Configuring UDP Encapsulation under PMIPv6 Domain

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# encap udptunnel
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# end

Example: Configuring Roaming Interface


This example is applicable when configuring multipath for MAG.

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-ma mag1 domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag) address dynamic
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# roaming interface Ethernet 0/0 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# end

Example: Configuring PMIP: Multipath Support on LMA

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config) ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma LMA1 domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# multipath
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Example: Configuring Mobile Map on an LMA

Example: Configuring Access List on an LMA

Device> enable
Device# configuration terminal
Device(config)# ip access-list extended tcp 
Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any 
Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Device(config)# ip access-list extended icmp
Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit icmp any any
Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Device(config)# ip access-list extended udp
Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit udp any any 
Device(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Device(config)# ip access-list extended LB010ACL
Device(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any
Device(config-ext-nacl)# end

Example: Applying an ACL on the PMIPv6 Tunnel

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ip access-list extended acl1
Device(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip host any
Device(config)# permit ip any any
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# tunnel acl acl1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Example: Configuring mobile maps under the PMIPv6 domain

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)#  ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map mobilemap1 10
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list LB010ACL
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# set link-type lte_intf_3g_intf null
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# exit 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map mobilemap1 20
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list icmp
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# set link-type lte_intf 3g_intf wifi_intf null
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# end

Example: Configuring a Mobile Map Under LMA Configuration and Applying it on an Interface

Device> enable 
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map mobilemap1 10
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# end

Example: Configuring the MTU to be Applied on the PMIPv6 Tunnel

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# tunnel mtu 1360
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Example: Configuring Multiple Mobile Network Pools for a Network Under LMA Configuration

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network name
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30 
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# end

Example: Configuring Heartbeat under LMA Configuration

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma lma1 domain dn1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# heartbeat interval 300 retries 2 label label1 natreboot
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# end

Example: Configuring Multipath Management

Example: Configuring Multipath Management on LMA

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map MAP1 12
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list voice
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# set link-type lte_intf 3g_intf
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-lma LMA1 domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# address ipv4
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# heartbeat interval 15 retries 1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# bce maximum 128000
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# default profile RegularMn
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# dynamic mag learning
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# multipath
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# mobile-map MAP1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# tunnel mtu 1360
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# interface Ethernet0/2
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-lma)# network net1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# pool ipv4 v4pool pfxlen 24
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# network net2
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# pool ipv4 rv4pool pfxlen 16
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# network net3
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# pool ipv4 netpool2 pfxlen 24
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 24 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# mobile-network pool pool-prefix 23 network-prefix 30
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6lma-network)# end

Example: Configuring Multipath Management on MAG

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain)# mobile-map MAP1 12
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# match access-list voice
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# traffic-profile haccess-voice
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-domain-mobile-map)# ipv6 mobile pmipv6-mag MAG1 domain D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# address dynamic
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# roaming interface Ethernet1/0 priority 1 egress-att LTE label lte_intf
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# roaming interface Ethernet1/1 priority 2 egress-att 3G label 3g_intf
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-addr-dyn)# exit
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# heartbeat interval 15 retries 1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# bce maximum 128000
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# multipath
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# mobile-map MAP1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# tunnel mtu 1360
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# interface Ethernet0/2
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6- mag)# lma LMA1 D1
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag)# mobility-service hybrid-access
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-svc)# profile-definition haccess-voice
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# jitter 50
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# rtt 100
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# packet-loss 2
Device(config-ipv6-pmipv6-mag-haccess-profile-def-svc)# end

Additional References

Related Documents

Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

IP mobility commands

Cisco IOS IP Mobility Command Reference

Standards and RFCs



RFC 3775

Mobility Support in IPv6

RFC 5213

Proxy Mobile IPv6

RFC 5844

IPv4 Support for Proxy Mobile IPv6

RFC 5845

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Key Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6

RFC 5846

Binding Revocation for IPv6 Mobility



MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:

Technical Assistance



The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 1. Feature Information for PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA

Feature Name


Feature Information

PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA

The PMIP: Multipath Support on MAG and LMA feature enables Mobility Access Gateway (MAG) to register multiple transport end-points with Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), allowing MAG and LMA to establish multiple tunnels and apply path selection on a flow basis.

The following commands were introduced or modified: encap (proxy mobile IPv6) , heartbeat , interface (proxy mobile IPv6) , match access-list (PMIPv6) , mobile-map (PMIPv6 domain) , mobile-map (LMA) , mobile-network PMIPv6) , multipath , set link-type , tunnel mtu, .

PMIPv6 Multipath Management

The PMIPv6 Mutipath Management feature enables PMIPv6 to choose from multiple available links which have different access technologies.

The following commands were introduced or modified: address dynamic, bce maximum, default profile, dynamic mag learning, heartbeat, jitter, match access-list, mobile-map, mobility-service hybrid-access, packet loss, profile-definition, rtt, set link-type, traffic-profile .

PMIPv6 Unequal Load Balance

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.x

The PMIPv6 Unequal Load Balance feature helps to achieve Hybrid-Access Unequal Load Balance support on MAG and LMA. The feature is supported only on the following platforms: ISR4431, ISR4451-X, ISR4351, ISR4331, ISR1100, and ISR4221