Show Commands | XML Support |
show aaa accounting | Yes |
show aaa authentication | Yes |
show aaa authentication login ascii-authentication | Yes |
show aaa authentication login error-enable | Yes |
show aaa authentication login invalid-username-log | Yes |
show aaa authentication login password-aging | Yes |
show aaa authentication login {mschap | mschapv2 | chap} | Yes |
show aaa authorization [all] | Yes |
show aaa bypass-user [<s0>] | Yes |
show aaa groups | Yes |
show aaa user default-role | Yes |
show accounting log [ {<i0> | start-time <SYYYY> <SMonth> <SDate> <STime> [ end-time <EYYYY> <EMonth> <EDate> <ETime> ] } ] | Yes |
show accounting log all | Yes |
show accounting log last-index | Yes |
show accounting log nvram [ {<i0> | start-time <SYYYY> <SMonth> <SDate> <STime> [ end-time <EYYYY> <EMonth> <EDate> <ETime> ] } ] | Yes |
show accounting log nvram last-index | Yes |
show accounting log nvram start-seqnum <SSEQNUM> [ end-seqnum <ESEQNUM> ] | Yes |
show accounting log start-seqnum <SSEQNUM> [ end-seqnum <ESEQNUM> ] | Yes |
show system login | Yes |
show system login failures | Yes |
show logging ip access-list cache [detail] | Yes |
show logging ip access-list status | Yes |
show acl status' | Yes |
show arp access-lists [<arp-name>] | Yes |
show object-group [<obj-name>]' | Yes |
show time-range [<time_range_name>]' | Yes |
show vlan access-list <vacl-name> [<inp_seqno>]' | Yes |
show vlan access-map [<vacl-name>]' | Yes |
show vlan filter [access-map <vacl-name> | vlan <vlan>]' | Yes |
show { access-lists [<acl-ip-ipv6-mac-name>] | ip access-lists [<acl-ip-name>] | mac access-lists [<acl-mac-name>] | ipv6 access-lists [<acl-ipv6-name>] } [capture session <capture_session>] [<expanded> | <summary> | <private> |<brief>]' | Yes |
show queuing fabric-qos | Yes |
show queuing interface <if_name> {[summary] [module <module>] | [stats] | [detail]} | Yes |
show queuing internal snmp [csqIfQosGroupInfoTable [ifIndex <ifIndex-in> [csqIfQosGroupInfoDirection <ifDirection-in> [csqIfQosGroupInfoGroupNumber <ifGroupNum-in>]]]] | Yes |
show queuing internal snmp [csqIfQosGroupStatsTable [ifIndex <ifIndex-in> [csqIfQosGroupStatsDirection <ifDirection-in> [csqIfQosGroupStatsGroupNumber <ifGroupNum-in> [csqIfQosGroupStatsType <statsType-in>]]]]] | Yes |
show {system internal | hardware} access-list [vdc <vdc_id>] database {interface | vlan| policy | process} [module <module>] | Yes |
show {system internal | hardware} access-list resource {{{ {{entries | l4ops | redirect | ipv6-compression} [detail]} | {entry instance <inst_id> tcam <tcam_id> bank <bank_id> index <index>} } [no-header] [module <module>] } | {utilization [no-header] [module <module>] [instance <inst_id>]} } | Yes |
show {system internal | hardware} access-list {summary | [vdc <vdc_id>] { [ interface <if_name> | vlan <vlan_id> | bridge-domain <bridge_domain_id> | inband table <table> ] [{input | output} {config | {{entries | merge } [detail]} | statistics | l4ops | redirect | sampler }] }} [module <module>]' | Yes |
show fabric database statistics [type {network | profile | cabling | partition | bl-dci | host}] | Yes |
show ip adjacency [<interface> [summary | detail] | <ip-addr> [non-best | detail] | detail | summary | non-best | [throttle] statistics] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ipv6 {adjacency | neighbor} [<interface> [summary] | <ipv6-addr> [detail] | detail | summary | non-best | [throttle] statistics] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show amt process [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show amt vrf all | Yes |
show ip amt tunnel [<address4> <port>] [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show ipv6 amt tunnel [<address6> <port>] [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show {ip | ipv6} amt relay [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show {ip | ipv6} amt route [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show application ip route [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] [<app-name-kw> <app-name>] [<ip-prefix>] [private] | show application ipv6 route [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] [<app-name-kw> <app-name>] [<ipv6-prefix>] [private] | show application <all-af> route [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] [<app-name-kw> <app-name>] [private] | Yes |
show ip arp [[[<ip-address> | [sync-entries | fhrp-non-active-learn] [detail] | static | summary | [summary] <interface>]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]] | Yes |
show ip arp client' | Yes |
show ip arp off-list [{ vlan | bdi } <vlan-id>]' | Yes |
show ip arp statistics [<interface>] [interface-all] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip arp suppression topo-info [<topo-id>]' | Yes |
show ip arp suppression-cache { detail [vlan <vlan_id>] | summary | statistics | vlan <vlan_id> | local [vlan <vlan_id>] | remote [vlan <vlan_id>] }' | Yes |
show ip arp tunnel-statistics' | Yes |
show ip arp vpc-statistics' | Yes |
show bfd addrmap [application <appid> discriminator <discr> address-type <addrtype> address <addr>] | Yes |
show bfd clients | Yes |
show bfd discrmap [<discr>] | Yes |
show bfd intfipmap [interface <intf> address-type <addrtype> address <addr>] | Yes |
show bfd neighbors { [multihop] | [fabricpath] | [module <module_no>] | [interface <intf_id>] | [application <bfd_cli_client_names>] | [src-ip {<src_ip> | <src_ipv6>}] | [dest-ip { <dest_ip> | <dest_ipv6> }] | [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | [dest-sys-id <dest-system-id>] | [src-sys-id <src-system-id>] }+ [details]' | Yes |
show bfd scalar | Yes |
show bfd session {[discriminator <sessionIndex>] | [interface <intf_id>] | [application <app_name>] | [src-ip <src_ip>] | [dest-ip <dest_ip>] | [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] }+ | Yes |
show [ip] bgp paths | Yes |
show [ip] bgp peer-template [<peer-template-name>] | Yes |
show [ip] bgp {peer-session [<session-template-name>] | peer-policy [<policy-template-name>]} | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] convergence [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] process [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] sessions [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] { {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast} nexthop <ipnexthop> | {ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}]} nexthop <ipv6nexthop> } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {ipv4 {unicast | multicast} policy statistics { { redistribute [ { {eigrp | isis | ospf | rip} <tag> } | static | direct | amt | lisp | hmm | am] } | { neighbor <neighbor-id> [ default-originate | {route-map | filter-list | prefix-list} {in | out} ] } | { dampening } | { network {<ip-addr> mask <ip-mask> | <ip-prefix> } } | { aggregate-address { <ip-addr> <ip-mask> | <ip-prefix> } { suppress-map | advertise-map } } } | vpnv4 unicast policy statistics { neighbor <neighbor-id> [ {route-map | filter-list | prefix-list} {in | out} ] } | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} policy statistics { { redistribute [ { {eigrp | isis | ospfv3 | rip} <tag> } | static | direct | amt | lisp | hmm | am] } | { neighbor {<neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id>} [ default-originate | {route-map | filter-list | prefix-list} {in | out} ] } | { dampening } | { network <ipv6-prefix> } | {aggregate-address <ipv6-prefix> {suppress-map | advertise-map} } } } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {ipv4 {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} received-paths [private] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} flap-statistics [<ip-prefix> | <ip-addr> [<ip-mask>]] | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} flap-statistics [<ipv6-prefix>] | all flap-statistics} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all} neighbors {<neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id>} flap-statistics [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all} regexp <regexp-str> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all} self-originated [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all} summary | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} community {<regexp-str> | {{<comm-id> | <wellknown-id>}+ [exact-match]}} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} dampening flap-statistics [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} dampening parameters [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} dampening {dampened-paths [regexp <regexp-str>] | history-paths [regexp <regexp-str>]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} extcommunity {<regexp-str> | {{4byteas-generic {transitive "<ext-comm-gen-trans>"|non-transitive "<ext-comm-gen-nontrans>"}}+ [exact-match]}} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | l2vpn evpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} { route-map {<rmap-name> | <rmap-name>} | filter-list {<fltrlist-name> | "<test_pol_name>"} | {community-list {<commlist-name> | "<test_pol_name>"} | extcommunity-list {<extcommlist-name> | "<test_pol_name>"}} [exact-match]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast}} prefix-list {<prfxlist-name> | "<test_pol_name>"} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | vpnv4 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv4 labeled-unicast} [<ip-addr> [<ip-mask> [longer-prefixes]] | <ip-prefix> [longer-prefixes] | labels | exported | imported ] | {ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | vpnv6 unicast [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}] | ipv6 labeled-unicast} [<ipv6-prefix> [longer-prefixes] | labels | exported | imported ] | {ipv4 mdt [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"}]} [<ip-addr> [<ip-mask>] | <ip-prefix> | labels | mdt-group <mdt-group> ] | {ipv4 | ipv6} unicast [injected-routes] | link-state [route-type <rt-type> | <ipv4-rt> | <ipv6-rt>] | l2vpn vpls [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"} [{<ip-addr> [<ip-mask>] | <ip-prefix>} | {ve-id <ve-id> block-offset <ve-bs>}]] | l2vpn evpn [route-type <rtype> | rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"} [route-type <rtype> | <ipv4-rt> | <ipv6-rt> | <mac-address>] | vni-id <vni_id> [route-type <rtype>] | <ipv4-rt> | <ipv6-rt> | <mac-address>] | ipv4 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"} [join <v4src-addr> <v4grp-addr> <src-asn> | rp <v4src-addr> <grp-v4prefix> <pe-addr> <rp-flags> <rp-priority> <hashlen> | sa <grp-v4prefix>]] | ipv6 mvpn [rd {"<ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4>" | "<ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2>"} [join <v6src-addr> <v6grp-addr> <src-asn>| rp <v6src-addr> <grp-v6prefix> <pe-addr> <rp-flags> <rp-priority> <hashlen> | sa <grp-v6prefix>]] | all} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{{{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | vpnv4 unicast | ipv4 mdt | link-state | l2vpn vpls | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 mvpn} nexthop-database [<ipnexthop>]} | {{ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | vpnv6 unicast| ipv6 mvpn} nexthop-database [<ipv6nexthop>]} | {all nexthop-database}} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp internal evi [<evi-id>] | Yes |
show bgp l3vpn [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp statistics | Yes |
show bgp {{[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all}} | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv4 labeled-unicast | l2vpn evpn} neighbors {<neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id>} {routes [advertised | received | dampened] | advertised-routes | received-routes } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp {{[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all}} | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv4 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn evpn} neighbors {<neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id>} paths [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp {{[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all}} | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 mvpn | ipv6 mvpn | ipv4 labeled-unicast} neighbors [{<neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> | <neighbor-prefix-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-prefix-id> }] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp {{[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | all}} | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | l2vpn evpn} neighbors {<neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id>} commands [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} | ipv6 {unicast | multicast} | ipv4 mdt | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls | ipv4 mvpn | ipv6 mvpn | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all} summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | "ALL_VRFS_012345678901234"}] | Yes |
show boot | Yes |
show boot auto-copy | Yes |
show boot auto-copy list | Yes |
show boot current | Yes |
show boot module [ [<module>] [ <s0> ] | Yes |
show boot sup-1 | Yes |
show boot sup-2 | Yes |
show boot variables | Yes |
show callhome destination-profile ' | Yes |
show callhome destination-profile profile <s0>' | Yes |
show callhome destination-profile profile CiscoTAC-1' | Yes |
show callhome destination-profile profile full-txt-destination' | Yes |
show callhome destination-profile profile short-txt-destination' | Yes |
show callhome diagnostic-signature <i0> [ actions | events | postrequisite | prerequisite | prompt | variables ]' | Yes |
show callhome diagnostic-signature failure' | Yes |
show callhome diagnostic-signature statistics download' | Yes |
show callhome diagnostic-signature statistics' | Yes |
show callhome diagnostic-signature' | Yes |
show callhome last action status' | Yes |
show callhome last merge status' | Yes |
show callhome merge status' | Yes |
show callhome session status' | Yes |
show callhome smart-licensing statistics' | Yes |
show callhome smart-licensing' | Yes |
show callhome status' | Yes |
show callhome transport' | Yes |
show callhome transport-email | Yes |
show callhome' | Yes |
show catena <instance-name> [brief]' | Yes |
show cdp global | Yes |
show cdp neighbors [interface <if>] | Yes |
show cdp neighbors [interface <if>] detail | Yes |
show cdp traffic interface2 <if2> | Yes |
show cdp { entry { all1 | name <s0> } } | Yes |
show cdp {all | interface <if0>} | Yes |
show crypto ca certificates | Yes |
show crypto ca certificates <s0> | Yes |
show crypto ca certstore | Yes |
show crypto ca crl <s0> | Yes |
show crypto ca remote-certstore | Yes |
show crypto ca trustpoints | Yes |
show crypto certificatemap | Yes |
show crypto key mypubkey rsa | Yes |
show crypto ssh-auth-map | Yes |
show checkpoint <chkpoint_name> [all] | Yes |
show checkpoint [all] [user|system] | Yes |
show checkpoint summary [user|system] | Yes |
show checkpoint tech-support | Yes |
show config-replace log {exec | verify} | Yes |
show config-replace status | Yes |
show diff rollback-patch { src-checkpoint <chkpoint_name> | src-running-cfg | src-startup-cfg | src-file <srcfile_uri> } { dst-checkpoint <chkpoint_name> | dst-running-cfg | dst-startup-cfg | dst-file <dstfile_uri> } | Yes |
show rollback log {exec | verify} | Yes |
show rollback status | Yes |
show cfs application [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> | sap <i0> } ] | Yes |
show cfs lock [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> | sap <i1> } ] | Yes |
show cfs merge status [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> [ detail ] | sap <i1> [ detail2 ] } ] | Yes |
show cfs peers [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> | sap <i1> } ] | Yes |
