- New and Changed Information
- Preface
- A Commands
- Advanced Services Modules Commands
- B Commands
- C Commands
- Caching Services Module Commands
- CLI Overview
- D Commands
- Debug Commands
- E Commands
- F Commands
- G Commands
- H Commands
- I Commands
- J Commands
- K Commands
- L Commands
- M Commands
- N Commands
- O Commands
- P Commands
- Q Commands
- R Commands
- S Commands
- Show Commands
- T Commands
- U Commands
- V Commands
- W Commands
- Z Commands
- data-pattern-file
- deadtime (radius group configuration)
- deadtime (tacacs+ group configuration)
- deadtime (server group configuration mode)
- delete
- delete ca-certificate
- delete certificate
- delete crl
- deny (IPv6-ACL configuration)
- description
- destination interface
- destination-profile
- device-alias (IVR fcdomain database configuration submode)
- device-alias (SDV virtual device configuration submode)
- device-alias abort
- device-alias commit
- dev ice-alias confirm-commit enable
- device-alias database
- device-alias distribute
- device-alias import fcalias
- de vice-alias mode enhanced
- debug ldap
- device-alias name
- diagnostic bootup level
- diagnostic monitor interval module
- diagnostic monitor module
- diagnostic ondemand iteration
- diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure
- diagnostic start module
- diagnostic stop module
- dir
- disable
- discover
- discover custom-list
- discover scsi-target
- distribute
- dmm module
- dmm module job
- do
- dpvm abort
- dpvm activate
- dpvm auto-learn
- dpvm commit
- dpvm database
- dpvm database copy active
- dpvm database diff
- dpvm distribute
- dpvm enable
- dpvm overwrite-duplicate-pwwn
- dscp
- duplicate-message throttle
D Commands
The commands in this chapter apply to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches. All commands are shown here in alphabetical order regardless of command mode. See “About the CLI Command Modes” section to determine the appropriate mode for each command.
To configure data pattern file for a SAN tuner extension N port, use the data-pattern-file command in interface configuration submode. To remove data pattern file, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SAN extension N port configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
By default, an all-zero pattern is used as the pattern for data generated by the virtual N ports. You can optionally specify a file as the data pattern to be generated by selecting a data pattern file from one of three locations: the bootflash: directory, the volatile: directory, or the slot0: directory. This option is especially useful when testing compression over FCIP links. You can also use Canterbury corpus or artificial corpus files for benchmarking purposes.
The following example configures the data pattern file for an N port:
Related Commands
deadtime (radius group configuration)
To configure a periodic time interval where a nonreachable (non-responsive) RADIUS server is monitored for responsiveness, use the deadtime command in RADIUS group configuration submode. To disable the monitoring of the nonresponsive server, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the time interval (in minutes) for monitoring the server. The time range is 1 to 1440 minutes. |
Command Modes
RADIUS group configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the dead time interval for an individual RADIUS server is greater than zero (0), that value takes precedence over the value set for the server group.
When the dead time interval is 0 minutes, RADIUS server monitoring is not performed unless the RADIUS server is part of a server group and the dead time interval for the group is greater than 0 minutes.
The following example shows the deadtime command in RADIUS group configuration submode:
Related Commands
Sets a time interval for monitoring a nonresponsive RADIUS server. |
deadtime (tacacs+ group configuration)
To configure a periodic time interval where a nonreachable (non responsive) TACACS+ server is monitored for responsiveness, use the deadtime command in TACACS+ group configuration submode. To disable the monitoring of the non responsive server, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the time interval (in minutes) for monitoring the server. The time range is 1 to 1440 minutes. |
Command Modes
TACACS+ group configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the dead time interval for an individual TACACS+ server is greater than zero (0), that value takes precedence over the value set for the server group.
When the dead time interval is 0 minutes, TACACS+ server monitoring is not performed unless the TACACS+ server is part of a server group and the dead time interval for the group is greater than 0 minutes.
