O Commands

This chapter describes the Cisco NX-OS object tracking commands that begin with O.


To specify an object for a tracked list, use the object command. To remove the object from the tracked list, use the no form of this command.

object object-number [ not ] [ weight weight-number ]

no object object-number

Syntax Description


(Optional) Negates the state of an object.

Note You cannot use the not keyword in a weight or percentage threshold list. You can use this keyword only in a Boolean list.

weight weight-number

(Optional) Specifies a threshold weight for each object.

Command Default


Command Modes

Tracking configuration mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can configure an object track list that contains multiple tracked objects. A tracked list contains one or more objects.

The Boolean expression enables two types of calculation by using either "and" or "or" operators.

You can also configure an object track list that contains a percentage threshold.The percentage of up objects must exceed the configured track list up percent threshold before the track list is in an up state. For example, if the tracked list has three objects, and you configure an up threshold of 60 percent, two of the objects must be in the up state (66 percent of all objects) for the track list to be in the up state.

You can also configure an object track list that contains a weight threshold. A tracked list contains one or more objects. The combined weight of up objects must exceed the configured track list up weight threshold before the track list is in an up state. For example, if the tracked list has three objects with the default weight of 10 each, and you configure an up threshold of 15, two of the objects must be in the up state (combined weight of 20) for the track list to be in the up state.


This example shows how to configure a track list with an up weight threshold of 30 and a down threshold of 10:

switch(config)# track 1 list threshold weight
switch(config-track)# threshold weight up 30 down 10
switch(config-track)# object 10 weight 15
switch(config-track)# object 20 weight 15
switch(config-track)# object 30

Related Commands


track list

Configures a track list for object tracking.