ca - cld


To enter cache mode and set values for caching attributes, enter the cache command in webvpn configuration mode. To remove all cache related commands from the configuration and reset them to their default values, enter the no form of this command.


no cache

Command Default


Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Webvpn configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The default changed from enabled to disabled.

Usage Guidelines

Caching stores frequently reused objects in the system cache, which reduces the need to perform repeated rewriting and compressing of content. It reduces traffic between WebVPN and both the remote servers and end-user browsers, so that many applications run much more efficiently.


Enabling the content cache may cause some systems to become less reliable. If you experience random crashes after enabling the content cache, disable it.

The following example shows how to enter cache mode:



To configure the basic constraints extension and set the CA flag in a trustpoint certificate, use the ca-check command in crypto ca trustpoint configuration mode. To not set the basic constraints extension and CA flag, use the no form of this command.


no ca-check

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

By default, the basic constraints extension and CA flag are set. You must use the no form to disable them.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Crypto ca trustpoint configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The basic constraints extension identifies whether the subject of the certificate is a Certificate Authority (CA), in which case the certificate can be used to sign other certificates. The CA flag is part of this extension. The presence of these items in a certificate indicates that the certificate’s public key can be used to validate certificate signatures.


The following example shows how to disable the CA flag and basic constraints extension.

ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca trustpoint newtrust
ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# no ca-check


To cache all static content used for Clientless SSL VPN connections, enter the cache-static-content command in webvpn cache configuration mode. To disable caching of static content, enter the no form of this command.

cache-static-content enable

no cache-static-content enable

Syntax Description


Enables the loading of all static content into cache memory.

Command Default


Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Webvpn cache configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Configuring the security appliance to store all cache-able static content in the appliance cache increases the performance of back-end SSL VPN connections. Static content includes objects not rewritten by the security appliance, such as PDF files and images.


The following example enables caching of static content:

ciscoasa(config-webvpn-cache)# cache-static-content enable


To specify in minutes how long to allow a CRL to remain in the cache before considering it stale, use the cache-time command in ca-crl configuration mode, which is accessible from crypto ca trustpoint configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

cache-time refresh-time

no cache-time

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of minutes to allow a CRL to remain in the cache. The range is 1 - 1440 minutes. If the NextUpdate field is not present in the CRL, the CRL is not cached.

Command Default

The default setting is 60 minutes.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Ca-crl configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example enters ca-crl configuration mode, and specifies a cache time refresh value of 10 minutes for trustpoint central:

ciscoasa(configure)# crypto ca trustpoint central
ciscoasa(ca-trustpoint)# crl configure
ciscoasa(ca-crl)# cache-time 10


To specify a group of call agents, use the call-agent command in mgcp map configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

call-agent ip_address group_id

no call-agent ip_address group_id

Syntax Description


The ID of the call agent group, from 0 to 2147483647.


The IP address of the gateway.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Mgcp map configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the call-agent command to specify a group of call agents that can manage one or more gateways. The call agent group information is used to open connections for call agents in the group (other than the one to which a gateway sends a command) so that any of the call agents can send the response. Call agents with the same >group_id belong to the same group. A call agent may belong to more than one group.


The following example allows call agents and to control gateway, and allows call agents and to control both gateways and

ciscoasa(config)# mgcp-map mgcp_inbound
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# call-agent 101
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# call-agent 101
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# call-agent 102
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# call-agent 102
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# gateway 101
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# gateway 102
ciscoasa(config-mgcp-map)# gateway 102


To configure the call duration for an H.323 call, use the call-duration-limit command in parameters configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

call-duration-limit hh:mm:ss

no call-duration-limit hh:mm:ss

Syntax Description


Specifies the duration in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Parameters configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example shows how to configure the call duration for an H.323 call:

ciscoasa(config)# policy-map type inspect h323 h323_map
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# parameters
ciscoasa(config-pmap-p)# call-duration-limit 0:1:0


To enforce sending call party numbers during an H.323 call setup, use the call-party-numbers command in parameters configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.


no call-party-numbers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Parameters configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example shows how to enforce call party numbers during call setup for an H.323 call:

ciscoasa(config)# policy-map type inspect h323 h323_map
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# parameters
ciscoasa(config-pmap-p)# call-party-numbers


To enter call home configuration mode, use the call-home command in global configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

After you enter the call-home command, the prompt changes to hostname (cfg-call-home)#, and you have access to the following Call Home configuration commands:

  • [no] alert-group {group name | all}—Enables or disables the Smart Call Home group. The default is enabled for all name: Syslog, diagnostic, environment, inventory, configuration, snapshot, threat, telemetry, test.

  • [no] contact-e-mail-addr e-mail-address—Specifies the customer contact e-mail address. This field is required.e-mail-address: A customer e-mail address of up to 127 characters.

  • [no] contact-name contact name—Specifies the customer name.e-mail-address: A customer name of up to 127 characters.

  • [no] contract-id contract-id-string—Specifies customer contract identification.contract-id-string: An identification number up to 128 characters. Spaces are allowed, but you must use quotes around the string if it includes spaces.

  • copy profile src-profile-name dest-profile-name—Copies the content of an existing profile (src-profile-name ) to a new profile (dest-profile-name ).src-profile-name: An existing profile name of up to 23 characters.dest-profile-name: A new profile name of up to 23 characters.

  • rename profile src-profile-name dest-profile-name—Changes the name of an existing profile.src-profile-name: An existing profile name of up to 23 characters.dest-profile-name: A new profile name of up to 23 characters.

  • source-interface—Specifies the source interface.

  • no configuration all—Clears the Smart Call-home configuration.[no] customer-id customer-id-string—Specifies the customer ID.customer-id-string: A customer ID of up to 64 characters. This field is required for XML format messages.

  • [no] event-queue-size queue_size—Specifies the event queue size.queue-size: The number of events from 5-60. The default is 10.

  • [no] mail-server ip-address | name priority 1-100 all—Specifies the SMTP mail server. Customers can specify up to five mail servers. At least one mail server is required for using e-mail transport for Smart Call Home messages. ip-address: The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the mail The hostname of the mail server.1-100: The priority of the mail server. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

  • [no] phone-number phone-number-string—Specifies the customer phone number. This field is The phone number.

  • [no] rate-limit msg-count—Specifies the number of messages that Smart Call Home can send per minute.msg-count: The number of messages per minute. The default is 10.

  • [no] sender {from e-mail-address | reply-to e-mail-address} —Specifies the from/reply-to e-mail address of an e-mail message. This field is optional.e-mail-address: The from and reply-to e-mail address.

  • [no] site-id site-id-string—Specifies the customer site ID. This field is A site ID to identify the location of the customer.

  • [no] street-address street-address—Specifies the customer address. This field is optional.street-address: A free-format string of up to 255 characters.

  • [no] alert-group-config environment—Enters environment group configuration mode.[no] threshold {cpu | memory} low-high—Specifies the environmental resource threshold.low, high: Valid values are 0-100. The default is 85-90.

  • [no] alert-group-config snapshot—Enters snapshot group configuration mode.system, user: To run the CLI in sysem or user context (available only in multimode).

  • [no] add-command “cli command” [{system | user}] —Specifies CLI commands to capture in the snapshot group.cli command: The CLI command to be entered.system, user: To run the CLI in the system or in user context (available only in multiple mode). If both the system and user are not specified, the CLI will be run in both the system and user contexts. The default is the user context.

  • All bullets below moved to profile command.

  • [no] profile profile-name | no profile all—Creates, deletes, or edits a profile. Enters profile configuration mode and changes the prompt to hostname (cfg-call-home-profile)#. profile-name: A profile name of up to 20 characters.

  • [no] active—Enables or disables a profile. The default is destination address {e-mail | http} all | [no] destination {address {e-mail | http} e-mail-address | http-url [msg-format short-text | long-text | xml] | message-size-limit max-size | preferred-msg-format short-text | long-text | xml | transport-method e-mail | http}—Configures the destination, message size, message format, and transport method for the Smart Call Home message receiver. The default message format is XML, and the default enabled transport method is e-mail.e-mail-address: The e-mail address of the Smart Call Home receiver, which can be up to 100 characters.http-url: The HTTP or HTTPS URL.max-size: The maximum message size in bytes. 0 means no limit. The default is 5 MB.

  • [no] subscribe-to-alert-group alert-group-name [severity {catastrophic | disaster | emergencies | alert | critical | errors | warning | notifications | informational | debugging}]—Subscribes to events of a group with a specified severity level.alert-group-name: Syslog, diagnostic, environment, or threat are valid values.

  • [no] subscribe-to-alert-group syslog [{severity {catastrophic | disaster | emergencies | alert | critical | errors | warning | notifications | informational | debugging} | message start [-end]}]—Subscribes to syslogs with a severity level or message ID.start-[end]: One syslog message ID or a range of syslog message IDs.


    Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can render the system unusable. For this reason, use debugging only to troubleshoot specific problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff. Also, use it during periods of lower network traffic and fewer users. Debugging during these periods decreases the likelihood of increasing the processing overhead that will affect system use.

  • [no] subscribe-to-alert-group inventory [periodic {daily | monthly day_of_month | weekly day_of_week [hh:mm]]—Subscribes to inventory events.day_of_month: Day of the month, 1-31.day_of_week: Day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).hh, mm: Hours and minutes of a day, in 24-hour time.