The following example shows the deadtime command in TACACS+ group configuration submode:
Related Commands
Sets a time interval for monitoring a nonresponsive TACACS+ server. |
deadtime (server group configuration mode)
To configure deadtime within the context of LDAP server groups, use the deadtime command in server group configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description-
Command Modes
Server group configuration mode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
To delete a specified file or directory on a flash memory device, use the delete command in EXEC mode.
delete { bootflash : filename | debug : filename | log : filename | modflash : filename | slot0: filename | volatile: filename }
Syntax Description
Contains the two default logfiles. The file dmesg contains the kernel log-messages and the file messages contains the system application log-messages. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When you delete a file, the software erases the file.
If you attempt to delete the configuration file or image specified by the CONFIG_FILE or BOOTLDR environment variable, the system prompts you to confirm the deletion. Also, if you attempt to delete the last valid system image specified in the BOOT environment variable, the system prompts you to confirm the deletion.

The following example deletes the file named test from the flash card inserted in slot 0:
Delete slot0:test? [confirm]
The following example deletes a file from a directory:
The following example deletes a file from an external CompactFlash (slot0):
The following example deletes the entire m y-dir
directory and all its contents:
The following example deletes the entire user created d k
log file on the active supervisor:
Related Commands
delete ca-certificate
To delete certificate authority certificates, use the delete ca-certificate command in trust point configuration submode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Trust point configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command deletes the CA certificate or certificate chain corresponding to the trust point CA. As a result, the trust point CA is no longer trusted. If there is an identity certificate form the CA, you should delete it before attempting to delete the CA certificate. Doing so prevents the accidental deletion of a CA certificate when you have not yet deleted the identity certificate from that CA. This action may be necessary when you do not want to trust the CA any more for a reason such as the CA is compromised or the CA certificate is already expired, with the latter being a very rare event.

Note The trust point configuration, certificates, and key pair configurations are made persistent only after saving to the startup configuration. To be consistent with this configuration behavior, the delete behavior is also the same. That is, the deletions are made persistent only after saving to the startup configuration.
Use the copy running-config startup-config command to make the certificate and key pair deletions persistent.
The following example shows how to delete a certificate authority certificate:
Related Commands
delete certificate
To delete the identity certificate, use the delete certificate command in trust point configuration submode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Trust point configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to delete the identity certificate from the trust point CA. This action may be necessary when the identity certificate expires or the corresponding key pair is compromised. Applications will be left without any identity certificate to use after the deletion of the last or the only identity certificate present. Accordingly, an error message is generated if the certificate being deleted is the last or only identity certificate present. If needed, the deletion can still be accomplished by forcing it using the force option.

Note The trust point configuration, certificates, and key pair configurations are made persistent only after saving to the startup configuration. To be consistent with this configuration behavior, the delete behavior is also the same. That is, the deletions are made persistent only after saving to the startup configuration.
Use the copy running-config startup-config command to make the certificate and key pair deletions persistent.
The following example shows how to delete the identity certificate:
The following example shows how to force the deletion of the identity certificate:
Related Commands
delete crl
To delete the crl from the trustpoint, use the delete crl command in trust point configuration submode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Trust point configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to delete the crl from the trustpoint:
Related Commands
deny (IPv6-ACL configuration)
To configure deny conditions for an IPv6 access control list (ACL), use the deny command in IPv6-ACL configuration submode. To remove the conditions, use the no form of the command.
deny { ipv6-protocol-number | ipv6} { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [log-deny]
deny icmp { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [ icmp-type [ icmp-code]] [log-deny]
deny tcp { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } [ source-port-operator source-port-number | range source-port-number source-port-number ] { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [ dest-port-operator dest-port-number | range dest-port-number dest-port-number ] [established] [log-deny]
deny udp { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } [ source-port-operator source-port-number | range source-port-number source-port-number ] { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [ dest-port-operator dest-port-number | range dest-port-number dest-port-number ] [log-deny]
no deny { ipv6-protocol-number | ipv6 | icmp | tcp | udp}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
IPv6-ACL configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following guidelines can assist you in configuring an IPv6-ACL.
- You can apply IPv6-ACLs to VSAN interfaces, the management interface, Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on IPS modules and MPS-14/2 modules, and Ethernet PortChannel interfaces. However, if IPv6-ACLs are already configured in a Gigabit Ethernet interface, you cannot add this interface to a Ethernet PortChannel group.

