VSM and VSE Modules

This chapter describes how to identify and resolve problems that relate to modules and includes the following sections:

Information About Modules

The Cisco Nexus 1000VE manages a data center defined by a VirtualCenter. Each server in the data center is represented as a module in the Cisco Nexus 1000VE and can be managed as if it were a module in a physical Cisco switch.

The Cisco Nexus 1000VE implementation has two parts:

  • Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM)—Control software of the Cisco Nexus 1000VE distributed virtual switch. It runs on a virtual machine (VM) and is based on NX-OS software.
  • Virtual Service Engine (VSE)—Part of the Cisco Nexus 1000VE that actually switches data traffic. It runs as a VM on a VMware ESX host. Several VSEs are controlled by one VSM. All the VSEs that form a switch domain should be in the same virtual data center as defined by VMware VirtualCenter.

Troubleshooting a Module Not Coming Up on the VSM

This section includes the following topics:

Guidelines for Troubleshooting Modules

Follow these guidelines when troubleshooting a module controlled by the VSM.

  • You must have a VSE VM and a VSM up and running.
  • Make sure that you are running compatible versions of vCenter Server and VSM.

For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000VE Compatibility Information .

  • To verify network connectivity between the VSM and vCenter Server, ping the IP address of vCenter Server. If you are using a domain name service (DNS) name, use the DNS name in the ping. If a ping to vCenter Server fails, check to see if you can ping the gateway. Otherwise, check the mgmt0 interface configuration settings.
  • Make sure that the firewall settings are OFF on the vCenter Server. If you want the firewall settings, and check to see if these ports are open:

blank.gif Port 80

blank.gif Port 443

  • If you see the following error, verify that the VSM extension was created from vCenter Server:

blank.gif ERROR: [VMware vCenter Server 4.0.0 build-150489]
Extension key was not registered before its use

To verity that the extension or plugin was created, see the “Finding the Extension Key on the Cisco Nexus 1000VE” section.

For more information about extension keys or plugins, see the “Managing Extension Keys” section.

blank.gif ERROR: Datacenter not found

  • For a list of terms used with the Cisco Nexus 1000VE, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Getting Started Guide.

Flowchart for Troubleshooting Modules

Use the following flowchart to troubleshoot modules.

Flowchart: Troubleshooting Modules



Problems with the VSM

The following are symptoms, possible causes, and solutions for problems with the VSM.


Possible Causes

You see the following error on the VSM:

ERROR: [VMware vCenter Server 4.0.0 build-150489]
Extension key was not registered before its use

A extension or plug-in was not created for the VSM.

1.blank.gif Verify that the extension or plugin was created.

Finding the Extension Key Tied to a Specific DVS

2.blank.gif If the plug-in is not found, create one using the following procedure in the Cisco Nexus 1000V Getting Started Guide :

Creating a Cisco Nexus 1000VE Plug-In on the vCenter Server

Following a reboot of the VSM, the system stops functioning in one of the following states and does not recover on its own. Attempts to debug fail.



After boot, VSM is in loader prompt.

Corrupt VSM kickstart image.

1.blank.gif Boot the VSM from the CD ROM.

2.blank.gif From the CD Boot menu,
choose Option 1, Install Nexus1000ve and bring up new image.

Follow the VSM installation procedure.

Boot variables are not set.

1.blank.gif Boot the VSM from the CD ROM.

2.blank.gif From the CD Boot menu,
choose Option 3, Install Nexus1000v e only if the disk unformatted and bring up new image.

3.blank.gif Set the boot variables used to boot the VSM:

boot system bootflash: system-boot-variable-name

boot kickstart bootflash: kickstart-boot-variable-name

4.blank.gif Reload the VSM.


After boot, VSM is in boot prompt.

Corrupt VSM system image.

1.blank.gif Boot the VSM from the CD ROM.

2.blank.gif From the CD Boot menu,
choose Option 1, Install Nexus1000ve and bring up new image.

3.blank.gif Follow the VSM installation procedure.

After boot, VSM is reconfigured.

Startup configuration is deleted.

Do one of the following:

  • If you have a saved backup copy of your configuration file, restore the configuration on the VSM.

copy source filesystem: filename system:running-config

  • If not, reconfigure the VSM using the following section in the Cisco Nexus 1000V Getting Started Guide :

Setting Up the Software

After boot, VSM is stopped at “Loader Loading.”

Corrupt boot menu file.

1.blank.gif Boot the VSM from the CD ROM.

2.blank.gif From the CD Boot menu,
choose Option 3, Install Nexus1000ve only if the disk unformatted and bring up new image.

3.blank.gif Do one of the following:

  • If you have a saved backup copy of your configuration file, restore the configuration on the VSM.

copy source filesystem: filename system:running-config

  • If not, reconfigure the VSM using the following section in the Cisco Nexus 1000V Getting Started Guide :

Setting Up the Software

After boot, the secondary VSM reboots continuously.

