- New and Changed Information
- Preface
- A Commands
- Advanced Services Modules Commands
- B Commands
- C Commands
- Caching Services Module Commands
- CLI Overview
- D Commands
- Debug Commands
- E Commands
- F Commands
- G Commands
- H Commands
- I Commands
- J Commands
- K Commands
- L Commands
- M Commands
- N Commands
- O Commands
- P Commands
- Q Commands
- R Commands
- S Commands
- Show Commands
- T Commands
- U Commands
- V Commands
- W Commands
- Z Commands
- debug aaa
- debug all
- debug biosd
- debug bootvar
- debug callhome
- debug cert-enroll
- debug cdp
- debug cfs
- debug cimserver
- debug cloud
- debug core
- debug device-alias
- debug dpvm
- debug dstats
- debug ethport
- debug exceptionlog
- debug fabric-binding
- debug fc-tunnel
- debug fc2
- debug fc2d
- debug fcc
- debug fcdomain
- debug fcfwd
- debug fcns
- debug fcs
- debug fcsp-mgr
- debug fdmi
- debug ficon
- debug flogi
- debug fm
- debug fspf
- debug hardware arbiter
- debug idehsd
- debug ike
- debug ilc_helper
- debug ipacl
- debug ipconf
- debug ipfc
- debug ips
- debug ipsec
- debug isns
- debug ivr
- debug klm
- debug license
- debug logfile
- debug mcast
- debug mip
- debug module
- debug ntp
- debug npv
- debug obfl
- debug platform
- debug plog
- debug port
- debug port-channel
- debug port-resources
- debug qos
- debug radius
- debug rd-reg
- debug rdl errors
- debug rib
- debug rlir
- debug rscn
- debug san-ext-tuner
- debug scsi-flow
- debug scsi-target
- debug sdv
- debug security
- debug sensor
- debug sme
- debug snmp
- debug span
- debug system health
- debug tacacs+
- debug tcap
- debug tlport
- debug ttyd
- debug vni
- debug vrrp
- debug vsan
- debug wr-reg
- debug wwn
- debug xbar
- debug xbar_driver
- debug xbc
- debug zone
Debug Commands
The commands in this chapter apply to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches. All debug commands are issued in EXEC mode and are shown here in alphabetical order. For more information, refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Troubleshooting Guide and the Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS System Messages Reference.
Using the CLI, you can enable debugging modes for each switch feature and view a real-time updated activity log of the control protocol exchanges. Each log entry is time-stamped and listed in chronological order. Access to the debug feature can be limited through the CLI roles mechanism and can be partitioned on a per-role basis.
debug aaa
To enable debugging for boot variables, use the debug aaa command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug aaa { all | conf-events | errors | events | mts }
no debug aaa { all | conf-events | errors | events | mts }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug aaa conf-events command is issued:
Related Commands
debug all
To enable debugging for all features on the switch, use the debug all command in EXEC mode. To disable this command and turn off all debugging, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The no debug all command turns off all diagnostic output. Using the no debug all command is a convenient way to ensure that you have not accidentally left any debug commands turned on.

The following example displays the system output when the debug all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug biosd
To configure bios_daemon debugging, use the debug biosd command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug biosd command is issued:
Related Commands
debug bootvar
To enable debugging for boot variables, use the debug bootvar command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug bootvar { all | errors | events | info | pss }
no debug bootvar { all | errors | events | info | pss }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug bootvar all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug callhome
To enable debugging for the Call Home function, use the debug callhome command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug callhome { all | events | mts }
no debug callhome { all | events | mts }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The debug callhome command, when used with the all parameter, displays the troubleshooting information for both Call Home event traces and a dump of the messaging and transaction service (MTS) messages that the Call Home function receives.

Note The debug Call Home function displays event traces for both successful and unsuccessful Call Home e-mail transmissions.
