
Policy Sets

Cisco ISE is a policy-based, network-access-control solution, which offers network access policy sets, allowing you to manage several different network access use cases such as wireless, wired, guest, and client provisioning. Policy sets (both network access and device administration sets) enable you to logically group authentication and authorization policies within the same set. You can have several policy sets based on an area, such as policy sets based on location, access type, and similar parameters. When you install Cisco ISE, there is always one policy set defined, which is the default policy set, and the default policy set contains within it, predefined and default authentication, authorization and exception policy rules.

When creating policy sets, you can configure these rules (configured with conditions and results) in order to choose the network access services on the policy set level, the identity sources on the authentication policy level, and network permissions on the authorization policy levels. You can define one or more conditions using any of the attributes from the Cisco ISE-supported dictionaries for different vendors. Cisco ISE allows you to create conditions as individual resuable policy elements.

The network access service to be used per policy set to communicate with the network devices is defined at the top level of that policy set. Network access services include:

  • Allowed protocols—the protocols configured to handle the initial request and protocol negotiation.

  • A proxy service—sends requests to an external RADIUS server for processing.


From the Work Centers > Device Administration , you can also select a relevant TACACS server sequence for your policy set. Use the TACACS server sequence to configure a sequence of TACACS proxy servers for processing.

Policy sets are configured hierarchically, where the rule on the top level of the policy set, which can be viewed from the Policy Set table, applies to the entire set and is matched before the rules for the rest of the policies and exceptions. Thereafter, rules of the set are applied in this order:

  1. Authentication policy rules

  2. Local policy exceptions

  3. Global policy exceptions

  4. Authorization policy rules


Policy Sets functionality is identical for network access and for device administration policies. All processes described in this chapter can be applied when working with both the Network Access and the Device Administration work centers. This chapter specifically discusses the Network Access work center policy sets. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets.

ISE Community Resource

For information about using RADIUS results from a WLC, see WLC Called-Station-ID (Radius Authentication and Accounting Config) .

Policy Set Configuration Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Policy Sets window, from which you can configure policy sets, including authentication, exception and authorization policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies.In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Table 1. Policy Set Configuration Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines


Choose the status of this policy. It can be one of the following:

  • Enabled: This policy condition is active.

  • Disabled: This policy condition is inactive and will not be evaluated.

  • Monitor Only: This policy condition will not be evaluated.

Policy Set Name

Enter a unique name for this policy set.


From a new policy row, click the plus (+) icon or from an existing policy row, click the Edit icon to open the Conditions Studio.


Enter a unique description for the policy.

Allowed Protocols or Server Sequence

Choose an allowed protocol that you have already created, or click the (+) sign to Create a New Allowed Protocol , to Create a New Radius Sequence, or to Create a TACACS Sequence.


From a new exceptions row, click the plus (+) icon or from an existing exception row, click the Edit icon to open the Conditions Studio.


Hits are a diagnostic tool indicating the number of times the conditions have matched. Hover over the icon to view when this was last updated, reset to zero and to view the frequency of updates.


Click the cog icon from the Actions column to view and select different actions:

  • Insert new row above: Insert a new policy above the policy from which you opened the Actions menu.

  • Insert new row below: Insert a new policy below the policy from which you opened the Actions menu.

  • Duplicate above: Insert a duplicate policy above the policy from which you opened the Actions menu, above the original set.

  • Duplicate below: Insert a duplicate policy below the policy from which you opened the Actions menu, below the original set.

  • Delete: Delete the policy set.


Click the arrow icon to open the Set view of the specific policy set and view its authentication, exception, and authorization sub-policies.

Authentication Policies

Each policy set can contain multiple authentication rules that together represent the authentication policy for that set. Priority of the authentication policies is determined based on the order to those policies as they appear within the policy set itself (from the Set view page in the Authentication Policy area).

Cisco ISE dynamically chooses the network access service (either an allowed protocol a server sequence) based on the settings configured on the policy set level, and thereafter checks the identity sources and results from the authentication and authorization policy levels. You can define one or more conditions using any of the attributes from the Cisco ISE dictionary. Cisco ISE allows you to create conditions as individual policy elements that can be stored in the Library and then can be reused for other rule-based policies.

The identity method, which is the result of the authentication policy, can be any one of the following:

  • Deny access—Access to the user is denied and no authentication is performed.

  • Identity database—A single identity database that can be any one of the following:

    • Internal users

    • Guest users

    • Internal endpoints

    • Active Directory

    • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) database

    • RADIUS token server (RSA or SafeWord server)

    • Certificate authentication profile

  • Identity source sequences—A sequence of identity databases that is used for authentication.

The default policy set implemented at initial Cisco ISE installation includes the default ISE authentication and authorization rules. The default policy set also includes additional flexible built-in rules (that are not defaults) for authentication and authorization. You can add additional rules to those policies and you can delete and change the built-in rules but you cannot remove the default rules and you cannot remove the default policy set.

Authentication Policy Flow

In authentication policies, you can define multiple rules, which consist of conditions and results. ISE evaluates the conditions that you have specified and based on the result of the evaluation, assigns the corresponding results. The identity database is selected based on the first rule that matches the criteria.

You can also define an identity source sequence consisting of different databases. You can define the order in which you want Cisco ISE to look up these databases. Cisco ISE will access these databases in sequence until the authentication succeeds. If there are multiple instances of the same user in an external database, the authentication fails. There can only be one user record in an identity source.

We recommend that you use only three, or at most four databases in an identity source sequence.

Figure 1. Authentication Policy Flow
Authentication Policy Flow in Cisco ISE

Authentication Failures—Policy Result Options

If you choose the identity method as deny access, a reject message is sent as a response to the request. If you choose an identity database or an identity source sequence and the authentication succeeds, the processing continues to the authorization policy configured for the same policy set. Some of the authentications fail and these are classified as follows:

  • Authentication failed—Received explicit response that authentication has failed such as bad credentials, disabled user, and so on. The default course of action is reject.

  • User not found—No such user was found in any of the identity databases. The default course of action is reject.

  • Process failed—Unable to access the identity database or databases. The default course of action is drop.

Cisco ISE allows you to configure any one of the following courses of action for authentication failures:

  • Reject—A reject response is sent.

  • Drop—No response is sent.

  • Continue—Cisco ISE continues with the authorization policy.

Even when you choose the Continue option, there might be instances where Cisco ISE cannot continue processing the request due to restrictions on the protocol that is being used. For authentications using PEAP, LEAP, EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, or RADIUS MSCHAP, it is not possible to continue processing the request when authentication fails or user is not found.

When authentication fails, it is possible to continue to process the authorization policy for PAP/ASCII and MAC authentication bypass (MAB or host lookup). For all other authentication protocols, when authentication fails, the following happens:

  • Authentication failed—A reject response is sent.

  • User or host not found—A reject response is sent.

  • Process failure—No response is sent and the request is dropped.

Use Cases for Using Continue as the Course of Action for Authentication Failures

If you select the Continue option, Cisco ISE skips authentication and proceeds to evaluate the authorization policy in the following cases:

  • Lookup (MAB)- Cisco ISE proceeds with authorization policy evaluation even if the ‘User not found’ result is displayed.

  • PAP or ASCII

  • CHAP

  • EAP-MD5

  • EAP-TLS - Cisco ISE proceeds with authorization policy evaluation even if the user or certificate validation has failed in AD or LDAP.

  • PEAP (EAP-TLS) - Cisco ISE proceeds with authorization policy evaluation even if the user or certificate validation has failed in AD or LDAP.

  • TEAP (EAP-TLS) - Cisco ISE proceeds with authorization policy evaluation even if the user or certificate validation has failed in AD or LDAP.

  • EAP-FAST (EAP-TLS) - Cisco ISE proceeds with authorization policy evaluation even if the user or certificate validation has failed in AD or LDAP.

  • EAP-chaining TEAP (EAP-TLS, EAP-MS-CHAPv2) - Cisco ISE proceeds with authorization policy evaluation even if the user or certificate validation has failed in AD or LDAP. Note that the Continue option is only applicable for the EAP-TLS inner method.

If there is an authentication failure in the following authentication protocols, all the chosen Advanced options are ignored, and Cisco ISE sends an Access-Reject response.

  • MS-CHAPv1

  • MS-CHAPv2

  • LEAP












Configure Authentication Policies

Define an authentication policy per policy set by configuring and maintaining multiple authentication rules, as necessary.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Step 2

From the row for the policy set from which you would like to add or update an authentication policy, click from the View column in the Policy Sets table, in order to access all of the policy set details and to create authentication and authorization policies as well as policy exceptions.

Step 3

Click the arrow icon next to the Authentication Policy part of the page to expand and view all of the Authentication Policy rules in the table.

Step 4

From the Actions column on any row, click the cog icon. From the dropdown menu, insert a new authentication policy rule by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.

A new row appears in the Authentication Policy table.

Step 5

From the Status column, click the current Status icon and from the dropdown list update the status for the policy set as necessary. For more information about status, seeAuthentication Policy Configuration Settings .

Step 6

For any rule in the table, click in the Rule Name or Description cells to make any free-text changes necessary.

Step 7

To add or change conditions, hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click . The Conditions Studio opens. For more information, see Special Network Access Conditions.

Not all attributes you select will include the “Equals”, “Not Equals", "In", "Not In", “Matches", “Starts With" or “Not Starts With” operator options.

The “Matches” operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.



You must use the “equals” operator for straight forward comparison. “Contains” operator can be used for multi-value attributes. “Matches” operator should be used for regular expression comparison. When “Matches” operator is used, regular expression will be interpreted for both static and dynamic values. In case of lists, the "in" operator checks whether a particular value exists in a list. In case of a single string the "in" operator checks whether the strings are same like the "equals" operator.

Step 8

Organize the policies within the table according to the order by which they are to be checked and matched. To change the order of the rules, drag and drop the rows in to their correct position.

Step 9

Click Save to save and implement your changes.

What to do next

  1. Configure authorization policies

Authentication Policy Configuration Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Authentication Policy section of the Policy Sets window, from which you can configure authentication subpolicies as part of your policy sets.In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Setsfor device administration policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy Sets > View > Authentication Policy

Table 2. Authentication Policy Configuration Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines


Choose the status of this policy. It can be one of the following:

  • Enabled: This policy condition is active.

  • Disabled: This policy condition is inactive and will not be evaluated.

  • Monitor Only: This policy condition will be evaluated, but the result will not be enforced. You can view the results of this policy condition in the Live Log authentication page. In this, see the detailed report which will have the monitored step and attribute. For example, you may want to add a new policy condition, but are not sure if the condition would provide you with the correct results. In this situation, you can create the policy condition in monitored mode to view the results and then enable it if you are satisfied with the results.

Rule Name

Enter a name for this authentication policy.


From a new policy row, click the plus (+) icon or from an existing policy row, click the Edit icon to open the Conditions Studio.


Choose the identity source that you want to use for authentication. You can also choose an identity source sequence if you have configured it.

You can edit the default identity source that you want Cisco ISE to use in case none of the identity sources defined in this rule match the request.


Define a further course of action for authentication failure, user not found, or process failure events. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Reject: A reject response is sent.

  • Drop: No response is sent.

  • Continue: Cisco ISE proceeds with the authorization policy.


Hits are a diagnostic tool indicating the number of times the conditions have matched.


Click the cog icon from the Actions column to view and select different actions:

  • Insert new row above: Insert a new authentication policy above the policy from which you opened the Actions menu.

  • Insert new row below: Insert a new authentication policy below the policy from which you opened the Actions menu.

  • Duplicate above: Insert a duplicate authentication policy above the policy from which you opened the Actions menu, above the original set.

  • Duplicate below: Insert a duplicate authentication policy below the policy from which you opened the Actions menu, below the original set.

  • Delete: Delete the policy set.

Password-Based Authentication

Authentication verifies user information to confirm user identity. Traditional authentication uses a name and a fixed password. This is the most popular, simplest, and least-expensive method of authentication. The disadvantage is that this information can be told to someone else, guessed, or captured. An approach that uses simple, unencrypted usernames and passwords is not considered a strong authentication mechanism, but it can be sufficient for low-authorization or low-privilege levels such as Internet access.

Secure Authentication Using Encrypted Passwords and Cryptographic Techniques

You should use encryption to reduce the risk of password capture on the network. Client and server access control protocols, such as RADIUS, encrypt passwords to prevent them from being captured within a network. However, RADIUS operates only between the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) client and Cisco ISE. Before this point in the authentication process, unauthorized persons can obtain cleartext passwords such as in the following examples:

  • In the communication between an end-user client that dials up over a phone line.

  • On an ISDN line that terminates at a network access server.

  • Over a Telnet session between an end-user client and the hosting device

More-secure methods use cryptographic techniques, such as those used inside the Challenge Authentication Handshake Protocol (CHAP), one-time password (OTP), and advanced EAP-based protocols. Cisco ISE supports a variety of these authentication methods.

Authentication Methods and Authorization Privileges

A fundamental implicit relationship exists between authentication and authorization. The more authorization privileges that are granted to a user, the stronger the authentication should be. Cisco ISE supports this relationship by providing various methods of authentication.

Authentication Dashlet

The Cisco ISE dashboard provides a summary of all authentications that take place in your network and for your devices. It provides at-a-glance information about authentications and authentication failures in the Authentications dashlet.

The RADIUS Authentications dashlet provides the following statistical information about the authentications that Cisco ISE has handled:

  • The total number of RADIUS authentication requests that Cisco ISE has handled, including passed authentications, failed authentications, and simultaneous logins by the same user.

  • The total number of failed RADIUS authentications requests that Cisco ISE has processed.

You can also view a summary of TACACS+ authentications. The TACACS+ Authentications dashlet provides statistical information for device authentications.

For more information about device administration authentications, see TACACS Live Logs. For additional information about RADIUS Live Logs settings, see RADIUS Live Logs.

ISE Community Resource

For information on how to troubleshoot failed authentications and authorizations, see How To: Troubleshoot ISE Failed Authentications & Authorizations.

View Authentication Results

Cisco ISE provides various ways to view real-time authentication summary.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs for network authentications (RADIUS). In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Operations > TACACS > Live Logs to view the real-time authentication summaries.

Step 2

You can view the authentication summary in the following ways:

  • Hover your mouse cursor over the Status icon to view the results of the authentication and a brief summary. A pop-up with status details appears.

  • Enter your search criteria in any one or more of the text boxes that appear at the top of the list, and press Enter, to filter your results.

  • Click the magnifier icon in the Details column to view a detailed report.



    As the Authentication Summary report or dashboard collects and displays the latest data corresponding to failed or passed authentications, the contents of the report appear after a delay of a few minutes.

Authentication Reports and Troubleshooting Tools

Apart from the authentication details, Cisco ISE provides various reports and troubleshooting tools that you can use to efficiently manage your network.

There are various reports that you can run to understand the authentication trend and traffic in your network. You can generate reports for historical as well as current data. The following is a list of authentication reports:

  • AAA Diagnostics

  • RADIUS Accounting

  • RADIUS Authentication

  • Authentication Summary


You must enable IPv6 snooping on Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series switches, otherwise IPv6 address will not be mapped to the authentication sessions and will not be displayed in the show output. Use the following commands to enable IPv6 snooping:
vlan config <vlan-number>
 ipv6 snooping 
ipv6 nd raguard policy router
 device-role router
interface <access-interface>
  ipv6 nd raguard               
interface <uplink-interface>
  ipv6 nd raguard attach-policy router

Authorization Policies

Authorization policies are a component of the Cisco ISE network authorization service. This service allows you to define authorization policies and configure authorization profiles for specific users and groups that access your network resources.