Control VLAN or control interface down

Check control connectivity between the active and the standby VSM.

Active and standby VSMs fail to synchronize.

From the active VSM, check system manager errors to identify which application caused the failure.

show system internal sysmgr event-history errors

show logging

Verifying the VSM Is Connected to vCenter Server

You can use the following procedure to verify that the VSM is connected to vCenter Server.

Step 1blank.gif Verify the connection between the VSM and vCenter Server.

show svs connections

The output should indicate that the operational status is Connected.

switch# show svs connections
connection vc:
hostname: -
ip address:
ipv6 address: -
remote port: 80
transport type: ipv4
vrf: management
protocol: vmware-vim https
certificate: default
datacenter name: hamilton-DC
max-ports: 12000
extension key: Cisco_Nexus_1000V_342482929
DVS uuid: 50 12 e0 5d 1c 63 22 76-7b 77 69 b7 27 dc 0c 2e
dvs version: 5.0.0
config status: Enabled
operational status: Connected
sync status: Complete
version: VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 build-4602587
vc-uuid: d06e96b6-55e7-4cf8-9f85-511b4bdafe06
ssl-cert: self-signed or not authenticated

This output indicates the ipg created

1. ng-vsm# sh ipg-info
Name VlanId PortGroupKey
~ipg47 47 dvportgroup-1469
~ipg3 3 dvportgroup-1425
~ipg2058 2058 dvportgroup-1484
~ipg4 4 dvportgroup-1426
~ipg2059 2059 dvportgroup-1485
~ipg5 5 dvportgroup-1427
~ipg6 6 dvportgroup-1428
~ipg7 7 dvportgroup-1429
~ipg43 43 dvportgroup-1465
~ipg8 8 dvportgroup-1430........
****IPG Creation is complete****

The output indicate the IPG range

ng-vsm# sh dc clusters
Global Internal IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:1-50,
inside-trunk 2:2047-2096,
Cluster DefaultCluster free IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:1-50,
inside-trunk 2:2047-2096,
Cluster DefaultCluster used IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:,
inside-trunk 2:,

Step 2blank.gif Do one of the following:

Step 3blank.gif Connect to vCenter Server.

config t

svs connection connection_name


switch# conf t
switch(config)# svs connection HamiltonDC
switch(config-svs-conn)# connect
ERROR: [VMWARE-VIM] Extension-key/username-password pair needs to be configured before connect
switch# register-plugin remote username XXX password XXX

Step 4blank.gif Do one of the following:

  • If you see an error message about the username-password or extension key, continue with the next Step 8.
  • If you see an error indicating that the DVS already exists in the show vms internal error output, go to Step 8.
  • If there are no errors, go to Step 8.

Step 5blank.gif Do the following:

Step 6blank.gif Use the remote username CLI to provide vCenter credentials to the VSM and go to Step 9.

switch# conf t
switch# svs connection HamiltonDC
switch (config-svs-conn)# remote username administrator@vsphere.local password Abcd@1234

Step 7blank.gif Use the register-plugin CLI to register VSM extension key with the vCenter and go to Step 9.

switch# conf t
switch# svs connection HamiltonDC
switch (config-svs-conn)# register-plugin remote username administrator@vsphere.local password Abcd@1234

Step 8blank.gif Use the vmware dvs CLI to provide the UUID and datacenter name of the existing DVS. The DVS UUID can be obtained by pointing your web browser to https://your-vCenter-IP/mob and then navigating to the VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch object corresponding to your DVS.

switch# conf t
switch# svs connection HamiltonDC
switch (config-svs-conn)# vmware dvs uuid "50 12 e0 5d 1c 63 22 76-7b 77 69 b7 27 dc 0c 2e" datacenter-name hamilton-dc

Step 9blank.gif Verify the connection between the VSM and vCenter Server.

show svs connections

The output should indicate that the operational status is Connected.

switch# show svs connections
connection vc:
hostname: -
ip address:
ipv6 address: -
remote port: 80
transport type: ipv4
vrf: management
protocol: vmware-vim https
certificate: default
datacenter name: hamilton-DC
max-ports: 12000
extension key: Cisco_Nexus_1000V_342482929
DVS uuid: 50 12 e0 5d 1c 63 22 76-7b 77 69 b7 27 dc 0c 2e
dvs version: 5.0.0
config status: Enabled
operational status: Connected
sync status: Complete
version: VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 build-4602587
vc-uuid: d06e96b6-55e7-4cf8-9f85-511b4bdafe06
ssl-cert: self-signed or not authenticated

Step 10blank.gif Do one of the following:


Verifying Internal Port Group (IPG) Information

You can verify the information about the internal group (IGP).


  • Log in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

Step 1blank.gif On the VSM, verify the IPG configuration.