The following example displays the system output when the debug callhome events command is issued:
The following example displays the system output when the debug callhome mts command is issued:
Related Commands
debug cert-enroll
To enable debugging for the certificate enroll daemon, use the debug cert-enroll command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug cert-enroll {all | config | config-lowlevel | request | request-lowlevel}
no debug cert-enroll {all | config | config-lowlevel | request | request-lowlevel}
Syntax Description
Enables low-level debugging for the certificate enroll configuration. |
Enables low-level debugging for the certification enroll request. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug cert-enroll all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug cdp
To enable debugging for the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) function, use the debug cdp command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug cdp { all | errors | events { mts | packets | pss }} [ interface { gigabitethernet slot / port | mgmt 0 }]
no debug cdp { all | errors | events { mts | packets | pss }} [ interface { gigabitethernet slot / port | mgmt 0 }]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug cdp events packets command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays CDP parameters configured globally or for a specific interface. |
debug cfs
To enable debugging for Cisco Fabric Services (CFS), use the debug cfs command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug cfs { all | errors | events { db [ vsan vsan-id ] | fc2 [ vsan vsan-id ] | fsm-action [ vsan vsan-id ] | fsm-trans [ sap sap-id ] | mts [ vsan vsan-id ] | pss [ vsan vsan-id ]} | fsm { ha | trans } | merge }
no debug cfs { all | errors | events { db [ vsan vsan-id ] | fc2 [ vsan vsan-id ] | fsm-action [ vsan vsan-id ] | fsm-trans [ sap sap-id ] | mts [ vsan vsan-id ] | pss [ vsan vsan-id ]} | fsm { ha | trans } | merge }
Syntax Description
(Optional) Restricts debugging to the specified VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
(Optional) Restricts debugging to the specified SAP ID. The range is 0 to 2147483647. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug cfs all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug cimserver
To enable debugging for the Common Information Model (CIM) management applications function, use the debug cimserver command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug cimserver { all | errors | events | mts | trace }
no debug cimserver { all | errors | events | mts | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug cimserver all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug cloud
To enable debugging of cloud discovery, use the debug cloud command in EXEC mode.To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug cloud {all | bypass ficon_mgr | cloud | conditional | demux vsan vsan-id | deque | discovery | error | event vsan vsan-id | ha vsan vsan-id | init | member | memory | messages | remotesync | trace [detail vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id ] | warning [ vsan-id] | xipc}
no debug cloud {all | bypass ficon_mgr | cloud | conditional | demux vsan vsan-id | deque | discovery | error | event vsan vsan-id | ha vsan vsan-id | init | member | memory | messages | remotesync | trace [detail vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id ] | warning [ vsan-id] | xipc}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays system output from the debug cloud all command:
Related Commands
debug core
To enable core daemon debugging, use the debug core command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
no debug core { error | flow }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug core flow command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays all the cores presently available for upload from active supervisor. |
debug device-alias
To enable debugging for device aliases, use the debug device-alias command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug device-alias { all | database { detail | errors | events } | fsm | ha | import { errors | events } |
merge { errors | events | packets } | pss { errors | events } | session { errors | events | packets } | trace }
no debug device-alias { all | database { detail | errors | events } | fsm | ha | import { errors | events } | merge { errors | events | packets } | pss { errors | events } | session { errors | events | packets } | trace }
Syntax Description
Enables detailed debugging for device alias database events. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug device-alias all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug dpvm
To enable debugging for dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM), use the debug dpvm command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug dpvm { all | cfs-events | change-events | db-events | errors | ftrace | merge-event | mts-events | pss-events | session-events | snmp-events | sys-events}
no debug dpvm { all | cfs-events | change-events | db-events | errors | ftrace | merge-event | mts-events | pss-events | session-events | snmp-events | sys-events}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The following example displays the system output when the debug dpvm all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug dstats
To enable delta statistics debugging, use the debug dstats command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
no debug dstats { error | flow }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug dstats flow command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ethport
To enable Ethernet port debugging, use the debug ethport command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ethport {all | error | event [ interface gigabitethernet slot / port | module slot ] | ha [ interface gigibetethernet slot / port | module slot ] | trace [ interface gigibetethernet slot / port | module slot ] }
no debug ethport {all | error | event [ interface gigabitethernet slot / port | module slot ] | ha [ interface gigibetethernet slot / port | module slot ] | trace [ interface gigibetethernet slot / port | module slot ] }
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the slot and port of the Gigabit Ethernet interface. |
(Optional) Specifies the slot number of the module being debugged. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ethport all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug exceptionlog
To enable the exception log debugging feature, use the debug exceptionlog command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug exceptionlog { demux | deque | error | flow | info }
no debug exceptionlog { demux | deque | error | flow | info }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug exceptionlog command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fabric-binding
To enable debugging for the fabric binding feature, use the debug fabric-binding command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fabric-binding { all | efmd { db-events | errors | merge { errors | events | packets }} | mts-events | pss-events } | errors [ vsan vsan-id ] | events [ vsan vsan-id ] | mts-events | pss-events | snmp-events | trace [ vsan vsan-id ]}
no debug fabric-binding { all | efmd { db-events | errors | merge { errors | events | packets }} | mts-events | pss-events } | errors [ vsan vsan-id ] | events [ vsan vsan-id ] | mts-events | pss-events | snmp-events | trace [ vsan vsan-id ]}
Syntax Description
Enables debugging for Exchange Fabric Membership Data (EFMD) protocol. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fabric-binding all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fc-tunnel
To enable debugging for the Fibre Channel tunnel feature, use the debug fc-tunnel command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fc-tunnel { all | errors | external-events | ha | label-update | mts { pkt | pkthdr } { both | rx | tx } | pss | route-update [ vsan vsan-id ] | rsvp-messages [ tunnel tunnel-id | vsan vsan-id ] | state-machine }
no debug fc-tunnel { all | errors | external-events | ha | label-update | mts { pkt | pkthdr } { both | rx | tx } | pss | route-update [ vsan vsan-id ] | rsvp-messages [ tunnel tunnel-id | vsan vsan-id ] | state-machine }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging for FC tunnel high availability (HA) events. |
Specifies debugging in both the transmit and receive directions. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fc-tunnel all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fc2
To enable debugging for the FC2 feature, use the debug fc2 command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fc2 { credit | error [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] flag | flow [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | (interface fc type number | vsan vsan-id) | frame | loopback pkt { both | tx | rx } [ bytes bytes | fcid fcid [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]] | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ] | vsan vsan-id [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]]] | pkthdr { both | tx | rx } [ bytes bytes | fcid fcid [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]] | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ] | vsan vsan-id [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]]] | rdl | rxhdrhistory [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] txhdrhistory [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]]}
no debug fc2 { credit | error [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] flag | flow [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | (interface fc type number | vsan vsan-id) | frame | loopback | pkt { both | tx | rx } [ bytes bytes | fcid fcid [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]] | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ] | vsan vsan-id [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]]] |
pkthdr { both | tx | rx } [ bytes bytes | fcid fcid [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]] | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ] | vsan vsan-id [ bytes bytes | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } [ bytes bytes | pkts pkts [ bytes bytes ]]] | rdl | rxhdrhistory [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] txhdrhistory [ fcid fcid [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]] | interface { fc slot / port | fcip port } | vsan vsan-id [ interface { fc slot / port | fcip port }]]}
Syntax Description
Enables debugging in both the transmit and receive directions. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If FSPF receives a bad FC2 packet analyze the output of the debug fc2 pkt command.