show cfs regions [ { brief [ region <i0> ] | name <cfs-dyn-app-name> | region1 <i1> } ] | Yes |
show cfs remote-switches vsan <i0> | Yes |
show cfs status | Yes |
show install <s0> <santa-cruz-range> impact { epld <uri1> | epld system [ <uri2> ] } | Yes |
show install all impact { epld <uri1> | epld system [ <uri2> ] } | Yes |
show install auto-upgrade epld status | Yes |
show install epld status | Yes |
show install fan-module <fan-range> impact { epld <uri1> | epld system [ <uri2> ] } | Yes |
show install module <module> impact { epld <uri1> | epld system [ <uri2> ] } | Yes |
show system auto-upgrade epld status | Yes |
show version <s0> <santa-cruz-range> epld | Yes |
show version fan <fan-range> epld | Yes |
show version module <module> epld | Yes |
show version { epld <uri0> | epld system [ <uri1> ] } | Yes |
show hardware clipper queuing drops | Yes |
show fabric connectivity cable-plan' | Yes |
show fabric connectivity neighbors [ interface <if> | tier { upper | lower } | errors ] | Yes |
show incompatibility system <uri0> | Yes |
show incompatibility-all system <uri0> | Yes |
show class-map type control-plane [<cmap-name>] | Yes |
show copp diff profile <profile_type> [ prior-ver ] profile2 <profile_type2>' | Yes |
show copp profile {strict | moderate | lenient | dense} | Yes |
show copp status' | Yes |
show hardware access-list resource pooling | Yes |
show policy-map interface control-plane { [module <slot-no-in> [inst-all]][class {<cmap-name>|violated}] | [class {<cmap-name>|violated}][module <slot-no-in> [inst-all]] } | Yes |
show policy-map type control-plane [expand] [{name <pmap-name>}] | Yes |
show hardware feature-capability [ detailed ] | Yes |
show cts authorization entries [interface <iface>]' | Yes |
show cts credentials' | Yes |
show cts environment-data' | Yes |
show cts interface all | Yes |
show cts interface brief | Yes |
show cts internal ppf' | Yes |
show cts pacs' | Yes |
show cts port-channel all | Yes |
show cts role-based counters [sgt { <sgt_val> | <sgt_unknown> | <sgt_any> }] [dgt { <dgt_val> | <dgt_unknown> | <dgt_any> }] | Yes |
show cts role-based disabled-interface | Yes |
show cts role-based enable | Yes |
show cts role-based sgt vlan {<vlan_id> | all} | Yes |
show cts role-based sgt-map { [<ip-addr> | <ip-prefix>] | [vrf <vrf_name> [<ip-addr> | <ip-prefix>]] | sxp {[peer <ip_addr>] | [vrf <vrfname>]} | [vlan <vlan_id> [<ip-addr> | <ip-prefix>]] | [summary] | [cached] | [synched]} | Yes |
show cts role-based sxp-sgt-map [ vrfid <vrfid_in> mapaddrtype <mapaddrtype_in> mapaddr <mapipaddr_in> peeraddrtype <peeraddrtype_in> peeraddr <peeripaddr_in> ] | Yes |
show cts role-based sxp-sgt-map-snmp [ vrfid <vrfid_in> mapaddrtype <mapaddrtype_in> mapaddr <mapipaddr_in> mapipaddr_prefix_len <mapipaddr_prefix_len_in> peeraddrtype <peeraddrtype_in> peeraddr <peeripaddr_in> ] | Yes |
show cts role-based {policy | permissions} {{[{sgt | from} { <sgt_val> | <sgt_unknown> | <sgt_any> }] [{dgt | to} { <dgt_val> | <dgt_unknown> | <dgt_any> }]} | {[{configured | downloaded | monitored}]}} | Yes |
show cts sap pmk {all | interface <if>} | Yes |
show cts server-list' | Yes |
show cts sxp | Yes |
show cts sxp connection [ vrf <vrfname_in> [peeraddrtype <peeraddrtype_in> peeraddr <peeripaddr_in>] ] | Yes |
show cts sxp connection detail | Yes |
show cts sxp connection-snmp [ vrf <vrfname_in> [peeraddrtype <peeraddrtype_in> peeraddr <peeripaddr_in>] ] | Yes |
show cts sxp sgt-map [ vrf <vrf_name> ] | Yes |
show cts sxp sgt-map [ vrf <vrf_name> ] detail | Yes |
show cts sxp-snmp | Yes |
show cts {role-based access-list | rbacl} [ <req_rbacl_name> ] | Yes |
show cts' | Yes |
{show cts interface <if> | Yes |
show ip arp inspection | Yes |
show ip arp inspection interfaces [ <intf1> ] | Yes |
show ip arp inspection log | Yes |
show ip arp inspection statistics [ vlan <vlan-range> ] | Yes |
show ip arp inspection {vlan <vlan-range>} | Yes |
show ip dhcp global statistics | Yes |
show ip dhcp relay | Yes |
show ip dhcp relay address [interface <intf-range>] | Yes |
show ip dhcp relay information trusted-sources | Yes |
show ip dhcp relay statistics [ interface <intf> | {interface <intf> serverip <ip-addr-val> [use-vrf <vrf-name>]} ] | Yes |
show ip dhcp snooping | Yes |
show ip dhcp snooping binding [<ip> | <mac> | vlan <vlan-range> | interface <intf>]+ [dynamic | static] | Yes |
show ip dhcp snooping statistics [ {vlan <vlan-id> interface <intf>} | vlan <vlan-id> ] | Yes |
show ip dhcp status | Yes |
show ip udp relay | Yes |
show ip udp relay interface [<intf_range>] | Yes |
show ip udp relay object-group [<obj-grp-name>] | Yes |
show ip verify source [ interface <intf6> ] | Yes |
show ipv6 dhcp relay [interface <intf-range>] | Yes |
show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics [ interface <intf> [[server-ip <ip-addr-val> [use-vrf <vrf-name>] [interface <dest-interface>]] | [server-ip <ip-addr-val> [interface <dest-interface>] [use-vrf <vrf-name>]]]] | Yes |
show ipv6 dhcp-ldra | Yes |
show ipv6 dhcp-ldra statistics' | Yes |
show diagnostic bootup level' | Yes |
show diagnostic content module { all | <module> }' | Yes |
show diagnostic description module <module> test { all | <name> | <test-id> }' | Yes |
show diagnostic eem action [description]' | Yes |
show diagnostic eem policy module {all | <module>}' | Yes |
show diagnostic ondemand setting' | Yes |
show diagnostic result module <module> [ test { <name> | <test-id> } ] {[detail] | [statistics]}' | Yes |
show diagnostic result module all [detail]' | Yes |
show diagnostic simulation module <module>' | Yes |
show diagnostic status module <module>' | Yes |
show hosts | Yes |
show dot1x | Yes |
show dot1x all | Yes |
show dot1x all details | Yes |
show dot1x all statistics | Yes |
show dot1x all summary | Yes |
{show dot1x interface <if> | Yes |
show dpt flow {<id_value> | all}' | Yes |
show dpt results flow <id_value> [last <num>]' | Yes |
show dpt results flow <id_value> detail [last <num>]' | Yes |
show dpt status flow {<id_value> | all}' | Yes |
show fabricpath conflict { link | ftag | switch-id | transitions | all } [ detail ] | Yes |
show fabricpath switch-id local | Yes |
show fabricpath system-id <system-id> | Yes |
show fabricpath timers | Yes |
show fabricpath topology-id <topology-id> | Yes |
show fabricpath {switch-id | ftag} | Yes |
show ecp [detail] | Yes |
show ecp internal state | Yes |
show event manager policy {[pending] | [active] } [class { <class_value> | default } [ detailed ] ] [detailed][{queue-type applet [detailed]}]' | Yes |
show event manager scheduler thread detailed' | Yes |
show ethernet service instance [ detail | summary | statistics | id <id> { interface <intf> [detail | statistics ] } | interface <intf> [detail | statistics | summary]]' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-encap <cevcSIIndex-in> <cevcSIMatchCriteriaIndex-in>' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-fwdbd <cevcSIIndex-in>' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-match <cevcSIIndex-in> <cevcSIMatchCriteriaIndex-in> ' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-pvlan <cevcSIIndex-in> <cevcSIMatchCriteriaIndex-in> <cevcSIPrimaryVlanBeginningVlan-in>' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-rw <cevcSIIndex-in> <cevcSIVlanRewriteDirection-in>' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-state <cevcSIIndex-in>' | Yes |
show evc mib evc-si-table <cevcSIIndex-in>' | Yes |
show ip eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] route-map statistics { { redistribute' ' {bgp <as> | {eigrp | isis | ospf | rip} <tag> |' ' static | direct | amt | lisp} } | table-map } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] route-map statistics { { redistribute' ' {bgp <as> | {eigrp | isis | ospfv3 | rip} <tag> |' ' static | direct | amt} } | table-map } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show { { ipv6 eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] { topology | route }' '[ <ipv6-prefix> | active | summary | pending |' 'zero-successors | detail-links | all-links]' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] } |' '{ ip eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] { topology | route }' '[{<address> <mask>} | <prefix> | active | summary | pending |' 'zero-successors | detail-links | all-links]' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] } }' | Yes |
show {ip|ipv6} eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] [detail]' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ip|ipv6} eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] accounting' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ip|ipv6} eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] interfaces [detail]' ' [<interface>] [brief] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ip|ipv6} eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] traffic' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {{ ip eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] neighbors [detail | state] ' ' { [<interface>] | { [<address>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] } }} | ' ' { ipv6 eigrp [<eigrp-ptag>] neighbors [detail | state] ' ' { [<interface>] | { [<ipv6-addr>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]}} }}' | Yes |
show ethernet oam configuration [interface <intf>] | Yes |
show ethernet oam discovery [brief] [interface <intf>] | Yes |
show ethernet oam event-log [detail] [interface <intf>] | Yes |
show ethernet oam interfaces [interface <intf>] | Yes |
show ethernet oam statistics [interface <intf>] | Yes |
show ethernet oam summary [detail] | Yes |
show port-channel compatibility-parameters | Yes |
show port-channel database [interface <if0> ] | Yes |
show port-channel internal lacp-channels [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show port-channel internal max-channels | Yes |
show port-channel internal member-mode [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show port-channel rbh-distribution [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show port-channel summary [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show port-channel traffic [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show port-channel usage | Yes |
show port-channel capacity | Yes |
show port-security | Yes |
show port-security address | Yes |
show port-security address blocked | Yes |
show port-security address interface <interface-id> | Yes |
show port-security address nvram | Yes |
show port-security detail interface | Yes |
show port-security interface <interface-id> | Yes |
show port-security multivlan address | Yes |
show port-security secure address | Yes |
show port-security state | Yes |
show port-security traps enable | Yes |
show monitor filter {all | <filter_name> }' | Yes |
show monitor filter' | Yes |
show monitor filter-list {all | <filter_list_name>}' | Yes |
show monitor filter-list' | Yes |
show monitor internal info detail' | Yes |
show monitor resource filter-list { all | <filter_list_name>}' | Yes |
show monitor resource session { all | <session_num>| range <session_range>}' | Yes |
show monitor session {all | <session_number> | range <session_range>} [brief]' | Yes |
show monitor' | Yes |
show evb | Yes |
show evb hosts [{summary | detail | internal-info}] [{[mac <mac-addr> | interface <intf-name> | vlan <vlan-id> | vni <vni-id> | ip <ip-addr> | ipv6 <ipv6-addr> | name <host-name>]+}] | Yes |
show evb internal state | Yes |
show evb vsi [{summary | detail | internal-info}] [{[mac <mac-addr> | interface <intf-name> | vlan <vlan-id> | vni <vni-id> | ip <ip-addr> | ipv6 <ipv6-addr>]+}] | Yes |
show event manager environment { all | <varname> }' | Yes |
show event manager event-types [all | <event-type-name> ] [module <module-id>]' | Yes |
show event manager events action-log [policy <policy-name> | event-type <event-type-name>]' | Yes |
show event manager history events [detail] [maximum <n-events>] [severity <sev>]' | Yes |
show event manager policy-state <name> [module <module-id>]' | Yes |
show event manager script system { all | <script-name> }' | Yes |
show event manager system-policy [all | <policy-name>]' | Yes |
show feature | Yes |
show feature-set [<id>] [<name>] | Yes |
show fabric access connections | Yes |
show fabric access group [{members <groupname>} | {device} | {user}] | Yes |
show fabric access statistics | Yes |
show fabricpath oam loopback {database | {statistics [summary]} | status} [session <handle>] | Yes |
show fabricpath oam mtrace {database | {statistics [summary]}} | Yes |
show fabricpath oam notification {database | statistics } | Yes |
show fabricpath oam traceroute {database [session <handle>] | {statistics [summary]}} | Yes |
show glbp [vrf <vrf-name>] [interface <int-num>] [group <group-num>] [active | standby | disabled | init | listen]+ | Yes |
show glbp [vrf <vrf-name>] [interface <int-num>] [group <group-num>] [active | standby | disabled | init | listen]+ brief | Yes |
show glbp capability [interface <int-num>]' | Yes |
show fabric database dci [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>} [peer-id <peer-ip-address>] [detail]}] | Yes |
show fabric database host [detail] [{vni <vni-id>} | {dot1q <vlan-id>}] | Yes |
show fabric database profile-map {global | [<id> | interface <interface-id>]} | Yes |
show fabric database static-host | Yes |
show fabric database statistics | Yes |
show fabric database summary | Yes |
show fabric forwarding host-db [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}}] | Yes |
show fabric forwarding ip {local-host-db [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}}] [<ip-prefix>]} | Yes |
show fabric forwarding ip {{remote-host-db | aggregate-subnet-prefix} [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}}] [<ip-prefix>]} | Yes |
show fabric forwarding ipv6 {local-host-db [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}}] [<ipv6-prefix>]} | Yes |
show fabric forwarding ipv6 {{remote-host-db | aggregate-subnet-prefix} [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}}] [<ipv6-prefix>]} | Yes |
show fabric forwarding statistics conversational-learning [ip | ipv6] {source-limit [<ip-prefix> | <ipv6-prefix>] | max-conversation-limit | port-limit [<port>]} [{vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}}] | Yes |
show hsrp [interface <interface-id>] [group <group-number>] [active | init | learn | listen | speak | standby]+ [all] [brief [all]| detail] [ipv4 | ipv6] | Yes |
show hsrp anycast [<id> { ipv4|ipv6|both} ] [brief]' | Yes |
show hsrp anycast interface { vlan | bdi } <id>' | Yes |
show hsrp anycast remote-db [<id> { ipv4|ipv6|both } ]' | Yes |
show hsrp anycast summary' | Yes |
show hsrp bfd-sessions [interface <interface-id> [to {<addr_v4> | <addr_v6>}]] [ipv4 | ipv6]' | Yes |
show hsrp delay [interface <interface-id>]' | Yes |
show hsrp ext-mib sec-addr [<ifindex-in> <group-id-in> <ip1-in> <ip2-in> <ip3-in> <ip4-in>] | Yes |
show hsrp ext-mib use-bia [<ifindex-in>] | Yes |
show hsrp mgo [name <name> | brief] ' | Yes |
show hsrp summary' | Yes |
show icam entries acl module <module> inst <inst> [history <num_intervals>] ' '[' ' sort { ' ' top <top_x> | ' ' sort-order <s_o> | ' ' filter <f_f> [exact] | ' ' top <top_x> sort-order <s_o> | ' ' top <top_x> filter <f_f> [exact]| ' ' top <top_x> sort-order <s_o> filter <f_f> [exact] | ' ' top <top_x> filter <f_f> [exact] sort-order <s_o> | ' ' sort-order <s_o> top <top_x> | ' ' sort-order <s_o> filter <f_f> [exact] | ' ' sort-order <s_o> filter <f_f> [exact] top <top_x> | ' ' sort-order <s_o> top <top_x> filter <f_f> [exact] | ' ' filter <f_f> [exact] top <top_x> | ' ' filter <f_f> [exact] sort-order <s_o> | ' ' filter <f_f> [exact] top <top_x> sort-order <s_o> | ' ' filter <f_f> [exact] sort-order <s_o> top <top_x> ' ' } ' ']' | Yes |
