Perl Client

This appendix provides information about the Perl client, installing ActiveState Perl, and the SOAP:Lite package.

This appendix contains the following sections:

Before executing the Perl script, install ActiveState Perl and the SOAP:Lite package.

Installing Perl

Step 1 Download Perl from

Note Choose and download the appropriate Perl version for your operating system.

Step 2 Run the downloaded executable file to install Perl.

Step 3 To verify whether Perl has been installed properly, use the perl -v CLI command in the command prompt.
If the installation is proper, the details of the installed version of Perl are displayed.


Installing SOAP:Lite

Download SOAP:Lite from

Note Choose and download the appropriate SOAP:Lite version for your operating system.

To install SOAP:lite, follow these steps:

Step 1 Using the command prompt, browse to the directory where the Makefile.PL is located in the downloaded SOAP:Lite package.

Step 2 Use the perl Makefile.PL -noprompt CLI command to install the SOAP:Lite package.

Step 3 Download nmake utility for Windows from

Step 4 Extract the downloaded Nmake15.exe
You will find two files, NMAKE.exe and NMAKE.ERR.
Copy both the NMAKE.exe and NMAKE.ERR files to the installed Perl bin directory.

Step 5 Complete the SOAP:Lite installation by entering the following commands for Windows and Linux machines:

nmake test
nmake install


For more information on installing SOAP:Lite, see

Running the Perl Clients

Note To run a Perl client, the client file and its module file need to be in the same Perl folder.

From the Perl folder where the source files exist, enter the following command:

perl Client-File-Name FM-Server-IP Username password

Figure B-1 Running a Perl Client


Running the Zone Client

To run the zone client, the files zoneClient.plx and zoneModule.plx need to be in same directory.

From the Perl folder where the source files exist, enter the following command:

perl zoneClient.plx FM-Server-IP Username password

Running the Statistics Client

To run the statistics client, the files statistics.plx and statisticsModule.plx need to be in same directory.

From the Perl folder where the source files exist, enter the following command:

perl statistics.plx FM-Server-IP Username password

Sample Code

Note The sample code provided here works only with DCNM release 6.1(x) and later. For prior DCNM versions, you need to make changes to the namespace base on the WSDL.

  • To collect statistics related data, you need to turn on the PM.

Example B-1 ZoneClient.plx

# File: zoneClient.plx
# Name: Shailin Saraiya
# Description: zoneClient
# Variables
my $username;
my $password;
my $vsanId = 01;
my $vsan_wwn = '20:01:00:0d:ec:19:6a:81';
my $wwn = '20:00:00:0d:ec:19:6a:80';
my $zoneName = 'test5';
my $readOnly = 0;
my $broadcast = 0;
my $qos = 0;
my $qosPriority = -1;
my $zoneMemberType = 1;
my $zoneMemberFormat = 1;
my $zoneMemberIvrFabricIndex = -1;
my $zoneMemberIvrVsanIndex = -1;
my $zoneMemberId = 'b1a2334455667788';
my $zoneLastModtime = 0;
my $zoneMemberLunId = '';
my $zoneMemberDbId = 0;
my $zoneisIvr = 0;
my $zoneSetName = 'ZoneSet5';
my $active = 0;
require 'zoneModule.plx';
($url,$username,$password) = @ARGV;
# Getting Token
my $token = getToken($url,$username,$password);
if(!$token) {
print "\nError in getToken call \n";
goto exit;
# Creating Zone
my $zoneIndex = createZone($token,$vsanId,$vsan_wwn,$wwn,$zoneName,$readOnly,$broadcast,$qos,$qosPriority);
if(!$zoneIndex) {
print "\nError in createZone call \n";
goto exit;
# Adding Member to Zone
my $status = addZoneMemberToZone($token,$vsanId,$vsan_wwn,$wwn,$zoneName,$zoneMemberType,$zoneMemberFormat,$zoneMemberIvrFabricIndex,$zoneMemberIvrVsanIndex,$zoneMemberId,$zoneMemberLunId);
if(!$status) {
print "\nError in addZoneMemberToZone call \n";
goto exit;
# Creating ZoneSet
my $zoneSetIndex = createZoneSet($token,$vsanId,$vsan_wwn,$wwn,$zoneSetName);
if(!$zoneSetIndex) {
print "\nError in createZoneSet call \n";
goto exit;
# Add Zone to ZoneSet
my $status = addZoneToZoneset($token,$vsanId,$vsan_wwn,$wwn,$zoneIndex,$zoneName,$readOnly,$broadcast,$qos,$qosPriority,$zoneMemberDbId,$zoneMemberType,$zoneLastModtime,$zoneMemberLunId,$zoneisIvr,$zoneSetIndex,$zoneSetName,$active);
if(!$status) {
print "\nError in addZoneToZoneset call \n";
goto exit;
# Activate ZoneSet
$status = activateZoneset($token,$vsanId,$vsan_wwn,$wwn,$zoneSetName);
if(!$status) {
print "\nError in activateZoneset call \n";
goto exit;
else {
print "successful \n";