The following example displays the system output when the debug fc2 error vsan 1 command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fc2d
To enable debugging for the FC2 feature, use the debug fc2 command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fc2 { all | bypass ficon_mgr | demux [vsan vsan-id ] | deque | error | event [vsan vsan-id ] | ha [vsan vsan-id ] | trace [detail ] [vsan vsan-id ] | warning [vsan vsan-id ]}
no debug fc2 { all | bypass ficon_mgr | demux [vsan vsan-id ] | deque | error | event [vsan vsan-id ] | ha [vsan vsan-id ] | trace [detail ] [vsan vsan-id ] | warning [vsan vsan-id ]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fc2d all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fcc
To enable debugging for the Fibre Channel Congestion (FCC) function, use the debug fcc command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fcc { all | error [ module slot ] | event [ module slot ] | mts [pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | tx | rx [ numpkt range ]} | trace [ module slot ]}
no debug fcc { all | error [ module slot ] | event [ module slot ] | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | tx | rx [ numpkt range ]} | trace [ module slot ]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcc all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fcdomain
To enable debugging for the fcdomain feature, use the debug fcdomain command in EXEC mode.To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fcdomain { all | critical | error | fc { pkt | pkthdr} { both | rx | tx } [ interface type number [ vsan vsan-id ] | vsan vsan-id ] | ipc { pkt | pkthdr} { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | memory | notify | phase }
no debug fcdomain { all | critical | error | fc { pkt | pkthdr} { both | rx | tx } [ interface type number [ vsan vsan-id ] | vsan vsan-id ] | ipc { pkt | pkthdr} { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | memory | notify | phase }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcdomain critical command is issued:
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcdomain error command is issued:
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcdomain ipc pkthdr both command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fcfwd
To enable debugging for the Fibre Channel forwarding feature, use the debug fcfwd command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fcfwd { flogimap | idxmap | pcmap | sfib | spanmap } { error | event | trace } [ module slot | vsan vsan-id [ module slot ]]
no debug fcfwd { flogimap | idxmap | pcmap | sfib | spanmap } { error | event | trace } [ module slot | vsan vsan-id [ module slot ]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the slot number of the module being debugged. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcfwd error command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fcns
To enable debugging for name server registration, use the debug fcns command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fcns { all | errors | events { mts | query | register }} [ vsan vsan-id ]
no debug fcns { all | errors | events { mts | query | register }} [ vsan vsan-id ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcns events register vsan 99 command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fcs
To enable debugging for the fabric configuration server, use the debug fcs command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fcs { all | discovery events | errors [ vsan vsan-id ] | ess-events [ vsan vsan-id ] |
mts events { brief | detail } | pss events | queries events [ vsan vsan-id ] |
registrations events [ vsan vsan-id ] | rscn events [ vsan vsan-id ] | snmp events }
no debug fcs { all | discovery events | errors [ vsan vsan-id ] | ess-events [ vsan vsan-id ] |
mts events { brief | detail } | pss events | queries events [ vsan vsan-id ] |
registrations events [ vsan vsan-id ] | rscn events [ vsan vsan-id ] | snmp events }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcs all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fcsp-mgr
To enable debugging for the Fibre Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP) manager, use the debug fcsp-mgr command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fcsp-mgr { all | critical | datastructure | dhchap | error | event-gen | fc2 | fsm | general | ha | init | level1 | level2 | level3 | level4 | level5 | message | mts | notify | trace }
no debug fcsp-mgr { all | critical | datastructure | dhchap | error | event-gen | fc2 | fsm | general | ha | init | level1 | level2 | level3 | level4 | level5 | message | mts | notify | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fcsp-mgr all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fdmi
To enable debugging for the Fabric-Device Management Interface (FDMI) feature, use the debug fdmi command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fdmi { all | errors | fdmi-messages [ vsan vsan-id ] | ha | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | tx | rx [ numpkt range ]} | pss | trace }
no debug fdmi { all | errors | fdmi-messages [ vsan vsan-id ] | ha | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | tx | rx [ numpkt range ]} | pss | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fdmi all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ficon
To enable debugging for the Fibre Connection (FICON) interface capabilities, use the debug ficon command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ficon { all | bypass { acl | esa | file | pm | postcheck | precheck } | control-device { all | bypass ficon_mgr | demux [ vsan vsan-id ] | deque | error | event [ vsan vsan-id ] | ficon_mgr | ha [ vsan vsan-id ] | demux [ vsan vsan-id ] | sb3 { error | flow } trace [detail] [ vsan vsan-id ] | warning [ vsan vsan-id ]} | error | event | file-trace | ha | max-port-number ports | pss-trace |
stat { all | demux [ vsan vsan-id ] | deque | error | event [ vsan vsan-id ] | ha [ vsan vsan-id ] | trace [ detail ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | warning [ vsan vsan-id ]} | timer | trace }
no debug ficon { all | bypass { acl | esa | file | pm | postcheck | precheck } | control-device { all | bypass ficon_mgr | demux [ vsan vsan-id ] | deque | error | event [ vsan vsan-id ] | ficon_mgr | ha [ vsan vsan-id ] | demux [ vsan vsan-id ] | sb3 { error | flow } trace [detail] [ vsan vsan-id ] | warning [ vsan vsan-id ]} | error | event | file-trace | ha | max-port-number port | pss-trace |
stat { all | demux [ vsan vsan-id ] | deque | error | event [ vsan vsan-id ] | ha [ vsan vsan-id ] | trace [ detail ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | warning [ vsan vsan-id ]} | timer | trace }
Syntax Description
Configures debugging of FICON control device FSM and Events. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ficon all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug flogi
To enable debugging for the fabric login (FLOGI) feature, use the debug flogi command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug flogi { action [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | all | bypass { acl | dm | dpvm | fcsp | lcp | npiv | ns | pl | pm | pmvc | rib | vsan_mgr | zs } | demux [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | error | event [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | ha [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | init [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | timers [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | trace [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | warning }
no debug flogi { action [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | all | bypass { acl | dm | dpvm | fcsp | lcp | npiv | ns | pl | pm | pmvc | rib | vsan_mgr | zs } | demux [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | error | event [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | ha [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | init [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | timers [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | trace [ interface type number | vsan vsan-id ] | warning }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging of FLOGI addition, deletion, and initialization. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug flogi all command is issued:
The following example displays the system output when the debug flogi event command is issued:
The following example displays the system output when the debug flogi trace command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays all the FLOGI sessions through all interfaces across all VSANs. |
debug fm
To enable feature manager debugging, use the debug fm command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug fm flow command is issued:
Related Commands
debug fspf
To enable debugging for the FSPF feature, use the debug fspf command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug fspf { all [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | database [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id | error | event [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | fc { pkt | pkthdr } { both | tx | rx } [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | flood [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] |
ha [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | rx [ numpkt range ] | tx } } | retrans [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | route | timer }
no debug fspf { all [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | database [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id | error | event [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | fc { pkt | pkthdr } { both | tx | rx } [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | flood [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] |
ha [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | rx [ numpkt range ] | tx } } | retrans [ interface type number ] [ vsan vsan-id ] | route | timer }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If you receive bad packets on an interface, use the debug fc pkt command.
If you receive an error in processing a packet on an interface in VSAN, enter debug fspf error to get more information. Make sure there is no misconfiguration of FSPF parameters on the two ends of the interface. Also issue the debug fspf fc pkt command for the specific interface.
If you receive an error in flooding the local LSR in a VSAN issue the debug fspf flood and debug fspf error commands. If error is reported in transmitting packet check if interface is up and turn on debug fc2 error.
If you receive an error in processing a timer event for the interface in a VSAN, issue the debug fspf error command.
If you receive an error in processing due to a wrong MTS message, use the debug fspf mts pkt and debug fspf error commands.
If you receive an error when interacting with RIB, use the debug fspf route command along with the RIB debug traces.
If you receive an error in computing routes for VSANs, issue the debug fspf error and the debug fspf route commands.
If you receive an error due to the interface being stuck in a state other than FULL, use the debug fspf event and debug fspf fc pkt commands on the interfaces involved.
The following example displays the system output when the debug fspf all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug hardware arbiter
To configure debugging for the hardware arbiter driver, use the debug hardware arbiter command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug hardware arbiter { error | flow } [ group number ]}
no debug hardware arbiter { error | flow } [ group number ]}
Syntax Description
(Optional) Restricts debugging to the specified group. The range is 0 to 17. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug hardware arbiter error group command is issued:
Related Commands
debug idehsd
To enable IDE hot swap handler debugging, use the debug idehsd command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug idehsd { cmd dbglevel [ debug-level ] | error | flow }
no debug idehsd { cmd dbglevel [ debug-level ] | error | flow }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging for IDE hot swap handler error conditions. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug idehsd cmd dbglevel command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ike
To enable debugging for the IKE protocol, use the debug ike command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ike { all | error | event | message | mts | protocol | verbose | warning}
no debug ike { all | error | event | message | mts | protocol | verbose | warning}
Syntax Description
Enables verbose debugging for IKE protocol-related handling. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, IKE must be enabled using the crypto ike enable command.
The following example displays the system output when the debug ike all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ilc_helper
To enable ILC helper debugging, use the debug ilc_helper command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ilc_helper { all | errors | events | info }
no debug ilc_helper { all | errors | events | info }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ilc_helper all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ipacl
To enable IP access control list (ACL) debugging, use the debug ipacl command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ipacl { all | error | event | trace }
no debug ipacl { all | error | event | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ipacl all command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays the IP access control lists that are currently active. |
debug ipconf
To enable IP configuration debugging, use the debug ipconf command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ipconf {all | errors | events | info | pss }
no debug ipconf {all | errors | events | info | pss }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ipconf all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ipfc
To enable IP over Fibre Channel (IPFC) debugging, use the debug ipfc command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ipfc { all | errors | events | info | kernel { errors | events }}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ipfc kernel errors command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ips
To enable debugging for the IP Storage Services (IPS) module, use the debug ips command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ips { acl { flow | flow-detail } | all | demux | error | flow { ethernet | fcip } | fsm | ha | init | iscsi { config | config-detail | flow | flow-detail | msgs } | islb {cfs {config | config-detail | error | flow | flow-detail} | config | config-detail | flow | flow-detail | vrrp {error | flow | flow-detail}} | isns { config | config-detail | error | flow | flow-detail | msgs | packet } | show_all | upgrade }
no debug ips { acl { flow | flow-detail } | all | demux | error | flow { ethernet | fcip } | fsm | ha | init | iscsi { config | config-detail | flow | flow-detail | msgs } | islb {cfs {config | config-detail | error | flow | flow-detail} | config | config-detail | flow | flow-detail | vrrp {error | flow | flow-detail}} | isns { config | config-detail | error | flow | flow-detail | msgs | packet } | show_all | upgrade }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging of IPS addition, deletion, and initialization. |
Enables debugging of the iSCSI messages received and responded. |
Enables debugging of the iSNS messages received and responded. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ips show_all command is issued:
iSCSI Trace Detail debugging is on
Related Commands
debug ipsec
To enable debugging for IPsec, use the debug ipsec command in EXEC mode.To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ipsec { all | bypass ficon_mgr | config | config-detail | demux | deque | error | event | flow | flow-detail | ha | trace [ detail ] | warning }
no debug ipsec { all | bypass ficon_mgr | config | config-detail | demux | deque | error | event | flow | flow-detail | ha | trace [ detail ] | warning }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, IPsec must be enabled using the crypto ipsec enable command.
The following example displays the system output when the debug ipsec config command is issued.
Related Commands
debug isns
To enable debugging for Internet storage name services (iSNS), use the debug isns command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug isns { all | bypass ficon_mgr | cloud | db | deque | error | event [ vsan vsan-id ] |
fabric distribute | ha [ vsan vsan-id ] | prot | trace [ detail ] | warning [ vsan vsan-id ]}
no debug isns { all | bypass ficon_mgr | cloud | db | deque | error | event [ vsan vsan-id ] |
fabric distribute | ha [ vsan vsan-id ] | prot | trace [ detail ] | warning [ vsan vsan-id ]}
Syntax Description
(Optional) Restricts debugging to the specified VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, iSNS must be enabled using the isns-server enable command.
The following example displays the system output when the debug isns error command is issued.
Related Commands
debug ivr
To enable debugging for inter-VSAN routing (IVR), use the debug ivr command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug { all | demux | dep | dep-detail | dequeue | drav-fsm | drav-fsm-detail | errors | fcid-rewrite | fcid-rewrite-detail | ficon | ficon-detail | ha | pnat | pv | pv-detail | state-machine [ vsan vsan-id ] | test | trace | trace-detail | tu-fsm | tu-fsm-detai l | zone-distrib-errors | zone-distrib-events | zone-fsm | zone-fsm-detail}
no debug { all | demux | dep | dep-detail | dequeue | drav-fsm | drav-fsm-detail | errors | fcid-rewrite | fcid-rewrite-detail | ficon | ficon-detail | ha | pnat | pv | pv-detail | state-machine [ vsan vsan-id ] | test | trace | trace-detail | tu-fsm | tu-fsm-detai l | zone-distrib-errors | zone-distrib-events | zone-fsm | zone-fsm-detail}
Syntax Description
Enables debugging of IVR payload Network Address Translation (NAT). |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ivr all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug klm
To enable kernel loadable module parameter debugging, use the debug klm command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug klm { fc2 { cpuhog seconds | flag flags } | scsi-target { driver | error [ vsan vsan-id ] [ fcid fc-id ] | flag flags | flow [ vsan vsan-id ] [ fcid fc-id ] | snmp | syscall } | sdip { all | error | flow | warning }}
no debug klm { fc2 { cpuhog seconds | flag flags } | scsi-target { driver | error [ vsan vsan-id ] [ fcid fc-id ] | flag flags | flow [ vsan vsan-id ] [ fcid fc-id ] | snmp | syscall } | sdip { all | error | flow | warning }}
Syntax Description
Specifies the FC2 CPU hog value. The ranges is 0 to 10000 seconds. |
(Optional) Restricts debugging to the specified FCID interface. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug klm scsi-target driver command is issued:
Related Commands
debug license
To enable licensing debugging, use the debug license command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug license { all | errors | event s | mts }
no debug license { all | errors | events | mts }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug license all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug logfile
To direct the output of the debug commands to a specified file, use the debug logfile command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug logfile filename [ size bytes ]
Syntax Description
Assigns the name of the log file. Maximum length is 80 characters. |
(Optional) Specifies the logfile size in bytes. The range is 4096 to 4194304. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to log debug messages to a special log file. This file is more secure and easier to process than sending the debug output to the console.
