About Smart Software Licensing
This section describes how Smart Software Licensing works.
Smart Software Licensing for the ASA on the Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis
For the ASA on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, Smart Software Licensing configuration is split between the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis supervisor and the ASA.
Firepower 4100/9300 chassis—Configure all Smart Software Licensing infrastructure on the chassis, including parameters for communicating with the License Authority. The Firepower 4100/9300 chassis itself does not require any licenses to operate.
Inter-chassis clustering requires that you enable the same Smart Licensing method on each chassis in the cluster.
ASA Application—Configure all license entitlements in the ASA.
Smart Software Manager and Accounts
When you purchase 1 or more licenses for the device, you manage them in the Cisco Smart Software Manager:
The Smart Software Manager lets you create a master account for your organization.
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If you do not yet have an account, click the link to set up a new account. The Smart Software Manager lets you create a master account for your organization. |
By default, your licenses are assigned to the Default Virtual Account under your master account. As the account administrator, you can optionally create additional virtual accounts; for example, you can create accounts for regions, departments, or subsidiaries. Multiple virtual accounts let you more easily manage large numbers of licenses and devices.
Offline Management
If your devices do not have internet access, and cannot register with the License Authority, you can configure offline licensing.
Permanent License Reservation
If your devices cannot access the internet for security reasons, you can optionally request permanent licenses for each ASA. Permanent licenses do not require periodic access to the License Authority. Like PAK licenses, you will purchase a license and install the license key for the ASA. Unlike a PAK license, you obtain and manage the licenses with the Smart Software Manager. You can easily switch between regular smart licensing mode and permanent license reservation mode.
ASAv Permanent License Reservation
You can obtain a model-specific license that enables all features: Standard tier; maximum throughput for your model; Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license if your account qualifies; and AnyConnect client capabilities enabled to the platform maximum, contingent on your purchase of an AnyConnect license that enables the right to use AnyConnect (see AnyConnect Plus, AnyConnect Apex, And VPN Only Licenses).
You must choose the model level that you want to use during ASAv deployment. That model level determines the license you request. If you later want to change the model level of a unit, you will have to return the current license and request a new license at the correct model level. To change the model of an already deployed ASAv, from the hypervisor you can change the vCPUs and DRAM settings to match the new model requirements; see the ASAv quick start guide for these values.
If you stop using a license, you must return the license by generating a return code on the ASAv, and then entering that code into the Smart Software Manager. Make sure you follow the return process correctly so you do not pay for unused licenses.
Permanent license reservation is not supported for the Azure hypervisor.
Firepower 2100 Permanent License Reservation
You can obtain a license that enables all features: Standard tier; maximum Security Contexts; Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license if your account qualifies; and AnyConnect client capabilities enabled to the platform maximum, contingent on your purchase of an AnyConnect license that enables the right to use AnyConnect (see AnyConnect Plus, AnyConnect Apex, And VPN Only Licenses) You also need to request the entitlements in the ASA configuration so that the ASA allows their use.
If you stop using a license, you must return the license by generating a return code on the ASA, and then entering that code into the Smart Software Manager. Make sure you follow the return process correctly so you do not pay for unused licenses.
Firepower 4100/9300 chassis Permanent License Reservation
You can obtain a license that enables all features: Standard tier; maximum Security Contexts; Carrier license; Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license if your account qualifies; and AnyConnect client capabilities enabled to the platform maximum, contingent on your purchase of an AnyConnect license that enables the right to use AnyConnect (see AnyConnect Plus, AnyConnect Apex, And VPN Only Licenses). The license is managed on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, but you also need to request the entitlements in the ASA configuration so that the ASA allows their use.
If you stop using a license, you must return the license by generating a return code on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis, and then entering that code into the Smart Software Manager. Make sure you follow the return process correctly so you do not pay for unused licenses.
Satellite Server (Smart Software Manager On-Prem)
If your devices cannot access the internet for security reasons, you can optionally install a local Smart Software Manager satellite (also known as On-Prem) server as a virtual machine (VM). The satellite provides a subset of Smart Software Manager functionality, and allows you to provide essential licensing services for all your local devices. Only the satellite needs to connect periodically to the main License Authority to sync your license usage. You can sync on a schedule or you can sync manually.
You can perform the following functions on the satellite server:
Activate or register a license
View your company's licenses
Transfer licenses between company entities
For more information, see Smart Software Manager satellite.
Licenses and Devices Managed per Virtual Account
Licenses and devices are managed per virtual account: only that virtual account’s devices can use the licenses assigned to the account. If you need additional licenses, you can transfer an unused license from another virtual account. You can also transfer devices between virtual accounts.
