V Commands
The commands in this chapter apply to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches. All commands are shown here in alphabetical order regardless of command mode. See “About the CLI Command Modes” section to determine the appropriate mode for each command.
virtual-domain (SDV virtual device configuration submode)
To configure a persistent virtual domain, use the virtual-domain command in SDV virtual device configuration submode. To remove a persistent virtual domain, use the no form of the command.
virtual-domain domain-name
no virtual-domain domain-name
Syntax Description
domain-name |
Specifies the persistent virtual domain. The range is 1 to 239 or 0x1 to 0xef. |
No virtual domains are configured by default.
Command Modes
SDV virtual device configuration submode.
Command History
3.1(2) |
This command was introduced. |
The following example shows how to configure a persistent virtual domain:
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# sdv virtual-device name sqa1 vsan 1
switch(config-sdv-virt-dev)# virtual-domain 1
Related Commands
sdv enable |
Enables or disables SAN device virtualization. |
show sdv statistics |
Displays SAN device virtualization statistics. |
virtual-fcid (SDV virtual device configuration submode)
To configure a persistent virtual FC ID, use the virtual-fcid command in SDV virtual device configuration submode. To remove a persistent virtual FC ID, use the the no form of the command.
virtual-fcid fc-id
no virtual-fcid fc-id
Syntax Description
fc-id |
Specifies the persistent virtual FC ID. The format is 0xhhhhhh, where h is a hexadecimal number. |
No virtual FC IDs are configured by default.
Command Modes
SDV virtual device configuration submode.
Command History
3.1(2) |
This command was introduced. |
The following example shows how to configure a persistent virtual FC ID:
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# sdv virtual-device name sqa1 vsan 1
switch(config-sdv-virt-dev)# virtual-fcid 0xd66e54
Related Commands
sdv enable |
Enables or disables SAN device virtualization. |
show sdv statistics |
Displays SAN device virtualization statistics. |
To enable VRRP, use the vrrp command in configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to revert to the factory defaults or to negate a command.
vrrp ipv4-vr-group-number {address ip-address [ secondary ] | advertisement-interval seconds | authentication { md5 keyname spi index | text password } | preempt | priority value | shutdown | track interface { mgmt 0 | vsan vsan-id } ipv6 ipv6-vr-group-number {address ipv6-address | advertisement-interval centiseconds | preempt | priority value | shutdown | track interface { mgmt 0 | vsan vsan-id }} }
vrrp ipv4-vr-group-number address ip-address [ secondary ] | advertisement-interval seconds | authentication { md5 keyname spi index | text password } | preempt | priority value | shutdown | track interface { mgmt 0 | vsan vsan-id } ipv6 ipv6-vr-group-number {address ipv6-address | advertisement-interval centiseconds | preempt | priority value | shutdown | track interface { mgmt 0 | vsan vsan-id }} }
Syntax Description
ipv4-vr-group-number |
Specifies an IPv4 virtual router group number. The range is 1 to 255. |
address ip-address |
Adds or removes an IP address to the virtual router. |
secondary |
(Optional) Configures a virtual IP address without an owner. |
advertisement-interval seconds |
Sets the time interval between advertisements. For IPv4, the range is 1 to 255 seconds. |
authentication |
Configures the authentication method. |
md5 keyname |
Sets the MD5 authentication key. Maximum length is 16 characters. |
spi index |
Sets the security parameter index. The range is 0x0 to 0xffffff. |
text password |
Sets an authentication password. Maximum length is 8 characters. |
preempt |
Enables preemption of lower priority master. |
priority value |
Configures the virtual router priority. The range is 1 to 254. |
shutdown |
Disables the VRRP configuration. |
track |
Tracks the availability of another interface. |
interface fc slot / port |
Adds a member using the Fibre Channel interface to a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch. |
mgmt 0 |
Specifies the management interface. |
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies a VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
ipv6 ipv6-vr-group-number |
Specifies VRRP IPv6 on the interface. The range is 1 to 255. |
address ipv6-address |
Adds or removes an IPv6 address to the virtual router. |
advertisement-interval centiseconds |
Sets the time interval between advertisements. For IPv6, the range is 100 to 4095 centiseconds. |
Command Modes
Interface configuration mode.
