- New and Changed Information
- Preface
- A Commands
- Advanced Services Modules Commands
- B Commands
- C Commands
- Caching Services Module Commands
- CLI Overview
- D Commands
- Debug Commands
- E Commands
- F Commands
- G Commands
- H Commands
- I Commands
- J Commands
- K Commands
- L Commands
- M Commands
- N Commands
- O Commands
- P Commands
- Q Commands
- R Commands
- S Commands
- Show Commands
- T Commands
- U Commands
- V Commands
- W Commands
- Z Commands
- passive-mode
- password strength-check
- pathtrace
- peer (DMM job configuration submode)
- peer-info ipaddr
- periodic-inventory notification
- permit (IPv6-ACL configuration)
- phone-contact
- ping
- policy
- port
- port-channel persistent
- port-group-monitor enable
- port-group-monitor activate
- port-group-monitor name
- port-license
- port-monitor activate
- port-monitor enable
- port-monitor name
- port-security
- port-security abort
- port-security commit
- port-security database
- port-security distribute
- port-security enable
- port-track enable
- port-track force-shut
- port-track interface
- port-type
- portaddress
- power redundancy-mode (MDS 9500 switches)
- power redundancy-mode (MDS 9700 switch)
- poweroff module
- priority
- priority-flow-control long-distance
- priority-flow-control mode
- purge fcdomain fcid
- purge module
- pwc
- pwd
- pwwn (DPVM database configuration submode)
- pwwn (fcdomain database configuration submode)
- pwwn (fc-management database configuration submode)
- pwwn (SDV virtual device configuration submode)
P Commands
The commands in this chapter apply to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches. All commands are shown here in alphabetical order regardless of command mode. See “About the CLI Command Modes” section to determine the appropriate mode for each command.
To configure the required mode to initiate an IP connection, use the passive-mode command. To enable passive mode for the FCIP interface, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Access this command from the switch(config-if)# submode.
By default, the active mode is enabled to actively attempt an IP connection.
If you enable the passive mode, the switch does not initiate a TCP connection and only waits for the peer to connect to it.
The following example enables passive mode on an FCIP interface:
Related Commands
Displays an interface configuration for a specified FCIP interface. |
password strength-check
To enable password strength checking, use the password strength-check command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When you enable password strength checking, the NX-OS software only allows you to create strong passwords.
The characteristics for strong passwords included the following:
The following example shows how to enable secure standard password:
Related Commands
To trace the route statistics, use the pathtrace command.
pathtrace domain domain-id vsan vsan-id [reverse] [detail]
pathtrace fcid fc-id vsan vsan-id [reverse] [detail]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Pathtrace command can be executed only for 6.2(5) and above releases.
Pathtrace is a utility tool which traces the path from the switch on which the cli is executed to a destination domain / destination device referenced by a fcid.
If pathtrace is executed in a topology where any device is running on a non pathtrace supported image, the pathtrace request packets will be dropped and the command will not be processed.
In the display embedded indicates that the respective port is an internal port.
The statistics displayed for various types of egress interfaces is as follows:
- FC interface.
- VFC interface: statistics are displayed for the associated Ethernet interface.
- FC port channel: The statistics are displayed at port channel level.
- VFC port channel: The statistics are displayed at the VFC port channel level.
- FCIP/ FCIP port channel: The statistics will not be displayed in 6.2.5 release.
- Pathtrace will not be supported for ioa, isapi and tie devices (DDTS: CSCuj41316).
Additional information supported for Pathtrace command is as follows:
- Interop mode is not supported. Pathtrace utility is supported on MDS platforms alone and will not work in combination with the other vendor switches. It will also not work on the N5k devices.
- Virtual domain support (IVR for Pathtrace) is not be supported for pathtrace.
- SNMP support is not there for Pathtrace.
- Maximum number of hops supported is 16 without reverse and 8 with the reverse option.
- – is displayed for unavailable/unsupported counters.
- The statistics are displayed only for the egress interface only.

Note FCtrace and Pathtrace will not be supported in IVR scenario. FCtrace is supported on TE ports only.
Related Commands
FCtrace is a utility which traces the path to a destination device. By displaying the switch’s pwwn at every hop. |
peer (DMM job configuration submode)
To add peer SSM information to a job, use the peer command in DMM job configuration submode. To remove the peer SSM information from a job, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the peer SSM IP address. The format for the IP address is A.B.C.D. |
Command Modes
DMM job configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
In a dual-fabric topology, the migration job runs on an SSM in each fabric. The two SSMs exchange messages over the management IP network, so each SSM needs the IP address of the peer.
The following example shows how to add peer SSM information to a job:
Related Commands
peer-info ipaddr
To configure the peer information for the FCIP interface, use the peer-info ipaddr command. To remove the peer information for the FCIP interface, use the no form of the command.
peer-info ipaddr address [port number ]
no peer-info ipaddr address [port number ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Access this command from the switch(config-if)# submode.
The basic FCIP configuration uses the peer’s IP address to configure the peer information. You can also use the peer’s port number, port profile ID, or port WWN to configure the peer information. If you do not specify a port, the default 3225 port number is used to establish connection.
The following command assigns an IP address to configure the peer information. Since no port is specified, the default port number, 3225, is used:
The following command deletes the assigned peer port information:
The following command assigns the IP address and sets the peer TCP port to 3000. The valid port number range is from 0 to 65535:
The following command deletes the assigned peer port information:
Related Commands
Displays an interface configuration for a specified FCIP interface. |
periodic-inventory notification
To enable the periodic inventory notification message dispatches, use the periodic-inventory notification command Call Home configuration submode. To revert to the default state, use the no form of the command.
periodic-inventory notification [ interval days ]
no periodic-inventory notification
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the notification interval. The range is 1 to 30. |
Command Modes
Call Home configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to enable periodic inventory notification and use the default interval:
The following example shows how to enable periodic inventory notification and set the interval to 10 days:
Related Commands
permit (IPv6-ACL configuration)
To configure permit conditions for an IPv6 access control list (ACL), use the permit command in IPv6-ACL configuration submode. To remove the conditions, use the no form of the command.
permit { ipv6-protocol-number | ipv6} { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [log-deny]
permit icmp { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address }{ dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [ icmp-type [ icmp-code]] [log-deny]
permit tcp { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } [ source-port-operator source-port-number | range source-port-number source-port-number ] { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [ dest-port-operator dest-port-number | range dest-port-number dest-port-number ] [established] [log-deny]
permit udp { source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address } [ source-port-operator source-port-number | range source-port-number source-port-number ] { dest-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length | any | host dest-ipv6-address } [ dest-port-operator dest-port-number | range dest-port-number dest-port-number ] [log-deny]
no permit { ipv6-protocol-number | ipv6 | icmp | tcp | udp}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
IPv6-ACL configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following guidelines can assist you in configuring an IPv6-ACL. For complete information, refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide.
- You can apply IPv6-ACLs to VSAN interfaces, the management interface, Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on IPS modules and MPS-14/2 modules, and Ethernet PortChannel interfaces. However, if IPv6-ACLs are already configured in a Gigabit Ethernet interface, you cannot add this interface to a Ethernet PortChannel group.

- Use only the TCP or ICMP options when configuring IPv6-ACLs on Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
- Configure the order of conditions accurately. Because the IPv6-ACL filters are applied sequentially to the IP flows, the first match determines the action taken. Subsequent matches are not considered. Be sure to configure the most important condition first. If no conditions match, the software drops the packet.
The following example configures an IPv6-ACL called List, enters IPv6-ACL submode, and adds an entry that permits IPv6 traffic from any source address to any destination address:
The following example removes a permit condition set for any destination prefix on a specified UDP host:
The following example removes the IPv6-ACL called List1 and all its entries:
Related Commands
Configures an IPv6 ACL and enters IPv6-ACL configuration submode. |
To configure the telephone contact number with the Call Home function, use the phone-contact command in Call Home configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Configures the customer’s phone number. Allows up to 17 alphanumeric characters in international phone format. |
Command Modes
Call Home configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure the telephone contact number with the Call Home function:
Related Commands
Sends a dummy test message to the configured destination(s). |
To diagnose basic network connectivity, use the ping command in EXEC mode.
ping [ipv6] [{host-name | ip-address} [count repeat-count] [ interface {gigabitethernet slot/port | mgmt number | port-channel number | vsan vsan-id }] [size size [timeout timeout ]]
Syntax Description
Specifies the host name of system to ping. Maximum length is 64 characters. |
Specifies the interface on which the ping packets are to be sent. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The ping (Packet Internet Groper) program sends an echo request packet to an address, and then awaits a reply. The ping output can help you evaluate path-to-host reliability, delays over the path, and whether the host can be reached or is functioning.
