Overview of Security Manager Server Management and Administration
As a software application, Cisco Security Manager runs on the framework provided by the CiscoWorks Common Services application. Many of the fundamental server control functions are provided by Common Services. For example, if you want to create a multiple-server setup for Security Manager, you must create that setup in Common Services. Common Services also provides the tools for creating and managing local user accounts, for backing up and restoring the database, for generating various reports on system functions, and for many other basic functions.
To access the Common Services application, do any of the following:
If you currently have the Security Manager client open, you can select Server Security from the table of contents. The Server Security page has buttons that link to and open specific pages in Common Services. You can click any button and then navigate to any desired page in Common Services.
and select -
Using your web browser, link to the Security Manager server using the URL https://servername , where servername is the IP address or DNS name of the server. This URL opens the Security Manager home page. Click Server Administration, or the CiscoWorks link, to open Common Services.
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A special consideration applies if you are using Internet Explorer 10.x in Windows Server 2012 (Standard or Datacenter)—64-bit, support for which is new in Version 4.7 of Cisco Security Manager. You need to be aware of this consideration when using the following navigation path: Windows Start > Cisco Security Manager Client > [log in] > Configuration Manager > Tools > Security Manager Administration... > Server Security. The Server Security page will open normally for you, but on that page you will be unable to use the buttons (e.g., Local User Setup) to cross-launch the Server Security Tools within Common Services. To work around this problem, decrease the security levels of your intranet settings in Internet Explorer 10.x. |
To learn more about the things you can do with Common Services, browse the Common Services online help.
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The feature in Common Services is not supported by Cisco Security Manager. |