Use the following command to verify that EVI and Bridge domains are in established state and to display associated MPLS labels:
show l2vpn evpn evi detail
EVPN instance: 10 (VLAN Based) ----> VLAN Based EVI
RD: (auto) ––--> RD derived from Loopback0 of PE1
Import-RTs: 100:10
Export-RTs: 100:10
Per-EVI Label: none
State: Established ––--> EVI state
Encapsulation: mpls
Bridge Domain: 10
Ethernet-Tag: 0
BUM Label: 23 ––--> Broadcast/Unknown unicast/Multicast traffic label
Per-BD Label: 22
State: Established –-–-> Bridge-domain state
GigabitEthernet6 service instance 10 ––--> Local interface part of bridge-domain
GigabitEthernet7 service instance 10 –––→ Local interface part of bridge-domain
EVPN instance: 20 (VLAN Bundle) ––--> VLAN Bundled EVI
RD: (auto)
Import-RTs: 100:20
Export-RTs: 100:20
Per-EVI Label: none
State: Established
Encapsulation: mpls
Bridge Domain: 20
Ethernet-Tag: 0
BUM Label: 20
Per-BD Label: 21
State: Established
GigabitEthernet6 service instance 20
GigabitEthernet7 service instance 20
EVPN instance: 30 (VLAN Aware) ----> VLAN-Aware EVI
RD: (auto)
Import-RTs: 100:30
Export-RTs: 100:30
Per-EVI Label: none
State: Established
Encapsulation: mpls
Bridge Domain: 30
Ethernet-Tag: 30
BUM Label: 18
Per-BD Label: 19
State: Established
GigabitEthernet6 service instance 30
GigabitEthernet7 service instance 30
Use the following command to see the L2VPN EVPN summary:
PE1#show l2vpn evpn summary
EVPN Instances (excluding point-to-point): 3
VLAN Aware: 1
VLAN Based: 1
VLAN Bundle: 1
Bridge Domains: 4
BGP: ASN 100, address-family l2vpn evpn configured
Router ID:
Label Allocation Mode: Per-BD
Global Replication Type: Ingress
MAC Duplication: seconds 180 limit 5
MAC Addresses: 6
Local: 3
Remote: 3
Duplicate: 0
Use the following command to verify that the bridge domain has learnt the local and remote MAC addresses:
PE1#show bridge-domain 10
Bridge-domain 10 (3 ports in all)
State: UP Mac learning: Enabled
Aging-Timer: 30 second(s) ––--> MAC aging timer for bridge-domain
GigabitEthernet6 service instance 10
GigabitEthernet7 service instance 10
EVPN Instance 10
AED MAC address Policy Tag Age Pseudoport
- 000C.29B0.3E16 forward static_r 0 OCE_PTR:0xe8eb04a0 –––→ Remotely learnt MAC
- 000C.29AF.F904 forward dynamic_c 29 GigabitEthernet6.EFP10 ––→ MAC locally learnt
- 000C.2993.130E forward dynamic_c 26 GigabitEthernet7.EFP10
- 000C.29EE.EC0D forward static_r 0 OCE_PTR:0xe8eb0500
 Note |
In the above output, MAC addresses with forward dynamic_c tags are locally learned addresses and MAC addresses with forward
static_r tags are remote addresses learned through EVPN.
Use the following command to verify that EVPN manager has received the local MACs learned by the bridge domain:
PE1# show l2vpn evpn mac
MAC Address EVI BD ESI Ether Tag Next Hop
-------------- ----- ----- ------------------------ ---------- ---------------
000c.2993.130e 10 10 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 0 Gi7:10
000c.29af.f904 10 10 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 0 Gi6:10
000c.29b0.3e16 10 10 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 0
000c.29ee.ec0d 10 10 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 0
PE1# show l2vpn evpn mac detail
MAC Address: 000c.2993.130e
EVPN Instance: 10
Bridge Domain: 10
Ethernet Segment: 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000
Ethernet Tag ID: 0
Next Hop(s): GigabitEthernet7 service instance 10
Label: 22
Sequence Number: 0
MAC only present: Yes
MAC Duplication Detection: Timer not running
MAC Address: 000c.29ee.ec0d
EVPN Instance: 10
Bridge Domain: 10
Ethernet Segment: 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000
Ethernet Tag ID: 0
Next Hop(s):
Local Address:
Label: 19
Sequence Number: 0
MAC only present: Yes
MAC Duplication Detection: Timer not running
 Note |
In the above output, the next hop address of the remote MAC is the address of the provider edge device, if it is learnt remotely
or the local interface if MAC address is learnt locally.
Use the following command to verify that Layer 2 Routing Information Base (RIB) has the required the MAC info:
PE1# show l2route evpn mac
EVI ETag Prod Mac Address Next Hop(s) Seq Number
----- ---------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------- ----------
10 0 L2VPN 000C.2993.130E Gi7:10 0
10 0 L2VPN 000C.29AF.F904 Gi6:10 0
10 0 BGP 000C.29B0.3E16 L:19 IP: 0
10 0 BGP 000C.29EE.EC0D L:19 IP: 0
 Note |
Remote MACs are learnt through BGP. In the above command output, the producer is BGP and local MACs are learned through Layer
2 VPN.
Use the following command to verify that Layer 2 FIB has received the MAC information from Layer 2 RIB, and bridge-domain
and MFI are configured.
