M Commands
This chapter describes the Cisco NX-OS quality of service (QoS) commands that begin with M.
match access-group
To identify a specified access control list (ACL) group as a match criteria for a class map, use the match access-group command. To remove an ACL match criteria from a class map, use the no form of this command.
match access-group name acl-name
no match access-group name acl-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Class-map type qos configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines

Note The permit and deny ACL keywords do not affect the matching of packets.
This example shows how to create a qos class map that matches characteristics of the ACL my_acl:
class-map class_acl
Related Commands
match cos
To define the class of traffic using the class of service (CoS) value in a type qos class map, use the match cos command. To remove the match on the CoS value, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Specified CoS value or list of specified CoS values. Valid values are from 0 to 7. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Class-map type qos configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To specify a list of values, use one of the following options:
- Specify a range of values separated by a dash
- Specify a noncontiguous list of values separated by commas

Note Only class maps of type qos support the optional not keyword form of this command. Class maps of type queuing do not support the not keyword.
This example shows how to match on the CoS value for a type qos class map:
class-map class_acl
Related Commands
match dscp
To identify specific differentiated services code point (DSCP) values in the DiffServ field of the IP Header (either IPv4 or IPv6) as a match criteria, use the match dscp command. To remove specified DSCP values as a match criteria, use the no form of this command.
no match [ not ] dscp dscp-list
Syntax Description
Specified DSCP value or list of DSCP values. See Table 1 for a list of valid DSCP values. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Class-map type qos configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The standard DSCP values are shown in Table 1 .
To specify a list of values, use one of the following options:
This example shows how to match on DSCP value af21:
class-map my_test
Related Commands
match ip rtp
To configure a class map to use the Real-Time Protocol (RTP) port as a match criteria, use the match ip rtp command. To remove the RTP port as a match criteria, use the no form of this command.
match [ not ] ip rtp port-list
no match [ not ] ip rtp port-list
Syntax Description
Specified UDP port or list of UDP ports that are using RTP. Valid values range from 2000 to 65535. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Class-map type qos configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
To specify a list of values, use one of the following options:
This example shows how to match on a port using RTP:
class-map my_test
Related Commands
match precedence
To configure a class map to use the precedence value in the type of service (ToS) byte field of the IP header (either IPv4 or IPv6) as a match criteria, use the match precedence command. To remove the precedence values as a match criteria, use the no form of this command.
match [ not ] precedence precedence-list
no match [ not ] precedence precedence-list
Syntax Description
Specified IP precedence value or list of IP precedence values specified in bytes. Valid values are shown in Table 2 . |
Command Default
Command Modes
Class-map type qos configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
See Table 2 for a list of precedence values.
To specify a list of values, use one of the following options:
This example shows how to match on an IP precedence value:
class-map my_test
Related Commands
match protocol
To configure a class map to use a specific protocol as a match criterion, use the match protocol command. To remove the specified protocol as a match criteria, use the no form of this command.
match [ not ] protocol protocol-name
no match [ not ] protocol protocol-name
Syntax Description
Specified protocol name. Valid values are shown in Table 3 . |
Command Default
Command Modes
Class-map type qos configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The list of valid protocol names is shown in Table 3 .
To specify more than one protocol, enter the command more than once with the desired protocol value each time.
This example shows how to match on a specified protocol:
class-map my_test
Related Commands
match qos-group
To configure a class map to use a specific QoS group value as a match criterion, use the match qos-group command. To remove the specified protocol as a match criteria, use the no form of this command.
match [ not ] qos-group qos-group-list
no match [ not ] qos-group qos-group-list
Syntax Description
Specified Qos group value or list of QoS group values specified in bytes. Valid values are from 2 to 5. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Class map type network-qos configuration
Class map type queuing configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The QoS group is an internal label and is not part of the packet payload or any packet header. The QoS group values have no mathematical significance. For example, a QoS group value of 2 is not greater than 1; the values are used only to internally differentiate QoS groups. As such, this value has local significance only.
You match on the QoS group only in egress policies because its value is undefined until you set it in an ingress policy.
To specify a list of values, use one of the following options:
This example shows how to match on a specified QoS group value:
Related Commands
mtu (ERSPAN)
To set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for Encapsulated Remote Switched Port Analyzer (ERSPAN) packets in a monitor session, use the mtu command. To remove the configured MTU, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Maximum allowable MTU for ERSPAN packets in a monitor session. The range is from 64 to 1518 bytes. |
Command Default
Command Modes
ERSPAN session configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
ERSPAN packets larger than the specified allowable size for the monitor session are truncated.
This example shows how to set an MTU value for an ERSPAN session:
Related Commands
mtu (interface)
To configure the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for Layer 2 and Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces, use the mtu command. To remove the configured MTU, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
MTU value for the class of service (CoS). The range is from 64 to 9216.1500 to 9216. |
Command Default
Default MTU value is 1500. For FCoE cos 3, the default is 2158.
Command Modes
Policy map type network-qos class configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
You can configure an MTU for each virtual link in the system.
This example shows how to set an MTU value for a class in a type network-qos policy map:
Related Commands
To optimize a class to send multiple packets, use the multicast-optimize command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Policy map type network-qos class configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Multicast traffic in a class will be served by all available multicast queues.
Only one class in a policy map can be configured for multicast optimization.

Note On a Cisco Nexus 5548 switch, multicast optimization is enabled by default on the class-default class. You must remove it from the class-default class before enabling it on a user-defined class.
This example shows how to enable optimized multicast for a traffic class:
This example shows how to remove the multicast optimization from a traffic class:
Related Commands