This command helps in checking if the IPG was created on the VC.

show ipg-info

switch# sh ipg-info
Name VlanId PortGroupKey
~ipg47 47 dvportgroup-1469
~ipg3 3 dvportgroup-1425
~ipg2058 2058 dvportgroup-1484
~ipg4 4 dvportgroup-1426
~ipg2059 2059 dvportgroup-1485
~ipg5 5 dvportgroup-1427
~ipg6 6 dvportgroup-1428
~ipg7 7 dvportgroup-1429......
****IPG Creation is complete****

Verifying the VSM Is Configured Correctly

This section includes the following topics:

Verifying the Domain Configuration

You can verify the domain configuration.


  • Log in to the CLI in EXEC mode.
  • Verify that the output of the show svs domain command indicates the following:

blank.gif The presence of a control VLAN and a packet VLAN.

blank.gif The domain configuration was successfully pushed to VC.

Step 1blank.gif On the VSM, verify the domain configuration.

show svs domain

switch# show svs domain
SVS domain config:
Domain id: 888
Control vlan: NA
Packet vlan: NA
L2/L3 Control mode: L3
Switch guid: 3a452e9b-a777-4a1f-ab28-c7312399a9a8
L3 control interface: mgmt0
Status: Config push to Management Server successful.
Control type multicast: No
L3Sec Status: Enabled
Note: Control VLAN and Packet VLAN are not used in L3 mode


Verifying the System Port Profile Configuration

You can verify the port profile configuration.


  • Log in to the CLI in EXEC mode.
  • Verify that the output of the show port-profile name command indicates the following:

blank.gif The control and packet VLANs are assigned.

blank.gif The port profile is enabled.

blank.gif If you have configured a non-default system MTU setting, check that it is the correct size.

Step 1blank.gif On the VSM, verify the system port profile configuration.

show port-profile name system-port-profile-name

switch# show port-profile name SystemUplink
port-profile SystemUplink
type: ethernet
status: enabled
capability l3control: no
pinning control-vlan: -
pinning packet-vlan: -
system vlans: 114,115
port-group: SystemUplink
max ports: 32
config attributes:
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
system mtu 1500
no shutdown
evaluated config attributes:
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
no shutdown
assigned interfaces:


Checking the vCenter Server Configuration

You can verify the configuration on vCenter Server.

Step 1blank.gif Confirm that the host is added to the data center and the Cisco Nexus 1000VE DVS in that data center.

Step 2blank.gif Confirm that at least one pnic of the server that hosts the VSE is assigned to uplink portgroup on external vDS.

Step 3blank.gif Confirm that the three VSM vnics are assigned to the port groups that contain the control VLAN, packet VLAN, and management network.


Checking Network Connectivity Between the VSM and the VSE

You can verify the network connectivity between the VSM and the VSE.

Step 1blank.gif On the VSM, find its MAC address.

show svs neighbors

The VSM MAC address displays as the AIPC Interface MAC.

The user VSM Agent MAC address of the host displays as the Src MAC.

switch# show svs neighbors
Active Domain ID: 1030
AIPC Interface MAC: 0050-568e-58b7
inband/outband Interface MAC: 0050-568e-2a39
Src MAC Type Domain-id Node-id Last learnt (Sec. ago)
0002-3d44-0602 VSM 1024 0302 261058.59

Step 2blank.gif Do one of the following:

  • If the output of the show svs neighbors command in Step 1 does not display the VSM MAC address, there is a problem with connectivity between the server hosting the VSM and the upstream switch. Recheck the VSM configuration and vCenter Server configuration.
  • Otherwise, continue with the next step.

Step 3blank.gif On the upstream switch, display the MAC address table to verify the network configuration.

switch# show mac address-table interface Gi3/1 vlan 3002
Legend: * - primary entry
age - seconds since last seen
n/a - not available
vlan mac address type learn age ports
Active Supervisor:
* 3002 0050.56be.7ca7 dynamic Yes 0 Gi3/1
switch# show mac address-table interface Gi3/2 vlan 3002
Legend: * - primary entry
age - seconds since last seen
n/a - not available
vlan mac address type learn age ports
Active Supervisor:
* 3002 00:02:3d:40:0b:0c dynamic Yes 0 Gi3/2

Step 4blank.gif Do one of the following:

  • If the output from Step 3 does not display the MAC address of the VSM, then there is a problem with connectivity between the server hosting the VSM and the upstream switch. Recheck the VSM configuration and vCenter Server configuration.
  • Otherwise, continue with the next step.

Step 5blank.gif Do one of the following:


Checking the VSM Configuration

You can verify that the ESX host received the VSM configuration and setup.

