Monitor mode
Cisco Cyber Vision provides Monitor mode, a monitoring tool that detects changes inside industrial networks. Because a network architecture (PLC, switch, SCADA) is constant and its behaviors tend to be stable over time, an established and configured network is predictable. However, some behaviors are unpredictable and can even compromise a network's operation and security. Monitor mode shows the evolution of the behaviors of a network, predicted or not, based on presets. Behavior changes are noted as differences in Monitor mode. Using Monitor mode is particularly convenient for large networks, as a preset shows a network fragment and changes are highlighted and managed separately in the views of Monitor mode.
Baselines as Preset's normal states
A Preset is a set of criteria which shows a detailed fragment of a network. To monitor a network, set a preset, and define what would be its normal, stable state. This represents the baseline of the preset. A state relies on a period because a network fragment is subject to several states. It is possible to create several, planned, controlled and time-framed baselines per preset and to monitor the whole network. For example, a normal state of the network can be a typical weekday operating mode, in which numerous processes are performed iteratively. During weekends, these processes may be slowed down, different, or even stopped. Save any network phase as a baseline by selecting the time span in which it occurs and is monitored. Other examples of baselines are: a regular maintenance period, a degraded mode, a weekend and night mode. Create a baseline by "framing" a normal operating process in which all network behaviors (components, activities, properties, tags, variable accesses) are considered.
Review and assignment of differences
A difference is defined as a new or changed behavior happening within a fragment of a network. Monitor mode detects and highlights any differences. Monitor mode contains the following three views:
Map View
Component List View
Activity List View