When you use the debug logfile command to create a log file, the file is automatically created in the log: directory on the supervisor module unless you specify a different path.
For example, when you use the debug logfile command to create a log file named captureDebug, you must enter the dir log://sup-local/? command to find the log file you created. This example shows you how to find the log file created:

The following example redirects the output of the debug commands to the file named sample:
The following example assigns the log file size for the file named sample:
Related Commands
debug mcast
To enable debugging for multicast definitions, use the debug mcast command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug mcast {all | error [ vsan vsan-id ] [ interface fc slot / port ] | event [ vsan vsan-id ] [ interface fc slot / port ] | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | rx [ numpkt range ] | tx } } | trace [ vsan vsan-id ] [ interface fc slot / port ] ]
no debug mcast {all | error [ vsan vsan-id ] [ interface fc slot / port ] | event [ vsan vsan-id ] [ interface fc slot / port ] | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } | pkthdr { both | rx [ numpkt range ] | tx } } | trace [ vsan vsan-id ] [ interface fc slot / port ] ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug mcast all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug mip
To enable debugging for multiple IP (MIP) kernel drivers, use the debug mip command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
no debug mip { errors | events }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug mip errors command is issued:
Related Commands
debug module
To enable debugging for switching or service modules, use the debug module command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug module { all | error [ module slot ] | event | ha | no-powerdown | trace [ module slot ]}
no debug module { all | error [ module slot ] | event | ha | no-powerdown | trace [ module slot ]}
Syntax Description
Enables debugging for a module’s high availability features. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug module all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ntp
To enable debugging for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) module, use the debug ntp command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
no debug ntp { errors | info }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ntp info command is issued:
Related Commands
debug npv
To enable debugging N Port Virtualization (NPV) configuration on the switch, use the debug npv command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows all NPV debug commands configured on the switch:
Related Commands
debug obfl
To enable debugging for Onboard Failure Logging (OBFL), use the debug obfl command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
no debug obfl { error | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug obfl error command is issued:
Related Commands
debug platform
To enable debugging for the platform manager, use the debug platform command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug platform { all [ fc_id fc-id ] | error [ module slot ] | flow [ module slot ] | fsm | ha | hitless |
mts { pkt | pkthdr } { tx | rx } | nopowerdown | supervisor-reset }
no debug platform { all [ fc_id fc-id ] | error [ module slot ] | flow [ module slot ] | fsm | ha | hitless |
mts { pkt | pkthdr } { tx | rx } | nopowerdown | supervisor-reset }
Syntax Description
(Optional) Restricts debugging to the specified FC ID module number. The range is 0 to 2147483647. |
Enables the platform loading feature while the switch is in hitless mode. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug platform all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug plog
To enable debugging of persistent logging (PLOG), use the debug plog command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug plog command is issued:
Related Commands
debug port
To enable debugging for ports, use the debug port command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug port { all | bypass { acl_manager | domain_manager | fcsp | ficon | fport_server | lcp | loopback_diag | port_channel_mgr | port_lock | qos_mgr | span | switch_wwn | vsan_mgr | wwn_mgr | xbar_mgr | zone_server } | error | event [ interface type number | module slot ] | ha [ interface type number | module slot ] | trace [ interface type number | module slot ]}
no debug port { all | bypass { acl_manager | domain_manager | fcsp | ficon | fport_server | lcp | loopback_diag | port_channel_mgr | port_lock | qos_mgr | span | switch_wwn | vsan_mgr | wwn_mgr | xbar_mgr | zone_server } | error | event [ interface type number | module slot ] | ha [ interface type number | module slot ] | trace [ interface type number | module slot ]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug port all command is issued:
The following example displays the system output when the debug port event command is issued:
Related Commands
debug port-channel
To enable debugging for PortChannels, use the debug port-channel command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug port-channel { all | error | event | ha | trace | warning }
no debug port-channel { all | error | event | ha | trace | warning }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug port-channel all command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays information about existing PortChannel configurations. |
debug port-resources
To enable debugging for a port resources module, use the debug port-resources command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug port-channel { all | demux | deque | error | event | ha | mts | trace | warning }
no debug port-channel { all | demux | deque | error | event | ha | mts | trace | warning }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug port-resources demux command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays information about port resources in a Generation 2 module. |
debug qos
To enable debugging for quality of service (QoS), use the debug qos command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug qos { all [ interface fc slot / port ] | detail | errors supervisor | flow | trace }
no debug qos { all [ interface fc slot / port ] | detail | errors supervisor | flow | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug qos all command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays the current QoS settings along with a the number of frames marked high priority. |
debug radius
To enable debugging for boot variables, use the debug radius command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug radius { aaa-request | aaa-request-lowlevel | all | config | config-lowlevel | server-monitor | server-monitor-errors }
no debug radius { aaa-request | aaa-request-lowlevel | all | config | config-lowlevel | server-monitor | server-monitor-errors }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug radius config-lowlevel command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays the RADIUS Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution status and other details. |
debug rd-reg
To enable debugging for the list of devices using the read-register feature, use the debug rd-reg command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug rd-reg [ device-name | register address ]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the device name for the required device. |
(Optional) Specifies the register address for the required device. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug rd-reg abc command is issued:
Related Commands
debug rdl errors
To enable debugging for RDL errors, use the debug rdl errors command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug rdl errors command is issued:
Related Commands
debug rib
To enable debugging for the routing information base (RIB) feature, use the debug rib command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug rib { all | detail | error | event | liod_error | liod_event | liod_trace | trace }
no debug rib { all | detail | error | event | liod_error | liod_event | liod_trace | trace }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging for lossless in-order delivery (LIOD) errors. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If a RIB operation is ignored or not supported, then issue the debug rib all command to find out more details.