Step 1blank.gif On the VSE, On the VSE, verify that the vemfwd and the vssdpa processes are running.

systemctl status nexus1000v

cisco-vse:~# systemctl status nexus1000v
? nexus1000v.service - Cisco Nexus 1000V VSE
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nexus1000v.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-06-30 00:41:11 PDT; 1 weeks 2 days ago
Process: 25378 ExecStop=/opt/cisco/n1kv/scripts/n1kv stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 25411 (n1kv)
CGroup: /system.slice/nexus1000v.service
+-25411 /bin/bash /opt/cisco/n1kv/scripts/n1kv start
+-25475 /sbin/vemfwd -c 1 -- -p 7 --config="(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(2,0,0),(2,1,0)" --txq-per-port=4
+-25576 /sbin/vssdpa-proto.bin -f

Step 2blank.gif Verify that the domain ID and the other parameters are configured correctly on the VSE.

vemcmd show card

~ # vemcmd show card
Card UUID type 2: 58f8afd7-e1e3-3c51-85e2-6e6f2819a7b8
Card name: sfish-srvr-1
Switch name: switch
Switch alias: DvsPortset-0
Switch uuid: 56 e0 36 50 91 1c 32 7a-e9 9f 31 59 88 0c 7f 76
Card domain: 1024
Card slot: 4
VSM Control (Control VLAN) MAC: 00:02:3d:14:00:03
VSM Packet (inband/outband) MAC: 00:02:3d:24:00:03
VSM Control Agent (DPA) MAC: 00:02:3d:44:00:03
VSM SPAN MAC: 00:02:3d:34:00:03
Management IP address:
Max physical ports: 32
Max virtual ports: 216
Card control VLAN: 3002
Card packet VLAN: 3003
Processors: 4
Processor Cores: 4
Processor Sockets: 2
Physical Memory: 4290351104

Step 3blank.gif Verify that the ports of the host added to the DVS are listed and that the ports are correctly configured as access or trunk on the host.

vemcmd show port
~ # vemcmd show port
LTL IfIndex Vlan Bndl SG_ID Pinned_SGID Type Admin State CBL Mode Name
8 0 3969 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 1 Access l20
9 0 3969 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 1 Access l21
10 0 3002 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 1 Access l22
11 0 3968 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 1 Access l23
12 0 3003 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 1 Access l24
13 0 1 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 0 Access l25
14 0 3967 0 2 2 VIRT UP UP 1 Access l26
16 1a030100 1 T 0 2 2 PHYS UP UP 1 Trunk vmnic1

The last line of output indicates that vmnic1 should be in Trunk mode, with the CBL value of 1. The CBL value of the native VLAN does not have to be 1. It will be 0 if it is not allowed, or 1 if it is VLAN 1 and not allowed. This issue is not a problem unless the native VLAN is the Control VLAN.The Admin state and Port state should be UP.

Step 4blank.gif Verify that the vmnic port that is supposed to carry the control VLAN and packet VLAN is present.

vemcmd show bd control_vlan
vemcmd show bd packet_vlan
~ # vemcmd show bd 3002
BD 3002, vdc 1, vlan 3002, 2 ports
10 l22
16 vmnic1
~ # vemcmd show bd 3003
BD 3003, vdc 1, vlan 3003, 2 ports
12 l24
16 vmnic1


Collecting Logs

After you have verified network connectivity between the VSM and the VSE, you can use the following procedure to collect log files to help identify the problem.

Step 1blank.gif On the VSM, verify its UUID.

vemcmd show card info
~ # vemcmd show card info
Card UUID type 0: 4908a717-7d86-d28b-7d69-001a64635d18
Card name: sfish-srvr-7
Switch name: switch
Switch uuid: 50 84 06 50 81 36 4c 22-9b 4e c5 3e 1f 67 e5 ff
Card domain: 11
Card slot: 12
Control VLAN MAC: 00:02:3d:10:0b:0c
inband/outband MAC: 00:02:3d:20:0b:0c
SPAN MAC: 00:02:3d:30:0b:0c
USER DPA MAC: 00:02:3d:40:0b:0c
Management IP address:
Max physical ports: 16
Max virtual ports: 32
Card control VLAN: 3002
Card packet VLAN: 3003

Step 2blank.gif On the VSM, verify the module number to which the corresponding UUID entry is mapped.

show module vse mapping
switch# show module vse mapping
Mod Status UUID License Status
--- ----------- ------------------------------------ --------------
60 absent 33393935-3234-5553-4538-35314e355400 unlicensed
66 powered-up 33393935-3234-5553-4538-35314e35545a licensed

Step 3blank.gif Using the module number from Step 2, collect the output of the following commands:

  • show system internal vem_mgr event-history module 13
  • show module internal event-history module 13
  • show system internal im event-history module 13
  • show system internal vmm event-history module 13
  • show system internal ethpm event-history module 13



Noteblank.gif If you need to contact Cisco TAC for assistance in resolving an issue, you will need the output of the commands listed in Step 3.

VSM and VSE Troubleshooting Commands

You can use the commands in this section to troubleshoot problems related to VSM.



show svs neighbors

Displays all neighbors.

