

What are tags?

Tags are meaningful labels that succinctly describe a network. They can be applied to components or activities. Each tag has a description and an icon color which correspond to its category.

More specifically, tags are metadata on devices and activities. Tags are generated according to the properties of components -which are then applied to devices- and activities. Thus, there are two types of tags:

  • Device tags (1) which describe the functions of the device or component and are correlated to its properties. A device tag is generated at the component level and synthesized at the device level (which is an aggregation of components).

  • Activity tags (2) which describe the protocols used and are correlated to its properties. An activity tag is generated at the flow level and synthesized at the activity level (which is a group of flows between two components).

Each tag is classified under categories, which you can find in the filtering area, and applies to a device or an activity.

The device tags categories (Device - Level 0-1, Device - Level 2, etc.) and some tags (IO Module, Wireless IO Module) in the filtering area:


Device levels are based on the definitions presented in the ISA-95 international standard.

What are tags used for?

Exploration of the network and Cisco Cyber Vision is mainly lead by tags. Criteria set on presets are significantly based on tags to filter the different views.

Also, tags are used to define behaviors (i.e. in the Monitor mode) inside an industrial network when combined with information like source and destination ports and flows properties.

Where to find tags?

You will find tags almost everywhere in Cisco Cyber Vision. From criteria, which are based on tags to filter network data, to the different views available. Views take different perspectives and have different approaches concerning tags. For example, the dashboard shows the preset's results bringing out tags over other correlated data, while the device list highlights devices over data like tags. Refer to the different types of view to know more about them.

If you want to know more about a tag, access the Basic tab inside a technical sheet to see the tags' definition marked on a component and an activity.

Some definitions of tags inside an activity's technical sheet: