A Commands

This chapter describes the Cisco NX-OS Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) commands that begin with A.

address (VRRP)

To add a single, primary IP address to a virtual router, use the address command. To remove an IP address from a virtual router, use the no form of this command.

address ip-address [ secondary ]

no address [ ip-address [ secondary ]]

Syntax Description


Virtual router address (IPv4). This address should be in the same subnet as the interface IP address.


(Optional) Specifies a secondary virtual router address.

Command Default


Command Modes

VRRP configuration mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can configure one virtual router IP address for a virtual router. If the configured IP address is the same as the interface IP address, this switch automatically owns the IP address. You can configure an IPv4 address only.

The master VRRP router drops the packets addressed to the virtual router's IP address because the virtual router is only intended as a next-hop router to forward packets. In NX-OS devices, some applications require that packets addressed to the virtual router's IP address be accepted and delivered. By using the secondary option to the virtual router IPv4 address, the VRRP router will accept these packets when it is the master.

This command does not require a license.


This example shows how to configure a virtual router IP address:

switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if)# no switchport
switch(config-if)# vrrp 250
switch(config-if-vrrp)# address

This example shows how to remove all the IP addresses (primary and secondary) using a single command:

switch(config-if-vrrp)# show running-config interface ethernet 9/10
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet9/10
!Time: Mon Apr 14 06:04:18 2008
version 5.2(1)N1(1)
interface Ethernet9/10
vrrp 1
no shutdown
switch(config-if-vrrp)# no address
switch(config-if-vrrp)# show running-config interface ethernet 9/10
!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet1/5
!Time: Mon Apr 14 06:07:54 2008
version 5.2(1)N1(1)
interface Ethernet9/10
no switchport
vrrp 1

Related Commands


clear vrrp

Clears all the software counters for the specified virtual router.

show vrrp

Displays VRRP configuration information.


Configures a VRRP group.

advertisement-interval (VRRP)

To specify the time interval between the advertisement packets that are being sent to other Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) routers in the same group, use the advertisement-interval command. To return to the default interval value of 1 second, use the no form of this command.

advertisement-interval seconds

no advertisement-interval [ seconds ]

Syntax Description


Number of seconds between advertisement frames being sent. For IPv4, the range is from 1 to 255 seconds.

Command Default

1 second

Command Modes

VRRP configuration mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

VRRP advertisements communicate the priority and state of the virtual router master. The advertisements are encapsulated in IP packets and are sent to the IPv4 multicast address that is assigned to the VRRP group.

VRRP uses a dedicated Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) standard multicast address ( for VRRP advertisements. This addressing scheme minimizes the number of routers that must service the multicasts and allows test equipment to accurately identify VRRP packets on a segment. The IANA-assigned VRRP IP protocol number is 112.


This example shows how to specify an advertisement interval of 200 seconds for VRRP group 250:

switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if)# no switchport
switch(config-if)# vrrp 250
switch(config-if-vrrp)# advertisement-interval 200

Related Commands


clear vrrp

Clears all the software counters for the specified virtual router.

show vrrp

Displays VRRP configuration information.


Configures a VRRP group.

authentication (VRRP)

To configure an authentication for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), use the authentication command. To disable authentication, use the no form of this command.

authentication text password

no authentication [ text password ]

Syntax Description

text password

Selects to use simple text password of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Command Default

No authentication

Command Modes

VRRP configuration mode

Command History



This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure MD5 authentication for VRRP:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if)# no switchport
switch(config-if)# vrrp 250
switch(config-if-vrrp)# authentication text mypwasswd

Related Commands


clear vrrp

Clears all the software counters for the specified virtual router.

show vrrp

Displays VRRP configuration information.


Configures a VRRP group.