- Use only the TCP or ICMP options when configuring IPv6-ACLs on Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
- Configure the order of conditions accurately. Because the IPv6-ACL filters are applied sequentially to the IP flows, the first match determines the action taken. Subsequent matches are not considered. Be sure to configure the most important condition first. If no conditions match, the software drops the packet.
The following example configures an IPv6-ACL called List1, enters IPv6-ACL submode, and adds an entry to deny TCP traffic from any source address to any destination address:
The following example removes a deny condition set for any destination prefix on a specified UDP host:
The following example removes the IPv6-ACL called List1 and all its entries:
Related Commands
Configures an IPv6 ACL and enters IPv6-ACL configuration submode. |
To configure a description for the Event Manager policy, use the description command.
description policy-description
Syntax Description
Configures a descriptive string for the policy. The string can be any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters. Enclose the string in quotation marks. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure a descriptive string for the policy:
Related Commands
Displays an interface configuration for a specified interface. |
destination interface
To configure a switched port analyzer (SPAN) destination interface, use the destination interface command in SPAN session configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
destination interface { fc slot / port | fc-tunnel tunnel-id }
no destination interface { fc slot / port | fc-tunnel tunnel-id }
Syntax Description
Specifies the Fibre Channel interface ID at a slot and port. |
Command Modes
SPAN session configuration submode.
Command History
SPAN is supported and RSPAN is not supported in Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch. |
Usage Guidelines
The SPAN destination interface must be configured as SPAN destination port (SD port) mode using the switchport command before the interface can be associated with SPAN session as a destination interface.
The following example shows how to configure an interface as a SPAN destination port (SD port), create a SPAN session, and then configure the interface fc3/13 as the SPAN destination interface:
Related Commands
Selects or configures the SPAN session and changes to SPAN configuration submode. |
Configures the switch port mode on the Fibre Channel interface. |
To configure the attributes of the destination such as the e-mail address or the message level with the Call Home function, use the destination-profile command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
destination-profile { profile-name | XML-destination | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination } { alert-group { all | cisco-Tac | environmental | inventory | license | linecard-hardware | rmon | supervisor-hardware | syslog-group-port | system | test}} | {email-addr email-address} | http {https-or-http url} | {message-level message-level} | {message-size message-size} | {transport-method {email | http}}
no destination-profile { profile-name | XML-destination | full-txt-destination | short-txt-destination } { alert-group { all | cisco-Tac | environmental | inventory | license | linecard-hardware | rmon | supervisor-hardware | syslog-group-port | system | test}} | {email-addr email-address} | http {https-or-http url} | {message-level message-level} | {message-size message-size} | {transport-method {email | http}}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Call Home configuration submode.
Command History
Deleted Avanti keyword from the syntax description. Added the Usage guideline. |
Added the HTTPs URL and transport method for syntax description. |
Usage Guidelines
The transport method as well as the HTTP URL is distributed only to the switches in the fabric running images for 4.2(1) and later. The switches running in the lower version images will simply ignore the HTTP configuration.
The HTTP configuration also will not be distributed to switches that support the HTTP configuration but do not distribute it.
The following example shows how to configure XML destination profiles for the HTTP URL:
The following example enables the transport method for destination profile:
The following example shows how to configure full-text destination profiles:
The following example shows how to configure short-text destination profiles:
Related Commands
device-alias (IVR fcdomain database configuration submode)
To map a device alias to a persistent FC ID for IVR, use the device-alias command in IVR fcdomain database configuration submode. To remove the mapping for the device alias, use the no form of the command.
device-alias device-name fc-id
Syntax Description
Command Modes
IVR fcdomain database configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to map the device alias to the persistent FC ID:
The following example shows how to remove the mapping between the device alias and the FC ID:
Related Commands
device-alias (SDV virtual device configuration submode)
To add a device alias to a virtual device, use the device-alias command in SDV virtual device configuration submode. To remove a device alias, use the no form of the command.
device-alias device-name [primary]
no device-alias device-name [primary]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SDV virtual device configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure a virtual target alias name:
Related Commands
device-alias abort
To discard a Distributed Device Alias Services (device alias) Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution session in progress, use the device-alias abort command in configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to discard a device alias CFS distribution session in progress:
Related Commands
device-alias commit
To apply the pending configuration pertaining to the Distributed Device Alias Services (device alias) Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution session in progress in the fabric, use the device-alias commit command in configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines

Note Once the device-alias commit is done the running configuration has been modified on all switches participating in device-alias distribution. You can then use the copy running-config startup-config fabric command to save the running-config to the startup-config on all the switches in the fabric.