show icam entries multicast module <module> [history <num_intervals>] ' '[' ' sort { ' ' top <top_x> | ' ' sort-order <s_o> | ' ' top <top_x> sort-order <s_o> | ' ' sort-order <s_o> top <top_x> ' ' } ' ']' | Yes |
show icam prediction entries acl module <module> inst <inst> ' '<YYYY> <Month> <Date> <Time> ' '[top <top_x>] ' | Yes |
show icam prediction entries multicast module <module> ' '<YYYY> <Month> <Date> <Time> ' '[top <top_x>] ' | Yes |
show icam prediction scale' '[' '{' '{l2-switching ' '[' 'mac-addresses | ' 'mst-instances | ' 'mst-vports | ' 'rpvst-vports | ' 'rpvst-vlans | ' 'vlans ' '] } |' '{multicast-routing ' '[' 'multicast-routes | ' 'igmp-groups | ' 'pim-neighbors | ' 'outgoing-interfaces ' '] } |' '{unicast-routing ' '[' 'bfd-sessions | ' 'eigrp-routes | ' 'ipv4-arp | ' 'ipv4-host-routes | ' 'ipv6-host-routes | ' 'ipv4-isis-routes | ' 'ospf-nbr | ' 'ospf-lsa | ' 'ospf-area | ' 'ospf-vrf| ' 'ospf-passive-intf ' '] } |' '{vxlan ' '[' 'test ' '] }' '}' ']' '<YYYY> <Month> <Date> <Time> ' | Yes |
show icam scale ' '[' '{' '{l2-switching ' '[' 'mac-addresses | ' 'mst-instances | ' 'mst-vports | ' 'rpvst-vports | ' 'rpvst-vlans | ' 'vlans ' '] } |' '{multicast-routing ' '[' 'multicast-routes | ' 'igmp-groups | ' 'pim-neighbors | ' 'outgoing-interfaces ' '] } |' '{unicast-routing ' '[' 'bfd-sessions | ' 'eigrp-routes | ' 'ipv4-arp | ' 'ipv4-host-routes | ' 'ipv6-host-routes | ' 'ipv4-isis-routes | ' 'ospf-nbr | ' 'ospf-lsa | ' 'ospf-area | ' 'ospf-vrf| ' 'ospf-passive-intf ' '] } |' '{vxlan ' '[' 'test ' '] }' '}' ']' '[history <num_intervals> | utilization | thresholds]' | Yes |
show ipv6 [icmp] mld groups [{<source> [<group>]} | {<group> [<source>]}]' ' [<interface>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ' | Yes |
show ipv6 [icmp] mld local-groups [<interface>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ipv6 icmp off-list [vlan <vlan-id>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 icmp vaddr { link-local [detail] | global | pt-tree}' '[vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 icmp vpc-statistics' | Yes |
show ipv6 icmp { adjacency | neighbor | sync-entries }' '[<interface>] [detail]' '[ vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all} ]' | Yes |
show ipv6 nd ra dns search-list [interface <interface>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 nd ra dns server [interface <interface>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 routers [all-routers] [[interface <interface>] | [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]]' | Yes |
show ipv6 {icmp | nd} global traffic' | Yes |
{show ipv6 {icmp | nd} interface [<interface>] {[prefix [full]] | [detail]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]} | {show ipv6 [icmp] mld interface [brief] [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]} | {show ipv6 [icmp] mld interface <interface>} | Yes |
show dot1q-tunnel | Yes |
show dot1q-tunnel interface <ifid_eth_dot1q_tunnel> | Yes |
show errdisable { detect | recovery } | Yes |
show hardware capacity interface | Yes |
show interface | Yes |
show interface <ifeth> | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_brf> brief | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr> counters [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr_brf> counters brief [ load-interval <interval> ] | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr_dtl> counters detailed [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr_dtl_all> counters detailed all [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr_errs> counters errors [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr_stm_ctrl> counters storm-control | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_ctr_trnk> counters trunk | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_dbnc> debounce | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_errdis> status err-disabled | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_errvlans> status err-vlans | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_fcoe> fcoe | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_fl_ctrl> flowcontrol | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_status> status | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_swtch> switchport | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_trans> transceiver fex-fabric [ calibrations | details ] | Yes |
show interface <ifeth_trnk> trunk | Yes |
show interface <ifid> [ brief ] | Yes |
show interface <ifid_breakout> breakout | Yes |
show interface <ifid_ctr> counters [snmp] | Yes |
show interface <ifid_eth> description | Yes |
show interface <ifid_eth_cap> capabilities | Yes |
show interface <ifid_eth_cap> capabilities breakout | Yes |
show interface <ifid_macaddr> mac-address | Yes |
show interface <ifid_mgmt_loop> description | Yes |
show interface <ifid_status> status | Yes |
show interface <ifid_tdr> cable-diagnostics-tdr | Yes |
show interface <ifid_transceiver> transceiver [ calibrations | details | sprom ] | Yes |
show interface <ifloop> | Yes |
show interface <ifloop_brf> brief | Yes |
show interface <ifloop_ctr_dtl> counters detailed | Yes |
show interface <ifloop_ctr_dtl_all> counters detailed all | Yes |
show interface <ifmgmt> | Yes |
show interface <ifmgmt_brf> brief | Yes |
show interface <ifmgmt_ctr_dtl> counters detailed | Yes |
show interface <ifmgmt_ctr_dtl_all> counters detailed all | Yes |
show interface <ifpch_brf> brief | Yes |
show interface <ifrange> | Yes |
show interface <ifrange> brief | Yes |
show interface <ifrange> counters detailed all [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface <ifrange> counters' | Yes |
show interface <ifrange> description | Yes |
show interface <ifrange> status [ err-disabled ] | Yes |
show interface <iftun_desc> | Yes |
show interface <iftun_desc> description | Yes |
show interface <iftun_status> status [ err-disabled ] | Yes |
show interface breakout | Yes |
show interface brief | Yes |
show interface capabilities | Yes |
show interface counters [ module <module> | fex <fex_num> ] | Yes |
show interface counters brief [ load-interval <interval> ] | Yes |
show interface counters detailed [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface counters detailed all [ snmp ] | Yes |
show interface counters errors [ module <module> | fex <fex_num> ] | Yes |
show interface counters snmp [ module <module>] | Yes |
show interface counters storm-control [ module <module> ] | Yes |
show interface debounce | Yes |
show interface description | Yes |
show interface flowcontrol [ module <module> ] | Yes |
show interface mac-address | Yes |
show interface openflow | Yes |
show interface openflow capable | Yes |
show interface snmp-ifindex | Yes |
show interface status [ down | inactive | module <module> | up | fex <fex_num> | auto-column ] | Yes |
show interface status err-disabled | Yes |
show interface status err-vlans | Yes |
show interface switchport | Yes |
show interface transceiver [ calibrations | details ] | Yes |
show interface transceiver fex-fabric [ calibrations | details ] | Yes |
show interface trunk [ module <module> | vlan <vlan_id> | fex <fex_num> ] | Yes |
show system default interface | Yes |
show vlan dot1Q tag native [fabricpath] | Yes |
show ip igmp interface [<interface>][brief] [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip igmp internal {vpc | emulated-switch}' | Yes |
show ip igmp local-groups [<interface>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip igmp policy statistics reports [<interface>]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping [otv | remote ] groups [{<source> [<group>]} | {<group> [<source>]}] ' ' [vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>]' '[detail] [summary]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping [{vlan <vlan>| bridge-domain <bdid>}] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping explicit-tracking [vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>] [detail] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping lookup-mode [vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping mac-oif [vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>] [detail]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping mrouter [otv]' '[vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>] [detail]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping otv vlan brief' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping pw vlan brief' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping querier [vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>] [detail] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib adminMode | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib aliasingMode | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib cisV3ProcessEnableOperStatus | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib explicitTrackingTable [vlan <cisVlanIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib fallBackTime | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib fastBlockEnabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib fastleaveenabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib filterStatsTable [interface <ifIndex-in> vlan <cisFilterStatsVlanNumber-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib ifAccessGroupTable [interface <ifIndex-in> vlan <cisIfAccessGroupVlan-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib ifConfigTable [interface <ifIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib ifLimitTable [interface <ifIndex-in> vlan <cisIfLimitVlanNumber-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib ifLimitTotalTable [interface <ifIndex-in> ] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib igmpsnoopingenabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib iterfaceStatsTable [interface <ifIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib lastMemeberQueryCount | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib lastMemeberQueryInterval | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib leaveQueryType | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib mcastGroupTable [vlan <cisMcastGroupVlanIndex-in>' '<cisMcastGroupAddressType-in> <cisMcastGroupAddress-in>] ' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib mcastRouterCfgTable [interface <ifIndex-in> vlan <cisMcastRouterVlanIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib mcastRouterConfigTable [ vlan <cisMcastRouterConfigVlanIndex-in> interface <ifIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib multicastGroupConfigTable [vlan <cisMulticastGroupConfVlanIndex-in>' '<cisMulticastGroupConfCeVlanIndex-in> <cisMulticastGroupConfAddressType-in> ' '<cisMulticastGroupConfAddress-in> <cisMulticastGroupConfSourceAddress-in> <cisMulticastGroupConfPortRange-in>]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib multicastGroupPortListTable [vlan <cisMulticastGroupVlanIndex-in>' '<cisMulticastGroupCeVlanIndex-in> <cisMulticastGroupAddressType-in> <cisMulticastGroupAddress-in>' '<cisMulticastGroupSourceAddress-in> <cisMulticastGroupPortRangeIndex-in>]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib multicastGroupTable [vlan <cisMulticastGroupVlanIndex-in>' '<cisMulticastGroupCeVlanIndex-in> <cisMulticastGroupAddressType-in> <cisMulticastGroupAddress-in>' '<cisMulticastGroupSourceAddress-in> ]' | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib operMode | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib querierTable [vlan <cisIgmpQuerierVlanIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib reportsuppressionenabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib robustnessVariable | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib routerAlertCheckEnabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib sourceOnlyEntryAgingTime | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib sourceOnlyLearningEnabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib tcnFloodQueryCount | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib timeToLiveCheckEnabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib topoChanageQuerySolicitEnabled | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib v3ProcessEnabledAdminStatus | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib v3SnoopingSupport | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib vlanconfigtable [vlan <cisVlanIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping snmp mib vlanFilterConfigTable [vlan <cisVlanIndex-in>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping statistics [global | vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>] | Yes |
show ip igmp snooping {report-policy | access-group} statistics [vlan <vlan>]' | Yes |
show ip igmp vrf all' | Yes |
show ip igmp {groups|route} [<source> [<group>] | ' '<group> [<source>]] [<interface>] [summary] ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ' ' [summary-old]' | Yes |
show mac address-table multicast [vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib igmpCacheTable [<igmpCacheAddress-in>] [<igmpCacheIfIndex-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib igmpInterfaceTable [<igmpInterfaceIfIndex-in>]' | Yes |
show imp client [sa] | Yes |
show install all failed-standby | Yes |
show install all failure-reason | Yes |
show install all version-history [clear] | Yes |
show install active [on-reload] [brief] | Yes |
show install committed | Yes |
show install inactive [on-reload] | Yes |
show install log { [<id> | from <id1>] [detail] [reverse] | [last] } | Yes |
show install packages | Yes |
show install patches | Yes |
show install pkg-info <pname> | Yes |
show install request | Yes |
show ip client [<client-name>]' | Yes |
show ip interface { {{brief [include-secondary]} | [<interface>] | [<ip-addr>]} [operational] [vaddr] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] } | Yes |
show ip load-sharing' | Yes |
show ip logging [hash]' | Yes |
show ip process [api] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip static-route [multicast] [internal] [track-table] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip traffic [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>} | table <tab_id>] [ip | ipv4] { route | rnhdb } [recursive] [summary | detail | platform | <prefix> [longer-prefixes] [detail | platform] | <address> [detail | platform] | interface <interface> [detail | platform] | next-hop {<nh> | <nhv6>} [detail | platform] | attached | unresolved | adjacency {<aif> <anh> | drop | glean | punt}] [max-display-count <display_count>] [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}]+ | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>} | table <table_id2>] ipv6 { route | rnhdb} [recursive] [detail | summary | platform | <prefix> [longer-prefixes] [detail | platform] | <address> [detail | platform] | interface <interface> | next-hop <nh> | attached | unresolved | adjacency {<aif> <anh> | drop | glean | punt}] [max-display-count <display_count>] [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}]+ | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>} | table <table_id3>] [ip | ipv4] security mac [<addr>] [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}]+ | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>} | table <table_id4> | vlan <vlan_id>] [ip | ipv4] security group-tag [<addr>] [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}]+ | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}] [ip | ipv4] adjacency' '[mpls] [lisp] [<aif>] [<anh>] [detail| stats | platform] [module <module>]' | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}] ipv6 adjacency [mpls] [<aif>] ' '[<anh>] [detail| stats | platform] [module <module>] ' | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all} | table <tab_id>] ipv6 multicast route {[group {<group> | <group_addr>} | source {<source> | <source_addr>} | module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | all}]+ | summary [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]+} | Yes |
show forwarding [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all} | table <table_id>] [ip | ipv4] multicast route [platform] {[group {<gaddr> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } | source {<saddr> [ <smask> ] | <sprefix> } | module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]+ | summary [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]+} | Yes |
show forwarding capture [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding ecmp [{[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] lisp}] [platform] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding ecmp recursive [platform] [max-display-count <display_count>] [module <module>] [compressed] | Yes |
show forwarding interfaces [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding internal error counts [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding internal l2tnl multicast ack-db [module <module> vdc <vdc_id>] | Yes |
show forwarding internal message counts [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding internal multicast counts [module <module> vdc <vdc_id>] | Yes |
show forwarding internal unicast counts [detail]' '[vdc {<vdc_id>| all} ] [ module <module> ] ' | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn ipv6 multicast route [[vlan <vlan-id>]|[softwarebd <software-bd>]] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn label [<label_id>] vpls [module module] | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn label [<label_id>]xconnect [module module] | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn multicast outgoing-interface-list [index <oiflist-index>] | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn multicast route [[vlan <vlan-id>]|[softwarebd <software-bd>]] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn service vpls' ' {{service_id {<service_id> | all}} | ' ' {vlan {<vlan_id> | vlan_all}} | ' ' {peer {{interface <intf-name> | next-hop <addr> | peer_all}}}}' ' [module <module>] [detail]' | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn service xconnect ' '{service_id {<service_id> | all}} [module <module>] [detail]' | Yes |
show forwarding l2vpn vlan [<vlan_id>] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding mpls ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>} [label <label> | ' ' <prefix> | <v6prefix>] | table <table_id> [label <label> | ' ' <prefix> | <v6prefix>] | label-space <label-space-id> | ' ' label <label_id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix>]' ' [module <module>] [implicit]' | Yes |
show forwarding mpls aggregate [label {<label-id> | all}] [detail] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding mpls cbts [module <module>]' | Yes |
show forwarding mpls ecmp [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding mpls option_b' ' [label <label>]' ' [module <module>] ' | Yes |
show forwarding mpls summary [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding mpls te [<te_if>] [detail] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding multicast outgoing-interface-list [platform] [module <module>] [ <index> ] | Yes |
show forwarding multicast trace profile funcstats [enable|disable] [module <module>] [detail] [all] | Yes |
show forwarding multicast udp outgoing-interface-list [platform] [module <module>] [ <index> ] | Yes |
show forwarding nve l3 adjacency [tunnel <tunnel_id>] [bd <bd_id> | table <table_id>] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding nve l3 peers [peers <peer_id> | tunnel <tunnel_id>]+ [detail] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding nve l3 vlan-peers [peer <peer_id> | tunnel <tunnel_id> | vlan <vlan_id>]+ [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding nve multicast outgoing-interface-list | Yes |
show forwarding nve multicast route [[vlan <vlan-id>]|[softwarebd <software-bd>]] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding otv <intf> [peer <peer-id>] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding otv ipv6 multicast route [vlan <vlan_id>] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding otv multicast outgoing-interface-list | Yes |
show forwarding otv multicast route [[vlan <vlan-id>]|[softwarebd <software-bd>]] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding trace [clear] [module <module>] "" | Yes |
show forwarding trace profile funcstats [enable|disable] [module <module>] | Yes |
show forwarding ufib tep dep-list [table <table_id> | module <module>] <prefix> | Yes |
show forwarding {otv vlan [<vlan_id>] | nve bd [<bd_id>]} [module <module>] | Yes |
show ip fib adjacency [<aif>] [<anh>] [module <module>] | Yes |
show ip fib interfaces [module <module>] | Yes |
show ip fib internal error counts [module <module>] | Yes |
show ip fib mroute [{ <group> | <gprefix> } [<source>] ] [table <table-id>] [module <module>] | Yes |
show ip fib route [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>} | table <table_id>] [summary | <prefix> [longer-prefixes] | <address> | interface <interface> | next-hop <nh> | attached | unresolved | adjacency {<aif> <anh> | drop | glean | punt}] [module <module> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all>}]+ | Yes |
show ipp fabric [<instance-id>] | Yes |
show ipv6 client [<client-name>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 fragments [<source-addr>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 interface {[brief | [<interface> | <ipv6-addr>] [detail]]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ipv6 mtu [statistics | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all [detail]}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 neighbor static [interface <interface>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 process [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 static-route [<prefix>] [multicast] [track-table] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ipv6 traffic [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | Yes |
show itd <svc-name> [brief]' | Yes |
show itd [brief]' | Yes |
show itd session device-group [<name>]' | Yes |
show itd vrf [<name>]' | Yes |
show itd {<service_name> | all} [src {<src-ip> | <src-IPv6>} | dst {<dst-ip> | <dst-IPv6>}] statistics [brief]' | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [ process | protocol ] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [ip] redistribute route [summary | <ip-addr> | <ip-prefix> [longer-prefixes [summary]]] [direct-mask] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [ip] route [summary | detail | <ip-addr> [detail] | <ip-prefix> [detail | longer-prefixes [summary | detail]]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [ip] route [summary | detail | private | <ip-addr> [detail | private] | <ip-prefix> [detail | private | longer-prefixes [summary | detail | private]]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [ip] route-map statistics { { redistribute { static | direct | amt | bgp <as> | {<src-isis> | eigrp | ospf | rip} <tag> } } | { distribute <src-level> into <dst-level> } } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [ip] summary-address [<ip-addr> | <ip-prefix> [longer-prefixes]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ipv6 summary-address [ <ipv6-addr> | <ipv6-prefix> [longer-prefixes]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] adjacency [<interface> [p2p-level-1-2]] {[system-id <sid>] | [detail] | [summary]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] database [<level>] [detail | advertise | summary] [<lid>] {[zero-sequence] | [ip prefix <ip-prefix>] | [ipv6 prefix <ipv6-prefix>] | [router-id <rid>] | [adjacency <adj-id>]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] interface [brief | <interface>] [level-1 | level-2] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ipv6 redistribute route [summary | <ipv6-addr> | <ipv6-prefix>[longer-prefixes [summary]]] [direct-mask] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ipv6 route [topology {[base] | mt-ipv6}] [summary | detail | <ipv6-addr> [detail] | <ipv6-prefix> [detail | longer-prefixes [summary | detail]]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ipv6 route [topology {[base] | mt-ipv6}] [summary | detail | private | <ipv6-addr> [detail | private] | <ipv6-prefix> [detail | private | longer-prefixes [summary | detail | private]]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ipv6 route-map statistics { { redistribute { static | direct | amt | bgp <as> | {<src-isis> | eigrp | ospfv3 | rip} <tag> } } | { distribute <src-level> into <dst-level> } } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] mesh-group [<mesh-id>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] rrm <interface> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] spf-adjacency [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] spf-log [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] srm <interface> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ssn <interface> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] statistics [<interface>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] topology [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] traffic [<interface>] [mbuf-priority] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] { hostname | hostname-table } [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show isis [<isis-tag>] csnp [detail]' | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [ protocol ] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [topology <topo-id>] adjacency [<interface> [p2p-level-1-2]] {[system-id <sid>] | [detail] | [summary]} | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [topology <topo-id>] ftag [multidestination <tree-id>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [topology <topo-id>] route [summary | detail | is | ip2mac] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [topology <topo-id>] switch-id [ip2mac] [detail] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [topology <topo-id>] trees [[multidestination <tree-id>] [is | detail]] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] [topology <topo-id>] vlan-range | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] database [<level>] [mgroup] [detail | advertise | summary] [<lid>] {[zero-sequence] | [router-id <rid>] | [adjacency <adj-id>]} | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] hostname [detail | switch-id] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] interface [brief | <interface>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] ip mroute [vlan <vlan-id>] [group <gip-addr>] [source <sip-addr>] [omf] [flood] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] ip redistribute mroute [vlan <vlan-id>] [group <gip-addr>] [source <sip-addr>] [omf] [flood] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] ipv6 mroute [vlan <vlan-id>] [group <gip-addr>] [source <sip-addr>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] ipv6 redistribute mroute [vlan <vlan-id>] [group <gip-addr>] [source <sip-addr>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] mac mroute [vlan <vlan-id>] [group <gmac-addr>] [source <smac-addr>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] mac redistribute mroute [vlan <vlan-id>] [group <gmac-addr>] [source <smac-addr>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] mesh-group [<mesh-id>] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] rrm [gm] <interface> | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] spf-log [detail] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] srm [gm] <interface> | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] ssn [gm] <interface> | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] statistics [free] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] topology [<topo-id>] [summary | view] | Yes |
show fabricpath isis [<l2mp-isis-tag>] traffic [<interface>] [mbuf-priority] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] [site] database [mgroup] [detail | advertise | summary] [<lid>] {[zero-sequence] | [adjacency <adj-id>]} [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] [ process | protocol ] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] active-source [vlan <vlan-id> [group <gip-addr> [source <sip-addr>]]] [summary] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] adjacency [<interface>] {[system-id <sid>] | [detail] | [summary]} [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] aed-svr-req {local | remote} | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] ed-summary local | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] ed-summary remote [ site-identifier {<site-id-mac> | <site-id-hex>} ] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] fast-flood | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] hostname [detail] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] interface [brief | <interface>] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] ip mroute [vlan <vlan-id> [group <gip-addr> [source <sip-addr>]]] [summary] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] ip redistribute mroute [vlan <vlan-id> [group <gip-addr> [source <sip-addr>]]] [summary] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] route [summary | detail | is] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] rrm [mgroup] <interface> [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] site [statistics]' | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] spf-log [detail] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] srm [mgroup] <interface> [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] ssn [mgroup] <interface> [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] statistics [<interface>] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] track-adjacency-nexthop' | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] traffic [<interface>] [mbuf-priority] [vpn {<vrf-name> | all}] | Yes |
show otv isis [<otv-isis-tag>] vlan-status {local | remote} | Yes |
show consistency-checker l2unicast <module>' | Yes |
show forwarding consistency l2 <module> version2' | Yes |
show forwarding consistency l2 <module>' | Yes |
show mac address-table <module> [static | dynamic | secure]' '[ {[address1 <mac-addr> | {switch-id <swid> [sub-switch-id <sswid>]}| bridge-domain1 <bdid> | [vdc1 <vdc> | <e-vdc>] | fe1 <feid> ]+} | {[address1 <mac-addr> | {switch-id <swid> [sub-switch-id <sswid>]}| vlan1 <id> | [vdc1 <vdc> | <e-vdc>] | fe1 <feid> ]+} | {[address <mac-addr> | interface <interface-name> | bridge-domain <bdid> |[vdc <vdc> | <e-vdc>]| fe <feid>]+} | {[address <mac-addr> | interface <interface-name> | vlan <id> |[vdc <vdc> | <e-vdc>]| fe <feid>]+} ]' '[hex]' | Yes |
show mac address-table [static | dynamic | secure] ' '[ {[address1 <mac-addr> | {switch-id <swid> [sub-switch-id <sswid>]}| vlan1<id> | hardware-age ]+} | {[address <mac-addr> | overlayif | interface <interface-name> | bridge-domain1 <bdid> | hardware-age]+} | {[address1 <mac-addr> | {switch-id <swid> [sub-switch-id <sswid>]}| bridge-domain <bdid> | hardware-age]+} | {[address <mac-addr> | overlayif | interface <interface-name> | vlan <id> | hardware-age]+} ]' | Yes |
show mac address-table aging-mode' | Yes |
show mac address-table aging-time [vlan <id> | bridge-domain <bdid>]' | Yes |
show mac address-table count [[vlan <id> | bridge-domain <bdid>] | interface <interface-name> | {switch-id <swid> [sub-switch-id <sswid>]}]' | Yes |
show mac address-table internal snmp aging-time { vlan <id> | bridge-domain <bdid> }' | Yes |
show mac address-table learning-mode [vlan <id> | bridge-domain <bdid>]' | Yes |
show mac-list {[ <mac_list_name> [{ seq <seq_no> | { <mac_addr> [<mac_mask>]}}] ]} | Yes |
show forwarding l2 multicast { [{{sw_bd | vlan} <sw_bd-id> [ { group <grpaddr> source <srcaddr> } | destination-mac <dstmac>]}] } [vdc <vdc-id>] [module <num>] | Yes |
show l2protocol tunnel [{interface <intf-range>} | {vlan <vlan-id>}] [summary] | Yes |
show l2rib clients [<client_id>]' | Yes |
show l2rib producers [ {topology | mac | mac-ip | ead | pl | imet | flood-list | startup-route | peerid} ' '[static | local | bgp | vxlan | hmm | arp | ofa | lisp]] [detail]' | Yes |
show l2rib registrations [client <client_id> [<topo_id> ' '{mac | mac-ip | ead | pl | imet | flood-list | arp-signal | startup-route | topo }]]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn fl all [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn fl evi <vpn-id> [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn imet all [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn imet evi <vpn-id> [bgp|vxlan] [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn mac all [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn mac evi <vpn-id> [static|local|bgp|vxlan|lisp] ' '[mac <mac_addr>] [next-hop {<ipv4_addr>|<ipv6_addr>|<if-hdl>}] ' '[detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn mac-ip all [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn mac-ip evi <vpn-id> [arp|bgp|hmm] ' '[mac <mac_addr>] [host-ip {<ipv4_host>|<ipv6_host>}] ' '[next-hop {<ipv4_addr>|<ipv6_addr>|<if-hdl>}] [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn startup-route all [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route evpn startup-route evi <vpn-id> [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route fl {topology <topo-id> | all} [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route peerid' | Yes |
show l2route summary' | Yes |
show l2route topology [<topo_id>] [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route {mac | openflow mac | dataplane mac [local | remote]}' '{topology <topo-id> | all} [detail]' | Yes |
show l2route {mac-ip | openflow mac-ip} {topology <topo-id> | all} [detail]' | Yes |
show l2vpn atom {' ' vc [ { vcid <vcid> [ destination <peer> ] } |' ' { service-name <name> } | ' ' <pwint> |' ' { destination <peer> [ vcid <vcid> ] } ] [detail] |' ' binding [<vcid> | <peer> | <pwint> |' ' local-label <local> | remote-label <remote> ] |' ' summary |' ' fsm { event [dynamic | llrrp | static | status] |' ' state { current [dynamic | llrrp | static | status] |' ' transition [dynamic | llrrp | static | status] }' ' }' ' }' | Yes |
show l2vpn distribution' ' { global |' ' txlist |' ' summary |' ' l2fm |' ' { rnh <ip_addr> } |' ' { orib [ bridge-domain <bd> [brief] ] } |' ' { service }' ' [ ' ' { ' ' vpws [<context-id>] | vpls [<context-id>] |' ' bridge-domain <bd> | name <name-str> | interface <intf>' ' }' ' ]' ' [brief]' ' }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib enet-table { { <cpwVcIndex-in>' ' <cpwVcEnetPwVlan-in> } | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib mpls-in-table { { <cpwVcIndex-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsInboundIndex-in> }' ' | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib mpls-out-table { { <cpwVcIndex-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsOutboundIndex-in> }' ' | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib mpls-table { <cpwVcIndex-in> | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib nonte-map-table' ' [ <cpwVcMplsNonTeMappingTunnelDirection-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsNonTeMappingXcTunnelIndex-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsNonTeMappingVcIndex-in> ]' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib peer-map-table { { <cpwVcPeerMappingPeerAddrType-in> ' ' <cpwVcPeerMappingPeerAddrLen-in>' ' <cpwVcPeerMappingPeerAddr-in>' ' <cpwVcPeerMappingVcType-in>' ' <cpwVcPeerMappingVcID-in>' ' [ <cpwVcPeerMappingVcIndex-in> ] }' ' | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib perf-table { <cpwVcIndex-in> | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib scalar' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib te-map-table [ <cpwVcMplsTeMappingTunnelDirection-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsTeMappingTunnelIndex-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsTeMappingTunnelPeerLsrID-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsTeMappingTunnelLocalLsrID-in>' ' <cpwVcMplsTeMappingVcIndex-in> ]' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib vc-table { <cpwVcIndex-in> | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn mib vcid-map-table { { <cpwVcIdMappingVcType-in>' ' <cpwVcIdMappingVcID-in>' ' <cpwVcIdMappingPeerAddrType-in>' ' <cpwVcIdMappingPeerAddrLen-in>' ' <cpwVcIdMappingPeerAddr-in>' ' [ <cpwVcIdMappingVcIndex-in> ] }' ' | all }' | Yes |
show l2vpn pwmib [ peer <xc_pwmib_peer_addr> <xc_pwmib_vcid> ]' | Yes |
show l2vpn rib' '[ next-hop <ip_address> |' ' vpls-id { <aa2nn4> | <aa4nn2> } |' ' target-id <ipaddress> ]' '[ detail ]' | Yes |
show l2vpn service { all |' ' interface <serv_intf> |' ' name <serv_name> |' ' peer <serv_peer_addr> { all | vcid <serv_vcid> } |' ' { xconnect { xc_all |' ' interface <xc_intf> |' ' name <xc_name> |' ' peer <xc_peer_addr> { all | ' ' vcid <xc_vcid> }' ' } [ event-trace ] }|' ' vfi { vfi_all |' ' interface <vfi_intf> |' ' name <vfi_name> |' ' peer <vfi_peer_addr> { all | ' ' vcid <vfi_vcid> }' ' } ' ' } [ detail ]' | Yes |
show l2vpn signaling rib' '[ next-hop <ip_address> |' ' rd { <aa2nn4> | <aa4nn2> } ]' '[ detail ]' | Yes |
show l2vpn vfi [ name <vfi_name> | vpc ]' | Yes |
show routing-context | Yes |
show vrf [<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all ] interface [<interface>]' | Yes |
show vrf [<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all] [order id] [detail] [passive]' | Yes |
show vrf topology [order id] [detail]' | Yes |
show lacp counters [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show lacp interface [<if0>] | Yes |
show lacp internal debug [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show lacp internal mib | Yes |
show lacp issu-impact | Yes |
show lacp neighbor [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show lacp port-channel [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show lacp port-vpc summary [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show lacp system-identifier | Yes |
show processes {version | threads} [<comp-string>] | Yes |
show module <module> bandwidth-fairness | Yes |
show module [ { <module> } | { <s0> [ <santa-cruz-range> ] } | { fabric [ <santa-cruz-range> ] } ] | Yes |
show module uptime | Yes |
show system reset-reason | Yes |
show system reset-reason <s0> <santa-cruz-range> | Yes |
show system reset-reason module <module> | Yes |
show version module <module> | Yes |
show ldap-search-map | Yes |
show ldap-server | Yes |
show ldap-server groups | Yes |
show ldap-server statistics <host0> | Yes |
show mpls static binding [ipv4] vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>} per-vrf | Yes |
show license usage [ { detail | <license-feature> } ] | Yes |
show license usage vdc-all [ { detail | <license-feature> } ] | Yes |
show lisp ddt [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show lisp ddt queue {{[[instance-id <iid>] {<eid> | <eid6>}] ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]} |' ' {vrf all}}' | Yes |
show lisp ddt referral-cache ' ' {{[[instance-id <iid>] {<eid> | <eid6>}] ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]} |' ' {vrf all} |' ' {{ms-ack | ms-referral | node-referral | ms-not-registered | ' ' delegation-hole | not-authoritative} ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]}}' | Yes |
show lisp dynamic-eid ' '{ ' '{ ' '{{[<dyn-eid-name>] [detail] ' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]} | ' '{[detail] vrf all}}' '} |' '{ ' '{ip [<dyn-eid-name>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ' '{[summary] | [detail]}} | ' '{mac [<dyn-eid-name>] [instance-id {<iid> | all}]' ' {[summary] [private] | [detail] }} ' '} ' '} ' | Yes |
show lisp dynamic-eid summary ' ' {[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] | {vrf all}}' | Yes |
show lisp elp [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]' | Yes |
show lisp l2rib convergence' | Yes |
show lisp negative-prefix {<eid> | <eid6>} ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]' | Yes |
show lisp proxy-itr [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show lisp site instance-id {{[<iid>] ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]} |' ' {vrf all}}' | Yes |
show lisp site' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show lisp site' ' { { { {{<eid> | <eid6>} [instance-id <iid>]} | ' ' {{<eid-prefix> | <eid-prefix6>} [instance-id <iid>]} |' ' <site-name> } [detail] } |' ' detail }' ' [private] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all }]' | Yes |
show lisp {session | iid-subscription}' | Yes |
show {ip | ipv6} lisp [database] [private]' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ip | ipv6} lisp statistics [private]' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6} lisp locator-hash {<eid-prefix6> | ' ' {<source-eid6> <dest-eid6>}} ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6} lisp map-cache' ' { { [<eid6> | <eid-prefix6> | detail] [private]' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] } |' ' {[detail | private] vrf all} }' | Yes |
show {ipv6} lisp translate-cache [<nrEID6>]' | Yes |
show {ip} lisp locator-hash {<eid-prefix> | ' ' {<source-eid> <dest-eid>}} ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}]' | Yes |
show {ip} lisp map-cache' ' { { [<eid> | <eid-prefix> | detail] [private]' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] |' ' [instance-id {<iid> | all}] } |' ' {[detail | private] vrf all} }' | Yes |
show {ip} lisp translate-cache [<nrEID>]' | Yes |
show lldp all | Yes |
show lldp dcbx interface <if0> | Yes |
show lldp entry [<sys-name>] | Yes |
show lldp fabric auto-config | Yes |
show lldp interface <if0> | Yes |
show lldp neighbors [interface <if>] | Yes |
show lldp neighbors [interface <if>] detail | Yes |
show lldp neighbors [interface <if>] system-detail | Yes |
show lldp timers | Yes |
show lldp tlv-select | Yes |
show lldp traffic | Yes |
show lldp traffic interface <if> | Yes |
show {l2|fabricpath} mroute {[vdc-omf] {[resolved]} | [vlan <vlanid>][vni <vni>] {{[omf] | [flood] | [source {<srcaddr> | <v6srcaddr> | <macsrcaddr>}] [group {[{<groupaddr> | <v6groupaddr> | <macgroupaddr>}]}]} [resolved] [ftag <ftag-id>][hex]}} | Yes |
show {l2|fabricpath} multicast ftag [<ftag-id>] | Yes |
show {l2|fabricpath} multicast trees [topo <topo-id>] [ftag <ftag-id>] [hex] | Yes |
show ipv6 mroute [ [bitfield] | rp | {[<group>] summary [software-forwarded]} | {summary [count | software-forwarded]} | {{<source> <group>} | {<group> [<source>]}} [summary [software-forwarded] | bitfield] ] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ipv6 multicast vrf [{<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show routing ipv6 multicast ' ' memory estimate [groups <group-count> sources-per-group' ' <source-count> oifs-per-entry <oif-count>] ' | Yes |
show routing ipv6 multicast [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [topology <topology-name>] [ [bitfield] | rp | {[<group>] summary [software-forwarded]} | {summary [count | software-forwarded]} | {{<source> <group>} | {<group> [<source>]}} [summary [software-forwarded] | bitfield] ] | Yes |
show routing ipv6 multicast clients [<client-name>] | Yes |
show vpc | Yes |
show vpc brief | Yes |
show vpc config-sync cli | Yes |
show vpc config-sync database' | Yes |
show vpc config-sync merge status' | Yes |
show vpc config-sync status' | Yes |
show vpc consistency-checker pss {global | peer-link | vpc <vpc-num> | peer-vpc <peer-num> | all } | Yes |
show vpc consistency-checker sdb {peer-link | vpc <vpc-num> | all} | Yes |
show vpc consistency-parameters bridge-domains [vpc <vpc-number>] [errors] | Yes |
show vpc consistency-parameters vlans [vpc <vpc-number>] [errors] | Yes |
show vpc consistency-parameters {global | interface <if> | vpc <vpc-num>} [errors] | Yes |
show vpc internal peer-keepalive snmp parame-table domain-id <id> | Yes |
show vpc internal peer-keepalive snmp status-table domain-id <id> | Yes |
show vpc internal role snmp role-table domain-id <id> | Yes |
show vpc internal statistics peer-keepalive snmp stats-table domain-id <id> | Yes |
show vpc internal status snmp host-link-table domain-id <did> vpc-id <vid> | Yes |
show vpc internal status snmp peer-link-table domain-id <did> | Yes |
show vpc orphan-ports [ { suspend <config-status> | vlan <vlans> [suspend <config-status>]| bridge-domain <bridge-domains> [suspend <config-status>] } ] | Yes |
show vpc peer-keepalive | Yes |
show vpc role | Yes |
show vpc self-isolation statistics [{local | remote}] | Yes |
show vpc statistics peer-keepalive | Yes |
show vpc { <vpc-port-list> | brief vpc <vpc-port-list> } | Yes |
show mcectest <arg> | Yes |
show hardware proxy layer-3 counters {brief | detail} | Yes |
show hardware proxy layer-3 detail | Yes |
show forwarding distribution [ip] multicast route' '[table <id> | vrf {<vrf_name> | all}]' '[[group {<gaddr> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> }]' '[source {<saddr> [ <smask> ] | <sprefix> }] | summary]' | Yes |
show forwarding distribution info [vlan {<vlan-id> | all}] portlist | Yes |
show forwarding distribution ip igmp snooping [vlan [<vlan-id> | <vdc_omf>] [group [<grpaddr> | <mac-grpaddr>] [source <srcaddr>]]] [detail] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution ipv6 multicast route' '[table <table_id> | vrf <vrf-name>]' '[<group> [<source>] | summary]' | Yes |
show forwarding distribution l2 multicast [vlan <vlan-id> [{group <grpaddr> [source <srcaddr>]} | destination-mac <dmac>]] [summary] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution l2vpn multicast route [[vlan <vlan-id>]|[softwarebd <vlan-id>]] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution multicast [messages] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution multicast client | Yes |
show forwarding distribution multicast client-ack-db | Yes |
show forwarding distribution multicast outgoing-interface-list { L2 | L3 | OTV | L2VPN | NVE} [<index>] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution nve multicast route [vlan <vlan-id>] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution otv multicast route [vlan <vlan-id>] | Yes |
show ip fib distribution mroute [{<group> | <gprefix>} [<source>]] [table <id>] | Yes |
show ip fib distribution mroute [{<group> | <gprefix>} [<source>]] [table <id>] | Yes |
show ip fib distribution multicast [messages] | Yes |
show ip fib distribution multicast outgoing-interface-list { L2 | L3 | OTV | L2VPN } [<index>] | Yes |
show macsec mka [summary] | Yes |
show macsec mka internal interface all | Yes |
show macsec mka session [interface <ifname>] | Yes |
show macsec mka session [interface <ifname>] {details | internal-details} | Yes |
show macsec mka statistics [interface <ifname>] | Yes |
show macsec policy [<policy_name>] | Yes |
show macsec secy statistics interface <ifname> | Yes |
show maintenance on-reload reset-reasons' | Yes |
show maintenance profile [ <mode> ]' | Yes |
show maintenance snapshot-delay' | Yes |
show maintenance timeout' | Yes |
show system mode' | Yes |
show ip rsvp * | Yes |
show mpls | Yes |
show mpls interfaces * | Yes |
show mpls ip * | Yes |
show mpls label * | Yes |
show mpls ldp * | Yes |
show mpls oam * | Yes |
show mpls static * | Yes |
show mpls switching * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng autoroute * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng exp * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng explicit-paths * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng fast-reroute * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng forwarding-adjacency * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng high-availability * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng internal * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng link-management * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng lsp * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng topology * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng trace * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels <tunnel-name> * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels accounting * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels attributes * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels backup * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels brief * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels destination * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels down * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels fast-reroute * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels frrstate * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels interface * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels internal * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels name * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels property * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels protection * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels role * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels source-id * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels statistics * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels suboptimal * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels summary * | Yes |
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels up * | Yes |
show ulib process' | Yes |
show mpls forwarding statistics [interface {<interface> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip mroute [ [[bitfield][detail]] | sr | rp | [ summary [count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed] ] | { [ [<source> [<group>]] | [<group> [<source>]] ] [shared-tree | source-tree | mofrr] [ [flags] | [detail] | [bitfield] | [summary [software-forwarded | rpf-failed]] ] } ] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip multicast vrf [<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all] [detail] | Yes |
show routing [ip | ipv4] multicast ' ' memory estimate [groups <group-count> sources-per-group' ' <source-count> oifs-per-entry <oif-count> ' ' [mdt-encap-entries <encap-entry-count>]]' | Yes |
show routing [ip | ipv4] multicast clients [<client-name>] [detail] | Yes |
show routing [ip | ipv4] multicast mdt encapsulation [detail]' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show routing [ip | ipv4] multicast { {[bitfield] [detail]} | rp | {[<group>] summary [software-forwarded | rpf-failed]} | {summary [count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed]} | { {<source> <group>} | {<group> [<source>] | <group> shared-tree | <group> source-tree} | shared-tree | source-tree} {[flags] | [detail] | [summary [software-forwarded | rpf-failed] | bitfield]} } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
{show routing [ip | ipv4] multicast lisp encap} | Yes |
show ip msdp count [<asn>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip msdp mesh-group [<mesh-group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip msdp peer [<peer-address>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip msdp policy statistics sa-policy <peer-address> {in | out} ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>}] ' | Yes |
show ip msdp rpf <rp-address> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip msdp sources [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip msdp statistics [<peer-address>] ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip msdp summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip msdp {sa-cache | route} [{<source> [<group>]} | {<group> [<source>]}]' ' [<asn>] [peer <peer>] [detail] ' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show hardware flow ip ' '[ {{monitor <mname>} | {profile <prof_id>} | {vlan <vlan_id>} | {interface <interface> }} ]' '[instance <inst>] [detail] [module <num>]' | Yes |
show hardware flow ipv6 ' '[ {{monitor <mname>} | {profile <prof_id>} | {vlan <vlan_id>} | {interface <interface> }} ]' '[instance <inst>] [detail] [module <num>]' | Yes |
show hardware flow utilization' '[instance <inst>] [module <num>]' | Yes |
show xml server internal exec-info { all | <session_id> } ' | Yes |
show xml server internal history { commands | errors | all_history } [ session <session_id> ]' | Yes |
show xml server status' | Yes |
show flow exporter [name] [<exportername>] | Yes |
show flow interface [<intf>]' | Yes |
show flow internal lif status | Yes |
show flow internal ppf db | Yes |
show flow internal ppf node-id [<id>] | Yes |
show flow monitor [name] [<monitorname> [cache [detailed]]]' | Yes |
show flow record [name] [ {<recordname>} | { netflow-original } | {netflow { protocol-port | layer2-switched {input} | {ipv4 | ipv6 | l2} {original-input | original-output}}}] | Yes |
show flow timeout | Yes |
show sampler [name] [<samplername>] | Yes |
show fabric multicast globals' | Yes |
show fabric multicast vrf [{<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show fabric multicast {ipv4 {mroute [{<v4_group> [<v4_source>]}] | ssm-range | rp-grange | sa-ad-route [{<v4_group> [<v4_source>]}] } | ipv6 {mroute [{<v6_group> [<v6_source>]}] | ssm-range | rp-grange | sa-ad-route [{<v4_group>[<v4_source>]}] }} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ngoam acl status | Yes |
show ngoam loopback {{statistics {session {<handle> | all} | summary } } | {status {session {<handle> | all}}}} | Yes |
show ngoam pathtrace {{statistics {summary | {session {<handle> | all }}}} | {database session {<handle> | all} [detail]}} | Yes |
show ngoam traceroute statistics {summary | {session {<handle> | all} }} | Yes |
show ntp access-groups | Yes |
show ntp authentication-keys | Yes |
show ntp authentication-status | Yes |
show ntp logging-status | Yes |
show ntp peer-status | Yes |
show ntp peers | Yes |
show ntp rts-update | Yes |
show ntp session status | Yes |
show ntp source | Yes |
show ntp source-interface | Yes |
show ntp statistics { io | local | memory | peer { ipaddr { <ipv4_0> | <ipv6_1> } | name <s0> } } | Yes |
show ntp status | Yes |
show ntp trusted-keys | Yes |
show nve interface [<nve-if> [detail]]' | Yes |
show nve peers <addr> interface <nve-if>counters' | Yes |
show nve peers [[[interface <nve-if> | peer-ip <user-peer-ip> | control-plane | data-plane ] [detail]] | [ control-plane-vni [vni <vni-id> | peer-ip <user-peer-ip>]] | [controller]]' | Yes |
show nve vni <vni-id> counters' | Yes |
show nve vni [ { { interface <nve-if> | <vni-id> } [detail] } | control-plane |' ' data-plane | summary | controller ]' | Yes |
show nve vrf [vrf-name]' | Yes |
show nve vxlan-params' | Yes |
show nxapi' | Yes |
show onep cli-extensions applications' | Yes |
show onep error' | Yes |
show onep history { {archived} | { all } | {session {all | <onep-session-id>}}}' | Yes |
show onep statistics [ session {all | <onep-session-id>} ]' | Yes |
show onep status' | Yes |
show onep trace' | Yes |
show onep {session {all | <onep-session-id> | rate-limit}}' | Yes |
show otv mroute [[<overlay-if>] [vlan <vlan-id>] [source <saddr>] [group <gaddr>]]+ [detail] [startup] [iodcache] [summary]' | Yes |
show otv orib dampen_timer' | Yes |
show otv route [[<overlay-if> [neighbor-address <nipaddr>]] [vlan <vlan-id>] [<mac-address>]]+ [summary]' | Yes |
show ip ospf [<inst>] policy statistics {{redistribute {{bgp | eigrp} <as> | {isis | ospf | rip} <tag> | static | direct | amt}} | {area <area-id-ip> filter-list {in | out}}} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] border-routers [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] database [[[[network | asbr-summary | summary | router | opaque-link | opaque-area | nssa-external] [area <area-id-ip>]] | external [ext_tag <tag_val>] | opaque-as] [<lsid>] [self-originated | adv-router <advid> | adv-router-name <adv-name>]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] database [[[network | asbr-summary | summary | router | opaque-link | opaque-area | nssa-external] [area <area-id-ip>]] | external [ext_tag <tag_val>] | opaque-as] [<lsid>] [self-originated | adv-router <advid> | adv-router-name <adv-name> ] detail [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] database database-summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] ha [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] interface [<interface> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [private] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] interface brief [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] lsa-content-changed-list { <ip-addr> | <neighbor-name> } <interface> | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] memory | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] mpls ldp interface [<interface> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] neighbors [<interface>] [<neighbor> | <neighbor-name>] detail [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [private] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] neighbors [<interface>] summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] neighbors [{{<interface> [<neighbor> | <neighbor-name>]} | {[<neighbor> | <neighbor-name>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]}}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] request-list { <ip-addr> | <neighbor-name> } <interface> | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] retransmission-list { <routerid> | <router-name> } <interface> | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] route [<ip-addr> | <ip-prefix> [longer-prefixes]] [all_routes] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] route [<ip-prefix> [longer-prefixes]] summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] sham-links [brief] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] statistics [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] summary-address [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [private] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] traffic [<interface> [detail] | [detail]| [detail] vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] virtual-links [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip ospf [<tag>] virtual-links brief [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] border-routers [all_routes] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] database [[[[router | network | intra-area-prefix | inter-area {irouter | iprefix} | nssa-external | area-unknown | [[{link | link-unknown | grace} [<interface>]]]][area <area-id-ip>]] | external [tag <tag_val>] | as-unknown] [<lsid>] [self-originated | adv-router <advid> | adv-router-name <adv-name> ]] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] database [[[router | network | intra-area-prefix | inter-area {irouter | iprefix} | nssa-external | area-unknown | [[{link | link-unknown | grace} [<interface>]]]][area <area-id-ip>]] | external [tag <tag_val>] | as-unknown] [<lsid>] [self-originated | adv-router <advid> | adv-router-name <adv-name> ] detail [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] database database-summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] ha [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] interface [<interface> | vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [private] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] interface brief [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] neighbors [<interface>] [<neighbor>] detail [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [private] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] neighbors [<interface>] summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] neighbors [{{<interface> [<neighbor> | <neighbor-name> ]} | {[<neighbor> | <neighbor-name>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]}}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] route [<ipv6-prefix> [longer-prefixes]] [all_routes] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] route [<ipv6-prefix> [longer-prefixes]] summary [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] statistics [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] summary-address [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [private] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] traffic [<interface> [detail] | [detail] | [detail] vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] virtual-links [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] virtual-links brief [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] lsa-content-changed-list { <ip-addr> | <neighbor-name> } <interface> | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] memory | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] request-list { <ip-addr> | <neighbor-name> } <interface> | Yes |
show [ipv6] ospfv3 [<tag>] retransmission-list { <routerid> | <router-name> } <interface> | Yes |
show track {[<object-id> | interface | ip {route | sla} | ipv6 routev6 | list boolean and | list boolean or | list threshold weight | list threshold percentage] } brief | Yes |
show track {[<object-id> | interface | ip {route | sla} | ipv6 routev6 | list boolean and | list boolean or | list threshold weight | list threshold percentage]} | Yes |
show otv | Yes |
show otv adjacency | Yes |
show otv arp-nd-cache | Yes |
show otv data-group | Yes |
show otv internal | Yes |
show otv isis | Yes |
show otv mroute | Yes |
show otv route | Yes |
show otv site | Yes |
show otv source-group | Yes |
show otv vlan | Yes |
show otv vlan [{<vlan-range>}] [authoritative] [private-vlan] [detail] [<overlay-if> | vpn <vpn-name>]' | Yes |
show otv vlan-mapping | Yes |
show otv vni | Yes |
show environment [ clock | fan | power [ detail ] [ ampere ] | temperature [ module <module> | <s0> <santa-cruz-range>]] | Yes |
show environment shutdown temperature | Yes |
show hardware | Yes |
show hardware capacity eobc | Yes |
show hardware capacity eobc internal snmp cshcInternalChannelTable entPhysicalIndex <active-sup> cshcIntlChnlType <chnltype> | Yes |
show hardware capacity module | Yes |
show hardware capacity power | Yes |
show inventory [ chassis | clock | fans | power_supply | module [ <module> ] | <s0> [ <santa-cruz-range> ] ] | Yes |
show locator-led status | Yes |
show sprom { backplane <i0> | fan <fan-range> | module <module> <i3> | powersupply <ps-range> | sup [<i5>] | stby-sup [<i6>] | all | xbar <santa-cruz-range> <i7> } | Yes |
show system error-id { list | <i0> } | Yes |
show system exception-info | Yes |
show vlan counters | Yes |
show vlan id <vlan-id> counters | Yes |
show ip pim config-sanity' | Yes |
show ip pim df [<rp-or-group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [internal]' | Yes |
show ip pim fabric info' | Yes |
show ip pim fabric legacy-vlans | Yes |
show ip pim group-range [<group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all} ] | Yes |
show ip pim interface [<interface>] [brief]' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [internal]' | Yes |
show ip pim internal {{vpc [rpf-source [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]]} | emulated-switch}' | Yes |
show ip pim mdt [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all }]' | Yes |
show ip pim mdt bgp [mdt-source <src-addr>]' | Yes |
show ip pim mdt history interval <min> [vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all }]' | Yes |