  • [no] subscribe-to-alert-group configuration [export full | minimum] [periodic {daily | monthly day_of_month | weekly day_of_week [hh:mm]]—Subscribes to configuration events.full: Configuration to export the running configuration, startup configuration, feature list, number of elements in an access list, and the context name in multimode.minimum: Configuration to export-only feature list, number of elements in an access list, and the context name in multimode.day_of_month: Day of the month, 1-31.day_of_week: Day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).hh, mm: Hours and minutes of a day, in 24-hour time.

  • [no] subscribe-to-alert-group telemetry periodic {hourly | daily | monthly day_of_month | weekly day_of_week [hh:mm]—Subscribes to telemetry periodic events.day_of_month: Day of the month, 1-31.day_of_week: Day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).hh, mm: Hours and minutes of a day, in 24-hour time.

  • [no] subscribe-to-alert-group snapshot periodic {interval minutes | hourly [mm] | daily | monthly day_of_month |weekly day_of_week [hh:mm]}—Subscribes to snapshot periodic events.minutes: The interval in minutes.day_of_month: Day of the month, 1-31.day_of_week: Day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).hh, mm: Hours and minutes of a day, in 24-hour time.


The following example show how to configure contact information:

hostname(config)# call-home
hostname(cfg-call-home)# contact-e-mail-addr
hostname(cfg-call-home)# customer-id Customer1234
hostname(cfg-call-home)# phone-number +1-800-555-0199
hostname(cfg-call-home)# site-id Site1
hostname(cfg-call-home)# street-address “1234 Any Street, Any city, Any state, 12345”

The following example shows how to configure the Call Home message rate-limit threshold:

hostname(config)# call-home
hostname(cfg-call-home)# rate-limit 50

The following example shows how to set the Call Home message rate-limit threshold to the default setting:

hostname(config)# call-home
hostname(cfg-call-home)# default 

The following example shows how to create a new destination profile with the same configuration settings as an existing profile:

hostname(config)# call-home
hostname(cfg-call-home)# copy profile profile1 profile1a

The following example shows how to configure the general e-mail parameters, including a primary and secondary e-mail server:

hostname(config)# call-home
hostname(cfg-call-home)# mail-server priority 1
hostname(cfg-call-home)# mail-server priority 2
hostname(cfg-call-home)# sender from
hostname(cfg-call-home)# sender reply-to

call-home send

To execute a CLI command and e-mail the command output to a specified address, use the call-home send command in privileged EXEC mode.

call-home send cli command [ email email ] [ service-number service number ]

Syntax Description


Specifies the CLI command to be executed. The command output is sent by e-mail.

email email

Specifies the e-mail address to which the CLI command output is sent. If no e-mail address is specified, the command output is sent to the Cisco TAC at

service-number service number

Specifies an active TAC case number to which the command output pertains. This number is required only if no e-mail address (or a TAC e-mail address) is specified, and will appear in the e-mail subject line.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command causes the specified CLI command to be executed on the system. The specified CLI command must be enclosed in quotes (“”), and can be any run or show command, including commands for all modules.

The command output is then sent by e-mail to the specified e-mail address. If no e-mail address is specified, the command output is sent to the Cisco TAC at The e-mail is sent in long text format with the service number, if specified, in the subject line.


The following example shows how to send a CLI command and have the command output e-mailed:

hostname# call-home send "show diagnostic result module all" email

call-home send alert-group

To send a specific alert group message, use the call-home send alert-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

call-home send alert-group { configuration | telemetry | inventory | group snapshot } [ profile profile-name ]

Syntax Description


Sends the configuration alert-group message to the destination profile.

group snapshot

Sends the snapshot group.


Sends the inventory call-home message.

profile profile-name

(Optional) Specifies the name of the destination profile.


Sends the diagnostic alert-group message to the destination profile for a specific module, slot/subslot, or slot/bay number.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify the profile profile-name , the message is sent to all subscribed destination profiles.

Only the configuration, diagnostic, and inventory alert groups can be manually sent. The destination profile need not be subscribed to the alert group.


The following example shows how to send the configuration alert-group message to the destination profile:

hostname# call-home send alert-group configuration

The following example shows how to send the diagnostic alert-group message to the destination profile for a specific module, slot/subslot, or slot/bay number:

hostname# call-home send alert-group diagnostic module 3 5/2

The following example shows how to send the diagnostic alert-group message to all destination profiles for a specific module, slot/subslot, or slot/bay number:

hostname# call-home send alert-group diagnostic module 3 5/2 profile Ciscotac1

This example shows how to send the inventory call-home message:

hostname# call-home send alert-group inventory 

call-home test

To manually send a Call Home test message using the configuration of a profile, use the call-home test command in privileged EXEC mode.

call-home test [ "test-message" ] profile profile-name

Syntax Description

profile profile-name

Specifies the name of the destination profile.


(Optional) Test message text.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command sends a test message to the specified destination profile. If you enter test message text, you must enclose the text in quotes (“”) if it contains spaces. If you do not enter a message, a default message is sent.


The call-home test command is applicable only for Smart Software Managers that manage the device licenses online, and not for Smart Software Manager On-Prem servers.


The following example shows how to manually send a Call Home test message:

hostname# call-home test “test of the day” profile Ciscotac1

capability lls

The LLS capability is enabled by default. To explicitly enable the use of the Link-Local Signalling (LLS) data block in originated OSPF packets and re-enable OSPF NSF awareness, use the capability lls command in the router-configuration mode. To disable LLS and OSPF NSF awareness, use the no form of this command.

capability lls

no capability lls

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

LLS capability is enabled by default.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context








  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You might want to disable NSF awareness by disabling the use of the LLS data block in originated OSPF packets. You might want to disable NSF awareness if the router has no applications using LLS.

If NSF is configured and you try to disable LLS, you will receive the error message, “OSPF Non-Stop Forwarding (NSF) must be disabled first.”

If LLS is disabled and you try to configure NSF, you will receive the error message, “OSPF Link-Local Signaling (LLS) capability must be enabled first.”


The following example enables LLS support and OSPF awareness:

ciscoasa(config)# router ospf 2
ciscoasa(config-router)# capability lls

capability opaque

To enable Multiprotocol Label Switching traffic engineering (MPLS TE) topology information to flood the network through opaque LSAs, use the capability opaque command in the router-configuration mode. To disable MPLS TE topology information flooding through opaque LSAs to the network, use the no form of the command.

capability opaque

no capability opaque

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Opaque LSAs are enabled by default.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context








  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The capability opaque command floods MPLS TE information (Types 1 and 4) through opaque LSAs of all scope (Types 9, 10, and 11).

Control opaque LSA support capability must be enabled for OSPF to support MPLS TE.

The MPLS TE topology information is flooded to the area through opaque LSAs by default.


The following example enables opaque capability:

ciscoasa(config)# router ospf 2
ciscoasa(config-router)# capability opaque


To enable captive portal for the ASA FirePOWER module, use the captive-portal command in global configuration mode. To disable captive portal, use the no form of this command.

captive-portal { global | interface name } [ port number ]

no captive-portal { global | interface name } [ port number ]

Syntax Description


Enables captive portal globally on all interfaces.

interface name

Enables captive portal on the specified interface only. You can enter the command multiple times to enable it on more than one interface. You can use this approach if you are redirecting traffic for only a subset of interfaces to the ASA FirePOWER module.

port number

(Optional.) Sets the authentication proxy port to 1025 higher. Do not specify the keyword if you want to configure the default port, which is 885.

Command Default

The default port is 885 (TCP).

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Captive portal works in conjunction with the identity policy defined on the ASA FirePOWER module.

For HTTP/HTTPS connections, you can define identity rules that collect user identification through active authentication. If you want to implement active authentication identity rules, you must configure captive portal on the ASA to act as the authentication proxy port. When a connection matches an identity rule that requests active authentication, the ASA FirePOWER module redirects the authentication request to the ASA interface IP address/captive portal. The default port is 885, which you can change.

If you do not enable captive portal for the authentication proxy, only passive authentication is available.


The following example enables captive portal globally on the default port 885:

ciscoasa(config)# captive-portal global


To enable packet capture capabilities for packet sniffing and network fault isolation, use the capture command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable packet capture capabilities, use the no form of this command.

Capture network traffic:

capture capture_name [ type { asp-drop [ all | drop-code ] | tls-proxy | raw-data | isakmp [ ikev1 | ikev2 ] | inline-tag [ tag ] | webvpn user webvpn-user } ] [ access-list access_list_name { interface { interface_name | asa_dataplane asa_mgmt_plane | cplane } } [ buffer buf_size ] [ ethernet-type type ] [ reeinject-hide ] [ packet-length bytes ] [ circular-buffer ] [ trace [ trace-count number ] ] [ real-time [ dump ] [ detail ] ] [ match protocol { host source-ip | source-ip mask | any | any4 | any6 } [ operator src_port ] { host dest_ip | dest_ip mask | | any | any4 | any6 } [ operator dest_port ] ] [ switch ] [ offload ] [ ivlan number ] [ ovlan number ]

Capture cluster control-link traffic:

capture capture_name { type lacp interface interface_id [ buffer buf_size ] [ packet-length bytes ] [ circular-buffer ] [ real-time [ dump ] [ detail ] ]

capture capture_name interface cluster [ buffer buf_size ] [ ethernet-type type ] [ packet-length bytes ] [ circular-buffer ] [ cp-cluster ] [ trace [ trace-count number ] ] [ real-time [ dump ] [ detail ] ] [ match protocol { host source-ip | source-ip mask | any | any4 | any6 } [ operator src_port ] { host dest_ip | dest_ip mask | | any | any4 | any6 } [ operator dest_port ] ]

Ingress switch capture packets for Secure Firewall 3100 model devices:

capture capture_name switch interface interface_name [ drop { disable | mac-filter }]

Switch capture packets for Secure Firewall 4200 model devices:

capture capture_name switch interface interface_name [ direction { { both | egress } [ drop disable ] | ingress [ drop { disable | mac-filter }] }]


For Secure Firewall 4200 model devices, the mac-filter option is supported only for the ingress direction.

