About FXOS Security Modules/Security Engine
From the Security Modules/Security Engine page of the chassis manager, you can view the status of a security module/engine and can perform various functions on the security module/engine:
The Security Modules/Security Engine page provides the following information:
Hardware State—Shows the state of the security module/engine hardware.
Up—The security module/engine has powered up successfully and is not showing any hardware faults, even if the security module/engine does not have a logical device associated with it.
Booting Up—The security module/engine is in the process of powering up.
Restart—The security module/engine is in the process of being restarted.
Down—The security module/engine is not powered on or a hardware fault is preventing the security module/engine from starting successfully.
Mismatch—The security module has been decommissioned or a new security module was installed into the slot. Use the Acknowledge function to return the security module to a functioning state.
Empty—A security module is not installed in that slot.
Service State—Shows the state of the software on the security module/engine:
Not-available—The security module has been removed from the chassis slot. Reinstall the security module to return it to its normal operational state.
Online—The security module/engine is installed and is in normal operation mode.
Not Responding—The security module/engine is unresponsive.
Token Mismatch—Indicates that a security module other than the one previously configured has been installed into the chassis slot. This could also be caused by a software installation error. Use the Reinitialize function to return the security module to a functioning state.
Fault—The security module/engine is in a fault state. Review the system fault listing for more information about what might be causing the fault state. You can also hover over the information icon for a fault to see additional information.
Security Module Faults
Failsafe Mode—the security module is in failsafe mode. Applications are blocked from starting in this mode. Connect to the security module for troubleshooting or to disable failsafe mode. The app-instance can also be deleted.
HDD Error—the security module disk drive has errors. Please verify that the disk drive is present and replace the faulty disk drive if the fault does not clear.
Filesystem Error—disk partitions on the security module are not compatible. Reboot the security module for possible recovery. If the fault persists, please reinitialize the slot after backing up your data on an external device.
Format Failure—automatic format failed on the security module disk drive. Reinitialize the security module to reformat.
Power—Shows the power status of the security module/engine:
On—Use the Power off/on function to toggle the power status for the security module/engine.
Off—Use the Power off/on function to toggle the power status for the security module/engine.
Application—Shows the logical device type that is installed on the security module/engine.
From the Security Modules/Security Engine page of the chassis manager, you can perform the following functions on a security module/engine:
Decommission (security modules only)—Decommissioning a security module places the security module into maintenance mode. You can also decommission and then acknowledge a security module in order to correct certain fault states. See Decommissioning a Security Module.
Acknowledge—Brings newly installed security modules online. See Acknowledge a Security Module/Engine.
Power Cycle—Restarts the security module/engine. See Power-Cycling a Security Module/Engine.
Reinitialize—Reformats the security module/engine hard disk, removing all deployed applications and configurations from the security module/engine, and then restarts the system. After reinitialization is complete, if a logical device is configured for the security module/engine, the FXOS will reinstall the application software, redeploy the logical device, and auto start the application. See Reinitializing a Security Module/Engine.
All application data on the security module/engine is deleted during reinitialization. Please back up all application data before reinitializing a security module/engine.
Power off/on—Toggles the power state for the security module/engine. See Power-Cycling a Security Module/Engine.