Command History
1.0(2) |
This command was introduced. |
3.0(1) |
- Added the IPv6 option.
- Added the address and advertisement-interval options that are specific to IPv6.
Usage Guidelines
You enter the Virtual Router configuration submode to access the options for this command. From the VSAN or mgmt0 (management) interface configuration submode, enter vrrp number to enter the switch(config-if-vrrp)#
prompt. By default, a virtual router is always disabled (shutdown). VRRP can be configured only if this state is disabled. Be sure to configure at least one IP address before attempting to enable a virtual router.
The total number of of VRRP groups that can be configured on a Gigabit Ethernet port, including main interfaces and subinterfaces, cannot exceed seven. This limitation applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 groups.
Note If you configure secondary VRRP IPv6 addresses on an IPFC VSAN interface, you must remove the secondary VRRP IPv6 addresses before downgrading to a release prior to Cisco Release 3.0(1). This is required only when you configure IPv6 addresses.
The following example enables VRRP configuration:
switch(config-if-vrrp)# no shutdown
The following example disables VRRP configuration:
switch(config-if-vrrp)# shutdown
The following example configures an IPv4 address for the selected VRRP:
switch(config)# interface vsan 1
switch(config-if)# vrrp 250
switch(config-if-vrrp)# address
Related Commands
clear vrrp |
Clears all the software counters for the specified virtual router. |
show vrrp |
Displays VRRP configuration information. |
vsan (iSCSI initiator configuration and iSLB initiator configuration)
To assign an iSCSI or iSLB initiator to a VSAN other than the default VSAN, use the vsan command in iSCSI initiator configuration submode or iSLB initiator configuration submode. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
vsan vsan-id
no vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
vsan-id |
Specifies a VSAN ID. The range 1 to 4093. |
Command Modes
iSCSI initiator configuration submode.
iSLB initiator configuration submode.
Command History
1.3(2) |
This command was introduced. |
3.0(1) |
Added iSLB initiator configuration submode. |
Usage Guidelines
When you configure an iSLB initiator in a VSAN other than VSAN 1 (the default VSAN), the initiator is automatically removed from VSAN 1. For example, if you configure an iSLB initiator in VSAN 2 and you also want it to be present in VSAN 1, you must explicitly configure the initiator in VSAN 1.
The following example assigns an iSCSI initiator to a VSAN other than the default VSAN:
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# iscsi initiator name iqn.1987-02.com.cisco.initiator
switch(config-iscsi-init)# vsan 40
The following example assigns an iSLB initiator to a VSAN other than the default VSAN:
switch(config)# islb initiator ip-address
ips-hac2(config-islb-init)# vsan ?
<1-4093> Enter VSAN
ips-hac2(config-islb-init)# vsan 10
The following example removes the iSLB initiator:
switch (config-islb-init)# no vsan 10
Related Commands
iscsi initiator name |
Assigns an iSCSI name and changes to iSCSI initiator configuration submode. |
show islb initiator |
Displays iSLB initiator information. |
show iscsi initiator |
Displays information about a configured iSCSI initiator. |
show iscsi initiator configured |
Displays iSCSI initiator information for the configured iSCSI initiator. |
show iscsi initiator detail |
Displays detailed iSCSI initiator information. |
show iscsi initiator summary |
Displays iSCSI initiator summary information. |
show islb initiator |
Displays iSLB initiator information. |
show islb initiator configured |
Displays iSLB initiator information for the configured iSLB initiator. |
show islb initiator detail |
Displays detailed iSLB initiator information. |
show islb initiator summary |
Displays iSLB initiator summary information. |
vsan database
To create multiple fabrics sharing the same physical infrastructure, assign ports to VSANs, turn on or off interop mode, load balance either per originator exchange or by source-destination ID, and in order to be able to define these VSANs and specify the various VSAN attributes, use the vsan database command in the vsan database submode.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Configuration mode.