Example B-2 ZoneModule.plx

use SOAP::Lite;
# Get Token
sub getToken {
my $url;
my $username;
my $password;
($url,$username,$password) = @_;
# Setting uri and proxy
my $client = SOAP::Lite
my $username = SOAP::Data->type('string')->name('username')->value($username);
my $password = SOAP::Data->type('string')->name('password')->value($password);
my $expiration = SOAP::Data->type('long')->name('expiration')->value(100000000);
# Calling requestToken method
my $result = $client->requestToken($username,$password,$expiration);
# check for error
unless ($result->fault) {
my $token = $result->result();
return $token;
} else {
# error handling
print join ', ',
return 0
# Create Zone
sub createZone {
my $token;
my $arg_vsanId;
my $arg_vsanwwn;
my $arg_wwn;
my $arg_zoneName;
my $arg_readOnly;
my $arg_broadcast;
my $arg_qos;
my $arg_qosPriority;
($token,$arg_vsanId,$arg_vsanwwn,$arg_wwn,$arg_zoneName,$arg_readOnly,$arg_broadcast,$arg_qos,$arg_qosPriority) = @_;
my $VsanKey = SOAP::Data->name("vsanKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("vsanID" => $arg_vsanId),
SOAP::Data->name("pWwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value" => $arg_vsanwwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("VsanKey");
my $Wwn = SOAP::Data->name("switchKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("wwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value"=>$arg_wwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("WwnKey");
my $zName = SOAP::Data->name("zoneName"=>$arg_zoneName);
my $readOnly = SOAP::Data->name("readOnly")->value($arg_readOnly);
my $broadcast = SOAP::Data->name("broadcast")->value($arg_broadcast);
my $qos = SOAP::Data->type('boolean')->name("qos")->value($arg_qos);
my $qosPriority = SOAP::Data->type('int')->name("qosPriority")->value($arg_qosPriority);
# Setting header
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
my $client = SOAP::Lite
# Calling createZone method
my $result = $client->createZone($header,$VsanKey,$Wwn,$zName,$readOnly,$broadcast,$qos,$qosPriority);
unless ($result->fault) {
return $result->valueof('//index');
} else {
print join ', ',
return 0;
# Adding Zone Member To Zone
sub addZoneMemberToZone {
my $token;
my $arg_vsanId;
my $arg_wwn;
my $arg_vsanwwn;
my $arg_zoneName;
my $arg_zoneMemberType;
my $arg_zoneMemberFormat;
my $arg_zoneMemberIvrFabricIndex;
my $arg_zoneMemberIvrVsanIndex;
my $arg_zoneMemberId;
my $arg_zoneMemberLunId;
($token,$arg_vsanId,$arg_vsanwwn,$arg_wwn,$arg_zoneName,$arg_zoneMemberType,$arg_zoneMemberFormat,$arg_zoneMemberIvrFabricIndex,$arg_zoneMemberIvrVsanIndex,$arg_zoneMemberId,$arg_zoneMemberLunId) = @_;
my @hex = ($arg_zoneMemberId =~ /(..)/g);
my @dec = map { hex($_) } @hex;
my @zoneMemberId = map { pack('C',$_) } @dec;
my $arg_zoneMemberId = join("",@zoneMemberId);
my $client = SOAP::Lite
my $VsanKey = SOAP::Data->name("vsanKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("vsanID" => $arg_vsanId),
SOAP::Data->name("pWwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value" => $arg_vsanwwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("VsanKey");
my $Wwn = SOAP::Data->name("switchKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("wwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value"=>$arg_wwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("WwnKey");
my $zName = SOAP::Data->name("zoneName"=>$arg_zoneName);
my $zMemberType = SOAP::Data->name("zoneMemberType")->value($arg_zoneMemberType);
my $zMemberFormat = SOAP::Data->name("zoneMemberFormat")->value($arg_zoneMemberFormat);
my $zMemberIvrFabricIndex = SOAP::Data->name('zoneMemberIvrFabricIndex')->value($arg_zoneMemberIvrFabricIndex);
my $zMemberIvrVsanIndex = SOAP::Data->type('int')->name("zoneMemberIvrVsanIndex")->value($arg_zoneMemberIvrVsanIndex);
my $zMemberId = SOAP::Data->name("zoneMemberId")->value($arg_zoneMemberId);
my $zMemberLunId = SOAP::Data->name("zoneMemberLunId")->value(arg_zoneMemberLunId);