PE1# show l2fib bridge-domain 10 detail
Bridge Domain : 10
Reference Count : 18
Replication ports count : 4
Unicast Address table size : 4
IP Multicast Prefix table size : 4
Flood List Information :
Olist: Id 9225, Port Count 4
Port Information :
Serv Inst: Gi6:10
Serv Inst: Gi7:10
EVPN MPLS Encap: pathlist 107
EVPN MPLS Encap: pathlist 101
Unicast Address table information :
Mac: 000c.2993.130e, Adjacency: Serv Inst: Gi7:10
Mac: 000c.29af.f904, Adjacency: Serv Inst: Gi6:10
Mac: 000c.29b0.3e16, Adjacency: EVPN MPLS Encap: pathlist 98
Mac: 000c.29ee.ec0d, Adjacency: EVPN MPLS Encap: pathlist 104
IP Multicast Prefix table information :
Source: *, Group:, IIF: , Adjacency: Olist: 9226, Ports: 0
Source: *, Group:, IIF: , Adjacency: Olist: 9225, Ports: 4
Source: *, Group:, IIF: , Adjacency: Olist: 9225, Ports: 4
Source: *, Group:, IIF: , Adjacency: Olist: 9225, Ports:
Use the following command to verify that the information on BGP route type 3 is sent to L2RIB:
PE1# show l2route evpn imet
EVI ETAG Prod Router IP Addr Type Label Tunnel ID
----- ---------- ----- --------------- ----- ------- ---------------
10 0 BGP 6 18
10 0 BGP 6 18
10 0 L2VPN 6 23
Use the following command to verify MPLS forwarding:
PE1#show mpls forwarding-table
Local Outgoing Prefix Bytes Label Outgoing Next Hop
Label Label or Tunnel Id Switched interface
18 No Label evpn(mc:bd 30) 305042 none point2point
19 No Label evpn(uc:bd 30) 7684 none point2point
20 No Label evpn(mc:bd 20) 542588 none point2point
21 No Label evpn(uc:bd 20) 13786 none point2point
22 No Label evpn(uc:bd 10) 6638 none point2point
23 No Label evpn(mc:bd 10) 277740 none point2point
24 Pop Label 0 Gi1
25 Pop Label 0 Gi1
16001 16001 0 Gi1
16002 Pop Label 0 Gi1
16004 16004 0 Gi1
PE1# show ip bgp l2vpn evpn route-type 2
BGP routing table entry for [2][][0][48][000C2993130E][0][*]/20, version 43
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Advertised to update-groups:
Refresh Epoch 1
:: (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, localpref 100, weight 32768, valid, sourced, local, best
EVPN ESI: 00000000000000000000, Label1 22
Extended Community: RT:100:10
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
BGP routing table entry for [2][][0][48][000C29B03E16][0][*]/20, version 116
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Not advertised to any peer
Refresh Epoch 3
Local, (received & used), imported path from [2][][0][48][000C29B03E16][0][*]/20 (global) (metric 30) (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
EVPN ESI: 00000000000000000000, Label1 19
Extended Community: RT:100:10
Originator:, Cluster list:
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
BGP routing table entry for [2][][0][48][000C29B03E16][0][*]/20, version 116
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Not advertised to any peer
Refresh Epoch 3
Local, (received & used), imported path from [2][][0][48][000C29B03E16][0][*]/20 (global) (metric 30) (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
EVPN ESI: 00000000000000000000, Label1 19
Extended Community: RT:100:10
Originator:, Cluster list:
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
BGP routing table entry for [2][][0][48][000C29EEEC0D][0][*]/20, version 134
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Not advertised to any peer
Refresh Epoch 3
Local, (received & used), imported path from [2][][0][48][000C29EEEC0D][0][*]/20 (global) (metric 30) (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
EVPN ESI: 00000000000000000000, Label1 19
Extended Community: RT:100:10
Originator:, Cluster list:
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
PE1# show ip bgp l2vpn evpn route-type 3
BGP routing table entry for [3][][0][32][]/17, version 41
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Advertised to update-groups:
Refresh Epoch 1
:: (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, localpref 100, weight 32768, valid, sourced, local, best
Extended Community: RT:100:10
PMSI Attribute: for EVPN, Flags: 0x0, Tunnel type: 6, length 4, label: 23 (vni 368) tunnel parameters: 0101 0101
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
BGP routing table entry for [3][][0][32][]/17, version 137
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Not advertised to any peer
Refresh Epoch 3
Local, (received & used), imported path from [3][][0][32][]/17 (global) (metric 30) (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:100:10
Originator:, Cluster list:
PMSI Attribute: for EVPN, Flags: 0x0, Tunnel type: 6, length 4, label: 18 (vni 288) tunnel parameters: 0303 0303
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
BGP routing table entry for [3][][0][32][]/17, version 122
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table evi_10)
Not advertised to any peer
Refresh Epoch 3
Local, (received & used), imported path from [3][][0][32][]/17 (global) (metric 30) (via default) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
Extended Community: RT:100:10
Originator:, Cluster list:
PMSI Attribute: for EVPN, Flags: 0x0, Tunnel type: 6, length 4, label: 18 (vni 288) tunnel parameters: 0707 0707
rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
Use the following command to verify that segment routing table details:
PE1#show segment-routing mpls connected-prefix-sid-map ipv4
Prefix/masklen SID Type Range Flags SRGB 18 Indx 1 Y
Prefix/masklen SID Type Range Flags SRGB Source 18 Indx 1 Y IS-IS Level 1 0002.0000.0001 19 Indx 1 Y IS-IS Level 1 0002.0000.0006 20 Indx 1 Y IS-IS Level 1 0002.0000.0002 21 Indx 1 Y IS-IS Level 1 0002.0000.0003
PE1#show segment-routing mpls state
Segment Routing MPLS State : ENABLED