Authorization policies can contain conditional requirements that combine one or more identity groups using a compound condition that includes authorization checks that can return one or more authorization profiles. In addition, conditional requirements can exist apart from the use of a specific identity group.

Authorization profiles are used when creating authorization policies in Cisco ISE. An authorization policy is composed of authorization rules. Authorization rules have three elements: name, attributes, and permissions. The permission element maps to an authorization profile.

Cisco ISE Authorization Profiles

Authorization policies associate rules with specific user and group identities to create the corresponding profiles. Whenever these rules match the configured attributes, the corresponding authorization profile that grants permission is returned by the policy and network access is authorized accordingly.

For example, authorization profiles can include a range of permissions that are contained in the following types:

  • Standard profiles

  • Exception profiles

  • Device-based profiles

Profiles consist of attributes chosen from a set of resources, which are stored in any of the available vendor dictionaries, and these are returned when the condition for the specific authorization policy matches. Because authorization policies can include condition mapping to a single network service rule, these can also include a list of authorization checks.

authorization verifications must comply with the authorization profiles to be returned. Authorization verifications typically comprise one or more conditions, including a user-defined name that can be added to a library, which can then be reused by other authorization policies.

Permissions for Authorization Profiles

Before you start configuring permissions for authorization profiles, make sure you:

  • Understand the relationship between authorization policies and profiles.

  • Are familiar with the Authorization Profile page.

  • Know the basic guidelines to follow when configuring policies and profiles.

  • Understand what comprises permissions in an authorization profile.

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results to work with authorization profiles. From the menu on the left, choose Authorization > Authorization Profiles.

Use the Results navigation pane as your starting point in the process for displaying, creating, modifying, deleting, duplicating, or searching policy element permissions for the different types of authorization profiles on your network. The Results pane initially displays Authentication, Authorization, Profiling, Posture, Client Provisioning, and Trustsec options.

Authorization profiles let you choose the attributes to be returned when a RADIUS request is accepted. Cisco ISE provides a mechanism where you can configure Common Tasks Settings to support commonly used attributes. You must enter the value for Common Tasks Attributes, which Cisco ISE translates to the underlying RADIUS values.

ISE Community Resource

For an example of how to configure Media Access Control Security (MACsec) encryption between an 802.1x supplicant (Cisco AnyConnect Mobile Security) and an authenticator (switch), see MACsec Switch-host Encryption with Cisco AnyConnect and ISE Configuration Example.

Location Based Authorization

Cisco ISE integrates with Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE) to introduce physical location-based authorization. Cisco ISE uses information from MSE to provide differentiated network access based on the actual location of the user, as reported by MSE.

With this feature, you can use the endpoint location information to provide network access when a user is in an appropriate zone. You can also add the endpoint location as an additional attribute for policies to define more granulated policy authorization sets based on device location. You can configure conditions within authorization rules that use location-based attributes, for example:

MSE.Location Equals LND_Campus1:Building1:Floor2:SecureZone

You can define the location hierarchy (campus/building/floor structure) and configure the secure and non-secure zones using the Cisco Prime Infrastructure application. After defining the location hierarchy, you must synchronize the location hierarchy data with the MSE servers. For more information on Cisco Prime Infrastructure, see:

You can add one or multiple MSE instances to integrate MSE-based location data to the authorization process. You can retrieve the location hierarchy data from these MSEs and configure location-based authorization rules using this data.

To track the endpoint movement, check the Track Movement check box while creating an authorization profile. Cisco ISE will query the relevant MSE for the endpoint location every 5 minutes to verify if the location was changed.


  • When adding an MSE device to Cisco ISE, copy the certificates from the MSE device over to ISE to facilitate authorization.

  • Tracking multiple users will impact the performance due to frequent updates. The Track Movement option can be used for high security locations.

  • The Location Tree is created by using the location data retrieved from the MSE instances. You can select the location entries that are exposed to the authorization policy by using the Location Tree.

  • You will need Cisco ISE Advantage licenses to use the Location Services.

Add an MSE server
Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > Network Resources > Location Services > Location Servers

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter the MSE server details, such as server name, hostname/IP address, password, and so on.

Step 4

Click Test to test MSE connectivity using the server details that you have provided.

Step 5

(Optional) Enter the MAC address of an endpoint in the Find Location field and click Find to check whether the endpoint is currently connected to this MSE.

If the endpoint location is found, it is displayed in the following format: Campus:Building:Floor:Zone. Sometimes, more than one entry can be displayed depending on the location hierarchy and zone settings. For example, if all the floors of a building (building1) in a campus named Campus1 are defined as non-secure zones, and the Lab Area in the first floor is defined as a secure zone, the following entries will be displayed when the endpoint is located in the Lab Area:

Found in:



Step 6

Click Submit.

After a new MSE is added, go to the Location Tree page and click Get Update to retrieve its location hierarchy and add it to the Location Tree. If there are filters defined on this tree, these filters are applied on the new MSE entries as well.

Location Tree

The Location Tree is created by using the location data retrieved from the MSE instances. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > Network Resources > Location Services > Location Tree.

If one building has multiple MSEs, Cisco ISE will collate the location details from all the MSEs and present them as a single tree.

You can select the location entries that are exposed to the authorization policy by using the Location Tree. You can also hide specific locations based on your requirements. It is recommended to update the Location Tree before hiding locations. Hidden locations will remain hidden even when the tree is updated.

If the location entries related to an authorization rule are modified or removed, you must disable the affected rules and set these locations as Unknown or select a replacement location for each affected rule. You must verify the new tree structure before applying the change or canceling the update.

Click Get Update to get the latest location hierarchy structure from all MSEs. After verifying the new tree structure, click Save to apply your changes.

Downloadable ACLs

Access control lists (ACLs) are lists of access control entries (ACEs), which may be applied by a Policy Enforcement Point (for example, a switch) to a resource. Each ACE identifies the permissions allowed per user for that object, such as read, write, execute and more. For example, an ACL may be configured for 2 users in the Sales area of the network, with an ACE allowing Read and Write permissions for one of the users and another ACE allowing only Read only permission for the other user.

With Cisco ISE, downloadable ACLs (DACLs) can be configured and implemented in your authorization policies for control of how the network is accessed by different users and groups of users. DACLs can also be configured using the custom user attributes and AD attributes.


If a DACL used in an Identity Provider (IdP) authorization policy is empty, authorization will fail.

To implement DACLs in your network authorization policy in Cisco ISE:

  1. Configure a new or existing DACL from Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Downloadable ACLs. For more information, see Configure Permissions for Downloadable ACLs.

  2. Configure a new or existing authorization profile from Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization Profiles, using any of the DACLs you already configured.

  3. Implement the authorization profiles you have configured when creating and configuring new and existing policy sets from Policy > Policy Sets.


While evaluating authorization profiles with per-user dynamic access control lists, if a DACL does not exist in Cisco ISE configuration, authorization will fail, and Cisco ISE will send an Access-Reject response to that user. You can view this information in the Live Log Details page and the AAA Diagnostics report.

With RADIUS protocol, ACLs grant authorization by filtering source and destination IP addresses, transport protocols, and additional parameters. Static ACLs reside on and are directly configured from the switch and can be applied in your authorization policies from the ISE GUI.

Configure Permissions for Downloadable ACLs

Default authorization DACLs are available with installation of ISE, including the following default profiles:





When working with DACLs, these defaults cannot be changed, but you can duplicate them in order to create additional, similar, DACLs.

After configuring the DACLs that you need, you can apply those DACLs to relevant authorization policies on your network. You cannot edit or delete a DACL that is used in an authorization policy. You must first remove that DACL from the authorization policy to edit or delete that DACL. After updating the DACL, you can reapply the same DACL to the authorization policy, if needed.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Downloadable ACLs.

Step 2

Click Add from the top of the Downloadable ACLs table or alternatively, choose any of the existing DACLs and click Duplicate from the top of the table.

Step 3

Enter or edit the desired values for the DACL, keeping in mind the following rules:

  • Supported characters for the name field are: alphanumeric, hyphen(-), dot( .) and underscore( _ )

  • IP formats are handled based on the selected IP version when you choose the DACL type as follows:

    • IPv4 to validate only IPv4 legal ACEs. You must enter a valid IPv4 format.

    • IPv6 to validate only IPv6 legal ACEs. You must enter a valid IPv6 format.

    • DACLs upgraded from prior releases to release 2.6 shows the Agnostic option as DACL type in the IP Version field. Enter any format as required. Use Agnostic to create a DACL for devices not supported by Cisco. When Agnostic is selected, formats are not validated and you cannot check DACL syntax.

  • The keyword Any must be the source in all ACEs in the DACL. Once the DACL is pushed, the Any in the source is replaced with the IP address of the client that is connecting to the switch.



The IP Version field is noneditable when DACL is mapped to any authorization profile. In this case, remove the DACL reference from Authorization Profiles, edit the IP version and remap the DACL in Authorization Profiles.

Step 4

Optionally, when you finish creating the complete list of ACEs, click Check DACL Syntax to validate the list. If there are validation errors, the check returns specific instructions identifying the invalid syntax in the window that opens automatically.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Machine Access Restriction for Active Directory User Authorization

Cisco ISE contains a Machine Access Restriction (MAR) component that provides an additional means of controlling authorization for Microsoft Active Directory-authentication users. This form of authorization is based on the machine authentication of the computer used to access the Cisco ISE network. For every successful machine authentication, Cisco ISE caches the value that was received in the RADIUS Calling-Station-ID attribute (attribute 31) as evidence of a successful machine authentication.

Cisco ISE retains each Calling-Station-ID attribute value in cache until the number of hours that was configured in the “Time to Live” parameter in the Active Directory Settings page expires. Once the parameter has expired, Cisco ISE deletes it from its cache.

When a user authenticates from an end-user client, Cisco ISE searches the cache for a Calling-Station-ID value from successful machine authentications for the Calling-Station-ID value that was received in the user authentication request. If Cisco ISE finds a matching user-authentication Calling-Station-ID value in the cache, this affects how Cisco ISE assigns permissions for the user that requests authentication in the following ways:

  • If the Calling-Station-ID value matches one found in the Cisco ISE cache, then the authorization profile for a successful authorization is assigned.

  • If the Calling-Station-ID value is not found to match one in the Cisco ISE cache, then the authorization profile for a successful user authentication without machine authentication is assigned.

Guidelines for Configuring Authorization Policies and Profiles

Observe the following guidelines when managing or administering authorization polices and profiles:

  • Rule names you create must use only the following supported characters:

    • Symbols: plus (+), hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), and a space ( ).

    • Alphabetic characters: A-Z and a-z.

    • Numeric characters: 0-9.

  • Identity groups default to “Any” (you can use this global default to apply to all users).

  • Conditions allow you to set one or more policy values. However, conditions are optional and are not required to create an authorization policy. These are the two methods for creating conditions:

    • Choose an existing condition or attribute from a corresponding dictionary of choices.

    • Create a custom condition that allows you to select a suggested value or use a text box to enter a custom value.

  • Condition names you create must use only the following supported characters:

    • Symbols: hyphen (-), underscore (_), and period (.).

    • Alphabetic characters: A-Z and a-z.

    • Numeric characters: 0-9.

  • When you create or edit an authorization profile, if you choose to enable Web Redirection (CWA, MDM, NSP, CPP) with any other option than the Client Provisioning (Policy) , you will not be able to configure IPv6 address as Static IP/Host name/FQDN for that authorization policy. This is because IPv6 Static IP/Host name/FQDN are not supported in Central Web Auth (CWA), Mobile Device Management (MDM) redirect, and Native Supplicant Protocol (NSP).

  • Permissions are important when choosing an authorization profile to use for a policy. A permission can grant access to specific resources or allow you to perform specific tasks. For example, if a user belongs to a specific identity group (such as Device Admins), and the user meets the defined conditions (such as a site in Boston), then this user is granted the permissions associated with that group (such as access to a specific set of network resources or permission to perform a specific operation on a device).

  • When you use the radius attribute Tunnel-Private-Group-ID in an authorization condition, you must mention both the tag and the value in the condition when the EQUALS operator is being used, for example:

    Tunnel-Private-Group-ID EQUALS (tag=0) 77

Dynamic Reauthorization Scheduler

From Cisco ISE Release 3.4 Patch 1, you can enhance access control by setting a predetermined expiration date and time for each session to limit the duration of access. This approach ensures that a session remains active and permits authenticated actions only until the specified expiration date, thereby preventing any unauthorized access if a session is left open or if credentials are compromised.

Consider a training lab that is scheduled to begin on Monday and conclude on Friday at 5PM. Cisco ISE Dynamic Reauthorization Scheduler allows you to automatically disconnect all endpoints connected to the lab at exactly 5PM on Friday based on the learned expiration date and time. It is important to note that once disconnected, these endpoints will not be able to reconnect to the lab, allowing for necessary maintenance activities such as modifying the policies to take place.

Cisco ISE captures the specific date and time when the authentication occurs and learns the expiration date and time attributes. It stores these attributes and uses them as a reference point for future authentication attempts. Once the recorded expiration date and time is reached, the session automatically terminates and is no longer valid, requiring the user to re-authenticate to initiate a new session.

To set an expiration date, you must choose a string-type dictionary attribute under Authorization Profile. For more details, please refer to Authorization Profile Settings > Reauthentication section.

Configure Authorization Policies

After creating attributes and building blocks for authorization policies from the Policy menu, create authorization policies within policy sets from the Policy Sets menu.

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure, you should have a basic understanding of the different building blocks used to create authorization policies such as identify groups and conditions.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Step 2

From the View column, click to access all of the policy set details and to create authentication and authorization policies as well as policy exceptions.

Step 3

Click the arrow icon next to the Authorization Policy part of the page to expand and view the Authorization Policy table.

Step 4

From the Actions column on any row, click the cog icon. From the dropdown menu, insert a new authorization policy rule by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.

A new row appears in the Authorization Policy table.

Step 5

To set the status for a policy, click the current Status icon and from the dropdown list select the necessary status from the Status column. For more information about statuses, see Authorization Policy Settings.

Step 6

For any policy in the table, click in the Rule Name cells to make any free-text changes necessary and to create a unique rule name.

Step 7

To add or change conditions, hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click . The Conditions Studio opens. For more information, seePolicy Conditions.

Not all attributes you select will include the “Equals”, “Not Equals", "In", "Not In", “Matches", “Starts With" or “Not Starts With” operator options.

The “Matches” operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.



You must use the “equals” operator for straight forward comparison. “Contains” operator can be used for multi-value attributes. “Matches” operator should be used for regular expression comparison. When “Matches” operator is used, regular expression will be interpreted for both static and dynamic values. In case of lists, the "in" operator checks whether a particular value exists in a list. In case of a single string the "in" operator checks whether the strings are same like the "equals" operator.

Step 8

For network access results profiles, select the relevant authorization profile from the Results Profiles dropdown list or choose or click , choose Create a New Authorization Profile and when the Add New Standard Profile screen opens, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter values as required to configure a new authorization profile. Keep the following in mind:

    • Supported characters for the name field are: space, ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / ; = ? @ _ {.

    • For Common Tasks, to enter a DACL, choose the relevant DACL Name option as follows and then select the necessary DACL from the dynamic dropdown list:

      • To use an IPv4 DACL, check DACL Name.

      • To enter an IPv6 DACL, check IPv6 DACL Name.

      • To enter any other DACL syntax, check either option. Agnostic DACLs appear in both the IPv4 and the IPv6 dropdown lists.



        If you select DACL Name, then the AVP type is for IPv4, even if the DACL itself is agnostic. If you select a DACL for the IPv6 DACL Name, then the AVP type is for IPv6, even if the DACL itself is agnostic.