The following example shows the debug rib error command:
Related Commands
debug rlir
To enable Registered Link Incident Report (RLIR) debugging, use the debug rlir command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug rlir { all | errors | events | mts-errors | mts-events }
no debug rlir { all | errors | events | mts-errors | mts-events }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug rlir all command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays information about RLIR, Link Incident Record Registration (LIRR), and Distribute Registered Link Incident Record (DRLIR) frames. |
debug rscn
To enable debugging for the registered state change notification (RSCN) feature, use the debug rscn command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug rscn { all | errors | events | mts-errors | mts-events } [ vsan vsan-id ]
no debug rscn { all | errors | events | mts-errors | mts-events } [ vsan vsan-id ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug rscn errors command is issued:
Related Commands
debug san-ext-tuner
To enable debugging for SAN extension tuner, use the debug san-ext-tuner command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug isns { all | demux | deque | error | event | ha | trace [ detail ] | warning }
no debug isns { all | demux | deque | error | event | ha | trace [ detail ] | warning }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging for SAN extension tuner high availability. |
(Optional) Enables detailed debugging for SAN extension tuner trace. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug san-ext-tuner error command is issued:
Related Commands
debug scsi-flow
To enable debugging of a SCSI flow, use the debug scsi-flow command. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug scsi-flow {all | demux vsan vsan-id | deque | error | event vsan vsan-id | ha | trace {detail vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id } | warning vsan vsan-id}
no debug scsi-flow { all | demux vsan vsan-id | deque | error | event vsan vsan-id | ha | trace {detail vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id } | warning vsan vsan-id }
Syntax Description
Restricts debugging to the specified VSAN. The range is 1 to 4093. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example enables all debug flags for all SCSI flows:
Related Commands
debug scsi-target
To enable debugging for SCSI targets, use the debug scsi-target command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug scsi-target { error | flow }
no debug scsi-target { error | flow }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug scsi-target flow command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays information about existing SCSI target configurations. |
debug sdv
To enable debugging for SAN device virtualization, use the debug sdv command in EXEC mode.
debug sdv { all | all-sdv | ddas { errors | events } | ddas-config { errors | events | packets } | discovery { errors vsan vsan-id | events vsan vsan-id } | distribution { errors vsan vsan-id | events vsan vsan-id } | errors vsan vsan-id | fu { ha | transition } | mgmt { errors | events } | ns { errors | events | packets } | rewrite { errors | events | packets } | trace vsan vsan-id | virtual-domain { errors vsan vsan-id | events vsan vsan-id } | zone-activation { errors | events | packets } }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug sdv all command is issued.
Related Commands
debug security
To enable debugging for the security and accounting features, use the debug security command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug security { all | events | mts | radius }
no debug security { all | events | mts | radius }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug security radius command is issued:
Related Commands
debug sensor
To enable debugging for the sensor manager, use the debug sensor command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug sensor { demux | deque | error | info | init }
no debug sensor { demux | deque | error | info | init }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to debug sensor manager events and information.
The following example displays the system output when the debug sensor info command is issued:
Related Commands
debug sme
To enable debugging for the Cisco SME features, use the debug sme command. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command.
