Migrate Shared Templates to Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Templates


To achieve simplification and consistency, the Cisco SD-WAN solution has been rebranded as Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN. In addition, from Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN Release 17.12.1a and Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Release 20.12.1, the following component changes are applicable: Cisco vManage to Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager, Cisco vAnalytics to Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Analytics, Cisco vBond to Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Validator, Cisco vSmart to Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Controller, and Cisco Controllers to Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Control Components. See the latest Release Notes for a comprehensive list of all the component brand name changes. While we transition to the new names, some inconsistencies might be present in the documentation set because of a phased approach to the user interface updates of the software product.


In Cisco vManage 20.1.1, support is added for for additional feature templates exclusively for Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices.

In releases before Cisco vManage 20.1.1, when you created a template for both Cisco vEdge and Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices, the same template is shared for both device types. For these templates, the configuration is specified using Cisco vEdge commands. If the template is then used with a Cisco IOS XE device, the configuration was converted for Cisco IOS XE devices. Due to this conversion of Cisco vEdge commands, some functionality was not unavailable for Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices. For example, NAT DIA.

In these releases, there are two types of shared templates:

  • Shared feature templates: If you specify a Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN device when creating a feature template, a shared feature template is created.

  • Shared device templates: A device template that contains a shared feature template.

In Cisco vManage 20.1.1 and onwards, feature templates have been separated for Cisco vEdge devices and Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices. These feature templates that are exclusively created for Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices enable support for additional features. To use these feature templates, you can migrate your shared feature templates to the exclusive templates.

List of Migrated Templates

The following table lists the shared templates and their corresponding exclusive templates for Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN devices available in Cisco vManage 20.1.1 and onwards.


The AAA feature template is not supported with the exclusive Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN device feature templates.

If your existing template contains an AAA feature template, you can replace it either before migration or after migration:

  • Before migration—Replace it with the AAA-Cisco template that was introduced in 19.1.

  • After migration—After the migration is complete, manually create a Cisco AAA template and attach it to your device template.

Shared Feature Template

Shared Template Type

Exclusive Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Device Feature Template

Exclusive Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Device Feature Template Type

Banner banner Cisco Banner cisco_banner
BFD bfd-vedge Cisco BFD cisco_bfd
BGP bgp Cisco BGP cisco_bgp
DHCP Server dhcp-server Cisco DHCP Server cisco_dhcp_server
Logging logging Cisco Logging cisco_logging
NTP ntp Cisco NTP cisco_ntp
OMP omp-vedge Cisco OMP cisco_omp
OSPF ospf Cisco OSPF cisco_ospf
Security security-vedge Cisco Security cisco_security
SNMP snmp Cisco SNMP cisco_snmp
System system-vedge Cisco System cisco_system
VPN Interface GRE vpn-vedge-interface-gre Cisco VPN Interface GRE cisco_vpn_interface_gre
VPN Interface IPsec vpn-vedge-interface-ipsec Cisco VPN Interface IPsec cisco_vpn_interface_ipsec
VPN Interface Ethernet vpn-vedge-interface Cisco VPN Interface Ethernet cisco_vpn_interface
VPN vpn-vedge Cisco VPN cisco_vpn

Migrate Shared Templates

You can continue using the older shared templates, however the shared templates may not have access to the latest features. We recommend migrating existing templates to enable access to the latest features. For example, if you are using the VPN Interface Ethernet shared template, the template still continues to work. However to use new features, such as NAT DIA, you must migrate to the exclusive feature template called Cisco VPN Interface Ethernet.

Migrate Shared Templates Using the Cisco SD-WAN Manager Migration Tool


  • At least one Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN device template should exist with shared Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN device feature templates attached prior to upgrading to Cisco vManage 20.1.1 or higher.

To migrate existing shared templates using Cisco SD-WAN Manager, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Tools > Template Migration.

  2. Click Migrate All Templates.

  3. Enter a prefix for the new migrated templates. For example Migrated_. All migrated templates are prefixed with this identifier.

  4. To migrate the templates, click OK.

  5. Once the migration begins, click Tasks to track the status of the migration.

  6. Once the migration is complete, you must manually attach the migrated templates to your devices. For each of the migrated templates, click ... and choose Attach Devices to Migrated Template.