    • Note


      If you choose to use ACL for your policy, ensure your device is compatible with this feature. For more information, see the Cisco Identity Services Engine Compatibility Guide.

      For Common Tasks, to enter an ACL, choose the relevant ACL (Filter-ID) option as follows and then type the ACL name in the field:

      • To use an IPv4 ACL, check ACL (Filter-ID).

      • To enter an IPv6 ACL, check ACL IPv6 (Filter-ID).

    • To use an ACL for Airespace devices, check Airespace ACL Name or Airespace IPv6 ACL Name as necessary, and type the ACL name in the field.

    • You can double-check the authorization profile RADIUS syntax from the Attributes Details that dynamically appear at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database to create an authorization profile.

  3. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles to create, manage, edit, and delete profiles outside of the Policy Sets area.

Step 9

For network access results security groups, select the relevant security group from the Results Security Groupsdropdown list or click , choose Create a New Security Group and when the Create New Security Group screen opens, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter a name and description (optional) for the new security group.

  2. Check the Propagate to ACI check box if you want to propagate this SGT to Cisco ACI. The SXP mappings that are related to this SGT will be propagated to Cisco ACI only if they belong to a VPN that is selected in the Cisco ACI Settings page.

    This option is disabled by default.

  3. Enter a Tag Value. Tag value can be set to be entered manually or autogenerate. You can also reserve a range for the SGT. You can configure it from the In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > General TrustSec Settings

  4. Click Submit.

    For more information, see Security Groups Configuration.

Step 10

For TACACS+ results, select the relevant Command Sets and Shell Profiles from the Results drop-down lists or click in the Command Sets or Shell Profiles column to open the Add Commands Screen or Add Shell Profile respectively. Choose Create a New Command Set or Create a New Shell Profile and enter the fields.

Step 11

Organize the order by which the policies are to be checked and matched within the table.

Step 12

Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database and create this new authorization policy.

Authorization Policy Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Authorization Policy section of the Policy Sets window, from which you can configure authorization policies as part of your policy sets. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Table 3. Authorization Policy Configuration Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines


Choose the status of this policy. It can be one of the following:

  • Enabled: This policy condition is active.

  • Disabled: This policy condition is inactive and will not be evaluated.

  • Monitor Only: This policy condition will be evaluated, but the result will not be enforced. You can view the results of this policy condition in the Live Log authentication page. In this, see the detailed report which will have the monitored step and attribute. For example, you may want to add a new policy condition, but are not sure if the condition would provide you with the correct results. In this situation, you can create the policy condition in monitored mode to view the results and then enable it if you are satisfied with the results.

Rule Name

Enter a unique name for this policy.


From a new policy row, click the plus (+) icon or from an existing policy row, click the Edit icon to open the Conditions Studio.

Results or Profiles

Select the relevant authorization profile, which determines the different levels of permissions offered to the configured security group. If you have not yet configured the relevant authorization profile, you can do so inline.

Results or Security Groups

Select the relevant security group, which determines the groups of users relevant to the specific rule. If you have not yet configured the relevant security group, you can do so inline.

Results or Command Sets

Command sets enforce the specified list of commands that can be executed by a device administrator. When a device administrator issues operational commands on a network device, ISE is queried to determine whether the administrator is authorized to issue these commands. This is also referred to as command authorization.

Results or Shell Profiles

TACACS+ shell profiles control the initial login session of the device administrator.


Hits are a diagnostic tool indicating the number of times the conditions have matched.


Click the cog icon from the Actions column to view and select different actions:

  • Insert new row above: Insert a new authorization rule above the rule from which you opened the Actions menu.

  • Insert new row below: Insert a new authorization rule below the rule from which you opened the Actions menu.

  • Duplicate above: Insert a duplicate authorization rule above the rule from which you opened the Actions menu, above the original set.

  • Duplicate below: Insert a duplicate authorization rule below the rule from which you opened the Actions menu, below the original set.

  • Delete: Delete the rule.

Authorization Profile Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles, the Authorization Profiles window define attributes for network access.


When upgrading from a Cisco ISE 2.x release to a Cisco ISE 3.x release in a non-Cisco device, if an Authorization profile contains a Network Device profile with a configured ACL value, an upgrade failure may occur. This occurs because a Network Device profile is not supposed to have an ACL configured in it.

To work around this issue, you can either remove the value manually or delete the corresponding Authorization profile itself.

Authorization Profile Settings

  • Name: Enter a name for this new authorization profile.

  • Description: Enter a description for this authorization profile.

  • Access Type: Choose the access type: ACCESS_ACCEPT or ACCESS_REJECT.

  • Service Template: Enable this option to support sessions with SAnet-capable devices. Cisco ISE implements service templates in authorization profiles using a special flag that marks them as Service Template compatible. Since the service template is also an authorization profile, it acts as a single policy that supports both SAnet and non-SAnet devices.

  • Track Movement: Enable this option to track user location with Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE).


    This option may impact Cisco ISE performance, it is only intended for high-security locations.

  • Passive Identity Tracking: Enable this option to use the Easy Connect feature of Passive Identity for policy enforcement and user tracking.

Common Tasks

Common tasks are specific permissions and actions that apply to network access.

  • DACL Name : Enable this option to use a downloadable ACL. You can use the default values (PERMIT_ALL_IPV4_TRAFFIC, PERMIT_ALL_IPV6_TRAFFIC, DENY_ALL_IPV4_TRAFFIC, DENY_ALL_IPV6_TRAFFIC), or select an attribute from the following dictionaries:

    • External identity store (attributes)

    • Endpoints

    • Internal User

    • Internal Endpoint

    For more information about adding DACLs or editing and managing existing DACLs, see Downloadable ACLs.

  • ACL (Filter-ID): Enable this option to configure a RADIUS filter-ID attribute. The filter-ID specifies an ACL on the NAD. Your Filter-ID is displayed in the Attributes Details pane. ACL IPv6 (Filter-ID) works the same way for IPv6 connections to the NAD.


    From Cisco ISE 3.0 onwards, you can enter the text or select the required attributes from the Attribute Values drop-down list for ACL Filter-ID. If you are entering the text for ACL Filter-ID, you must add the ".in" suffix for Cisco devices.

  • Security Group: Enable this option to assign a security group (SGT) part of authorization.

    From Cisco ISE 3.2 onwards, when selecting a Security Group, you may optionally specify a Virtual Network by selecting from the drop-down list or by entering the desired text. You may also optionally specify a VLAN name.

    A Security Group task includes a security group and an optional VN. If you configure a security group, then you cannot configure a VLAN separately. An endpoint device can only be assigned to one virtual network.

  • VLAN: Enable this option to specify a virtual LAN (VLAN) ID. You can enter integer or string values for the VLAN ID. The format for this entry is Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:VLANnumber.

  • Voice Domain Permission : Enable this option to use a downloadable ACL. The vendor-specific attribute (VSA) of cisco-av-pair is associated with the value device-traffic-class=voice. In multidomain authorization mode, if the network switch receives this VSA, the endpoint connects to a voice domain after authorization.

  • Web Redirection (CWA, DRW, MDM, NSP, CPP): Enable this option to enable web redirection after authentication.

    • Select the type of redirection. The type of Web Redirection that you select displays additional options, which are described below.

    • Enter an ACL to support the redirection that Cisco ISE sends to the NAD.

      The ACL you enter to send to the NAD displays in the Attributes Details pane as a cisco-av pair. For example, if you enter acl119, it is displayed in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair = url-redirect-acl = acl119.

    • Select the other settings for the selected web redirection type.

    Select one of the following types web redirection:

    • Centralized Web Auth: Redirect to the portal you select from the Value drop-down.

    • Client Provisioning (Posture): Redirect to the client provisioning portal you select from the Value drop-down, to enable posture on the client.

    • Hot Spot: Redirect: Redirect to the hot spot portal you select from the Value drop-down.

    • MDM Redirect: Redirect to the MDM portal on the MDM server that you specify.

    • Native Supplicant Provisioning: Redirect to the BYOD portal you select from the Value drop-down.

    After selecting the web redirection type, and entering the required parameters, configure the following options:

    • Display Certificates Renewal Message: Enable this option to display a certificate renewal message. The URL-redirect attribute value changes and includes the number of days for which the certificate is valid. This option is only for Centralized Web Auth redirection.

    • Static IP/Host Name/FQDN: Enable this option to redirect a user to a different PSN. Enter the target IP address, hostname, or FQDN. If you do not configure this option, the user is redirected to the FQDN of the policy service node that received this request.

    • Suppress Profiler CoA for endpoints in Logical Profile: Enable this option to cancel the redirect for a certain type of endpoint device.

  • Auto SmartPort: Enable this option to use Auto SmartPort functionality. Enter an event name, which creates a VSA cisco-av-pair with that value as auto-smart-port=event_name. This value is displayed in the Attributes Details pane.

  • Access Vulnerabilities: Enable this option to run the Threat Centric NAC Vulnerability Assessment on this endpoint as part of authorization. Select the adapter, and when to run the scan.

  • Reauthentication: Enable this option to keep the endpoint connected during reauthentication. You choose to maintain connectivity during reauthentication by choosing to use RADIUS-Request (1). The default RADIUS-Request (0) disconnects the existing session. You can also set an inactivity timer.

  • MACSec Policy: Enable this option to use the MACSec encryption policy whenever a MACSec enabled client connects to Cisco ISE. Choose one of the following options: must-secure, should-secure, or must-not-secure. Your settings are displayed in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair = linksec-policy=must-secure.

  • NEAT : Enable this option to use Network Edge Access Topology (NEAT), which extends identity recognition between networks. Checking this check box displays cisco-av-pair = device-traffic-class=switch in the Attributes Details pane.

  • Web Authentication (Local Web Auth) : Enable this option to use local web authentication for this authorization profile. This value lets the switch recognize authorization for web authentication by Cisco ISE sending a VSA along with a DACL. The VSA is cisco-av-pair = priv-lvl=15, which is displayed in the Attributes Details pane.

  • Airespace ACL Name: Enable this option to send an ACL name to Cisco Airespace wireless controller. The Airespace VSA uses this ACL to authorize a locally defined ACL to a connection on the WLC. For example, if you entered rsa-1188, it is displayed as Airespace-ACL-Name = rsa-1188 in the Attributes Details pane.

  • ASA VPN: Enable this option to assign an Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA) VPN group policy. From the drop-down list, choose a VPN group policy.

  • AVC Profile Name: Enable this option to run application visibility on this endpoint. Enter the AVC profile to use.

  • UPN Lookup: TBD

Advanced Attributes Settings

  • Dictionaries: Click the down arrow icon to view the available options in the Dictionaries window. Select a dictionary and an attribute that should be configured in the first field.

  • Attribute Values: Click the down-arrow icon to display the available options in the Attribute Values window. Select the desired attribute group and the attribute value. This value is matched with the one selected in the first field. The Advanced Attributes settings that you configure are displayed in the Attribute Details panel.

  • Attributes Details: This pane displays the configured attribute values that you have set for Common Tasks and Advanced Attributes.

    The values that are displayed in the Attributes Details pane are read-only.


    To modify or delete any of the read-only values that are displayed in the Attributes Details pane, modify or delete these values in the corresponding Common Tasks field, or in the attribute that you selected in the Attribute Values field in the Advanced Attributes Settings pane.

Authorization Policy Exceptions

Within each policy set, you can define regular authorization policies, as well as local exception rules (defined from the Authorization Policy Local Exceptions part in the Set view for each policy set) and global exception rules (defined from the Authorization Policy Global Exceptions part in the Set view for each policy set).

Global authorization exception policies enable you to define rules that override all authorization rules in all of your policy sets. Once you configure a global authorization exception policy, it is added to to all policy sets. Global authorization exception policies can then be updated from within any of the currently configured policy sets. Every time you update a global authorization exception policy, those updates are applied to all policy sets.

The local authorization exception rule overwrites the global exception rule. The authorization rules are processed in the following order: first the local exception rule, then the global exception rule, and finally, the regular rule of the authorization policy.

Authorization exception policy rules are configured identically to authorization policy rules. For information about authorization policies, see Configure Authorization Policies.


Cisco ISE does not support the use of % character in the authorization policies to avoid security issues.

Local and Global Exceptions Configuration Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy Sets > View > Local Exceptions Policy or Global Exceptions Policy.

Authorization exception settings are identical to the Authorization policy settings and are as described in Authorization Policy Settings.

Policy Conditions

Cisco ISE uses rule-based policies to provide network access. A policy is a set of rules and results, where the rules are made up of conditions. Cisco ISE allows you to create conditions as individual policy elements that can be stored in the system library and then reused for other rule-based policies from the Conditions Studio.

Conditions can be as simple or complex as necessary using an operator (equal to, not equal to, greater than, and so on), and a value, or by including multiple attributes, operators and complex hierarchies. At runtime, Cisco ISE evaluates a policy condition and then applies the result that you have defined based on whether the policy evaluation returns a true or a false value.

After you create a condition and assign it a unique name, you can reuse this condition multiple times across various rules and policies by selecting it from the Conditions Studio Library, for example:

Network Conditions.MyNetworkCondition EQUALS true

You cannot delete conditions from the Condition Studio that are used in a policy or are part of another condition.

Each condition defines a list of objects that can be included in policy conditions, resulting in a set of definitions that are matched against those presented in the request.

You can use the operator, EQUALS true, to check if the network condition evaluates to true (whether the value presented in the request matches at least one entry within the network condition) or EQUALS false to test whether the network condition evaluates to false (does not match any entry in the network condition).

Cisco ISE also offers predefined smart conditions that you can use in your policies separately or as building blocks in your own customized conditions, and which you can update and change based on your needs.

You can create the following unique network conditions to restrict access to the network:

  • Endstation Network Conditions—Based on endstations that initiate and terminate the connection.

    Cisco ISE evaluates the remote address TO field (which is obtained based on whether it is a TACACS+ or RADIUS request) to identity whether it is the IP address, MAC address, calling line identification (CLI), or dialed number identification service (DNIS) of the endpoint.

    In a RADIUS request, this identifier is available in Attribute 31 (Calling-Station-Id).

    In a TACACS+ request, if the remote address includes a slash (/), the part before the slash is taken as the FROM value and the part after the slash is taken as the TO value. For example, if a request has CLI/DNIS, CLI is taken as the FROM value and DNIS is taken as the TO value. If a slash is not included, the entire remote address is taken as the FROM value (whether IP address, MAC address, or CLI).

  • Device Network Conditions—Based on the AAA client that processes the request.

    A network device can be identified by its IP address, device name that is defined in the network device repository, or Network Device Group.

    In a RADIUS request, if Attribute 4 (NAS-IP-Address) is present, Cisco ISE obtains the IP address from this attribute. If Attribute 32 (NAS-Identifier) is present, Cisco ISE obtains the IP address from Attribute 32. If these attributes are not found, it obtains the IP address from the packet that it receives.

    The device dictionary (NDG dictionary) contains network device group attributes such as Location, Device Type, or other dynamically created attributes that represent NDGs. These attributes contain the groups that the current device is related to.

  • Device Port Network Conditions—Based on the device's IP address, name, NDG, and port (physical port of the device that the endstation is connected to).

    In a RADIUS request, if Attribute 5 (NAS-Port) is present in the request, Cisco ISE obtains the value from this attribute. If Attribute 87 (NAS-Port-Id) is present in the request, Cisco ISE obtains the request from Attribute 87.

    In a TACACS+ request, Cisco ISE obtains this identifier from the port field of the start request (of every phase).

For more information about these unique conditions, see Special Network Access Conditions.