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
my $result = $client->addZoneMemberToZone($header,$VsanKey,$Wwn,$zName,$zMemberType,$zMemberFormat,$zMemberIvrFabricIndex,$zMemberIvrVsanIndex,$zMemberId,$zMemberLunId);
unless ($result->fault) {
return 1;
else {
print join ', ',
return 0;
# Creating ZoneSet
sub createZoneSet {
my $token;
my $arg_vsanId;
my $arg_vsanwwn;
my $arg_wwn;
my $arg_zoneSetName;
($token,$arg_vsanId,$arg_vsanwwn,$arg_wwn,$arg_zoneSetName) = @_;
my $client = SOAP::Lite
# Creating complex data type
my $VsanKey = SOAP::Data->name("vsanKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("vsanID" => $arg_vsanId),
SOAP::Data->name("pWwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value" => $arg_vsanwwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("VsanKey");
my $Wwn = SOAP::Data->name("switchKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("wwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value"=>$arg_wwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("WwnKey");
my $zSetName = SOAP::Data->name("zoneSetName"=>$arg_zoneSetName);
# Setting header
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
# Calling createZone method
my $result = $client->createZoneSet($header,$VsanKey,$Wwn,$zSetName);
unless ($result->fault) {
return $result->valueof('//index')."\n";
} else {
print join ', ',
return 0;
# Adding Zone to ZoneSet
sub addZoneToZoneset {
my $token;
my $arg_vsanId;
my $arg_vsanwwn;
my $arg_wwn;
my $arg_index;
my $arg_zoneName;
my $arg_readOnly;
my $arg_broadcast;
my $arg_qos;
my $arg_qosPriority;
my $arg_zoneMemberDbId;
my $arg_zoneLastModtime;
my $arg_memberType;
my $arg_zoneMemberLunId;
my $arg_isIvr;
my $arg_zoneSetindex;
my $arg_zoneSetName;
my $active;
($token,$arg_vsanId,$arg_vsanwwn,$arg_wwn,$arg_index,$arg_zoneName,$arg_readOnly,$arg_broadcast,$arg_qos,$arg_qosPriority,$arg_zoneMemberDbId,$arg_memberType,$arg_zoneLastModtime,$arg_zoneMemberLunId,$arg_isIvr,$arg_zoneSetindex,$arg_zoneSetName,$active) = @_;
my $client = SOAP::Lite
# Creating complex data type
my $VsanKey = SOAP::Data->name("vsanKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("vsanID" => $arg_vsanId),
SOAP::Data->name("pWwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value" => $arg_vsanwwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("VsanKey");
my $Wwn = SOAP::Data->name("switchKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("wwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value"=>$arg_wwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("WwnKey");
my $zoneDO = SOAP::Data->name("zoneDo"=> \SOAP::Data->value(
my $zoneSetDO = SOAP::Data->name("zoneSetDo"=> \SOAP::Data->value(
# Setting header
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
# Calling addZonetoZoneSet method
my $result = $client->addZoneToZoneset($header,$VsanKey,$Wwn,$zoneDO,$zoneSetDO);
unless ($result->fault) {
return 1;
} else {
print join ', ',
return 0;
#Actvating ZoneSet
sub activateZoneset {
my $token;
my $arg_vsanId;
my $arg_vsanwwn;
my $arg_wwn;
my $arg_zoneSetName;
($token,$arg_vsanId,$arg_vsanwwn,$arg_wwn,$arg_zoneSetName) = @_;
my $client = SOAP::Lite
# Creating complex data type
my $VsanKey = SOAP::Data->name("vsanKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("vsanID" => $arg_vsanId),
SOAP::Data->name("pWwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value" => $arg_vsanwwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("VsanKey");
my $Wwn = SOAP::Data->name("switchKey" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("wwn" => \SOAP::Data->value(SOAP::Data->name("value"=>$arg_wwn)))->type("Wwn")))->type("WwnKey");
my $zSetName = SOAP::Data->name("zoneSetName"=>$arg_zoneSetName);
# Setting header
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
# Calling activateZoneset method
my $result = $client->activateZoneset($header,$VsanKey,$Wwn,$zSetName);
unless ($result->fault) {
return 1;
} else {
print join ', ',
return 0;

