- New and Changed Information
- Preface
- A Commands
- Advanced Services Modules Commands
- B Commands
- C Commands
- Caching Services Module Commands
- CLI Overview
- D Commands
- Debug Commands
- E Commands
- F Commands
- G Commands
- H Commands
- I Commands
- J Commands
- K Commands
- L Commands
- M Commands
- N Commands
- O Commands
- P Commands
- Q Commands
- R Commands
- S Commands
- Show Commands
- T Commands
- U Commands
- V Commands
- W Commands
- Z Commands
- cluster add
- cluster config
- cluster name
- dir modflash:
- feature enable
- flash-copy
- host
- install module node
- interface svc
- iogroup
- ip
- mdisk-grp
- migrate vdisk
- node
- node svc delete
- node svc recover
- node svc servicemode
- node svc upgrade
- quorum
- remote-copy
- show cluster flash-copy
- show cluster host
- show cluster iogroup
- show cluster ip
- show cluster mdisk
- show cluster mdsik-grp
- show cluster nodes
- show cluster remote-copy
- show cluster remote-copy-cluster
- show cluster status
- show cluster vdisk
- show environment battery
- show interface svc
- show nodes
- show svc
- svc-config
- svc-ibmcli
- svc-purge-wwn module
- vdisk
Caching Services Module Commands
The commands in this chapter apply to the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) software and the Caching Services Module (CSM) in Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches. All commands are shown here in alphabetical order regardless of command mode.
For more information on virtualization using the CSM, see the “$paratext>” section.
cluster add
To create a cluster with a specified SVC node, use the cluster add command in SVC configuration mode.
cluster add cluster-name ip ip-address node svc slot-number / node-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
Enter this command while connected to the switch management IP address of a node at which the cluster is being created.
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode, verifies the status of previously-configured clusters, and adds a cluster called SampleCluster.
The status of the newly-added cluster can be verified using the show nodes local command.
Related Commands
Displays the cluster name and status for all nodes in the switch. |
cluster config
To manage cluster configurations on a specified cluster, use the cluster config configuration submode.
Syntax Description
Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode (switch(svc-cluster)#). |
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and adds a cluster called SampleCluster.
Related Commands
cluster name
To perform operations on a previously-configured cluster, use the cluster name command in SVC configuration mode.
cluster name cluster-name flash-copy fc-grp-name [prepare | start | stop]
cluster name cluster-name remote-copy rc-grp-name {failover | start [aux | clean | force] | stop aux-enable}
cluster name cluster-name shutdown [node node-name ]
cluster name cluster-name start discovery
cluster name cluster-name upgrade svc-system [force]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options under the cluster name command.
dir modflash:
To display the contents of the modflash: file system, use the dir modflash: command in EXEC mode.
dir modflash:// module-number - node-number - path
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to list the files on the bootflash directory.
Related Commands
feature enable
To enable a specified feature in a cluster, use the feature enable command in the cluster configuration submode.
feature enable {capacity number | flash-copy | remote-copy}
Syntax Description
Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode. |
Enables a specified feature on this cluster. Three features can be enabled: capacity, flash-copy, or remote-copy |
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
By default, flash-copy and remote-copy are disabled and 0 (zero) GB of virtualization capacity is enabled.
The following example enters the cluster configuration submode for the SampleCluster cluster and assigns a size of 4000 Gigabytes. The next two commands enables the flash-copy and remote-copy features for this cluster.
Related Commands
Displays configured flash-copy information for a specified cluster. |
Displays configured remote copy information for a specified cluster. |
To create a snapshot (or point-in-time copy) of a specified VDisk or group of VDisks, use the flash-copy command in the cluster configuration submode.
flash-copy name fcopy-name
map src-vdisk vdisk-name dst-vdisk vdisk-name |
[mode copy-on-write | full rate rate ]
flash-copy rename old-name newname new-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#.
The flash-copy submode prompt is switch(svc-cluster-flash-copy)#.
The following example enters the enters the cluster configuration mode for the SampleCluster 1 cluster.
Related Commands
Displays configured flash-copy information for a specified SampleCluster. |
To create or configure hosts, use the host command in the cluster configuration submode.
host add host-name hostport port-wwn
host name host-name
hostport port-wwn |
map vdisk vdisk-name [SCSI-lun lun-number ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and creates a host called Host 1with one port, adds a second port, and maps the VDisk for Host1, and verifies the configured information for Host1.
Related Commands
Displays configured host information for a specified cluster. |
install module node
To install the SVC node image, use the install module node command.
install module module-number node node-number image svc-system [bootflash: | slot0: | ftp: | sftp: | scp: | svc-image ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(3).
Usage Guidelines
The install module module-number node command installs the new image in the specified node on the CSM module. All previous data in that node is lost.
The following example shows how to install a new image on an SVC node.
Related Commands
Shows the system software that is currently running on the switch |
interface svc
To configure a SAN Volume Controller (SVC) interface on the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of switches, use the interface svc command.
interface svc slot_number / node-number
interface svc slot_number / node-number initiator | mgmt | nwwn nwwn-id target vsan vsan-id
interface svc slot_number / node-number switchport description | shutdown]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
By default, all three N-port types (initiator, mgmt, and target) are in VSAN 1. Explicitly remove it from VSAN 1 if this is not required by your network.
The VSAN number can be any number from 1 to 4096. Only 64 VSANs for all initiator/mgmt/target are allowed (meaning, you can have initiator in VSANs 1-30, target in VSANs 31-60, and mgmt in VSANs 61-64). If the target, initiator, and mgmt overlap in VSANs, each overlap is also included in the total VSAN count.
A mgmt N-port can only exist in 4 of these 64 VSANs.
You can specify a range of interfaces by issuing a command with the following example format:
interface svc 1/1 space , space svc 2/1-2
This command configures Slot 1 Node 1 as an SVC interface and simultaneously configures Slot 2, Nodes 1and 2 as SVC interfaces.
Place the disk, host, and other SVC nodes in the appropriate VSAN for any configuration to be completely established
The following example configures the initiator N-port on VSAN 1, the target N-port on VSAN 2, and the management N-port on VSAN 3.
Related Commands
Displays an interface configuration for a specified interface. |
To assign a name to I/O groups, use the iogroup command in the cluster configuration submode. Use the no form of this command to delete the configured I/O group alias.
iogroup group-id alias alias-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The no iogroup command deletes the alias name, not the I/O group itself.
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and configures a new I/O group. The created group is verified using the show cluster name iogroup command
Related Commands
Displays configured I/O group information for a specified cluster. |
To modify the IP address for a cluster, use the ip command in the cluster configuration submode.
Syntax Description
Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submodes. |
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The IP address of the cluster can be changed, but not deleted. If you connect using the current cluster IP address, that session is lost when the command completes. You must then reconnect using the new IP address.
The no form of this command is not allowed.
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, configures the IP address, and verifies by displaying this information
Related Commands
To create and configure a mdsik group, use the mdisk-grp command in the cluster configuration submode.
mdisk-grp add grp-name extent size
mdisk-grp name grp-name -> mdisk id mdisk-id
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The submode prompt for the MDisk group is switch (svc-cluster-mdisk-grp)#
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, creates an MDisk group, and adds an MDisk to the group.
Related Commands
Displays configured MDisk group information for a specified cluster. |
migrate vdisk
To configure data migration from a VDisk, use the migrate vdisk command in the cluster configuration submode.
migrate vdisk vdisk-name new-mdisk-grp grp-name
migrate vdisk vdisk-name src-mdisk id mdisk-id num-extents number tgt-mdisk id mdisk-id
Syntax Description
Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode. |
Migrates data from the specified VDisk to a MDisk or MDisk group. |
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, migrates a VDisk to a new MDisk group.
Related Commands
Displays configured MDisk migration status information for a specified cluster. |
To add a node to a cluster or to assign a name to a preconfigured node, use the node command in the cluster configuration submode.
node iogroup group-id [alias alias-name ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The node must first be added before assigning an alias name.
The no form of the command deletes the node from the cluster.
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, adds a node by assigning the nWWN, and associates the node with an alias.
Related Commands
Displays configured node information for a specified cluster. |
node svc delete
To delete all cluster configurations from a specific node, use the node svc delete command in SVC configuration mode.
node svc slot-number / node-number delete
Syntax Description
Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM). |
Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
Use this command if the node has lost communication with a configured cluster.
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and adds a cluster called SampleCluster.
Related Commands
node svc recover
To initiate cluster recovery on a specified SVC node, use the recover cluster command in SVC configuration mode.
node svc slot-number / node-number recover
Syntax Description
Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM). |
Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to initiate cluster recovery after a failure. If the output of the show nodes local command displays recovery pause
in the node status column.
The following example initiates recovery for the SVC node 1 in slot 2.
Related Commands
node svc servicemode
To place a node in service mode, use the servicemode node svc command in SVC configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to remove a node from service mode.
node svc slot-number / node-number servicemode
Syntax Description
Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM). |
Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and places the specified node in service mode.
Related Commands
node svc upgrade
To upgrade the software on a specified SVC node, use the upgrade node svc command in SVC configuration mode.
node svc slot-number / node-number url upgrade svc-system url
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
This command is valid only if the node is in service mode or the node has been shutdown.
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.
To set the quorum disk for a cluster, use the quorum command in the cluster configuration submode.
quorum disk [1 | 2 | 3] mdisk disk-id
Syntax Description
Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode. |
Configures one of three quorum disks for the specified cluster. The quorum ID ranges from 1 to 3. |
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
You can assign one of 3 possible quorum IDs in any desired order.
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and sets the quorum disk ID.
To create a synchronous copy of a specified VDisk or group of VDisks, use the remote-copy command in the cluster configuration submode.
remote-copy add rcopy-name [cluster rcluster-name]
remote-copy rcopy-name
map src-vdisk vdisk-name aux-vdisk vdisk-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The remote-copy submode prompt is switch(svc-cluster-remote-copy)#
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and creates a synchronous copy of a specified disk.
Related Commands
Displays configured remote-copy information for a specified cluster. |
show cluster flash-copy
To display configured FlashCopy information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name flash-copy command.
show cluster cluster-name flash-copy [ fcopy-name ]
Syntax Description
Displays FlashCopy relationships configured for the specified FlashCopy object. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster information.
show cluster host
To display configured host information for a specific cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name host command.
show cluster cluster-name host [ host-name | candidate ]
Syntax Description
Lists all candidates that are not part of this entity but are visible to the cluster. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster host information.
show cluster iogroup
To display configured I/O group information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name iogroup command.
show cluster cluster-name iogroup [ group-id ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster iogroup information.

Note Only four IDs can be used, the fifth I/O group is internally created and is only used for cluster recovery.
show cluster ip
To displays configured ip information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster-name ip command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays configured cluster ip information.
show cluster mdisk
To display configured MDisk information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name mdisk command.
show cluster cluster-name mdisk {candidate | id mdisk-id [extent]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster MDisk information.
show cluster mdsik-grp
To display configured MDisk group information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name mdisk-grp command.
show cluster cluster-name mdisk-grp [ grp-name ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster information for a MDisk group.
show cluster nodes
To display configured node information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name nodes command.
show cluster cluster-name nodes [candidate]
Syntax Description
Lists all candidates that are not part of this entity but are visible to the cluster. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays configured cluster information for a specified node.
show cluster remote-copy
To display configured remote-copy information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name remote-copy command.
show cluster cluster-name remote-copy [ rcopy-name ]
Syntax Description
Displays remote copy relationships configured for a specified cluster. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays configured cluster information for the specified copy instance.
show cluster remote-copy-cluster
To display configured remote-copy partnership information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name remote-copy-cluster command.
show cluster cluster-name remote-copy-cluster [ rcopy-name ]
Syntax Description
Displays remote copy relationships configured for a specified cluster. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays configured cluster information for the specified copy instance.
show cluster status
To displays progress information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name status command.
show cluster cluster-name status [flash-copy fcopy-name | remote-copy rcopy-name ]
Syntax Description
Displays FlashCopy relationships configured for the specified cluster. |
Displays remote copy relationships configured for a specified cluster. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster information.
show cluster vdisk
To display configured VDisk information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name vdisk command.
show cluster cluster-name vdisk { vdisk-id [ extent | mapped_hosts]}
Syntax Description
Displays information about which hosts are mapped to the specified VDisk. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured cluster information for VDisks.
show environment battery
To display status of a battery module for the Caching Services Module (CSM), use the show environment battery command.
show environment battery module slot-number [detail]
Syntax Description
Displays the hardware environment in any Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the current contents of the boot variable.
show interface svc
You can check the status of a SVC interface at any time by using the show interface svc command.
show interface svc slot-number/node-number [brief | counters | description]
Syntax Description
Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM). |
Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was modified in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured SVC interface information.
show nodes
To displays configured information for the CSM, use the show svc command.
show nodes {local [detail] | svc slot_number / node-number | version}
Syntax Description
Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM). |
Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example display configured SVC information and statistics.
Related Commands
show svc
To displays configured information for the CSM, use the show svc command.
show svc
port svc slot_number / node-number [detail | initiator | mgmt | target [ detail | vsan vsan-id ]] |
session [detail | initiator | mgmt | peer-wwn pwwn-id | target [ detail | vsan vsan-id ]] |
stats xipc [interface svc slot_number / node-number ] | [module slot-number ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following examples display configured SVC information and statistics.
To perform SAN Volume Controller (SVC) configurations, use the svc-config command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.
To perform SAN Volume Controller (SVC) configurations by using IBM’s CLI, use the svc-ibmcli command.
svc-ibmcli {cluster-name cluster-name [ IBM-CLI-command ] | node svc slot-number/node-number [ IBM-CLI-command ] }
Syntax Description
Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM). |
Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module. |
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
When you enter the IBM TotalStorage shell, all future commands are interpreted directly by this shell. Type exit to return to the Cisco MDS switch prompt.
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.
svc-purge-wwn module
To remove all configured WWNs for the CSM from the running configuration, use the svc-purge-wwn module command.
svc-purge-wwn module module-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
This command also purges all system allocated pWWNs and nWWNs from the system and will never be used again (by the system or by SVC interfaces). New system values will be allocated for all pWWN/nWWNs for the module.
The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.
To create a new VDisk or access a new VDisk, use the vdisk command in the cluster configuration submode.
vdisk add vdisk-name iogroup group-id mdisk-grp grp-name capacity number | import [ clean | mdisk-list | preferred-node | sequential]
vdisk name vdisk-name -> expand [capacity | extent mdisk disk-id offset number ] | io-throttle number [MB] | iogroup | shrink
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.
Command History
This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).
Usage Guidelines
The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).
The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and ---
Related Commands
Displays configured vdisk information for a specified cluster. |