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Dictionaries are domain-specific catalogs of attributes and allowed values that can be used to define access policies for a domain. An individual dictionary is a homogeneous collection of attribute type. Attributes that are defined in a dictionary have the same attribute type and the type indicates the source or context of a given attribute.

Attribute types can be one of the following:




In addition to attributes and allowed values, a dictionary contains information about the attributes such as the name and description, data type, and the default values. An attribute can have one of the following data types: BOOLEAN, FLOAT, INTEGER, IPv4, IPv6, OCTET_STRING, STRING, UNIT32, and UNIT64.

Cisco ISE creates system dictionaries during installation and allows you to create user dictionaries.

Attributes are stored in different system dictionaries. Attributes are used to configure conditions. Attributes can be reused in multiple conditions.

To reuse a valid attribute when creating policy conditions, select it from a dictionary that contains the supported attributes. For example, Cisco ISE provides an attribute named AuthenticationIdentityStore, which is located in the NetworkAccess dictionary. This attribute identifies the last identity source that was accessed during the authentication of a user:

  • When a single identity source is used during authentication, this attribute includes the name of the identity store in which the authentication succeeded.

  • When an identity source sequence is used during authentication, this attribute includes the name of the last identity source accessed.

You can use the AuthenticationStatus attribute in combination with the AuthenticationIdentityStore attribute to define a condition that identifies the identity source to which a user has successfully been authenticated. For example, to check for a condition where a user authenticated using an LDAP directory (LDAP13) in the authorization policy, you can define the following reusable condition:

If NetworkAccess.AuthenticationStatus EQUALS AuthenticationPassed AND NetworkAccess.AuthenticationIdentityStore EQUALS LDAP13


The AuthenticationIdentityStore represents a text field that allows you to enter data for the condition. Ensure that you enter or copy the name correctly into this field. If the name of the identity source changes, you must ensure to modify this condition to match the change to the identity source.

To define conditions that are based on an endpoint identity group that has been previously authenticated, Cisco ISE supports authorization that was defined during endpoint identity group 802.1X authentication status. When Cisco ISE performs 802.1X authentication, it extracts the MAC address from the “Calling-Station-ID” field in the RADIUS request and uses this value to look up and populate the session cache for the device's endpoint identity group (defined as an endpointIDgroup attribute). This process makes the endpointIDgroup attribute available for use in creating authorization policy conditions, and allows you to define an authorization policy based on endpoint identity group information using this attribute, in addition to user information.

The condition for the endpoint identity group can be defined in the ID Groups column of the authorization policy configuration page. Conditions that are based on user-related information need to be defined in the “Other Conditions” section of the authorization policy. If user information is based on internal user attributes, then use the ID Group attribute in the internal user dictionary. For example, you can enter the full value path in the identity group using a value like “User Identity Group:Employee:US”.

Supported Dictionaries for Network Access Policies

Cisco ISE supports the following system-stored dictionaries that contain the different attributes necessary when building conditions and rules for your authentication and authorization policies:

  • System-defined dictionaries


    • DEVICE

    • RADIUS

  • RADIUS vendor dictionaries

    • Airespace

    • Cisco

    • Cisco-BBSM

    • Cisco-VPN3000

    • Microsoft

    • Network access

For authorization policy types, the verification configured in the condition must comply with the authorization profiles to be returned.

Verifications typically include one or more conditions that include a user-defined name that can then be added to a library and reused by other policies.

The following sections describe the supported attributes and dictionaries available for configuring conditions.

Attributes Supported by Dictionaries

The table lists the fixed attributes that are supported by dictionaries, which can be used in policy conditions. Not all of these attributes are available for creating all types of conditions.

For example, while creating a condition to choose the access service in authentication policies, you will only see the following network access attributes: Device IP Address, ISE Host Name, Network Device Name, Protocol, and Use Case.

You can use the attributes listed in the following table in policy conditions.



Allowed Protocol Rules and Proxy

Identity Rules


Device Type (predefined network device group)



Device Location (predefined network device group)

Other Custom Network Device Group

Software Version

Model Name


All attributes



Network Access

ISE Host Name












Device IP Address



EapAuthentication (the EAP method that is used during authentication of a user of a machine)



EapTunnel (the EAP method that is used for tunnel establishment)
















Common Name







Organization Unit

Serial Number

State or Province


Subject Alternative Name

Subject Alternative Name - DNS

Subject Alternative Name - E-mail

Subject Alternative Name - Other Name

Subject Serial Number


Issuer - Common Name

Issuer - Organization

Issuer - Organization Unit

Issuer - Location

Issuer - Country

Issuer - Email

Issuer - Serial Number

Issuer - State or Province

Issuer - Street Address

Issuer - Domain Component

Issuer - User ID

System Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Cisco ISE creates system dictionaries during installation that you can find in the System Dictionaries page. System-defined dictionary attributes are read-only attributes. Because of their nature, you can only view existing system-defined dictionaries. You cannot create, edit, or delete system-defined values or any attributes in a system dictionary.

A system-defined dictionary attribute is displayed with the descriptive name of the attribute, an internal name as understood by the domain, and allowed values.

Cisco ISE also creates dictionary defaults for the IETF RADIUS set of attributes that are also a part of the system-defined dictionaries, which are defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). You can edit all free IETF RADIUS attribute fields except the ID.

Display System Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

You cannot create, edit, or delete any system-defined attribute in a system dictionary. You can only view system-defined attributes. You can perform a quick search that is based on a dictionary name and description or an advanced search that is based on a search rule that you define.


Step 1

Step 2

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System.

Step 3

Choose a system dictionary in the System Dictionaries page, and click View.

Step 4

Click Dictionary Attributes.

Step 5

Choose a system dictionary attribute from the list, and click View.

Step 6

Click the Dictionaries link to return to the System Dictionaries page.

User-Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Cisco ISE displays the user-defined dictionaries that you create in the User Dictionaries page. You cannot modify the values for Dictionary Name or Dictionary Type for an existing user dictionary once created and saved in the system.

You can do the following in the User Dictionaries page:

  • Edit and delete user dictionaries.

  • Search user dictionaries based on name and description.

  • Add, edit, and delete user-defined dictionary attributes in the user dictionaries.

  • Delete attributes of the NMAP extension dictionary, using the NMAP scan action. When custom ports are added or deleted in the NMAP Scan Actions page, the corresponding custom ports attributes are added, deleted, or updated in the dictionary.

  • Add or remove allowed values for dictionary attributes.

Create User-Defined Dictionaries

You can create, edit, or delete user-defined dictionaries.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > User

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter the name for the user dictionary, an optional description, and a version for the user dictionary.

Step 4

Choose the attribute type from the Dictionary Attribute Type drop-down list.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Create User-Defined Dictionary Attributes

You can add, edit, and delete user-defined dictionary attributes in user dictionaries as well as add or remove allowed values for the dictionary attributes.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > User

Step 2

Choose a user dictionary from the User Dictionaries page, and click Edit.

Step 3

Click Dictionary Attributes.

Step 4

Click Add.

Step 5

Enter the name for an attribute name, an optional description, and an internal name for the dictionary attribute.

Step 6

Choose a data type from the Data Type drop-down list.

Step 7

Click Add to configure the name, allowed value, and set the default status in the Allowed Values table.

Step 8

Click Submit.

RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries

Cisco ISE allows you to define a set of RADIUS-vendor dictionaries, and define a set of attributes for each one. Each vendor definition in the list contains the vendor name, the vendor ID, and a brief description.

Cisco ISE provides you the following RADIUS-vendor dictionaries by default:

  • Airespace

  • Cisco

  • Cisco-BBSM

  • Cisco-VPN3000

  • Microsoft

The RADIUS protocol supports these vendor dictionaries, and the vendor-specific attributes that can be used in authorization profiles and in policy conditions.

Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries

You can also create, edit, delete, export, and import RADIUS-vendor dictionaries.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > Radius > Radius Vendors.

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter a name for the RADIUS-vendor dictionary, an optional description, and the vendor ID as approved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for the RADIUS vendor. The vendor ID must be unique across the global IANA vendor list and cannot be in use by any existing vendor.

Step 4

Choose the number of bytes taken from the attribute value to specify the attribute type from the Vendor Attribute Type Field Length drop- down list. Valid values are 1, 2, and 4. The default value is 1.

Step 5

Choose the number of bytes taken from the attribute value to specify the attribute length from the Vendor Attribute Size Field Length drop-down list. Valid values are 0 and 1. The default value is 1.

Step 6

Click Submit.

Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionary Attributes

You can create, edit, and delete RADIUS vendor attributes that Cisco ISE supports. Each RADIUS-vendor attribute has a name, data type, description, and direction, which specifies whether it is relevant to requests only, responses only, or both.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > Radius > Radius Vendors.

Step 2

Choose a RADIUS-vendor dictionary from the RADIUS vendor dictionaries list, and click Edit.

Step 3

Click Dictionary Attributes, and then click Add.

Step 4

Enter the attribute name for the RADIUS vendor attribute and an optional description.

Step 5

Choose the data type from the Data Type drop-down list.

Step 6

Check the Enable MAC option check box.

Step 7

Choose the direction that applies to RADIUS requests only, RADIUS responses only, or both from the Direction drop-down list.

Step 8

Enter the vendor attribute ID in the ID field.

Step 9

Check the Allow Tagging check box.

Step 10

Check the Allow multiple instances of this attribute in a profile check box.

Step 11

Click Add to add the allowed value for the vendor attribute in the Allowed Values table.

Step 12

Click Submit.

HP RADIUS IETF Service Type Attributes

Cisco ISE introduces two new values for the RADIUS IETF Service Type attribute. The RADIUS IETF service type attribute is available in Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > RADIUS > IETFIn the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > RADIUS > IETF. You can use these two values in policy conditions. These two values are specifically designed for HP devices to understand permissions of the user.

Enumeration Name

Enumeration Value





RADIUS Vendor Dictionary Attribute Settings

This section describes RADIUS vendor dictionaries used in Cisco ISE.

The following table describes the fields in the Dictionary window for RADIUS vendors, which allows you to configure dictionary attributes for the RADIUS vendors. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > RADIUS > RADIUS Vendors.

Table 4. RADIUS Vendor Dictionary Attribute Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines

Attribute Name

Enter the vendor specific attribute name for the selected RADIUS vendor.


Enter an optional description for the vendor specific attribute.

Internal Name

Enter the name for the vendor specific attribute that refers to it internally in the database.

Data Type

Choose one of the following data types for the vendor specific attribute:



  • UNIT32

  • UNIT64

  • IPV4

  • IPV6

Enable MAC option

Check this check box to enable the comparison of RADIUS attribute as MAC address. By default, for the RADIUS attribute calling-station-id this option is marked as enabled and you cannot disable it. For other dictionary attributes (of string types) within the RADIUS vendor dictionary, you can enable or disable this option.

Once you enable this option, while setting the authentication and authorization conditions, you can define whether the comparison is clear string by selecting the Text option or whether it is MAC address by selecting the MAC address option.


Choose one of the options that applies to RADIUS messages:


Enter the vendor attribute ID. The valid range is 0 to 255.

Allow Tagging

Check this check box to mark the attribute as being permitted to have a tag, as defined in RFC2868. The purpose of the tag is to allow grouping of attributes for tunnelled users. See RFC2868 for more details.

The tagged attributes support ensures that all attributes pertaining to a given tunnel contain the same value in their respective tag fields, and that each set includes an appropriately-valued instance of the Tunnel-Preference attribute. This conforms to the tunnel attributes that are to be used in a multi-vendor network environment, thereby eliminating interoperability issues among Network Access Servers (NASs) manufactured by different vendors.

Allow Multiple Instances of this Attribute in a Profile

Check this check box when you want multiple instances of this RADIUS vendor specific attribute in profiles.

Navigate the Conditions Studio

Use the Conditions Studio to create, manage and re-use conditions. Conditions can include more than one rule, and can be built with any complexity including only one level, or multiple hierarchical levels. When using the Conditions Studio to create new conditions, you can use the condition blocks that you have already stored in the Library and you can also update and change those stored condition blocks. While creating and managing conditions later, easily find the blocks and attributes that you need by using quick category filters, and more.

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

To edit or change conditions that have already been applied to the specific rule in any of your policy sets, hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click , or click the plus sign from the Conditions column in the Policy Set table in order to create a new condition, which you can then immediately apply to the same policy set or alternatively you can also save in the Library for future use.

The following figure shows the main elements of the Conditions Studio.
Figure 2. Conditions Studio

The Condition Studio is divided into two main parts: the Library and the Editor. The Library stores condition blocks for reuse while the Editor enables you to edit those saved blocks and create new ones.

The following table describes the different parts of the Conditions Studio:


Usage Guidelines


Displays the list of all condition blocks that were created and saved in the ISE database for reuse. To use these condition blocks as part of your currently edited condition, drag and drop them from the Library to the relevant level in the Editor and update the operators as necessary.

Conditions stored in the Library are all represented by the Library icon , because conditions can be associated with more than one category.

Next to each condition in the Library you can also find the i icon. Hover over this icon to view a full description of the condition, view the categories to which it is associated, and to delete the condition from the library entirely. You cannot delete conditions if they are used by policies.

Drag and drop any of the Library conditions into the Editor in order to use it for the currently edited policy on its own or as a building block for a more complex condition to be used in the current policy or saved as a new condition in the Library. You can also drag and drop the condition in the Editor in order to make changes to that condition and then save it under the same or a new name in the Library.

There are also predefined conditions upon installation. These conditions can also be changed and deleted.

Search and filter

Search conditions by name or filter them by category. In a similar manner, you can also search and filter attributes from the Click to add an attribute field in the Editor. The icons on the toolbar represent different attribute categories such as subject, address and so forth. Click an icon to view attributes related to the specific category and click a highlighted icon from the category toolbar in order to deselect it, thereby removing the filter.

Conditions List

The complete list of all conditions in the Library, or the list of conditions in the Library based on the search or filter results.


Create new conditions to use immediately as well as to save them in the system Library for future use, and edit existing conditions and save those changes in the Library for immediate and future use.

When opening the Conditions Studio in order to create a new condition (click the plus sign from any of the policy set tables), the Editor appears with only a single, empty, line to which you can add your first rule.

When the Editor opens with empty fields, no operator icons appear

The Editor is divided into different virtual columns and rows.

Columns represent different hierarchical levels, and each column is indented based on its position in the hierarchy; rows represent individual rules. You can create single or multiple rules per level, and you can include multiple levels.

The example in the image above displays a condition that is in the process of being built or edited and includes a hierarchy of rules, where both the first and second levels in the figure are marked with the number 5. The rules on the top parent level use the operator OR.

In order to change the operator once you have selected it and created the hierarchical level, simply select the relevant option from the dropdown list that appears in this column.

In addition to the operator dropdown list, each rule has a relevant icon in this column, indicating what category it belongs to. If you hover over the icon, a tooltip indicates the name of the category.

Once saved to the library, all condition blocks are assigned the Library icon, replacing the category icons that appeared in the Editor.

Finally, if a rule is configured to exclude all relevant matched items, then the Is-Not indicator also appears in this column. For example, if a location attribute with the value London is set to Is-Not then all devices from London will be denied access.

This area displays the options available when working with hierarchical levels as well as multiple rules within a condition.

When you hover over any column or row the relevant actions appear. When you select an action, it is applied to that section and all of the children sections. For example, with five levels in Hierarchy A, if you choose AND from any rule in the third level, then a new hierarchy, Hierarchy B, is created under the original rule so that the original rule becomes the parent rule for Hierarchy B, which is embedded in Hierarchy A.