Capture packets cluster-wide:

cluster exec capture capture_name [ persist ] [ include-decrypted ]

Clear persistent packet traces cluster-wide:

cluster exec clear packet-trace

Remove the packet capture:

no capture capture_name [ arguments ]

Manually stop or start the packet capture:

capture capture_name stop

no capture capture_name stop

Syntax Description

access-list access_list_name

(Optional) Captures traffic that matches an access list. In multiple context mode, this is only available within a context.


Specifies all IPv4 traffic.


Specifies all IPv4 traffic.


Specifies all IPv6 traffic.


Captures all packets dropped by the accelerated security path.


Captures packets on the ASA backplane that pass between the ASA and a module that uses the backplane, such as the ASA FirePOWER module.

asp-drop drop-code

(Optional) Captures packets dropped by the accelerated security path. The drop-code specifies the type of traffic that is dropped by the accelerated security path. See the show asp drop frame command for a list of drop codes. You can enter this keyword with the packet-length , circular-buffer , and buffer keywords, but not with the interface or ethernet-type keyword. In a cluster, dropped forwarded data packets from one unit to another are also captured. In multiple context mode, when this option is issued in the system execution space, all dropped data packets are captured; when this option is issued in a context, only dropped data packets that enter from interfaces belonging to the context are captured.

buffer buf_size

(Optional) Defines the buffer size used to store the packet in bytes. Once the byte buffer is full, packet capture stops. When used in a cluster, this is the per-unit size, not the sum of all units.


Specifies the name of the packet capture. Use the same name on multiple capture statements to capture multiple types of traffic. When you view the capture configuration using the show capture command, all options are combined on one line.


(Optional) Overwrites the buffer, starting from the beginning, when the buffer is full.


(Optional) Capture control packets on cluster interface.


(Optional. Supported only on Secure Firewall 4200 model devices.) Specifies the direction of the switch traffic to be captured. It can be one of the following:

  • both —To capture switch bi-directional traffic

  • egress —To capture switch egressing traffic

  • ingress —To capture switch ingressing traffic


Specifies the packet capture configuration of the mac-filter drop:

  • disable —To disable capture of packets dropped from switch.

  • mac-filter —To capture switch mac-filter drop.


  • For Secure Firewall 3100 model devices, drop is available when you select the interface.

  • For Secure Firewall 4200 model devices, the drop keyword is available only when you select the direction. However, the mac-filter option is supported only for the ingress packet capture direction.

ethernet-type type

(Optional) Selects an Ethernet type to capture. Supported Ethernet types include 8021Q, ARP, IP, IP6, LACP, PPPOED, PPPOES, RARP, and VLAN. An exception occurs with the 802.1Q or VLAN type. The 802.1Q tag is automatically skipped and the inner Ethernet type is used for matching.

host ip

Specifies the single IP address of the host to which the packet is being sent.


(Optional) Captures decrypted IPsec packets which contain both normal and decrypted traffic once they enter the firewall device. It also captures packets of SSL decrypted traffic. However, the capture does not include the decrypted packets from VTI because they are available only on the VTI interface and not on the outside interface.

inline-tag tag

Specifies a tag for a particular SGT value or leaves it unspecified to capture a tagged packet with any SGT value.

interface interface_name

Sets the name of the interface on which to use packet capture. You must configure an interface for any packets to be captured except for type asp-drop . You can configure multiple interfaces using multiple capture commands with the same name. To capture packets on the dataplane, management plane, or control plane of an ASA, you can use the interface keyword with asa_dataplane , asa_mgmt_plane , or cplane as the interface name.You can specify cluster as the interface name to capture the traffic on the cluster control link interface. If the type lacp capture is configured, the interface name is the physical name.

ikev1 or ikev2

Captures only IKEv1 or IKEv2 protocol information.


(Optional) Captures ISAKMP traffic for VPN connections. The ISAKMP subsystem does not have access to the upper layer protocols. The capture is a pseudo capture, with the physical, IP, and UDP layers combined together to satisfy a PCAP parser. The peer addresses are obtained from the SA exchange and are stored in the IP layer.


(Optional) Captures LACP traffic. If configured, the interface name is the physical interface name.


The subnet mask for the IP address. When you specify a network mask, the method is different from the Cisco IOS software access-list command. The ASA uses a network mask (for example, for a Class C mask). The Cisco IOS mask uses wildcard bits (for example,

match protocol

Specifies the packets that match the five-tuple to allow filtering of those packets to be captured. You can use this keyword up to three times on one line.


(Optional) Matches the port numbers used by the source or destination. The permitted operators are as follows:

  • lt—less than

  • gt—greater than

  • eq—equal to

  • neq —not equal to

  • range —range

packet-length bytes

(Optional) Sets the maximum number of bytes of each packet to store in the capture buffer.


(Optional) Captures persistent packets on cluter units.


(Optional) If you set the protocol to tcp or udp, specifies the integer or name of a TCP or UDP port.


(Optional) Captures inbound and outbound packets on one or more interfaces.


Displays the captured packets continuously in real-time. To terminate real-time packet capture, enter Ctrl + c. To permanently remove the capture, use the no form of this command. This option applies only to raw-data , switch , and asp-drop captures. This option is not supported when you use the cluster exec capture command.


(Optional) Specifies that no reinjected packets will be captured. Applies only in a clustering environment.


(Optional) Manually stops the capture without removing it. Use the no form of this command to start the capture.


(Optional) Captures decrypted inbound and outbound data from TLS proxy on one or more interfaces.

trace trace_count

(Optional) Captures packet trace information, and the number of packets to capture. This option is used with an access list to insert trace packets into the data path to determine whether or not the packet has been processed as expected.


(Optional) Specifies the type of data captured.

user webvpn-user

(Optional) Specifies a username for a WebVPN capture.


(Optional) Captures WebVPN data for a specific WebVPN connection.

Command Default

The defaults are as follows:

  • The default type is raw-data

  • The default buffer size is 512 KB .

  • The default Ethernet type is IP packets.

  • The default packet-length is 1518 bytes.

  • The default direction is ingress.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


This command was modified to include the following keywords: type asp-drop , type isakmp , type raw-data , and type webvpn .


Added the all option to capture all packets that the ASA drops.


This command was modified to include the following options: trace trace_count, match prot, real-time, host ip, any , mask, and operator.


This command was modified to update the path to capture contents.


The new type keywords ikev1 and ikev2 were added.


Additional detail was added to the output for IDS.


The asa_dataplane option was added to support traffic over the backplane to the ASA CX module.


The cluster, cluster exec, and reinject-hide keywords were added. The new type option lacp was added. Support for multiple-context mode was added for ISAKMP.


Supports filtering of packets captured on the ASA CX backplane with the asa_dataplane option.


The asa_dataplane option was extended to support the ASA FirePOWER module.


The inline-tag tag keyword-argument pair was added to support the SGT plus Ethernet Tagging feature.


Packet capture of type asp-drop supports ACL and match filtering.


Added the stop keyword to manually stop and start the packet capture.


This command was updated to store the contents of all the active captures to files on flash or disks at the time of box crash.


Support for capturing clustering persistent tracing and decrypted packets. New options were added: persist and include-decrypted .

In addition, the ethernet-type ipx was removed, because IPX corresponds to 3 separate ethernet-types. Instead, use the hexadecimal value of the IPX type you want to capture.


Added the any4 and any6 keywords for the match option to capture IPv4 and IPv6 network traffic respectively.


Added cp-cluster to capture control packets on cluster interface.


Included real-time keyword to enable real-time switch packet capture.


The direction keyword was added to capture switch traffic that flows in egress, ingress, or both directions. This keyword is applicable only for Secure Firewall 4200 model devices.

Usage Guidelines

Capturing packets is useful when troubleshooting connectivity problems or monitoring suspicious activity. You can create multiple captures. The capture command is not saved to the running configuration, and is not copied to the standby unit during failover.

The ASA is capable of tracking all IP traffic that flows across it and of capturing all the IP traffic that is destined to it, including all the management traffic (such as SSH and Telnet traffic).

The ASA architecture consists of three different sets of processors for packet processing; this architecture poses certain restrictions on the capability of the capture feature. Typically most of the packet forwarding functionality in the ASA is handled by the two front-end network processors, and packets are sent to the control-plane general-purpose processor only if they need application inspection. The packets are sent to the session management path network processor only if there is a session miss in the accelerated path processor.

Because all the packets that are forwarded or dropped by the ASA hits the two front-end network processors, the packet capture feature is implemented in these network processors. So all the packets that hit the ASA can be captured by these front end processors, if an appropriate capture is configured for those traffic interfaces. On the ingress side, the packets are captured the moment the packet hits the ASA interfaces, and on the egress side the packets are captured just before they are sent out on the wire.


Enabling WebVPN capture affects the performance of the ASA. Be sure to disable the capture after you generate the capture files that you need for troubleshooting.

