To load device-specific variable values from a file, you create a template variables file. This file is an Excel file in CSV
format that lists all the variables in your the configurations of your devices and defines the values for each variable. You
create this file offline and then import it into Cisco SD-WAN Manager server when you attach a device configuration to one or more devices in the overlay network.
We recommend that you create a template variables CSV file when your overlay network has more than a small number of Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices.
CSV File Format
The CSV file is an Excel spreadsheet that contains one column for each variable that is required for the configuration of
a device. The header row contains the variable names (one variable per column), and each row after that corresponds to a device
and defines the values of the variables for that device.
You can create a single spreadsheet for all devices in the overlay network—Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices, Cisco SD-WAN Manager systems, Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Controllers, and Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Validators—or you can create one spreadsheet for each device type. The system determines the device type from its serial number.
In the spreadsheet, for each device type and for each individual device, you specify values only for the required variables.
When you do not need to specify a value for a variable, simply leave that cell blank.
The first three columns in the spreadsheet must be the following items and must be in the order shown:
Column Heading
Serial number of the device (used to uniquely identify the device). For Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices, you receive the serial numbers in the authorized serial number file sent to you from Cisco. For other devices, the serial
number is included in the signed certificate you receive from Symantec or from your root CA.
System IP address of the device (used to populate the system ip address command).
Hostname of the device (used to populate the system hostname command).
The headings for the remaining columns must be unique variable keys that are defined in the Enter Key box of a feature configuration
template. These remaining columns can be in any order.
Generate a Skeleton CSV File
You can create a template variables CSV file manually, with the format described in the previous section, or you can haveCisco SD-WAN Manager generate a skeleton CSV file that contains all the required columns and column headings. This generated CSV file has one
row for each Cisco device type, and it has the column headings for each of the variables that are required by all the feature
templates included in the device configuration. The column heading text corresponds to the key string that identifies a device-specific
parameter. Then you populate the rows with values for each variable.
To have Cisco SD-WAN Manager generate a skeleton CSV file:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose .
Click Feature Templates, and click Add Template.

In Cisco vManage Release 20.7.x and earlier releases, Feature Templates is titled Feature.
Create the required feature templates for one Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN device router, one Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Controller, one Cisco SD-WAN Manager system, and one Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Validator.
In each feature template:
For fields that have default values, verify that you want to use that value for all devices. If you do not want to use the
default, change the scope to Global or Device-specific.
For fields that apply to all devices, select the Global icon next to the field and set the desired global values.
For fields that are device specific, select the Device-specific icon next to the field and leave the field blank.
For each Cisco device type, create a device template.
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose .
Click Device Templates, and select the desired device template from the template list table.

In Cisco vManage Release 20.7.x and earlier releases, Device Templates is titled Device.
Click …, and click Export CSV.
Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for each device template.
Edit the exported CSV file, adding at a minimum the device serial number, device system IP address, and device hostname for
each device in the overlay network. Then add values for desired device-specific variables for each device. Note that variable
names cannot contain forward slashes (/), backwards slashes (\), or parentheses (( )).
If desired, you can combine the CSV files into a single file.
Import a CSV File
To use the device-specific variable values in the CSV file, import the file when you are attaching a device template to the
Viptela device:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose .
Click Device Templates.

In Cisco vManage Release 20.7.x and earlier releases, Device Templates is titled Device.
For the desired template, click ..., and select Attach Devices.
In the Attach Devices dialog box, select the desired devices in Available Devices and click the arrow to move them to Selected Devices.
Click Attach.
Click the Up arrow. The Upload CSV File box displays.
Choose the CSV file to upload, and click Upload.
During the attachment process, click Import file to load the Excel file. If Cisco SD-WAN Manager detects duplicate system IP addresses for devices in the overlay network, it displays a warning message or a pop-up window.
You must correct the system IP addresses to remove any duplicates before you can continue the process of attaching device
templates to Viptela devices.