debug sme {all | demux vsan vsan id | deque | error | event vsan vsan id | ha vsan vsan id | trace vsan vsan id | trace-detail vsan vsan id | warning vsan vsan id}
no debug sme {all | demux vsan vsan id | deque | error | event vsan vsan id | ha vsan vsan id | trace vsan vsan id | trace-detail vsan vsan id | warning vsan vsan id}
Syntax Description
Restricts debugging to a specified VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4094. |
Enables debugging of Cisco SME finite state machine (FSM) and events. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output from the debug sme all command:
2007 Sep 23 15:44:44.490796 sme: fu_priority_select: - setting fd[5] for select
Related Commands
debug snmp
To enable debugging for the SNMP manager, use the debug snmp command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug snmp { all | errors | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } |
pkthdr { both | rx [ numpkt range ] | tx } } | pkt-dump | trace { trace-entryexit | trace-stub }}
no debug snmp { all | errors | mts {pkt { both | rx [ node range | opcode range | sap range ] | tx } |
pkthdr { both | rx [ numpkt range ] | tx } } | pkt-dump | trace { trace-entryexit | trace-stub }}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug snmp trace command is issued:
Related Commands
Configures the SNMP server information, switch location, and switch name. |
debug span
To enable SPAN debugging, use the debug span command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug span { all | buffer-size bytes | error | event | trace | warning }
no debug span { all | error | event | trace | warning }
Syntax Description
Configures event logs buffer size for SPAN. The range is 4096 to 131072. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug span all command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays specific information about a Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) session. |
debug system health
To enable system health monitoring debugging, use the debug system health command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug system health { all | asic-counters | battery-charger | bootflash | cache-disk | cfr | eobc | error | event | external-loopback | failure-analysis | fc2 | free-disk | ha | inband | loopback | mgmt | misc | mts | nvram | plog | pss | serdes | special | trace | xipc }
no debug system health { all | asic-counters | battery-charger | bootflash | cache-disk | cfr | eobc | error | event | external-loopback | failure-analysis | fc2 | free-disk | ha | inband | loopback | mgmt | misc | mts | nvram | plog | pss | serdes | special | trace | xipc }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging of system health management-port port tests. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug system health command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays configured Online Health Management System (OHMS) information. |
debug tacacs+
To enable debugging for boot variables, use the debug tacacs+ command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug tacacs+ { aaa-request | aaa-request-lowlevel | all | config | config-lowlevel | server-monitor | server-monitor-errors }
no debug tacacs+ { aaa-request | aaa-request-lowlevel | all | config | config-lowlevel | server-monitor | server-monitor-errors }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug tacacs+ config-lowlevel command is issued:
Related Commands
Displays the TACACS+ Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution status and other details. |
debug tcap
To enable debugging the exception logger, use the debug tcap command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug tcap { demux | deque | error | info | init }
no debug tcap { demux | deque | error | info | init }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to debug terminal capture utility events and information.
The following example displays the system output when the debug tcap demux command is issued:
Related Commands
debug tlport
To enable debugging for TL port interfaces, use the debug tlport command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug tlport { all | errors | events { fc2 { terminal | transit } | mts | pss }} [ interface fc slot / port ]
no debug tlport { all | errors | events { fc2 { terminal | transit } | mts | pss }} [ interface fc slot / port ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug tlport events pss command is issued:
Related Commands
debug ttyd
To enable TTYD debugging, use the debug ttyd command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug ttyd { all | errors | events }
no debug ttyd { all | errors | events }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug ttyd events command is issued:
Related Commands
debug vni
To enable debugging for a virtual network interface (VNI), use the debug vni command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug vni { all | errors | events | info | pss }
no debug vni { all | errors | events | info | pss }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug vni all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug vrrp
To enable debugging for a Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), use the debug vrrp command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug vrrp { configuration | engine } { all | error | event | info }
no debug vrrp { configuration | engine } { all | error | event | info }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug vrrp engine all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug vsan
To enable debugging for VSANs, use the debug vsan command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug vsan { all | global | ha | info | membership | mts }
no debug vsan { all | global | ha | info | membership | mts }
Syntax Description
Enables debugging of events for the VSAN global parameter database |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug vsan all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug wr-reg
To enable debugging for the list of devices using the write-register feature, use the debug wr-reg command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug wr-reg [ device-name | register-address ]
no debug wr-reg [ device-name | register-address ]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the device name for the required device. |
(Optional) Specifies the register address for the required device. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug wr-reg command is issued:
Related Commands
debug wwn
To enable debugging for the world wide name (WWN) manager, use the debug wwn command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug wwn { all | detail | errors | flow | trace }
no debug wwn { all | detail | errors | flow | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug wwn all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug xbar
To enable crossbar debugging (XBAR), use the debug xbar command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug xbar { all | demux | deque | error [ module slot ] | fsm [ module slot ] | ha [ module slot ] |
init | main}
no debug xbar { all | demux | deque | error [ module slot ] | fsm [ module slot ] | ha [ module slot ] |
init | main}
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the slot number of the module being debugged. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug xbar all command is issued:
Related Commands
debug xbar_driver
To enable debugging of the crossbar driver (XBAR driver), use the debug xbar_driver command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug xbar { error | flow | trace }
no debug xbar { error | flow | trace }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug xbar_driver command is issued:
Related Commands
debug xbc
To enable crossbar client debugging (XBC), use the debug xbc command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug xbc { demux | deque | init | main }
no debug xbc { demux | deque | init | main }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to debug crossbar client events and information.
The following example displays the system output when the debug xbc init command is issued:
Related Commands
debug zone
To enable debugging for zones, use the debug zone command in EXEC mode. To disable a debug command, use the no form of the command or use the no debug all command to turn off all debugging.
debug zone { all | change { errors | events | packets } | database { detail | errors | events } gs errors { errors | events | packets } | lun-zoning { errors | events | packets } | merge { errors | events | packets } | mts notifications | pss { errors | events } | read-only-zoning { errors | events | packets } | tcam errors { errors | events | packets } | transit { errors | events }} [ vsan vsan-id ]
no debug zone { all | change { errors | events | packets } | database { detail | errors | events } | gs errors { errors | events | packets } | lun-zoning { errors | events | packets } | merge { errors | events | packets } | mts notifications | pss { errors | events } | read-only-zoning { errors | events | packets } | tcam errors { errors | events | packets } | transit { errors | events }} [ vsan vsan-id ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the system output when the debug zone all command is issued:
Related Commands