Save the Capture

The contents of any active capture on ASA are saved when the box crashes.

When you activate captures as part of the troubleshooting process, you must note the following points:

  • The size of capture buffer to use and if there is enough space on flash/disk.

  • The capture buffer should be marked as circular for all the use cases, so that captured packets are the most recent before crash.

The name of the file for saving contents of an active capture is in the format of:


The context_name indicates the name of the user context in which capture is activated in the multi-context mode. For the single context mode, the context_name is not applicable.

The capture_name indicates the name of the capture that is activated.

The capture save happens before the console or crash dump. This increases the crash downtime by about 5 seconds for a 33 MB capture buffer. The risk of a nested crash is minimal because copying the captured contents to a file is a simple process.

View the Capture

  • To view the packet capture at the CLI, use the show capture name command.

  • To save the capture to a file, use the copy capture command.

  • To see the packet capture information with a web browser, use the https://ASA-ip-address/admin/capture/capture_name[/pcap] command.

    You are prompted for a username and password. See the username command to add a username to the local database.

    If you specify the pcap keyword, then a libpcap-format file is downloaded to the web browser and can be saved using the web browser. (A libcap file can be viewed with TCPDUMP or Ethereal.)

If you copy the buffer contents to a TFTP server in ASCII format, you will see only the headers, not the details and hexadecimal dump of the packets. To see the details and hexadecimal dump, you need to transfer the buffer in PCAP format and read it with TCPDUMP or Ethereal.

Stop and Start the Capture

The packets can be stopped from being captured without removing them from the buffer. The stopped status of the capture is displayed. The captured packet is retained in the buffer.

Use the following command to manually stop packet capture:

capture name stop

Use the following command to start capturing packets:

no capture name stop

Delete the Capture

Entering no capture without any keywords deletes the capture. To preserve the capture, specify the access-list or interface keyword; the capture is detached from the specified ACL or interface and the capture is preserved.

Real Time Operations

You cannot perform any operations on a capture while the real-time display is in progress. Using the real-time keyword with a slow console connection may result in an excessive number of non-displayed packets because of performance considerations. The fixed limit of the buffer is 1000 packets. If the buffer fills up, a counter is maintained of the captured packets. If you open another session, you can disable the real-time display be entering the no capture real-time command.


You can precede the capture command with cluster exec to issue the capture command on one unit and run the command in all the other units at the same time. After you have performed cluster-wide capture, to copy the same capture file from all units in the cluster at the same time to a TFTP server, enter the cluster exec copy command on the master unit.

ciscoasa# cluster exec capture 
capture_name arguments
ciscoasa# cluster exec copy
 /pcap capture
: cap_name

Multiple PCAP files, one from each unit, are copied to the TFTP server. The destination capture file name is automatically attached with the unit name, such as filename_A.pcap, filename_B.pcap, and so on. In this example, A and B are cluster unit names.

When you capture traces on cluster units, they are persistent on each cluster node until you manually clear them from the buffer. Decrypted IPsec packets are captured once they enter ASA. The captured packet includes both normal and decapsulated traffic.


A different destination name is generated if you add the unit name at the end of the filename.


The following are some of the limitations of the capture feature. Most of the limitations are caused by the distributed nature of the ASA architecture and by the hardware accelerators that are being used in the ASA.

  • You can configure captures on the cluster control link within a context; only the packet that is associated with the context sent in the cluster control link is captured.

  • For a shared VLAN, the following guidelines apply:

    • You can only configure one capture for the VLAN; if you configure a capture in multiple contexts on the shared VLAN, then only the last capture that was configured is used.

    • If you remove the last-configured (active) capture, no captures become active, even if you have previously configured a capture in another context; you must remove and readd the capture to make it active.

    • All traffic that enters the interface to which the capture is attached (and that matches the capture access list) is captured, including traffic to other contexts on the shared VLAN.

    • Therefore, if you enable a capture in Context A for a VLAN that is also used by Context B, both Context A and Context B ingress traffic are captured.

  • For egress traffic, only the traffic of the context with the active capture is captured. The only exception is when you do not enable the ICMP inspection (therefore the ICMP traffic does not have a session in the accelerated path). In this case, both ingress and egress ICMP traffic for all contexts on the shared VLAN is captured.

  • Configuring a capture typically involves configuring an access list that matches the traffic that needs to be captured. After an access list that matches the traffic pattern is configured, then you need to define a capture and associate this access list to the capture, along with the interface on which the capture needs to be configured. Note that a capture only works if an access list and an interface are associated with a capture for capturing IPv4 traffic. The access list is not required for IPv6 traffic.

  • For the ASA CX module traffic, captured packets contain an additional AFBP header that your PCAP viewer might not understand; be sure to use the appropriate plugin to view these packets.

  • For inline SGT tagged packets, captured packets contain an additional CMD header that your PCAP viewer might not understand.

  • If there is no ingress interface and therefore no global interface, packets sent on the backplane are treated as control packets in the system context. These packets bypass the access list check and are always captured. This behavior applies in both single mode and multiple context mode.

  • The show capture command shows the correct reason when capturing a specific asp-drop. However, the show capture command does not show the correct reason when capturing all asp-drops.


To capture a packet, enter the following command:

ciscoasa# capture captest interface inside
ciscoasa# capture captest interface outside

On a web browser, you can view the content of the capture command that was issued, named “captest,” at the following location:

To download a libpcap file (that web browsers use) to a local machine, enter the following command:

The following example shows how to capture a packet in the single-mode when the ASA box crashes:

ciscoasa# capture 123 interface inside

The contents of capture ‘123’ is saved as 123.pcap file.

The following example shows how to capture a packet in the multi-mode when the ASA box crashes:

ciscoasa# capture 456 interface inside

The contents of capture ‘456’ in ‘admin’ context is saved as admin.456.pcap file.

The following example shows that the traffic is captured from an outside host at to an inside HTTP server:

ciscoasa# access-list http permit tcp host eq http host
ciscoasa# access-list http permit tcp host host eq http
ciscoasa# capture http access-list http packet-length 74 interface inside

The following example shows how to capture ARP packets:

ciscoasa# capture arp ethernet-type arp interface outside

The following example inserts five tracer packets into the data stream, where access-list 101 defines traffic that matches TCP protocol FTP:

hostname# capture ftptrace interface outside access-list 101 trace 5

To view the traced packets and information about packet processing in an easily readable manner, use the show capture ftptrace command.

The following example shows how to display captured packets in real-time:

ciscoasa# capture test interface outside real-time
Warning: Using this option with a slow console connection may result in an excess amount of non-displayed packets due to performance limitations.
Use ctrl-c to terminate real-time capture.
10 packets displayed
12 packets not displayed due to performance limitations

The following example shows how to configure an extended access list that matches the IPv4 traffic that needs to be captured:

ciscoasa (config)# access-list capture extended permit ip any any

The following examples shows how to configure the capture:

ciscoasa (config)# capture name access-list acl_name interface interface_name

By default, configuring a capture creates a linear capture buffer of size 512 KB. You can optionally configure a circular buffer. By default, only 68 bytes of the packets are captured in the buffer. You can optionally change this value.

The following example creates a capture called “ip-capture” using the capture access list previously configured that is applied to the outside interface:

ciscoasa (config)# capture ip-capture access-list capture interface outside

The following example creates a capture called “switch-capture” on outside interface for Secure Firewall 3100:

ciscoasa (config)# capture switch-capture switch interface outside drop ?
exec mode commands/options:
  disable Disable capturing dropped packets from switch
  mac-filter To capture switch mac-filter drop
ciscoasa(config)# capture switch-capture switch interface outside drop mac-filter

The following example shows how to view the capture:

ciscoasa (config)# show capture name

The following example shows how to end the capture, but retain the buffer:

ciscoasa (config)# no capture name access-list acl_name interface interface_name

The following example shows how to end the capture and delete the buffer:

ciscoasa (config)# no capture name

The following example shows how to filter traffic captured on the backplane in single mode:

ciscoasa# capture x interface asa_dataplane access-list any4
ciscoasa# capture y interface asa_dataplane match ip any any


Control packets are captured in the single mode even though you have specified the access list.

The following examples show how to filter traffic captured on the backplane in multiple context mode:

Usage in user context:

ciscoasa (contextA)# capture x interface asa_dataplane access-list any4
ciscoasa (contextA)# capture y interface asa_dataplane match ip any any

Usage in system context:

ciscoasa# capture z interface asa_dataplane


In multiple context mode, the access-list and match options are not available in the system context.


Capture for Clustering

To enable capture on all units in the cluster, you can add the cluster exec keywords in front of each of these commands.

The following example shows how to create an LACP capture for the clustering environment:

ciscoasa (config)# capture lacp type lacp interface gigabitEthernet0/0

The following example shows how to create a capture for control path packets in the clustering link:

ciscoasa (config)# cap cp interface cluster match udp any eq 49495 any 
ciscoasa (config)# cap cp interface cluster match udp any any eq 49495

The following example shows how to create a capture for data path packets in the clustering link:

ciscoasa (config)# access-list cc1 extended permit udp any any eq 4193
ciscoasa (config)# access-list cc1 extended permit udp any eq 4193 any
ciscoasa (config)# capture dp interface cluster access-list ccl

The following example shows how to capture data path traffic through the cluster:

ciscoasa (config)# capture abc interface inside match tcp host host eq www
ciscoasa (config)# capture abc interface inside match dup host any
ciscoasa (config)# capture abc interface inside access-list xxx

The following example shows how to capture logical update messages for flows that match the real source to the real destination, and capture packets forwarded over CCL that match the real source to the real destination:

ciscoasa (config)# access-list dp permit
 real src real dst

The following example shows how to capture a certain type of data plane message, such as icmp echo request/response, that is forwarded from one ASA to another ASA using the match keyword or the access list for the message type:

ciscoasa (config)# capture capture_name interface cluster access-list match icmp any any 

The following example shows how to create a capture by using access list 103 on a cluster control link in a clustering environment:

ciscoasa (config)# access-list 103 permit ip A B
ciscoasa (config)# capture example1 interface cluster 

In the previous example, if A and B are IP addresses for the CCL interface, only the packets that are sent between these two units are captured.