Command History
1.2(2) |
This command was introduced. |
The following examples show how to create multiple fabrics sharing the same physical infrastructure and how to assign ports to VSANs:
switch(config)# vsan database
Related Commands
vsan wwn |
Configures a WWN for a suspended VSAN that has interop mode 4 enabled. |
vsan interface
To add the interfaces to a VSAN, use the vsan interface command. Use the no form of this command to delete a configured role.
vsan vsan-id interface { fc slot / port | fcip fcip-id | fv slot / dpp-number / fv-port | iscsi slot / port | port-channel portchannel-number . subinterface-number }
no vsan vsan-id interface { fc slot / port | fcip fcip-id | fv slot / dpp-number / fv-port | iscsi slot / port | port-channel portchannel-number . subinterface-number }
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
interface fc slot / port |
(Optional) Specifies the Fibre Channel interface by slot and port number on a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch. |
interface bay port | ext port |
(Optional) Specifies the Fibre Channel interface by port number on a Cisco Fabric Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem or on a Cisco Fabric Switch for IBM BladeCenter. The range is 0 to 48. |
fcip fcip-id |
(Optional) Specifies the FCIP interface on a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch. |
fv slot / dpp-number / fv-port |
Configures the virtual F port (FV port) interface in the specified slot along with the data path processor (DPP) number and the FV port number. |
iscsi slot / port |
(Optional) Configures the iSCSI interface in the specified slot/port on a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch. |
port-channel portchannel-number . subinterface-number |
Configures the PortChannel interface specified by the PortChannel number followed by a dot (.) indicator and the subinterface number. |
All interfaces are in VSAN 1 by default.
Command Modes
Configuration mode—vsan database submode.
Command History
1.2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can configure a role so that it only allows commands to be performed for a selected set of VSANs. By default, the VSAN policy of a role is permit. In other words, the role can perform commands configured by the rule command in all VSANs. In order to selectively allow VSANs for a role, the VSAN policy needs to be set to deny and then the appropriate VSANs need to be permitted.
The following example show how to add the interfaces to a VSAN:
switch(config)# vsan database
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 2
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 2 interface fv2/8/2
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 2 interface iscsi 2/1
switch(config-vsan-db)# end
vsan interop
To specify the VSAN interoperability mode value, use the vsan interop command. Use the no form of this command to delete a configured role.
vsan vsan-id interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }]
no vsan vsan-id interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }]
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
interop |
Turns on interoperability mode. |
mode |
Specifies the interop mode. The range is 1 to 4. |
loadbalancing |
Configures load-balancing scheme. |
src-dst-id |
Sets src-id/dst-id for load-balancing. |
src-dst-ox-id |
Sets ox-id/src-id/dst-id for load-balancing (default). |
interop mode none and src-dst-ox-id.
Command Modes
Configuration mode—vsan database submode.
Command History
1.2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can configure a role so that it only allows commands to be performed for a selected set of VSANs. By default, the VSAN policy of a role is permit. In other words, the role can perform commands configured by the rule command in all VSANs. In order to selectively allow VSANs for a role, the VSAN policy needs to be set to deny and then the appropriate VSANs need to be permitted.
The following example shows how to specify the Interoperability mode value for Src-id/dst-id loadbalancing:
switch(config)# vsan database
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 2
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 interop 1 loadbalancing src-dst-id
vsan 1:interoperability mode 1 allowed domain list [97-127] does not include all
assigned and configured domains or conflicts with existing allowed domain lists
vsan loadbalancing
To configure the VSAN loadbalancing scheme, use the vsan loadbalancing command. Use the no form of this command to delete a configured role.
vsan vsan-id loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }
no vsan vsan-id loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
loadbalancing |
Configures load-balancing scheme. |
src-dst-id |
Sets src-id/dst-id for load-balancing. |
src-dst-ox-id |
Sets ox-id/src-id/dst-id for load-balancing (default). |
Command Modes
Configuration mode—vsan database submode.
Command History
1.2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can configure a role so that it only allows commands to be performed for a selected set of VSANs. By default, the VSAN policy of a role is permit. In other words, the role can perform commands configured by the rule command in all VSANs. In order to selectively allow VSANs for a role, the VSAN policy needs to be set to deny and then the appropriate VSANs need to be permitted.