When you first open the Condition Studio in order to create a new condition from scratch, the Editor area includes only one line for a single rule that you can configure, as well as the option to select relevant operators or to drag and drop relevant conditions from the Library.

Additional levels can be added to the condition with the AND and OR operator options. Choose New to create a new rule on the same level from which you clicked the option. The New option only appears once you have configured at least one rule on the top level of the hieararchy.

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

Use the Conditions Studio to create, manage and re-use conditions. Conditions can include more than one rule, and can be built with any complexity including only one level, or multiple hierarchical levels. Manage the condition hierarchy from the Editor side of the Conditions Studio as in the following image:
Figure 3. Editor—Conditions Hierarchy

When creating new conditions, you can use the condition blocks that you have already stored in the Library and you can also update and change those stored condition blocks. While creating and managing conditions, easily find the blocks and attributes that you need by using quick category filters, and more.

When creating and managing condition rules, use attributes, operators and values.

Cisco ISE also includes predefined condition blocks for some of the most common use cases. You can edit these predefined conditions to suit your requirements. Conditions saved for re-use, including the out-of-the-box blocks, are stored in the Library of the Condition Studio, as described in this task.

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Sets

Step 2

Access the Conditions Studio to create a new condition and to edit existing condition blocks, in order to then use those conditions as part of the rules you configure for the specific policy set (and its associated policies and rules), or in order to save to the Library for future use:

  1. Click from the Conditions column in the Policy Set table on the main Policy Set page in order to create conditions that are relevant for the entire policy set (conditions that are checked prior to matching authentication policy rules).

  2. Alternatively, click from a specific policy set row in order to view the Set view, including all rules for authentication and authorization. From the Set view, hover over the cell in the Conditions column from any of the rule tables and click to open the Conditions Studio.

  3. If you are editing conditions that have already been applied to the policy set, then click to access the Conditions Studio.

The Conditions Studio opens. If you have opened it in order to create new conditions, then it appears as in the following image. For a description of the fields and to see an example of the Conditions Studio when you have opened it to edit conditions that were already applied to the policy set, see Navigate the Conditions Studio.

Figure 4. Conditions Studio—Creating a New Condition

Step 3

Use an existing condition block from the Library as a rule in the condition that you are creating or editing.

  1. Filter by selecting the relevant category from the category toolbar—in the Library, all blocks that contain an attribute from the selected category are displayed. Condition blocks that contain more than one rule but that use an attribute from the selected category for at least one of those rules, are also displayed. If there are additional filters added, then the results displayed include only condition blocks from the specific filter that also match the other filters that were included. For example, if you select the Ports category from the toolbar and you also enter "auth" as free text in the Search by Name field, then all blocks related to ports with "auth" in their names are displayed. Click the highlighted icon again from the category toolbar in order to deselect it, thereby removing that filter.

  2. Search for condition blocks with free text—in the Search by Name free text field, enter any term, or part of a term, that appears in the name of the block for which you are searching. As you type, the system dynamically searches for relevant results in real time. If no category is selected (none of the icons are highlighted) then the results include condition blocks from all categories. If a category icon is already selected (the displayed list is already filtered), then the results displayed include only blocks in the specific category that use the specific text.

  3. Once you find the condition block, drag it to the Editor and drop it in the correct level of the block that you are building. If you drop it in the incorrect location, you can drag and drop it again from within the Editor, until it is placed correctly.

  4. Hover over the block from the Editor and click Edit to change the rule, in order make changes relevant for the condition you are working on, to overwrite the rule in the Library with those changes or alternatively to save the rule as a new block in the Library.

    The block, which is read-only when dropped into the Editor can now be edited and has the same fields, structures, lists and actions as all other customized rules in the Editor. Continue to the next steps for more information in editing this rule.

Step 4

Add an operator to the current level in order to then add additional rules on the same level—choose AND, OR or Set to 'Is not'. Set to 'Is not' can also be applied to individual rules.

Step 5

Create and edit rules using the attribute dictionaries—click in the Click to add an attribute field. The Attribute Selector opens as in the following image:

The parts of the Attribute Selector are as described in the following table:


Usage Guidelines

Attribute Category toolbar

Contains a unique icon for each of the different attribute categories. Choose any attribute category icon to filter the view by category.

Click a highlighted icon in order to deselect it, thereby removing the filter.


Indicates the name of the dictionary in which the attribute is stored. Select a specific dictionary from the dropdown in order to filter attributes by vendor dictionary.


Indicates the name of the attribute. Filter attributes by typing free text for the attribute name in the available field. As you type, the system dynamically searches for relevant results in real time.


Indicates the unique attribute identification number. Filter attributes by typing the ID number in the available field. As you type, the system dynamically searches for relevant results in real time.


Hover the information icon on the relevant attribute row to view extra details about the attribute.

  1. From the Attribute Selector search, filter and search for the attribute you need. When you filter or enter free text in any part of the Attribute Selector, if there are no other filters activated, then the results include all attributes relevant for the selected filter only. If more than one filter is used, then the search results that are displayed match all filters. For example, if you click the Port icon from the toolbar and type "auth" in the Attribute column, then only attributes from the Port category that have "auth" in their name are displayed. When you choose a category, the icon in the toolbar is highlighted in blue and the filtered list is displayed. Click the highlighted icon again from the category toolbar in order to deselect it, thereby removing the filter.

  2. Choose the relevant attribute in order to add it to the rule.

    The Attribute Selector closes and the attribute you selected is added to the Click to add an attribute field.
  3. From the Equals dropdown list, select the relevant operator.

    Not all attributes you select will include the “Equals,” “Not Equals,” “Matches,” “Starts With,” or “Not Starts With” operator options.

    The “Matches” operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.

    You must use the “equals” operator for straight forward comparison. “Contains” operator can be used for multi-value attributes. “Matches” operator should be used for regular expression comparison. When “Matches” operator is used, regular expression will be interpreted for both static and dynamic values.

  4. From the Attribute value field do one of the following:

    • Type a free text value in the field

    • Select a value from the list that dynamically loads ( when relevant—depending on the attribute selected in the previous step)

    • Use another attribute as the value for the condition rule—choose the table icon next to the field in order to open the Attribute Selector and then search, filter and select the relevant attribute. The Attribute Selector closes and the attribute you selected is added to the Attribute value field.

Step 6

Save rules in the Library as a condition block.

  1. Hover over the rule or hierarchy of rules that you would like to save as a block in the Library. The Duplicate and Save buttons appear for any rule or group of rules that can be saved as a single condition block. If you would like to save a group of rules as a block, choose the action button from the bottom of the entire hierarchy in the blocked area for the entire hierarchy.

  2. Click Save. The Save condition screen pops up.

  3. Choose:

    • Save to Existing Library Condition—choose this option to overwrite an existing condition block in the Library with the new rule you have created and then select the condition block that you want to overwrite from the Select from list dropdown list.

    • Save as a new Library Condition—type a unique name in the Condition Name field for the block.

  4. Optionally, enter a description in the Description field. This description appears when you hover over the info icon for any condition block from within the Library, enabling you to quickly identify the different condition blocks and their uses.

  5. Click Save to save the condition block in the Library.

Step 7

To create a new rule on a new child level—click AND or OR to apply the correct operator between the existing parent hierarchy and the child hierarchy that you are creating. A new section is added to the Editor hierarchy with the selected operator, as a child of the rule or hierarchy from which you chose the operator.

Step 8

To create a new rule on a a current existing level—click New from the relevant level. A new empty row appears for a new rule in the same level as the level from which you began.

Step 9

Click X to remove any condition from the Editor and all of its children.

Step 10

Click Duplicate to automatically copy and paste the specific condition within the hierarchy, thereby creating additional identical children at the same level. You can duplicate individual rules with or without their children, depending on the level from which you click the Duplicate button.

Step 11

Click Use from the bottom of the page to save the condition you created in the Editor and to implement that condition in your policy set.



When an AD attribute is needed in any policy set, the corresponding AD condition must be configured.

Special Network Access Conditions

This section describes unique conditions that can be useful when creating your policy sets. These conditions cannot be created from the Conditions Studio and so have their own unique processes.

Configure Device Network Conditions


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Network Conditions > Device Network Conditions

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter a name and description for the network condition.

Step 4

Enter the following details:

  • IP Addresses—You can add a list of IP addresses or subnets, one per line. The IP address/subnet can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format.

  • Device Name—You can add a list of device names, one per line. You must enter the same device name that is configured in the Network Device object.

  • Device Groups—You can add a list of tuples in the following order: Root NDG, comma, and an NDG (that it under the root NDG). There must be one tuple per line.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Configure Device Port Network Condition


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Network Conditions > Device Port Network Conditions

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter a name and description for the network condition.

Step 4

Enter the following details:

  • IP Addresses—Enter the details in the following order: IP address or subnet, comma, and a port (that is used by the device). There must be one tuple per line.

  • Devices— Enter the details in the following order: device name, comma, and a port. There must be one tuple per line. You must enter the same device name that is configured in the Network Device object.

  • Device Groups— Enter the details in the following order: Root NDG, comma, NDG (that it under the root), and a port. There must be one tuple per line.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Configure Endstation Network Conditions


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Network Conditions > Endstation Network Conditions

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter a name and description for the network condition.

Step 4

Enter the following details:

  • IP Addresses—You can add a list of IP addresses or subnets, one per line. The IP address/subnet can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format.

  • MAC Addresses—You can enter a list of Endstation MAC addresses and Destination MAC addresses, separated by a comma. Each MAC address must include 12 hexadecimal digits and must be in one of the following formats: nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn, nnnn.nnnn.nnnn, or nnnnnnnnnnnn.

    If the Endstation MAC or the Destination MAC is not required, use the token "-ANY-" instead.

  • CLI/DNIS—You can add a list of Caller IDs (CLI) and Called IDs (DNIS), separated by a comma. If the Caller ID (CLI) or the Called ID (DNIS) is not required, use the token "-ANY-" instead.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Create Time and Date Conditions

Use the Policy Elements Conditions page to display, create, modify, delete, duplicate, and search time and date policy element conditions. Policy elements are shared objects that define a condition that is based on specific time and date attribute settings that you configure.

Time and date conditions let you set or limit permission to access Cisco ISE system resources to specific times and days as directed by the attribute settings you make.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common > Time and Date > Add

Step 2

Enter appropriate values in the fields.

  • In the Standard Settings area, specify the time and date to provide access.

  • In the Exceptions area, specify the time and date range to limit access.

Step 3

Click Submit.

Use IPv6 Condition Attributes in Authorization Policies

Cisco ISE can detect, manage, and secure IPv6 traffic from endpoints.

When an IPv6-enabled endpoint connects to the Cisco ISE network, it communicates with the Network Access Device (NAD) over an IPv6 network. The NAD conveys the accounting and profiling information from the endpoint (including IPv6 values) to Cisco ISE over an IPv4 network. You can configure authorization profiles and policies in Cisco ISE using the IPv6 attributes in your rule conditions to process such requests from IPv6-enabled endpoints and ensure that the endpoint is compliant.

You can use wildcard characters in IPv6 prefix and IPv6 interface values. For example: 2001:db8:1234::/48.

Supported IPv6 address formats include:

  • Full notation: Eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons. For example, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

  • Shortened notation: Exclude leading zeros in a group; replace groups of zeros with two consecutive colons. For example: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334

  • Dotted-quad notation (IPv4-mapped and IPv4 compatible-IPv6 addresses): For example, ::ffff:

Supported IPv6 attributes include:

  • NAS-IPv6-Address

  • Framed-Interface-Id

  • Framed-IPv6-Prefix

  • Login-IPv6-Host

  • Framed-IPv6-Route

  • Framed-IPv6-Pool

  • Delegated-IPv6-Prefix

  • Framed-IPv6-Address

  • DNS-Server-IPv6-Address

  • Route-IPv6-Information

  • Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool

  • Stateful-IPv6-Address-Pool

The following table lists Supported Cisco Attribute-Value pairs and their equivalent IETF attributes:

Cisco Attribute-Value Pairs

IETF Attributes

ipv6:addrv6=<ipv6 address>






ipv6:ipv6-dns-servers-addr=<ipv6 address>


The RADIUS Live Logs page, RADIUS Authentication report, RADIUS Accounting report, Current Active Session report, RADIUS Error report, Misconfigured NAS report, Adaptive Network Control Audit, and Misconfigured Supplicant report support IPv6 addresses. You can view the details about these sessions from the RADIUS Live Logs page or from any of these reports. You can filter the records by IPv4, IPv6, or MAC addresses.


If you connect an Android device to an IPv6 enabled DHCPv6 network, it receives only the link-local IPv6 address from the DHCP server. Hence, global IPv6 address is not displayed in the Live Logs and in the Endpoints page (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints).

The following procedure describes how to configure IPv6 attributes in authorization policies.

Before you begin

Ensure that the NADs in your deployment support AAA with IPv6. See AAA Support for IPv6 for information on how to enable AAA support for IPv6 on your NADs.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Step 2

Create authorization rules.

Step 3

When creating authorization rules, create a condition from the Conditon Studio. In the Condition Studio, from the RADIUS dictionary, choose the RADIUS IPv6 attribute, the operator, and the value.

Step 4

Click Save to save the authorization rules in the policy set.

Policy Set Protocol Settings

You must define global protocol settings in Cisco ISE before you can use these protocols to create, save and implement a policy set. You can use the Protocol Settings page to define global options for the Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST), Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS), and Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) protocols, which communicate with the other devices in your network.

Supported Network Access Policy Set Protocols

The following is a list of protocols that you can choose while defining your Network Access Policy Set policy:

  • Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

  • Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP)

  • Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2 (MS-CHAPv2)

  • Extensible Authentication Protocol-Message Digest 5 (EAP-MD5)

  • Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)

  • Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)

  • Extensible Authentication Protocol-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS)

  • Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (PEAP-TLS)

Guidelines for Using EAP-FAST as Protocol

Follow these guidelines when using EAP-FAST as an authentication protocol:

  • It is highly recommended to enable EAP-TLS inner method when the EAP-FAST accept client certificate is enabled on authenticated provisioning. EAP-FAST accept client certificate on authenticated provisioning is not a separate authentication method but a shorter form of client certificate authentication that uses the same certificate credentials type to authenticate a user but does not require to run an inner method.

  • Accept client certificate on authenticated provisioning works with PAC-less full handshake and authenticated PAC provisioning. It does not work for PAC-less session resume, anonymous PAC provisioning, and PAC-based authentication.

  • EAP attributes are displayed per identity (so in EAP chaining displayed twice) are shown in authentication details in monitoring tool in order user then machine even if authentication happens in different order.

  • When EAP-FAST authorization PAC is used then EAP authentication method shown in live logs is equal to the authentication method used for full authentication (as in PEAP) and not as Lookup.

  • In EAP chaining mode when tunnel PAC is expired then ISE falls back to provisioning and AC requests User and Machine authorization PACs - Machine Authorization PAC cannot be provisioned. It will be provisioned in the subsequent PAC-based authentication conversation when AC requests it.

  • When Cisco ISE is configured for chaining and AC for single mode then AC response with IdentityType TLV to ISE. However, the second identity authentication fails. You can see from this conversation that client is suitable to perform chaining but currently is configured for single mode.

  • Cisco ISE supports retrieval attributes and groups for both machine and user in EAP-FAST chaining only for AD. For LDAP and Internal DB ISE uses only the last identity attributes.


“EAP-FAST cryptobinding verification failed” message might be seen if EAP-FAST authentication protocol is used for High Sierra, Mojave, or Catalina MAC OSX devices. We recommend that you configure the Preferred EAP Protocol field in the Allowed Protocols page to use PEAP or EAP-TLS instead of EAP-FAST for these MAC OSX devices.