If A and B are IP addresses for through-device traffic, then the following is true:

  • Forwarded packets are captured as usual, provided the source and destination IP addresses are matched with the access list.

  • The data path logic update message is captured provided it is for the flow between A and B or for an access list (for example, access-list 103). The capture matches the five-tuple of the embedded flow.

  • Although the source and destination addresses in the UDP packet are CCL addresses, if this packet is to update a flow that is associated with addresses A and B, it is also captured. That is, as long as addresses A and B that are embedded in the packet are matched, it is also captured.

The following example shows how to configure capture with persistent option:

cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec capture test interface outside trace persist 

Now, you can send some traffic.

cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec show packet-tracer
  tracer 29/25 (allocate/freed), handle 29/25 (allocated/freed), error 0
  =======  Tracer origin-id a:23, hop 0 =======
  packet-id: Protocol: 0 src-port: 0 dst-port: 0
  Phase: 1
  Result: ALLOW
  Additional Information:
  MAC Access list
  Phase: 2
  Result: DROP
  Implicit Rule
  Additional Information:
  MAC Access list
  input-interface: outside
  input-status: up
  input-line-status: up
  Action: drop
  Drop-reason: (l2_acl) FP L2 rule drop

The following example shows that, to free up some memory you must clear the captured persistent traces from the box.

ciscoasa# cluster exec clear packet-trace

The following example displays how to configure the capture with include-decrypted option:

  cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec show capture
  capture in type raw-data trace interface outside include-decrypted [Capturing – 588 bytes] 
  capture out type raw-data trace interface outside include-decrypted [Capturing - 420 bytes] 

Now, you can send some ICMP traffic through IPSec tunnel. The capture command obtains the decrypted ICMP packets as outlined:

  cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec show capture in | i icmp
  cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec show capture out | i icmp
  cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec show capture in | i icmp
     8: 07:22:57.065014       802.1Q vlan#212 P0 > icmp: echo request   
  cluster2-asa5585a(config)# cluster exec show capture out | i icmp
    10: 07:22:57.068004       802.1Q vlan#214 P0 > icmp: echo reply

The following example shows how to create and start an egress traffic capture for a switch:

ciscoasa(config)# capture switch_cap switch interface gigabitEthernet0/0 direction ?
exec mode commands/options:
  both     To capture switch bi-directional traffic
  egress   To capture switch egressing traffic
  ingress  To capture switch ingressing traffic
ciscoasa(config)# capture switch_cap switch interface gigabitEthernet0/0 direction egress
ciscoasa(config)# no capture switch_cap switch stop


To change the current working directory to the one specified, use the cd command in privileged EXEC mode.

cd [ disk0: | disk1: | flash: ] [ path ]

Syntax Description

disk0 :

Specifies the internal Flash memory, followed by a colon.


Specifies the removable, external Flash memory card, followed by a colon.


Specifies the internal Flash memory, followed by a colon. In the ASA 5500 series, the flash keyword is aliased to disk0 .


(Optional) The absolute path of the directory to change to.

Command Default

If you do not specify a directory, the directory is changed to the root directory.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example shows how to change to the “config” directory:

ciscoasa# cd flash:/config/


To specify the CDP to be included in certificates issued by the local CA, use the cdp-url command in ca server configuration mode. To revert to the default CDP, use the no form of this command.

[ no ] cdp-url url

Syntax Description


Specifies the URL where a validating party obtains revocation status for certificates issued by the local CA. The URL must be less than 500 alphanumeric characters.


ASA supports both IPv4 and IPv6 CDP URLs. Enclose IPv6 addresses in square brackets, for example: http://[0:0:0:0:0.18:0a01:7c16].

Command Default

(For ASA versions 9.12(1) and earlier) The default CDP URL is that of the ASA that includes the local CA. The default URL is in the format: http://hostname.domain/+CSCOCA+/asa_ca.crl.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Ca server configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


Support for IPv6 CDP URL was added.

Usage Guidelines

The CDP is an extension that can be included in issued certificates to specify the location where a validating party can obtain revocation status for the certificate. Only one CDP can be configured at a time.


If a CDP URL is specified, it is the responsibility of the administrator to maintain access to the current CRL from that location.


The following example (applicable only for ASA versions 9.12(1) and earlier) configures a CDP at for certificates issued by the local CA server:

ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca server
# cdp-url

The following example configures a CDP IPv6 url:

ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca server
# cdp-url http://[0:0:0:0:0:ffff:0a01:7c16]


To add the indicated certificate, use the certificate command in crypto ca certificate chain configuration mode. To delete the certificate, use the no form of this command.

certificate [ ca | ra-encrypt | ra-sign | ra-general ] certificate-serial-number

no certificate certificate-serial-number

Syntax Description


Indicates that the certificate is a CA issuing certificate.


Specifies the serial number of the certificate in hexadecimal format ending with the word “quit.”


Indicates that the certificate is an RA key encipherment certificate used in SCEP.


Indicates that the certificate is an RA certificate used for digital signing and key encipherment in SCEP messaging.


Indicates that the certificate is an RA digital signature certificate used in SCEP messaging.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Crypto ca certificate chain configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

When this command is issued, the ASA interprets the data included with it as the certificate in hexadecimal format. A quit string indicates the end of the certificate.

A CA is an authority in a network that issues and manages security credentials and public key for message encryption. As part of a public key infrastructure, a CA checks with a RA to verify information provided by the requester of a digital certificate. If the RA verifies the requester information, the CA can then issue a certificate.


The following example adds a CA certificate with the serial number 29573D5FF010FE25B45:

crypto ca trustpoint central
crypto ca certificate chain central 
certificate ca 29573D5FF010FE25B45
  30820345 308202EF A0030201 02021029 572A3FF2 96EF854F D0D6732F E25B4530
  0D06092A 864886F7 0D010105 05003081 8F311630 1406092A 864886F7 0D010901
  16076140 622E636F 6D310B30 09060355 04061302 55533116 30140603 55040813
  0D6D6173 73616368 75736574 74733111 300F0603 55040713 08667261 6E6B6C69
  6E310E30 0C060355 040A1305 63697363 6F310F30 0D060355 040B1306 726F6F74
  6F75311C 301A0603 55040313 136D732D 726F6F74 2D736861 2D30362D 32303031
  301E170D 30313036 32363134 31313430 5A170D32 32303630 34313430 3133305A
  30818F31 16301406 092A8648 86F70D01 09011607 6140622E 636F6D31 0B300906
  03550406 13025553 31163014 06035504 08130D6D 61737361 63687573 65747473
  3111300F 06035504 07130866 72616E6B 6C696E31 0E300C06 0355040A 13056369
  73636F31 0F300D06 0355040B 1306726F 6F746F75 311C301A 06035504 0313136D
  732D726F 6F742D73 68612D30 362D3230 3031305C 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101
  01050003 4B003048 024100AA 3EB9859B 8670A6FB 5E7D2223 5C11BCFE 48E6D3A8
  181643ED CF7E75EE E77D83DF 26E51876 97D8281E 9F58E4B0 353FDA41 29FC791B
  1E14219C 847D19F4 A51B7B02 03010001 A3820123 3082011F 300B0603 551D0F04
  04030201 C6300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301D 0603551D 0E041604
  14E0D412 3ACC96C2 FBF651F3 3F66C0CE A62AB63B 323081CD 0603551D 1F0481C5
  3081C230 3EA03CA0 3A86386C 6461703A 2F2F7732 6B616476 616E6365 64737276
  2F436572 74456E72 6F6C6C2F 6D732D72 6F6F742D 7368612D 30362D32 3030312E
  63726C30 3EA03CA0 3A863868 7474703A 2F2F7732 6B616476 616E6365 64737276
  2F436572 74456E72 6F6C6C2F 6D732D72 6F6F742D 7368612D 30362D32 3030312E
  63726C30 40A03EA0 3C863A66 696C653A 2F2F5C5C 77326B61 6476616E 63656473
  72765C43 65727445 6E726F6C 6C5C6D73 2D726F6F 742D7368 612D3036 2D323030
  312E6372 6C301006 092B0601 04018237 15010403 02010130 0D06092A 864886F7
  0D010105 05000341 0056221E 03F377B9 E6900BF7 BCB3568E ADBA146F 3B8A71F3
  DF9EB96C BB1873B2 B6268B7C 0229D8D0 FFB40433 C8B3CB41 0E4D212B 2AEECD77
  BEA3C1FE 5EE2AB6D 91


To associate a rule entry from a certificate map with a tunnel group, use the certificate-group-map command in webvpn configuration mode. To clear current tunnel-group map associations, use the no form of this command.

certificate-group-map certificate_map_name index tunnel_group_name

no certificate-group-map

Syntax Description


The name of a certificate map.