The following example shows how to configure loadbalancing scheme for a Src-id/dst-id loadbalancing:
switch(config)# vsan database
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 2 loadbalancing src-dst-ox-id
vsan name
To assign a name to a VSAN, use the vsan name command. Use the no form of this command to delete a configured role.
vsan vsan-id name name [interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }] | loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id } | suspend [interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }]
no vsan vsan-id name name [interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }] | loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id } | suspend [interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }]
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
name name |
Assigns a name to the VSAN. Maximum length is 32 characters. |
interop |
Turns on interoperability mode. |
mode |
Specifies the interop mode. The range is 1 to 4. |
loadbalancing |
Configures load-balancing scheme. |
src-dst-id |
Sets src-id/dst-id for load-balancing. |
src-dst-ox-id |
Sets ox-id/src-id/dst-id for load-balancing (default). |
no name, no suspend, interop mode none and src-dst-ox-id.
Command Modes
Configuration mode—vsan database submode.
Command History
1.2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can configure a role so that it only allows commands to be performed for a selected set of VSANs. By default, the VSAN policy of a role is permit. In other words, the role can perform commands configured by the rule command in all VSANs. In order to selectively allow VSANs for a role, the VSAN policy needs to be set to deny and then the appropriate VSANs need to be permitted.
The following example shows how to assign a name to a VSAN:
switch(config)# vsan database
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 2 name vname
vsan suspend
To suspend a VSAN, use the vsan suspend command. Use the no form of this command to delete a configured role.
vsan vsan-id suspend [interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }] src-dst-ox-id }]
no vsan vsan-id suspend [interop [ mode ] [ loadbalancing { src-dst-id | src-dst-ox-id }]
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
suspend |
Suspends the VSAN. |
interop |
Turns on interoperability mode. |
mode |
Specifies the interop mode. The range is 1 to 4. |
loadbalancing |
Configures load-balancing scheme. |
src-dst-id |
Sets src-id/dst-id for load-balancing. |
src-dst-ox-id |
Sets ox-id/src-id/dst-id for load-balancing (default). |
interop mode none and src-dst-ox-id..
Command Modes
Configuration mode—vsan database submode.
Command History
1.2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can configure a role so that it only allows commands to be performed for a selected set of VSANs. By default, the VSAN policy of a role is permit. In other words, the role can perform commands configured by the rule command in all VSANs. In order to selectively allow VSANs for a role, the VSAN policy needs to be set to deny and then the appropriate VSANs need to be permitted.
Warning vsan suspend command done on an active VSAN is a very invasive command that requires a lot of supervisor processing. The supervisor is responsible for logging each device out, deprogramming ACLs, removing FCNS entries, generating RSCNs, etc. Because of this, care should be taken when doing this when there are many devices logged into the switch in the VSAN. After suspending the VSAN a minimum of 5 minutes should elapse prior to doing an no vsan suspend to ensure that all of the prior processing has completed.
The following example shows how to suspend a VSAN and enable interop mode 4:
switch(config)# vsan database
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 100 suspend
vsan policy deny
To configure a VSAN-based role, use the vsan policy deny command in configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete a configured role.
vsan policy deny permit vsan vsan-id
no vsan policy deny permit vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
permit |
Remove commands from the role. |
vsan vsan-id |
Specifies the VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093. |
Command Modes
Configuration mode—role name submode.
Command History
1.2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can configure a role so that it only allows commands to be performed for a selected set of VSANs. By default, the VSAN policy of a role is permit. In other words, the role can perform commands configured by the rule command in all VSANs. In order to selectively allow VSANs for a role, the VSAN policy needs to be set to deny and then the appropriate VSANs need to be permitted.
The following example places you in sangroup role submode:
switch(config)# role name sangroup
The following example changes the VSAN policy of this role to deny and places you in a submode where VSANs can be selectively permitted:
switch(config)# vsan policy deny
The following example deletes the configured VSAN role policy and reverts to the factory default (permit):
switch(config-role)# no vsan policy deny
The following example permits this role to perform the allowed commands for VSANs 10 through 30:
switch(config-role)# permit vsan 10-30
The following example removes the permission for this role to perform commands for VSAN 15 to 20:
switch(config-role-vsan)# no permit vsan 15-20