show ip pim mdt receive [detail] [vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all }]' | Yes |
show ip pim mdt send [detail] [vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all }]' | Yes |
show ip pim neighbor {[<interface>] | [<ipaddr>]} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [detail | internal]' | Yes |
show ip pim oif-list <group> [<source>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip pim policy statistics { jp-policy | neighbor-policy } <interface>' | Yes |
show ip pim policy statistics { register-policy | bsr { bsr-policy ' '| rp-candidate-policy } | auto-rp { rp-candidate-policy | ' 'mapping-agent-policy }} [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip pim route [ [<source> [<group>]] | [<group> [<source>]] ] [bitfield] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip pim rp [<group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [internal]' | Yes |
show ip pim rp-hash <group> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip pim statistics [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ip pim vrf [{<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [detail | internal]' | Yes |
show mvpn bgp {mdt-safi | auto-discovery} [mdt-source <src-addr>]' | Yes |
show mvpn mdt encap [vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all }]' | Yes |
show mvpn mdt route [detail]' | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib genericTable [<mplsVpnVrfName-in>] | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnBgpMdtUpdateTable [<ciscoMvpnBgpMdtUpdGrpAddrType-in> <ciscoMvpnBgpMdtUpdateGroup-in> ' '<ciscoMvpnBgpMdtUpdSrcAddrType-in> <ciscoMvpnBgpMdtUpdateSource-in>] ' | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnMdtDataTable [<mplsVpnVrfName-in>] | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnMdtDefaultTable [<mplsVpnVrfName-in>] | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnMdtJnRcvTable [<mplsVpnVrfName-in> <ciscoMvpnMdtJnRcvGrpAddrType-in>' '<ciscoMvpnMdtJnRcvGroup-in> <ciscoMvpnMdtJnRcvSrcAddrType-in> <ciscoMvpnMdtJnRcvSource-in>]' | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnMdtJnSendTable [<mplsVpnVrfName-in> <ciscoMvpnMdtJnSendGrpAddrType-in> ' ' <ciscoMvpnMdtJnSendGroup-in> <ciscoMvpnMdtJnSendSrcAddrType-in> <ciscoMvpnMdtJnSendSource-in>]' | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnMrouteMdtTable [<mplsVpnVrfName-in> <ciscoMvpnMrouteMvrfGrpAddrType-in>' '<ciscoMvpnMrouteMvrfGroup-in> <ciscoMvpnMrouteMvrfSrcAddrType-in> <ciscoMvpnMrouteMvrfSource-in> <ciscoMvpnMrouteUpDownStreamInfo-in> ]' | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnMvrfNumber | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnNotificationEnable | Yes |
show mvpn snmp mib mvpnTunnelTable [<ifIndex-in>] | Yes |
show snmp mib pimCandidateRPTable [<pimCandidateRPGroupAddress-in>] [<pimCandidateRPGroupMask-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimComponentTable [<pimComponentIndex-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimInterfaceTable [<pimInterfaceIfIndex-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimIpMRouteNextHopTable [<ipMRouteNextHopGroup-in> <ipMRouteNextHopSource-in> <ipMRouteNextHopSourceMask-in>' '<ipMRouteNextHopIfIndex-in> <ipMRouteNextHopAddress-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimIpMRouteTable [<ipMRouteGroup-in>] [<ipMRouteSource-in>][<ipMRouteSourceMask-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimJoinPruneInterval' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimNeighborTable [<pimNeighborAddress-in>]' | Yes |
show snmp mib pimRPSetTable [<pimRPSetComponent-in>] [<pimRPSetGroupAddress-in>] [<pimRPSetGroupMask-in>] [<pimRPSetAddress-in>]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim df [<rp-or-group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim fabric info' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim fabric legacy-vlans | Yes |
show ipv6 pim group-range [<group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim interface <interface> |' 'show ipv6 pim interface [brief] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim neighbor {[<interface>] | [<ipv6addr>]}' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim oif-list <group> [<source>]' ' [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim policy statistics { jp-policy | neighbor-policy } <interface>' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim route { [bitfield] | <source> <group> | ' ' <group> [<source>] [bitfield] }' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim rp [<group>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim rp-hash <group> [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim statistics [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 pim vrf [{<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [detail]' | Yes |
show plb <svc-name> [brief]' | Yes |
show plb [brief]' | Yes |
show plb session device-group [<name>]' | Yes |
show plb vrf [<name>]' | Yes |
show plb {<service_name> | all} [src {<src-ip> | <src-IPv6>} | dst {<dst-ip> | <dst-IPv6>}] statistics [brief]' | Yes |
show class-map type psp { [<cmap-name-plc> [client <clienttype> <clientID> ] [cfg-mode <cfgmode> ]]| [ handle <ppf_id> ]} ' | Yes |
show policy-map interface { [<ifnum>] } type psp { [<pmap-name> [client <clienttype> <clientID> ] ] | [handle <ppf_id>] } { [class-map-list { [<cmap-name-plc>+] | [class-map-handle <ppf_id1>+] } ] }' | Yes |
show policy-map type psp { [<pmap-name> [client <clienttype> <clientID> ] [cfg-mode <cfgmode> ] ] | [handle <ppf_id>] }' | Yes |
show interface status error policy | Yes |
show interface status error policy detail | Yes |
show fabric trace udp-src-port [l2 { src-mac <src-mac> dst-mac <dst-mac> } | ipv4 { src-ip <src-ip> dst-ip <dst-ip> [ src-port <src-port> dst-port <dst-port> ] } | ipv6 { src-ipv6 <src-ipv6> dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> [ src-ipv6-port <src-ipv6-port> dst-ipv6-port <dst-ipv6-port> ] } ] ' | Yes |
show fabricpath mode' | Yes |
show hardware [forwarding] ip verify [module <module>] | Yes |
show hardware access-list lou resource threshold' | Yes |
show hardware fabricpath mac-learning ' 'module <module>' | Yes |
show hardware forwarding interface statistics mode' | Yes |
show hardware forwarding ip verify internal snmp chivIpVerifyTable chivIpVerifyCheckIpType <check_ip_type> chivIpVerifyCheckTypeName <check_type_name> | Yes |
show hardware forwarding multicast fabric-path ingress <ing-intf> { vlan <vlan> | ethertype <ethertype> | src-mac <src-mac> | dst-mac <dst-mac> | src-ip <src-ip> | src-ipv6 <src-ipv6> | dst-ip <dst-ip> | dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> | src-port <src-port> | dst-port <dst-port>}+ ' | Yes |
show hardware rate-limiter [module <module>] [layer-3{ <l3-opts>| multicast <mcast-opts>} | layer-2 <l2-opts>| <opts> | f1 <f1-opts>] ' | Yes |
show hardware rl snmp class-id <class-id> | Yes |
show hardware rl snmp global class-id <class-id> | Yes |
show hardware rl snmp local snmp-index <snmp-index> class-id <class-id> | Yes |
show port-channel load-balance {[module <module>] | {fex {<fex-range> | all}}} ' | Yes |
show port-channel load-balance forwarding-path interface <ch-id> {vlan <vlan-id> | src-mac <src-mac> | dst-mac <dst-mac> | src-ip <src-ip> | dst-ip <dst-ip> | src-ipv6 <src-ipv6> | dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> | l4-src-port <l4-src-port> | l4-dst-port <l4-dst-port> | src-id <sid> | dst-id <did> | ox-id <oxid> | rotate <rotate> | preference <pref> | ethertype <ethertype> | gtp-teid <gtp-teid> }+ {module <module> | fex <fex-range>}' | Yes |
show mgmt-policy {<policy-name>| all}' | Yes |
show system inband queuing { status | statistics}' | Yes |
show config-profile [name <all_conf_profile_name>] | Yes |
show param-list [param-list-name <plistname>] [show-instance] | Yes |
show port-profile [name <all_profile_name>] | Yes |
show port-profile brief | Yes |
show port-profile expand-interface [name <all_profile_name>] | Yes |
show port-profile sync-status [interface <intfname>] | Yes |
show port-profile usage [name <all_profile_name>] | Yes |
show process cpu detailed <pid> | Yes |
show process stack <pid> | Yes |
show processes | Yes |
show processes cpu [sort [<sort-time>]] | Yes |
show processes cpu module <i0> | Yes |
show processes log | Yes |
show processes log details | Yes |
show processes log pid <i0> | Yes |
show processes log vdc-all | Yes |
show processes memory | Yes |
show processes memory sort | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> cpu [sort] [<sort-time>] | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> log | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> log details | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> log pid <i1> | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> memory | Yes |
show processes vdc <e-vdc2> memory sort | Yes |
show system resources | Yes |
show ptp brief | Yes |
show ptp clock | Yes |
show ptp clock foreign-masters record [interface <if0>] | Yes |
show ptp corrections | Yes |
show ptp counters { interface <if0> | all } | Yes |
show ptp delay summary | Yes |
show ptp parent | Yes |
show ptp port interface <if0> | Yes |
show ptp time-property | Yes |
show "qos" shared-policer [type qos1] [<policer-name>] | Yes |
show class-map [ {[type qos] [<cmap-name> | <color-map-enum-name>] } | ' ' {type queuing [ ' '<default-cmap-enum-name>| <cmap-dce-name> | <cmap-name-hque> ' '|<cmap-sys-name> ' ' ]}] ' | Yes |
show hardware "qos" dscp-to-queue <dir> | Yes |
show hardware "qos" fcoe-fex | Yes |
show hardware "qos" shared-buffer [module <module-no>] | Yes |
show hardware "qos" shared-buffer module <module-no> port-group <pg-no> | Yes |
show pmap-int { interface [<iface-list>] [input | output] [type <qos-or-q>] | vlan [<vlan-list>] [inputx | outputx] [type qos] | system fabric} | Yes |
show pmap-int-br interface br | Yes |
show policy-map [ {[type qos] [<pmap-name-qos>]} | { type queuing {[<pmap-name-que>] | [<pmap-name-fab-qos-usr>] | [<pmap-name-fabric-qos>]}} ]' | Yes |
show policy-map port-group br | Yes |
show table-map [<tmap-name> | <default-tmap-enum-name>] | Yes |
show "qos" dcbxp incompatibility interface <iface-num> | Yes |
show "qos" dcbxp info | Yes |
show class-map type network-qos [<cmap-name-nq>] | Yes |
show interface priority-flow-control { [module <mod_num>] | [vl <cos-val> ]} | Yes |
show policy-map system [type {network-qos | {queuing[input|output]}}] | Yes |
show policy-map type network-qos [<pmap-name-nq>] | Yes |
show aaa client radius statistics <hostipname> | Yes |
show aaa server radius statistics | Yes |
show radius distribution status | Yes |
show radius merge status | Yes |
show radius pending | Yes |
show radius pending cmds | Yes |
show radius pending-diff | Yes |
show radius session status | Yes |
show radius status | Yes |
show radius-cfs | Yes |
show radius-server | Yes |
show radius-server directed-request | Yes |
show radius-server groups [ <s0> ] | Yes |
show radius-server sorted | Yes |
show radius-server statistics <host0> | Yes |
show radius-server {<host0>} | Yes |
show resource [<res-mgr-res-known-name>] [hidden-too | with-flags] | Yes |
show system vlan reserved | Yes |
show vdc <id> resource [<res-mgr-res-known-name>] | Yes |
show vdc resource [<res-mgr-res-known-name>] [detail | hidden-too | with-flags]+ | Yes |
show vdc resource template [<res-mgr-template-known-name-all>] | Yes |
{show vdc internal snmp ciscoVdcGlobalResUsageTable ciscoVdcGlobalResID <res_id_in> | Yes |
{show vdc internal snmp ciscoVdcResTemplateTable ciscoVdcResTemplateName <template_name_in> ciscoVdcGlobalResID <res_id_in> | Yes |
{show vdc internal snmp ciscoVdcResUsageTable ciscoVdcId <new_id> ciscoVdcGlobalResID <res_id_in> | Yes |
show ip rip [instance <inst>] policy statistics redistribute ' '{ bgp <as> | { eigrp | isis | <src-rip> | ospf } <tag> | direct | static }' '[vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show ipv6 rip [instance <inst>] policy statistics redistribute ' '{ bgp <as> | { eigrp | isis | <src-rip> | ospfv3 | lisp} <tag> | direct | static } [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6| ip} rip [instance <inst>] route [{<ipv6-prefix> | <ip-prefix>} [{longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes}]] [summary] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6|ip} rip [instance <inst>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6|ip} rip [instance <inst>] interface [<interface>] [detail] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6|ip} rip [instance <inst>] memory' | Yes |
show {ipv6|ip} rip [instance <inst>] neighbor [<interface>] [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}]' | Yes |
show {ipv6|ip} rip [instance <inst>] statistics [ * | <interface> ]' | Yes |
show ip as-path-access-list ["<aspl-name>" | "<aspl-cfg-name>"] | Yes |
show ip community-list [<cl_name>] | Yes |
show ip extcommunity-list [<extcl_name>] | Yes |
show ip prefix-list { { [detail | summary] ["<ipv4-pfl-name>" | "<ipv4-pfl-cfg-name>"] } | { { "<ipv4-pfl-name>" | "<ipv4-pfl-cfg-name>" } seq <seq-no> } | { { "<ipv4-pfl-name>" | "<ipv4-pfl-cfg-name>" } <prefix> [ first-match | longer ] } } | Yes |
show ipv6 prefix-list { { [detail | summary] ["<ipv6-pfl-name>" | "<ipv6-pfl-cfg-name>"] } | { { "<ipv6-pfl-name>" | "<ipv6-pfl-cfg-name>" } seq <seq-no> } | { { "<ipv6-pfl-name>" | "<ipv6-pfl-cfg-name>" }<prefix> [ first-match | longer ] } } | Yes |
show route-map ["<route-map-name>" | "<route-map-cfg-name>"] | Yes |
show ip local policy [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ip policy [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] [detail] | Yes |
show ipv6 local policy [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show ipv6 policy [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all}] | Yes |
show route-map { <pbr_rmap_name> | <pbr_rmap_cfg_name> } pbr-statistics | Yes |
show data-corruption' | Yes |
show security system state' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology interface [<interface> | all] vlan [active]' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology [<tpg-id>] ftag [unicast | multicast | active | internal snmp cfptTopologyTreeTable topo-id <tpg_index-in> tree-id <tree_id-in>]' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology [<tpg-id>] interface [<interface> | all]' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology [<tpg-id>] interface [<interface>] internal snmp cfptTopologyIfTable topo-id <tpg_index-in> ifindex <if-in>' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology [<tpg-id>] vlan [active]' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology [detail] [passive]' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology interface vlan internal snmp cfptTopologyIfVlanTable ifindex <if-in>' | Yes |
show fabricpath topology internal snmp cfptTopologyTable topo-id <tpg_index-in>' | Yes |
show environment fex { all | <i> } [ temperature | power | fan ] | Yes |
show fex | Yes |
show fex <chas_no> [detail | ports | event-history ] | Yes |
show fex <chas_no> transceiver [calibration | detail ] | Yes |
show fex <i> version | Yes |
show fex detail | Yes |
show interface <if_id> fex-conf | Yes |
show interface <if_id> fex-intf | Yes |
show interface counters snmp fex <fex_num> | Yes |
show interface fex-fabric | Yes |
show interface flowcontrol fex <fex_num> | Yes |
show inventory fex <i> | Yes |
show locator-led fex status | Yes |
show module fex { [ all | <i> ] } | Yes |
show sprom fex <i> { all | backplane | powersupply <i1> } | Yes |
show sprom fex all | Yes |
show system reset-reason fex <i> | Yes |
show version fex <i> | Yes |
show all-fex-by-vdc | Yes |
show scheduler config | Yes |
show scheduler job [ name <s0> ] | Yes |
show scheduler logfile | Yes |
show scheduler schedule [ name <s0> ] | Yes |