The numeric identifier for a map entry in the certificate map. The index value can be in the range of 1-65535.


The name of the tunnel group chosen if the map entry matches the certificate. The tunnel-group name must already exist.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Webvpn configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

With the certificate-group-map command in effect, if a certificate received from a WebVPN client corresponds to a map entry, the resulting tunnel group is associated with the connection, overriding any tunnel group choice made by the user.

Multiple instances of the certificate-group-map command allow multiple mappings.


The following example shows how to associate rule 6 for a tunnel group named tgl:

ciscoasa (config)# webvpn

hostname(config-webvpn)# certificate-group-map map1 6 tg1


To enable sending a certificate chain, use the chain command in tunnel-group ipsec-attributes configuration mode. To return this command to the default, use the no form of this command.


no chain

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default setting for this command is disabled.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Tunnel-group ipsec-attributes configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

You can apply this attribute to all IPsec tunnel group types.

Entering this command includes the root certificate and any subordinate CA certificates in the transmission.


The following example entered in tunnel-group-ipsec attributes configuration mode, enables sending a chain for an IPSec LAN-to-LAN tunnel group with the IP address of, which includes the root certificate and any subordinate CA certificates:

ciscoasa(config)# tunnel-group type IPSec_L2L
ciscoasa(config)# tunnel-group ipsec-attributes
ciscoasa(config-tunnel-ipsec)# chain


To enable users to change their own account passwords, use the change-password command in privileged EXEC mode.

change-password [ /silent ] [ old-password old-password [ new-password new-password ]]

Syntax Description

new-password new-password

Specifies the new password.

old-password old-password

Reauthenticates the user.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

If users omit the passwords, the ASA prompts them for input. When users enter the change-password command, they are asked to save their running configuration. After a user has successfully changed the password, a message appears to remind the user to save configuration changes.


The following example changes a user account password:

ciscoasa# change-password old-password 
 new password 


To change between security contexts and the system, use the changeto command in privileged EXEC mode.

changeto { system | context name }

Syntax Description

context name

Changes to the context with the specified name.


Changes to the system execution space.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

If you log into the system execution space or the admin context, you can change between contexts and perform configuration and monitoring tasks within each context. The “running” configuration that you edit in configuration mode, or that is used in the copy or write commands, depends on which execution space you are in. When you are in the system execution space, the running configuration consists only of the system configuration; when you are in a context execution space, the running configuration consists only of that context. For example, you cannot view all running configurations (system plus all contexts) by entering the show running-config command. Only the current configuration appears.


The following example changes between contexts and the system in privileged EXEC mode:

ciscoasa/admin# changeto system
ciscoasa# changeto context customerA

The following example changes between the system and the admin context in interface configuration mode. When you change between execution spaces, and you are in a configuration mode, the mode changes to the global configuration mode in the new execution space.

ciscoasa(config-if)# changeto context admin


To assign a physical interface to an EtherChannel, use the channel-group command in interface configuration mode. To unassaign the interface, use the no form of this command.

channel-group channel_id mode { active | passive | on } [ vss-id { 1 | 2 } ]

no channel-group channel_id

Syntax Description


Specifies the EtherChannel to which you want to assign this interface, between 1 and 48.

vss-id {1 | 2 }

(Optional) With clustering, if you are connecting the ASA to two switches in a VSS or vPC, then configure the vss-id keyword to identify to which switch this interface is connected (1 or 2). You must also use the port-channel span-cluster vss-load-balance command for the port-channel interface.

mode {active | passive | on }

You can configure each physical interface in an EtherChannel to be:

  • Active—Sends and receives Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) updates. An active EtherChannel can establish connectivity with either an active or a passive EtherChannel. You should use the active mode unless you need to minimize the amount of LACP traffic.

  • Passive—Receives LACP updates. A passive EtherChannel can only establish connectivity with an active EtherChannel.

  • On—The EtherChannel is always on, and LACP is not used. An “on” EtherChannel can only establish a connection with another “on” EtherChannel.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Interface configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




We added this command.


We added the vss-id keyword to support ASA clustering and spanned EtherChannels.

Usage Guidelines

Each channel group can have eight active interfaces. Note that you can assign up to 16 interfaces to a channel group. While only eight interfaces can be active, the remaining interfaces can act as standby links in case of interface failure.

All interfaces in the channel group must be the same type and speed. The first interface added to the channel group determines the correct type and speed.

If the port-channel interface for this channel ID does not yet exist in the configuration, one will be added:

interface port-channel

The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) aggregates interfaces by exchanging the Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Units (LACPDUs) between two network devices. LACP coordinates the automatic addition and deletion of links to the EtherChannel without user intervention. It also handles misconfigurations and checks that both ends of member interfaces are connected to the correct channel group. “On” mode cannot use standby interfaces in the channel group when an interface goes down, and the connectivity and configurations are not checked.

ASA Clustering

You can include multiple interfaces per ASA in a spanned EtherChannel. Multiple interfaces per ASA are especially useful for connecting to both switches in a VSS or vPC. If you are connecting the ASA to two switches in a VSS or vPC, then you should enable VSS load balancing by using the vss-load-balance keyword. This feature ensures that the physical link connections between the ASAs to the VSS (or vPC) pair are balanced. You must configure the vss-id keyword in the channel-group command for each member interface before enabling load balancing.


The following example assigns interfaces to channel group 1:

ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ciscoasa(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode active
ciscoasa(config-if)# interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ciscoasa(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode active
ciscoasa(config-if)# interface GigabitEthernet0/2
ciscoasa(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode passive


To specify the global character encoding in WebVPN portal pages, use the character-encoding command in webvpn configuration mode. To remove the value of the character-encoding attribute, use the no form of this command.

character-encoding charset

no character-encoding charset

Syntax Description


String consisting of up to 40 characters, and equal to one of the valid character sets identified in . You can use either the name or the alias of a character set listed on that page. Examples include iso-8859-1, shift_jis, and ibm850.

The string is case-insensitive. The command interpreter converts upper case to lower case in the ASA configuration.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Webvpn configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Character encoding , also called “character coding” and “a character set,” is the pairing of raw data (such as 0s and 1s) and characters to represent the data. The language determines the character encoding method to use. Some languages use the same method, while others do not. Usually, the geographic region determines the default encoding method used by the browser, but the user can change this. The browser can also detect the encoding specified on the page, and render the document accordingly. The character-encoding attribute lets the user specify the value of the character-encoding method into the WebVPN portal page to ensure that the browser renders it correctly, regardless of the region in which the user is using the browser, or any changes made to the browser.

The character-encoding attribute is a global setting that, by default, all WebVPN portal pages inherit. However, the user can override the file-encoding attribute for Common Internet File System (CIFS) servers that use character encoding that differs from the value of the character-encoding attribute. Use different file-encoding values for CIFS servers that require different character encodings.

The WebVPN portal pages downloaded from the CIFS server to the WebVPN user encode the value of the WebVPN file-encoding attribute identifying the server, or if one does not, they inherit the value of the character-encoding attribute. The remote user browser maps this value to an entry in its character encoding set to determine the proper character set to use. The WebVPN portal pages do not specify a value if WebVPN configuration does not specify a file-encoding entry for the CIFS server and the character-encoding attribute is not set. The remote browser uses its own default encoding if the WebVPN portal page does not specify the character encoding or if it specifies a character encoding value that the browser does not support.

The mapping of CIFS servers to their appropriate character encoding, globally with the webvpn character-encoding attribute, and individually with file-encoding overrides, provides for the accurate handling and display of CIFS pages when the correct rendering of file names or directory paths, as well as pages, is an issue.


The character-encoding and file-encoding values do not exclude the font family to be used by the browser. The user needs to complement the setting of one these values with the page style command in webvpn customization command mode to replace the font family if you are using Japanese Shift_JIS character encoding, as shown in the following example, or enter the no page style command in webvpn customization command mode to remove the font family.

The encoding type set on the remote browser determines the character set for WebVPN portal pages when this attribute does not have a value.


The following example sets the character-encoding attribute to support Japanese Shift_JIS characters, removes the font family, and retains the default background color:

ciscoasa(config)# webvpn
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# character-encoding shift_jis
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# customization DfltCustomization
ciscoasa(config-webvpn-custom)# page style background-color:white


To configure checkheaps verification intervals, use the checkheaps command in global configuration mode. To set the value to the default, use the no form of this command.

checkheaps { check-interval | validate-checksum } seconds

no checkheaps { check-interval | validate-checksum } [ seconds ]

Syntax Description


Sets the buffer verification interval. The buffer verification process checks the sanity of the heap (allocated and freed memory buffers). During each invocation of the process, the ASA checks the entire heap, validating each memory buffer. If there is a discrepancy, the ASA issues either an “allocated buffer error” or a “free buffer error.” If there is an error, the ASA dumps traceback information when possible and reloads.


Sets the interval in seconds between 1 and 2147483.


Sets the code space checksum validation interval. When the ASA first boots up, the ASA calculates a hash of the entire code. Later, during the periodic check, the ASA generates a new hash and compares it to the original. If there is a mismatch, the ASA issues a “text checksum checkheaps error.” If there is an error, the ASA dumps traceback information when possible and reloads.

Command Default

The default intervals are 60 seconds each.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Checkheaps is a periodic process that verifies the sanity of the heap memory buffers (dynamic memory is allocated from the system heap memory region) and the integrity of the code region.


