- Index
- New and Changed Information
- Preface
- Cisco SME Overview
- Cisco SME Getting Started
- Cisco SME Interface Configuration
- Cisco SME Cluster Management
- Cisco SME Tape Management
- Cisco SME Disk Management
- Cisco SME Key Management
- Provisioning Certificates
- RSA Key Manager and Cisco SME
- Cisco SME Best Practices
- Cisco SME Troubleshooting
- Cisco SME CLI Commands
- Disaster Recovery
- Offline Data Restore Tool
- Database Backup and Restore
- Planning for Cisco SME Installation
- Migrating Cisco SME Database Tables
Migrating SME Database Tables

Note Data migration is currently supported only for SME Tapes. It is not yet supported for SME Disks.
This appendix describes a database migration utility and also outlines the steps you need to follow to migrate SME tables from one database to another database.
The database migration utility transfers contents of database tables in Oracle Express installation or in PostgreSQL to an Oracle Enterprise installation.
This utility is packaged in the Cisco DCNM for SAN CD starting from NX-OS Software Release 4.1(3) and is available at /software/SMEdbmigrate.zip.

Note The DCNM-SAN application should be installed before the migration process by using the destination database so that DCNM-SAN tables gets created in the destination database.
To migrate database files from the source database to the destination database, follow these steps:
Step 1 Extract the contents of the SMEdbmigrate.zip file to your directory folder. The contents of the file will be as follows:
Step 2 Right-click the smedbmigration.properties file to open in a text editor. Modify the existing database URL, type, and user name and the destination database URL, type, and user name.
Step 3 To migrate the data files, run the following shell script or batch file:
•sh smedbmigrate.sh (for Unix)
•smedbmigrate.bat (for Windows)
The shell script or the batch file can be executed from any server that has to access to both the source database and the destination database.
Step 4 Enter passwords for the source and destination database when prompted.
The sample output would be as follows:
[root@test-vm-236 SMEdbmigrate]# ./smedbmigrate.sh
[INFO] File /root/download/SMEdbmigrate/smedbmigration.properties found
Please enter the passsword for user admin on source database jdbc:postgresql:// **********
Please enter the passsword for user admin on destination database jdbc:postgresql:// **********
*[INFO] Migrating database from jdbc:postgresql:// to jdbc:postgresql://
[INFO] Migration Start for SME_SETTINGS
[INFO] Migration complete
[root@test-vm-236 SMEdbmigrate]#

Note Run a key retrieval operation to confirm that the migration has been successful.