For the ASA on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis—Only the chassis registers as a device, while the ASA applications in the chassis request their own licenses. For example, for a Firepower 9300 chassis with 3 security modules, the chassis counts as one device, but the modules use 3 separate licenses.
Evaluation License
The ASAv does not support an evaluation mode. Before the ASAv registers with the Licensing Authority, it operates in a severely rate-limited state.
Firepower 2100
Before the Firepower 2100 registers with the Licensing Authority, it operates for 90 days (total usage) in evaluation mode. Only default entitlements are enabled. When this period ends, the Firepower 2100 becomes out-of-compliance.
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You cannot receive an evaluation license for Strong Encryption (3DES/AES); you must register with the License Authority to receive the export-compliance token that enables the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license. |
Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis
The Firepower 4100/9300 chassis supports two types of evaluation license:
Chassis-level evaluation mode—Before the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis registers with the Licensing Authority, it operates for 90 days (total usage) in evaluation mode. The ASA cannot request specific entitlements in this mode; only default entitlements are enabled. When this period ends, the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis becomes out-of-compliance.
Entitlement-based evaluation mode—After the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis registers with the Licensing Authority, you can obtain time-based evaluation licenses that can be assigned to the ASA. In the ASA, you request entitlements as usual. When the time-based license expires, you need to either renew the time-based license or obtain a permanent license.
![]() Note |
You cannot receive an evaluation license for Strong Encryption (3DES/AES); you must register with the License Authority and obtain a permanent license to receive the export-compliance token that enables the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license. |
About Licenses by Type
The following sections include additional information about licenses by type.
AnyConnect Plus, AnyConnect Apex, And VPN Only Licenses
The AnyConnect Plus, AnyConnect Apex, or VPN Only license is a multi-use license that you can apply to multiple ASAs, all of which share a user pool as specified by the license. Devices that use Smart Licensing do not require any AnyConnect license to be physically applied to the actual platform. The same licenses must still be purchased, and you must still link the Contract number to your Cisco.com ID for SW Center access and technical support. For more information, see:
Other VPN License
Other VPN sessions include the following VPN types:
IPsec remote access VPN using IKEv1
IPsec site-to-site VPN using IKEv1
IPsec site-to-site VPN using IKEv2
This license is included in the Base license.
Total VPN Sessions Combined, All Types
Although the maximum VPN sessions add up to more than the maximum VPN AnyConnect and Other VPN sessions, the combined sessions should not exceed the VPN session limit. If you exceed the maximum VPN sessions, you can overload the ASA, so be sure to size your network appropriately.
If you start a clientless SSL VPN session and then start an AnyConnect client session from the portal, 1 session is used in total. However, if you start the AnyConnect client first (from a standalone client, for example) and then log into the clientless SSL VPN portal, then 2 sessions are used.
Encryption License
Strong Encryption: ASAv
Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) is available for management connections before you connect to the License Authority or Satellite server, so you can launch ASDM and connect to the License Authority. For through-the-box traffic, throughput is severely limited until you connect to the License Authority and obtain the Strong Encryption license.
When you request the registration token for the ASAv from your Smart Software Licensing account, check the Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token check box so that the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license is applied (your account must be qualified for its use). If the ASAv becomes out-of-compliance later, as long as the export compliance token was successfully applied, the ASAv will retain the license and not revert to the rate-limited state. The license is removed if you re-register the ASAv, and export compliance is disabled, or if you restore the ASAv to factory default settings.
If you initially register the ASAv without strong encryption and later add strong encryption, then you must reload the ASAv for the new license to take effect.
For permanent license reservation licenses, the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license is enabled if your account qualifies for its use.
For pre-2.3.0 Satellite server versions, you must manually request the Strong Encryption license in the ASA configuration (the export compliance token is not supported); in this case, if the ASAv becomes out-of-compliance, throughput is severely limited.
Strong Encryption: Firepower 2100
Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) is available for management connections before you connect to the License Authority or Satellite server so you can launch ASDM. Note that ASDM access is only available on management-only interfaces with the default encryption. Through the box traffic is not allowed until you connect and obtain the Strong Encryption license.
When you request the registration token for the ASA from your Smart Software Licensing account, check the Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token check box so that the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license is applied (your account must be qualified for its use). If the ASA becomes out-of-compliance later, as long as the export compliance token was successfully applied, the ASA will continue to allow through the box traffic. Even if you re-register the ASA, and export compliance is disabled, the license remains enabled. The license is removed if you restore the ASA to factory default settings.