The following example sets the buffer allocation interval to 200 seconds and the code space checksum interval to 500 seconds:

ciscoasa(config)# checkheaps check-interval 200
ciscoasa(config)# checkheaps validate-checksum 500


To prevent against TCP retransmission style attacks, use the check-retransmission command in tcp-map configuration mode. To remove this specification, use the no form of this command.


no check-retransmission

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default is disabled.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Tcp-map configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The tcp-map command is used along with the Modular Policy Framework infrastructure. Define the class of traffic using the class-map command and customize the TCP inspection with tcp-map commands. Apply the new TCP map using the policy-map command. Activate TCP inspection with service-policy commands.

Use the tcp-map command to enter tcp-map configuration mode. To prevent against TCP retransmission style attacks that arise from end-system interpretation of inconsistent retransmissions, use the check-retransmission command in tcp-map configuration mode.

The ASA will make efforts to verify if the data in retransmits are the same as the original. If the data does not match, then the connection is dropped by the ASA. When this feature is enabled, packets on the TCP connection are only allowed in order. For more details, see the queue-limit command.


The following example enables the TCP check-retransmission feature on all TCP flows:

ciscoasa(config)# access-list TCP extended permit tcp any any
ciscoasa(config)# tcp-map tmap
ciscoasa(config-tcp-map)# check-retransmission
ciscoasa(config)# class-map cmap
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list TCP
ciscoasa(config)# policy-map pmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class cmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# set connection advanced-options tmap
ciscoasa(config)# service-policy pmap global


To enable or disable TCP checksum verification, use the checksum-verification command in tcp-map configuration mode. To remove this specification, use the no form of this command.


no checksum-verification

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Checksum verification is disabled by default.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Tcp-map configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The tcp-map command is used along with the Modular Policy Framework infrastructure. Define the class of traffic using the class-map command and customize the TCP inspection with tcp-map commands. Apply the new TCP map using the policy-map command. Activate TCP inspection with service-policy commands.

Use the tcp-map command to enter tcp-map configuration mode. Use the checksum-verification command in tcp-map configuration mode to enable TCP checksum verification. If the check fails, the packet is dropped.


The following example enables TCP checksum verification on TCP connections from to

ciscoasa(config)# access-list TCP1 extended permit tcp
ciscoasa(config)# tcp-map tmap
ciscoasa(config-tcp-map)# checksum-verification
ciscoasa(config)# class-map cmap
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list TCP1
ciscoasa(config)# policy-map pmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class cmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# set connection advanced-options tmap
ciscoasa(config)# service-policy pmap global


To enable or disable TCP checksum verification, use the checksum-verification command in tcp-map configuration mode. To remove this specification, use the no form of this command.


no checksum-verification

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Checksum verification is disabled by default.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Tcp-map configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The tcp-map command is used along with the Modular Policy Framework infrastructure. Define the class of traffic using the class-map command and customize the TCP inspection with tcp-map commands. Apply the new TCP map using the policy-map command. Activate TCP inspection with service-policy commands.

Use the tcp-map command to enter tcp-map configuration mode. Use the checksum-verification command in tcp-map configuration mode to enable TCP checksum verification. If the check fails, the packet is dropped.


The following example enables TCP checksum verification on TCP connections from to

ciscoasa(config)# access-list TCP1 extended permit tcp
ciscoasa(config)# tcp-map tmap
ciscoasa(config-tcp-map)# checksum-verification
ciscoasa(config)# class-map cmap
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list TCP1
ciscoasa(config)# policy-map pmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class cmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# set connection advanced-options tmap
ciscoasa(config)# service-policy pmap global

cipc security-mode authenticated (Deprecated)

To force Cisco IP Communicator (CIPC) softphones to operate in authenticated mode when CIPC softphones are deployed in a voice and data VLAN scenario, use the cipc security-mode authenticated command in phone-proxy configuration mode. To turn off this command when CIPC softphones support encryption, use the no form of this command.

cipc security-mode authenticated

no cipc security-mode authenticated

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Be default, this command is disabled via the no form of the command.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Phone-proxy configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




The command was added.


This command was deprecated along with all phone-proxy mode commands.

Usage Guidelines

Separating voice and data traffic by using VLANs is a security best practice to hide voice streams from security threats that attempt to penetrate the data VLAN. However, Cisco IP Communicator (CIPC) softphone applications must connect to their respective IP phones, which reside on the voice VLAN. This requirement makes segregating voice and data VLANs an issue because the SIP and SCCP protocols dynamically negotiate the RTP/RTCP ports on a wide range of ports. This dynamic negotiation requires that a range of ports be open between the two VLANs.


Earlier versions of CIPC that do not support Authenticated mode are not supported with the Phone Proxy.

To allow CIPC softphones on the data VLAN to connect to their respective IP phones on the voice VLAN without requiring access between the VLANs on a wide range of ports, you can configure the Phone Proxy with the cipc security-mode authenticated command.

This command allows the Phone Proxy to look for CIPC configuration files and force CIPC softphones to be in authenticated mode rather than encrypted mode, because current versions of CIPC do not support encrypted mode.

When this command is enabled, the Phone Proxy parses the phones configuration file to determine if the phone is a CIPC softphone and changes the security mode to authenticated. Additionally, CIPC softphones support authenticated mode only while the Phone Proxy, by default, forces all phones to be in encrypted mode.


The following example shows the use of the cipc security-mode authenticated command to force Cisco IP Communicator (CIPC) softphones to operate in authenticated mode when CIPC softphones are deployed in a voice and data VLAN scenario:

(config)# phone-proxy asa_phone_proxy
ciscoasa(config-phone-proxy)#cipc security-mode authenticated

clacp static-port-priority

To disable dynamic port priority in LACP for a clustering spanned EtherChannel, which is required for more than 8 active EtherChannel members, use the clacp static-port-priority command in global configuration mode. To enable dynamic port priority, use the no form of this command.


Supported on ASA hardware models only.

clacp static-port-priority

no clacp static-port-priority

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default; dynamic port priority is enabled.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




We added this command.

Usage Guidelines

Some switches do not support dynamic port priority, so this command improves switch compatibility. Moreover, it enables support of more than 8 active spanned EtherChannel members, up to 32 members. Without this command, only 8 active members and 8 standby members are supported.

ASA EtherChannels support up to 16 active links. With spanned EtherChannels, that functionality is extended to support up to 32 active links across the cluster when used with two switches in a vPC and when you disable dynamic port priority with the clacp static-port-priority command. The switches must support EtherChannels with 16 active links, for example, the Nexus 7000 with with F2-Series 10 Gigabit Ethernet Module.

For switches in a VSS or vPC that support 8 active links, you can configure 16 active links in the spanned EtherChannel (8 connected to each switch).


If you want to use more than 8 active links in a spanned EtherChannel, you cannot also have standby links; the support for 9 to 32 active links requires you to disable cLACP dynamic port priority that allows the use of standby links.


The following example disables dynamic port priority:

ciscoasa(config)# clacp static-port-priority

clacp system-mac

To manually configure the cLACP system ID on the master unit in an ASA cluster, use the clacp system-mac command in cluster group configuration mode. To retsore the default setting, use the no form of this command.

clacp system-mac { mac_address | auto } [ system-priority number ]

no clacp system-mac { mac_address | auto } [ system-priority number ]

Syntax Description


Manually sets the system ID in the form H .H .H , where H is a 16-bit hexadecimal digit. For example, the MAC address 00-0A-00-00-AA-AA is entered as 000A.0000.AAAA.


Auto-generates the system ID.

system-priority number

Sets the system priority, between 1 and 65535. The priority is used to decide which unit is in charge of making a bundling decision. By default, the ASA uses priority 1, which is the highest priority. The priority needs to be higher than the priority on the switch.

Command Default

By default, the system-mac is auto-generated (auto ).

By default, the system-priority is 1.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Cluster group configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




We added this command.

Usage Guidelines

When using spanned EtherChannels, the ASA uses cLACP to negotiate the EtherChannel with the neighbor switch. ASAs in a cluster collaborate in cLACP negotiation so that they appear as a single (virtual) device to the switch. One parameter in cLACP negotiation is a system ID, which is in the format of a MAC address. All ASAs use the same system ID: auto-generated by the master unit (the default) and replicated to all slaves; or manually specified in this command. You might want to manually configure the MAC address for troubleshooting purposes, for example, so you can use an easily identified MAC address. Typically, you would use the auto-generated MAC address.

This command is not part of the bootstrap configuration, and is replicated from the master unit to the slave units. However, you cannot change this value after you enable clustering.


The following example manually configures a system ID:

cluster group pod1
local-unit unit1
cluster-interface port-channel1 ip
priority 1
key chuntheunavoidable
clacp system-mac 000a.0000.aaaa
enable noconfirm

class (global)

To create a resource class to which to assign a security context, use the class command in global configuration mode. To remove a class, use the no form of this command.

class name

no class name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name as a string up to 20 characters long. To set the limits for the default class, enter default for the name.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

By default, all security contexts have unlimited access to the resources of the ASA, except where maximum limits per context are enforced. However, if you find that one or more contexts use too many resources, and they cause other contexts to be denied connections, for example, then you can configure resource management to limit the use of resources per context.

The ASA manages resources by assigning contexts to resource classes. Each context uses the resource limits set by the class.

When you create a class, the ASA does not set aside a portion of the resources for each context assigned to the class; rather, the ASA sets the maximum limit for a context. If you oversubscribe resources, or allow some resources to be unlimited, a few contexts can “use up” those resources, potentially affecting service to other contexts. See the limit-resource command to set the resources for the class.