Note When the device-alias commit is in progress, you must not issue the clear device-alias command, until the device-alias commit is successful.
The following example shows how to commit pending changes to the active DPVM database:
Related Commands
device-alias confirm-commit enable
To enable the display of the device-alias pending-diff and subsequent confirmation of pending-diff on issuing a device-alias commit, use the device-alias confirm-commit enable command in configuration mode. To disable this feature command, use the no form of this command.
device-alias confirm-commit enable
no device-alias confirm-commit enable
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the device alias confirm-commit command is enabled, on committing the pending database, the pending- diff is displayed on the console and the user is prompted for Yes or No. If the device-alias confirm-commit command is disabled, the pending-diff is not displayed and the user is not prompted for Yes or No.

Note If this feature is enabled, downgrade is blocked by a configuration check. To resume downgrade correctly, confirm-commit has to be disabled.
The following example shows how to enable the confirm-commit mode for device-alias:
The following example shows how to disable the confirm-commit mode for device-alias:
device-alias database
To initiate a Distributed Device Alias Services (device alias) session and configure device alias database, use the device-alias database command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The device-alias database command starts a device alias session that locks all the databases on all the switches in this fabrics. When you exit device alias database configuration submode, the device alias session ends and the locks are released.
You can only perform all modifications in the temporary device alias database. To make the changes permanent, use the device-alias commit command.
The following example shows how to activate a device alias session and enter device alias database configuration submode:
Related Commands
Commits changes to the temporary device alias database to the active device alias database. |
device-alias distribute
To enable Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution for Distributed Device Alias Services (device alias), use the device-alias distribute command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the device-alias commit command to apply pending changes to the CFS distribution session.
The following example shows how to enable distribution for device alias information:
Related Commands
device-alias import fcalias
To import device alias database information from another VSAN, use the device-alias import fcalias command. To revert to the default configuration or factory defaults, use the no form of the command.
device-alias import fcalias vsan vsan-id
no device-alias import fcalias vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
You can import legacy device name configurations using this feature without losing data, if they satisfy the following restrictions:
If any name conflict exists, the fcaliases are not imported. The device name database is completely independent from the VSAN dependent fcalias database.
When the import operation is complete, the modified global fcalias table can distributed to all other switches in the physical fabric using the device-alias distribute command so that new definitions are available everywhere.
The following example shows how to import device alias information:
Related Commands
device-alias mode enhanced
To configure device aliases to operate in enhanced mode, use the device-alias mode enhanced command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When a device alias is configured in basic mode, which is the default mode, all the applications operate like 3.0 switches. For example, when you attempt to configure the device aliases, immediately the device alias are expanded to a PWWN. This operation continues until the mode is changed to enhanced.
Whena device alias is configured in enhanced mode, all the applications accept a device alias name in its native format, instead of expanding the device alias to a PWWN, the device alias name is stored in the configuration and distributed in its native device alias format.
To use enhanced mode, all switches in the fabric must be running in the Cisco SAN-OS Release 3.1(1) or later, or NX-OS 4.1(1b) later.

Note Enhanced mode, or native device alias based configurations are not accepted in interop mode. VSANs. IVR zoneset activation will fail in interop mode VSANs if the corresponding zones have native device alias-based members
The following example shows how to configure the device alias in enhanced mode:
Related Commands
debug ldap
To configure debugging for LDAP, use the debug ldap command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
debug ldap {aaa-request | aaa-request-lowlevel | all | config | config-lowlevel}
no debug ldap {aaa-request | aaa-request-lowlevel | all | config | config-lowlevel}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
Displays all Cisco SME related debug commands configured on the switch. |
device-alias name
To configure device names in the device alias database, use the device-alias name command. To remove device names from the device alias database, use the no form of the command.