show aaa local user blocked | Yes |
show banner exec | Yes |
show banner motd | Yes |
show bash-shell | Yes |
show fips status | Yes |
show locked-users | Yes |
show password secure-mode | Yes |
show password strength-check | Yes |
show ssh key [ { dsa | rsa } ] | Yes |
show ssh server | Yes |
show telnet server | Yes |
show user-account [ <s0> ] | Yes |
show username <s0> keypair | Yes |
show username <username> passphrase timevalues | Yes |
show userpassphrase {default-lifetime| default-warntime| default-gracetime| timevalues} | Yes |
show userpassphrase {min-length| max-length| length} | Yes |
show users | Yes |
show ipv6 dhcp guard policy [ <pname> ] | Yes |
show ipv6 nd raguard policy [ <name> ] | Yes |
show ipv6 neighbor binding [{ {vlan <vlanid> [details]} | {{address {<ipv6-addr> | all}} {interface <intfid> vlan <vlanid> [details] | interface <intfid> [details] | [details]}} | {interface <intfid> vlan <vlanid> [details]} | {interface <intfid> [details]} | [details]} ] | Yes |
show ipv6 neighbor binding mac <macaddr> {interface <intfid> vlan <vlanid> [details] | interface <intfid> [details] | [details]} | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping capture-policy [vlan <vlanid>] [interface <intf>] | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping counters { {vlan <vlanid>} | {interface <intf>} } | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping events | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping features | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping internal counters | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping messages [detailed <count> ] | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping policies internal | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping policies { [vlan <vlanid>] | [interface <intf>] } | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping policy [ <policy_name> ] | Yes |
show ipv6 snooping pss database | Yes |
show encryption service stat | Yes |
show keystore | Yes |
show ip sla responder - Test Comments: Validate-XML fails for IPSLA show commands, Bug Opened: CSCvf84284, CSCva73781 | Yes |
show ip sla application | Yes |
show ip sla configuration [<entry-num>] | Yes |
show ip sla enhanced-history collection-statistics [<operation-number> [interval <interval-in-secs>]] | Yes |
show ip sla enhanced-history distribution-statistics [<operation-number> [interval <interval-in-secs>]] | Yes |
show ip sla group schedule [<group-operation-number>] | Yes |
show ip sla history [<operation-number>] [tabular | full | interval-statistics] | Yes |
show ip sla reaction-configuration [<entry-num>] | Yes |
show ip sla reaction-trigger [<entry-num>] | Yes |
show ip sla statistics [aggregated] [<entry-num>] [details] | Yes |
show smart-channel <svc-name> [brief]' | Yes |
show license all | Yes |
show license status | Yes |
show license summary | Yes |
show license udi | Yes |
show process memory shared | Yes |
show processes memory shared [detail | dynamic]' | Yes |
show snapshots compare <snapshot-name-T1> <snapshot-name-T2> ipv4routes' | Yes |
show snapshots compare <snapshot-name-T1> <snapshot-name-T2> ipv6routes' | Yes |
show snapshots compare <snapshot-name-T1> <snapshot-name-T2> summary' | Yes |
show snapshots compare <snapshot-name-T1> <snapshot-name-T2>' | Yes |
show snapshots dump <snapshot-name> <section-name>' | Yes |
show snapshots dump <snapshot-name>' | Yes |
show snapshots sections' | Yes |
show snapshots' | Yes |
show rmon { alarms | events | hcalarms | info | logs } | Yes |
show snmp | Yes |
show snmp community | Yes |
show snmp context | Yes |
show snmp engineID | Yes |
show snmp group | Yes |
show snmp host | Yes |
show snmp sessions | Yes |
show snmp source-interface | Yes |
show snmp trap | Yes |
show snmp user [<s0> [ engineID <s1> ]] | Yes |
show snmp internal climib test <id> | Yes |
show ip dns source-interface [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>} ] ' | Yes |
show ip dns source-interface vrf all ' | Yes |
show ip telnet source-interface [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>} ] ' | Yes |
show ip telnet source-interface vrf all ' | Yes |
show ip tftp source-interface [vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>} ] ' | Yes |
show ip tftp source-interface vrf all ' | Yes |
show configuration session | Yes |
show configuration session <s3> | Yes |
show configuration session global-info | Yes |
show configuration session status [<s3>] | Yes |
show configuration session summary | Yes |
show hardware queuing drops [module <module>] [debug <level>] | Yes |
show hardware queuing drops egress [module <module>] [debug <level>] | Yes |
show hardware queuing drops ingress [module <module>] | Yes |
show hardware replication statistics [module <mod>] | Yes |
{show hardware internal errors snmp csstHwInternalErrorInstanceTable entPhysicalIndex <ent_index_in> dev_id <dev_id_in> stats_category <category_in> inst_num <inst_num_in> error_id <error_id_in> | Yes |
{show hardware internal errors snmp csstHwInternalErrorTable entPhysicalIndex <ent_index_in> dev_id <dev_id_in> stats_category <category_in> | Yes |
show spanning-tree [vlan <vlan-id> | bridge-domain <bd-id>] summary | Yes |
show spanning-tree summary totals | Yes |
{show spanning-tree mst [<mst-id> ] interface <interface-id> | Yes |
{show spanning-tree mst configuration | Yes |
{show spanning-tree mst configuration digest | Yes |
show clock [detail] | Yes |
show line | Yes |
show line console | Yes |
show line console connected | Yes |
show line console user-input-string | Yes |
show software integrity index <idx> | Yes |
show software integrity total | Yes |
show logging info | Yes |
show logging nvram [ [{last <i0>}] | Yes |
show copyright | Yes |
show cores | Yes |
show cores vdc [<e-vdc2> | <vdc-id>] | Yes |
show cores vdc-all | Yes |
show feature-set services <s0> | Yes |
show system auto-collect tech-support | Yes |
show system cores | Yes |
show system pss shrink status [details] | Yes |
show system redundancy ha status | Yes |
show system redundancy status | Yes |
show system standby manual-boot | Yes |
show system uptime | Yes |
show redundancy status | Yes |
show version | Yes |
show '"tacacs+"' distribution status | Yes |
show '"tacacs+"' merge status | Yes |
show '"tacacs+"' session status | Yes |
show '"tacacs+"' status | Yes |
show tacacs-cfs | Yes |
show tacacs-server | Yes |
show tacacs-server directed-request | Yes |
show tacacs-server groups [ <s0> ] | Yes |
show tacacs-server sorted | Yes |
show tacacs-server statistics {<host0>} | Yes |
show tacacs-server {<host0>} | Yes |
show ip tcp mss | Yes |
show sockets client {[pid <pid>] [tcp | udp | raw] [detail] [kstack-ns-all]}' | Yes |
show sockets connection [pid <pid> | tcp | udp | raw]' '[local {<srcIP> | <srcIP6>}] [foreign {<dstIP> | <dstIP6>}]' '[detail] [keydetails]' | Yes |
show sockets secure-lxc' | Yes |
show sockets statistics [all | tcp | tcp6 | tcpsum | udp | udp6 | udpsum | raw | raw6 | rawsum] | Yes |
show sockets tcp keychain binding' | Yes |
show tunnel iftable [<ifindex-in>] | Yes |
show tunnel inetconfigtable [<tunnelInetConfigAddressType-in> [[<tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress-in> [<tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress-in> [<tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod-in> [<tunnelInetConfigID-in>]]]]]] | Yes |
show license | Yes |
show license brief | Yes |
show license fcoe usage <fcoe_pkg_name> | Yes |
show license feature package mapping | Yes |
show license file <license-file> | Yes |
show license host-id | Yes |
show license usage fcoe | Yes |
show license usage vdc all | Yes |
show fabricpath load-balance | Yes |
show fabricpath load-balance multicast ftag-selected flow-type {l2 {{dst-mac <dst-mac> | src-mac <src-mac>}+ {ether-type <ether-type>}} | l3 {dst-ip <dst-ip> | src-ip <src-ip> | dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> | src-ipv6 <src-ipv6>}+ | l4 {{l4-src-port <l4-src-port> | l4-dst-port <l4-dst-port>}+ [dst-ip <dst-ip> | src-ip <src-ip> | dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> | src-ipv6 <src-ipv6> | l4-src-port <l4-src-port> | l4-dst-port <l4-dst-port>]+ }} {vlan <vlan> | vni <vni>} {module <mod-no>} ' | Yes |
show fabricpath load-balance unicast forwarding-path ftag <ftag> switchid <swid> flow-type {l2 {{dst-mac <dst-mac> | src-mac <src-mac>}+ {ether-type <ether-type>}} | l3 {dst-ip <dst-ip> | src-ip <src-ip> | dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> | src-ipv6 <src-ipv6>}+ | l4 {{l4-src-port <l4-src-port> | l4-dst-port <l4-dst-port>}+ [dst-ip <dst-ip> | src-ip <src-ip> | dst-ipv6 <dst-ipv6> | src-ipv6 <src-ipv6> | l4-src-port <l4-src-port> | l4-dst-port <l4-dst-port>]+ }} [vlan <vlan> | vni <vni> ] {module <mod-no>} ' | Yes |
show fabricpath static route [topology {<topo_val>}] | Yes |
show fabricpath ttl | Yes |
show fabricpath unicast route-consistency-check {module <module> | module-all} | Yes |
show {l2 | fabricpath} route [topology {<topo_val> [switchid <switchid>] | all} | switchid <switchid>] [detail | hex]+ | Yes |
show udld [<if0>] | Yes |
show udld global | Yes |
show udld neighbors | Yes |
show forwarding distribution capture | Yes |
show forwarding distribution clients | Yes |
show forwarding distribution fib-state | Yes |
show forwarding distribution internal counters [detail] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution internal error counts | Yes |
show forwarding distribution internal info | Yes |
show forwarding distribution lisp counters | Yes |
show forwarding distribution lisp vrf enabled | Yes |
show forwarding distribution logging [ enable | disable ] | Yes |
show forwarding distribution peer-id [vpls | otv | nve]' | Yes |
show forwarding distribution test {on | off} | Yes |
show forwarding distribution tierpeerid [vpls | otv | nve] [tierpeer <tierpeeridx>]' | Yes |
show forwarding distribution {pauz | rezum} | Yes |
show ip fib distribution [pauz | rezum] | Yes |
show ip fib distribution capture | Yes |
show ip fib distribution clients | Yes |
show ip fib distribution internal error counts | Yes |
show ip fib distribution internal error counts | Yes |
show ip fib distribution state | Yes |
show routing | Yes |
show routing <ipv4> | Yes |
show routing <prefix> | Yes |
show routing am | Yes |
show routing broadcast | Yes |
show routing clients | Yes |
show routing detail | Yes |
show routing direct | Yes |
show routing event-history | Yes |
show routing hash | Yes |
show routing hidden-nh | Yes |
show routing interface | Yes |
show routing internal | Yes |
show routing ip | Yes |
show routing ipv4 | Yes |
show routing ipv6 | Yes |
show routing l3vm-info | Yes |
show routing local | Yes |
show routing memory | Yes |
show routing mhbfd tracker | Yes |
show routing monitor | Yes |
show routing next-hop | Yes |
show routing nhlfe | Yes |
show routing recursive-next-hop | Yes |
show routing rpf | Yes |
show routing sal | Yes |
show routing static | Yes |
show routing summary | Yes |
show routing topology | Yes |
show routing unicast | Yes |
show routing updated | Yes |
show routing vrf | Yes |
show routing vxlan-hash | Yes |
show file <uri0> [ cksum | md5sum | sha256sum | sha512sum ] | Yes |
show vdc current-vdc " | Yes |
show vdc fcoe-vlan-range | Yes |
show vdc internal mac_address_table " | Yes |
{show vdc internal snmp ciscoVdcCombinedHostnameEnabled | Yes |
{show vdc internal snmp ciscoVdcExtTable ciscoVdcId <vdc_id_in> | Yes |
{show vdc internal snmp ciscoVdcMaxNumberVdcAllowed | Yes |
show bridge-domain [ <id> ] | Yes |
show bridge-domain fabric [ <id> ] | Yes |
show bridge-domain xsummary | Yes |
show interface <ifindex> vlan mapping | Yes |
show vlan | Yes |
show vlan all-ports | Yes |
show vlan id <vlan-id> | Yes |
show vlan internal bd-info bd-to-vlan { <bd-id2> | all-bd } | Yes |
show vlan internal bd-info bd-usage | Yes |
show vlan internal bd-info vlan-to-bd { <vlan-id3> | all-vlan } | Yes |
show vlan internal info port-configuration interface [ <ifindex_in> ] | Yes |
show vlan internal info port-translation interface [ <ifindex_in> [ <cvtPortOriginalVlan_in> ] ] | Yes |
show vlan internal next-vlan <vlan-id> [vlan-crsysuptime] | Yes |
show vlan internal port-info | Yes |
show vlan internal port-memb-mib interface <intf-num> | Yes |
show vlan internal port-memb-mib-sum <vlan-id> [ port-range <port-range-list> ] | Yes |
show vlan internal trunk interface <intf-num> | Yes |
show vlan internal trunk-info interface <if-index> <trunk-dis-size> | Yes |
show vlan internal trunk2 interface <intf-num> | Yes |
show vlan internal usage [ id <vrange> ] | Yes |
show vlan internal vdc-info | Yes |
show vlan internal vdc-info2 | Yes |
show vlan internal vlan-info <vlan-id2> | Yes |
show vlan name <vname> | Yes |
show vlan reserved | Yes |
show vlan xbrief | Yes |
show vlan xsummary | Yes |
show guestshell [{detail}] | Yes |
show virtual-service [{list} | {global} | {detail [name <virt_serv_name>]} | {core [name <virt_serv_name_core>]} ] | Yes |
show virtual-service storage pool list | Yes |
show virtual-service utilization name <virt_serv_name> | Yes |
show virtual-service version {{installed} | {name <virt_serv_name> installed}} | Yes |
show vmtracker [connection <conn_name>] status | Yes |
show vmtracker [connection <conn_name>] {{info {{[interface <intf_id> ]{summary|detail|host|vm|port-group}} | {vxlan-segment|vxlan-vms}}}|event-history} | Yes |
show vmtracker fabric auto-config [interface <intf_id>] [vlan <vlan_id>] [status {success|pending|failure|skipped}] | Yes |
show encapsulation profile [all | <encap_profile_name>] | Yes |
show service instance vni [interface <intf> [instance <vsi-id> [dot1q <dot1qid>|vni <vniid>|bd <bdid>]]] [detail] [summary] | Yes |
show vni [<vni-id>] | Yes |
show vni dynamic [vdp | frame-snoop | vmtracker | lldp ][vni <vni-id> | interface <intf> ] | Yes |
show vni internal info interest-list | Yes |
show vni reserved | Yes |
show vrrp bfd-sessions [interface <interface-id> [to <ipaddress>]]' | Yes |
show vrrp [[summary] | {[statistics | detail] [interface <interface_id>] [vr <vr_id>] [master | backup | init]+ } ] | Yes |
show vrrp internal mib-data global-stats | Yes |
show vrrp internal mib-data group-config [<intf-id> <group-id>] | Yes |
show vrrp internal mib-data group-statistics [<intf-id>] [<group-id>] | Yes |
show vrrp internal mib-data ip-config [<intf-id>] [<group-id>] [<ip-address>] | Yes |
show vrrp internal mib-data scalars | Yes |
show fhrp [<intf>] | Yes |
show fhrp [<intf>] verbose | Yes |
show vrrpv3 [ brief | detail | statistics ] [<intf> [<group_num>]] [<opt_v4_or_v6>] [all] | Yes |
show vrrs client [<cname>] | Yes |
show vrrs pathway [<intf>] | Yes |
show vrrs server | Yes |
show vrrs tag [<tagname>] | Yes |
show terminal | Yes |
show cli dynamic integers [<name>] | Yes |
show cli dynamic strings [<name>] | Yes |
show privilege | Yes |
show role [ name <arg3> ] | Yes |
show role feature [ name <arg5> | detail ] | Yes |
show role feature-group [ name <arg4> ] [ detail ] | Yes |
show vtp interface [<interface_range>] " | Yes |
show ip wccp [ vrf {<vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name>} ] [{ <service-number> | web-cache } [ detail | view | service | internal | mask ]] | Yes |
show ip wccp vrf all | Yes |
show hardware capacity fabric-utilization | show hardware fabric-utilization detail timestamp | Yes |
show hardware fabric-utilization [module <module>] | Yes |
show hardware fabric-utilization detail [module <module>] [fabric-slot <santa-cruz-range> [asic <santa-cruz-asic>]] | Yes |
show hardware fabric-utilization fabric-slot <santa-cruz-range> [asic <santa-cruz-asic>] | Yes |
show hardware fabric-utilization internal snmp csfFabricUtilTable PhysicalIndex <pi> FabricLinkType <flt> FabricUtilIndex <fui> | Yes |
show system vqi allocations | Yes |