All contexts belong to the default class if they are not assigned to another class; you do not have to actively assign a context to the default class.

If a context belongs to a class other than the default class, those class settings always override the default class settings. However, if the other class has any settings that are not defined, then the member context uses the default class for those limits. For example, if you create a class with a 2 percent limit for all concurrent connections, but no other limits, then all other limits are inherited from the default class. Conversely, if you create a class with limits for all resources, the class uses no settings from the default class.

By default, the default class provides unlimited access to resources for all contexts, except for the following limits, which are by default set to the maximum allowed per context:

  • Telnet sessions—5 sessions.

  • SSH sessions—5 sessions.

  • MAC addresses—65,535 entries.


The following example sets the default class limit for conns to 10 percent instead of unlimited:

ciscoasa(config)# class default
ciscoasa(config-class)# limit-resource conns 10%

All other resources remain at unlimited.

To add a class called gold, enter the following commands:

ciscoasa(config)# class gold
limit-resource mac-addresses 10000
limit-resource conns 15%
limit-resource rate conns 1000
limit-resource rate inspects 500
limit-resource hosts 9000
limit-resource asdm 5
limit-resource ssh 5
limit-resource rate syslogs 5000
limit-resource telnet 5
limit-resource xlates 36000
limit-resource routes 5000

class (policy-map)

To assign a class map to a policy map where you can assign actions to the class map traffic, use the class command in policy-map configuration mode. To remove a class map from a policy map, use the no form of this command.

class classmap_name

no class classmap_name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name for the class map. For a Layer 3/4 policy map (the policy-map command), you must specify a Layer 3/4 class map name (the class-map or class-map type management command). For an inspection policy map (the policy-map type inspect command), you must specify an inspection class map name (the class-map type inspect command).

Command Default

No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Policy-map configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

To use the class command, use the Modular Policy Framework. To use a class in a Layer 3/4 policy map, enter the following commands:

  1. class-map —Identify the traffic on which you want to perform actions.

  2. policy-map —Identify the actions associated with each class map.

    1. class —Identify the class map on which you want to perform actions.

    2. commands for supported features —For a given class map, you can configure many actions for various features, including QoS, application inspection, CSC or AIP SSM, TCP and UDP connections limits and timeout, and TCP normalization. See the CLI configuration guide for more details about the commands available for each feature.

  3. service-policy —Assigns the policy map to an interface or globally.

To use a class in an inspection policy map, enter the following commands:

  1. class-map type inspect —Identify the traffic on which you want to perform actions.

  2. policy-map type inspect —Identify the actions associated with each class map.

    1. class —Identify the inspection class map on which you want to perform actions.

    2. commands for application types —See the CLI configuration guide for commands available for each application type. Actions supported in class configuration mode of an inspection policy map include:

    3. Dropping a packet

    4. Dropping a connection

    5. Resetting a connection

    6. Logging

    7. Rate-limiting of messages

    8. Masking content

    9. parameters —Configure parameters that affect the inspection engine. The CLI enters parameters configuration mode. See the CLI configuration guide for available commands.

  3. class-map —Identify the traffic on which you want to perform actions.

  4. policy-map —Identify the actions associated with each class map.

    1. class —Identify the Layer 3/4 class map on which you want to perform actions.

    2. inspect application inspect_policy_map —Enables application inspection, and calls an inspection policy map to perform special actions.

  5. service-policy —Assigns the policy map to an interface or globally.

The configuration always includes a class map called class-default that matches all traffic. At the end of every Layer 3/4 policy map, the configuration includes the class-default class map with no actions defined. You can optionally use this class map when you want to match all traffic, and do not want to bother creating another class map. In fact, some features are only configurable for the class-default class map, such as the shape command.

Including the class-default class map, up to 63 class and match commands can be configured in a policy map.


The following is an example of a policy-map command for connection policy that includes the class command. It limits the number of connections allowed to the web server

ciscoasa(config)# access-list http-server permit tcp any host
ciscoasa(config)# class-map http-server
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list http-server
ciscoasa(config)# policy-map global-policy
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# description This policy map defines a policy concerning connection to http server.
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class http-server
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection conn-max 256

The following example shows how multi-match works in a policy map:

ciscoasa(config)# class-map inspection_default
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match default-inspection-traffic
ciscoasa(config)# class-map http_traffic
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match port tcp eq 80
ciscoasa(config)# policy-map outside_policy
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class inspection_default
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# inspect http http_map
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# inspect sip
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class http_traffic
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection timeout tcp 0:10:0

The following example shows how traffic matches the first available class map, and will not match any subsequent class maps that specify actions in the same feature domain:

ciscoasa(config)# class-map telnet_traffic
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match port tcp eq 23
ciscoasa(config)# class-map ftp_traffic
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match port tcp eq 21
ciscoasa(config)# class-map tcp_traffic
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match port tcp range 1 65535
ciscoasa(config)# class-map udp_traffic
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match port udp range 0 65535
ciscoasa(config)# policy-map global_policy
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class telnet_traffic
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection timeout tcp 0:0:0
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection conn-max 100
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class ftp_traffic
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection timeout tcp 0:5:0
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection conn-max 50
ciscoasa(config-pmap)# class tcp_traffic
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection timeout tcp 2:0:0
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# set connection conn-max 2000

When a Telnet connection is initiated, it matches class telnet_traffic . Similarly, if an FTP connection is initiated, it matches class ftp_traffic . For any TCP connection other than Telnet and FTP, it will match class tcp_traffic . Even though a Telnet or FTP connection can match class tcp_traffic , the ASA does not make this match because they previously matched other classes.


When using the Modular Policy Framework, identify Layer 3 or 4 traffic to which you want to apply actions by using the class-map command (without the type keyword) in global configuration mode. To delete a class map, use the no form of this command.

class-map class_map_name

no class-map class_map_name

Syntax Description


Specifies the class map name up to 40 characters in length. The names “class-default” and any name that begins with “_internal” or “_default” are reserved. All types of class maps use the same name space, so you cannot resuse a name already used by another type of class map.

Command Default

No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

This type of class map is for Layer 3/4 through traffic only. For management traffic destined to the ASA, see the class-map type management command.

A Layer 3/4 class map identifies Layer 3 and 4 traffic to which you want to apply actions. You can create multiple Layer 3/4 class maps for each Layer 3/4 policy map.

Default Class Maps

The configuration includes a default Layer 3/4 class map that the ASA uses in the default global policy. It is called inspection_default and matches the default inspection traffic:

class-map inspection_default
 match default-inspection-traffic

Another class map that exists in the default configuration is called class-default, and it matches all traffic:

class-map class-default
 match any

This class map appears at the end of all Layer 3/4 policy maps and essentially tells the ASA to not perform any actions on all other traffic. You can use the class-default class map if desired, rather than making your own match any class map. In fact, some features are only available for class-default, such as QoS traffic shaping.

Maximum Class Maps

The maximum number of class maps of all types is 255 in single mode or per context in multiple mode. Class maps include the following types:

  • class-map

  • class-map type management

  • class-map type inspection

  • class-map type regex

  • match commands in policy-map type inspect configuration mode

This limit also includes default class maps of all types.

Configuration Overview

Configuring Modular Policy Framework consists of four tasks:

  1. Identify the Layer 3 and 4 traffic to which you want to apply actions using the class-map or class-map type management command.

  2. (Application inspection only) Define special actions for application inspection traffic using the policy-map type inspect command.

  3. Apply actions to the Layer 3 and 4 traffic using the policy-map command.

  4. Activate the actions on an interface using the service-policy command.

Use the class-map command to enter class-map configuration mode. From class-map configuration mode, you can define the traffic to include in the class using the match command. A Layer 3/4 class map contains, at most, one match command (with the exception of the match tunnel-group and match default-inspection-traffic commands) that identifies the traffic included in the class map.


The following example creates four Layer 3/4 class maps:

ciscoasa(config)# access-list udp permit udp any any
ciscoasa(config)# access-list tcp permit tcp any any
ciscoasa(config)# access-list host_foo permit ip any
ciscoasa(config)# class-map all_udp
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all UDP traffic"
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list udp
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# class-map all_tcp
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all TCP traffic"
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list tcp
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# class-map all_http
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all HTTP traffic"
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match port tcp eq http
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# class-map to_server
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# description "This class-map matches all traffic to server"
ciscoasa(config-cmap)# match access-list host_foo

class-map type inspect

When using the Modular Policy Framework, match criteria that is specific to an inspection application by using the class-map type inspect command in global configuration mode. To delete an inspection class map, use the no form of this command.

class-map type inspect application [ match-all | match-any ] class_map_name

class-map [ type inspect application [ match-all | match-any ]] class_map_name

Syntax Description


Specifies the type of application traffic you want to match. Available types include:

  • dcerpc

  • diameter

  • dns

  • ftp

  • h323

  • http

  • im

  • rtsp

  • scansafe

  • sip


Specifies the class map name up to 40 characters in length. The names “class-default” and any name that begins with “_internal” or “_default” are reserved. All types of class maps use the same name space, so you cannot resuse a name already used by another type of class map.


(Optional) Specifies that traffic must match all criteria to match the class map. match-all is the default if you do not specify an option.


(Optional) Specifies that traffic can match one or more criteria to match the class map.

Command Default

No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The match-any keyword was added.


The scansafe keyword was added.


The dcerpc and diameter keywords were added.