Verify connectivity to the TFTP server using the ping command.
To abnormally terminate a ping session, type the Ctrl-C escape sequence.
The following example pings the system
The following command shows the prompts that appear when you enter the ping command without an IP address:
To enter IKE policy configuration and configure a policy for the IKE protocol, use the policy command in IKE configuration submode. To delete the policy, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the priority for the IKE policy. The range is 1 to 255, where 1 is the high priority and 255 is the lowest. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, the IKE protocol must be enabled using the crypto ike enable command.
The following example shows how to configure a policy priority number for the IKE protocol:
Related Commands
To assign the TCP port number of a Gigabit Ethernet interface to the FCIP profile or a listener peer port for a ISCSI interface, use the port command. Use the no form of the command to negate the command or revert to factory defaults.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Fcip profile configuration submode.
Interface configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Associates the profile with the assigned local port number. If a port number is not assigned for a FCIP profile, the default TCP port 3225 is used.
The following example configures port 5000 on FCIP interface 5:
The following example configures port 4000 on ISCSI interface 2/1:
Related Commands
Configures the interface using an existing profile ID from 1 to 255. |
Displays an interface configuration for a specified FCIP interface. |
port-channel persistent
To convert an automatically created PortChannel to a persistent PortChannel, use the port-channel persistent command in EXEC mode.
port-channel port-channel number persistent
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The auto mode support is not available after 4.x. Any previously automatically created PortChannel needs to be made persistent by using the port-channel persistent command. This command needs to be run on both sides of the auto Port Channel.
The following example shows how to change the properties of an automatically created channel group to a persistent channel group:
Related Commands
port-group-monitor enable
To enable the Port Group Monitor feature, use the port-group-monitor enable command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to enable Port Group Monitor:
The following example shows how to disable Port Group Monitor:
Related Commands'
port-group-monitor activate
To activate the specified Port Group Monitor policy, use the port-group-monitor activate command. To deactivate the Port Group Monitor poliy, use the no form of the command.
port-group-monitor activate {name}
no port-group-monitor activate {name}
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the name of the port group policy. The maximum size is 32 characters. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to activate the Port Group Monitor policy:
The following example shows how to deactivate the Port Group Monitor policy:
Related Commands
port-group-monitor name
To create the Port Group Monitor policy, use the port-group-monitor name command. To delete Port Group Monitor policy, use the no form of the command.
port-group-monitor name {policy-name}
no port-group-monitor name {policy-name}
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays the policy name. Maximum size is 32 characters. |
Rising threshold is 80, falling threshold is 20, and interval is 60.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to create Port Group Monitor policy name:
The following example shows how to delete Port Group Monitor policy:
Related Commands
Configure monitoring of a specific counter within a Port Group Monitor policy. |
Configure individual counter in a port-monitor policy to use non-default values. |
To make a port eligible or ineligible to acquire a port activation license on a Cisco MDS 9124 switch, use the port-license command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If a port already has a license, then no action is taken and the port-license command returns successfully. If a license is unavailable, then the port will remain unlicensed.

Note This command is supported on the Cisco MDS 9124 switch only.
The following example shows how to make a port eligible to acquire a license:
The following example shows how to acquire a license for a port, and then copies the configuration to the startup configuration so that the new licensing configuration is maintained:
Related Commands
Displays port licensing information for a Cisco MDS 9124 switch. |
port-monitor activate
To activate the specified port monitor policy, use port-monitor activate command. To deactivate the policy, use the no form of the command.
no port-monitor activate [name]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If no name is given, the port monitor activates the default policy. Presently one policy is activated on one port type. Two policies can be active but on different port types. If the specified policy is not active, it is a redundant operation.
The following example shows how to activate the port monitor default policy:
The following example shows how to activate the port monitor Cisco policy:
Related Commands
port-monitor enable
To enable the user to activate or deactivate policies, use the port-monitor enable command. To disable port monitor policies, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to enable port monitor:
Related Commands
port-monitor name
To configure a new port monitor policy and enters port monitor configuration mode, use the port-monitor name command. To delete port monitor policy, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
By default 13 individual counters are added and it defaults to port-type all.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To enable the monitoring of various counters the following basic steps need to be done:
- Configure the port-monitor policy name
- Configure the types of ports included in the policy
- Configure any counters with non-default values that are needed
- Turn off the monitoring of any counters that are not needed (and are on by default) and turn on the monitoring of any counters that are needed if they are by default turned off
- Activate port-monitor policy
The following example shows how to create a cisco policy name and to assign the default value:
Related Commands
Configure the monitoring of a specific counter within a port-monitor policy. |
To configure port security features and reject intrusion attempts, use the port-security command in configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to negate the command or revert to factory defaults.
