IP SLA VCCV Operation

The IP SLA supports Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV) for pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) services across MPLS networks. The IP SLAs VCCV operation type is based on the ping mpls pseudowire command, which checks MPLS LSP connectivity across an Any Transport over MPLS (AToM) virtual circuit (VC) by sending a series of pseudowire ping operations to the specified destination PE router.

MPLS LSP connectivity checking is performed using an IP SLAs VCCV operation (rather than through the ping mpls command with the pseudowire keyword). The VCCV operation provides IP SLA proactive threshold monitoring and multioperation scheduling capabilities.


IP SLA VCCV operation does not support LSP discovery.

Configuring and Scheduling an IP SLA VCCV Operation


Step 1



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

ip sla operation-number


Router(config)# ip sla 777 

Begins configuring an IP SLA VCCV operation and enters IP SLA configuration mode.

Step 4

mpls lsp ping pseudowire peer-ipaddr vc-id [source-ipaddr source-ipaddr ]


Router(config-ip-sla)# mpls lsp ping 
pseudowire 123 source-ipaddr

Configures the IP SLA VCCV operation as an LSP pseudowire ping and enters VCCV configuration mode.

Step 5

exp exp-bits


Router(config-sla-vccv)# exp 5

(Optional) Specifies the experimental field value in the header for an echo request packet of an IP SLA VCCV operation.

Step 6

frequency seconds


Router(config-sla-vccv)# frequency 120 

(Optional) Specifies the rate at which a specified IP SLA VCCV operation repeats.

Step 7

request-data-size bytes


Router(config-sla-vccv)# request-data-size 200

(Optional) Specifies the protocol data size for a request packet of an IP SLA VCCV operation.

Step 8

secondary-frequency {both | connection-loss | timeout } frequency


Router(config-sla-vccv)# secondary-frequency connection-loss 10

(Optional) Sets the measurement frequency (secondary frequency) to which an IP SLA VCCV operation should change when a reaction condition occurs.

Step 9

tag text


Router(config-sla-vccv)# tag testgroup

(Optional) Creates a user-specified identifier for an IP SLA VCCV operation.

Step 10

threshold milliseconds


Router(config-sla-vccv)# threshold 6000

(Optional) Sets the upper threshold value for calculating network monitoring statistics created by an IP SLA VCCV operation.

Step 11

timeout milliseconds


Router(config-sla-vccv)# timeout 7000

(Optional) Specifies the amount of time the IP SLA VCCV operation waits for a response from its request packet.

Step 12



Router(config-sla-vccv)# exit

Exits VCCV configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.

Step 13

ip sla reaction-configuration operation-number [react monitored-element ] [threshold-type {never | immediate | consecutive [consecutive-occurrences ] | xofy [x-value y-value ] | average [number-of-probes ]}] [threshold-value upper-threshold lower-threshold ] [action-type {none | trapOnly | triggerOnly | trapAndTrigger }]


Router(config)# ip sla reaction-configuration 777 react connectionLoss threshold-type consecutive 3 action-type traponly

(Optional) Configures certain actions to occur based on events under the control of Cisco IOS IP SLA VCCV Operation.

Step 14

ip sla logging traps


Router(config)# ip sla logging traps

(Optional) Enables the generation of SNMP system logging messages specific to IP SLA trap notifications.

Step 15

ip sla schedule operation-number [life {forever | seconds }] [start-time {hh : mm [: ss ] [month day | day month ] | pending | now | after hh : mm : ss }] [ageout seconds ] [recurring ]


Router(config)# ip sla schedule 777 life forever start-time now

Configures the scheduling parameters for an IP SLA VCCV operation.

Step 16



Router(config)# exit

Exits global configuration submode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Example for Configuring an IP SLA VCCV Operation

The following example shows how to configure an IP SLA VCCV operation with the proactive threshold monitoring and multioperation scheduling capabilities of the LSP Health Monitor.

In this example, a VC with the identifier 123 has already been established between the PE device and its peer at IP address

IP SLA VCCV operation 777 is configured with operation parameters and reaction conditions, and it is scheduled to begin immediately and run indefinitely.

ip sla 777
 mpls lsp ping pseudowire 123 
  exp 5
  frequency 120
  secondary-frequency timeout 30
  tag testgroup
  threshold 6000
  timeout 7000
 ip sla reaction-configuration 777 react rtt threshold-value 6000 3000 threshold-type immediate 3 action-type traponly 
 ip sla reaction-configuration 777 react connectionLoss threshold-type immediate action-type traponly
 ip sla reaction-configuration 777 react timeout threshold-type consecutive 3 action-type traponly
 ip sla logging traps
 ip sla schedule 777 life forever start-time now

RTT Thresholds

The threshold command configures 6000 milliseconds as the amount of time for a rising threshold to be declared on the monitored pseudowire. The first ip sla reaction-configuration command specifies that an SNMP logging trap is to be sent immediately if the round-trip time violates the upper threshold of 6000 milliseconds or the lower threshold of 3000 milliseconds.

Connection Loss

The second ip sla reaction-configuration command specifies that an SNMP logging trap is to be sent immediately if a connection loss occurs for the monitored pseudowire.

Response Timeout

The timeout command configures 7000 seconds as the amount of time that VCCV operation 777 waits for a response from its request packet before a timeout is declared. The secondary-frequency command specifies that, if a timeout occurs, the measurement frequency of the operation repeats is to be increased from 120 seconds (the initial measurement frequency that is specified using the frequency command) to a faster rate of 30 seconds. The third ip sla reaction-configuration command specifies that an SNMP logging trap is to be sent if three consecutive timeouts occur.