
This chapter describes how to identify and resolve problems related to licenses and includes the following sections:

Information About Licenses

The name for the Cisco Nexus 1000V license package is NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG and the version is 3.0. By default, 1024 licenses are installed with the Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM). These default licenses are valid for 60 days. You can purchase permanent licenses that do not expire.

Licensing is based on the number of CPU sockets on the ESX servers attached as Virtual Ethernet Modules (VSE) to the VSM.

A module is either licensed or unlicensed:

  • Licensed module—A VSE is licensed if it acquires licenses for all of its CPU sockets from the pool of available licenses installed on the VSM.
  • Unlicensed module—A VSE is unlicensed if it does not acquire licenses for all of its CPU sockets from the pool of available licenses installed on the VSM.

If a VSE is unlicensed, the virtual Ethernet ports correspond to the virtual machines (VMs) that are kept down and are shown as unlicensed.


Noteblank.gif The server administrator has no information about VSE licenses. The VSE licensed state must be communicated to server administrators so they are aware that vEthernet interfaces on unlicensed modules cannot pass traffic.

For additional information about licensing, including how to purchase, install, or remove an installed license, see the Cisco Nexus 1000VE License Configuration Guide.

Contents of the License File

The contents of the Cisco Nexus 1000V license file indicates the number of licenses purchased and the host ID. To display the contents of a license file, use the show license file license_name command.

switch# show license file sample.lic
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
INCREMENT NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent 16 \
HOSTID=VDH=8449368321243879080 \
NOTICE="<LicFileID>sample.lic</LicFileID><LicLineID>0</LicLineID> \
<PAK>dummyPak</PAK>" SIGN=34FCB2B24AE8

The host ID that appears in the license file must match that shown on the VSM. To verify the match, use the show license host-id command. See Example 5-3 on page 5-6 .


Caution blank.gif Do not edit the contents of the license file. The license is invalidated if its contents are altered. If you have already done so, contact your Cisco Customer Support Account Team.

Prerequisites to License Troubleshooting

Before you begin troubleshooting licenses, verify the information in this checklist:

  • Make sure that the name of the license file has fewer than 32 characters by using the show license usage command. See Example 5-1 on page 5-5 .
  • Make sure that no other license file with the same name is installed on the VSM by using the show license usage command. See Example 5-1 on page 5-5 . If there is a license file with the same name, rename your new license file to something else.
  • Do not edit the contents of the license file. If you have already done so, contact your Cisco Customer Support Account Team.
  • Make sure that the host ID in the license file is the same as the host ID on the switch by using the show license host-id command and the show license file command. See Example 5-3 on page 5-6 and Example 5-4 on page 5-6 .

Problems with Licenses

The following are symptoms, possible causes, and solutions for problems with licenses.

Possible Causes

When you power on a virtual machine with ports on a Cisco Nexus 1000V port group, the interfaces do not come up, but display the following status:

vse Unlicensed

A license could not be obtained for the server (VSE) where the virtual machine resides.

1.blank.gif Verify the license usage.

show license usage license_name

See Example 5-1 on page 5-5 .

2.blank.gif Determine the number of licenses required by viewing the sockets installed on the VSE.

show module vse license-info

See Example 5-8 on page 5-7 .

3.blank.gif Contact your Cisco Customer Support Account Team to acquire additional licenses.

You see the following system message:

2008 Dec 19 22:28:30 N1KV %PLATFORM-2-PFM_LIC_WARN_EXP: WARNING License for VSEs is about to expire in 1 days! The VSEs' VNICS will be brought down if license is allowed to expire. Please contact your Cisco account team or partner to purchase Licenses. To activate your purchased licenses, click on

The default or evaluation license in use is about to expire.

Note Permanent licenses do not expire.

1.blank.gif Verify the license usage.

show license usage license_name

See Example 5-1 on page 5-5 .

2.blank.gif Contact your Cisco Customer Support Account Team to acquire additional licenses.

You see the following system message:

%LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_USAGE: Feature NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG is using 17 licenses, only 16 licenses are installed.

More licenses are being used than are installed.

1.blank.gif Verify the license usage.

show license usage license_name

See Example 5-1 on page 5-5 .

2.blank.gif Contact your Cisco Customer Support Account Team to acquire additional licenses.

VSEs fails to acquire licenses even though the show license usage command shows there are enough licenses available. The following syslog messages are seen:

2014 Jun 7 20:15:36 vsm-demo LICMGR-3-LOG_LIC_CHECKOUT_FAIL_BAD_CLOCK: License checkout failed for feature NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG(VSE 3 - Socket 1(1.0)) because system clock has been set back. Please set the clock to the correct value.
2014 Jun 7 20:15:36 vsm-demo VSE_MGR-2-VSE_MGR_UNLICENSED: License for VSE 3 could not be obtained. Please contact your Cisco account team or partner to purchase Licenses or downgrade to Essential Edition. To activate your purchased licenses, click on

The clock has been changed back manually or through NTP, which has invalidated evaluation licenses. The problem is seen even if there are enough permanent licenses available to license the VSEs as long as evaluation licenses are present. You can look for the following syslog message to find the time when the clock changed:

2014 Jun 7 20:15:24 vsm-demo VSE_MGR-5-VSE_MGR_CLOCK_CHANGE: Clock setting has been changed on the system. Please be aware that, in Advanced edition, clock changes will force a recheckout of all existing VSE licenses. During this recheckout procedure, licensed VSEs which are offline will lose their licenses.