Example B-3 StatisticsClient.plx

# File: StatisticsClient.plx
# Name: Shailin Saraiya
# Description: Statistics Client
# Variables
my $username;
my $password;
my $url;
my $fabricDbId = -1;
my $switchDbId = -1;
my $vsanDbId = -1;
my $sortField = 'rxTxStr';
my $sortType = 'DESC';
my $limit = NaN;
my $groupId = -1;
my $isGroup = 0;
my $networkType ='SAN';
my $filterStr = '';
my $temp = '24 Hours';
my $startIdx = 0;
my $recordSize = 45;
my $interval = 1;
require 'statisticsModule.plx';
($url,$username,$password) = @ARGV;
# Getting Token
my $token = getToken($url,$username,$password);
($rrdFile,$fid,$pmType) = getIslStatList($token,$fabricDbId,$switchDbId,$vsanDbId,$sortField,$sortType,$limit,$groupId,$isGroup,$networkType,$filterStr,$temp,$startIdx,$recordSize);
for (my $i=0;$i<1;$i++) {
getPmChartData($token,@$rrdFile[$i],@$pmType[$i],@$fid[$i],$interval). "\n";

Example B-4 StatisticsModule.plx

use SOAP::Lite;
use Time::Local;
# Get Token
$url = '';
sub getToken {
my $username;
my $password;
($url,$username,$password) = @_;
# Setting uri and proxy
my $client = SOAP::Lite
-> ns('','namesp1');
#-> autotype(0)
#-> readable(1);
my $username = SOAP::Data->type('string')->name('username')->value($username);
my $password = SOAP::Data->type('string')->name('password')->value($password);
my $expiration = SOAP::Data->type('long')->name('expiration')->value(100000000);
# Calling requestToken method
my $result = $client->requestToken($username,$password,$expiration);
# check for error
unless ($result->fault) {
my $token = $result->result();
} else {
# error handling
print join ', ',
sub getIslStatList {
my $token;
my $arg_fabricDbId;
my $arg_switchDbId;
my $arg_vsanDbId;
my $arg_sortField;
my $arg_sortType;
my $arg_limit;
my $arg_groupId;
my $arg_isGroup;
my $arg_networkType;
my $arg_filterStr;
my $arg_interval;
my $arg_startIdx;
my $arg_recordSize;
($token,$arg_fabricDbId,$arg_switchDbId,$arg_vsanDbId,$arg_sortField,$arg_sortType,$arg_limit,$arg_groupId,$arg_isGroup,$arg_networkType,$arg_filterStr,$arg_interval,$arg_startIdx,$arg_recordSize) = @_;
my $DbFilter= SOAP::Data->name("arg0" => \SOAP::Data->value(
SOAP::Data->name("fabricDbId" => $arg_fabricDbId),
SOAP::Data->name("switchDbId" => $arg_switchDbId),
SOAP::Data->name("vsanDbId" => $arg_vsanDbId),
SOAP::Data->name("sortField" => $arg_sortField),
SOAP::Data->name("sortType" => $arg_sortType),
SOAP::Data->name("limit" => $arg_limit),
SOAP::Data->name("groupId" => $arg_groupId),
SOAP::Data->name("isGroup" => $arg_isGroup)->type("boolean"),
SOAP::Data->name("networkType" => $arg_networkType),