Configure EAP-FAST Settings

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

Choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > EAP Fast Settings.

Step 2

Enter the details as required to define the EAP-FAST protocol.

Step 3

Click Revoke if you want to revoke all the previously generated primary keys and PACs.

Step 4

Click Save to save the EAP-FAST settings.

Generate the PAC for EAP-FAST

You can use the Generate PAC option in the Cisco ISE to generate a tunnel or machine PAC for the EAP-FAST protocol.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

Choose Administration > System > Settings.

Step 2

From the Settings navigation pane on the left, click Protocols.

Step 3

Choose EAP-FAST > Generate PAC.

Step 4

Enter the details as required to generate machine PAC for the EAP-FAST protocol.

Step 5

Click Generate PAC.

EAP-FAST Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Protocol Settings window, which you can use to configure the EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, and PEAP protocols. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > EAP FAST Settings.

Table 5. Configuring EAP-FAST Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines

Authority Identity Info Description

Enter a user-friendly string that describes the Cisco ISE node that sends credentials to a client. The client can discover this string in the Protected Access Credentials (PAC) information for type, length, and value (TLV). The default value is Identity Services Engine.

Master Key Generation Period

Specifies the primary key generation period in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. The value must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 2147040000 seconds. The default is 604800 seconds, which is equivalent to one week.

Revoke all master keys and PACs

Click Revoke to revoke all primary keys and PACs.

Enable PAC-less Session Resume

Check this check box if you want to use EAP-FAST without the PAC files.

PAC-less Session Timeout

Specifies the time in seconds after which the PAC-less session resume times out. The default is 7200 seconds.

PAC Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Generate PAC window, which you can use to configure protected access credentials for EAP-FAST authentication. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > Generate PAC.
Table 6. Generating PAC for EAP-FAST Settings
Field Name Usage Guidelines

Tunnel PAC

Click this radio button to generate a tunnel PAC.

Machine PAC

Click this radio button to generate a machine PAC.

Trustsec PAC

Click this radio button to generate a Trustsec PAC.


(For Tunnel and Machine PAC) Specifies the username or machine name that is presented as the “inner username” by the EAP-FAST protocol. If the identity string does not match that username, authentication fails.

This is the hostname as defined on the Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA). The identity string must match the ASA hostname otherwise, ASA cannot import the PAC file that is generated.

If you are generating a Trustsec PAC, the Identity field specifies the Device ID of a Trustsec network device and is provided with an initiator ID by the EAP-FAST protocol. If the Identity string entered here does not match that Device ID, authentication fails.

PAC Time to Live

(For Tunnel and Machine PAC) Enter a value in seconds that specifies the expiration time for the PAC. The default is 604800 seconds, which is equivalent to one week. This value must be a positive integer between 1 and 157680000 seconds. For the Trustsec PAC, enter a value in days, weeks, months, or years. By default, the value is one year. The minimum value is one day and the maximum is 10 years.

Encryption Key

Enter an encryption key. The length of the key must be between 8 and 256 characters. The key can contain uppercase or lowercase letters, or numbers, or a combination of alphanumeric characters.

Expiration Data

(For Trustsec PAC only) The expiration date is calculated based on the PAC Time to Live.

Using EAP-TTLS as Authentication Protocol

EAP-TTLS is a two-phase protocol that extends the functionality of EAP-TLS protocol. Phase 1 builds the secure tunnel and derives the session keys used in Phase 2 to securely tunnel attributes and inner method data between the server and the client. You can use the attributes tunneled during Phase 2 to perform additional authentications using a number of different mechanisms.

Cisco ISE can process authentications from a variety of TTLS supplicants including:

  • Network Access Manager (NAM) on Windows

  • Windows 8.1 native supplicant

  • Secure W2 (also called as JoinNow on MultiOS)

  • MAC OS X native supplicant

  • IOS native supplicant

  • Android based native supplicant

  • Linux WPA supplicant


If cryptobinding is required, you must use EAP-FAST as the inner method.

Configure EAP-TTLS Settings

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TTLS

Step 2

Enter the required details in the EAP-TTLS Settings page.

Step 3

Click Save.

EAP-TTLS Settings

The following table describes the fields on the EAP-TTLS Settings window. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TTLS.

Table 7. EAP-TTLS Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines

Enable EAP-TTLS Session Resume

If you check this check box, Cisco ISE will cache the TLS session that is created during phase one of EAP-TTLS authentication, provided the user successfully authenticates in phase two of EAP-TTLS. If a user needs to reconnect and the original EAP-TTLS session has not timed out, Cisco ISE uses the cached TLS session, resulting in faster EAP-TTLS performance and a reduced AAA server load.



When the EAP-TTLS session is resumed, the inner method is skipped.

EAP-TTLS Session Timeout

Specifies the time in seconds after which the EAP-TTLS session times out. The default value is 7200 seconds.

Configure EAP-TLS Settings

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

Choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TLS.

Step 2

Enter the details as required to define the EAP-TLS protocol.

Step 3

Click Save to save the EAP-TLS settings.

EAP-TLS Settings

The following table describes the fields on the EAP-TLS Settings window, which you can use to configure the EAP-TLS protocol settings. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TLS.
Table 8. EAP-TLS Settings
Fields Usage Guidelines

Enable EAP-TLS Session Resume

Check this check box to support an abbreviated reauthentication of a user who has passed full EAP-TLS authentication. This feature provides reauthentication of the user with only a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) handshake and without applying the certificates. EAP-TLS session resume works only if the EAP-TLS session has not timed out.

EAP-TLS Session Timeout

Specifies the time in seconds after which the EAP-TLS session times out. The default value is 7200 seconds.

Stateless Session Resume

Master Key Generation Period

Enter the time after which the primary key is regenerated. This value determines the duration that a primary key remains active. You can enter the value in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.


Click Revoke to cancel all previously generated primary keys and tickets. This option is disabled on the secondary node.

For the reauthentication of endpoints with MAC address and GUID through the EAP-TLS protocol, the transaction per second (TPS) for updating context visibility services is 12 to 15 endpoints per second.

Configure PEAP Settings

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

Choose Administration > System > Settings.

Step 2

From the Settings navigation pane on the left, click Protocols.

Step 3

Choose PEAP.

Step 4

Enter the details as required to define the PEAP protocol.

Step 5

Click Save to save the PEAP settings.

PEAP Settings

The following table describes the fields on the PEAP Settings window, which you can use to configure the PEAP protocol settings. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > PEAP.
Table 9. PEAP Settings
Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable PEAP Session Resume

Check this check box for the Cisco ISE to cache the TLS session that is created during phase one of PEAP authentication, provided the user successfully authenticates in phase two of PEAP. If a user needs to reconnect and the original PEAP session has not timed out, the Cisco ISE uses the cached TLS session, resulting in faster PEAP performance and a reduced AAA server load. You must specify a PEAP session timeout value for the PEAP session resume features to work.

PEAP Session Timeout

Specifies the time in seconds after which the PEAP session times out. The default value is 7200 seconds.

Enable Fast Reconnect

Check this check box to allow a PEAP session to resume in the Cisco ISE without checking user credentials when the session resume feature is enabled.

Configure RADIUS Settings

You can configure the RADIUS settings to detect the clients that fail to authenticate and to suppress the repeated reporting of successful authentications.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings

Step 2

From the Settings navigation pane, click Protocols.

Step 3

Choose RADIUS.

Step 4

Enter the details as required to define the RADIUS settings.

Step 5

Click Save to save the settings.

RADIUS Settings

The following table describes the fields on the RADIUS Settings page. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > RADIUS.

If you enable the Suppress Repeated Failed Clients option, clients with repeated authentication failures will be suppressed from the audit logs, and requests from these clients will be automatically rejected for the specified time period. You can also specify the number of authentication failures after which requests from these clients should be rejected. For example, if this value is configured as 5, when a client authentication fails five times, all requests received from that client will be rejected for the configured time period.


  • If the cause of endpoint authentication failure is the entry of a wrong password and user type is internal user, the endpoint is suppressed and enters rejection mode. However, if a wrong password is detected in the case of Active Directory users, the endpoint is suppressed but does not enter rejection mode.

  • Client suppression in Cisco ISE works only if there is a MAC address associated with the calling station ID of the client.

An endpoint is released from the rejection mode at the end of the time specified in the Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Repeated Failures setting.

To release a rejected endpoint ahead of the Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Repeated Failures configuration:

  • In the Cisco ISE administration portal, go to the Context Visibility > Endpoints page. Check the check boxes adjacent to the endpoints you want to release and click Remove at the top of the endpoints table.

  • Use the ERS API PUT /ers/config/endpoint/{id}/releaserejectedendpoint to release the endpoint.


If you configure suppression of RADIUS failures, you may still receive the error "5440 Endpoint Abandoned EAP Session and started a new one" after you configure RADIUS log suppression. For more information, see the following ISE Community post:

Table 10. RADIUS Settings

Field Name

Usage Guidelines

Suppress Repeated Failed Clients

Suppress Repeated Failed Clients

Check this check box to suppress the clients for which the authentications fail repeatedly for the same reason. These clients are suppressed from the audit logs and the requests from these clients are rejected for the specified time period if Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Repeated Failures option is enabled.



CTS related logs are not suppressed even if this option is enabled and are always included in the Live Logs.

Detect Two Failures Within

Enter the time interval in minutes. If a client fails authentication twice for the same reason within this time period, it will be suppressed from the audit logs, and the requests from this client will be rejected if Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Repeated Failures option is enabled.


  • If the Suppress Repeated Failed Clients check box is checked and two failures occur within the time specified in the Detect Two Failures Within field, the endpoint is considered misconfigured. A misconfigured endpoint requires the admin’s intervention to ensure successful authentication. When an endpoint fails the first authentication, the relevant information is displayed in the admin’s dashboard. Subsequent authentication failures with the same reasons do not contain any added information for the admin. Therefore, repeated authentication failures of an endpoint for a particular reason during the duration specified in the Report Failures Once Every field are not reported in the audit logs.

    After the duration specified in the Report Failures Once Every field,the TotalFailedAttempts and TotalFailedTime information about the misconfigured endpoint is reported to the monitoring node.
  • If the Suppress Repeated Failed Clients check box is checked and two failures occur after the time specified in the Detect Two Failures Within field, the failed authentication attempts of the endpoint will be reported in the audit logs as separate instances even if the reason for the authentication failure remains the same.

  • Cisco ISE allows the endpoint to conduct several consecutive failures with different failure reasons because endpoints can have various supplicant profiles. Therefore, if the endpoint fails to authenticate several times because of different failure reasons, Cisco ISE counts each failure reason separately.

Report Failures Once Every

Enter the time interval in minutes for the failed authentications to be reported. For example, if this value is set as 15 minutes, clients that repeatedly fail authentication will be reported in the audit logs only once every 15 minutes, thereby preventing over-reporting.

Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Repeated Failures

Check this check box to automatically reject the RADIUS requests from the clients for which the authentications fail repeatedly. You can enable this option to avoid unnecessary processing by Cisco ISE and to protect against potential denial of service attacks.


  • If the Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Repeated Failures check box is checked and the endpoint experiences authentication failures equal to the number mentioned in the Failures Prior to Automatic Rejection field, the endpoint is considered misconfigured and is rejected. Cisco ISE will immediately reject the first RADIUS message with the authentication request from this endpoint, thus, not allowing the endpoint to complete the authentication. No audit logs will be generated for the endpoint. The endpoint stays rejected for the duration given in the Continue Rejecting Requests for field. The endpoint can send an authentication request after the duration specified in the Continue Rejecting Requests for, and if the authentication is successful, the endpoint will be configured.

  • You can view and release the rejected endpoints on the Context Visibility (Context Visibility > Endpoints) page. Select the rejected endpoints and click Release Rejected to release the rejected endpoints. The audit logs for the released endpoints will be sent to the monitoring node.

  • If there is no activity from the misconfigured endpoint for a period of six hours, it will no longer be considered as misconfigured.

Failures Prior to Automatic Rejection

Enter the number of authentication failures after which requests from clients with repeated failures are automatically rejected. All the requests received from these clients are automatically rejected for the configured time period (specified in Continue Rejecting Requests for field). After the interval expires, the authentication requests from these clients are processed.

Continue Rejecting Requests for

Enter the time interval (in minutes) for which the requests from clients with repeated failures are to be rejected.

Ignore Repeated Accounting Updates Within

Repeated accounting updates that occur within this period will be ignored.

Suppress Successful Reports

Suppress Repeated Successful Authentications

Check this check box to prevent repeated reporting of successful authentication requests in last 24 hours that have no change in identity context, network device, and authorization.

Authentications Details

Highlight Steps Longer Than

Enter the time interval in milliseconds. If execution of a single step exceeds the specified threshold, it will be marked with a clock icon in the authentication details page.

Detect High Rate of RADIUS Requests

Detect Steady High Rate of Radius Requests

Check this check box to raise an alarm for high RADIUS request load when the limit specified in the Duration of RADIUS requests and Total number of RADIUS requests fields is exceeded.

Duration of RADIUS Requests

Enter the period of time (in seconds) that will be used to calculate the RADIUS rate. The default is 60 seconds. The valid range is from 20 to 86400 seconds.

Total Number of RADIUS Requests

Enter the request limit that will be used to calculate the RADIUS rate. The default is 72000 requests. The valid range is from 24000 to 103680000 requests.

Identity Lock Settings

Lock Identities with Repeated Authentication Failures

Enable this option to protect against potential identity-based denial of service attacks. This limits the maximum number of failed attempts an identity (username or hostname) can make, while authenticating through the EAP-TLS protocol. The username or hostname of the identity is extracted from the Certificate Attribute field value in the Certificate Authentication Profile (Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Certificate Authentication Profile > Use Identity From) and is used to track both authentication and authorization failures. You can specify the maximum number of failed authentication attempts after which the identity will be locked. Identities can be locked permanently or for a specific time period. Following an identity lock, further successful authentications will also be rejected until the identity is unlocked again.



If an identity has Any Subject or Alternative Name Attributes in the Certificate as the field value for Use Identity From in its Certificate Authentication Profile, then it cannot be locked or unlocked using this option while authenticating through EAP-TLS.

Number of Retries

Enter the number of authentication or authorization failures after which requests from identities are automatically rejected.

Permanent Lock Type

Choose this option to lock an identity permanently. To unlock permanently locked identities, choose the identity from the Locked Identities table at the bottom of the page and click Unlock.

Time Based Lock Type

Choose this option to specify the time for which an identity must remain locked. Enter time in minutes. Identities will be unlocked automatically after this period.

Locked Identities

This table lists the identities that are currrently locked along with their locked time, lockout type, and certificate IDs.


Authentication Ports

Specify the ports to be used for RADIUS UDP authentication flows. You can specify a maximum of 4 port numbers (separated by a comma). By default, port 1812 and port 1645 are used. The valid range is from 1024 to 65535.

Accounting Ports

Specify the ports to be used for RADIUS UDP accounting flows. You can specify a maximum of 4 port numbers (separated by a comma). By default, port 1813 and port 1646 are used. The valid range is from 1024 to 65535.



Ensure that these ports are not used by other services.


Authentication and Accounting Port

Specify the port to be used for RADIUS DTLS authentication and accounting flows. By default, port 2083 is used. The valid range is from 1024 to 65535.



Ensure that this port is not used by other services.

Idle Timeout

Enter the time (in seconds) that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it closes the TLS session if no packets are received from the network device. Default value is 120 seconds. The valid range is from 60 to 600 seconds.

