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Cisco Safe Harbor Release 15.0(1)SY4 For Enterprise Customers
Cisco Safe Harbor Release 15.0(1)SY4 For Enterprise Customers
April 1, 2013 this Safe Harbor stub document was created.
Cisco Safe Harbor is an initiative emphasizing customer success through improved quality. Safe Harbor delivers customers a certified Cisco OS version of choice for critical deployment to increase overall network stability.
Safe Harbor subjects targeted releases (deployed in topologies consistent with those of identified customers) to complex levels of testing. The program offers additional benefit by serving as the conduit through which customer input influences Cisco premier testing.
Cisco Safe Harbor Campus IOS Release 15.0(1)SY4 summarizes system-level and reliability testing completed for the specified release. The content of this document for Cisco customers is available from your Cisco representative.
Please ask for EDCS -1245181.
You can also download the document from the Cisco Safe Harbor workroom.
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