SOAP::Data->name("filterStr" => $arg_filterStr)))->type("DbFilter");
my $interval = SOAP::Data->type("string")->name("arg1")->value($arg_interval);
my $data_startIdx = SOAP::Data->name("arg2"=>$arg_startIdx);
my $data_recordSize = SOAP::Data->name("arg3"=>$arg_recordSize);
# Setting header
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
#my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->type('string');
my $client = SOAP::Lite
-> ns('','namesp2');
#-> autotype(0)
#-> readable(1);
# Calling getIslStatDataLength method
my $result = $client->getIslStatList($header,$DbFilter,$interval,$data_startIdx,$data_recordSize);
unless ($result->fault) {
print "\ngetIslStatList\n\n";
my @fabric = $result->valueof('//item/fabric');
my @title = $result->valueof('//item/title');
my @maxTxStr = $result->valueof('//item/maxTxStr');
my @maxRxStr = $result->valueof('//item/rxTxStr');
my @rxTx = $result->valueof('//item/rxTx');
my $count = @fabric;
for(my $i=0;$i<10;$i++)
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Fabric -> ". $fabric[$i]. "\n";
print "Title -> ". $title[$i]. "\n";
print "maxTxStr -> ". $maxTxStr[$i]. "\n";
print "maxRxStr -> ". $maxRxStr[$i]. "\n";
print "rxTx -> ". $rxTx[$i]. "\n";
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
my @rrdFile = $result->valueof('//item/rrdFile');
my @fid = $result->valueof('//item/fid');
my @pmType = $result->valueof('//item/pmtype');
return (\@rrdFile,\@fid,\@pmType);
} else {
print join ', ',
sub getPmChartData {
my $token;
my $arg_rrd;
my $arg_pmType;
my $arg_fid;
my $arg_interval;
($token,$arg_rrd,$arg_pmType,$arg_fid,$arg_interval) = @_;
my $data_rrd = SOAP::Data->type("string")->name("arg0")->value($arg_rrd);
my $data_pmType = SOAP::Data->name("arg1")->value($arg_pmType);
my $data_fid = SOAP::Data->name("arg2"=>$arg_fid);
my $data_interval = SOAP::Data->name("arg3"=>$arg_interval);
# Setting header
my $header = SOAP::Header->name('token')->prefix('m')->value($token)->uri('')->type('string');
my $client = SOAP::Lite
-> ns('','namesp3');
#-> autotype(0)
#-> readable(1);
# Calling getPmChartData method
my $result = $client->getPmChartData($header,$data_rrd,$data_pmType,$data_fid,$data_interval);
unless ($result->fault) {
print "\n\nGetPmChartData\n\n";
my @item = $result->valueof('//item/item');
for(my $i=2;$i<30;$i=$i+3) {
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Rx -> ".$item[$i-2]."\n";
print "Tx -> ".$item[$i-1]."\n";
print "Time -> ".scalar localtime($item[$i]). "\n";
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
} else {
print join ', ',