Enable RADIUS/DTLS Client Identity Verification

Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to verify the identity of the RADIUS/DTLS clients during the DTLS handshake. Cisco ISE fails the handshake if the client identity is not valid. Identity check is skipped for the default network device, if configured. Identity check is performed in the following sequence:

  1. If the client certificate contains the subject alternative name (SAN) attribute:

    • If SAN contains the DNS name, the DNS name specified in the certificate is compared with the DNS name that is configured for the network device in Cisco ISE.

    • If SAN contains the IP address (and does not contain the DNS name), the IP address specified in the certificate is compared with all the device IP addresses configured in Cisco ISE.

  2. If the certificate does not contain SAN, subject CN is compared with the DNS name that is configured for the network device in Cisco ISE. Cisco ISE fails the handshake in the case of mismatch.

To view audit reports related to settings changes and unlocking identities, choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Audit > Change Configuration Audit.

To view audit reports related to locking identities, choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Diagnostics > AAA Diagnostics. The Identity Lock feature is being deprecated for Cisco ISE Release 3.3 Patch 4 and later releases, and will not be available for use on the Cisco ISE GUI.

Configure Security Settings

Before you begin

Perform the following procedure to configure the security settings.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Security Settings.

Step 2

In the TLS Versions Settings section, choose one or a range of consecutive TLS versions. Check the check box next to the TLS versions that you want to enable.


  • Changing the TLS settings will restart the node.

  • TLS 1.2 is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. If you choose more than one TLS version, you must choose consecutive versions. For example, if you choose TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 is automatically enabled.

  • TLS 1.2 is the latest supported TLS version when EAP-TLS is used as the inner method for EAP-FAST, TEAP, and PEAP protocols.

  • Allow TLS 1.0: Allows TLS 1.0 to communicate with legacy peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure TCP syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure ODBC client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an ERS server

    Also allows TLS 1.0 to communicate with the following Cisco ISE components:

    • All portals

    • Certificate Authority

    • MDM Client

    • pxGrid

    • PassiveID Agent



    We recommend that clients and servers negotiate to use a later version of TLS for enhanced security.

  • Allow TLS 1.1: Allows TLS 1.1 to communicate with legacy peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure TCP syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure ODBC client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an ERS server

    Also allows TLS 1.1 to communicate with the following Cisco ISE components:

    • All portals

    • Certificate Authority

    • ERS

    • MDM Client

    • pxGrid



    We recommend that clients and servers negotiate to use a later version of TLS for enhanced security.

  • Allow TLS 1.2: Allows TLS 1.2 to communicate with legacy peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure TCP syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure ODBC client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an ERS server

    Allows TLS 1.2 to communicate with the following Cisco ISE components:

    • Cisco ISE Admin GUI

    • All portals

    • Certificate Authority

    • APIs enabled for port 443 (Open API, ERS, MnT)

    • MDM Client

    • pxGrid



    TLS 1.2 is the default for all Cisco ISE features using TLS.

  • Allow TLS 1.3: Allows TLS 1.3 to communicate with peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP-TLS server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a TEAP server



      TLS 1.3 support for Cisco ISE configured as a TEAP server has been tested under internal test conditions because at the time of Cisco ISE Release 3.3 Patch 2, TEAP TLS 1.3 is not supported by any available client OS.

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure TCP syslog client

    Allows TLS 1.3 for administrator HTTPS access over port 443 for:

    • Cisco ISE Admin GUI

    • APIs enabled for port 443 (Open API, ERS, MnT)

Step 3

In the Ciphers and Security Settings section, choose the required options:

  • Allow SHA-1 Ciphers: Allows SHA-1 ciphers to communicate with peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure TCP syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure ODBC client

    Also allows SHA-1 ciphers to communicate with the following Cisco ISE components:

    • Admin Access GUI

    • All portals

    • ERS

    • OpenAPI

    • pxGrid

    The following ports are used by the components listed above for communication:

    • Admin Access: 443

    • Cisco ISE Portals: 9002, 8443, 8444, 8445, 8449

    • ERS: 9060, 9061, 9063

    • pxGrid: 8910



    The Allow SHA-1 Ciphers option is disabled by default.

    You must restart all the nodes in a deployment after enabling or disabling the Allow SHA-1 Ciphers option. If restart is not successful, the configuration changes are not applied. In such a scenario, you must restart all the nodes manually using the following commands (using admin CLI):

    application stop ise and application start ise.

    When the Allow SHA-1 Ciphers option is disabled, if a client with only SHA-1 ciphers tries to connect to Cisco ISE, the handshake fails, and you will see an error message on the client browser.

    Choose one of the following options while allowing SHA-1 ciphers to communicate with legacy peers:

    • Allow all SHA-1 Ciphers: Allows all SHA-1 ciphers to communicate with legacy peers.

    • Allow only TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Allows only TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher to communicate with legacy peers.



    We recommend that you use SHA-256 or SHA-384 ciphers for enhanced security.

  • Allow ECDHE-RSA Ciphers: Allows ECDHE-RSA ciphers to communicate with peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

  • Allow 3DES ciphers: Allows 3DES ciphers to communicate with peers for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

  • Accept Certificates without Validating Purpose: When Cisco ISE acts as an EAP or RADIUS DTLS server, client certificates are accepted without checking whether:

    • The Key Usage extension contains the keyAgreement bit for ECDHE-ECDSA ciphers or the keyEncipherment bit for other ciphers

    • Extended Key Usage attribute value is ClientAuth

    When this option is disabled, Cisco ISE will validate the purpose of all the client certificates. A certificate will be considered valid only if one of the following conditions is met:

    • If there is no Extended Key Usage extension:

      • If the cipherGroup is ECDHE-ECDSA, then the Key Usage extension must contain the KeyAgreement value.

      • If the cipherGroup is not ECDHE-ECDSA, then the Key Usage extension must contain the keyEncipherment and digitalSignature values.

    • If the Extended Key Usage attribute value is ClientAuth:

      • If the cipherGroup is ECDHE-ECDSA, then the Key Usage extension must contain the KeyAgreement value.

      • If the cipherGroup is not ECDHE-ECDSA, then the Key Usage extension must contain the keyEncipherment and digitalSignature values.

    The certificate validation will fail if none of the above conditions are met.

  • Allow DSS ciphers for ISE as a client: When Cisco ISE acts as a client, allows DSS ciphers to communicate with a server for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

  • Allow Legacy Unsafe TLS Renegotiation for ISE as a Client: Allows communication with legacy TLS servers that do not support safe TLS renegotiation for the following workflows:

    • Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client

    • Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

  • Disclose invalid usernames: By default, Cisco ISE displays the invalid message for authentication failures because of incorrect usernames. To aid in debugging, this option forces Cisco ISE to display usernames in reports, instead of the invalid message. Note that usernames are always displayed for failed authentications that are not because of incorrect usernames.

    This feature is supported for Active Directory, Internal Users, LDAP, and ODBC identity sources. It is not supported for other identity sources, such as RADIUS token, RSA, or SAML.

  • Use FQDN-based certificates for communication with third party vendors (TC-NAC): FQDN-based certificates must comply with the following rules:

    • The SAN and CN fields in the certificate must contain FQDN values. Hostnames and IP addresses are not supported.

    • Wildcard certificates must contain the wildcard character only in the far-left fragment.

    • The FQDN provided in a certificate must be DNS resolvable.

  • Show Password in Plaintext: When this option is disabled, the Show button is hidden for the following field values during editing, and the passwords cannot be viewed in plain text:

    • In the Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices > Network Devices List > Edit page:

      • RADIUS Shared Secret

      • RADIUS Second Sharet Secret

    • In the Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > IPSecNative IPSecEdit page:

      • Pre-shared Key

    This option is enabled by default in Cisco ISE. When the Show Password in Plaintext option is enabled, if you click the Show button on either page, an audit log is generated and stored in the opt/CSCOcpm/logs/localStore/iseLocalStore.log folder on the server.

Step 4

Check the Manually Configure Ciphers List check box if you want to manually configure ciphers to communicate with the following Cisco ISE components: admin UI, ERS, OpenAPI, secure ODBC, portals, and pxGrid.

A list of ciphers is displayed with allowed ciphers already selected. For example, if the Allow SHA1 Ciphers option is enabled, SHA1 ciphers are enabled in this list. If the Allow Only TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA option is selected, only this SHA1 cipher is enabled in this list. If the Allow SHA1 Ciphers option is disabled, you cannot enable any SHA1 cipher in this list.


  • TLS 1.3 ciphers are always enabled.

  • When you edit the list of ciphers to be disabled, the application server restarts on all the Cisco ISE nodes.

  • When the FIPS mode is enabled or disabled, application servers on all the nodes are restarted resulting in significant system downtime. If you have disabled any ciphers using the Manually Configure Ciphers List option, check the list of disabled ciphers after the application servers are restarted. The disabled ciphers list might be changed because of FIPS mode transition.

Step 5

Click Save.

Supported Cipher Suites

Cisco ISE supports TLS versions 1.0,1.1,1.2, and 1.3.

From Cisco ISE Release 3.3, the following ciphers are supported for admin HTTPS access over port 443 using TLS 1.3:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

Cisco ISE supports RSA and ECDSA server certificates. The following elliptic curves are supported:

  • secp256r1

  • secp384r1

  • secp521r1

The following table lists the supported Cipher Suites:

Cipher Suite

When Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

When Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server

When Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server

When Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client or a secure LDAP client

When Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client for CoA

TLS 1.0 support

When TLS 1.0 is allowed

(DTLS server supports only DTLS 1.2)

Allow TLS 1.0 option is disabled by default in Cisco ISE 2.3 and above. TLS 1.0 is not supported for TLS based EAP authentication methods (EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST/TLS) and 802.1X supplicants when this option is disabled. If you want to use the TLS based EAP authentication methods in TLS 1.0, check the Allow TLS 1.0 check box in the Security Settings window. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > Security Settings.

When TLS 1.0 is allowed

(DTLS client supports only DTLS 1.2)

TLS 1.1 support

When TLS 1.1 is allowed

When TLS 1.1 is allowed

ECC DSA ciphers














When SHA-1 is allowed

When SHA-1 is allowed


When SHA-1 is allowed

When SHA-1 is allowed

ECC RSA ciphers


When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

When ECDHE-RSA is allowed


When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

When ECDHE-RSA is allowed


When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

When ECDHE-RSA is allowed


When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

When ECDHE-RSA is allowed


When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is allowed

When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is allowed


When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is allowed

When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is allowed

DHE RSA ciphers









When SHA-1 is allowed



When SHA-1 is allowed

RSA ciphers








When SHA-1 is allowed

When SHA-1 is allowed


When SHA-1 is allowed

When SHA-1 is allowed

3DES ciphers


When 3DES/SHA-1 is allowed

When 3DES/DSS and SHA-1 are enabled

DSS ciphers



When 3DES/DSS and SHA-1 are enabled



When 3DES/DSS and SHA-1 are enabled



When 3DES/DSS and SHA-1 are enabled

Weak RC4 ciphers


When "Allow weak ciphers" option is enabled in the Allowed Protocols page and when SHA-1 is allowed



When "Allow weak ciphers" option is enabled in the Allowed Protocols page


EAP-FAST anonymous provisioning only:




Peer certificate restrictions

Validate KeyUsage

Client certificate should have KeyUsage=Key Agreement and ExtendedKeyUsage=Client Authentication for the following ciphers:


Validate ExtendedKeyUsage

Client certificate should have KeyUsage=Key Encipherment and ExtendedKeyUsage=Client Authentication for the following ciphers:

  • AES256-SHA256
  • AES128-SHA256
  • AES256-SHA
  • AES128-SHA
  • DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256
  • DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256
  • RC4-SHA
  • RC4-MD5

Server certificate should have ExtendedKeyUsage=Server Authentication

RADIUS Protocol Support in Cisco ISE

RADIUS is a client/server protocol through which remote-access servers communicate with a central server to authenticate dial-in users and authorize their access to the requested system or service. You can use RADIUS to maintain user profiles in a central database that all remote servers can share. This protocol provides better security, and you can use it to set up a policy that is applied at a single administered network point.

RADIUS also functions as a RADIUS client in Cisco ISE to proxy requests to a remote RADIUS server, and it provides Change of Authorization (CoA) activities during an active session.

Cisco ISE supports RADIUS protocol flow according to RFC 2865 and generic support for all general RADIUS attributes as described in RFC 2865 and its extension. Cisco ISE supports parsing of vendor-specific attributes only for vendors that are defined in the Cisco ISE dictionary.

RADIUS interface supports the following attribute data types that are defined in RFC 2865:

  • Text (Unicode Transformation Format [UTF])

  • String (binary)

  • Address (IP)

  • Integer

  • Time

ISE Community Resource

For information about the network access attributes supported by Cisco ISE, see ISE Network Access Attributes.

Allowed Protocols

The following table describes the fields in the Allowed Protocols window, which allows you to configure the protocols to be used during authentication. Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authentication > Allowed Protocols.

Table 11. Allowed Protocols

Field Name

Usage Guidelines

Allowed Protocols > Authentication Bypass

Process Host Lookup

Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to process the Host Lookup request. The Host Lookup request is processed for PAP/CHAP protocol when the RADIUS Service-Type equals 10 (Call-Check) and the username is equal to Calling-Station-ID. The Host Lookup request is processed for EAP-MD5 protocol when the Service-Type equals 1 (Framed) and the username is equal to Calling-Station-ID. Uncheck this check box if you want Cisco ISE to ignore the Host Lookup request and use the original value of the system username attribute for authentication. When unchecked, message processing is done according to the protocol (for example, PAP).



Disabling this option could result in the failure of existing MAB authentications.

Allowed Protocols > Authentication Protocols


Check this check box to enable PAP/ASCII. PAP uses cleartext passwords (that is, unencrypted passwords) and is the least secure authentication protocol.

Allow CHAP

This option enables CHAP authentication. CHAP uses a challenge-response mechanism with password encryption. CHAP does not work with Microsoft Active Directory.

Allow MS-CHAPv1

Check this check box to enable MS-CHAPv1.

Allow MS-CHAPv2

Check this check box to enable MS-CHAPv2.

Allow EAP-MD5

Check this check box to enable EAP-based MD5 password hashed authentication.


Check this check box to enable EAP-TLS Authentication protocol and configures EAP-TLS settings. You can specify how Cisco ISE will verify the user identity as presented in the EAP identity response from the end-user client. User identity is verified against information in the certificate that the end-user client presents. This comparison occurs after an EAP-TLS tunnel is established between Cisco ISE and the end-user client.



EAP-TLS is a certificate-based authentication protocol. EAP-TLS authentication can occur only after you have completed the required steps to configure certificates.

  • Allow authentication of expired certificates to allow certificate renewal in Authorization Policy: Check this check box, if you want to allow users to renew certificates. If you check this check box, ensure that you configure appropriate authorization policy rules to check if the certificate has been renewed before processing the request any further.

  • Enable Stateless Session Resume: Check this check box to allow EAP-TLS session resumption without requiring the session state to be stored at the server. Cisco ISE supports session ticket extension as described in RFC 5077. Cisco ISE creates a ticket and sends it to an EAP-TLS client. The client presents the ticket to ISE to resume a session.

  • Proactive Session Ticket update: Enter the value as a percentage to indicate how much of the Time To Live (TTL) must elapse before the session ticket is updated. For example, if you enter the value 60, the session ticket is updated after 60 percent of the TTL has expired.

  • Session ticket Time to Live: Enter the time after which the session ticket expires. This value determines the duration that a session ticket remains active. You can enter the value in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

Allow LEAP

Check this check box to enable Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) authentication.

Allow PEAP

Check this check box to enable PEAP authentication protocol and PEAP settings. The default inner method is MS-CHAPv2.