If you initially register the ASA without strong encryption and later add strong encryption, then you must reload the ASA for the new license to take effect.
For permanent license reservation licenses, the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license is enabled if your account qualifies for its use.
For pre-2.3.0 Satellite server versions, you must manually request the Strong Encryption license in the ASA configuration (the export compliance token is not supported); in this case, if the ASA becomes out-of-compliance, through-traffic will not be allowed.
Strong Encryption: Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis
When the ASA is deployed as a logical device, you can launch ASDM immediately. Through the box traffic is not allowed until you connect and obtain the Strong Encryption license.
When you request the registration token for the Firepower chassis from your Smart Software Licensing account, check the Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token check box so that the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license is applied (your account must be qualified for its use).
If the ASA becomes out-of-compliance later, as long as the export compliance token was successfully applied, the ASA will continue to allow through the box traffic. The license is removed if you re-register the chassis, and export compliance is disabled, or if you restore the chassis to factory default settings.
If you initially register the chassis without strong encryption and later add strong encryption, then you must reload the ASA application for the new license to take effect.
For permanent license reservation licenses, the Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) license is enabled if your account qualifies for its use.
For pre-2.3.0 Satellite server versions that do not support the export-compliance token: You must manually request the Strong Encryption license in the ASA configuration using the CLI because ASDM requires 3DES. If the ASA becomes out-of-compliance, neither management traffic nor through-traffic requiring this license will be allowed.
DES: All Models
The DES license cannot be disabled. If you have the 3DES license installed, DES is still available. To prevent the use of DES when you want to only use strong encryption, be sure to configure any relevant commands to use only strong encryption.
Carrier License
The Carrier license enables the following inspection features:
Total TLS Proxy Sessions
Each TLS proxy session for Encrypted Voice Inspection is counted against the TLS license limit.
Other applications that use TLS proxy sessions do not count toward the TLS limit, for example, Mobility Advantage Proxy (which does not require a license).
Some applications might use multiple sessions for a connection. For example, if you configure a phone with a primary and backup Cisco Unified Communications Manager, there are 2 TLS proxy connections.
You independently set the TLS proxy limit using the tls-proxy maximum-sessions command or in ASDM, using the Configuration > Firewall > Unified Communications > TLS Proxy pane. To view the limits of your model, enter the tls-proxy maximum-sessions ? command. When you apply a TLS proxy license that is higher than the default TLS proxy limit, the ASA automatically sets the TLS proxy limit to match the license. The TLS proxy limit takes precedence over the license limit; if you set the TLS proxy limit to be less than the license, then you cannot use all of the sessions in your license.
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For license part numbers ending in “K8” (for example, licenses under 250 users), TLS proxy sessions are limited to 1000. For license part numbers ending in “K9” (for example, licenses 250 users or larger), the TLS proxy limit depends on the configuration, up to the model limit. K8 and K9 refer to whether the license is restricted for export: K8 is unrestricted, and K9 is restricted. If you clear the configuration (using the clear configure all command, for example), then the TLS proxy limit is set to the default for your model; if this default is lower than the license limit, then you see an error message to use the tls-proxy maximum-sessions command to raise the limit again (in ASDM, use the TLS Proxy pane). If you use failover and enter the write standby command or in ASDM, use File > Save Running Configuration to Standby Unit on the primary unit to force a configuration synchronization, the clear configure all command is generated on the secondary unit automatically, so you may see the warning message on the secondary unit. Because the configuration synchronization restores the TLS proxy limit set on the primary unit, you can ignore the warning. |
You might also use SRTP encryption sessions for your connections:
For K8 licenses, SRTP sessions are limited to 250.
For K9 licenses, there is no limit.
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Only calls that require encryption/decryption for media are counted toward the SRTP limit; if passthrough is set for the call, even if both legs are SRTP, they do not count toward the limit. |
VLANs, Maximum
For an interface to count against the VLAN limit, you must assign a VLAN to it. For example:
interface gigabitethernet 0/0.100
vlan 100
Botnet Traffic Filter License
Requires a Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) License to download the dynamic database.
Failover or ASA Cluster Licenses
Failover Licenses for the ASAv
The standby unit requires the same model license as the primary unit.
Failover Licenses for the Firepower 2100
Regular or Satellite Smart Licensing
Only the active unit requests licenses from the server. Licenses are aggregated into a single failover license that is shared by the failover pair. There is no extra cost for secondary units.
After you enable failover for Active/Standby failover, you can only configure smart licensing on the active unit. For Active/Active failover, you can only configure smart licensing on the unit with failover group 1 as active. The configuration is replicated to the standby unit, but the standby unit does not use the configuration; it remains in a cached state. The aggregated license is also cached on the standby unit to be used if it becomes the active unit in the future.