1.blank.gif Undo the clock change using the clock set command or uninstall all evaluation licenses using the clear license command.

2.blank.gif Ensure there are enough permanent licenses available before uninstalling evaluation licenses.

3.blank.gif Verify that the modules are licensed using the show module VSE license-info command.

License Troubleshooting Commands

You can use the commands in this section to troubleshoot problems related to licenses.



show module vse license-info

Displays the VSE license information including the license type, license status, license version, and socket count.

See Example 5-8 on page 5-7 .

show license usage [ license_name ]

Displays information about the licenses and where they are used. If displayed for a specific license, indicates VSE and socket information.

See Example 5-1 on page 5-5 .

show interface veth

Displays the messages logged about port profile events within the Cisco Nexus 1000V.

See Example 5-2 on page 5-6 .

show license host-id

Displays the serial number for your Cisco Nexus 1000V license.

See Example 5-3 on page 5-6 .

show license file

Displays the contents of a named license file.

See Example 5-4 on page 5-6 .

svs license transfer src-vse VSE no license_pool

Transfers the licenses from a VSE to the license pool.

See Example 5-5 on page 5-6 .

show license brief

Displays the version and license count information for each license file.

See Example 5-6 on page 5-6 .

show switch edition

Displays the switch edition, advanced feature status, license expiry, module and virtual Ethernet scale.

Example 5-7 on page 5-7 .

For detailed information about show command output, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Command Reference.


Example 5-1 show license usage license_name Command

switch# show license usage NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG
Feature Usage Info
Installed Licenses : 10
Eval Licenses : 0
Max Overdraft Licenses : 16
Installed Licenses in Use : 4
Overdraft Licenses in Use : 0
Eval Licenses in Use : 0
Licenses Available : 22
VSE 3 - Socket 1
VSE 3 - Socket 2
VSE 4 - Socket 1
VSE 4 - Socket 2

Example 5-2 show interface vethernet Command

switch# show int veth1
Vethernet1 is down (VSE Unlicensed)
Port description is VM-Pri, Network Adapter 1
Hardware is Virtual, address is 0050.56b7.1c7b
Owner is VM "VM-Pri", adapter is Network Adapter 1
Active on module 5
VMware DVS port 32
Port-Profile is dhcp-profile
Port mode is access
5002 Input Packets 4008 Unicast Packets
85 Multicast Packets 909 Broadcast Packets
846478 Bytes
608046 Output Packets 17129 Unicast Packets
502543 Multicast Packets 88374 Broadcast Packets 0 Flood Packets
38144480 Bytes
20 Input Packet Drops 0 Output Packet Drops

Example 5-3 show license host-id Command

switch# show license host-id
License hostid: VDH=8449368321243879080

Example 5-4 show license file Command

switch# show license file sample.lic
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
INCREMENT NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG cisco 3.0 permanent 16 \
HOSTID=VDH=8449368321243879080 \
NOTICE="<LicFileID>sample.lic</LicFileID><LicLineID>0</LicLineID> \
<PAK>dummyPak</PAK>" SIGN=34FCB2B24AE8

Example 5-5 svs license transfer src-vse vse no license_pool Command

switch# svs license transfer src-vse 3 license_pool

Example 5-6 show license brief Command

switch# show license brief
File Name Feature Name Version Count Expiry
eval.lic NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG 1.0 17 3-nov-2014
eval0715.lic NEXUS1000VE_LAN_SERVICES_PKG 3.0 17 15-jul-2015
show switch edition (purpose: Displays the switch edition, advanced feature status, license expiry and module and veth scale)

Example 5-7 show switch edition Command

switch# show switch edition
Switch Edition: ADVANCED (3.0)
Feature Status
Name State Licensed In version
cts enabled Y 1.0
dhcp-snooping disabled Y 1.0
vxlan-gateway enabled Y 1.0
bgp disabled Y 3.0
bpduguard disabled Y 3.0
License Status
Edition Available In Use Expiry Date
Advanced 17 0 03 Nov 2014
Scale Support
Edition Modules Virtual Ports
Advanced 256 12288

Example 5-8 show module vse license-info Command

n100v# show module vse license-info
Licenses are Sticky
Mod Socket Count License Usage Count License Version License Status
--- ------------ ------------------- --------------- --------------
3 2 2 3.0 licensed
4 2 2 3.0 licensed