device-alias name device-name pwwn pwwn-id
no device-alias name device-name
Syntax Description
Specifies the pWWN ID. The format is hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh, where h is a hexadecimal number. |
Command Modes
Device alias database configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure a device name alias entry in the device name database:
Related Commands
diagnostic bootup level
To configure the bootup diagnostic level to trigger diagnostics when the device boots, use the diagnostic bootup level command. To remove this diagnostic bootup level, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic bootup level bypass | complete
no diagnostic bootup level bypass | complete
Syntax Description
Specifies the skip all bootup test. Do not perform any bootup diagnostics. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure all bootup diagnostics level:
Related Commands
Displays the bootup diagnostic level (bypass or complete) that is currently in place on the device. |
Displays diagnostic events by error and information event type. |
diagnostic monitor interval module
To configure diagnostic monitoring tests interval for a module, use the diagnostic monitor interval module command. To remove this diagnostic monitor interval module, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic monitor interval module module-number test [test-id | name | all] hour hour min minutes second sec
no diagnostic monitor interval module module-number test [test-id | name | all] hour hour min minutes second sec
Syntax Description
Specifies the test name. Can be any case-sensitive alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure diagnostic monitoring tests interval for a module:
Related Commands
Displays information about the diagnostics and their attributes. |
diagnostic monitor module
To configure diagnostic monitoring tests for a module, use the diagnostic monitor module command. To remove this diagnostic monitor module, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic monitor module module-number test [test-id | name | all]
no diagnostic monitor module module-number test [test-id | name | all]
Syntax Description
Specifies the test name. Can be any case-sensitive alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure diagnostic monitoring tests for a module:
Related Commands
Displays information about the diagnostics and their attributes. |
diagnostic ondemand iteration
To configure the number of times that the on demand test runs, use the diagnostic ondemand iteration command. To remove this diagnostic ondemand iteration, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic ondemand iteration number
no diagnostic ondemand iteration number
Syntax Description
Specifies number of times to repeat ondemand test list. The range is from 1 to 999. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure the number of times that the on demand test runs:
Related Commands
diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure
To configure the action to take if the on demand test fails, use the diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure command. To remove this feature command, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure {continue failure-count num-fails | stop}
no diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure {continue failure-count num-fails | stop}
Syntax Description
Specifies the continue ondemand test until test failure limit is reached. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure the action to take if the on demand test fails:
Related Commands
Configures the number of times that the on-demand test runs. |
diagnostic start module
To start one or more diagnostic tests on a module, use the diagnostic start module command. To remove this feature command, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic start module module-number test [test-id | name | all | non-disruptive] [port port-number | all]
no diagnostic start module module-number test [test-id | name | all | non-disruptive] [port port-number | all]
Syntax Description
Specifies the test name. Can be any case-sensitive alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to start one or more diagnostic tests on a module:
Related Commands
Starts the selected test on a module and displays the result on the completion of the test. |
diagnostic stop module
To stop one or more diagnostic tests on a module, use the diagnostic stop module command. To remove this feature command, use the no form of the command.
diagnostic stop module slot test [test-id | name | all]
no diagnostic stop module slot test [test-id | name | all]
Syntax Description
Specifies the test name. Can be any case-sensitive alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to stop one or more diagnostic tests on a module:
Related Commands
Starts the selected test on a module and displays the result on the completion of the test. |
To display the contents of the current directory or the specified directory, use the dir command in EXEC mode.
dir [ bootflash: module | directory-or-filename | debug:directory-or-filename | log: module | directory-or-filename | modflash: module | directory-or-filename | slot0:directory-or-filename | volatile: module | directory-or-filename ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to list the files on the bootflash directory:
40295206 Aug 05 15:23:51 1980 ilc1.bin
The following example shows how to list the files in the debug directory:
Usage for debug://sup-local
The following example shows how to list the files in the log file directory:
Related Commands
To disable the Call Home function, use the disable command in Call Home configuration submode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Call Home configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to disable the Call Home function:
Related Commands
Sends a dummy test message to the configured destination(s). |
To initiate the discovery of hosts, use the discovery command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
discover host host port target target port vsan vsan id fabric fabric name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Cisco SME cluster configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example discovers a host and specifies a target, a VSAN, and a fabric for discovery:
The following example disables the discovery feature:
Related Commands
discover custom-list
To selectively initiate discovery for specified domain IDs in a VSAN, use the discover custom-list command in EXEC mode.
