Table of Contents
About the ASA Integration with the APIC Supported Versions of the Cisco ASA Software and Features
Configure Management Access to the ASA
Configure Multiple Context Mode
Install the ASA Device Package
Configure the ASA within the APIC About the ASA Integration with the APIC
The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) automates insertion of services (such as an ASA firewall) between applications, also called End Point Groups (EPGs). The APIC uses northbound APIs for configuring the network and services. You use these APIs to create, delete, and modify a configuration using managed objects.
Note If you try to create a configuration that is not supported on your current ASA version, an error similar to the following could appear on the APIC:
“ *Major script error: Configuration error: …. ERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. “
See your ASA version documentation for supported features.Service Function Insertion
When a service function is inserted in the service graph between applications, traffic from these applications is classified by the APIC and identified using a tag in the overlay network. Service functions use the tag to apply policies to the traffic. For the ASA integration with the APIC, the service function forwards traffic using either routed or transparent firewall operation.
For information about the APIC, see the “Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure” chapter of the ACI Fundamentals guide.
For information about service graphs, see the “Configuring a Service Graph” chapter of the Cisco APIC Layer 4 to Layer 7 Services Deployment Guide.
For information about the insertion of Layer 4 to Layer 7 services, see the “Overview” chapter of the Cisco APIC Layer 4 to Layer 7 Services Deployment Guide .
Available APIC Products
Starting with release 1.2(7.8), there are two versions of the Cisco ASA Device Package software for ACI:
- Cisco ASA Device Package software for ACI - Same as the original version that was available with version 1.2(6) and earlier. This version allows you to configure many important features of ASA from APIC, including but not limited to the following:
Supported Versions of the Cisco ASA Software and Features
The following table lists the supported versions of the Cisco ASA Software for each of the supported platforms.
See the “ASA and ASDM Compatibility” section of the Cisco ASA Compatibility Matrix .
The following table lists the supported features for the ASAv and the ASA 5585-X. For releases that support BGP and OSPF, see the Release Notes for the Cisco ASA Device Package Software, Version 1.2(1) for ACI .
Deploy the ASA
- ASAv—See the Cisco Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv) Quick Start Guide for installation procedures, at the following URL:
Note During ASAv deployment, you must define the value of the nameif property for the management interface as management. If you define the interface name as anything other than management, the device cluster will be stuck in AuditRequested/AuditPending state, and the fault will indicate that the read operation timed out. The management interface and default gateway configuration are deleted from the ASAv, and the interface is shut down.
Configure Management Access to the ASA
You must configure management access to the ASA so that the APIC can manage the ASA.
To configure management access to the ASAv, see Deploy the ASA.
To configure management access to the ASA 5585-X, see the following procedure:
Step 1 Remove any existing configuration:
Step 2 (Optional) Set the firewall mode to transparent firewall mode:
Step 3 Configure the IP address and subnet mask on the management interface. The ASA needs to be on the same subnet as the APIC:
Step 4 Name the interface “management:”
Step 6 Enable the ASA HTTPS server:
Step 7 Enable an APIC to access the ASA. Repeat this step for each APIC in the APIC cluster:
Step 8 Create the user, which the APIC uses to access the ASA:
Note The user is not required to be the “management-user.” Any user is acceptable.
Step 9 Create an AAA authentication that allows APIC to have HTTP console access using LOCAL authentication:
Step 10 Verify that there is crypto key. If it does not exist, generate one using the following commands:
Step 11 Verify that the Encryption-DES and Encryption-3DES-AES are enabled using the following command on the ASA:
If they are disabled, generate a new license.
Configure Jumbo Frame Support
To use Ethernet packets larger than 1500 bytes, you must configure jumbo frame support.
Step 2 Save the running configuration:
Configure Multiple Context Mode
Step 1 To configure multi-context mode, see the “High Availability and Scalability” chapter in the Cisco ASA Series General Operations CLI Configuration Guide for instructions, at:
The instructions at this link describe how to configure interfaces in system mode, assign them to contexts, and configure the interfaces in each context. Those are all steps that will be done by the Device Package.
The Device Package is responsible for allocating and configuring interfaces used in each service graph in multi-context mode. However, the system administrator is responsible for the following provisioning of a multi-context ASA before registering it to the APIC:
Step 2 Create the required user contexts. (The device package does not create or delete any context.)
Step 3 For each context, make the provisioning similar to that for a single context ASA.
a. Allocate a management interface to it from the admin context.
b. In the user context, configure the management interface with nameif as “management,” and specify a static IP address.
c. In the user context, enable HTTPS access to the management interface.
d. Set user credentials and create AAA authentication that allows APIC to have access to the HTTP console using LOCAL authentication
e. Set up the management route.
f. Verify that there is crypto key. If it does not exist, generate one using the following commands:
Configure an ASA Cluster
To configure an ASA cluster, see the “ASA Cluster” chapter of the Cisco ASA Series General Operations CLI Configuration Guide for instructions, at:
Install the ASA Device Package
Each service node type must provide a device package, which includes two parts: a device specification and a device script. Service nodes of the same type are bound to a single device package.
The ASA device package enables you to perform the following tasks:
Step 1 Review the prerequisites for installing device packages.
See the “Overview” chapter and the “Prerequisites” chapter of the Cisco APIC Layer 4 to Layer 7 Services Deployment Guide .
Step 2 Download the ASA device package, a .zip file that is available from, at the following URL:
Step 3 Install the ASA device package.
See the “Importing a Device Package” chapter of the Cisco APIC Layer 4 to Layer 7 Services Deployment Guide .
Step 4 Register the ASA with the APIC.
See the “Fabric Connectivity” chapter of the Cisco APIC Layer 4 to Layer 7 Device Package Development Guide .
Configure the ASA within the APIC
Use the northbound API to configure the security policy, specifically for service graphs.
For information about how to use northbound APIs, see the Cisco APIC Management Information Model Reference .
For XML samples of ASA-specific northbound APIs, see the Cisco ASA API Reference for APIC Integration .
For APIC documentation, see .
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