{ activate vsan vsan-id [ force | no-auto-learn ] | auto-learn vsan vsan-id | database vsan vsan-id { any-wwn | pwwn wwn | nwwn wwn | swwn wwn } [ fwwn wwn | interface { fc slot/port | port-channel number } | swwn wwn [ interface { fc slot/port | port-channel number }]]}
no port-security { activate vsan vsan-id [ force | no-auto-learn ] | auto-learn vsan vsan-id | database vsan vsan-id { any-wwn | pwwn wwn | nwwn wwn | swwn wwn } [ fwwn wwn | interface { fc slot/port | port-channel number } | swwn wwn [ interface { fc slot/port | port-channel number }]]}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Add the optional swwn keyword to the subcommands under the port-security database vsan command. |
Usage Guidelines
When you activate the port security feature, the auto-learn option is also automatically enabled. You can choose to activate the port-security feature and disable autolearn using the port-security activate vsan number no-auto-learn command. In this case, you need to manually populate the port security database by individually securing each port.
If the auto-learn option is enabled on a VSAN, you cannot activate the database for that VSAN without the force option.
The following example activates the port security database for the specified VSAN, and automatically enables autolearning:
The following example deactivates the port security database for the specified VSAN, and automatically disables auto-learn:
The following example disables the auto-learn feature for the port security database in VSAN 1:
The following example enables auto-learning so the switch can learn about any device that is allowed to access VSAN 1. These devices are logged in the port security active database:
The following example disables auto-learning and stops the switch from learning about new devices accessing the switch. Enforces the database contents based on the devices learnt up to this point.
The following example enters the port security database mode for the specified VSAN:
The following example configures any WWN to login through the specified interfaces:
The following example configures the specified pWWN to only log in through the specified fWWN.
The following example deletes the specified pWWN configured in the previous step:
The following example configures the specified pWWN to only log in through the specified sWWN:
The following example deletes the specified pWWN configured in the previous step:
The following example configures the specified nWWN to log in through the specified fWWN:
The following example configures the specified pWWN to login through any port on the local switch:
The following example configures the specified sWWN to only login through PortChannel 5:
The following example configures any WWN to log in through the specified interface:
The following example deletes the wildcard configured in the previous step:
The following example deletes the port security configuration database from the specified VSAN:
The following example forces the VSAN 1 port security database to activate despite conflicts:
Related Commands
port-security abort
To discard the port security Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution session in progress, use the port-security abort command in configuration mode.
port-security abort vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to discard a port security CFS distribution session in progress:
Related Commands
port-security commit
To apply the pending configuration pertaining to the port security Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution session in progress in the fabric, use the port-security commit command in configuration mode.
port-security commit vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to commit changes to the active port security configuration:
Related Commands
port-security database
To copy the port security database or to view the difference within the port security database, use the port-security database command in EXEC mode.
port-security database {copy | diff { active | config }} vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Provides the difference between the active and configuration port security database. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If the active database is empty, the port-security database is empty.
Use the port-security database diff active command to resolve conflicts.
The following example copies the active to the configured database:
The following example provides the differences between the active database and the configuration database:
The following example provides information on the differences between the configuration database and the active database:
Related Commands
Copies and provides information on the differences within the port security database. |
port-security distribute
To enable Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) distribution for port security, use the port-security distribute command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Before distributing the Fibre Channel timer changes to the fabric, the temporary changes to the configuration must be committed to the active configuration using the port-security commit command.
The following example shows how to distribute the port security configuration to the fabric:
Related Commands
Commits the port security configuration changes to the active configuration. |
port-security enable
To enable port security, use the port-security enable command in configuration mode. To disable port security, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Issuing the port-security enable command enables the other commands used to configure port security.
The following example shows how to enable port security:
The following example shows how to disable port security:
Related Commands
port-track enable
To enable port tracking for indirect errors, use the port-track enable command in configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The software brings the linked port down when the tracked port goes down. When the tracked port recovers from the failure and comes back up again, the tracked port is also brought up automatically (unless otherwise configured).
