To display the onboard logging information based on the error type,
use the
onboard command.
show logging onboard {boot-uptime | device-version | endtime | environmental-history | exception-log | kernel-trace | obfl-history | obfl-logs | stack-trace | starttime | status} [> file | | type]
Syntax Description
Displays the onboard failure logging (OBFL) boot and uptime
Displays the OBFL device version information.
Displays the OBFL logs until the specified end time in the
following format:
mm / dd / yy - HH : MM : SS
Displays the OBFL environmental history.
Displays the OBFL exception log.
Displays the OBFL kernel trace information.
Displays the OBFL history information.
Displays the OBFL technical support log information.
Displays the OBFL kernel stack trace information.
Displays the OBFL logs from the specified start time in the
following format:
mm / dd / yy - HH : MM : SS
Displays the OBFL status enable or disable.
(Optional) Redirects the output to a file. See the “Usage
Guidelines” section for additional information.
(Optional) Filters the output. See the “Usage Guidelines”
section for additional information.
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The date and time arguments for the
starttime and
endtime keywords are entered as the date
(mm / dd / yy ),
followed by a hyphen, and the time in 24-hour format in hours:minutes:seconds
(HH:MM:SS ). For example:
- starttime 01/30/13-15:01:57
- endtime 01/30/13-15:04:57
The valid values for
file are as follows:
- bootflash:
- ftp:
- scp:
- sftp:
- tftp:
- volatile:
The valid values for
type are as follows:
- begin [-i ]
[-x ] [word ] —Begin with the
line that matches the text.
- -i —Ignores the case difference when
comparing the strings.
- -x —Prints only the lines where the
match is a whole line.
- word —Specifies for the expression.
- count [>
file |
type ] —Counts number of lines.
- egrep |
print-match —Egrep or Grep. Egrep searches
for lines of text that match more sophisticated regular expression syntax than
grep. Grep searches for lines of text that match one or many regular
expressions, and outputs only the matching lines.
- -A
num —Prints the specifies number of
lines of context after every matching line. Range: 1 to 999.
- -B
num —Prints the specifies number of
lines of context before every matching line. Range: 1 to 999.
- -c —Prints a total count of matching
lines only.
- -i —Ignores the case difference when
comparing the strings.
- -n —Prints each match preceded by its
line number.
- -v —Prints only the lines that contain
no matches for the
word argument.
- -w —Prints only lines where the match
is a complete word.
- -x —Prints only the lines where the
match is a whole line.
- word —Specifies for the expression.
- exclude [-i ]
[-x ] [word ] —Excludes the
lines that match.
- -i —Ignores the case difference when
comparing the strings.
- -x —Prints only the lines where the
match is a whole line.
- word —Specifies for the expression.
- head [-n
num ] —Stream Editor. The optional
num keyword and argument allow you to
specify the number of lines to print. Range: 0 to 2147483647.
- include [-i ]
[-x ] [word ] —Include the
lines that match.
- -i —Ignores the case difference when
comparing the strings.
- -x —Prints only the lines where the
match is a whole line.
- word —Specifies for the expression.
- last
num ] —Displays the last lines to
print. The optional
num specifies the number of lines to print.
Range: 0 to 9999.
- less
[ -E |
-d ]—Quits at the end of the file.
- -E —(Optional) Quits at the end of the
- -d —(Optional) Specifies a dumb
- no-more —Turns-off pagination for command
- sed
command —Stream Editor
- wc —Counts words, lines, and characters.
- -c —(Optional) Specifies the output
character count.
- -l —(Optional) Specifies the output
line count.
- -w —(Optional) Specifies the output
word count.
- > —Redirects it to a file.
- | —Pipes command output to filter.
Use this command to view OBFL data from the system hardware. The OBFL
feature is enabled by default and records operating temperatures, hardware
uptime, interrupts, and other important events and messages that can assist
with diagnosing problems with hardware cards or modules installed in a Cisco
router or switch. Data is logged to files stored in nonvolatile memory. When
the onboard hardware is started up, a first record is made for each area
monitored and becomes a base value for subsequent records.
The OBFL feature provides a circular updating scheme for collecting
continuous records and archiving older (historical) records, ensuring accurate
data about the system. Data is recorded in one of two formats: continuous
information that displays a snapshot of measurements and samples in a
continuous file, and summary information that provides details about the data
being collected. The message “No historical data to display” is seen when
historical data is not available.
This example shows how to display the OBFL boot and uptime
switch# show logging onboard boot-uptime
Wed Jan 30 06:11:59 2013: Boot Record
Boot Time..........: Wed Jan 30 06:11:59 2013
Slot Number........: 1
Serial Number......: FLC12345678
Bios Version.......: v1.2.0(06/19/08)
Firmware Version...: 6.0(2)N1(1) [build 6.0(2)N1(1)]
Table 4 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 4. show logging onboard boot-uptime Command Output
Boot Time
Time boot occurred.
Slot Number
Slot number.
Serial Number
Serial number of the module.
Bios Version
Primary binary input and output system (BIOS) version.
Firmware Version
Firmware version.
This example shows how to display the OBFL logging device
switch# show logging onboard device-version
OBFL Data for
Module: 1
Device Version Record
Timestamp Device Name Instance Hardware Software
Num Version Version
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 2 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 3 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 4 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 5 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 6 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 7 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 8 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 9 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 10 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 11 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 12 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 13 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 ALTOS 0 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 0 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 1 2 0
Wed Jan 30 07:07:00 2013 GATOS 2 2 0
Table 5 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 5. show logging onboard device-version Command Output
Day, date, and time.
Device Name
Device name.
Instance Num
Number of instances.
Hardware Version
Hardware device version.
Software Version
Software device version.
This example shows how to display the OBFL history information:
switch# show logging onboard obfl-history
obfl-history command displays the following
- Timestamp when OBFL is manually disabled.
- Timestamp when OBFL is manually enabled.
- Timestamp when OBFL data is manually cleared.
This example shows how to display the OBFL kernel stack trace
switch# show logging onboard stack-trace
stack-trace command displays the following
- Time in seconds
- Time in microseconds
- Error description string
- Current process name and identification
- Kernel jiffies
- Stack trace