When you check the Allow PEAP check box, you can configure the following PEAP inner methods:

  • Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2: Check this check box to use EAP-MS-CHAPv2 as the inner method.

    • Allow Password Change: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to support password changes.

    • Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times Cisco ISE requests user credentials before returning login failure. Valid values are 0 to 3.

  • Allow EAP-GTC: Check this check box to use EAP-GTC as the inner method.

    • Allow Password Change: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to support password changes.

    • Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times Cisco ISE requests user credentials before returning login failure. The valid range is from 0 to 3.

  • Allow EAP-TLS: Check this check box to use EAP-TLS as the inner method.

    Check the Allow authentication of expired certificates to allow certificate renewal in Authorization Policy check box, if you want to allow users to renew certificates. If you check this check box, ensure that you configure appropriate authorization policy rules to check if the certificate has been renewed before processing the request any further.

  • Require Cryptobinding TLV: Check this check box if you want both the EAP peer and the EAP server to participate in the inner and outer EAP authentications of the PEAP authentication.

  • Allow PEAPv0 Only for Legacy Clients: Check this check box to allow PEAP supplicants to negotiate using PEAPv0. Some legacy clients do not conform to the PEAPv1 protocol standards. To ensure that such PEAP conversations are not dropped, check this check box.


Check this check box to enable EAP-FAST authentication protocol and EAP-FAST settings. The EAP-FAST protocol can support multiple internal protocols on the same server. The default inner method is MS-CHAPv2.

When you check the Allow EAP-FAST check box, you can configure EAP-FAST as the inner method:

  • Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2

    • Allow Password Change: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to support password changes.

    • Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times Cisco ISE requests user credentials before returning login failure. Valid values are 0-3.

  • Allow EAP-GTC

    Allow Password Change: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to support password changes.

    Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times Cisco ISE requests user credentials before returning login failure. Valid values are 0-3.

  • Use PACs: Choose this option to configure Cisco ISE to provision authorization Protected Access Credentials (PAC) for EAP-FAST clients. Additional PAC options appear.

  • Don't Use PACs: Choose this option to configure Cisco ISE to use EAP-FAST without issuing or accepting any tunnel or machine PACs. All requests for PACs are ignored and Cisco ISE responds with a Success-TLV without a PAC.

    When you choose this option, you can configure Cisco ISE to perform machine authentication.

  • Allow EAP-TLS: Check this check box to use EAP-TLS as the inner method.

    Check the Allow authentication of expired certificates to allow certificate renewal in Authorization Policy check box, if you want to allow users to renew certificates. If you check this check box, ensure that you configure appropriate authorization policy rules to check if the certificate has been renewed before processing the request any further.

  • Enable EAP Chaining: Check this check box to enable EAP chaining.

    EAP chaining allows Cisco ISE to correlate the results of user and machine authentication and apply the appropriate authorization policy using the EAPChainingResult attribute.

    EAP chaining requires a supplicant that supports EAP chaining on the client device. Choose the User and Machine Authentication option in the supplicant.

    EAP chaining is available when you choose the EAP-FAST protocol (both in PAC based and PAC less mode).

    For PAC-based authentication, you can use user authorization PAC or machine authorization PAC, or both to skip the inner method.

    For certificate-based authentication, if you enable the Accept Client Certificate for Provisioning option for the EAP-FAST protocol (in the Allowed Protocol service), and if the endpoint (Agent) is configured to send the user certificate inside the tunnel, then during tunnel establishment, ISE authenticates the user using the certificate (the inner method is skipped), and machine authentication is done through the inner method. If these options are not configured, EAP-TLS is used as the inner method for user authentication.

    After you enable EAP chaining, update your authorization policy and add a condition using the NetworkAccess:EapChainingResult attribute and assign appropriate permissions.


Check this check box to enable EAP-TTLS protocol.

You can configure the following inner methods:

  • Allow PAP/ASCII: Check this check box to use PAP/ASCII as the inner method. You can use EAP-TTLS PAP for token and OTP-based authentications.

  • Allow CHAP: Check this check box to use CHAP as the inner method. CHAP uses a challenge-response mechanism with password encryption. CHAP does not work with Microsoft Active Directory.

  • Allow MS-CHAPv1: Check this check box to use MS-CHAPv1 as the inner method.

  • Allow MS-CHAPv2: Check this check box to use MS-CHAPv2 as the inner method.

  • Allow EAP-MD5: Check this check box to use EAP-MD5 as the inner method.

  • Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2: Check this check box to use EAP-MS-CHAPv2 as the inner method.

    • Allow Password Change: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to support password changes.

    • Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times Cisco ISE requests user credentials before returning login failure. Valid values are 0 to 3.

Allow TEAP

Check this check box to enable the Tunnel Extensible Authentication Protocol (TEAP) and configure the TEAP settings. TEAP is a tunnel-based EAP method that enables secure communication between a peer and a server by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to establish a tunnel. The type-length-value (TLV) objects are used within the TEAP tunnel to transport authentication-related data between the EAP peer and the EAP server.

You can configure the following inner methods for TEAP:

  • Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2: Check this check box to use EAP-MS-CHAPv2 as the inner method.

    • Allow Password Change: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to support password changes.

    • Retries: Enter the number of times that Cisco ISE will allow a user to enter the credentials before returning a login failure message. The valid range is from 0 to 3.

  • Allow EAP-TLS: Check this check box to use EAP-TLS as the inner method.

    • Allow Authentication of Expired Certificates to Allow Certificate Renewal in Authorization Policy: Check this check box if you want to allow a user to renew certificates. If you enable this option, ensure that you configure the appropriate authorization policy rules to verify whether the certificates have been renewed, before processing the authorization request further.

  • Allow Downgrade to MSK: Check this check box if the inner method supports the Extended Master Session Key (EMSK), but the client device provides only the Master Session Key (MSK). Note that while EMSK is more secure than MSK, some client devices might not support EMSK.

  • Accept Client Certificate during Tunnel Establishment: Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to request for a client certificate during TEAP tunnel establishment. If the certificate is not provided, Cisco ISE uses the configured inner methods for authentication.

  • Enable EAP Chaining: Check this check box to enable EAP chaining. EAP chaining allows Cisco ISE to run both the inner methods for user and machine authentication inside the same TEAP tunnel. This enables Cisco ISE to correlate the authentication results and apply the appropriate authorization policy, using the EAPChainingResult attribute.

    After you enable EAP chaining, update your authorization policy, add a condition using the NetworkAccess:EapChainingResult attribute, and assign the appropriate permissions.



    When EAP chaining is enabled, ensure that the user and machine certificates are copied in the supplicant if you want to do both user and machine authentication.


  • If EAP chaining is enabled in Cisco ISE, both the primary and secondary authentication method must be configured for the Microsoft supplicant.

  • If EAP chaining is disabled in Cisco ISE, only the primary authentication method must be configured for the Microsoft supplicant.

  • If both the primary and secondary authentication method are configured as None, EAP negotiation might fail with the following message:

    Supplicant stopped responding to ISE

Preferred EAP Protocol

Check this check box to choose your preferred EAP protocols from any of the following options: EAP-FAST, PEAP, LEAP, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and EAP-MD5. If you do not specify the preferred protocol, EAP-TLS is used by default.


Check this check box to support legacy EAP supplicants that expect length-included flag (L-bit flag) by default in TLS Change Cipher Spec message and Encrypted Handshake message from ISE.



Enable this option only for supplicants that require this flag. Windows native supplicant does not support this flag with tunneled EAP protocols; such as PEAP, TEAP or EAP-FAST. If this option is enabled, and supplicant does not support it, and tunneled EAP protocol is being used, ISE will enable this flag in Application Data after establishing TLS tunnel, then supplicant will discard EAP session and will not complete EAP authentication for inner method of the tunnel which will result into a failed authentication with "Endpoint abandoned EAP session and started new" failure reason.

Allow Weak Ciphers for EAP

If this option is enabled, legacy clients are allowed to negotiate using weak ciphers (such as RSA_RC4_128_SHA, RSA_RC4_128_MD5). We recommend that you enable this option only if your legacy clients support only weak ciphers.

This option is disabled by default.



Cisco ISE does not support EDH_RSA_DES_64_CBC_SHA and EDH_DSS_DES_64_CBC_SHA.

Require Message Authenticator for all RADIUS Requests

If this option is enabled, Cisco ISE verifies whether the RADIUS Message Authenticator attribute is present in the RADIUS message. If the message authenticator attribute is not present, the RADIUS message is discarded.

Enabling this option provides protection from spoofed Access-Request messages and RADIUS message tampering.

The RADIUS Message Authenticator attribute is a Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash of the entire RADIUS message.



EAP uses the Message Authenticator attribute by default and does not require that you enable it.

Allow 5G

Check this check box to enable Cisco Private 5G in Cisco ISE.



You must already have Cisco Private 5G deployed in your network, prior to enabling 5G as a Service (5GaaS) in Cisco ISE

PAC Options

The following table describes the fields after you select Use PACs in the Allowed Protocols Services List window. To view this window, click the Menu icon () and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authentication > Allowed Protocols.

Table 12. PAC Options

Field Name

Usage Guidelines


  • Tunnel PAC Time To Live: The Time to Live (TTL) value restricts the lifetime of the PAC. Specify the lifetime value and units. The default is 90 days. The range is between 1 and 1825 days.

  • Proactive PAC Update When: <n%> of PAC TTL is Left: The Update value ensures that the client has a valid PAC. Cisco ISE initiates an update after the first successful authentication but before the expiration time that is set by the TTL. The update value is a percentage of the remaining time in the TTL. The default is 90%.

  • Allow Anonymous In-band PAC Provisioning: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to establish a secure anonymous TLS handshake with the client and provision it with a PAC by using phase zero of EAP-FAST with EAP-MSCHAPv2. To enable anonymous PAC provisioning, you must choose both of the inner methods, EAP-MSCHAPv2 and EAP-GTC.

  • Allow Authenticated In-band PAC Provisioning: Cisco ISE uses SSL server-side authentication to provision the client with a PAC during phase zero of EAP-FAST. This option is more secure than anonymous provisioning but requires that a server certificate and a trusted root CA be installed on Cisco ISE.

    When you check this option, you can configure Cisco ISE to return an Access-Accept message to the client after successful authenticated PAC provisioning.

    • Server Returns Access Accept After Authenticated Provisioning: Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to return an access-accept package after authenticated PAC provisioning.

  • Allow Machine Authenticatio: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to provision an end-user client with a machine PAC and perform machine authentication (for end-user clients who do not have the machine credentials). The machine PAC can be provisioned to the client by request (in-band) or by the administrator (out-of-band). When Cisco ISE receives a valid machine PAC from the end-user client, the machine identity details are extracted from the PAC and verified in the Cisco ISE external identity source. Cisco ISE only supports Active Directory as an external identity source for machine authentication. After these details are correctly verified, no further authentication is performed.

    When you check this option, you can enter a value for the amount of time that a machine PAC is acceptable for use. When Cisco ISE receives an expired machine PAC, it automatically reprovisions the end-user client with a new machine PAC (without waiting for a new machine PAC request from the end-user client).

  • Enable Stateless Session Resume: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to provision authorization PACs for EAP-FAST clients and skip phase two of EAP-FAST (default = enabled).

    Uncheck this check box in the following cases:

    • If you do not want Cisco ISE to provision authorization PACs for EAP-FAST clients

    • To always perform phase two of EAP-FAST

      When you check this option, you can enter the authorization period of the user authorization PAC. After this period, the PAC expires. When Cisco ISE receives an expired authorization PAC, it performs phase two EAP-FAST authentication.

Cisco ISE Acting as a RADIUS Proxy Server

Cisco ISE can function both as a RADIUS server and as a RADIUS proxy server. When it acts as a proxy server, Cisco ISE receives authentication and accounting requests from the network access server (NAS) and forwards them to the external RADIUS server. Cisco ISE accepts the results of the requests and returns them to the NAS.

Cisco ISE can simultaneously act as a proxy server to multiple external RADIUS servers. You can use the external RADIUS servers that you configure here in RADIUS server sequences. The External RADIUS Server page lists all the external RADIUS servers that you have defined in Cisco ISE. You can use the filter option to search for specific RADIUS servers based on the name or description, or both. In both simple and rule-based authentication policies, you can use the RADIUS server sequences to proxy the requests to a RADIUS server.

The RADIUS server sequence strips the domain name from the RADIUS-Username attribute for RADIUS authentications. This domain stripping is not applicable for EAP authentications, which use the EAP-Identity attribute. The RADIUS proxy server obtains the username from the RADIUS-Username attribute and strips it from the character that you specify when you configure the RADIUS server sequence. For EAP authentications, the RADIUS proxy server obtains the username from the EAP-Identity attribute. EAP authentications that use the RADIUS server sequence will succeed only if the EAP-Identity and RADIUS-Username values are the same.

Configure External RADIUS Servers

You must configure the external RADIUS servers in the Cisco ISE to enable it to forward requests to the external RADIUS servers. You can define the timeout period and the number of connection attempts.

Before you begin
  • You cannot use the external RADIUS servers that you create in this section by themselves. You must create a RADIUS server sequence and configure it to use the RADIUS server that you create in this section. You can then use the RADIUS server sequence in authentication policies.

  • To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > Network Resources > External RADIUS Servers.

The RADIUS Servers page appears with a list of external RADIUS servers that are defined in Cisco ISE.

Step 2

Click Add to add an external RADIUS server.

Step 3

Enter the values as required.

Step 4

Click Submit to save the external RADIUS server configuration.

Define RADIUS Server Sequences

RADIUS server sequences in Cisco ISE allow you to proxy requests from a NAD to an external RADIUS server that will process the request and return the result to Cisco ISE, which forwards the response to the NAD.

RADIUS Server Sequences page lists all the RADIUS server sequences that you have defined in Cisco ISE. You can create, edit, or duplicate RADIUS server sequences from this page.

Before you begin
  • Before you begin this procedure, you should have a basic understanding of the Proxy Service and must have successfully completed the task in the first entry of the Related Links.

  • To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Administration > Network Resources > RADIUS Server Sequences.

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter the values as required.

Step 4

Click Submit to save the RADIUS server sequence to be used in policies.

Cisco ISE Acting as a TACACS+ Proxy Client

Cisco ISE can act as proxy client to external TACACS+ servers. When it acts as a proxy client, Cisco ISE receives authentication, authorization, and accounting requests from the Network Access Server (NAS) and forwards them to the external TACACS+ server. Cisco ISE accepts the results of the requests and returns them to the NAS.

The TACACS+ External Servers page lists all the external TACACS+ servers that you have defined in Cisco ISE. You can use the filter option to search for specific TACACS+ servers based on the name or description, or both.

Cisco ISE can simultaneously act as a proxy client to multiple external TACACS+ servers. In order to configure multiple external servers, you can use the TACACS+ server sequence page. Refer to the TACACS+ Server Sequence Settings page for more information.

Configure External TACACS+ Servers

You must configure the external TACACS servers in the Cisco ISE to enable it to forward requests to the external TACACS servers. You can define the timeout period and the number of connection attempts.

Before you begin
  • You cannot use the external TACACS servers that you create in this section directly in the policy. You must create a TACACS server sequence and configure it to use the TACACS server that you create in this section. You can then use the TACACS server sequence in the policy sets.

  • To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.


Step 1

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon () and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network Resources > TACACS External Servers.

The TACACS External Servers page appears with a list of external TACACS servers that are defined in Cisco ISE.

Step 2

Click Add to add an external TACACS server.

Step 3

Enter the values as required.

Step 4

Click Submit to save the external TACACS server