The following example shows how to enable port tracking:
The following example shows how to disable port tracking:
Related Commands
Displays configuration and status information for a specified Fibre Channel interface. |
Displays configuration and status information for a specified PortChannel interface. |
port-track force-shut
To force a shutdown of a tracked port, use the port-track force-shut command in interface configuration submode. To reenable the port tracking, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the port-track force-shut to keep the linked port down, even though the tracked port comes back up. You must explicitly bring the port up when required using the no port-track force-shut command.
The following example shows how to force the shutdown of an interface and the interfaces that it is tracking:
Related Commands
Displays configuration and status information for a specified Fibre Channel interface. |
Displays configuration and status information for a specified PortChannel interface. |
port-track interface
To enable port tracking for specific interfaces, use the port-track interface command in interface configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
port-track interface { fc slot / port | fcip port | gigabitethernet slot / port | port-channel port }
[ vsan vsan-id ]
no port-track interface { fc slot / port | fcip port | gigabitethernet slot / port | port-channel port }
[ vsan vsan-id ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When the ports that an interface is tracking goes down, the interface also goes down. When the tracked port comes backup, the linked interface also comes back up. Use the port-track force-shut command to keep the linked interface down.
The following example shows how to enable port tracking for specific interfaces:
Related Commands
Displays configuration and status information for a specified Fibre Channel interface. |
Displays configuration and status information for a specified PortChannel interface. |
To configure port type policies, use port-type command. To disable port type policies, use the no form of the command.
port-type { all | trunks | access-port}
no port-type { all | trunks | access-port}
Syntax Description
Configures both trunk ports and access ports, except NP and TNP ports. |
Configures only access ports (F and TF ports). NP and TNP ports are not supported in port monitor. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The default policy uses its own internal port type, which is the same as all ports.
The following example shows how to configure port monitoring for access ports:
The following example shows how to configure port monitoring for all ports:
The following example shows how to configure port monitoring for trunk ports:

Note Currently, port monitor cannot monitor NP and TNP ports.
Related Commands
To enable the FICON feature in a specified VSAN, use the ficon vsan command in configuration mode. To disable the feature or to revert to factory defaults, use the no form of the command.
portaddress portaddress block name string prohibit portaddress portaddress
no portaddress portaddress block name string prohibit portaddress portaddress
Syntax Description
Specifies the FICON port number for this interface. The range is 0 to 254. |
Configures a name for the port address. Maximum length is 24 characters. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The shutdown / no shutdown port state is independent of the block / no block port state. If a port is shutdown, unblocking that port will not initialize the port.
You cannot block or prohibit CUP port (0XFE).
If you prohibit ports, the specified ports are prevented from communicating with each other. Unimplemented ports are always prohibited.
The following example disables a port address and retains it in the operationally down state:
The following example enables the selected port address and reverts to the factory default of the port address not being blocked:
The following example prohibits port address 1 in VSAN 2 from talking to ports 3:
The following example removes port address 5 from a previously-prohibited state:
The following example assigns a name to the port address:
The following example deletes a previously configured port address name:
Related Commands
power redundancy-mode (MDS 9500 switches)
To configure the capacity of the power supplies on the Cisco MDS 9500 Family of switches, use the power redundancy-mode command in configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to negate the command or revert to factory defaults.
power redundancy-mode {combined [force] | redundant}
no power redundancy-mode {combined [force] | redundant}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
If power supplies with different capacities are installed in the switch, the total power available differs based on the configured mode:
- In redundant mode, the total power is the lesser of the two power supply capacities. This reserves enough power to keep the system powered on in case of a power supply failure. This is the recommended or default mode.
- In combined mode, the total power is twice the lesser of the two power supply capacities. In case of a power supply failure, the entire system could be shut down, depending on the power usage at that time.
- When a new power supply is installed, the switch automatically detects the power supply capacity. If the new power supply has a capacity that is lower than the current power usage in the switch and the power supplies are configured in redundant mode, the new power supply will be shut down.
- When you change the configuration from combined to redundant mode and the system detects a power supply that has a capacity lower than the current usage, the power supply is shut down. If both power supplies have a lower capacity than the current system usage, the configuration is not allowed.