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Each ASA must have the same encryption license when forming a failover pair. When you register an ASA to the smart licensing server, the Strong Encryption license is automatically enabled for qualified customers when you apply the registration token. Because of this requirement, you have two choices for licensing when you use the Strong Encryption token with failover:
Each add-on license type is managed as follows:
Standard—Although only the active unit requests this license from the server, the standby unit has the Standard license enabled by default; it does not need to register with the server to use it.
Context—Only the active unit requests this license. However, the Standard license includes 2 contexts by default and is present on both units. The value from each unit’s Standard license plus the value of the Context license on the active unit are combined up to the platform limit. For example:
The Standard license includes 2 contexts; for two Firepower 2130 units, these licenses add up to 4 contexts. You configure a 30-Context license on the active unit in an Active/Standby pair. Therefore, the aggregated failover license includes 34 contexts. However, because the platform limit for one unit is 30, the combined license allows a maximum of 30 contexts only. In this case, you might only configure the active Context license to be 25 contexts.
The Standard license includes 2 contexts; for two Firepower 2130 units, these licenses add up to 4 contexts. You configure a 10-Context license on the primary unit in an Active/Active pair. Therefore, the aggregated failover license includes 14 contexts. One unit can use 9 contexts and the other unit can use 5 contexts, for example, for a total of 14. Because the platform limit for one unit is 30, the combined license allows a maximum of 30 contexts; the 14 contexts are within the limit.
Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) (for a pre-2.3.0 Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite deployment when you cannot use the strong encryption token, or for tracking purposes)—Only the active unit requests this license, and both units can use it due to license aggregation.
After a failover, the new active unit continues to use the aggregated license. It uses the cached license configuration to re-request the entitlement from the server. When the old active unit rejoins the pair as a standby unit, it releases the license entitlement. Before the standby unit releases the entitlement, the new active unit's license might be in a non-compliant state if there are no available licenses in the account. The failover pair can use the aggregated license for 30 days, but if it is still non-compliant after the grace period, you will not be able to make configuration changes to features requiring special licenses (i.e. add an extra context); operation is otherwise unaffected. The new active unit sends an entitlement authorization renewal request every 35 seconds until the license is compliant. If you disband the failover pair, then the active unit releases the entitlements, and both units retain the licensing configuration in a cached state. To re-activate licensing, you need to clear the configuration on each unit, and re-configure it.
Permanent License Reservation
For permanent license reservation, you must purchase separate licenses for each chassis and enable the licenses before you configure failover.
Failover Licenses for the ASA on the Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis
Regular or Satellite Smart Licensing
Both Firepower 4100/9300 chassis must be registered with the License Authority or satellite server before you configure failover. There is no extra cost for secondary units.
The Strong Encryption license is automatically enabled for qualified customers when you apply the registration token. When using the token, each chassis must have the same encryption license. For the optional Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) feature license enabled in the ASA configuration, see below.
After you enable failover, for the ASA license configuration for Active/Standby failover, you can only configure smart licensing on the active unit. For Active/Active failover, you can only configure smart licensing on the unit with failover group 1 as active. The configuration is replicated to the standby unit, but the standby unit does not use the configuration; it remains in a cached state. Only the active unit requests the licenses from the server. The licenses are aggregated into a single failover license that is shared by the failover pair, and this aggregated license is also cached on the standby unit to be used if it becomes the active unit in the future. Each license type is managed as follows:
Standard—Although only the active unit requests this license from the server, the standby unit has the Standard license enabled by default; it does not need to register with the server to use it.
Context—Only the active unit requests this license. However, the Standard license includes 10 contexts by default and is present on both units. The value from each unit’s Standard license plus the value of the Context license on the active unit are combined up to the platform limit. For example:
The Standard license includes 10 contexts; for 2 units, these licenses add up to 20 contexts. You configure a 250-Context license on the active unit in an Active/Standby pair. Therefore, the aggregated failover license includes 270 contexts. However, because the platform limit for one unit is 250, the combined license allows a maximum of 250 contexts only. In this case, you should only configure the active Context license to be 230 contexts.
The Standard license includes 10 contexts; for 2 units, these licenses add up to 20 contexts. You configure a 10-Context license on the primary unit in an Active/Active pair. Therefore, the aggregated failover license includes 30 contexts. One unit can use 17 contexts and the other unit can use 13 contexts, for example, for a total of 30. Because the platform limit for one unit is 250, the combined license allows a maximum of 250 contexts; the 30 contexts are within the limit.