See Example 7-1 on page 7-16 .

show svs connections

Displays the Cisco Nexus 1000VE connections.

See Example 7-2 on page 7-16 .

show svs domain

Displays the domain configuration.

See Example 7-3 on page 7-16 .

show port-profile name name

Displays the configuration for a named port profile.

See Example 7-4 on page 7-17 .

show running-config vlan vlanID

Displays the VLAN information in the running configuration.

See Example 7-5 on page 7-17 .

show mac address-table interface

Displays the MAC address table on an upstream switch to verify the network configuration.

module vse module_number

Displays the VLAN configuration on the VSM to verify that the VSM MAC appears in the control and packet VLANs.

vemcmd show card

Displays information about cards on the VSM to verify that the domain ID, control VLANs, and packet VLANs are configured correctly on the host.

See Example 7-7 on page 7-17 .

vemcmd show port [ port-LTL-number ]

Displays information about ports on the VSM to verify that the ports of the host added to the DVS are listed and that the ports are correctly configured as access or trunk on the host.

See Example 7-8 on page 7-18 .

vemcmd show bd [ control_vlan_id | packet_vlan_id]

Displays configured information on the VSM to verify that the VM NIC port that is supposed to carry the control VLAN and packet VLAN is present.

See Example 7-10 on page 7-18 .

vemcmd show trunk

Displays configured information on the VSM to verify that the DV port groups are successfully pushed from vCenter Server to the host and that the correct physical trunk port VM NIC is used.

See Example 7-11 on page 7-19 .

show module vse mapping

Displays information about the VSM that a VSM maps to, including the VSM module number, status, UUID, and license status.

See Example 7-12 on page 7-19 .

show system internal vem_mgr event-history module 13 module-number

Displays module FSM event information.

show module internal event-history module module-number

Displays the event log for a module.

show system internal im event-history module module-number

Displays the module IM event logs for the system.

show system internal vmm event-history module module-number

Displays the module VMM event logs for the system.

show system internal ethpm event-history module module-number

Displays the module Ethernet event logs for the system.

show system internal ethpm event-history int type slot

Displays the Ethernet interface logs for the system.

Example 7-1 show svs neighbors Command

switch# show svs neighbors
Active Domain ID: 113
AIPC Interface MAC: 0050-56b6-2bd3
inband/outband Interface MAC: 0050-56b6-4f2d
Src MAC Type Domain-id Node-id Last learnt (Sec. ago)
0002-3d40-7102 VSM 113 0302 71441.12
0002-3d40-7103 VSM 113 0402 390.77

Example 7-2 show svs connections Command

switch# show svs connections
connection vc:
hostname: -
ip address:
ipv6 address: -
remote port: 80
transport type: ipv4
vrf: management
protocol: vmware-vim https
certificate: default
datacenter name: hamilton-DC
max-ports: 12000
extension key: Cisco_Nexus_1000V_342482929
DVS uuid: 50 12 e0 5d 1c 63 22 76-7b 77 69 b7 27 dc 0c 2e
dvs version: 5.0.0
config status: Enabled
operational status: Connected
sync status: Complete
version: VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 build-4602587
vc-uuid: d06e96b6-55e7-4cf8-9f85-511b4bdafe06
ssl-cert: self-signed or not authenticated

Example 7-3 show svs domain Command

switch# show svs domain
SVS domain config:
Domain id: 888
Control vlan: NA
Packet vlan: NA
L2/L3 Control mode: L3
Switch guid: 3a452e9b-a777-4a1f-ab28-c7312399a9a8
L3 control interface: mgmt0
Status: Config push to Management Server successful.
Control type multicast: No
L3Sec Status: Enabled
Note: Control VLAN and Packet VLAN are not used in L3 mode

Example 7-4 show port-profile Command

switch# show port-profile name SystemUplink
port-profile SystemUplink
type: ethernet
status: enabled
capability l3control: no
pinning control-vlan: -
pinning packet-vlan: -
system vlans: 114,115
port-group: SystemUplink
max ports: 32
config attributes:
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
system mtu 1500
no shutdown
evaluated config attributes:
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
no shutdown
assigned interfaces:

Example 7-5 show running-configuration vlan Command

switch# show running-config vlan 260-261
version 4.0(4)SV1(3)
vlan 260
name cp_control
vlan 261
name cp_packet

Example 7-6 VSM-health check Command

switch# VSM-health check
switch# show running-config vlan 220-221
version 5.2(1)SV5(1.1)
vlan 220-221
vlan 220
name mgmt
vlan 221
name system