The following examples demonstrate how the power supply redundancy mode could be set:
Related Commands
Copies all running configuration to the startup configuration. |
Displays status of power supply modules, power supply redundancy mode, and power usage summary. |
power redundancy-mode (MDS 9700 switch)
To configure the capacity of the power supplies on the Cisco MDS 9700 Family of switches, use the power redundancy-mode command in configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to negate the command or revert to factory defaults.
power redundancy-mode {combined [force] | | insrc-redundant | ps-redundant | redundant}
no power redundancy-mode {combined [force] | insrc-redundant | ps-redundant | redundant}
Syntax Description
Configure power supply redundancy mode as grid/AC input source redundant. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure the power supply redundancy mode as grid/AC input source redundant:
The following example shows how to configure the power supply redundancy mode as PS redundant:
Related Commands
Copies all running configuration to the startup configuration. |
Displays status of power supply modules, power supply redundancy mode, and power usage summary. |
poweroff module
To power off individual modules in the system, use the poweroff module command in configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to power up the specified module.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the poweroff module command to power off individual modules. The poweroff module command cannot be used to power off supervisor modules.
The following example powers off and powers up module 1:
Related Commands
Copies all running configuration to the startup configuration. |
To configure the priority in a QoS policy map class, use the priority command in QoS policy class map configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
priority { high | low | medium}
no priority { high | low | medium}
Syntax Description
Configures the frames matching the class-map as high priority. |
Configures the frames matching the class-map as low priority. |
Configures the frames matching the class-map as medium priority. |
Command Modes
QoS policy map class configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Before you can configure the priority in a QoS policy map class you must first:
The following example shows how to select the QoS policy class-map1 and configure the frame priority as high:
Related Commands
priority-flow-control long-distance
To enable the long distance Priority Flow Control (PFC), use the long-distance command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
priority-flow-control long-distance
no priority-flow-control long-distance
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to enable the long distance priority flow control:
The following example shows how to disable the long distance priority flow control:
Related Commands
Displays all the attributes of the interface including long distance. |
priority-flow-control mode
To enable the mode Priority Flow Control (PFC), use the priority-flow-control mode command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
priority-flow-control mode {auto | off | on }
no priority-flow-control mode {auto | off | on }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to set the PFC mode to on:
The following example shows how to set the PFC mode to off:
Related Commands
Displays the status of priority flow control (PFC) on all interfaces. |
purge fcdomain fcid
To purge persistent FCIDs, use the purge fcdomain fcid command in EXEC mode.
purge fcdomain fcid vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Indicates that FCIDs are to be purged for a VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to purge all dynamic unused FCIDs in VSAN 4:
The following example shows how to purge all dynamic unused FCIDs in VSANs 4, 5, and 6:
purge module
To delete configurations in the running configuration for nonexistent modules, use the purge module command in EXEC mode.
purge module slot running-config
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example displays the output of the purge module command issued on the module in slot 8:
To view your present working context (PWC), use the pwc command in any mode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows the present working context:
Related Commands
To display the current directory location, use the pwd command in EXEC mode.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example changes the directory and displays the current directory:
Related Commands
pwwn (DPVM database configuration submode)
To add a device to a dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM) database using the pWWN, use the pwwn command in DPVM database configuration submode. To remove a device from a DPVM database using the pWWN, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the port WWN ID. The format is hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh, where h is a hexadecimal number. |
Command Modes
DPVM database configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, DPVM must be enabled using the dpvm enable command.
The following example shows how to add an entry to the DPVM database:
The following example shows how to delete an entry from the DPVM database:
Related Commands
pwwn (fcdomain database configuration submode)
To map a pWWN to a persistent FC ID for IVR, use the pwwn command in IVR fcdomain database configuration submode. To remove the mapping for the pWWN, use the no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the pWWN ID. The format is hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh, where h is a hexadecimal number. |
Command Modes
fcdomain database configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to map the pWWN to the persistent FC ID:
The following example shows how to remove the mapping between the pWWN and the FC ID:
Related Commands
pwwn (fc-management database configuration submode)
To configure the device port WWN, use the pwwn command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
pwwn dev_pwwn feature {all | fcs | fdmi |unzoned-ns | zone} operation {both | read | write}
no pwwn dev_pwwn feature {all | fcs | fdmi |unzoned-ns | zone} [operation {both | read |
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure an entry in the FC management security database:
Related Commands
Configures the Fibre Channel Common Transport (FC-CT) management security database. |
pwwn (SDV virtual device configuration submode)
To add a pWWN to a virtual device, use the pwwn command in SDV virtual device configuration submode. To remove a pWWN from a virtual device, usethe no form of the command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the pWWN of a real device. The format is hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh : hh, where h is a hexadecimal number. |
Command Modes
SDV virtual device configuration submode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to add a pWWN to a virtual device:
Related Commands