Carrier—Only the active requests this license, and both units can use it due to license aggregation.
Strong Encryption (3DES) (for a pre-2.3.0 Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite deployment when you cannot use the strong encryption token, or for tracking purposes)—Only the active unit requests this license, and both units can use it due to license aggregation.
After a failover, the new active unit continues to use the aggregated license. It uses the cached license configuration to re-request the entitlement from the server. When the old active unit rejoins the pair as a standby unit, it releases the license entitlement. Before the standby unit releases the entitlement, the new active unit's license might be in a non-compliant state if there are no available licenses in the account. The failover pair can use the aggregated license for 30 days, but if it is still non-compliant after the grace period, you will not be able to make configuration changes to features requiring special licenses; operation is otherwise unaffected. The new active unit sends an entitlement authorization renewal request every 35 seconds until the license is compliant. If you disband the failover pair, then the active unit releases the entitlements, and both units retain the licensing configuration in a cached state. To re-activate licensing, you need to clear the configuration on each unit, and re-configure it.
Permanent License Reservation
For permanent license reservation, you must purchase separate licenses for each chassis and enable the licenses before you configure failover.
ASA Cluster Licenses for the ASA on the Firepower 4100/9300 Chassis
The clustering feature itself does not require any licenses. To use Strong Encryption and other optional licenses, each Firepower 4100/9300 chassis must be registered with the License Authority or satellite server. There is no extra cost for data units. For permanent license reservation, you must purchase separate licenses for each chassis.
The Strong Encryption license is automatically enabled for qualified customers when you apply the registration token. When using the token, each chassis must have the same encryption license. For the optional Strong Encryption (3DES/AES) feature license enabled in the ASA configuration, see below.
In the ASA license configuration, you can only configure smart licensing on the control unit. The configuration is replicated to the data units, but for some licenses, they do not use the configuration; it remains in a cached state, and only the control unit requests the license. The licenses are aggregated into a single cluster license that is shared by the cluster units, and this aggregated license is also cached on the data units to be used if one of them becomes the control unit in the future. Each license type is managed as follows:
Standard—Only the control unit requests the Standard license from the server. Because the data units have the Standard license enabled by default, they do not need to register with the server to use it.
Context—Only the control unit requests the Context license from the server. The Standard license includes 10 contexts by default and is present on all cluster members. The value from each unit’s Standard license plus the value of the Context license on the control unit are combined up to the platform limit in an aggregated cluster license. For example:
You have 6 Firepower 9300 modules in the cluster. The Standard license includes 10 contexts; for 6 units, these licenses add up to 60 contexts. You configure an additional 20-Context license on the control unit. Therefore, the aggregated cluster license includes 80 contexts. Because the platform limit for one module is 250, the combined license allows a maximum of 250 contexts; the 80 contexts are within the limit. Therefore, you can configure up to 80 contexts on the control unit; each data unit will also have 80 contexts through configuration replication.
You have 3 Firepower 4110 units in the cluster. The Standard license includes 10 contexts; for 3 units, these licenses add up to 30 contexts. You configure an additional 250-Context license on the control unit. Therefore, the aggregated cluster license includes 280 contexts. Because the platform limit for one unit is 250, the combined license allows a maximum of 250 contexts; the 280 contexts are over the limit. Therefore, you can only configure up to 250 contexts on the control unit; each data unit will also have 250 contexts through configuration replication. In this case, you should only configure the control unit Context license to be 220 contexts.
Carrier—Required for Distributed S2S VPN. This license is a per-unit entitlement, and each unit requests its own license from the server. This license configuration is replicated to the data units.
Strong Encryption (3DES) (for pre-2.3.0 Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite deployment, or for tracking purposes)—This license is a per-unit entitlement, and each unit requests its own license from the server.
If a new control unit is elected, the new control unit continues to use the aggregated license. It also uses the cached license configuration to re-request the control unit license. When the old control unit rejoins the cluster as a data unit, it releases the control unit license entitlement. Before the data unit releases the license, the control unit's license might be in a non-compliant state if there are no available licenses in the account. The retained license is valid for 30 days, but if it is still non-compliant after the grace period, you will not be able to make configuration changes to features requiring special licenses; operation is otherwise unaffected. The new active unit sends an entitlement authorization renewal request every 12 hours until the license is compliant. You should refrain from making configuration changes until the license requests are completely processed. If a unit leaves the cluster, the cached control configuration is removed, while the per-unit entitlements are retained. In particular, you would need to re-request the Context license on non-cluster units.