Example 7-7 vemcmd show card Command

switch# vemcmd show card
Card UUID type 2: 58f8afd7-e1e3-3c51-85e2-6e6f2819a7b8
Card name: sfish-srvr-1
Switch name: switch
Switch alias: DvsPortset-0
Switch uuid: 56 e0 36 50 91 1c 32 7a-e9 9f 31 59 88 0c 7f 76
Card domain: 1024
Card slot: 4
VSM Control (Control VLAN) MAC: 00:02:3d:14:00:03
VSM Packet (inband/outband) MAC: 00:02:3d:24:00:03
VSM Control Agent (DPA) MAC: 00:02:3d:44:00:03
VSM SPAN MAC: 00:02:3d:34:00:03
Management IP address:
Max physical ports: 32
Max virtual ports: 216
Card control VLAN: 3002
Card packet VLAN: 3003
Processors: 4
Processor Cores: 4
Processor Sockets: 2
Physical Memory: 4290351104

Example 7-8 vemcmd show port Command

switch# vemcmd show port
switch# vemcmd show port
LTL VSM Port Admin Link State PC-LTL SGID Vem Port Type ORG svcpath Owner
21 Eth3/1 UP UP F/B* 0 eth1 0 0 dpdk-outside
53 Veth2 UP UP FWD 0 test-vm1.eth1 0 0 test-vm1
54 Veth1 UP UP FWD 0 test-vm2.eth1 0 0 test-vm2
* F/B: Port is BLOCKED on some of the vlans.
One or more vlans are either not created or
not in the list of allowed vlans for this port.
Please run "vemcmd show port vlans" to see the details.

Example 7-9 vemcmd show port vlans Command

switch# vemcmd show port vlans
switch# vemcmd show port vlans
Native VLAN Allowed
LTL VSM Port Mode VLAN State* Vlans
21 Eth3/1 T 1 FWD 220-229
53 Veth2 A 222 FWD 222
54 Veth1 A 223 FWD 223
* VLAN State: VLAN State represents the state of allowed vlans.
switch #

Noteblank.gif The output *F/B The port is blocked on some of the VLANs means that the trunk is not forwarding all VLANs. This might be a normal situation depending on the port profile allowed VLAN list. Compare the output of the vemcmd show port vlans command against the port profile trunk allowed VLANs. If the lists match, all of the expected VLANs are forwarding and the Cisco Nexus 1000VE is blocking nonallowed VLANs.

Example 7-10 vemcmd show vlan Command

switch# vemcmd show vlan
switch vemcmd show vlan 222
VLAN 222, vdc 1, swbd 222, hwbd 6, 2 ports
21 eth1
53 test-vm1.eth1

Example 7-11 vemcmd show trunk Command

switch# vemcmd show trunk
switch# vemcmd show trunk
Trunk port 6 native_vlan 1 CBL 1
vlan(1) cbl 1, vlan(3972) cbl 1, vlan(3970) cbl 1, vlan(3968) cbl 1, vlan(3971) cbl 1, vlan(222) cbl 1, vlan(220) cbl 1, vlan(221) cbl 1, vlan(223) cbl 1, vlan(224) cbl 1, vlan(225) cbl 1, vlan(226) cbl 1, vlan(227) cbl 1, vlan(228) cbl 1, vlan(229) cbl 1,
Trunk port 16 native_vlan 1 CBL 1
vlan(1) cbl 1, vlan(3972) cbl 1, vlan(3970) cbl 1, vlan(3968) cbl 1, vlan(3971) cbl 1, vlan(222) cbl 1, vlan(220) cbl 1, vlan(221) cbl 1, vlan(223) cbl 1, vlan(224) cbl 1, vlan(225) cbl 1, vlan(226) cbl 1, vlan(227) cbl 1, vlan(228) cbl 1, vlan(229) cbl 1,
Trunk port 21 native_vlan 1 CBL 0
vlan(222) cbl 1, vlan(220) cbl 1, vlan(221) cbl 1, vlan(223) cbl 1, vlan(224) cbl 1, vlan(225) cbl 1, vlan(226) cbl 1, vlan(227) cbl 1, vlan(228) cbl 1, vlan(229) cbl 1,

Example 7-12 show module vse mapping Command

switch# show module vse mapping
Mod Status UUID License Status
--- ----------- ------------------------------------ --------------
60 absent 33393935-3234-5553-4538-35314e355400 unlicensed
66 powered-up 33393935-3234-5553-4538-35314e35545a licensed