discover custom-list { add | delete } vsan vsan-id fcid fc-id
Syntax Description
Discovers SCSI targets for the specified VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
Discovers SCSI targets for the specified FCID. The format is 0xhhhhhhh, where h is a hexadecimal digit. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example selectively initiates discovery for the specified VSAN and FCID:
The following example deletes the specified VSAN and FCID from the customized list:
discover scsi-target
To discover SCSI targets on local storage to the switch or remote storage across the fabric, use the discover scsi-target command in EXEC mode.
discover scsi-target { custom-list | local | remote | vsan vsan-id fcid fc-id } os { aix | all | hpux | linux | solaris | windows } [ lun | target ]
Syntax Description
Discovers SCSI targets for the specified VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
Discovers SCSI targets for the specified FCID. The format is 0xhhhhhhh, where h is a hexadecimal digit. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
On-demand discovery only discovers Nx ports present in the name server database that have registered a FC4 Type = SCSI_FCP.
The following example shows how to discover local targets assigned to all OSs:
The following example shows how to discover remote targets assigned to the Windows OS:
The following example shows how to discover SCSI targets for the specified VSAN (1) and FCID (0x9c03d6):
The following example begins discovering targets from a customized list assigned to the Linux operating system:
To enable distribution of the Call Home function using CFS, use the distribute command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Call Home configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to enable distribution of the Call Home function using CFS:
Related Commands
Sends a dummy test message to the configured destination(s). |
dmm module
To specify default DMM values for migration block size, number of migration blocks and fast migration speed, use the dmm module command in configuration mode.
dmm module mod-id rate-of-migration fast migration-rate medium migration-rate slow migration-rate
Syntax Description
Specifies the rate for fast migration. Units are megabytes per second (MB/s). |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to set the fast migration rate to 100 MB/s, the medium migration rate to 50 MB/s, and slow migration rate to 10 MB/s:
Related Commands
dmm module job
To configure a data migration job, use the dmm module mod-id job command in configuration mode.
dmm module mod-id job job-id {create | destroy | finish | get-vi vsan vsan-id | modify rate | schedule {{hour hour min minute day day month month year year | now |reset} } | session | set-vi portwwn nodewwn vsan vsan-id | start | stop | validate | verify}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
DMM must be enabled before you can create DMM jobs. Use the ssm enable feature dmm command to enable DMM.
The data migration job stops executing if it encounters any errors. To restart the migration, enter the validate command to validate the job configuration, then enter the restart command to restart the job.
Before creating a storage based data migration job, use the show dmm module vi-list command to choose the VI for migrating the data and then use the set-vi command to specify the VI.
When the job is in the failed state, you can restart the job using the start command. This command will start the job from point of last failure.
The following example shows how to restart the job in failed stated.
switch(config)# dmm module 3 job 4 start
The following example shows how to create a job with a schedule. The job is scheduled to start on Sunday, January 6, 2008 at 11:00 P.M.
Use the do command to execute an EXEC-level command from any configuration mode or submode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to execute EXEC commands while configuring your switch. After the EXEC command is executed, the system returns to the mode from which you issued the do command.

Note The receive bbcredit value reflects the extended bbcredit configuration. Extended bbcredit range for Vegas and ISOLA cards is 256-3500.
The following example shows how to execute the EXEC commands:
The following example disables the terminal session-timeout command using the do command in configuration mode:
do terminal session-timeout 0
The following example creates and enables the interface from configuration mode:
The following example shows how to receive the extended bbcredit interface:
dpvm abort
To discard a dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution session in progress, use the dpvm abort command in configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The following example shows how to discard a DPVM CFS distribution session in progress:
Related Commands
dpvm activate
To activate the dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) configuration database, use the dpvm activate command. To deactivate the DPVM configuration database, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Forces the activation or deactivation if conflicts exist between the configured DPVM database and the active DPVM database. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
Activation might fail if conflicting entries are found between the configured DPVM database and the currently activated DPVM database. You can ignore the conflicts using the force option.
The following example shows how to activate the DPVM database:
The following example shows how to deactivate the DPVM database:
Related Commands
dpvm auto-learn
To enable the automatic learning feature (autolearn) for the active dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) database, use the dpvm auto-learn command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
When autolearn is enabled, the system automatically creates the DPVM database by learning about devices currently logged or newly logged devices with a VSAN. This is a quick way to create the DPVM
which can later be edited. Autolearn features include the following:
- An autolearned entry is created by adding the device PWWN and VSAN to the active DPVM database.
- The active DPVM database must be present when autolearning is enabled.
- Autolearned entries can be deleted from the active DPVM database by the user until autolearning is disabled. Autolearned entries are not permanent in the active DPVM database until autolearning is disabled.
- If a device logs out when autolearning is enabled, the device entry is deleted from the active DPVM database.
- If a particular device logs into the switch multiple times through different ports, then only the VSAN corresponding to last login is associated with the device.
- Autolearn entries do not override previously configured activate entries.
The following example shows how to enable autolearning for the DPVM database:
The following example shows how to disable autolearning for the DPVM database:
Related Commands
dpvm commit
To apply the pending configuration pertaining to the dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution session in progress in the fabric, use the dpvm commit command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The following example shows how to commit changes to the DPVM database:
Related Commands
dpvm database
To activate and configure the dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) database, use the dpvm database command. To deactivate the database, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The DPVM database consists of a series of device mapping entries. Each entry consists of device pWWN or nWWN along with the dynamic VSAN to be assigned. Use the nwwn command or pwwn command to add the entries to the DPVM database. This database is global to the whole switch (and fabric) and is not maintained for each VSAN.
The following example shows how to activate the DPVM database and enter DPVM database configuration submode:
Related Commands
dpvm database copy active
To copy the active dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) database to the config DPVM database, use the dpvm database copy active command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The following circumstances may require the active database to be copied to the config database:
- When the autolearned entries are only added to the active database.
- When the config database or entries in the config database are accidently deleted.

Note If you want to copy the DPVM database and fabric distribution is enabled, you must first commit the changes.
The following example shows how to copy the active DPVM database to the config DPVM database:
Related Commands
dpvm database diff
To display the active dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) database, use the dpvm database diff command.
dpvm database diff { active | config }
Syntax Description
Displays differences in the DPVM active database compared to the DPVM config database. |
Displays differences in the DPVM config database compared to the DPVM active database. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The following example displays the differences in the DPVM active database when compared with the DPVM config database:
Legend: “+” New Entry, “-” Missing Entry, “*” Possible Conflict Entry
- pwwn 44:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 vsan 44
The following example displays the differences in the DPVM config database when compared with the DPVM active database:
Legend: “+” New Entry, “-” Missing Entry, “*” Possible Conflict Entry
- pwwn 44:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 vsan 44
Related Commands
dpvm distribute
To enable Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution for dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM), use the dpvm distribute command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
Temporary changes to the DPVM database must be committed to the active DPVM database using the dpvm commit command before being distributed to the fabric.
The following example shows how to disable distribution for the DPVM database:
The following example shows how to enable distribution for the DPVM database:
Related Commands
dpvm enable
To enable dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM), use to dpvm enable command. To disable DPVM, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The configuration and verification commands for DPVM are only available when DPVM is enabled on the switch. When you disable this feature, all related configurations are automatically discarded.
The following example shows how to enable DPVM:
Related Commands
dpvm overwrite-duplicate-pwwn
To overwrite the first login information with the duplicate PWWN login, use the dpvm overwrite-duplicate-pwwn command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to overwrite the DPVM duplicate PWWN login:
To configure a differentiated services code point (DSCP) in a QoS policy map class, use the dscp command in EXEC mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Configures the DSCP value. The range is 0 to 63. DSCP value 46 is reserved. |
Command Modes
QoS policy map class configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Before you can configure a QoS policy map class you must complete the following:
The following example configures a DSCP value of 56 in QoS policy classMap1:
Related Commands
duplicate-message throttle
To enable throttling of duplicate Call Home alert messages, use the duplicate-message throttle command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Call Home configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The rate of throttling is a maximum of thirty messages in 2 hours.
The following example shows how to enable throttling of duplicate Call Home alert messages:
Related Commands
Sends a dummy test message to the configured destination(s). |