Example 7-13 show ipg-info

switch# show ipg-info
Desc : shows internal port-group info created on VC
Name VlanId PortGroupKey
~ipg47 47 dvportgroup-1469
~ipg3 3 dvportgroup-1425
~ipg2058 2058 dvportgroup-1484
~ipg4 4 dvportgroup-1426
~ipg2059 2059 dvportgroup-1485
~ipg5 5 dvportgroup-1427
~ipg6 6 dvportgroup-1428
~ipg7 7 dvportgroup-1429
~ipg43 43 dvportgroup-1465
~ipg8 8 dvportgroup-1430
~ipg2070 2070 dvportgroup-1496
~ipg1 1 dvportgroup-1423
~ipg2 2 dvportgroup-1424
~ipg46 46 dvportgroup-1468
~ipg9 9 dvportgroup-1431
~ipg2071 2071 dvportgroup-1497
~ipg10 10 dvportgroup-1432
~ipg2068 2068 dvportgroup-1494
~ipg11 11 dvportgroup-1433
~ipg2069 2069 dvportgroup-1495
~ipg2084 2084 dvportgroup-1510
~ipg12 12 dvportgroup-1434
~ipg2066 2066 dvportgroup-1492
~ipg2056 2056 dvportgroup-1482
~ipg2057 2057 dvportgroup-1483
~ipg2065 2065 dvportgroup-1491
~ipg15 15 dvportgroup-1437
~ipg2067 2067 dvportgroup-1493
~ipg13 13 dvportgroup-1435
~ipg2072 2072 dvportgroup-1498
~ipg50 50 dvportgroup-1472
~ipg2073 2073 dvportgroup-1499
~ipg2095 2095 dvportgroup-1521
~ipg2074 2074 dvportgroup-1500
~ipg2075 2075 dvportgroup-1501
~ipg2076 2076 dvportgroup-1502
~ipg2077 2077 dvportgroup-1503
~ipg2078 2078 dvportgroup-1504
~ipg19 19 dvportgroup-1441
~ipg2079 2079 dvportgroup-1505
~ipg18 18 dvportgroup-1440
~ipg2080 2080 dvportgroup-1506
~ipg21 21 dvportgroup-1443
~ipg2081 2081 dvportgroup-1507
~ipg20 20 dvportgroup-1442
~ipg2082 2082 dvportgroup-1508
~ipg2083 2083 dvportgroup-1509
~ipg44 44 dvportgroup-1466
~ipg45 45 dvportgroup-1467
~ipg48 48 dvportgroup-1470
~ipg49 49 dvportgroup-1471
~ipg26 26 dvportgroup-1448
~ipg27 27 dvportgroup-1449
~ipg28 28 dvportgroup-1450
~ipg29 29 dvportgroup-1451
~ipg30 30 dvportgroup-1452
~ipg31 31 dvportgroup-1453
~ipg32 32 dvportgroup-1454
~ipg14 14 dvportgroup-1436
~ipg16 16 dvportgroup-1438
~ipg17 17 dvportgroup-1439
~ipg33 33 dvportgroup-1455
~ipg34 34 dvportgroup-1456
~ipg35 35 dvportgroup-1457
~ipg36 36 dvportgroup-1458
~ipg37 37 dvportgroup-1459
~ipg38 38 dvportgroup-1460
~ipg22 22 dvportgroup-1444
~ipg23 23 dvportgroup-1445
~ipg24 24 dvportgroup-1446
~ipg25 25 dvportgroup-1447
~ipg39 39 dvportgroup-1461
~ipg40 40 dvportgroup-1462
~ipg41 41 dvportgroup-1463
~ipg2055 2055 dvportgroup-1481
~ipg2060 2060 dvportgroup-1486
~ipg2047 2047 dvportgroup-1473
~ipg2061 2061 dvportgroup-1487
~ipg2062 2062 dvportgroup-1488
~ipg2063 2063 dvportgroup-1489
~ipg2064 2064 dvportgroup-1490
~ipg42 42 dvportgroup-1464
~ipg2048 2048 dvportgroup-1474
~ipg2049 2049 dvportgroup-1475
~ipg2050 2050 dvportgroup-1476
~ipg2051 2051 dvportgroup-1477
~ipg2052 2052 dvportgroup-1478
~ipg2053 2053 dvportgroup-1479
~ipg2054 2054 dvportgroup-1480
~ipg2085 2085 dvportgroup-1511
~ipg2086 2086 dvportgroup-1512
~ipg2087 2087 dvportgroup-1513
~ipg2088 2088 dvportgroup-1514
~ipg2089 2089 dvportgroup-1515
~ipg2090 2090 dvportgroup-1516
~ipg2091 2091 dvportgroup-1517
~ipg2092 2092 dvportgroup-1518
~ipg2093 2093 dvportgroup-1519
~ipg2094 2094 dvportgroup-1520
~ipg2096 2096 dvportgroup-1522
****IPG Creation is complete****
show dc hosts vse

Example 7-14 show dc hosts vse

switch# show dc hosts vse
Desc: Show VSE IP and Host IP/Name mapping info
Internal IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:1-50,
inside-trunk 2:2047-2096,
VSE UUID : 564D5218-113F-3E4E-D034-E911AAC7FF0A

Example 7-15 show vms internal info host-table

switch# show vms internal info host-table
Desc : Display host info which are added to N1KVE-VDS
Host Table:
Lock acquired [0]
Hosts added/removed flag: [0]
Pending host filter update: [0]
Notification of hosts info pending flag: [0]
Hosts filter spec created flag: [1]
Hosts filter spec reference: [session[5206c9d7-e0d5-68e6-9586-ffcc815e2b05]527d4768-76d4-578d-b382-08773e162514]
VC checkforupdate version: [19]
# of host entries = 256
Host Index = 2
Host entry flags = [OLD], [4]
Host info for slot no = 2
Module Number : 3
Host UUID: [b7371ff4-f03f-3c40-b2b7-049ee68fc8a9]
VSE UUID: [564D5218-113F-3E4E-D034-E911AAC7FF0A]
IPv4 address: [], IPv6 address: [fe80::56a2:74ff:fe59:9b96], Hostname: []
VSE IPv4 address: [], VSE Hostname: [localhost.localdomain]
ref: [host-18]
Cluster mor: [domain-s16], Cluster name: []

Example 7-16 show vms internal info host-view

switch# show vms internal info host-view
Desc : Display all N1KVE port details from VC point of view
Slot #2
Host Name :
Host Ref : host-18
Host UUID : b7371ff4-f03f-3c40-b2b7-049ee68fc8a9
Host VSE IP :
Host Slot Num : 2
Module Num : 3
Host ID : 1
Cluster ID : 1
Host ID : 1
Cluster ID : 1
ipg_count for trunk 1 (1)
ipg_count for trunk 2 (1)
List VM(s)
VM Name : App-3
VM Ref : vm-25
VM UUID : 42087cc1-8aa7-c511-81e7-6423cf483e84
VM Inst UUID : 50082799-4901-f00e-49f7-9cd61d9913b1
VM ID : 1
VM Host Id : 1
VM ID : 1
VM Host Id : 1
Adapter List
State : IPG allocated
MAC Address : 00:50:56:88:44:59
Adapter Name : Network adapter 1
Port Key : Port-4000
DvPort : Portgroup-356
Port-Group Name : vm-313
State : IPG allocated
MAC Address : 00:50:56:88:52:d4
Adapter Name : Network adapter 2
Port Key : Port-4001
DvPort : Portgroup-388
VLAN TAG : 2047
Port-Group Name : vm-314

Example 7-17 show vms internal info ipg-profile-mapping

switch# show vms internal info ipg-profile-mapping
Desc : Show mapping between internal port-group and port-profile
Cluster id : 1, Cluster_ref : DefaultCluster
IpgName ~ipg1, Profile Id 8
IpgName ~ipg2047, Profile Id 9

Example 7-18 show dc clusters

switch# show dc clusters
Desc : Show ipg info per cluster basis
Global Internal IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:1-50,
inside-trunk 2:2047-2096,
Cluster DefaultCluster free IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:2-50,
inside-trunk 2:2048-2096,
Cluster DefaultCluster used IPG tags:
inside-trunk 1:1,
inside-trunk 2:2047,

Example 7-19 show vms internal info cluster-view

switch# show vms internal info cluster-view
Desc : Show cluster info as well as show mapping between internal port-group and port-mac
Cluster #1
Cluster Id : 1
Cluster Name : DefaultCluster
Cluster sync_flag : 1
Cluster Ref : DefaultCluster
Print the list of used cluster bits
Printing Mac address and ipg info of each cluster
Cluster Id: 1
Cluster Ref: DefaultCluster
~ipg Mac-address
~ipg1 00:50:56:88:44:59
~ipg2047 00:50:56:88:52:d4

Example 7-20 show vms internal info host-view module 3

switch# show vms internal info host-view module 3
Desc : Display all N1KVE port details on particular module from VC point of view
Slot #2
Host Name :
Host Ref : host-18
Host UUID : b7371ff4-f03f-3c40-b2b7-049ee68fc8a9
Host VSE IP :
Host Slot Num : 2
Module Num : 3
Host ID : 1
Cluster ID : 1
Host ID : 1
Cluster ID : 1
ipg_count for trunk 1 (1)
ipg_count for trunk 2 (1)
List VM(s)
VM Name : App-3
VM Ref : vm-25
VM UUID : 42087cc1-8aa7-c511-81e7-6423cf483e84
VM Inst UUID : 50082799-4901-f00e-49f7-9cd61d9913b1
VM ID : 1
VM Host Id : 1
VM ID : 1
VM Host Id : 1
Adapter List
State : IPG allocated
MAC Address : 00:50:56:88:44:59
Adapter Name : Network adapter 1
Port Key : Port-4000
DvPort : Portgroup-356
Port-Group Name : vm-313
State : IPG allocated
MAC Address : 00:50:56:88:52:d4
Adapter Name : Network adapter 2
Port Key : Port-4001
DvPort : Portgroup-388
VLAN TAG : 2047
Port-Group Name : vm-314

Example 7-21 show vms internal info ipg-duplicate

Desc : Show any duplicate internal port-group assigned to multiple ports per cluster
Cluster DefaultCluster: